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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: Meeting with McLean Citizens Association - 2 April 1986 C/NBPO/OL ; 1J45 HQ ? EXTENSION NO. DATE 3 April 86 ? TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE naivEo FORWARDED OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number sock comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.): 1. ninT 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 1 . 12. 13. 14. 15. ? FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 3 April 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with McLean Citizens Association - 2 April 1986 1. I spoke to the Board of Directors of the McLean Citizens Association (MOA) on 2 April 1986 to convey to them the results of the expanded set of design alternatives for Routes 123 and 193 roadway improvements that resulted from the 29 January 1986 Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting. I provided for the 40 or so citizens present at this meeting copies of the following documents for their review and retention, all of which are attached hereto: . Point paper presented to MCA on 2 April 86. Letter to members of the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) dated 1 Apr 86, advising of 14 April TAC meeting. Letter from President of MCA dated 27 March 86. Paper titled, "Accommodations Made to Local Community , Concerns Regarding Alterations to State of Virginia and Federal Roadways Resulting from Expansion to the CIA Headquarters Compound." Paper titled, "History of Roadway Improvements Associated with the CIA Headquarters Compound Expansion." 2. I thought the meeting was quite successful, with the singular exception of the objections raised by Mt. Kent Maxfield and other members of the Ad Hoc Committee. As I explained to those present, the Agency has received and acted favorably upon some 40 to 50 citizen concerns over the course of the last two and one-half years of the roadway modification program. I added that while we regretted being unable to resolve in the Committee's favor the single remaining issue of the location of the Rt. 193 terminus at Rt. 123, we in the Agency nontheless feel that the Traffic Advisory Committee process itself has been remarkably successful in addressing and satisfying community concerns. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 0 Attachments - As Stated OL/NBPO 3Apr86 Orig - TAC File (w/o att) 1 - D/OL (w/att) 1 - OL/NBPO Chrono (w/o att) 2 STAT STAT STAT /11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 L.) INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this paper is to address the seven points made in the attachment to a Mclean Citizens Association letter, dated 27 March 1986, sent to the CIA and signed by Gloria Adams, President. MCA position: Construction of the additional lane on the inner loop of the beltway to facilitate the exit onto the inbound George Washington Parkway should be advanced to the earliest date possible. (VDH&T says this will be done by 1991.) CIA response: The Agency has notified Congressman Frank Wolf's senior transportation aide that we will include a $500,000 funding request in our FY 1988 Congressional Budget submission. Mr. Fitzwater, in prior discussions with Congressman Wolf on this subject, had indicated that he hoped the Agency would be able to identify this funding in FY 1987. leb have attempted to honor Mt. Fitzwater 's hope, but the combined impacts of the increased cost of constructing the New Headquarters Building and the Gramm-Ruddman-Hollings legislation in FY 1987 will result in the non-availability of the needed funds in that time frame. Congressman Wolf's office accepted this reality and agreed that the Agency's new funding plan was a fair and reasonable one. MCA position: Needed safety improvements for the intersection of Old Chain Bridge Road and Route 193 should be moved forward promptly. Action should be taken to accommodate concerns expressed by the Fairfax Historical Society with respect to archaeological sites there. CIA position: The Agency fully supports the community position on this issue, and has formally notified the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation (VDH&T), in writing, of our position. In addition, we have discussed this matter with VDH&T personnel in its Northern Virginia district office, in the person of Mt. David Gehr, on several occasions, most recently this morning. Mt. Gehr advises the following with respect to this need: the project is FUNDED in the VDH&T current 6-year improvement program. preliminary plans for this project have been completed. The project involves reducing the height of the hill in front of the Country Day School and realigning the intersection at the foot of the hill (old Rte 123 and Rte 193) to the maximum extent possible within the existing VDH&T right-of-way. