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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 COVER SHEET FOR SECRET MAIL This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within thc meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S.0 Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the rtyelatioi of its contents in any manner to an unauthorizei person is prohibited by law. mum `40 -46A Declassified and Aooroved For Release 2012/05/31 ? CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ?SECRET PEROMEAV AERODYNAMICS REPORT NO. ZA 282 OCTOBER 1958 ON VAI R DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIEGO, CALIF Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 .k,fis - vim........_ C 0 N VA I R REPnRi ZA-282 ,.., DATr 10/27/58 SAN DIEGO NiODFL Hama TITLE PROJECT HAM Aerodynamics Rri .1t/41';' /51 gin Et..t.SS. 0= ?'`.' .. Z 0 -7.1) Report EA-2/12 Date 10/27/58 NEXT IitlYtilW LAIL I i e3-, 5 DATE CONIC ::7VF atvtiVia; fi CO PREPARED BY (7 ( PARI?, ,...,, i GROUP AERODYNAMICS it C. J Cohan ,ec:,, REFERENCEN0a8-58-832(133-100) M. G. D'Aununzio CHECKED BY & f? "iVii APPROVED BY V E. Piper D. H. Bennett Chief of ,.. 111 ?"atievinc NO. OF PAGES 111M...../... NO. OF DIAGRAMS t Proj J.. ?ineer REVISIONS NO. DATE BY CHANGE _ 1111111w PAGES F CTEIJ ORM11512A.4 C E wr Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION 1 SAN DIEGO) PAGE A REPORT NO. ZA-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 SECRET FOREWORD This report is presented as one of a set describing the Project "Hazel" study performed by the Convair San Diego Division of the General Dynamics Corporation. The entire set of reports, listed below, represents Convair's fulfill- ment of the publications obligation specified in Contract NOas-58-812 (SS-100) and Amendment #1, issued 14 August 1958 by the Bureau of Aeronautics. ZP-252 Summary (Brochure of Charts with Text) ZP-253 Aircraft Design ZA-282 Aerodynamics ZJ-026 Propulsion, Structure Heating, and Pressuri- zation SECRET PQM lila-Al Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIEGO) PAGE ii REPORT NO. ZA-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 SECRET SECURITY NICE This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S.C., Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECRET FOR" ISIS Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVA1R A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORA1 ION I SAN DIEGO) PAGE iti REPORT NO. ZA-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 Foreword SECRET 13r4.BIE air COMMITS Security Notice List of Figures and Tables List of Sysibols Summary Introduction Discussion 1. Types of Vehicle Studied 2. Aerodynamic Design Limitations Imposed by Operational Requirements 3. Trajectories 4. Ramjet Powerplant Characteristics 5. Aerodynamics 6. Vehicle Sizing 7. Configurations 8. Maneuverability 9. Parametric Studies Appendix A Lift Pitching Monent Characteristics Longitudinal Control Requirements Selection of Longitudinal Control Tip Control Characteristics SECRET 2 3 4 5 6 9 9 11 11 13 15 15 FOItihI ISIS ?A-I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIE(.,O) PAGE iv REPORT NO. zik...282 MODEL Hozei DATE 10/27/58 /011164 I II 1 -^-1 SECRET TABIE 07 COWES (Cont'd.) Control Size 16 Control Balance 17 Drag at M 3.0 17 Lift to Drag Ratio, LiD 20 Directional Static Ste:bility 20 References 22 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIEGO) PAGE y REPORT NO. ZA-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 SECRET FIGUIES Figure No. 1 mc-lo 3 View 26 2 me-19 3 View 27 3 MC-20 3 View 28 4 mc-24 3 View 29 5 PC-22 3 View 30 6 Pc..24 3 View 31 7 Rocket Configuration 32 8 mc-lo Trajectory 33 9 Marquardt Ramjet Characteristics - Pentaborane 34 10 Marquardt Ramjet Characteristics - SF-1 35 11 Marquardt Ramjet Off Design Characteristics - Pentaborane 36 12 Marquardt Ramjet Engine Weights 37 13 Marquardt Ramjet External Drag Characteristics . 38 14 Pratt and Whitney Ramjet Characteristics - Pentaborane . 39 15 Pratt and Whitney Ramjet Characteristics - SF-1 . . . ? ho 16 Wing Structure Weights 41 17 Turn Capabilities 42 18 Effect of Starting Altitude on Vehicle Gross Weight . ? 43 19 Effect of Fixed Weight Changes on Vehicle Gross Weight ? 44 20 Range Parameter as a Function of Altitude 45 21 Wing Alone Characteristics 46 22 Lift and Pitching Moment Characteristics 47 23 Lift Due to Control Deflection 148 24 Lift Effectiveness as a Function of Control Size . . . hn ? -.7 25 Control Effectiveness and. Aerodynamic Center 50 26 Control C.P. Position 51 27 Control Force and Center of Pressure 52 28 DYW Speed Trim Characteristics 53 29 m . 