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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 - ' SECRET 17-16 MEMOR.AJDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence FROM: Richard J. Kerr Derilty Director for Administration REFERENCE: Paperwork Reduction DDI memo to DDA, Same Subject, dated 16 January 1986 0- a - onsible components in the DA have reviewed the four specific res Th 1 p e . recommendations on paperwork reduction contained in referent. Following are our comments on each of these recommendations: a. Office of Personnel (OP) forms 1152 and 1152b. Response: OP is implementing a new procedure that will eliminate the form 1152b. This new procedure will be in effect within the next few weeks. ',. Office of Finance (OF) forms 540 and 540b. Response: Form 540 is generally used for foreign PCS and TDY travel", whereas form 540b is basically used for domestic PCS and TDY travel. OF is undertaking a study to determine if these two forms can be reconfigured so that one form could provide all the information necessary for the processing of both foreign and domestic travel. c. Office of Training and Education (OTE) forms 73 and 136. Response: The form 136 is a multi-purpose form that serves -as a contract for the expenditure of funds such as tuition, registration fees, travel, per diem, and any other allowance connected with training. This form was carefully designed and coordinated with OTE, OIS, OIT, CCS, OS, OF, OP, OEEO and the Audit Staff. Each item on the form has been analyzed as to its objective. The information asked for in ORIG: DDA/IRO Distribution: Original - Addressees 1 - DDA Subject 1 - ODA Chrono 1 - DDA/MS Subject. 1 - DDA/MS Chrono Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 SECRET each block satisfies a specific requirement. We do not believe that any modification is warranted at this time. One copy of the form 136 substitutes for Office of Security (OS) form 879, Request for Approval of Outside Activity. The additional use of this form for Outside Activity Approval partly covers the recommendations discussed in item d, below. In regard to the form 73--it is used for internal training and requires much less information and is not practical to combine with the form 136. The form 73 is, however, currently being automated. The automation should be completed in late FY1986. d. Office of Security (OS) forms 879 and 2955. Response: The form 879, Outside Activity Approval Request, requires review and approval by more than one component other than OS; therefore, telephonic approval would be cumbersome at best. Secondly, this is the only documentation to support the approval and must be filed in the employee's OS file. It is needed for further reference purposes. In fact, this form has been used in several recent litigations with Agency employees. Therefore, the current procedure for the requesting, reviewing, approving and documenting outside activities by Agency employees should not be changed. OS supports the recommendation to automate the clearance certification process. The AIM system has been used for some tine for certification requests but has not been actively encouraged, nor made mandatory, because AIM is not available to everyone. Additionally, many certification requests are currently received by phone in the case of a short deadline, or through normal channels on form 2955 (Request for Certification). The expanded use of AIM would save the substantial administrative time currently spent with handling forms. When needed, a hard copy required for verification of long-term certifications could be printed from the AIM system. We will increase our attempts to expand the use of this system as rapidly as possible. 2. The DA appreciates your suggestions on reducing the Agency's paperwork burden. Please be assured that every effort will be made to not only implement these recommendations, but to further reduce this burden wherever possible. c ar . err Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP TD: b ledinfi, Agen Post)room numbw. DIRECTOR OF P ti Pornment nation REMARKS ACTION: #s 1 - 4 Prepare Ropy See Me PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE TO THE EXO/DDA SO THAT A CONSOLIDATED RESPONSE CAN BE PREPARED. SUSPENSE: 7 FEBRUARY 1986 cc: DDA/I1'dJ +L (VJ6`~~1l RECORD of ap ls. concurrences, disposals, 00 NOT use this form clearances, and similaractions 41 (Rev. 7-76) u.