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Approved For lease 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114Ra60300030009-2
10 JAN 1.9Bn
MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Executive Career Service Board
FROM : Harry E. Fitzwater
Director of Personnel
Policy, Planning, and Management
SUBJECT : Approval of NAPA Project Group Recommendations
REFERENCE : Multi adse memo fr DDCI dtd 5 Nov 79, subj: NAPA
Project Group Report
On 18 December 1979, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
approved the following recommendation made in Tab H of the referenced
Retain the E Career Service but with more professional
E Career positions being staffed by officers on
rotational assignment.
h~lrty F-
cc: AO/DCI
Secretary, EKCOM
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
Harry E. Fitzwater
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
Orig - Adse
2 - D/Pers PP&M
1 - Policy Staff
OPPP&M/P?C/PS cmc (4 Jan 80)
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
Approved For Rease 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114RW0300030009-2
i L/ JA
MEMORANDUM FOR: General Counsel
OM Harry E. Fitzwater
Director of Personnel
Policy, Planning, and Management
SUBJECT : Approval of NAPA Project Group Recommendations
REFERENCE : Multi adse memo fr DDCI dtd 5 Nov 79, subj: NAPA
Project Group Report
On 1.8 December 1979, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
approved the following modifications suggested by the Executive Committee
to Recommendations A and C made in Tab A of the referenced report.
Recommendation B was disapproved.
Recommendation A. Modified to drop the three month deadline.
.Approved recommendation is now as follows:
Charge the General Counsel to complete the Guide to
Law of Central Intelligence and to maintain se Gu de
as current as possible.
Recommendation B. Disapproved Recommendation B, that senior managers
perioci:ca11y_ e-rea iu red to read the Guide.
Recommendation C. Modified to broaden its scope to include all.
special D ! author Pies contained in Section 8 of the CIA Act and its
completion date to 1 February 1980. Approved recommendation is now as
Charge the General Counsel with developing a statement,
in the style and detail associated with a law review
article, that cites the significant boundaries of the
special DCI authorities contained in Section 8 of the
CIA Act. This statement should be completed by 1
February 1980. The statement is not in lieu of the
Guide; its purpose is to provide a single, uniform
interpretation of the boundaries of the DCI's authori-
ties, avoiding the problem of differing conclusions
drawn by laymen readers. _
Harry E. Fitzwater
cc: SecAPOyedMWOKelease 2001/11/08: CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
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Orig - Adse
2 - D/Pers PPFM
1 - Policy Staff
OPPP$M/P&C/PS/t:cmc (4 Jan 80)
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5 t()V 1979
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment
Deputy Director for Operations
Deputy Director for Science and Technology
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity
General Counsel
Legislative Counsel
Inspector General
FROM: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: NAPA Project Group Report
1. In accordance with the decision reached at the Executive
Committee Meeting on 5 June 1979, the Director of Personnel was charged
with forming a task group to study the NAPA Team's reconunenda:tions.
This task group, with representation from each of the four Directorates,
was established on 27 Jane 1979. The group has now completed its
deliberations and the Director of Personnel has forwarded to me the
final report for decisions on its findings. The task group's report,
containing 27 issue papers with recommendations, is attached.
2. It is requested that you review the report and its reconunen-
dations and submit any co?u,ents you may have to the Director of Personnel
by 15 November 1979. I intend to schedule the major issues for con-
sideration by the Executive Committee as soon as practicable after
receipt: of your comments.
/;;/ Drank C. Car3aaau'
Frank C. Carlucci
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
Di-Stributlo~~l? " ~' ? Fit re?
Orig - Rett.CoppayT jF,,fwRT 200 1~~J.fR~h:P~A:RDP89-011 iii 0003030009-2
1 - Each Addressee Dlrcctoi o -~'exsonziel
1 -DCI
1 - DDCI
1 - SA/DDCI (Puritano)
1 - Sal/DDCI (Tuohey)
1 - Executive Secretary
1 - Secretary/FXCOM
1 - D/Pers Chrono (w/helcl)
]. - NAPA Project Group
1 - DD/Pers/P,C
1 - I)/Pers Subject
D/Pers/IIEFitztitiTatcr:rj (5 November 79)
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Approved F Release 2001/11/08: CIA-RDP89-011'1 8000300030009-2
3. I recognize that the"Performance Appraisal Report system does
not require an Advance Work Plan until the next evaluation cycle, however,
I would appreciate having Advance Work Plans developed now for at least
the senior personnel officers in your components. Please advise me by
1 February 1980 if you can accommodate the above request so I can assure
the DDCI that this program has begun.
