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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 61 Sw /G X J ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP STAT Dab 22 APR 86 T0: Name. omce symbol, morn number. building. Agency/Post) DIRECTOR OF =IS-,ICS Initials Date 2. 2. 4. a File _ Note and Return proval For Clearance Per Conversation R uested For Correction Prepare Reply late For Your Information See Me lo omment investigate nature ination Justi DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals. concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions STAT 5041-102 (P0 : 1981 0 - 361-529 (14 8 ) OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) FPMR (~ 41 CpyFR) 101-11.206 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY APR 15 1986 Mr. Richard J. Cerr Deputy Director for Administration Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 IDI)ire is r C'- o ? /OX As you are aware, leaks from underground storage tanks have recently come to light as the source of potential environmental problems causing contamination of drinking water supplies, and posing threats of fire and explosion. On November 8, 1984, President Reagan signed into law a revised Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Subtitle I of this law includes major new provisions for regulation of underground storage tanks containing petroleum products (including gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuels) and hazardous substances. A list of hazardous substances is enclosed. As the enclosed Federal Register notice of November 8, 1985, sets forth, owners of underground storage tanks containing these products have until May 8, 1986 to notify designated State agencies and to provide information about their tanks. Federal agencies are to file forms with the designated agencies in the States where the tanks are located. Most States are using a notification form devised by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Others are using their own State forms which may require additional informa- tion. Appendix II to this Federal Register notice lists the designated State agencies and notes whether they are using EPA or State forms. All forms are to be filed with the States. Many Federal agencies have underground tanks in a number of States. Existing inventory mechanisms probably are not sufficient to deal with the varying information requirements of the different States. We strongly suggest that department heads develop a program for tracking response to the State notifications and building an inventory of agency-owned tanks. We expect this will greatly help your agency in responding to future regulatory proposals for monitoring, recordkeeping, leak detection, and corrective actions related to underground tanks. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000901060005-1 We appreciate your cooperation in this effort to protect the nation's groundwater from contamination due to leaking underground storage tanks. Sincerely, Y. Winston Porter Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response Jennifer JOy Manson Assistant Administrator for External Affairs cc: Lee Herwig, OFA I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000901060005-1 40 CFR Part 280 [OSW-FRL-2911-6] ;notification Requirements for Owners of Underground Storage Tanks The following corrections need to be made on page 46602 of the November 8, 1985, issue of the Federal Register: Currently reads Should read Region V Gerard Phillips (312) 335-6159 Region VI Faye Sandberg (214) 767-2941 Region VII Chet McLaughlin (913) 236-2852 Region V Gerard Phillips (312) 886-6159 Region VI John Kim (214) 767-9878 Region VII Faye Sandberg (913) 236-2852 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Friday' November 8, 1985 Part VI Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 280 Notification Requirements for Owners of Underground- Storage Tanks; Final Rule Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register /- Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations notification requirements for owners of such tanks, Congress authorized the assessment of civil penalties against any owner who knowingly fails to notify or who submits false information regarding any tank for which notification is required. B. The Notification Requirements Section 9002 requires owners of underground storage tanks used to store or dispense regulated substances on or after November 8. 1984. to notify by May 8, 1986, and provide information on the age. size, type, location, and use of each tank.2 Owners who bring underground storage tanks into use after May 8, 1986, must notify within 30 days of bringing the tank into use and provide information on the age, size, type. location, and use of such tanks. Section 9002 also imposes requirements on owners of underground storage tanks which were taken out of operation after January 1. 1974. but remain in the ground. Owners of these tanks must notify by May 8, 1988,'and provide information to the. extent known on the date. the tank was taken out of operation; the size, type. and location of the tank; and the type and quantity of substances left stored in the tank on the date it was taken out of operation. With respect to tanks in use on or after November 8. 1984. the term "owner" is defined in the statute as ..any person wi.o owns an underground storage tank." Thus, for any tank used to store or dispense regulated substances after November 8, 1984, the "owner" is the current owner. With respect to tanks permanently ? taken out of operation before November 8, 1984. the statute defines "owner" as any person who owned the tank "immediately, before discontinuation of its use." Thus for tanks taken out: of operation between- January 1. 1974 and November 8, 1984. the person obligated to provide notification concerning the- tank is the person who last owned the tank-before it was taken out of use. To ensure that owners of underground storage tanks are informed of their responsibility to notify. Congress also imposed certain obligations on persons who deposit regulated substances in tanks and on tank sellers. From December 9, 1985 through May 9. 1987 anyone.depositing regulated substances in an underground storage tank must notify the owner or operator of such tanks of the owner's notification responsibilities. Beginning 30 days after EPA issues new tank performance.- $ No notification is required for tanks taken out of the ground prior to May 9.1988 or for tanks taken out of operation on or before January 1. 