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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 tSATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP ~A,~/ ROOM NO. BUILDING '7iB / ~ FORM NO.,, ~ ~ REPLACES FORM 36-8 1471 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23 :CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 TO: T .~ ~ R ~M N9,~ BUILDING REMARKS: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 10 ~A? ~a~ ~V J ~ N ,H88 FROM: GEG oc Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 ~; ~ i, . '., :1 ~, OLL86-0075 $ JAN X86 t"Fl;OF.nNL`L~t~. FCF: Director, Intelligence Cotr;munity Stiff F~?Or': Char1E~ A. Lriggs Director, Otfice oL Legislative Liaiscr, StBJPCT: Fropc,sed Legislative Frogram for the Second Session of the 99th Congress Attached for inclusion in the L7FIF package bein5 sub;.ittEd to Gi'B i~ our proposed Intelligence Community Legi=lative Froyram for the Seconu Session of the 99t1~ Congress. You will note that rr,any of the Froi oGals contained ir. the progratr were ~r.cluced in. last year's Legislative Program F:hich rec~.ivec Administration clearance. Charles A. Briggs Distribution.: Criy^inal - Director/IC Staff 2 - NSC ~taff (c?eGraffer.reid/Thompscr:) 1 - Lepartment cf. StGte (Levitt) 1 - DCD (Mess) 1 - hGD (Y7inchester ) 2 - DIA 1 - DIA 1 - t~SA 1 - DoJ (Fern; ir.s ) 1 - FirI (t,aran) 1 - SA/DCI DLI 1 - SP /DLC I DD.~. & i 1 - EXDIk ~LA 1 - DDu IC 1 - General Cour:stl 1 - C/LL/ALL D/OLL 1 - hD/OLL OLL Chrono (Fef:OLL85-X304/3) 1 - OLL/ILG/~ut.ject file (FY 1987 Ir,telliger,ce Authorization Fill, 9Qth Congress 1 - StvH/Signer GLL/LEC~ (8 January 1986) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 OLL 86-0075/1 8 ?anuary 1986 CENTRAL II~TbLLIGEN E AGENCY ANL Ii:TELLIGENCE CG~~MliNIiY FRCPGSFL LIGISIATIVF PF.OGF.Ai!~ FCR ThE BEGONE SESSION CF THE 99th CONGRESS LEGISLATIVE PkOPOSALS 99/~ - 1: Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization. Act The Director of Central Intelligence will submit to the Office of Management and Budget for clearance a profosed Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Act for transmittal to the Congress. ?9/~ - t: Classi_fiec Infcrrration Froceaiares Act Arer,drer.t~ The Director cf Central Intelligence ray propose or support amendments to the Classified Information Procedures Act to reg~ire a defendant to give notice prior to trial if he intends to Clain in his defense that he was, cr believed he was, acting on behalf of a federal law enfcrcerrer.t er intelligence agency at tre time of the a1lEged offense. 9Q/2 - 3: Legislation. to Ensure the Central Intelligence Agency's Continued Ability to Recruit and MaintGin t;:e duality Work Force Essential tc ti:e Effective Performance of the National Intelligence A~ission The Directcr of Central Intelligence will prcFose, either in connection with the proposed supplemental retirement system fen new federal employees, or as an amendment to the Central Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Intelligence Agency ketirement ar.d Disability System, legislation to deal with the impact of Social Security coverage and federal retirement system cl-,anges, particularly: (a) to prevent the adverse effect that indiscriminate increases in retirement ages would have on intelligence c~.erations; and (tr) to ensure that Agency security requirer,~ents, especially ic,encitie; ~:rotectior., are fulfilled in the adrr:inistration of retirement benefits for Accnc;y Er,.rlcyees. 99/2 - 4: Protection of Intelligence Information mhe Directcr of Central Intelligence may include in the Proposed Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Act a proposal to provide ?rin~inal penalties for willful unauthorized Disclosures of classified information by federal employees and others having authorized access to classified inforration and may supFort this proposal as contained in other legislation. 99/2 - 5: Retirement Benefits for Agency Employees Serving in unhealthful Areas The Director of Central Intelligence may include in the proposed riscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Act legislation to provide an extra retirement credit to Agency employees w1-o serve oversew in unhealthy areas, but are r.ot participants in CIARL~. ggj2 - 6: Departn;ent of Defense Proprietaries At DCD's request, the Director of Central Intelligence may include in the proposed Fiscal Year 19?7 Intelligence Authorization Act legislation which hould grant the Departr:~er.t of Defense authority to establish anc operate corporations or other business entities in support of authorized and appropriately coordinated intelligence activities. 