3.0 Trim Characteristics 54 30 Trim and Anti-Balance Tab Schematic 55 31 Tab Effectiveness 56 32 Trim Lift and Drag Characteristics 57 33 WD as a ?Unction of Lift Coefficient 58 34 Yawing Mdment Coefficient Slope 59 SECRET 1,0111111 ISM-00 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 CONVAIR ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION I SAN DIEGO) y4. REPORT NO. 7A-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 Table No. SECRET TABLES Basic Characteristics of MC-10 II Basic Characteristics of Hazel Configurations 23 (Ramjet Cruise) UI Basic Characteristics of Rocket Povered Hazel 24 Configurations IV MC-10 Zero Lift Drag Breakdown 25 SECRET rellUil 14113 Al Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIEGO) PAGE vii REPORT NO. ZA-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 10/27/58 SECRET SYMBOLS A3= engine reference area - ft2 A6= engine exit area - ft2 Ac= capture area - ft2 PD = drag coefficient CBI induced drag coefficient zero lift drag coefficient CDO = AqiNerp increment in CD due to wing warp . CL 0 lift coefficient Clats- = lift coefficient due to control deflection - 1/deg. CM control effectiveness - 1/deg. PM = pitChing moment coefficient CM? pitching mcment coefficient at zero lift Cs ? normal force coefficient Cn = yawing moment coefficient Cn(3 = yawing moment coefficient slope - 1/deg. c.g. = centeroaf4ravity c.p. = center of pressure -e" or MAC = mean aerodynamic chard - ft. load Factor - acceleration of gravity H. M. 0 control hinge moment - lb-ft. reference length ? root chord - ft. L/D 0 lift to drag ratio MA moment of,ares. ft3 MechJnneber SECRET /ORM 11111-A4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 C 0 N VA I R PAGE Vial OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. 7A-282 ( SAN DIEGO) MODEL Hama DATE 3427/58 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY A DIVISION SECRET P a pressure - lbs/ft2 q a ,dynamic pressure - lbs/ft2 RN a Reynolds nudber Sm. a wing area - ft2 8V Sc a fin area -ft 2 a control surface area - ft2 sr-1 = liquid hydrogen SL.E. leading edge cross sectional area - ft2 SB a wing base area - ft2 SFC a specific fuel consumption - lb/hr/lb ST area of control tab - ft2 t/c = thickness ratio ^ 0 velocity - ft/sec. V a average velocity during cruise on first 1/3 of fuel - ft/sec V a average velocity during cruise on last 2/3 of fuel - ft/see 4x distance along X axis from c.p. to e.g. - ft. Xa.c. a distance from leading edge of MAC to aerodynamic center - ft. X0.p. a longitudinal distance from leading edge of MAC to the point through which the resultant aerodynamdc force acts - ft. Xe.g, n icingitwitruti distance from leading edge of MAC to e.g. - ft. WO a initial weight - lbs. Wi weight with 1/3 of fuel consumed - lbs. W2 a weight with all fuel consumed - lbs. Wi = weight of propellant - lbs. angle of attack of root chord - degrees 0'1 = trim angle of attack - degrees SECRET Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION I SAN DIEGO PAGE ix REPORT NO. 2A-282 MODEL Hazel DATE 1027/58 SECRET 6 . control surface deflection - degrees 4.r . control surface deflection required for trim 3 . sideslip angle - degrees I" = ratio of specific beats AL.B. ' sweepback angle of 'wing leading edge - degrees - degrees SECRET /ORM 11111114?1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS PREPARED BY CHECKED BY REVISED BY CONVAIR A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION SAN DIEGO) PAGE REPORT NO. MODEL DATE ZA-282 Hazel . 10/27158 SECRET &MARY This memorandum presents the aerodynamic characteristic, performance and methoda of analysis used in the study of several manned reconnaissance vehicles. Studies were made to size a number of configurations to yield ranges of 3,200 or 4,000 nautical miles carrying payloads of 300 to 1,300 lbs. A basic configuration designated MC-10 vas selected and a more detailed analysis of lift, drag, stability, control and maneuverability vas made. The basic characteristics of MC-10 are included in Table I. Payload Range Cruise Cruise altitude Weight and start of cruise Fuel (Pentaborane) Lift/drag at start of cruise Reference (wing) area Engine - 1 Marquardt ramjet TABLE I lbs. Mach number ft lb lb L/E ft 800 3,200 3.0 125,000 to 137,800 13,800 6,330 4.17 1,985 The 4C-10 meets or exceeds the performance requirements stated on page 1 of this report. A three-view of MC-10 is shown in Figure 1. Additional configurations are shown in Figures 2 through 6. The basic characteristics of a nuMber of ramjet cruise configurations are alum in Table II. Velocities required of boost-glide and boost-rocket cruise-glide type vehicles were found unacceptable by the customer. As a result these configurations are included for record purposes only and are not discussed in detail. SECRET /ORM Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP89B00709R000400820001-4 ANALYSIS CONVAIR PAGE 1 PREPARED BY A DIVISION OF GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION REPORT NO. ZA-282 (SAN DIEGO) CHECKED BY MODEL Hazel REVISED BY DATE 104-27'"58 SECRET INTRODUCTION The purpose of the work summarized in this memo was to conduct a preliminary study of a manned reconnaissance vehicle, either glide or cruise, to meet the following requirements: Reconnaissance altitude 150,000 to 200,000 ft (100,000 ft. minimum) . Cruise speed (if cruise type) Mach No. 2 to 3. Glide speed (if glide type) as low as possible Range 3,200 n.mi. (2,500 min.) Reconnaissance range at optimum altitude 1,500 n.mi. (1,000 min.) Payload 800 lb. (Iwo minimum) Crew 1 Seabesed Wing loading,