&G.P.0.:1983 -421-529/320 FPMR 941 01-11.206 ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 c*' e.l'~ SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction 1. You will recall that a study concerning paperwork reduction was recently completed within the DI. It indicated that much of the paperwork within the DI relates to forms required for support from your Directorate. I suspect that steps can be taken by your Offices to simplify required forms and thus relieve the paperwork burden. Here are several specific recommendations along those lines: (a) Office of Personnel forms 1152 and 1152b could probably be combined because they are duplicative. (Form 1152 is a Request for Personnel Action and Form 1152b is a Request for Personnel Action Supplement). (b) Office of Finance forms 540 and 540b also appear to be good candidates to be combined; both forms are used for domestic travel. (c) Information required by the Office of Training and Education for internal and external training on forms 73 and 136 appears to be identical, except that the forms are used by separate components within OTE. Perhaps one form could do double duty. (d) The Office of Security probably could automate Certification of Clearance and Outside Activity Approval forms, or simplify its requirements so that certifications and approvals could be arranged by phone. 2. A copy of the Paperwork Reduction Study is attached. I would appreciate any action undertaken to relieve the paperwork .i. Er ?fir; burden. Attachment: As stated l C , /EPbert a. es t % CL BY: SIGNER DECL OADR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction 11 October 1985 We have reviewed the DI -components' responses to our questionnaire on the preparation of forms and reports within the DI. (Many reports are forms, so the terms are interchangeable.) The number of forms is indeed substantial; 138 DI forms and 135 non-DI forms were identified and reviewed. So, DI people have a legitimate complaint. Most of the paperwork burden is related to DA requirements. After that, and in declining order, are CPAS production requirements, OCR document and publication procurement, and other individual DI component requirements. We cannot get rid of all forms; they are a major records source and provide a basis for action by personnel or document an action. Reports are also the basis for formulating policy, controlling or improving operations, managing the budget and evaluating performance. But, the number of hours spent completing paperwork is clearly excessive. To deal with the burden, we found that DI offices have eliminated 56 forms and reports through automation, reorganization, or no longer requiring some kinds of information. Attachment 1 is a list of the forms eliminated or automated, along with an estimate of the time required to prepare each of them. Most elimination of paper has been done by automating the form. Examples of this are DIPMIS and its successor PRO, the Contract Project Request, Applicant Tracking, and Travel Projections. In addition, CPAS, CRES, and OCR have eliminated a number of forms that imposed burdens on the DI as a whole, and you/we eliminated several production tracking reports. Current DI forms probably cannot be reduced much further, but automation offers relief from the workload involved. Automation also promises to eliminate the need for a number of non-DI forms, and we have found a number of DA-imposed requirements that we think can be eliminated. Within the DI; OCR is currently reviewing its forms with consolidation and future automation in mind. OCR currently has the OCRSERV model within AIM which allows one to order books, periodicals, documents, and maps electronically. Some of the other offices suggested that OCR's form 1395 and 2816 be out on AIM -- an indication that OCRSERV is not well-known in the DI as it should be. OCR has begun to publish OCR News to make DI employees aware of the services offered by OCR; you could reinforce OCR by referring to OCR News in your newsletter. There are other Directorate-wide automation efforts which will impact on the significant number of hours currently devoted to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 paperwork requirements in the personnel and travel area. They include the following: - A travel data base to be completed by the end of 1985. Each office will participate and reports will be completed on a quarterly basis. Conversations have already taken place with DA to make use of DI automated domestic travel information to fill DA information requirements. - Applicant data from the Office of Personnel will be received electronically by the end of 1985. This will replace a report currently sent to each office each week. - Career Board actions will be stored and sent electronically and eliminate volumes of paper currently reproduced and sent to the individual offices, as well as office files. - We are moving to automate validation of the DI Human Resources Management information System (DIHRMIS) using NOMAD software and AIM. Within the DA: the Office of Logistics is developing the Logistics Integrated Management System (LIMS) which will automate procurement, payment, management and control of stock and eliminate a