93/~ - 7: Interlocutory Appeal Authority The Director cf Central In.telliger.ce may include in the proposed Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Pct legislation. to amend the United States Code to permit an Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 interlocutory appeal by the t;nited States from any aecision of a United States court or a juoge thereof on any evidentiary ruling or ci~~.ositive motion when the Director certifies that Lt.c decision t:einc, aprealed would havE an acverse impact on the national security. 99/2 - 8: Remedy for Injuries Arising out of Acts or C- fissions of Int~1l~gEnce Comrr.unity PErsor,nel 'I~hE %irector of Central Intelligence Tray incluae in the proposed Fiscal Year 1987 Intellig~_nce Authorization A.ct legislation tc am.enc: the ratic-:a1 Security Act of 1947 to provide that ~r.y cause of action a person may have for injury based on an act or omission of an ~ificer or employee of ~n intelligence agency would be against the united States exclusively and may support this proposal as contGined in other legislation. 9c/~ - 9: P:iscellGneous Intelliaer,ee Com;:unity Amendment I:~ light of tl:e uncertainty created Cy recent case law concerning alcohol and drug abuse, the Director of Central Intelligence may include in the proposed Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Act legislation to enure that tre Intelligence Community agencies are able to continue tc dual with security probler,,s in the area of alcohol and dru5 abuse without regard to the previsions of any ott-:er lacy, rule, or regulation. ?S/2 - 10: Exemption fron. Requirement to Publish Record Disposal P.equests The Director of Central Intelligence may include in the f:roFosed Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authcri~ation Bill legislation to a~r,end the L'.S. Code to exem~ t the Agency from the requirement that the Archivist publish in the Feceral F.egister the records disposal recuests of the Agency for the purpose of soliciting Public cor~,~:er.t. 99/2 - 11: Conformance of Certain Provisions of CIARD~ with P.L. 98-615 The Lirectcr of Central IntelligencE may include in the proposea Fiscal Year 1987 Intelligence Authorization Act, or in separate Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 legislation, an amendment to the CIA FetirerEnt ana Disability System (CIARDS) to incorporatE certain former spouse entitlements whict: wEre ~~ade available to former sFouses or Participants in the Civil Service Retirecrer.t System by passage of F.L. 98-61~. 9~/2 - 1~? Post Empl~ymer,t Restrictions for Former ? Intelligence Officers Zhe Director cf Central Intelligence (DCI) cay incluae in the proposed Fiscal Year 1587 Intelligence Authorization Lill, legi~latio^ which wcul~ imF-o se a five-year bar to emplcynent by forrr:er. intelligence officer: with foreign governments exce~.t with DCI approval. 99j2 - ice: FUIP Relief for FBI In additicr. to the FCIA relief currentl~~ beinc souoht by FBI-L'oJ, an ar,-.endment to t::^e FLIP. ,:ay be proF-osed by the DCI, at PEI's reGUest, which would ekemFt the PEI's counterterrorisr~, file anc counterintelligence files fron the previsions of the FOIA that require search, review, ar.c~ publication, provided those files arE not older than five year. 9S/~ - i4: ?~cce4s_by FFI ar.d DOD tc Financial Records At r~I's reoue~t, the Director of Central ?t,tEiiicEnce ~~ay include in the prcposEC r r-87 Intelligence Authorization bill an ar.ene^enc to the right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 that would require financial institutions to ccnFly with requests by the FEI for financial records when such requests have been aFproved by the Attorney General or his designee for dor.estic counterintelligence pur.pose~.. Tt~e DeFGrtr.,Er,t cf Lefense ~r~ay also be included as appre,..riatE in this proposGl. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 9,,'~ - 15: access by FEI to Tax records P,t FcI'e request, the Director of Central Intelligence :ray include in the proposed FY-is7 Tntellig~_r.ce Authorization bill legisl~ticn that would authorize the FEI, upon approval ty thF Attorney _eneral or his designf~e, to receive tax return ar.d taxpayer information r,ardir.c individuals that are subject to 6^tresticrceur.terirtelliyErce ir,vesti?ations. ~yj, _ 16? ~ccESS by FBI tc Toll Records At FBI's rec,ue~t, tt:e Lirector cf Contra] i.:telliger.ce r-~ay include in t:.e proposed FY-87 Ir.telligEr;ce Authorizatior. bill legislation thar_ wo~la require telephone companies to cor.