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Publication Date: 
August 7, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 Q Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 TOP -^,FCRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 Central Intelli~noe ngrncy Cop of 46 7 AUG 19~ MEMORANDUM FOR: Subgroup on Nuclear Export Coordination Acting erector o Scientific and Weapons Research SUBJECT: Overview of Iran's Renewed Efforts for Nuclear Development 1. The attached memorandum provides an overview of Iran's renewed efforts for nuclear development. It discusses Iran's nuclear research program, the status of work associated with completing Iran's Bushehr-I nuclear power reactor, and the pros- pects for nuclear weapons development in Iran. 2. If you have any questions concerning the attached memorandum, please feel free to contact Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 SUBJECT: Overview of Iran's Renewed Efforts for Nuclear Development Distribution: Copy 1 - Ellie Busick, Acting Chairman of Subgroup on Nuclear Export Coordination, Room 7820, Department of State 2 - John Rooney, Department of Energy, Room 4B-044, Forrestal Building, Washington, D.C. 3 - Gary Bray, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Room 4678, Department of State 4 - Gerald Opplinger, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Room 1E443, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301-2600 5 - George Menas, Department of Defense, DTSA/ST, Washington, D.C. 20301 6 - George Kuzmycz, Department of Commence, OEA/CG and TM Division, Room 1091, Washington, D.C. 20230 7 - Janice Dunn Lee, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Willsite Building, Room 261, 7915 Eastern Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 8 - Defense Intelligence Agency, DT-lA, Room C6834B Washington, D.C. 20301-6111 9 - Defense Intelligence Agency, DT-lA, Room C6836, Washington, D.C. 20301-6111 -2- 25X1 I 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 SUBJECT: Overview of Iran's Renewed Efforts for Nuclear Development Copy 10 - DCI 11 - DDCI 12 - Exec utive Dire cto r 13 - Exec utive Regi str y 14 - DDI 15 - OGI/ ISID 16 - NESA /SD 17 - NIO/ AL/Nuclear Pr o liferation 18 - DDO/NEO 19 - DDO/ EUR 20 - DDI/ PES 21 - CPAS /Intellige nce 22 - NIC/ AG 23 - CPAS /IMC 24 - P&PD (via CPAS/IMC) 25/26 - OCR/SS,G/DB 27 - OSWR/Chrono 28/29/30/31 - OSWR/NED/NPB 32/33 - OSWR/NED/Chrono 3~ 5 - OSWR/PG/PS 36/37 - Chief, ACIS 38/39 - OSWR/NED/NWB 40 - SRP 41 - OSWR/TTAC 42 - NIO/S&T 43 - ALA/SAD/E 44 - OEA/CH/DEV 45 - OEA/NA J 46 - EURA 25X1 (7 Aug 85) 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 5 August 1985 OVERVIEW OF IRAN'S RENEWED EFFORTS FOR NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT Summary In 1982, the Islamic Government of Iran reversed its decision to abandon the Shah's ambitious nuclear program. The direction of Iran's current program suggests that Iran is attempting to implement plans organized under the Shah that included developing a nuclear fuel cycle to support a nuclear research and power reactor program. Iran is a party to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and there is no evidence that Iran is resuming nuclear research to develop nuclear weapons. Even if they were to renounce the NPT, we believe that Iran will not have the technology needed to recover plutonium for a nuclear weapon within at Ieast the next ten years. Background The Government of Iran's 1982 decision to reinstitute the Shah's nuclear program was in part due to tJ~e personal ambitions of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran's (AEOI) two principle leaders, Reza Amrollahi, Director General of the AEOI and Cyrus Amer-Tusi, Special Consultant. The decision was This memorandum was revuest was prepare of Scientific and Weapons Researc and was coordinated with the 25X1 25X1 Office of Near East/South Asia Analysis, Global Issues, East Asian Analysis, European Analysis, African and Latin American ~inalysis, 25X1 and reviewed by the National Intelligence Officer-at-Large. Comments and queries ma be directed to the Chief, Nuclear Energy Division, OSWR 25X1 SW M 85-10095CX 25X1 25X1 1 TOP SECRET 25X1 Nuclear Energy Division, Office Sanitized Copy Approved f or Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 i ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 25X1_ also based on Iran's interest in utilizing nuclear energy to meet domestic electricity needs and on the Islamic Government's conclusion that to do otherwise would waste the large amount of money already invested in constructing nuclear laboratories and nuclear power reactors. We do not expect Iran to have significant manpower problems in resuming its nuclear program. Even though highly qualified personnel working in the Shah's ambitious program left during the Islamic revolution in 1979, several fairly competent professionals apparently remained and are now working in the nuclear program. In order to upgrade their personnel, the Atomic Energy Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ~ . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 Iran, however, is having and probably will continue to have chronic problems in obtaining enriched uraniua fuel for its US-supplied research reactor at the NRC. Since early 1983, Iran has been trying to buy fuel for the reactor directly from West European supplier countries and through the IAEA. To date, Iran has not found a willing supplier. Iran probably will be forced to shut down the reactor if it does not obtain fuel by the end of this year. This will impede their progress in areas of reactor design and operation as well as training personnel. Prospects for Nuclear Weapons Iran has signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and we have no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. We believe that Iran may at some future date be motivated to become a nuclear weapons power for reasons of prestige as well as regional security. However, Iran would need a reactor that could provide it with enough fissile material (i.e. plutonium) for a nuclear weapon and a reprocessing facility to separate the plutonium from spent reactor fuel. If the Bushehr-I reactor can be completed and operated, plutonium will be produced. The diversion of this plutonium however, would be a violation of international safeguards that apply to the reactor, even if Iran were to withdraw from the NPT. We speculate that Iran's indigenous reactor development effort could eventually lead to construction of a suitable plutonium production reactor, but not before the turn of the century. Even so, it will also be difficult for Iran to acquire the reprocessing technology necessary to recover any plutonium produced because of nuclear supplier controls that apply to the export of such technology. And we do not believe that Iran could indigenously develop this technology over the next ten years. 3 TOP SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 25X11 25X1 I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/26 :CIA-RDP88R01225R000200900002-7