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Document Release Date: 
June 3, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 13, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740011-0 NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION 1325 G STREET NW. WASHINGTON, D.C 20576 In Reply Refer To: NCPC File No. 1485 April 13, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO . Interested and Affected Elected Officials and Citizen Organizations in the Vicinity of the Defense Mapping Agency Subject: Proposed Federal Capital Improvements Program for the National Capital Region, FY 1984-1988 Enclosed is a brief description of a selected Federal project(s), located in the proximity of your neighborhood as extracted from the Calmission's "Proposed Federal Capital .Improvements Program for the National Capital Region, Fiscal Years 1984-1988". This project(s) was selected for your review and catnent based upon potential off-site impacts. The Proposed Program is also"being circulated in the region to Federal departments and agencies local and state governments, regional agencies, and interested organizations and individuals for their review and comment. The Canmission would appreciate receiving any written carat ents you may have on this project(s) by May 13, 1983. This schedule will permit thorough consideration of your caiments in advance of the June 1983 meeting when adoption of the Program is tentatively scheduled. If you desire additional information regarding the project(s) or wish to see the full text of the Proposed Program, please contact Samuel K. Frazier, Jr., the Commission's Public Affairs Officer, on 724-0174. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740011-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740011-0 Central Intelligence Agency One project is recommended in the program for Fiscal Years 19U4-1988 for the Central Intelligence Agency in the National Capital Region. The recommended program would require an estimated $190,955,000, as shown on the table below. The following is a brief description of the project with comments regarding its relationship to Commission 'Policy. CIA HEADQUARTERS, FA(RFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA CO4HEHTI At its *&etiag on January 21, 1982, the Commission approved the Revised Master Plan for the Central Inteliigencs Agency, which incorporates the proposed project, except the proposed off-site road improveme}ntg contained therein. The CIA has continued to work with' the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation since the time of the master plan approval to reach agreement on a concept for off-site road improvements at Route 123-Route 193 intersection that will meet the traffic needs at this location, while minimising potential impacts on the surrounding community. VDHfiT has provided a concept proposal and cost estimates for such improvesaents. which are incorporated in the project scope. $190,955,000 for the construction of a 1.1 million square foot, multi-purpose office building. The new building would provide space to consolidate on the Langley site approximately 3,000 additional employsoes who currently work in six other locations in the National Capital Region (two in the District of Columbia, and four in Virginia). Approximately 1,000 net new parking spaces would be provided. Funds for off-site road improvements at Route 123-Route 193 intersection are included in the overall scope of the project. Table 7 BUDGET ESTIMATES (000 of DOLLARS) PRIOR FISCAL YEAR TOTAL PROJECT TITLB FUNDING 1984 1985 1996 1967 1 oR8 FY 84-88 HEADQUARTERS CONSOLIDATION 3050 ^Monona* 75500 115455 0 0 0 190955 3050 75500 115455 190955 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP89-00244R000400740011-0 61