great deal of logistics paperwork requirements. This system was to use GIMS software and was to have been operational in February 1985, but it has run into trouble. We cannot forecast when LIMS will be available; the Office of Logistics is currently looking for alternative software to gain OIT support for this system. It is, however, coming. Within the DI: the Offices made the many suggestions about DI forms, and we think many can be implemented. For example, a) Combine three forms CPAS requires for hardback publications: - Checklist for DDI Publications - Request for Dissem List - Selected Reports of DI CPAS maintains that they cannot be combined. We think at least one could be eliminated by judicious combinations of requirements. The Checklist is used by the Publications Center in CPAS for input to the MIS database which keeps track of each publication's status. This form could be revised, however, since some information requested is no longer required. The Dissem List comes early in the publication cycle. Information provided in this form goes into the CPAS PARDS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 PAGE 3 system and determines the publication distribution list. This form has been updated recently. Selected Reports of the Directorate of Intelligence is the input for the weekly publication to alert consumers to the availability of DI hardbacks published during the previous week. b) Combine OCR's Form 2712/Record subscription order and Form 2709. OCR was contacted on this suggestion. Current automation plans within OCR call for the development and installation of a new library automation system within the next 15-18 months. This new system is intended to provide bibliographic, ordering, and receipt information for all publications -- serials, monographs, annuals, and diplomatic lists, thus removing the need for the manual records currently being maintained for serial and annual titles (forms 2709, 2712, and 2708). With the installation of this system OCR will merge forms 2709 and 2712 into one master record for 6-12 months (until reliability of the system is proven). Eventually, all manual records will be destroyed and record keeping will be handled on the system. Within the DA:based on DI Office comments on DA forms, we would recommend the following: a) Office of Personnel combine forms 1152 and 1152b because they are duplicative. Form 1152 is a Request for Personnel Action and Form 1152b is a Request for Personnel Action Supplement. This recommendation was discussed with the Office of Personnel, which plans to do away with Form 1152 and rely on the computer record. In the meantime, the Office of Personnel will look into doing away with the Form 1152b, which is not retained for record purposes. b) Office of Finance combine forms 540 and 540b; Both forms are used for domestic travel. The Office of Finance was asked to comment on this suggestion. They have no problem with this suggestion and would probably combine the forms if asked. c) Office of Security automate or use phone for Certification of Clearance and Outside Activity Approval forms. The Office of Security was contacted on these suggestions, but it raised practical objections. Automation of these forms is made difficult at this time because of limited availability of computer terminals and the fact that the terminals used within the directorates cannot communicate with each other, i.e., the Wang and Delta Data. The Certification of Clearance form needs coordination between the DI and the Office of Security, and much of it is already done by telephone due to short deadlines. However, in the case of the Outside Activity Approval form, many of these need to be coordinated with the Office of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Security, DO, and other components as well. Moreover, the form provides a record of all approvals which is worthwhile retaining. We think this is worth a formal proposal to Harry Fitzwater. d) Office of Training and Education combine Forms 73 and 136 used for internal and external training. The Office of Training and Education was asked to comment on this suggestion. It was their position that these two forms could not be consolidated.. The Office of Training and Education is divided functionally between external and internal training. OTE said, however, that Form 73 is currently in the design and test phase of automation. Again, we think you should make a formal proposal to Harry that the forms be combined; OTE is imposing their organizational Helene L. Boatner Director, Management, Planning and Services Attachment: As Stated Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 HRS/MINS COMMENT TO PREPARE NIC Pubs Dissem - (monthly) 2 Pubs Dissem Report (monthly) 2 Form 3619 NIC Branch Activity Report (monthly) 2 Form 2358 Review Record - OER - Sarlitization Form 3931 Analyst Activity and Time Record Form 3669 Cartomation Processing Request Form 3620A CIA Ops Center Event Log Form 3639 Leave Information Form 3246 Massager Phase 4 Ops on Series Resources Status (monthly) 1 Form 3623 NID and NID LDX Receipt Form 3595B NID Draft Format NIO Projects (daily) Publications File Folder Form 4180 Official contract Form Form 296 Record of Request Form 3776 Reproduction Requisition Form 416 Request for Reproduction Worksheet Form 3638 TDCSDB Log Group Actions Report (bi-weekly) 4-6 Form 3492 Publications Source Survey (daily) PES Quarterly Report 8-10 Applicant Report (monthly) 16 PPI Report (weekly) 1 Applicant Tracking (ad hoc) PES Research Program (quarterly) PES Report (monthly) Contract Project Request (quarterly) automated automated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated automated eliminated eliminated eliminated/replaced 10 eliminated/replaced eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated 6 eliminated eliminated automated automated 10 automated AIM AIM automated Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 NESA Div OCR Corre Prod spond ence Statistics eliminated FBIS Tape request record (daily) 5 eliminated MIS S tatis tics (daily) eliminated Publi catio ns Count by Office (monthly) 1 30 automated Publi catio ns Count by Type (monthly) 1 eliminated Purch ase O rder Formats 15 eliminated/merged DSL 7 36 Op erations Memorandum (ad hoc) 5 eliminated Form 4013 FOIA/PA Processing Control Card 3 eliminated Form 3180 Film Videotape Processing Record 3 eliminated Form 1332 Daily Shipment Checklist 3 eliminated OEA PES Production Report (quarterly) OGI CPAS Prod Form Old OGI Production Form (ad hoc) Form 1395 for Books Periodicals Form 2 OIA Research Activities (semi-annual) Travel Projections of DI (annual) 24 Outline for OSWR Production (ad hoc) Study Plans for OSWR Production (ad hoc) DIPMIS Calculation Work Sheet Milestone Report of Old Pa Div Production 6 (monthly) DivProd Report of Old CSD Production 2 Form 2816 Document Request (ad hoc) LDX Transmittal (ad hoc) Printing Requisition Visit Request (ad hoc) eliminated/replaced DIPMIS automated eliminated eliminated AIM eliminated eliminated DIPMIS AIM eliminated eliminated AIM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ' ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP TO: (Name. o1Ac symbol, room number. building Agency/POSU EXO/DDA Dow 14 FEB 1986 DDA/PLANS (FOR A CONSOLIDATED FIN For learn a I nested For Correction See Imutaa ? -- - --- - nature 1porn ant Invests DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of aPP Is. concurrences' disposals. ro" cNsrance% and similar actions Room No.--Bldg. FROM: (Name. org. symbol. Agency/Post) Phone No. Conversation n Me' FORM 11 (Rev. 7-7G) a041-102 q -iLaos r on 1983 -421-529/320 5Mw Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88GO1332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 1'86 Executive Officer, ottice of Security SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction 1. This memorandum is in response to the DDI's request that the office of Security (OS) automate the procedures for approving outside activities and certifying clearances or to simplify them to allow for telephonic approvals. 2. Under current regulations, requires the employee to complete form 879, Outside Activity Approval Request, and submit this form to the External Activities Branch/OS for final approval. More importantly, the activities reported thereon often require review by offices other than OS, therefore, telephonic approvals would not suffice. Secondly, the only documentation'to support the approval is the completed form retained in the employee's OS file and the retention of this form has proven invaluable in the past. There have been several cases in the Office of General Counsel where the form actually became part of the testimony of security officers when the Agency was involved in litigation with former employees in a court of law. We recommend that the current procedures for reporting outside activities not change. 3. The Office of Security supports the recommendation that clearance certification be automated Agency-wide. Many requests are currently received by phone, in the case of a short deadline, or on Form 2955 (Request for Certification). We began accepting certification requests on AIM some time ago but have not made this a mandatory procedure nor actively encouraged it as AIM is not available to everyone. The utilization of AIM would save substantial administrative time if applied on a mandatory basis for all requesting offices. When needed, a hard copy needed for verification of long term certifications could be printed from the AIM system. We will make this procedure mandatory wherever possible. