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Publication Date: 
April 13, 1976
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Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 DDA 76-1869 13 April 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Review Staff FROM John N. McMahon Associate Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT : Return of SSC Documents Returned herewith are the following SSC documents: Memo dtd 22 Mar 76 to Members and Designees, General Counsel and Counsel for the Minority from William G. Miller re Additional Covert Action Options (R2843, cy 31 of 31) 2) Memo dtd 23 Mar 76 "Analysis of Domestic Subcommittee Recommendations for the CIA-- and Comparison with the Executive Order" (82858, cy 6 of 30) Proposed substitution redraft dtd 23 Mar 7 pages 77 through 81. 4) Findings and Recommendations of the Committee: Foreign and Military Intelligence, dtd 5 Apr 76 (R2721(?) cy 4 of 5) 5) Recommendations (R2792, cy 23 of 31) 6) Digest of Domestic Intelligence Recommendations (R2821, cy 4 of 20) 7.,1 JOF John N. McMahan Atts received: Appe&'Vor Ve4 Orig - DDA _Y- Review Staff se 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B0055 -060100010004-4 Approved.For Release 2004111/04 CIA-RDP891300552R000100010004-4 Review Staff: 76-0344 22 March 1976 MEMORANDUM: SUBJECT Status of Senate Select Committee Final Report To date, there are 30 subjects covered in the SSC draft report. Twenty concern foreign and military intelligence; ten deal with domestic issues. The two major sections will also include findings and recom- mendations. Agency officers have reviewed 23 draft papers. Of the remaining seven, four are probably of no interest to CIA. Three have not yet been reviewed by the Committee prior to transmittal to CIA. They are: Espionage, Covert Action, and Congressional Oversight. Our review of the drafts covers primarily security r.nd factual aspects, and our comments on these items are forwarded in writing. On style, editorial tone, and judgments, we have not forwarded comments, but have asked to meet with the author to discuss this aspect'. To date, we have certified in writing that we have no objections, on security grounds only, to the public release of six of the drafts we have reviewed. Of the 17 drafts still pending, four are not of primary interest to the Agency; four are being revised by the SSC staff; nine need only certification by appropriate Agency authorities. A brief status report on each of the titles follows: ,1. Introduction - The Foreign and Military Intelligence Operations of the United States. This paper defines the- 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552F2000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/1i110'4' CAA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4. broad issues and attempts to foreshadow the findings of the total report. Our review has revealed minor security and factual problems, and we shall probably not object to its release, as revised. 2. Constitutional Authority. This paper describes the constitutional basis for intelligence activities. Our review has revealed minor security and factual problems, and we shall probably not object to its release. 3. Statutory Authority. This paper describes the statutory basis for intel- ligence activities. As a result of our comments, a revised draft is being sub- mitted for Agency review. We shall probably not object to its release. 4. The President's Office - NSC, OMB, PFIAB. This paper describes the NSC machinery in connection with intelligence activities. Our review has revealed some security and factual problems. We plan to inform the SSC staff that final action on this paper rests with the White House, not CIA. 5. The Role of the DCI. This paper discusses various aspects of the DCI's responsibilities as adviser to the Presi- dent, maker of national intelligence estimates, head of the intelligence community, and manager of CIA. Our review has revealed security and factual problems which have been relayed to theSSC staff. We shall probably not object to the re- lease of the paper, as revised. It requires joint CIA-IC Staff final action. 6. CIA Covert Action. This paper has not been reviewed by t e SSC and has not been made available to the Agency. Approved For Release 2004/1 1/d4 t' I - DP89B00552R000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 7. CIA - Evolution. This paper is a brief history of 'the Agency since its inception. It concentrates on broad issues with little operational details. Our review revealed minor security and factual problems. Our comments have been relayed to the SSC staff. We shall pro- bably not object to its release. 8. CIA - Espionage. This paper has not been reviewed by the SSC and has not been made available to the Agency. 9. CIA - Counterintelligence. This is a controversial paper which attempts to argue that there are major differences with- .in CIA about counterintelligence. Our concerns have been discussed with the Committee staff. While the Agency probably will not object to release of the paper on security grounds only, we may protest the main thrust of the paper. 10. CIA Relations With U. S. Institutions and Individuals. T His paper describes in explicit detail Agency relations with academic, media, religious, and other institutions and individuals within these contexts. We have a major problem with the security aspects of this paper. Our concerns have been relayed to the author who is,revising the draft. It is possible that the Agency will object to its release. 11. Proprietaries. This paper,argues the case for the use of proprietaries in the light of several allegations about impro- prieties. The SSC concludes that the allegations were unfounded or exaggerated. Our review has revealed security and factual problems. Our comments have been relayed to the author who is revising the draft. We shall probably not object to its release if a number of specific details are deleted. Approved For Release 2004/11/04 : IA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/1 1/04 r't 1A-RpP89B00552R000100010004-4 12. Cover. This is a controversial paper which describes the Agency's methods in operating under cover in explicit detail. We have a major problem with the security aspects of this paper. The SSC is preparing a revised draft. It is possible that the Agency will object to the release of any unclassified paper on this subject. 