Harry E. Fitzwater
cc:. AO/DCI
Secretary, EXCOM
Orig - DDA
- Each other arise
- D/Pers PPP&M
- Policy Staff
OPPPF,M/PFIC/PS/~ cmc (4 Jan 80)
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
Approvecr Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-014R000300030009-2
OP 80 0155
i 0 JAN 1980
MFI4JRANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration
Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment
Deputy Director for Operations
Deputy Director for Science and Technology
FROM : Harry E. Fitzwater
Director of Personnel
Policy, Planning, and Management
SUBJECT : Approval of NAPA Project Group Recommendations
REFERENCE : Nhil.ti adse memo fr DDCI dtd 5 Nov 79, subj: NAPA
Project Group Report
1. On :18 December 1979, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
approved the following recommendation made in Tab E of the referenced
Have the component manager clearly define in the Advance
Work Plan, the role expected from the Component Personnel
Officer giving particular emphasis both to the working
relationship desired between the Personnel Officer, the
Career Management Officer and the line supervisor and to
the four functions common to personnel specialists identi-
fied in the conclusions section of this paper.
2. The four functions common to personnel specialists identified
in the conclusions section of Tab B are:
- advising component management on the interpretation and
implementation of Agency personnel regulations, policies
and procedures;
- exercising initial control functions;
managing the technical aspects of personnel administration;
- serving as key advisor or member of personnel management
committees, promotion, assignment and career panels, etc.,
but. the degree of involvement in these functions is at the
discretion of component management.
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Approved F release 2001/11/08: CIA-RDP89-01 1 W000300030009-2
3. I recognize that the' Performance Appraisal Report system does
not require an Advance Work Plan until the next evaluation cycle, however,
I would appreciate having Advance Work Plans developed now for at least
the senior personnel officers in your components. Please advise me by
1 February. 1980 if you can accommodate the above request so I can assure
the DDCI that this program has begun.
Harry E. Fitzwater
cc:. .AO//DCI
Secretary, EXCOM
Orig - DDA
1 - Each other adse
2 - D/Pers PPPE1
1 - Policy Staff
OPPPM/PC'/PS/~ cmc
(4 Jan 80)
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 :?CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
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DCI NOTES - D R A F T 20 December 1979
(Revised 26 December 1979)
It has been some time since my last report on the status of the
recommendations made by consultants from the National Academy of Public
Administration (NAPA), who had conducted an extensive review of the Agency's
personnel management system.
You will recall that in their report, delivered to me in March 1979,
the NAPA Team concluded that the CIA's personnel system is basically sound
but there were some areas where "fine tuning" might result in irizprovements.
Following review of the report by the Executive Committee and the Director
of Personnel, a Project Group consisting of representatives of the Career
Services was assigned in July, full-time, to analyze the findings of the
NAPA Team and recommend implementing proposals. The Project Group completed
its work in November. Since that time, the Deputy Director and I have had a
series of meetings with the Executive Committee to consider the Project
Group's proposals. Let me assure you that decisions made at these meetings
were arrived at with great care to be sure the changes made were in the
interest of employees and would result in improvements in the Agency's
personnel management system.
Some of the major topics covered were the following:
(1) Personnel Evaluation System
An intensive review was made of the existing Career Services'
boards and panels. Agreement was reached on basic principles which will
govern the operation of these boards and panels. The principles are:
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all CIA employees below the grade SIS-4 will be evaluated for career
development, promotion, and value to Service bya personnel panel system;
depending upon the composition and needs of the Career Service, the panel
in a given Career Service may function on a Career Service-wide or on a
competitive Subgroup basis; and uniform precepts will be prescribed for use
Agency-wide on each category of panel system (Career Service-wide or
competitive Subgroup). Changes in the form and composition of panels
were approved which should result in a greater degree of uniformity throughout
the Agency. On panel deliberations, I agreed to restore to Career Service
Heads the right to make exceptions for promotions for each grade up to
GS-14. Exceptions from panel recommendations for promotion to GS-1S and
above will be referred to me or the Deputy Director for resolution. All
exceptions to panel recommendations will be reported to the Director of
Personnel who will submit a report to the Deputy Director and me annually.
(2) Vac Notices
A serious effort will be made to issue vacancy notices on an
Agency-wide basis and to make vacancy notices mandatory for certain categories
of positions. The Director of Personnel will undertake a study of common
skills across the.Agency which lend themselves readily to such a system.
