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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 STAT STAT STAT STAT ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Soviet Realities Institute FROM: EXTENSION NO. OTE 86-6960 1026 CofC DATE 24 MAR 1986 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. RPD/OIS 1112 Ames Bldg. Please publish the 2, attached notice on the Soviet Realities Institute. 3. Please use attached text for notice. This incorporates minor editorial 4. changes in the original text signed by the DCI. 5. The notice should be out by Friday; 28 March 1986. 6. 7. 8. 9. OTE/ITD/SRI (21Mar86) 10. Distribution: Orig - Addressee /2 - DTE Chrono 11. 2 - OTE Registry 1 - ITD Chrono 2 - OTE/ITD/SRI 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 61 O USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 ADMTNISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE r*TLY Nothing is more critical to America's future, and the work of the Agency, than the problem posed by the Soviet Union now and for the foreseeable future. We must continue to upgrade our collection and analysis on the USSR--it is an imperative. To strengthen our performance, I believe that we must both broaden and deepen our understanding of the USSR. Therefore, at my direction the Office of Training and 'Education has established the Soviet Realities Institute which will offer an extensive program of instruction on the Soviet Union. The principal objectives of the program are to: --bring up to speed quickly officers who work on the USSR but whose academic or professional background on the Soviet Union is limited; --strengthen the understanding of Soviet specialists in areas not of their specialty; --strengthen the understanding of the totality of the Soviet Union as a political problem for the U.S. and as the first priority intelligence issue for CIA; --challenge and enrich the perspectives of Soviet specialists; --build a stronger sense of community among Soviet analysts and collectors. Seminars In a series entitled "Perspectives on the Soviet Union," outstanding scholars have been invited to conduct short seminars on the nature, functioning and objectives of the Soviet system. Part-time Courses Blocks of instruction on key disciplines and issues will be directed by current or former Agency experts on the Soviet Union. These blocks will include Soviet intelligence activities, foreign policy, military policy and programs, internal politics, economics, science and technology, and society and culture. ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 ADM-'TISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE -LY Self-study Programs Videotapes will be made of presentations in the Soviet Realities Institute program for self-study or discussion at Headquarters and domestic and overseas posts. Workshops One-day discussions and workshops on issues of immediate concern will be designed, involving experts from academia as well as the intelligence and policy communities. I strongly encourage all who are concerned with the Soviet Union including our overseas officers collecting against the Soviet target to take advantage of this program. In particular, those of you who are managers have a special responsibility to insure that your people receive the right kind of exposure and training on the Soviet problem. In this regard, I have directed the Director of Training and Education to report to me one year from now, with suitable recommendations, on how well we are doing in meeting the objectives set forth above. William J. Casey Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Executive Director Deputy Director for Administration Director of Training and Education SUBJECT: Soviet Realities Institute--Status Report REFERENCE: Memo for DCI, fm D/OTE, dtd 16 Sept 85 (OTE 85-6717), Subj: Soviet Affairs Training Program 1. Action Requested. That you approve the attached draft Agency-wide notice--over your signature--announcing the establishment of the Soviet Realities Institute and encouraging its support by individuals and managers to upgrade our understanding of the Soviet collection and analysis target. 2. Background. We are about to launch the Soviet Realities Institute, the organizational element that will activate the Soviet training program previously approved by you. (Reference). We have recruited some of America's outstanding scholars on the Soviet Union to help out. We have found considerable interest and enthusiasm for what we are doing. In particular, we are asking scholars to conduct short (a week or less) seminars on the Soviet Union. The seminars are designed to provide an integrated overview of the nature, functioning and objectives of the Soviet system. To date, we have commitments from: Seweryn Bialer 27 February - 1 March 1986 (Columbia University) Richard Pipes (Harvard University) SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 SUBJECT: Soviet Realities Institute--Status Report Robert V. Daniels (University of Vermont) Adam Ulam (Harvard University) Gail Lapidus (University of California, Berkeley) September 1986 October 1986 November 1986 George Breslauer January 1987 (University of California, Berkeley) We are currently negotiating with Wolfgang Leonhard (Yale University), and a team of Rand Corporation experts (Arnold Horelick, Harry Gelman and Abe Becker). Additional scholars are being contacted in our effort to offer eight to ten seminars each year. All of these seminars will be videotaped for self-study use. 3. Blocks Six instructional blocks, each providing in-depth study of a particular discipline or issue, are being developed for presentation as full- or part-time programs during 1986. The scheduling will be staggered to allow for maximum participation by Agency officers. Each block is directed by recognized specialists who are present or former Agency employees. The blocks and their directors are: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 SUBJECT: Soviet Realities Institute--Status Report In addition, we will bring in experts from both Government and academia for one-day discussions of issues of immediate concern, inviting members of the intelligence and policy communities to join us. 5. Field Instruction and Self-Study To reach officers I I, we have initiated a program of videotaping selected presentations. We, have already taped five presentations in Russian and two in English (Murray Feshbach, Robert Conquest) and plan to record portions of the seminars and blocks whenever feasible We have also ordered a series of taped lectures by outstanding scholars of Soviet affairs, including Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Vladimir Treml and Konstantin Simis, for distribution, self-study and/or discussion. We also e the development of seminars Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 SUBJECT: Soviet Realities Institute--Status Report 6. Conclusion This is just a beginning. I am happy to report that there is considerable support in the Agency for the undertaking and a strong belief that it is long overdue. We are dedicated to the single proposition that we must get useful information on the USSR to the people who need it, which means flexibility, creativity and doggedness. I know how interested you are in the problem the Soviet Union poses to our country today and in the coming years. Nothing is more critical to our work as an intelligence agency and to our future as a nation. I encourage you to play as active a role in this undertaking as your time permits, and we welcome your ideas on how we can better achieve our goals. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11 : CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 SUBJECT: Soviet Realities Institute--Status Report epu y u r c tor tor ministration Date Executi Directo Date 13 MAR 1936 Deputy ~3-irec r of Central Intelligence Date Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/11: CIA-RDP89-00955R000100120016-7