13. Production of Intelligence. This paper attempts to describe the analytical process and concentrates almost exclusively on CIA. Following discussions with the author, the?SSC is preparing a revised draft. The Agency probably will not object to its release, on security grounds only. 14. Internal Oversight - IG and OGC. This paper deals wit the role of the Inspector-General and the General Counsel in dealing with alleged improprieties. Our comments have been relayed to the 'author. The Office of the Inspector-General has no objections to the release of the peper on security grounds only, and the General Counsel will probably concur. 15. Congressional Oversight. This paper has not been made available to the Agency for review. 16. Department of State. This paper argues the case for a much stronger role for the ambassador in all aspects of foreign intelligence activities, including espionage and counterintelligence. Although the Agency has major objections to the thrust of this paper, we shall. probably not object to its release on security grounds only. We plan to notify the SSC that the Department of State must take final action on release. Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/1 {04f:: Gi aRDP89B00552R000100010004-4 17. Department of Defense. This paper discusses intelligence activities in the Department of Defense and argues in favor of some reorganization. We have relayed some comments on security and factual aspects to the SSC. We plan to notify the SSC that the Department of Defense must take final action on its release. 18. CIA Intelligence Collection About Americans. This paper reviews several activities, including MHCHAOS and Office of Security projects. Our security and factual comments have been accepted by the author. We have made no objection to the report's release on security grounds, especially in view of the Rockefeller Commission's report on these topics. 19. Domestic CIA and FBI Mail Opening Programs. T is paper describes the mail opening programs along the lines of public hearings on this subject.nd the Rockefeller Commission's report. Our security and factual comments have been accepted by the SSC. We have offered no objection to the release of this report on security grounds, especially in view of what has already been released. 20. FBI Informants. We doubt that CIA has any interest in t is paper, but we have asked the SSC to make sure there are no references to the Agency which would require our review. 21. NSA Surveillance Affecting Americans. The Agency has only a -minor interest in t is paper. Our security and factual comments have been accepted, and we have notified the SSC that we have no objections to the release of this report on security grounds only. 22. Domestic Military Intelligence. The Agency has only a minor interest in this paper. Our security and factual comments have been accepted, and we have notified the SSC that we have no objection to the release of this paper on security grounds only. Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/11/04 :h4-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 23. The Huston Plan. This paper reviews the issues raise by the Huston plan along the lines of public hearings and the Rockefeller Commission report. We have notified the SSC that we have no objections to the release of this paper on security grounds only. / 24. COINTELPRO. We doubt the Agency has any interest in this paper, but we have asked the SSC to make sure there are no references which might require an Agency review. 2S. Electronic Surveillance (Domestic). We doubt the Agency has any interest in this paper, but we have asked the SSC to make sure there are no references which would.require an Agency review. It is still being drafted. 26. Internal Revenue Service. This paper describes t Fie issues raised by the alleged abuses concerning the use of tax information by the IRS and other agencies, including CIA. Our security and factual comments have been accepted, and a revised draft is being submitted for Agency review. The Agency probably will not object to release of the report on security grounds only. 27. Martin Luther King. We doubt the Agency has any interest in this paper, but we have asked the SSC to make sure that there are no references which might require an Agency review. 28. Allocation of Intelligence Resources. This paper argues a case for the allocation of resources by the DCI to national and other programs. The Agency's review reveals a major problem with the revelation of precise budget data. We have relayed our concern to the SSC staff, but they are determined to release budget figures, not only in this paper but in others. This may become a major point of disagreement.between the Agency and the Select Committee. Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 29. Disclosure of Budgetary Informa- tion on the Intelligence Community. TN-is paper argues the case for the disclosure of at least an aggregate annual figure for the intelligence community. Since this involves the entire community, the Agency's comments should be referred to the DCI who will have to take a stand on this issue. It could become a point of major dispute with the Select Committee. 30. Testing and Use of Chemical and Biological Agents by the Intel igence Community. This paper descr es the-develop- ment and use of drugs by CIA and other agencies. Much of the material has already been declassified and covered in public hearings. The Agency will probably not object to its release on security grounds only. There are other reports which may be issued separately. For example, the Committee's investigation into the findings of the Warren Commission continues. The Agency is still receiving requests for documents. There is a paper on "Legal Authority for Covert Actions" which will be sub- mitted for Agency review. Our understanding is that the specific covert action studies (Congo, etc.) will not be printed, but will be typed as classified reports. Approved For Release 2004/11/04 : FIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4 Next 21 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/11/04: CIA-RDP89B00552R000100010004-4