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction OS/EO/PPS I(14 Feb 86) Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - EO/OS Chrono 1 - PPG Chrono 1 - OS Registry Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM EXTENSION NO. OTE 86-1003 NOTE 1026 COC DATE 10 February 1986 TO. (OlRcer designation, room number, and building) DATE OWER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to wham. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED PORWAIl0ED 1. EO/DDA 7D24, Hqs. SUSPENSE: 10 February 1986 3. 7 s. p 6. CONFIDENTIAL 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1S. 9 610 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 CONFIDENTIAL Director of Training and Education SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction REFERENCE: Memo fm DDI to DDA (DDI 00252/86), dtd 16 Jan 86, Same Subject 1. In late September 1985, our Chief/Training Support Division was contacted by f the DI's Administrative Staff in connection with the DI's "Task Force on Paperwork Reduction" to discuss Form 136 (Request for Training at Non-Agency Facility) and Form 73 (Request for Internal Training). He was briefed on the unique purposes of the two forms, apparently to his satisfaction. a. The Form 136 doubles as a contract to purchase training. (95% of external training carries some cost or expenditure of funds, either in tuition and/or registration fees, or travel and per diem, and special allowances.) This form was designed by OTE and OIS, in coordination with OIT, CCS, OS, OF, Audit, OP and O/EEO. One fanfold copy is retained by CCS as the record copy for external trainees in a cover status; one copy is the input document to the computerized training records system; and one serves for the obligation of funds (most external training funding is decentralized, per O/COMPT). Also, per earlier agreement with the Office of Security's External Activities Branch, the Form 136 substitutes for submission of Form 879, Request for Approval of Outside Activity. Each block on CQ? ENTiAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 CONFIDENTIAL the Form 136 has been carefully analyzed as to its objective. The information asked for in each block satisfies a specific requirement so although the form requires a lot of information, it is all needed. Redesign of the form would not be productive in our view. Automation, may be in order, but we need to see the results of automating Form 73 first. b. Form 73 is a Request for Internal Training which incorporates substantially different information on the student. It requires none of the detailed financial or other regulatory information necessary for the Form 136. The Form 73 is currently being automated. This automation, which should become functional in late FY 1986, effectively resolves the concern expressed in the DDI's memorandum. Interestingly, this automation effort was accomplished with the support of DI's Analytical Support Group (ASG). 3. Because of the unique nature of the two forms, plus the fact that the Form 73 is being automated, OTE does not think combining these two forms is appropriate. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 T STA ROUTING AND RECORD. SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Paperwork Reduction FROM: Robert W. Magee EXTENSION NO. DATE 1 1 11% 7 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) EO/DDA 7D18 HQS 7 FE E) 1986 6L I ___ VIA- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 13. ,9 610 EDIT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 SECRET FEB e> ;986 FR(Y1: Robert 11. Magee Director of Personnel SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction REFERENCE: Memo from DDI to DDA dtd 16 Jan 86; same subject 1. The DDI in reference memorandum suggests that since the Form 1152 and 1152b are duplicative, one be eliminated. We agree. 2. The reason we have two forms is that the first, Form 1152 (Request for Personnel Action) is retained in the Official Personnel Folder (OPF) while the second, (Form 1152b) Supplement is not. The 1152b is used by OP to record and report race and handicap information which we are prohibited from retaining in hard copy in the OPF and so we felt we should not combine the forms. In the future, the Deputy Director for Employment will furnish all information required in Form 1152b,relieving the operating component from the responsibility for completing this form and, indeed, ending its use. This new procedure should be in effect within a few weeks. Robert W. gee SEC RET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Paperwork Reduction FROM: Allen R. Elkins D/OF 1212 Key Bldg TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) EO/DDA VS 13. FOM610 Aa~ OffICER'S INITIALS w DATE 6 February 1986 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) .2. Fop. eOAJ16L/T4T10k Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP 17 JANUARY 1986 T0: (Name, office symbol, room number, building, Agency/Post) DIRECMR OF PERSONNEL Initials Date 2. DIRDC1i0R OF FINANCE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION iL DIRECPOR OF SECURITY L File Nob and Return 1 For Clearance Per Conversation R u?stsd For Correction Prepare Reply irculats For Your Information See Me m?nt Invests ? Signature _l Coordination Justi ACTION: #s 1 - 4 PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE TO THE EXO/DDA SO THAT A CONSOLIDATED RESPONSE CAN BE PREPARED. SUSPENSE: 7 FEBRUARY 1986 cc : DDA/IFd) DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions T.ri=sz9szv M 41 (Rev. 7-76) k 1-11.206 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 ADPP 21-86 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Allen R. Elkins Director of Finance SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction REFERENCE: Memorandum from DDI for DDA, dtd 16 January 1986, Same Subject Ref suggestion that Forms 540 and 540b be combined will be taken under consideration to determine whether the proposal would be feasible and beneficial to the organization at large. It is too early, at this point, to determine whether this recommendation has merit as the forms in question have some significant differences both in format and in usage. Form 540b is basically used for domestic TDY and PCS travel whereas Form 540 is generally used for foreign PCS and TDY travel. If it is determined that these forms can be reconfigured to provide all the data necessary for the processing of foreign and domestic travel, a revised form will be prepared and circulated to the various offices that currently utilize these forms to obtain their concurrence. Allen R. Elkins Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction D/OF/AElkins:ml k6 Feb 86) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - D/OF 1 - ADPP/OF Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 SECRET It 16 198E MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction 1. You will recall that a study concerning paperwork reduction was recently completed within the DI. It indicated that much of the paperwork within the DI relates to forms required for support from your Directorate. I suspect that s can be ta ken by your Offices to simplify required forms and t relieve the paperwork burden. Here are several specific recommendations along those lines: teps hus (a) Office of Personnel forms 1152 and 1152b could probably be combined because they are duplicative. (Form 1152 is a Request for Personnel Action and Form 1152b is a Request for Personnel Action Supplement). (b) Office of Finance forms 540 and 540b also appear to be good candidates to be combined; both forms are used for domestic travel. (c) Information required by the Office of Training and Education for internal and external training on forms 73 and 136 appears to be identical, except that the forms are used by separate components within OTE. Perhaps one form could do double duty. (d) The Office of Security probably could automate Certification of Clearance and Outside Activity Approval forms, or simplify its requirements so that certifications and approvals could be arranged by phone. 2. A copy of the Paperwork Reduction Study is attached. I would appreciate any action undertaken to relieve the paperwork burden. / Attachment: As stated CL BY: SIGNER DECL OADR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction 11 October 1985 We have reviewed the DI -components' responses to our questionnaire on the preparation of forms and reports within the DI. (Many reports are forms, so the terms are interchangeable.) The number of forms is indeed substantial; 138 DI forms and 135 non-DI forms were identified and reviewed. So, DI people have a legitimate complaint. Most of the paperwork burden is related to DA requirements. After that, and in declining order, are CPAS production requirements, OCR document and publication procurement, and other individual DI component requirements. We cannot get rid of all forms; they are a major records source and provide a basis for action by personnel or document an action. Reports are also the basis for formulating policy, controlling or improving operations, managing the budget and evaluating performance. But, the number of hours spent completing paperwork is clearly excessive. To deal with the burden, we found that DI offices have eliminated 56 forms and reports through automation, reorganization, or no longer requiring some kinds of information. Attachment 1 is a list of the forms eliminated or automated, along with an estimate of the time required to prepare each of them. Most elimination of paper has been done by automating the form. Examples of this are DIPMIS and its successor PRO, the Contract