~ply with requests by the FF'.I for toll records when such requests have been aFproved by tre Attorney General or his cesic~nee for domestic, counterintelligence purposes. 9yj2 - 17? AutY,c~rit~c Fxper,c Funds for Consultation ? with iorEicr: Cfficials P.t FRI anc DC~r's request, the Director of Central Intelligence may include in the proposea FY->7 Intelligence Authorization bill legi~~iation that would authorize the exrenditure cf funds to bring foreign, officials who have counterintelligence responsibilities in tt;eir eF~n countries tc the United Mates fcr consultation with FEI anc L'GD re~re;entatives. gJ~2 _ lg; F,ccF~~ by FBI to State and Local Criminal Records Ft FFI's request, the Director of Central ?ntelligence may include in the proposed FY-87 Intellic~encE Authorization bill legislation that would authorize access ty the FBI to state ar.d local criminal records for purposes of determining eligibility for access to classified ir.forrraticn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 ;q/2 _ lg. Lepartroent of DEfer,se PrQLU=G1 to Provide a for Promoting r?:ilitar~~ Intelligence officers Eelor, the Fank of Erigadier Genersl and Rear Adrr,iral, Lower r~lf At DOD's request, the Director of Centra_i ,nte..ligence m.ay support an amer,cn,er.t to Provide a methca whereby military officers serving in the intelligence organizations of the military oEpartment~ who con to pror^otec only with the advice ar,d consent oL- the Senate r..ay be F~ronoted in a secure fashion. without comr~rcrr,ising either their identities or the intellieer:ce activities in wt~ic~ they are er.c,~5ea. 95/2 - 20? Lefen~e Intellieence Agency (DIP) Proposal to ? ExtenC_ Termination Authority of secretary _of Defense with F:e~pect tc Defense Intelligence Agency Civilian Fer~onnel At CIA's rEOUE~t, the Director of Central Ir,tellic,ence may include an amendment to ChGF.ter 8? of tit1E 1G, Lr.ited States Code, to extend for two additional Fiscal years the authority cf the ~ECretarY of Defense to terminate the employment of CIA civilian personnel originally Frovicec in Title V of the FY-b5 Intelligence Authorization Act. g~~2 - 2i;,t of Cefer:se Prc~osal to Extend th_e_Provisior cf Ssction iEG~, F.L. 9~-61E to the N,ilitcry Derar'~,:tr.ts Title V cf tt;e Fiscal YEer 1985 Intelligence Authorization bill (P.L. 98-618) entitled, "Defense Intelligence Agency Personnel Management Improvements", granted the Secretary of Defense certain personnel maragerr~ent authorities with regarc to civilian, officer= ar.d erployees in the Defense Ir.tell igence Agency. At DOD's request, the Director cf Central Intelligence r,~G~, include it the rrcF.osed F~`-87 Intelligence Authorization Act lecislation to extent these au*_horities to civilian officers and employees in tr:e intelligence organizations of the r:ilitGry deF.Grtrnents. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4 99/c - I2: ExchGnge of Mapf?inc? Charting, and Geodetic ~dta with Foreign Nations Pt DGL`'~ recuest, the Director of Central Ir;tellicence may incluae in the proposed FY-87 Intelligence Authorization Act legislatior.~ wt~ici-, woulo grant the Lefense MapFir.c P.gency authority to exchange or furnish mappin? charting ar.d geccetic (P:C&G) rata, supplies or services to a foreign country pursuant to an agreer,ent for the procuction or exchange cf MC&G oatG. ~~/~ - 23; r.elate~ hovel ar.d Medical Care ExFenses for L' IntelligencE F.cency Civilian Employees Sereir.g Overseas At ~IA's?rec,uest, the Lire.ctor of Central Intelligence 1i.ay include an art~endment to crcvide L=IA the authority to pay for travel ana related expenses in connection with ottaining necessary medical care for iIA civilian employees serving abroad equivalent to that now available tc CIA, NSA anc Foreign Service employees. 95/2 - ~4: L}_ceptic>nal Intelligence Cor.;rr:unity Award ProSrGrr, At DGr'~ reo,~est, tt:e Director of Central Intelligence may include in the proposea Fi=cal Year i~s7 Intelligence Authorization P.ct legislation to ensure that there is authority for the gr~r,tino anc acceptance of incentive awards for service performed by civilian anc+ military personnel for intelligence-related activities. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/23: CIA-RDP88G01332R001100110022-4