New procedures to expedite the distribution of all vacancy notices will be
developed. In addition, the response period to vacancy notices will be
reduced from three weeks to two and employees selected for new assioIments
as a result of vacancy notice selection will be released by their present
offices within three weeks.
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Approved For Reease 2001/11/08: CIA-RDP89-01114R890300030009-2
(3) ae_nc Regulations
The NAPA Team noted that current personnel regulations do not
follow the same format and policy issues are not always clearly identified
or included in the implementing text. The Director of Personnel has been
directed to review all of the personnel regulations and,where necessary,
revise them in format and clearly indicate the basic Agency policy on
the subject of the regulations. All future regulations implementing new
policies will follow this format.
(4) Personnel Management Advisory Board
A Board has been established consisting of senior representatives
from each of the Career Services with the Director of Personnel as Chairman.
This Board will review and discuss personnel management issues, solutions
to problems, and any other matter referred to them that relates to the
Agency's personnel management systems and policy. My hope is that the
Board will concentrate on areas where more uniformity in significant:
personnel management practices can be achieved throughout the Agency.
Personnel Management Handbook
The Office of Personnel will develop a handbook that will be used
uniformly throughout the Agency. This handbook will detail the Agency's
personnel management system and the policies that govern the system in such
a way as to make possible a better understanding by employees of those
policies of vital concern to them. Each Career Service will have the
opportunity to attach to the central handbook internal policies unique
to a particular Career Service.
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(6) Rotation
The Executive Committee, the Deputy Director and I have discussed
at length the importance of rotation in developing the Agency's future
managers and senior officers. The Senior Executive Development Program
now being formulated will provide for periodic rotational assignments
during the career of those selected for management development. A draft
notice on this program will be available shortly.
(7) Senior Intelligence Service
Effective 1 October 1979, the CIA established a Senior
Intelligence Service (SIS). Patterned after the Senior Executive Service
established for Federal agencies under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978,
the SIS was set up under existing CIA statutory authority. All eligible
CIA officers (supergrade, scientific pay scale, and executive pay scale
levels 4 and S) were invited to join.
The SIS System is intended to improve the effectiveness of our
senior managers by recognizing and rewarding performance with stipends
and awards. The key elements of the system are:
? written advance work plans;
? formal evaluations of the extent to which
agreed upon work objectives were accomplished; and,
? the awarding of stipends and awards based upon the
performance evaluations.
Another provision of the Civil Service Reform Act deals with
Merit Pay for supervisors in the GS-13 to GS-15 grade range, providing; for
incentive increases to deserving officers in lieu of yearly pay adjustments
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and in-grade increases based primarily on time-in-grade. Merit Pay
goes into effect not later than 1 October 1981 in Federal agencies
covered by the Act. CIA is studying the concept and will monitor the
experience of some of those agencies which must implement it. Some time
in the future we will decide if Merit Pay makes sense for CIA.
(8) Office of Personnel
During the course of recent Executive Committee meetings
the question was raised concerning the Office of Personnel, its mission,
and its location in the Agency's structure. I asked the members of the
Executive Committee to submit their views, pros and cons, of transferring,
in. whole or in part, the Office of Personnel from its current placement
in the Administration Directorate to the Office of the Director. After
receiving some very thoughtful papers from the Executive Committee members,
the Deputy Director and I concluded that it would better serve employees
and the Agency to transfer the Office of Personnel to the Office of the
Director as an Independent Office. You should not view this transfer as
a cosmetic one. Rather, the change communicates what I have expressed
almost from the beginning of my tenure as Director--my deep interest in
the Agency's personnel management policy. From the beginning I have maintained
that the care of our employees, their development and advancement, and the
needs of the Agency, today and tomorrow, dictated that we have the best
possible personnel management system. I am heartened by the significant
progress we have made especially this past year in achieving that objective,
but I believe more can and should be done. It is with this objective in mind
that the relocation of the Office of Personnel has been made, and I truly
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2
? Approved For Raiease 2001/11/08: CIA-RDP89-01114ROS8'300030009-2
believe that that Office will be better able to serve the needs of
employees and the Agency as a result.
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Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R00W00030009-2
all CIA employeesA will be evaluated for career development, promotion,
and value to Service by a personnel panel system; depending upon the
composition and needs of the Career Service, the panel in a given Career
Service may function on a Career Service-wide or on a competitive Subgroup
basis; and uniform precepts will be prescribed for use Agency-wide on each
category of panel system (Career Service-wide or competitive Subgroup).
