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Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 5/23/85 NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION 1323 G STREET N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C 20376 NCPC File No. CP09 May 30, 1985 The Commission comments to the Fairfax County Planning Commission and the County Board of Supervisors on the. proposed 1985 amendments to the Comprehensive Pan for Fairfax county as follows: The Commission, In consultation with interested and affected Federal agencies, has reviewed the 227 proposed naninations for amendment in terms of various Federal interests that might be affected in this portion of the National Capital Region. Only 12 of the nominations have potential interest to the Federal government, and are discussed below: (1) Proposed Aimendment 85-C 2CP The Cirmission acknowledges the deferral by the Board of Supervisors of a Height ktudy for the Tysons Corner area. '7he Commission is interested in such a study and may wish to comment on it at a later time. (2) Proposed Ainendment 85-0-4CP The Carmission concurs with the County staff reoammendation to adjust the land use designation within an area adjacent to Braddock Wad which is PROPOSE 1985 AMENDMENTS TO THE CCMPREHFNSIWE PLAN FOR FAIRFAX COUNTY Report to Fairfax County Planning Carmission and Board of Supervisors Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 NCPC File No. CPO9 Page 2. currently shown for "noise campatible" uses. The adjustment is made necessary by the adoption, in 1983, of new noise contours for areas surrounding Washington Dulles Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration also concurs with this recommendation. (3) Proposed Amendment 85-CW-IEN The Oinmission commends the County for its decision to consider an amendment that would provide guidance regarding the allowable heights of buildings in the vicinity of Washington Dulles International Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration also concurs with the proposed Plan amendment. (4) Proposed Amendment 85-CW-29T The Commission endorses what it understands the County staff recommendation to be for limiting Dolley Madison Boulevard, "to four lanes for future improvements, except for those improvements in the vicinity of major traffic generators which may be necessary to accommodate recommendations sequentially", in the vicinity of the entrance to the CIA facility. The Oammission has not yet reviewed any plans for improvements to the ., intersection of Route 123 and CIA's south entrance. This area was excepted by the Commission in its approval of the site and building plans for CIA's addition pending agreement by the CIA Traffic Advisory Camnmmittee (TAC). Recently, the TAC - on which the Commission is represented - generally agreed to an at-grade improvement plan (Alternative 2) with 4 lanes plus turning lanes at the CIA entrance. Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 NCPC File No. CPO9 Page 3. (5) Proposed Amendments 85-III-9UP, 85-III-12UP, 85-III-I3UP, 85- III-17UP, 85-III-IBR, 85-III-2BR, 85-III-3BR and 85-III-4BR The Catinission concurs with the County staff recce mendations on these eight naninations for zoning changes in the immediate vicinity of Washington Dulles International Airport and/or the Airport access Road. Of the eight, only two are being recommended for approval by the County staff, to a slightly higher residential density category, and these two appear to pose no adverse impact on the Federal interest. The Federal Aviation Administration also concurs in the staff positions on these items. Description Fairfax County annually reviews its Canprehensive Plan for the purpose of assessing, on a regular basis, all instances where changing conditions may require plan amendments. The annual review process follows a triennial cycle, the first two of which are limited review years in which only urgent naninations are scheduled for public hearings. The third year of the cycle is a full review of the Plan, in that all naninations determined as meeting one or more of the criteria for Plan review are scheduled for hearing. The 1985 Annual Plan Review falls into the third year and will send forth all naninations meeting one or more criteria, regardless of urgency. All naninations for Plan amendments were reviewed and considered in accordance with the following policy guidelines: 1. Substantial reasons for Plan modifications must be present to support a Plan amendment. As guidelines criteria, such reasons must include at least one of the following: (a) Significant changes have occurred in the area of concern since the adoption of the Plan, as amended. (b) The adopted Plan contains provisions which unreasonably limit the ability of the County to achieve the objectives of the Plan. (c) oversights, inconsistencies, or land-use-related inequities are contained in the adopted Plan as they affect the area of concern. Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244RO01 002490001 -0 NCPC File No. CPO9 Page 4. 2. All Plan amendment naninations will be reviewed for their reasonableness and consistency within the overall framework and intent of the Canprehensive Plan. A total of 227 proposed Plan amendments have been set for hearing before the Fairfax County Planning Commission at a set of public hearings canmencing on April 16, 1985. Of the 227, 12 have been identified as having potential Federal interest, and have been subsequently reviewed in greater detail by affected Federal agencies and Commission staff. Federal Agency Review The Federal Aviation Administration has provided comments by phone and will forward a confirming letter. Evaluation Proposed Amendment 85-CW-2CP The Office of Comprehensive Planning has submitted the nomination for Plan review of a study of the Tysons Corner area that focuses on the height of structures within the context of urban design. The results of the study support the consideration of an amendment to the Canprehensive Plan that provides guidance for future planning and development in the Tysons Corner area. Because of the canplexity of the study, the Board of Supervisors on February 11, 1985, moved to defer the Tysons Corner Height study from the regular 1985 Annual Plan Review hearing schedule. It was felt that additional time should be allowed for public review, but hearing dates on the study have not yet been scheduled. The Commission strongly endorses the concept of an urban design study relating to the height of buildings in the Tysons Corner area. Tysons Corner is praninently visible fran the Dulles Airport Access Road and efforts at controlling the height as seen from this important Gateway to the Nation's Capital appear extremely desirable. Since there is so much