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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13 : CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 ?#.04,-eiXteen monthi,.rrom he; eta- .1941 As Ot thie date, . . , . Ethd:'ihg .46 , , O'", are ft ht.,. nt,-oi- trairdng .. onal the c . :17aft ,tia*e- been 'et!' flight *I ? '-.--.4iiqaft' 314'-? - - -:- engi te.'.,inataUtionit4c 1a exhibited.l41.,81.:'iib , ,, , LAsa: 0041.dED T XT13t1IW DATE: AUT14: npriaRsifieci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13 CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 A major problem .with the -37';engine, oil in the pressurization bleed air, has not appeared an the -31 to date. The use of various filters to alleviate this problem with the -37 did not eliminate enough of the oil in the air. As a result of this, flexible cones are being installed on -,the'iame les which prevent the depositing of an oil film on either the inside surface of the -hatch window or the outside surface of the first lens. Temperative measurements during flight on the inside surface of the hatch windows indicate that they may be close to the equipnent bay dew point under adverse conditions. heaters are being made to alleviate this in case it proves necessary.? The cockpit and 'equipment bay have been modifiedas a result of flight test in order to provide temperature conditions in the bay suitable to the equipment. - The C-h7 assigned to the project is currently flight testing System II on cross country ;Junket* to check out both the; Seal Beath facility and the proposed; operational equipment. :It is contemplated that. System III 10111 also be flight tetted in this aircraft. = EQUIRIENT SUMMARY' - This concerns only aircraft. 341 through 360. Since the last report there have been a -few ;changes .in the type, weight and delivery dates .of the equipment being procurred for this group ofairplanes-. Figure 1 shows the current picture of. the equipment status. .The . - primary changes are as follows: Sextants have been added, to all aircraft. This is a factory installation from aircraft 3119 and up. It has been and is being accomplished by 41. field modification to all others. A weather'instailation-his been made of units provided for detachment- A:_airtraft . An installation is being, designed for use in the equipment, bay. It is, to be completely integral with the ? lower hatch. Cameras B '84 C, Systeme & Ill, nd ARZ,-56 have. scheduling scheduling changet .Which reflect their Current status.- , System II has grown tremendously in weight since .thel,last: report wherein it was estimated to be 60 pounds. The following table indicates its present Configuration, which is obviously completely contrary to our former plans. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13 : CIA-RDP89B00487R00030045 0008-6 Gft6f CI) (,a Coo irScielk! 4.pcz . ..? ? ? ?? . NN AY, 1:40- 16' 7,55 14;5 a f"..s v.m.1_ i) - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 Coo it ? Equipment Bay .Beefer-, CoMp!t. SYSteM', II -Hardware, Vital - Antenna: idring, -' Plugs Structure ProV-4.ei3Os 11E EIT STATUS , ?Total System II as Installed '45114i3hte.r. ...6..44ptstt." ? -68A .Tuner : 2I422 J..bx . ? !49 Power Supply ? 4,5, ? ?19..07 47 . ,608 ,Ttapioit4,e'f", -1 Receiver 7.94 -29 Pt'ogrammer 2.00 Compressor: -?, 5..455 s. , ? . -19.03:2 198.3i lbs. taa HATCHES As a result of operational practices' at the training base and the deai, 're.