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 LI the project is currently in the environmental impact phase, out of which will result an environmental impact statement that will address, amongst other issues, the impact of the project on the historical archaeological findings already discovered. the worst case completion date provided by VDH&T for this environmental review process is January 1987. VDH&T is currently planning to advertise the project for bids during the sumer of 1987. the Federal Highway Administration, which must approve the environmental impact statement, is considering invoking an accelerated review procedure, called "a categorical 4F statement" Which, if approved, could reduce the environmental review process to half of that now included in the VDH&T schedule. Mrs. Dorothy McCormick, of the Country Day School, has been fully briefed on all of the information shown above by Mt. David Gehr of the Northern Virginia office of VDH&T. TO the best of my knowledge, Mrs. MbCormick has not expressed displeasure or undue concern with the VDH&T plan to accomplish this project. MCA position: The curvature of Route 193 just north of its terminus at Route 123 (adjacent Evermay) should be moved east as far as is feasible -- as much as 40 feet. CIA response: The Agency requested that the VDH&T take a further and harder look at this issue than it appeared it had at the 29 January 1986 Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting. The Ad Hoc Committee for Traffic TO/From the CIA expressed concern that the Agency was ignoring its concern about both noise and aesthetic pollution that would result from the positioning of the Rte. 193 roadway too close to the eastern boundary of Section 7 of EVermay. In fact, the Agency, in late January 1986, asked the VDH&T to fully stop the detailed design of the roadway Option #2 that was selected by the TAC membership and to, instead, develop an expended set of detailed design alternatives for consideration. The Agency has now received three detailed roadway design options and five detailed earth berm design-options. 1tie asked that the VDH&T submit them to its normal engineering review process and to make the results of this review process a matter of record. The VDH&T has since determined that only one of the detailed roadway - designs meets normal and generally accepted roadway safety and effective traffic handling standards. They have also concluded that four of the five detailed earth berm designs are acceptable. This information is available for your review and retention. The final VDH&T finding is that the Route 193 section just north of its terminus at Route 123 cannot be moved any further east than shown in the proposed Dewberry and Davis design. 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 As designed, the separations between the edge of the VDH&T right-of-way on Route 193 and the edge of the Route 193 roadway itself are as follow: .near the intersection of Route 193 and Turkey Run Farms Road -- approximately 60 feet; at the intersection of Routes 193 and 123 -- approximately 35 feet; and at the mid-point between the two locations identified above -- approximately 55 feet. The VDH&T states that Option #2 was never more than a marginal design to begin with, and that there is literally no way to further modify the conceptual design and still maintain necessary safety and traffic handling standards. While the Agency understands that the representative of the Ad Hoc, Committee takes exception to this conclusion, the Agency is nonetheless unwilling to superimpose its lay judgment on the findings of senior, experienced VDH&T engineering management. We sincerely regret not being able to resolve this issue in favor of our residential neighbors, but feel that we have arrived at this conclusion after thorough and thoughtful consideration of all of the issues involved. MCA position: That portion of the existing Route 123 right-of-way which will be vacated when the roadway is moved to the North as planned should be retained by VDH&T as a permanent buffer to the adjacent residential community. CIA response: The Agency fully concurs with this community concern. The VDH&T has advised the Agency in writing that "...these areas will (be retained) for open space as suggested at the committee meeting..." This correspondence is also available for your review and retention. MCA position: A traffic signal should be placed at the intersection of Saville Lane and Route 123, notwithstanding the fact, which AHC acknowledges, that it does not satisfy the county warrants. CIA position: The TAC requested that the VDH&T again review this community request. The VDH&T agreed to do so, and has, within the last week, advised the Agency that it will place a traffic light at the intersection of Saville Lane and Route 123, as requested. The result will be four traffic lights, all synchronized in accordance with standard VDH&T procedures, running from the Potomac School Road and Route 123 intersection to the Kirby Road and Route 123 intersection (the remaining lights being located at the CIA entrance and at Saville Lane respectively). 