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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3 25X1 25X1 1. Progress Report of Tasks Assigned by the DCI/DDCI: No tasks assigned during this reporting period. 2. Items or Events of Major Interest that have Occurred During the Preceding Week: i -Q a. Procurement Division, received a requisition from the Office of Development and Engineering, Systems Development Group (OD&E/SDG) requesting procurement of a Television Graphic Advanced Paint System. This system is to be added to a special field office television studio in order to handle some very specific requirements for ODE/SDG. An extensive market survey of 18 manufacturers was conducted by the special field office TV center engineers and the prices ranged from $5,000 to $360,000. The decision was justified by the TV center technical engineer and OD&E to procure a Quanta Corporation system which met all 11 of the critical technical specifications. This paint system will allow the ability of the existing video equipment to create brush shapes and a color palette in excess of 20,000 colors, expandibility for including animation as well as expansion of computer software aspects. The General Procurement Branch requested and received a waiver of the Procurement Note 85, Revision 90 from the Director of Logistics on 9 May, k9'B4. The procurement officer has placed the order in the amount of $26,932.25 with Quanta Corp. and the paint system is due for delivery by 30 June 1986. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10 "CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 c. In response to RFPI Ifor 140 ergonomic chairs for the Office of Imagery Analysis, only one vendor complied within the deadline prescribed. However, this vendor, M.S. Ginn, responded with five different proposals. General Procurement Branch, Procurement Division, and the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative are evaluating each proposal with respect to the specifications and plan to award a contract based on the item that meets the requirements at the lowest overall cost. Award is anticipated by 30 May 1986 and the estimated dollar amount is $34,000. requisition, P&SCB will work with OCR to develop an appropriate solicitation. The projected value of the contract is $195,000 per e. Production and Services Contracts Branch (P&SCB), Procurement Division, participated in preliminary discussions with representatives of the Office of Central Reference (OCR) to review Agency requirements for newspaper subscriptions. Based upon the information presented by OCR, it was decided that a multi-year firm fixed-price type contract would best suit the Agency's needs. Upon finalization of the funded W~eAk A-0 f. 4W72"- --, ur offers4 in response to`equest ?o -f~er pp -l in support of the Systems Integration for the ` Counterterrorist Program-were !a t-he Pxeeeasi g d,~Ag =peer - nc r;? ~rre to ?d~ir . Both the Technical Evaluation Team and the Cost Evaluation Team will be meeting the week of 27 May 198 to review the proposals and recommend the selection of a successful offeror to the Source Selection Board by 04 June.l06 The resultant award is anticipated at approximately $3,375,000. r. g. The Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, Procurement Division received proposals from industry on 23 May 1986 in support of Computer Security Group, Office of Information Technology requirement for the development of a Data Labeling Model. The required cost, technical, management, and security evaluations have begun and award is anticipated for 28 July 1986. Approximate 25X1 value of the action is $200,000. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3 h. The Agency Contract Review Board recently approved office of Finance's requirement for the continuation of the Automated Compensation Information System project efforts. The sole source Request for Proposal is expected to be released shortly and the resultant contract will be awarded to allow performance to commence on 1 July 1986. The approximate value of the action is $3.5 million. i. Members of Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, Procurement Division, Network Systems Engineering Group and Commercial Systems and Audit Division, Office of Finance met during the week of 19 May 1986 to form the cost evaluation team for the Message Handling 25X1 Facility Request for Proposal At the same time, the technical evaluation team was meeting to review the six proposals received. The evaluation teams expect to complete initial review by 30 May and have any clarification questions ready to be provided to the offerors by 6 June. The a ultant award is nti ?pat ed for 25X1 approximately $13 million. j. The Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, ,`Procurement Division, in support of the Office of Information Technology will issue a competitive Request for Proposal for contractor services and supplies to support the Agency Software Store, scheduled to open by September 1986. It is anticipat multiple es 25X1 awards will be made as a result of this solicitation. 25X1 k. At the request of the Office of Information Technology, Engineering Services Group, the Automated Data Processing and Engineering Branch, Procurement Division, solicited a sole source proposal from Harris Corporation for the refurbishing of 10 operational remote ITS-W terminals as well as the purchase of additional terminals. These terminals are used within the Intelligence Community to transmit pictures to one another. The estimated value of this contract is expected to be $500,000. The proposal has been received and is in the process of being reviewed 25X1 by Commercial Systems Audit Division. 3. Significant Events Anticipated During the Coming Week Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/10: CIA-RDP89-00063R000200170005-3