Project Request, Applicant Tracking, and Travel Projections. In addition, CPAS, CRES, and OCR have eliminated a number of forms that imposed burdens on the DI as a whole, and you/we eliminated several production tracking reports. Automation Current DI forms probably cannot be reduced much further, but automation offers relief from the workload involved. Automation also promises to eliminate the need for a number of non-DI forms, and we have found a number of DA-imposed requirements that we think can be eliminated. Within the DI: OCR is currently reviewing its forms with consolidation and future automation in mind. OCR currently has the OCRSERV model within AIM which allows one to order books, periodicals, documents, and maps electronically. Some of the other offices suggested that OCR's form 1395 and 2816 be out on AIM -- an indication that OCRSERV is not well-known in the DI as it should be. OCR has begun to publish OCR News to make DI employees aware of the services offered by OCR; you could reinforce OCR by referring to OCR News in your newsletter. There are other Directorate-wide automation efforts which will impact on the significant number of hours currently devoted to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88GO1332R001201470002-5 paperwork requirements in the personnel and travel area. They include the following: A travel data base to be completed by the end of 1985. Each office will participate and reports will be completed on a quarterly basis. Conversations have already taken place with DA to make use of DI automated domestic travel information to fill DA information requirements. - Applicant data from the Office of Personnel will be received electronically by the end of 1985. This will replace a report currently sent to each office each week. Career Board actions will be stored and sent electronically and eliminate volumes of paper currently reproduced and sent to the individual offices, as well as office files. - We are moving to automate validation of the DI Human Resources Management information System (DIHRMIS) using NOMAD software and AIM. Within the DA: the Office of Logistics is developing the Logistics Integrated Management System (LIMS) which will automate procurement, payment, management and control of stock and eliminate a great deal of logistics paperwork requirements. This system was to use GIMS software and was to have been operational in February 1985, but it has run into trouble. We cannot forecast when LIMS will be available; the Office of Logistics is currently looking for alternative software to gain OIT support for this system. It is, however, coming. MPS Recommendations Within the DI: the Offices made the many suggestions about Di forms, and we think many can be implemented. For example, a) Combine three forms CPAS requires for hardback publications: - Checklist for DDI Publications - Request for Dissem List - Selected Reports of DI CPAS maintains that they cannot be combined. We think at least one could be eliminated by judicious combinations of requirements. The Checklist is used by the Publications Center in CPAS for input to the MIS database which keeps track of each publication's status. This form could be revised, however, since some information requested is, no longer required. The Dissem List comes early in the publication cycle. Information provided in this form goes into the CPAS PARDS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 PACE 3 system and determines the publication distribution list. This form has been updated recently. Selected Reports of the Directorate of Intelligence is the input for the weekly publication to alert consumers to the availability of DI hardbacks published during the previous week. b) Combine OCR's Form 2712/Record subscription order and Form 2709. OCR was contacted on this suggestion. Current automation plans within OCR call for the development and installation of a new library automation system within the next 15-18 months. This new system is intended to provide bibliographic, ordering, and receipt information for all publications -- serials, monographs, annuals, and diplomatic lists, thus removing the need for the manual records currently being maintained for serial and annual titles (forms 2709, 2712, and 2708). With the installation of this system OCR will merge forms 2709 and 2712 into one master record for 6-12 months (until reliability of the system is proven). Eventually, all manual records will be destroyed and record keeping will be handled on the system. Within the DA: based on DI Office comments on DA forms, we would recommend the following: a) Office of Personnel combine forms 1152 and 1152b because they are duplicative. Form 1152 is a Request for Personnel Action and Form 1152b is a Request for Personnel Action Supplement. This recommendation