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Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150023-6 NOT1J FOR: Deputy Director for AdlainistratioZ VI~I~: ~ . FROA4: Acting Director of Logistics se , Real E: Late F{ Construction Divisions,, OL SU13J CT: ,GSA Support o 7 .~.iay x.932 1. 19e rlct Friday, 7 ?~iay 2~3?., ~-rith the ac:vanco past t;y rom the General SerV7.Cv'S ~1dr;1'in~.sti?atiali (GS;~) in prcna.ratti_oI~ for ~yo~ar forthccrlin~; IC?tinf; with i;r. Ci_:i?? s S. llavi,, the GSA AssociHt.c Adnlini stratox fo~? .Policy and lganagerlent. 2. Air. lfenry J, ii>~srla:an, al'~:`lo~us;li nczJ to GCA, i.> p Ise Sprcir!1 Ass~.stant to the Co;::is ~ionex o-` P>.:blic rv.ildin~s Servi:_e PIS} ilnd expressed collfidellce i;11r.14 q arc go:i.11~ to het b'.~ttcr i. t~re give tlic>;1 a challc? to i~.provo. ~~ 3. ?six. Ted Leiningcr 3.s ~;r o~.d GSA re`;wor~al Iran :-.};,o zs nova Deputy Corn:~issiolsex of Pt;S :tatioll3.i Capital I:ci;xon. j?;i'~h t;:o . depurtttxe Of i~T. JOlln iyCr;, T~4:'.TlttiillJ.n~ t~V:,YiC~CI;~V cZt 'tlil~ level 1S ~.1^.pC:Ttl311t. . STAT 4. Air. Stanley Langfeld is tho Program Control C)f:i"icer, In~lvdiate Offic~~ ay the Ad~ylinistrar,~-,? (C~~iitral tJf-ficc) . I1c ;,-t~.ted that tt?r . Carr?e7a is o~t:a ci~ely syn t etic co the ncecls o:E tr.e Agency and has ?nstructGd h~Iil tc ";rase i t h,:pfacn." STAT S. In addition ac'cing 1 or the Direct;ox of STAT Logistics, ti~re l~ac~ Li~ssrs. Of#icc oz Sociari::y , STAT Log:ist:.cs Scx~~ices Division, 01., Rc:a:L,:c c; STAT Construction I)ivisio:l, 0;., 4nc1 4~.e tln .c rsi~ned. Th.~ nee,tins; :?:as cox~l;al, and 1: boli.eve censtr~~c4ivc in th.c direct:io: ~~,c are attcr:,,~ting t:o _r~t?ocoed. Tile atl:ac'1`d list or "bullets" .is inte::deci to rc#lcct tl~c Flavor of tho ti~ecting. ' STAT ILLEGIB Attacllrlent As Slated ~L 2 2111 Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150023-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150023-6 Issues Discusscd~it GSt1/CI~1 i?Iectin~; of 7 ;~ta ~ 1J82 ? Agreed SLUC operations, maintenan~~e, and housekeeping, ~ahi7_e not perfect, did s}iow enough improvement to omit from ;?ir . Carmen' s attention. ? Agreed cafeteria and vending machine situation to be acceptable but ttould like to explore clearirl~ some money from the capital equipment fund for improvements at Headquarters. ? Agreed supply and procurement issues o# such-acceptability as to not laarrant i`Ir. Carnlen's attention. ? .Agreed t}Iat transfer to CIA responsib~litySTAT is ~`tt such a stage of mu ua agreement t at discussion is not necessary. ? Agreed that the protective services provided are aelequate and seem to he improving from problems of manpolti~er shortages ob>er?ved previously. Found that a KIF is upcoming and that a temporary hiring freeze will be effected iti~hile the bumping process goes on. ? !}ad more trouble with getting agreement- to increase lease authority above 5,000 square feet. Althoug}~ ~Ir. Husmann admitted to diffi- culties in the past, 41e eras confident of improvement in the future t?;itll a 200-day maximum turnaround to be expected. Tlis based o~n setting aside of many contracture ~ i;;Ipedinlents imposed under = Admiral Freemen to reduce corruption and increase in the local approval contract t}lresholds to 5100:x. l~'e agreed to provide: GS . a list of our primary problerl are:~s, and 1`1r. 1-Iusmann requested "another strike at the plate." ? Agreed that some of the above impc?_iiments also affected turn- around time of important reimburs~:ble projects. Iti'hereas, D~:n mentioned Director's ~>pecial authority, he alluded to our reluctance to utilize it under ot.}.~r than the IiiOSt extra- ordinary circumstances. GSA reluctant: to ~ ive carte blallc}:e approval but requested list of our rlost serious problelIS. (Note: this is classic response ;Ilicl usually bets tcrlpor~ir}~ improvement on items identified at expense of of}ICr ~ti~or}: in the queue.) . ? discussed ramifications of GSA Evaluation Report on :?430 E Street especially the stark j~iTlding that only 51421: had been scent for maintenance anti alteration in the last five years and of t}let over 62 ~ ti~~as on handica ~ accessi.bility. Also discussed elev~:toz' problem STAT a Discussed degree of urgency to improve maintenance ;Ind re].ia}.~i.l.ity of }ieaclquarters }'o~?.er}'>lant and its absolutely critical role in the Agency's ability t:o function. 1`Sr. Leininger a}~Ilea~red ~~~i.ll;.n,~ to alloiti~ serious cansicleratioll of: the Ac;ency assumin; operation~:J. control of that fac.iJ.~.ty. Approved For Release 2008/06/06 :CIA-RDP89-008748000100150023-6