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1. Operation had its inception in series of bloodless coups by r .i,tary commanders on outer islands during late 1056 and early 1957. !Although these.rebelions expressed long-standing resentment felt by outer iolands toward Java, trey were airred equally at President Su rno's e2pouoa1 of Co caanist ideas and support. INDONTE-'JAIN OPERATION Crininal Concept of ocration 15MMayI *N.SCReview Comple'ted* Approved For Release 2002/01/09 ft-RD P89B00552R0001.00040006-9 2. Beginning on 18 T Iarch 1957. Department of State approved a series of covert actions to support the dissidents in the outer islands. 25X1A NSC 3. As the situation In Indonesia continued to deteriorate NSC Action No. 1755 of 2 August 1957 convened a special ad hoc eo anittee to study" the situation. ,-presented on thb committee were St-ate, tint CLAMS +of ta .fe se, CIA ICA, and tia.e . Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 ' .1; Ir < Approved For Release 2002101/b ":ClJS-hDP89~00552R000100040006-9 r 4. The interdepartmental committee submitted its report on 5. Recommendations of the committee in a Special Report on .Indonesia were adopted on 23 September 1057 by NSC, representative of the Secretary of the T,reasurja and the Acting Director of th L urc iu 6. Recommendations were approved by the President on .25 Stipternber 1957. 7. ReconuendaUons: 'u: ploy all feasible covert means to strengthen the determination, will, and cohesion of the anti:-Communist forces in the outer islands, particularly in Sumatra and Sulawesi, in order through their strength to affect favorably the s..ituatiou in Java, and to provide a rallying point if the Communists should take over Java. B. 'If the situation on.Java continues to deteriorate, then move to more fortl2right means in pursuit of the cone of action outlined in a. c. Utilize such leverage as is available and rcay be built up by the anti-Communist forces, in the outer islands to continue our efforts to try to unify and stimulate into action, singly or in unf3on, non and anti Communist elements on Java against the Communists. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Approved Fo~f~/Q~ O@, -rFtDP$2S 21Ai3A9A0040006-9 Available info ation on. Comm,,Ln .st subversion in iridonesi"a 25X-1 A was compiled and a detailed report published on 25 July 1U57 (See attacho& 25X1A 2. In addition extensive consultation wa.5 held grit to estabIlish the bona fides of the anti- g uztist dLssfden . and to cor rm the extent of Communist infiltration of the Central. Government on Java. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 fiE.- Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006 9 3 velopment of Plans for the Operation 25X1A NSC Y2. CIA planning has been, and still is, to a considerable extent, conducted on a day to clay basis since each Operation under- taken within the broad framework of the NSC authorization must be assea2ed by M -h h levels of the U. S. Government, particularly the Department of state, to weigh the risks involved. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/09': CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9' 3. Day to clay planning of the operation is accoatpb hed by CL?'S. headquartcrs, in. constar t consultation with the D partrr ent of State And elements of the Plepartuient of Defense, frequently cta the basis of suggestions and recoz in endatlons received from the field. ? 4. CIA headquarters. also con.1ucts contin ncy ,afor io~istfcs support to u:eet. problercs occasioned by attrition, and "lead Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Approved For Release 2002/01109 CIA-RDP89B00552R00.0100040006-9 Ctior artian of G er+.t!on I. The Indonesiaxi operation has been, and is, coordinated on a step by step basis with the Department of State. CIA.iz in day con2ultation with State on virttmIly all aspects of the operation and every operation with an element of risk is cleared with state. 3. Over U coordination is effected through the 5412 group which ,trust approve expenditures for the operation.. This group Includes high level representatives ox State, CIA. and Defense.. 3, Working level coordination of the operation with the Department of : L;er a is effected through lia.isbri with C: C f C.-'ID (General -Er tthie's o .ce). i ialson is also maintained with OM, Staff officers of the office of CNO. and other elements of the Defense -Department supporting the operation. 4. In addition, periodic briefings are provided the JCS and the National security Council. B. The eonplexity Of the Operation and its sensitivity require careful coordination by CIA with State and Defense Department a representatives at a number of other field stations. At the Present 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 25X1A 1 25X1A 25X1A , 25X1A. I 25X1A 25X1A fin:c playing a key, role iu support of t,it Edcnt i.:ovement in the Celebes. The d it: Tf i e l d ele- ment closely with 7. Until recently th. dominant the. operation. 25X1A NSC With the dissident. cal:2ar in Sur. otra. t bulk of support activity shifted 8. To a lesser degree have some coarrLnation and support functions. S. and the &nasador:' there are kept completely i. or2ted of all developments and they iz . turn report continuously on political ^ other developments oa Java. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 ' .s Approved For Release 2002/01/09: CIA-RDP89B00552R0001.000.40006-9 Genera.. Concoct of o-~ers.ti" on I. Since the concept of the Indonesian Operation is to support 25X1.A NSC cove the dissi nts. to maintain then:, as a force In being, CIA serves as the ey. 4`ut ire z-%nt for di Ycting the ope atioa with eup o t from ~n `ZL military servicws. 2. Existing policy guidance specifies that aid to she di asident$ should be on a disavo tie basts,. it having been re-cognized by aU concerned that because of the scale Of the effort required and he necessity for deaUng so extensively with, the dissidents and ethers. It cuu1d_not be eondtz^,ted as a corr.:ptetely covert operation. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Approved Fbr Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552ROO0100040006-9 d, z 15 ffebruary 1:55 the c1ssidents formaily r4nounced: . 25X6 NSC the establishment 01 a rcvoluticnarf ove -.=ent P tI . 25X6 NSC H. D. 'F'i`le dissidents took this a :tioa unto they were better organiwed to cope with the consequences. .4 . C.. Central 'Government forces begin; their Invasion of 25X1A. NSC Sumatra an 7_:,Iarch 2:358.. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 25X1X 25X1A NSC Li t~. / . . Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 25X1A is NSC' Covernn:Ant. has to elate successfully prevented a successful invasion of the Tvorth..CIebes by the Central .10. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9 Ap r &*RFM eApe Pj2/ 41 9 CIA-RDP89130055, 21 TO: ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: i P FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION i FFEB ORM 55-24 1 REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2002/01/09 : CIA-RDP89B00552R000100040006-9