1974. standards under section 9003(e). any person who sells a tank intended to be used as an underground storage tank must inform the purchaser of the tank of the owner's notification requirements. Section 9002 requires EPA. in consultation with State and local officials and after notice and opportunity for public comment, to prescribe the form of the notice and the information it must contain. Section 9002 requires that designated State or local agencies, not EPA. receive the notification. EPA has provided in Appendix R a list of these Agencies. Owners of underground storage tanks are advised to consult this list to determine: (1) To whom notice must be sent: and (2) whether the State in which the underground tank is located requires the use of the EPA form or an alternate State form for notification purposes. The State forms noted in Appendix II have been reviewed by EPA and are consistent with Federal requirements. Owners may thus use these forms to fulfill their Federal notice obligation. The listing. however, does not represent an EPA finding that State requirements, such as those concerning who must notify and when notification must be received. are consistent with section 9002. III. Response to Comments on the Proposed Notification Requirements A. Introduction The majority of the commenters supported the proposed rulemaking.with minor modifications. Five major issues. however, were raised in the comment letters received by the Agency on the May 28. 1985, proposal. These issues concerned: - 1. Mandatory use of the Federal notification form by all tank owners; 2. Additional information to be provided by tank owners; 3. Clarification of certain definitions; 4. Notification responsibilities for sellers of tanks and depositors of regulated substances; 5. Implementation of the notification requirements. 1. Mandatory use of the Federal notification form. In the preamble to the proposed rule. EPA suggested that States could modify the Federal notification forms to obtain additional information. or develop a separate notification form specifically-- suited to State needs. The issue most - frequently mentioned by commenters was whether EPA should require States to use EPA's form or to use their own forms. Many industry commenters felt that EPA should encourage States to adopt EPA's form in the interest of maintaining uniformity and simplicity in the underground storage tank program. For companies with underground storage tanks in two or more States. they noted, compliance with the notification provisions of EPA's underground storage tank regulations would be considerably simplified if a uniform Federal notification form were required. They argued that, should a State insist upon having additional information. the State could provide an addendum to the Federal form or cam out a follow-up data request on only those facilities of interest. In addition, several commenters expressed the belief that section 9002 requires EPA to prescribe a form to be used nationwide and that there is no statutory authority for EPA to approve alternative State forms. In response to these comments. the Agency points out that section 9002 does not require EPA to mandate nationwide use of the Federal form. It merely requires EPA to "prescribe the form of notice and the information to be included in the notifications." Using a standard dictionary definition, the word "prescribe" can be interpreted several ways. It could mean "to lay down as a guide. direction, or rule of action; to specify with authority; or to designate or order the use as a remedy." Accordingiy. EPA believes that section 9002 provides EPA the flexibility to prescribe its form as a guide for States but does not necessarily mandate use of EPA's form by States that opt to use their own forms. In light of the specific language used in this provision, the Agency believes that the phrase "to prescribe the form of the notice" does not require the use of one standardized notice form. Rather, the Agency believes that the statute requires it to set out the type of notice that will comply with section 9002 information requirements. The EPA form is to be used as the .notice form in States where no State notification forms have been developed (that conform to the minimum statutory requirements) and as a guide for States that develop their own forms. This interpretation accords with EPA's view of the principal purpose of section 9002, which is to aid States in developing basic information concerning the tank universe within their borders. . Furthermore, EPA believes that it would be unreasonable to require States with notification programs already underway that satisfy the requirements of section 9002 to adopt the Federal forms. For them to make major changes in their programs and to require a second notification would be a needless Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday, November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations EPA received many comments requesting clarification of several statutory definitions that were found in the proposed rule. (a) Owner. One definition several commenters found unclear was the term "owners." Under the statute an owner is defined as: "(a) in the case of an underground storage tank in use on the date of enactment of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, or brought into use after that date, any person who owns an underground storage tank used for the storage. use, or dispensing of.regulated substances; and (bJ in the case of any underground storage tank in use before the date of enactment of the Act, but no longer in use on the date of enactment, owner means any person who owned such tank immediately before the discontinuation of its use." A number of commenters found this definition confusing. With respect to tanks taken out of operation by former. owners, one commenter stated that. because the term "owner" may include former owners, if the tanks were taken out of service between January 1. 1974 -and November 8. 