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-T r: Approved For Release 2007102108: ftI kbF?8$Bc05 3FI000100050011-2 ~1st LOngress ?~ 1st Session Committee CIA Representatives I Con res g s u ' louse ~r2?1L'CI Services Subc ohn Maur c- Feb 69 House Appropriations Subc ichard Helms -ohn Maury Rep, Mendel Rivers Rep. Philip J.Philbin Rep. F. Edward Hebert Rep. Melvin Price Rep. 0. C. Fisher Rep. CharlesE, Bennett Rep, WilliamH. Bates Rep. LeslieC. Arends Rep, Alvin E. O'Konski Rep. Charles S. Gubser Russ Blandford Rep. George Mahom Rep Frank Bow Rep- Glenard ,iuscornb Approved For Release 2007102108'! CIA-RDP89B00552R000100050011-2 Subject Pueblo Missiles (Soviet & ChiCorn) Soviet ABM Middle East Sov, Problems in East. Europe Czechoslovakia; Rumania Bern ^uG~'et, Peru, VGnez :eian JS elaYioi s, Pt ebio, C_A- DIA relatiors, -,e+-, ti ~eteorg politic influence in $ Vietnam, 91st Congress - 1st Session CommitteApproved F r Release fOb~/02/0q-.-,-QA-RDP89BOO562ROO0100050011-2 T__RepresentativdIs' dngressrren 3 l(31I1i (,i)1?;~T~_~`.LCe Atomic on inoY Bruce Clarke Sen. Stuart Symington Sen. JohnL. McClellan John Maury Sen. Allen Ellender Sen. Milton Young Sen, Karl Mundt Invitees: Sen. J. W.Fulbright Sen. George Aiken taf: Edward Braswell William Woodruff Soviet: Strategic Force Options ABM Program Strategic Bombers Economy Chinese: Communist Adv. Weapons Cultural Revolution Middle East Arab Terroism Berlin, Peru, Czechoslovakian Invasion. Rumania, & Vietnam Approve4 For Release 207/0=8,; 4lA-RDP89BOO552ROOO1OOO5OO112 Richard Helms John Maury Bruce Clarke Carl .Duckett Rep. Chet Holified Sen. John O. Pastore Sen. George Aiken Sen. Wallace Bennett Sen. Norris Cotton Rep. Melvin Price Rep. Wayne Aspinall Rep. Ed Edmundson Rep. Craig Hosmer Rep. WilliamB ate s Rep. WilliamMc Cull o ch Edward Bauser, Staff George Murphy, Staff 1969 Subject Soviet: ICBM Force MRBM/IRBM Force, Manned Bombers Navy Tactical Nuclear Cap. Strategic Defense Nuclear Test Program Plutonium & U-235 Prod. Nuclear Power Program Chinese Nuclear Weao ns Prog. fiddle East Nuclear "Threshold" Countries Nuclear Non-Proliferation Tx ,y ABM CLA Subcommittees of Senate Richard Helms 4Sen, Richard Russell Armed Services & Appropxiaticros Carl Duckett Seri. John Stennis 26 Feb b9 91st Congress 1st Session Approved F Committee o Release 26 o %2108' RCIA- Representatives RDP8'OB00532R000100050011-2 (' Congressmen Subject l;ichard Helms Sen. J. W. Fulbright Soviet: Connr.ittcc Mr. R. J. Smith Sen. Mike Mansfield Trends, Strategic Force Carl Duckett Sen. Albert Gore Options Bruce Clarke Sen. Stuart S min ton Middl y g e Past Sen. Claiborne Pell Berlin Maury Sen. Gale McGee Vietnam Sen. George Aiken Sen. Clifford Case Senate Aeronautical & Spac c Sciences arl Duckett David Brandwein Tohn Maury Sen. JohnShermanCooper Staff: Carl Marcy Arthur M. Kuhl Pat M. Holt Norvill Jones William B. Bader & Soviet & ChiCom space/missile Developments en. Margaret