- for more flexible ise of the airplane, ? the types and numbers of laWar hatches to .be fStb4cateil has, been revised. ?- ASSIMBI pe ratio Spares Al A2 B C IV ,AFOAT The basic-.'. ;a't,71:'8' 'M.o..,_, f.;f7' include mounting provisions for the ttek0r.:*ahS, proven;p,6? 0p extremely useful camera', for use -with equipment .gther' than :that rqui4ng camera batches. . This :will ? be a 0::,35l .40d 140*-; Matches',.rd'.141474:441i-140:' ' 1 ' factory' ''inatellatiOii;::-far. ft 'ijit,OUgh,:-349::`h8ve:'',,i.pfltip modt?to', Oiet*' the '.1.4eathei.:: *,..0-1.10:Op.s. , and, ' the,,,,t. ,ritak.-ilr.....-:, :?-(:it, it iiiiiii,f, t will ,. ,'? ?,? : .. '.. e *041,4144 i as required. . The use of two separate hatch for .,th,!. 'Al-. and equipment t been tn,n/ti to be an unnecetig ,:comp1iceatton.' The Al' hatchet will ti4 ae4, and A.,2 C.': The four A? hatches - ? already .. . -.. .. , , .. . . Oily two ,B.'.hatches-.have. een fabricated 4 . This production is linked to the. W. camera .4iiirai1itbili -hatches have been built -as - th C ',:.-r -schedule has -slipped-44. noted. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 AIRCRAFT IfilEICHT - The basic aircraft weight situation is outlined on page 5. The weight of this aircraft is still going up, primarily due to added or overweight equipment. This growth must be stopped or the basic mission of the aircraft will be degraded. Note that the aircraft gross weight for the zero fuel condition has increased as much as 2119 pounds since the last report. WEIMT EMPTY STATUS Wight Empty as per Progress Report #7 Less the following: Paint - Not a requirement ? Actual Weight of -31 Engine 9968.1 (-85.0) (-59.0) Added: Sun Shade ? 1.8 Clock 0.8 Landing Lights /4.2 2031035 Battery in lieu of (2) 20VO 14's 62.2 Fuselage Nose redesign for Package III Antenna 10.9 Provisions for Package II & Cockpit Wiring 8.2 ? Cockpit Fan. Rear Rear View Mirror ? 0.9 Misc. Changes ?2.9 InEIGHT EMPTY TOTAL ( 31 Engine) AFOAT Nose (6 airplanes only) WEIGHT EMPTY, AIRCRAFT 9917.5 +27.0 99414.5 ? 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 GROSS WEIGHT STATUS USEFUL LOAD -37 ENGINE Crew 285 Unusable Fuel ? 71 Oil - Trapped 26 ngine 120 .Oxygen (3) 5114 cu. in. ? 61 :Tactical Load 691 TOTAL USEFUL LOAD WEIGHT mein Zero Fuel Gross Waight Progress Report #7 Zero Fuel Gross 'Weight Ubieit Growth prim . The overall expendtJires on contract SP 1913 to March 25, 1956 are $11,039,145. This is of the estimate to this point. See attached figure of projected and actual costS. -31 ENGINE 285 71 ?26 65 61 691 1,254 1,199 10,276 9,918 11,530 11,117 11,281 =?????????????t 249. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/13: CIA-RDP89B00487R000300450008-6 CLEARPRINT PAPER CO. No. T49. MILLIMETERS. 380 SY 250 'DIVISIONS PRINTED IN U.S.A. ON CLEARP.RINT TECHNICAL PAPER NO 1000H ::411011%; EN ENIEMME E EN E E MaliffiNEE 1I ME E EME NE !MEE M E MENEM E tft 111EMINIMEN E ENIIMENEN E AMNil11LU111I um amour- HEM 1111Nv.IMILTFEKT 1-Pali iM d3=1 imENMEIMMENEE ft MMIM MINIMMEITINAMINiggir ailE NM E ISIMMUMM MOE ,14l- cr. rHr..T1i MEMMINEE ERE. r.l RIUMMMIMMM EN EMI ME_ EM M EMMEN MEE' MEE M NE EllllIi - III rN E ENEN MN NE NM M MENME EN E EERIE EM oomsEMENALImm NE ElErifiEllEtnr-InanOin.."..Alan "Erd. Dana -0 `12- MEM EKI- 0 ? x .MUMilidig. in M MRPMEREPPliMil m ity MEE' 11 srtmusli-. I, 1,, P 11 10111111110I11ul, I1Illif JINENE ENE. ME MTi ENEEME IsMIPMERMhF1011l01111Iil NEE ENE NEE 'EMEMIMMEN IME E NENE E MEER! ENENE EE