was discussed with the Office of Personnel, which plans to do away with Form 1152 and rely on the computer record. In the meantime, the Office of Personnel will look into doing away with the Form 1152b, which is not retained for record purposes. b) Office of Finance combine forms 540 and 540b; Both forms are used for domestic travel. The Office of Finance was asked to comment on this suggestion. They have no problem with this suggestion and would probably combine the forms if asked. c) Office of Security automate or use phone for Certification of Clearance and Outside Activity Approval forms. The Office of Security was contacted on these suggestions, but it raised practical objections. Automation of these forms is made difficult at this time because of limited availability of computer terminals and the fact that the terminals used within the directorates cannot communicate with each other, i.e., the Wang and Delta Data. The Certification of Clearance form needs coordination between the DI and the Office of Security, and much of it is already done by telephone due to short deadlines. However, in the case of the Outside Activity Approval form, many of these need to be coordinated with the Office of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Security, DO, and other components as well. Moreover, the form provides a record of all approvals which is worthwhile retaining. We think this is worth a formal proposal to Harry Fitzwater. d) Office of Training and Education combine Forms 73 and 136 used for internal and external training. The Office of Training and Education was asked to comment on this suggestion. It was their position that these two forms could not be consolidated. The Office of Training and Education is divided functionally between external and internal training. OTE said, however, that Form 73 is currently in the design and test phase of automation. Again, we think you should make a formal proposal to Harry that the forms be combined; OTE is imposing their organizational structure on the rest of the Aeencv for no apparent reason. Helene L. Boatner Director, Management, Planning and Services Attachment: As Stated Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 OFFICE FORM/REPORT HRS/MINS TO PREPARE NIC Pubs Dissem - (monthly) 2 Pubs Dissem Report (monthly) 2 Form 3619 NIC Branch Activity Report (monthly) 2 Form 2358 Review Record - OER - Sanitization Form 3931 Analyst Activity and Time Record Form 3669 Cartomation Processing Request Form 3620A CIA Ops Center Event Log Form 3639 Leave Information Form 3246 Massager Phase 4 Ops on Series Resources Status (monthly) 1 Form 3623 NID and NID LDX Receipt Form 3595B NID Draft Format NIO Projects (daily) Publications File Folder Form 4180 Official contract Form Form 296 Record of Request Form 3776 Reproduction Requisition Form 416 Request for Reproduction Worksheet Form 3638 TDCSDB Log Group Actions Report (bi-weekly) 4-6 Form 3492 Publications Source Survey (daily) PES Quarterly Report 8-10 Applicant Report (monthly) 16 PPI Report (weekly) 1 Applicant Tracking (ad hoc) PES Research Program (quarterly) PES Report (monthly) Contract Project Request (quarterly) automated automated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated automated eliminated eliminated eliminated/replaced 10 eliminated/replaced eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated eliminated 6 eliminated eliminated automated automated 10 automated AIM AIM automated Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332R001201470002-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5 NESA Div Prod 10 DIPMIS OCR Corre spondence Statistics eliminated FBIS Tape request record (daily) 5 eliminated MIS S tatistics (daily) eliminated Publi cations Count by Office (monthly) 30 automated Publi cations,Count by Type (monthly) eliminated Purch ase Order Formats 15 eliminated/merged DSL 7 36 Operations memorandum (ad hoc) 5 eliminated Form 4013 FOIA/PA Processing Control Card 3 eliminated Form 3180 Film Videotape Processing Record 3 eliminated Form 1332 Daily Shipment Checklist 3 eliminated OEA PES Production Report (quarterly) 4 OGI CPAS Prod Form Old OGI Production Form (ad hoc) Form 1395 for Books Periodicals Form 2 OIA Research Activities (semi-annual) eliminated/replaced DIPMIS automated Travel Projections of DI (annual) 24 Outline for OSWR Production (ad hoc) Study Plans for OSWR Production (ad hoc) DIPMIS Calculation Work Sheet Milestone Report of Old Pa Div Production 6 (monthly) DivProd Report of Old CSD Production 2 Form 2816 Document Request (ad hoc) LDX Transmittal (ad hoc) Printing Requisition Visit Request (ad hoc) eliminated eliminated AIM eliminated eliminated DIPMIS AIM eliminated eliminated 10 AIM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/06: CIA-RDP88G01332RO01201470002-5