Changes in the form and composition of panels were approved which should
result in a greater degree of uniformity throughout the Agency. On panel
deliberations, I agreed to restore to Career Service Heads the right to
make exceptions for promotions for each grade up to GS-14. Exceptions from
panel recommendations for promotion to GS-15 and above will be referred to
me or the Deputy Director for resolution. All exceptions to panel recommendations
will be reported to the Director of Personnel who will submit a report to
the Deputy Director and me annually.
(2) Vacancy Notices
A serious effort will be made to issue vacancy notices on an
Agency-wide basis and to make vacancy notices mandatory for certain categories
of positions. The Director of Personnel will undertake a study, of t-he--exnt
L 9 A v L le) f a' !- (T 4` '% ; t^~ r
to_whic. r-t ese-a6,ti.v'lties__.carp-be.._achieved..w~.:t'C -existing_ es-aL+r :;.,. New
procedures to expedite the distribution of all vacancy notices will be
developed. In addition, the response period to vacancy notices will be
reduced from three weeks to two and employees selected for new assignments
as a result of vacancy notice selection will be released by their present
offices within three weeks.
(3) A eg ncy Regulations
..~ a~e~3*e~2~suarlaeYmr~~~,~ M ^^z
Approved For ReIe se 20
,-, asr ai~ :f ied.
.~ ee
(4) Personnel Management Advisory o
A Board has been established consisting of senior representatives
from each of the Career Services with the Director of Personnel as Chairman.
This Board will review and discuss personnel management issues, solutions
to problems, and any other matter referred to them that relates to the
Agency's personnel management systems and policy. PM'Iy hope is that the
Board will concentrate on areas where more uniformity in significant
personnel management practices can be achieved throughout the Agency.
(5) Personnel Management Handbook
The Office of Personnel will develop a handbook that will. be used
uniformly throughout the Agency. This handbook will detail the Agency's
personnel management system and the policies that govern the system in such
a way as to make possible a better understanding by employees of those
policies of vital concern to them. Each Career Service will have the
opportunity to attach to the central handbook internal policies unique
to a particular Career Service.
(6) Rotation
The Executive Con dttee, the Deputy Director and I have discussed ILL E GIB
Approved For Rv ease 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114RVb300030009-2
(7) Senior Intelligence Service
Effective 1 October 1979, the CIA established a Senior
Intelligence Service (SIS). Patterned after the Senior Executive Service
established for Federal agencies under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978,
the SIS was set up under existing CIA statutory authority. All eligible
CIA officers (supergrade, scientific pay scale, and executive pay scale
levels 4 and 5) were invited to join.
The SIS System is intended to improve the effectiveness of our
senior managers by recognizing and rewarding performance with stipends
and awards. The key elements of the system are:
? written advance work plans;
? formal evaluations of the extent to which
agreed upon work objectives were accomplished; and,
? the awarding of stipends and awards based upon the
performance evaluations.
Another provision of the Civil Service Reform Act deals with Merit
Pay for supervisors in the GS-13 to GS-15 grade range, providing for incentive
increases to deserving officers in lieu of yearly pay adjustments and in-grade
increases based primarily on time-in-grade. Merit Pay goes into effect
not later than 1 October 1981 in Federal agencies covered by the Act.
CIA is studying the concept and will monitor the experience of some of those
agencies which must implement it. Some time in the future we will decide
if Merit Pay makes sense for CIA.
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Approved For Ruse 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114RO300030009-2
(8) Office of Personnel
During the course of recent Executive Committee meetings
the question was raised concerning the Office of Personnel, its mission,
and its location in the Agency's structure. I asked the members of the
Executive Committee to submit their views, pros and cons, of transferring,
in whole or in part, the Office of Personnel from its current placement
in the Administration Directorate to the Office of the Director. After
receiving some very thoughtful papers from the Executive Committee members,
the Deputy Director and I concluded that it would better serve employees
and the Agency to transfer the Office of Personnel to the Office of the
Director as an Independent Office. You should not view this transfer as
a cosmetic one. Rather, the change communicates what I have expressed
almost from the beginning of my tenure as Director--my deep interest in
the Agency's personnel management policy. From the beginning I have maintained.
that the care of our employees, their development and advancement, and the
needs of the Agency, today and tomorrow, dictated that we have the best
possible personnel management system. I am heartened by the significant
progress we have made especially this past year in achieving that objective,
but I believe more can and should be done. It is with this objective in mind
that the relocation of the Office of. Personnel has been made, and I truly
believe that that Office will be better able to serve the needs of employees
and the Agency as a result.
Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP89-01114R000300030009-2