ChaseSmith en. Clinton Anderson taff: James Gehrig Far-me r Approved For Release 2007102/08: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100050011-2 1~Yt Approved For Release 2007/02/08 kjC $9$ I qQO Q.Og5rQ~11-2 Cor7nnitte e 6 ; house Ar ned Services Corn,'s Special Su,bconnnittce on inquiry o USS Pueblo 17 Joint Session of Defense & Military Construction Sub- committees of I-louse Appropriations Committee 25X1A CIA Representatives Richard Helens John Maury JMMaury Mr. Richard Helms R. J. Smith Carl Duckett Bruce Clarke E:Drexel Godfrey George Congressmen Rep. Otis G. Pike Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi Rep. Alton Lennon Rep. BillNichols Rep. JackBrinkley Rep. William Bray Rep, Durvrald Hall Rep. Robert Stafford Rep. G. William Whitchurst Ex-officio Members: Rep. L. Mendel Rivers Rep. William Bates Subject Pueblo (Executive Session) Defense: Rep. George Mahon Rep.Robert i,F. Sikes Rep. JamieL. Whitten Rep. George W, Andrews Rep. Daniel Jr. Flood Rep, JohnM. Slack Rep, Joseph P.Addabbc Rep. Gle n and ?+ipscomb Rep, William 2,472,s 11 a ?- Soviet: ICBM, MRBM/IRB1 Force. MIRV's, y1RV, FOBS, Manned Bombers, Soviet navy, Strategic Defense Ground Forces ac' Ca l A" Force ;Nast :ropey Forces intervention in Czecl . ^ ' Kee . 0 o n; ti, YP_QcLes Forces on t SOV . v S_n0-SOY .~0-4! 'Rep, Glenn R. D~v^ s S St.a4eclt'...77,C,~.GC~V~1s'Q"5 Approved For Release 2007102/08: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100050011-2 25X1A 91st Cor)pxes,> - 1st Session Date Approved F R lease 2b'07fi02108 k,CIA-RD'89B00552R000100050011-2 1 0 )lIi:1 tCC e resentativcs p Conroxessmen Mara i69? Joint Session of Defense & Military Construction S::bcommittees Of House Appropriations 1- Mar 69 Richard Helms R. Jack Smith Bruce Clarke 25X1A George Carver JO-In Maury Mil. Construction: Rep. John J. McFall Rep. Edward Patten Rep. Clarence D. Long Rep. EifordA.Cederberg Rep.Charles Jonas Rep. Burt Talcott Also present: Rep. ---------- Frank Bow Subcommittee Staff: Robert Michaels Ralph Preston John Garrity Peter Murphy Robert C. Nicholas Defense: Rep. George Andrews Rep. John M. Slack Rep. GlenardLipscomb Rep. Williai , Minshail Rep. John. J. Rhode s Rep. GlennR, Davis Military Cons truci:or: Rep, John, w McF aii 4a Subcommittee Staff; Robert Michaels Ralph Preston John Garrr rity Z Peter Murphy Robert C, tiichoias Subject Soy Policy Trends Soviet Economy Communist China: Chinese military posture Advanced Weapons Army, Air Force, Navy and South China Cultural Revolution Chinese Economy Vietnam: The Negotiations The Military Situation Communist Manpower Allied Manpower S. Vietnamese Politics Pacification North Vietnam Communist Aid .Foreign Shipping Southeast Asia: Laos Cambodia The Middle East' Soviet Re- sunnly Advanced Weapons Sov, Me r4. Squadron I S, oxo", Tr ar,? Approved For Release 2007102108: CIA, -RDP89B00552R000100050011-21Nigersa A orica, d ,~+ r nt r7-rc J) Committee Approved For Joint Session of Defense & Military Construction Sub- Committees of House 25X1A Appropriations Committee 25X1A i Senate Armed Services Corn. Subcommittee on Research I Developmen t st Congress - st Ses ~;??