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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1987
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2 OTE 87-1012 25ri4Ijit 1987 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Operations VIA: Deputy Director for Administration 25X1 FROM: Director of Training and Education SUBJECT: "Managing in CIA" . 1. When I became Director of Training, I was surprised to find that there was a great demand for OTE's management training courses, even though they were not held in esteem by senior Agency managers. The latter were divided between those who thought of management training as something worth doing when there was nothing better to do, and those who saw the importance of such training to the Agency's functioning, but who suspected (or believed) that OTE's courses were not directly relevant. The latter group was the more numerous, particularly in the wake 25X1 of the and a series of IG inspections that underlined basic management shortcomings in our components. 2. So, Agency managers were lining themselves up for OTE's courses, or were, with misgivings, sending their 25X1 supervisors to Chamber of Commerce or, were hiring 25X1 outside management "experts" in the hope that if you paid enough money you would get some relevant training. And OTE's trainers were working themselves to the bone trying unsuccessfully to keep up with the demand, comforted by the knowledge that they were doing needed work that was appreciated by their students, but nagged by the suspicion that there had to be a better way. .L. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2 SUBJECT: "Managing in CIA" 3. The facts sorted this way: --OTE's courses were good, but not relevant enough to the problems of CIA's managers. --they did not constitute a "program"; i.e., a clearly explicable and understood framework for the training and development of CIA's managers. --They did not meet clearly defined Agency goals. 4. Hence, with the concurrence of the Training Steering 25X1 Group is a member), we stood down management training for four months-- in order to rebuild it. We sent a questionnaire to all Agency managers (no mean feat, since nobody--that's right--nobody knows who are the Agency's 25X1 managers). 5. The questionnaire did three things: --one, it announced what we were doing to Agency managers. --two, it told us what they think is important to teach, i.e., what being a manager in CIA means. --three, it uncovered a ground swell of concern and support for doing better training and development of our managers. 25X1 Within one week, over gency managers sent in their 25X1 questionnaire. Abou of them volunteered to be interviewed! 6. Armed with the data, the next step was to rebuild the basic courses, and the overall program. This was done by late Fall. The program was vetted by the Training Steering Group, the Executive Director, and the DDCI. All agreed that the program looked sound, the teaching points in the two three-day courses "Managing in CIA," and "Leading in CIA" were on the mark, and asked that these courses be made "mandatory" for all new CIA managers. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: "Managing in CIA" 7. Since the beginning of the year, we have run "managing in CIA" and "Leading in CIA" a total of seven times for about managers. The feedback has unequivocally said that these courses are telling CIA managers what they need to know. 8. Attached are evaluations from five DO officers who took the last "Managing in CIA" course. As you can see, all five strongly recommend this course for other supervisors. All five commented that the course should be longer! (It runs three hectic days. We have no intention of making it longer anytime soon.) These evaluations are typical of what we are hearing from other supervisors, from the DO and elsewhere. Moreover, the "Leading in CIA" course is, if anything, even more popular with supervisors. 9. I am now confident that the substance of the two mandatory courses is right. And, that the methodology is right--Agency case studies, Agency managers, and a fast pace. 10. For what may be the first time in CIA's history, you and the other top leaders can answer the question "have you told CIA managers what you expect of them as managers in this Agency." The answer is in "Managing" and "Leading in CIA." Attachment cc: C/CMS/DO 25X1 0/OTE, Dizt/Libution: 0/Lig - Addtezzee, Watt 1 - C/CMS/DO, Watt 1 - D/OTE, w/o att 1 - OTE Regi.stAy, w att 1 - C/LDD/OTE, Wo att (3/25) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/08/22 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000200250061-2