pressure ,,for development in the Tysons Corner area, it is hoped that the matter will be taken up pranptly and that hearings will be scheduled soon. It is likely that the Commission may wish to make canments at that time. Proposed Amendment 85-CW-4CP This nomination also originated in the office of Comprehensive Planning. It consists of the updating of the treatment of lands affected by noise f ram aircraft at Dulles Airport. Several years ago, some of the land south of the airport was designated as a land use "option area", suitable for agriculture, industrial or low intensity residential use. This designation was based on data that was developed in 1977. In 1983, however, a new study of noise levels was done and showed some shifts in the noise con- tcurs. This proposed amendment addresses land in the vicinity of Braddock Road and along Pleasant Valley Road which had been shown on the Canpre- Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244RO01 002490001 -0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 NCPC File No. CP09 Page 5. hensive Plan as suitable for "noise canpatible uses", but where the more recent noise contours show a decrease in the intensity of noise. The proposed reclassification to a residential use at 0.1-0.2 du/acre is consistent with the treatment of lands at this lower intensity. The Federal Aviation Administration concurs with this nomination for a Plan amendment. Proposed Amendment 85-CW-1EN A nomination for the review of a Plan amendment which would offer guidance relative to the allowable heights of buildings in the vicinity of Dulles Airport has been made by the office of Comprehensive Planning. This proposed Plan amendment was authorized by the Board of Supervisors on January 14, 1985, and, although the current zoning (minus any Special Exceptions) does not pose any problem, there is believed that there exists the possibility that a hazard could be developed sametime in the future. The intent of this Plan amendment is to implement the Board's policy "not to permit the erection of structures which have been determined by FAA to pose a hazard to air navigation". The Federal Aviation Administration concurs with this proposed Plan amendment and requests that the amendment apply not only to the existing three runways at the Aiport but also to the proposed additional two runways. Proposed Amendment 85-CW-29T The Fairfax County Planning Commission is in receipt of two nominations which pertain to Dolley Madison Boulevard (Route 123) between the George Washington Memorial Parkway and Lewinsville Road. One nomination proposes the widening of Dolley Madison to six lanes through this stretch, and the other proposal seeks to limit the width of the road to the existing four lanes. Contributing to the expected future increase in traffic along the artery is the planned expansion of CIA Headquarters, located at the eastern end of Dolley Madison Boulevard. The CIA, however, has worked closely with the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation, the National Park Service, National Capital Planning Commission, and various affected citizens associations in order to plan for the accommodation of future traffic resulting fran its expansion. The CIA has committed itself to work towards the maintenance of current peak hour traffic levels at its own facility, and has agreed to undertake local widenings and added connections if and as they became needed. The Board of Supervisors, furthermore, has endorsed the increase of highway capacity outside of the Beltway only. The County staff recommendation to limit Dolley Madison Boulevard to four lanes, therefore, is consistent not only with County Board policy, but with the agreement worked out between the CIA and the CIA Traffic Advisory Caroni ttee. Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 NCPC File No. CPO9 Page 6. Proposed Amendments 85-III-9UP, 85-III-12UP, 85-III-13UP, 85-III-17UP, 85- III-1BR, 85-III-2BR, 85-III-3BR and 85-III-4BR These eight nominations for Plan amendments are all located south or east of Dulles International Airport and, by virtue of their proximity, have the potential to be of consequence to either the airport or the access road. The four naninations for zoning changes in the Upper Potamac Planning District all involve changes from residential use to a higher density residential use or to Industrial/Cannercial use. County staff recan- mendations on these four naminations include a denial and a defferal for the requested changes to Industrial/Office use and approval of the two requests fora change to a higher residential density category (fran .5- ldu/2c to 2-3 du/ac). The four naninations in the Bull Run Planning District are all located immediately south of the airport, are impacted adversely fran the noise fran the aircraft and have previously been zoned industrial accordingly. The requested zoning changes consist of three changes to Commercial use and one change to Residential use. The County staff recommends denial of the request for a change to residential use and 2 of the 3 requests for commercial use. The remaining request for canrnercial use is being recanmended for deferral by the staff. In the attached letter, the Federal Aviation Administration concurs with the County staff's recann ndations on all eight re-zoning naninations. Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244R001002490001-0 Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244RO01 002490001 -0 1985 PLAN RLVIEW PLANNING AREA III (POHICK. UPPER POTOMAC AND BULL RUN PLANNING DISTRICTS) Washington Dullest"; w 6nl?SUP\ _ :asuwui= t N I . asnl?su-? 65.11620up NCPC File No. CP09 Page 7. 'ia= ?'$5?IIl-2UP SS111-1U-, ? " `. 65?IIIJU- ( {~ ` 'Will -3UP ~e.?... 6111. 4 ?.nr.v,r w r ?,~. r $S-11l.12UP' li ...?_ `~Oblll?ttU-~ S5? ll?13UP a *? ;7 ?6111.1sup _. . ,, ' ? ,? Y.rlll 3!R -- - - a ?r! ?s5.lll?17UP i . f -- - -- 4' a 61114ER Is 'f?1~ 6111?1PUP.. is 65111?!!R sSlll?5SR * ~ . p' 5.lu1 21UP / ~y 1 t?$5ill?19UP _- ' / 66111?$$ IISIII.7YR~ ~I7" ' iiIII.176R t a s rt f15 111.1988 ~11~?110R?~t 1 ~ ~III?IOBR Plan Review items are shown on the map bye dot (0). Each item number, for example 65-III-IP, indicates: year/planning area/item-planning district. Countywide plan review items which may atset this planning area are shown on the Countywide list and map on pages 13 and 14. (Countywide items include trans- portation, environment, public fa- cilities and trails items.) Further information on each item shown on the map is given in the accompanying list. ~i lSIII.1: t ? 65.111-4P F'liln-SP? - -- SS-111.6P , t ? _ ` ? RSItI-$P -t IC111_7.a1 ...i ? i K ITEMS NOT MAPPED 6SIll.IHCD 85- - Parks Approved For Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP89-00244RO01 002490001 -0