~~ Release 20&MI21Q8 : CIA- DP89B00552R000100050011-2 ?cpresentatives Congressmen Defense: Richard Helms Rep. George Mahon R. Jack Smith Rep. Roberti,. F. Sikes Rep. George Andrews Bruce are Rep. Glcard Lipscomb Rep. WilliamMin shall n : aury Rep. Jol}nJ. Rhodes Carl Duckett John Maury Rep. GlennR. Davis Military Construction: Rep. JohnMcFall Rep. Edward J. Patten Rep. Elford Cederberg Rep. Charles Raper Jonas Subcommittee Staff: Robert Michaels Ralph Preston John Garrity` Peter Murphy Robert Nicholas Sen. Thomas McIntyre Sen. Stephen Young Sen, George Murphy Sen. Edward Brooke Sen, John Stennis, Chrr ; Subcommittee Staff: Col. Everett Harper Release 200710 1~qA CIA-R P89B00552R0001000500 Subject Organization & Control of Sov Research & Dev, Program Sov. Scientific & Tech.Manpower Historical Trends & Current Cos'j Sov R&D for Weapons Systs, +Sov, Aprroaches in R&D, stress, { practices differ in u, S. IS-!3e-;7'-'C R&D projects: Missile tec ;aology, nuclear weapons, naval weapon s systems, a, Craft&ae~on4utical res,, laser develop,, computer t "zel on radar and ti ace n orrz, :e t 4 .6- n `Ide gx~aey of info Yen cnc 4e info ~~ ,cy, y oi.y., 1 .i~.as e&.; '-P- crYa. ce of o??sr ny. II nnff.. X +% ~inspoc ion - T 40Y riricattfin' the YP4w~b4v L. ,...t 1~f74 7 .,lar 69 91st Congress - I sst Session Approved For Release 20008: C]A=RQP89B00552R000100050011-2 Committee Representatives C.nngxessmer_ Richard Helms Sen. Richard Russell Full House Armed Services Committee Richard Helms Bruce Clarke Rep. Mendel Rivers Rep. Philip Phi lbi n Rep. 0. C. Fisher Rep. CharlesE. Bennett Rep. James Byrne J oh n Maury Rep, Samuel Stratton Rep. Otis Pike Rep. Richard Ichord Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi Rep. Alton Lennon Rep. William Randall Rep, G. Elliott Hagar. Rep. Charles Wilson Rep, Robert Leggett Rep. Floyd Hicks Rep. Richard White Rep. William Nichols Rep. Jack TPBrinkley Rep. Robert Mollohan Rep. W. C. Daniel Rep. WilliamBray Rep. Robert Wilson TR(?.p. C1 .?'le s S, Gubvs e Rep. /. le andeA Pirnie Rep, Durward Hall step. Robert Stafoxd Rep. Carleton stir.Z7 Rep, Will1arn ickirson Rep. lunares Whalen Rep, ,gad, F.o;;,'' CI3 an Rep, .. o i Rep, Wry ~_a{ W' !tehu:st Rep, Jorge p,C dov Approved Fo Release;2007102108 : CIA-fD z 25X1A 19b9 Subject Ervin bill (S. 782) Soviet; Strategic Military Pl annir ICBM, MRV, MIRVs, F OBs MRBM, IRBM Aircraft Missiles Navy - Mediterrean Squadrer Submarines ABM System Ground Forces East European Forces Sino-Soviet Border disputes Defense Budget Nuclear Program China: CI BM, MRBM Army Navy Air Force Aircraft Mssiles Submarines Cu t~?ral fol n ~e~ uy ?t3o~, /'~ Middi t Arab-T14 _~ ~ ps,~Ion Border incidents Soviet Interest Military Balance Soviet Re Aup 11: Soviet Mlita