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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 STAT TO: DDA ROOM NO. 7D24 BUILDING Hqs REMARKS: E~' -~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~ ~ [2 4 SEP 1986 ~ 4 EF t986 A~ ~~ A ~ JLQ-' t~ FROM: OCA~I~DC F~~1~1 NO. BUILD FORM NO. REPLACES FORM 36-8 1 FEB 56 241 WHICH MAY BE USED. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 OCA 86-3192 22 September 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution List FROM: Office of Congressional Affairs SUBJECT Continuing Resolution for FY-87 (H .J. Res. 730) 1. Attached for your information is a copy of H.J. Res. 730, the "Continuing Resolution" (CR) for FY-87 Appropriatione. At this stage of the enactment process, the CR is a moving target in the sense that it will change significantly as it works its way through both Houses of Congress. Since the CR is regarded as must legislation, other bills are tacked onto the CR because it is viewed as a "last opportunity" for the 99th Congress. 2. As is the current practice, when Congress nears adjournment, many other pieces of legislation are incorporated directly or by reference into an omnibus CR. In this connection it should be noted that the Military Construction Appropriations bill (HR 5052) has been so incorporated by reference (see page 4). Title II of this referenced bill deals with our Central American policy as well as the terms and conditions of aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters. Another bill folded into the CR by reference is the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 1987 (HR 5438) (see page 48). A number of intelligence related provisions are contained in HR 5438: Title VIII concerns the CIA Retirement and Disability Fund and also provides funding for the Intelligence Community Staff; section 9037 places restrictions on reprogramming of funds for intelligence purposes; and section 9045 puts certain restrictions on aid for the Nicaraguan democratic resistance. 3. A number of DOD procurement reforms are directly included in the CR, beginning on page 13 through page 46. Also note that section 144 on page 58 provides for a 3X civilian pay raise. 3. OCA will attempt to keep you informed on the progress of the CR during the enactment process. STAT Legisl ti`on Division Attachment as stated Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 Distribution: DCI DDCI DDO DDI DDA DDS~T Comptroller OGC 1 - D/OCA 1 - Ex0/OCA 1 - DDL/LEG 1 - OCA Registry 1 - JBM/Signer 1 - OCA/Leg/Subject File: Miscellaneous/Authorization Appropriation OCA/LEG (23 September 1986) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 )~ Union Calendar No. 505 99TH CO?~'GRESS 2D .SESSION H. J. RES. 730 [Report No. 99-$31] tliaking continuing appropriations for the fiscal ~?ear 1987, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEPTEMBER 17, 1986 1lfr. ~'~~HITTE~, b~? direction of the Committee on Appropriations, reported the fo1- lo~i-ing joint resolution; ??hieh a?as committed t,o the Committee of the V~~hole House on the State of the L'nion and ordered to be printed JOINT RESOLUTION Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal ~?ear 1981, and for other purposes. 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the follo??ing sums are hereb~? appropriated, out of an~? 4 money- in the Treasur~? not other??ise appropriated, and out of 5 applicable corporate or other re~?enues, receipts, and funds, 6 for the se~~era] departments, agencies, corporations, and other 7 organizational units of the Go~-ernment for the fiscal ~?ear 8 1987, and for other purposes, namel~?: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 d in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 2 1 SEC. 101. (a) Such amounts as ma~? be necessarti~ for 2 programs, projects, or activities at the rate for operations and 3 to the extent and in the manner pro~~ided for in H.R. 5177, 4 the Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies 5 Appropriations Act, 198 7 , as passed b~~ the House of Repre- 6 sentatiyes on Jul3. 24, 1986. 7 (b) Such amounts as may be necessar~? for programs, 8 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 9 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5161, the 10 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, 11 and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 198 7 , as passed 12 b~? the House of R.epresentatiyes on July 17, 1986. 13 (c) Such amounts as may be necessar~? for programs, 14 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 15 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5438, the 16 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 198 ~ , as report- 1 7 ed to the House of R.epre~sentatiyes on Au~*ust 14. 1986. 18 (d) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 19 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 20 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5175, the 21 District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1987, as passed b~? 22 the House of R.epresentatiyes on July 24, 1986. 23 (e) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 24 projects, or acti~~ities at the rate for operations and to the 25 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5162, the Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 d in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 3 1 Energ-~? and V~'ater Development Appropriations Act, 198 i , 2 as passed b~? the House of Representatives on Jul~? 23, 1986. 3 (f) Such amounts as ma~? be necessar}? for programs, 4 projects, or acti~-ities at the rate for operations and to the 5 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5339, the 6 Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations i Act, 198 r , as reported to the House of Representatives on 8 August 5, 1986. 9 (g) Such amounts as may be necessar? for programs, 10 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 11 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5313, the 12 Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independ- 13 ent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1981, as passed b~? the 1-1 House of Representatives on September 12, 1986. 15 (h) Such amounts as may be necessary for programs, 16 projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 1 ~ extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5234, the 18 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropria- 19 tions Act, 1981, as passed b~- the House of Representatives 20 on July 31, 198G. 21 (i) Such amounts as may be necessar? for programs, 2? projects, or activities at the rate for operations and to the 23 extent and in the manner provided for in H.R. 5233, the 24 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and ed in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/02 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100130019-6 -~ 1~:duc'atiun, and Belated :1~:encie~ :1~-}-ruJ-riatiun~ .art, ]~1~~, a~ f-a~~ed h~~ the Nuueric?an~ 5 Yru~Tram~ .~c?t, a~ amended; 6 ac?ti~-itie~ authorized }-~- the ('ommunit~~ `en~iee~ ~ Bloc?k Grant :~c?t, a~ amended; Ya~-m~?nt to the Lo~?al G~~~~enu~ie~~t Fi~~~~+i _~