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 C=03 To our knowledge, this VDH&T action fully satisfies the stated concern of the community. MCA position: The bike trail along the north side of Route 123, adjacent Evermay, should be removed. AHC contends that the trail dces not connect with other pedestrian or bike paths, and has beccge an eyesore. CIA position: The Agency feels that the issue of removing the trail along the north side of Route 123 adjacent Evermay is a matter to be dealt with between the MCA and the Fairfax County government, inasmuch as our information suggests that this trail is a part of the official Fairfax County Trail Plan. On a related issm, the MCA has previously requested, in correspondence dated 13 November 1984, that the Agency build a short asphalt trail which would provide a connection between the sidewalk on the south side of Route 123 and the trail which is to be built on the north side of Route 193. The VDH&T's design contractor, Dewberry and Davis, has recently confirmed that such a trail would be in full accordance with the Fairfax County Trail Plan, and the Agency has therefore agreed to fully accommodate this community request. MCA position: AHC urges the CIA not to move unnecessary numbers of people into its expanded facility prior to completion of the road improveffents. CIA position: The Agency, in a letter to the current President of the MCA dated 15 July 1983, advised the community that: "...With your support and assistance, we should be able to see the necessary road improvements in place before the new building is ready for occupancy. Should unforeseen problems arise that prevent this from occurring, we will at least try to time our occupancy plans to coincide with the capacity of the local road network. The Agency does not plan to force occupancy of the new facility if it creates unwarranted traffic problems for the community and our employees...." ' The Agency's plans and intentions have not changed since that letter was written. We fully appreciate that it would be unreasonable to burden an insufficient roadway system with significant additional automobile traffic, and we will do everything within our power not to do so. Our detailed discussions with the,VDH&T indicate that a reasonable completion date for all Route 123 and associated roadway modifications is late December, 1987. Our current planning for the occupancy of the New Headquarters Building are not in conflict with this schedule. We feel as though we have been sensitive to this community concern and have scheduled our occupancy plans accordingly. In the event that our plans are changed in any significant way, we will notify the local community and work with our residential neighbors in every way possible to mitigate any hardship that may arise. 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/04/18 : CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 cm) McLEAN CITIZENS ASSOCIATION New Building Project Office/OL CIA Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear P O. BOX 273 McLEAN, VIRGINIA 22101 March 27, 1986 Attached is a copy of our Board of Directors' meeting minutes of March 5 pertaining to our position on the Ad Hoc Committee's letter pertaining to the road improvements on Routes 123/193 and associated issues. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments to you. If you have any questions, please call (790-1990 or 790-5440). Enclosure Sincerely, Gloria Adams, President Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 /II G/474 - - - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Transportation Committee Chairman Art Sabin then introduced Kent Maxfield, who discussed the planned improve- ments to Route 123 at the CIA entrance. Mr. Maxfield appeared on behalf of the Ad Hoc Committee ("AHC") of residents of communities in this locality, to solicit MCA's support for certain recommendations which AHC intends to make to the CIA Advisory Committee with respect to this project. AHC's position is as follows: 1. Construction of the additional lane on the inner loop of the beltway to facilitate the exit onto the inbound George Washington Parkway should be advanced to the earliest date possible. (VDH&T says this will be done by 1991.) 2. Needed safety improvements for the intersection of Old Chain Bridge Road and Route 193 should be moved forward promptly. Action should be taken to accommodate concerns expressed by the Fairfax Historical Society with respect to archaeological sites there. 3. The curvature of Route 193 just north of its terminus at Route 123 (adjacent Evermay) should be moved east as far as is feasible -- as much as 40 feet. 4. That portion of the existing Route 123 right of way which will be vacated when the roadway is moved to the North as planned should be retained by VDH&T as a permanent buffer to the adjacent residential community. 5. A traffic signal should be placed at the inter- section of Saville Lane and Route 123, notwithstanding the fact, which AHC acknowledges, that it does not satisfy the county warrants. 6. The bike trail along the north side of Route 123, adjacent Evermay, should be removed. AHC contends that the trail does not connect with other pedestrian or bike paths, and has become an eyesore. 7. AHC urges the CIA not to move unnecessary numbers of people into its expanded facility prior to completion of the road improvements. The Board discussed the fact that the first four positions advanced by AHC merely restate positions previously adopted by MCA. It was moved that MCA reaffirm its previously stated support for these propositions. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 2 A motion was then made that MCA support the placement of a light at Saville Lane and Route 123 due to safety concerns, despite the fact that the intersection does not meet county warrants. The motion was seconded. It was moved that the pending motion be referred to the Transportation Committee for further study. This motion was seconded, but failed to carry by a vote of 7 ayes, 14 nays. The pending motiop to support placement of the light was then adopted by a vote of 16 ayes, 6 nays. Planning and Zoning Chairman Hubbard then moved that item number 6 above, concerning the bike path be referred to the Planning and Zoning Committee for their review. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. It was further moved that the Board support item no. 7 concerning location of personnel at the CIA expansion. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 UCentral Intelligence Agency Wishington. D. C 20505 Mrs. Gloria A. Adams Dear Mrs. Adams: 1S86 As you will recall, the last meeting of the CIA's Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) was held on 29 January 1986. At that meeting, several objections were raised by the representative of the Ad Hoc Committee for Travel Td/From the CIA to the proposed roadway design presented by the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation (VDH&T) and its design engineering firm, Dewberry and Davis. Rather than proceed with the detailed design in the face of these objections, I requested and the State of Virginia agreed to suspend its design effort and instead develop an expanded set of detailed design alternatives of the selected roadway design, Option #2. Dewberry and Davis has now completed the development of the expanded set of detailed roadway and earth berm design alternatives. The VDH&T has reviewed them and provided me with the results of its review. With this information now in hand, I am calling a supplemental meeting to the 29 January 1986 TAC. This supplemental meeting will be held in the first floor conference room of the VDH&T office complex located at 10777 Main Street, Fairfax, Virginia, beginning at 2:30 p.m. on 14 April 1986. The VDH&T design consultant, Dewberry and Davis, will conduct a thorough review of the three detailed roadway designs, the five detailed earth berm designs, and again review the signage and landscape plans. At the conclusion of this presentation, we will respond to questions from attendees. After the presentation and question/answer period, the dhair will ask that each organizational representative on the TAC present, for the record, its position for or against the proposed roadway design and its choice from amongst the proposed earth berm alternatives. After the meeting, the dhair will collect all data bearing on these issues and present it to the CIA Deputy Director for Administration for his final decision. This final decision will then be formally conveyed to the VDH&T for its action. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 I am in the process of contacting all TAC rrerrter organizations and elected representatives in order to provide each with a complete set of drawings and related or associated data that will be reviewed and discussed at the 14 April 1986 rreeting of the TAC. In addition to the 14 April 1986 rreeting, two further rreetings of the TAC will be held as originally scheduled ? at the 60% detailed design completion stage and at the 90% detailed design completion stage. The chair will provide appropriate advance notice of these rreetings. Please advise either by letter to the address indicated, or by telephone at of your intent to attend the TAC supplemental 30% detailed design review meeting on 14 April 1986. Sincerely, Chairman, Traffic Advisory Committee Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Accommodations Made to Local Community Concerns Beaarding Alterations to State of Virginia and Federal Roadways Resulting From Expansion to the CIA Headquarters compound July 1983: Agreed to form the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) as a mechanism to hear and address concerns of the local citizenty over roadway improvements caused, whether in part or in whole, by the CIA expansion. August 1983: Agreed to allow dual citizenry representation on the TAC at the request of McLean Citizen Association members who lived much closer to the CIA compound than most. September 1983: Agreed to delay the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation (VDH&T) contract negotiations with its roadway design contractor (Dewberry and Davis) so that the scope of that contract could be expanded to include the George Washington Memorial Parkway in the "Roadway Improvements Study" effort. October 1983: Agreed to design, construct, and operate a Security Visitor Center at the George Washington Memorial Parkway entrance to the CIA compound in order to relieve as much traffic as possible from the Route 123 roadway. March 1984: Agreed to the following MCA requests in its letter of 09 March 1984: Four specific requests to further study at-grade rather than grade-separated roadway solutions (III A, B, C, D) The intersection of Rte 123 and Potomac School Road should be controlled by a traffic signal (III G.) The main stem of Rte 123 should remain at four through lanes (III H.) Maximum use should be made of earth berms and landscaping ....(III I.) Route 123 should be relocated north as per Technical Memorandum #2 (III J.) There should be no overhead signs (III K.) There should be no overhead lights on ramps (III L.) Adequate acceleration and deceleration lanes (III M.) March 1984: Agreed to essentially the same provisions contained in the 'Ad Hoc Committee for Off-Site CIA Traffic Improvement' letter of 12 March 1984. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 November 1984: Agteed to every provision in the letter from the MCA dated 13 November 1984 re the selection of Alternate #2. November 1984: VDH&T agreed to provide an earth berm alongside Rte. 193 between Rte. 123 and somewhere near the intersection of Rte. 193 and Turkey Run Farm Road. Normal VDH&T policies and procedures would not warrant a berm there, based on the environmental assessment findings reported. Match 1985: VDH&T and Fairfax County agreed to accept the Alternate #2 design in the face of widespread local citizenry support for an at-grade design solution. January 1986: Agreed to an expanded review of the initial detailed design proposals prior to proceeding with final design. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 HISTORY OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CIA HEADQUARTERS COMPOUND EXPANSION I. Project History ? Master Plan and related Environmental Assessment accepted by the National Capital Planning Commission 21 Jan 1982 ? 1st Public Meeting 25 June 1983 0 Creation of CIA Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) July 1983 0 1st TAC Meeting 25 Aug 1983 Technical Memorandum No. 1 (Analysis of Projected Traffic Levels) 22 Nov 1983 ? Technical Memorandum No. 2 (Analysis of Roadway Improvement Alternatives) 9 Feb 1984 0 Roadway Design Alternatives Narrowed from Seven to Two 3 Mar 1984 0 Environmental Assessment of Route 123 Roadway Improvements 15 Apr 1985 ? Alternative 2 Selected as Route 123 Roadway Modification Program 27 Nov 1984 and 22 Mar 1985 ? A Total of ten Traffic Advisory Meetings held between 25 Aug 1983 and 29 Jan 1986. At least three more will be held. II. Current Status o Preliminary Detailed Design (30%) Presented to TAC o CIA Request for Expanded Set Roadway Design Alternatives o Minutes of 29 Jan 86 TAC Issued o Ad Hoc Committee conments to 29 Jan 86 TAC Minutes O VDH&T Technical Analysis of Expanded Set of Roadway Design Alternatives -25 Jan 1986 5 Feb 1986' 10 Feb 1986 19 FEb 1986 28 Feb 1986 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 III. Upcoming Activities o CIA to Provide Expanded Set of Alternatives to all TAC Organizations 24 Mar - 4 Apr 86 o Special Meeting of TAC to Again Review Detailed Design Alternatives and Record Preferences circa 10 Apr 86 O Present TAC Views to CIA Deputy Director for Administration for Decision on Detailed Design Alternatives circa 17 Apr 86 O CIA request VDH&T Continue with Detailed Design of Option #2 Roadway Improvements O TAC Meetings for the 60% and 90% Design Reviews, as Previously Agreed O Roadway Improvement Project Schedule Design Restart: 4/86 Design Complete: 9/86 Bids Advertised: 12/86 Contract Award: 2/87 Contract Completion: 12/87 circa 22 Apr 86 as appropriate Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9 14 September 1983 CIA TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTtE PURPOSE: The CIA Traffic Advisory Committee has been created to address concerns of the McLean Community, the State of Virginia, Fairfax County, .the U.S. Park Service, and the CIA regarding the traffic analyses and subsequent offsite traffic engineering associated with the expansion of the CIA Headquarters. MEMBERSHIP: As the responsible and accountable agent for the project, the Deputy Director for Administration, CIA, will designate the Chairperson. Membership will consist of a designated representative to speak for the: 1. McLean Citizens Association 2. Ad Hoc Committee for Traffic to/from CIA 3. Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation 4. George Washington Parkway, U.S. Park Service 5. National Capital Planning Commission 6. Fairfax County 7. Central Intelligence Agency PROCEDURES: 1. Meetings will be scheduled at major milestones during the study and design of road improvements. Exceptional meetings may be called at the request of any member with the agreement of the Chairperson. 2. The Chairperson will be responsible for establishing meeting schedules and locations. 3. The Chairperson will be responsible for disseminating meeting agendas and pertinent background information to Committee members no less than five working days preceding the scheduled meetings. 4. The CIA will provide a recording secretary and assume responsibility for preparation and dissemination of meeting minutes. These minutes will contain summary statements regarding issues discussed, positions taken, and recommended actions. 5. It is the responsibility of Committee members to reflect the official positions Of their sponsoring organizations. It is expected that members will prepare positions on agenda items prior to scheduled meetings. RESPONSIBILITIES: The committee will have no directive authorities as applied to design or construction of roads or CIA facilities. The responsibilities are solely advisory in nature to ensure that concerns relative to traffic flow and road modifications are brought to the attention of the appropriate organization for consideration in design and construction. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/18: CIA-RDP89-00244R001804460005-9