1984. it may be extremely difficult for such owners to know or determine whether their tanks will be placed back into use by subsequent owners. Another commenter stated that. unless a former owner of a nonoperational tank is aware of the requirements, he will probably assume that the current tank owner or landowner where the tank is located is the owner for purposes of notification. One commenter recommended that the definition of tank owner be reworded to make the current owner of the facility responsible for notification. With respect to tanks of current owners: several comenters pointed out that ownership questions maybe difficult to resolve because tanks have` been purchased. installed. and transferred under many kinds of arrangements, including partnerships. executory interests, and trusts. In some instances tanks may have been installed under sale and lease-back arrangements. or a bank may have- taken title as a security interest for a purchase money loan. One commenter said that because tank owners were often not required to keep documentation concerning the sale or transfer of their tanks, such - - documentation in many cases had been lost or destroyed. Several other commenters suggested tKat with respect to current owners the following approaches be considered, - only where ownership may be disputed or is uncertain: (1) presume that the person in direct control of the real property and facilities is the owner of the tank unless he ascertains that another entity accepts ownership and will file the notification form; (2) presume that a person is not an owner of the tank if he cannot, through reasonable efforts, confirm the sale or transfer of such tanks, and is not the owner of the real estate where the tank is located, and has not received notice pursuant to the depositor notice requirement. Another commenter suggested that with respect to all tanks. EPA could indicate that any person with an interest in a tank could submit the required notification without admitting ownership. EPA has carefully considered these suggestions of the commenters. While EPA cannot revise the definition contained in the statute, the Agency will attempt to clarify its meaning by proyiding the Agency's interpretation of what tanks EPA considers to be"no longer in use" prior to November a. 1984. for which notice must be provided by former owners discontinuing- their use, and what tanks it considers to be "in use" on or after November 8, 1984, for which notification must be provided by current owners. With regard to a tank no longer in use on November 8. 1984, for which notification must be provided by the owner who discontinued its use. EPA believes that such an owner should notify if the owner knows or has reason to believe the tank was permanently taken out of use for storing regulated substances. Indications that a tank is permanently out of use are: (a) If it is filled with inert solid material or otherwise rendered unusable, or (b) if there is reason to believe that it will not be used in the future (e.g., the owner abandoned the tank. intakes and vents are paved over, access piping is . disconnected or removed, or the tank was sold to a person who had no use for the tank, such as a residential real estate developer). With regard to tanks in use on or after November 8, 1984, notification must be provided by the tank's current owner. If the tank was in operation on November 8, 1984, the current owner is responsible to provide notification under the statute even if the tank was permanently taken out of use after November 8. 1984. and even if the current owner was not the person who took the tank out of use. For example, if a tank was in use on November 8. 1984, but was taken out of use before it was sold to a new owner the following month, the new owner has the responsibility to notify even though the new owner had never used the tank to store regulated substances. The Agency has presented these interpretations in an effort to minimize confusion concerning the notification requirements for tanks taken out of operation. With respect to tanks for which ownership is unclear because of uncertain title, however. EPA has determined not to adopt presumptions suggested by commenters. The Agency believes these presumptions may define ownership in a manner that is not consistent with the statutory definition of owner. The Agency recognizes the need for further guidance with respect to the definition of "owner." but believes that such guidance cannot be given until the Agency has had an opportunity to consider its implications. EPA will address these issues in a later rulemaking or guidance. Recognizing that there may be confusion concerning ownership interests and wishing to encourage notification for all tanks, the Agency ias decided to modify the notification form to allow persons other than the -ow"r" to notify. By permitting persons other than the owner to notify, however. the Agency realizes that some double reporting may occur, but such reporting would likely provide States with a more complete inventory of underground storage tanks. Because of this modification to the form, EPA belie% es it is unnecessary to adopt commenters' suggestions for establishing ownership by using presumptions. (b) Depositors. The Agency also received comments requesting clarification of who is a "person who deposits regulated substances" into a tank for purposes of Section 9002(a;(4)." In the proposed rule, EPA indicateu :h.it depositors could include operators. distributors, and transporters. Several commenters recommended that a "person who deposits" should be defined as an entity whose employees or agents physically transfer regulated substances into an underground storage tank. Under this definition, the transporter would be the most likely person to give notice. Commenters aid not clarify to whom notice should be given (e.g., hourly worker at facility. supplier, facility office). Another commenter suggested that the refiner or marketer, not the common carrier or trucker, should be responsible for giving notice to the tank owner. The commenter argued that the refiner or marketer has already been given that responsibility under the FTC octane rules as well as the Department of Energy's price wiles. EPA believes that the purpose of this provision is to provide a source of information via normal commercial relationships for tank owners concerning their responsibility to notify. Thus. EPA has concluded that the burden for informing owners should be Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / VOL 50. No. 217 / Friday, November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations 46607 information required by the 1984 RCRA taken out of service (Jones Service Amendments. Many commenters stated Station) or what it is now (perhaps a that the form is straightforward and can parking lot)? be easily completed. Others Because the primary purpose of the recommended that EPA adopt the notification program is to assist States proposed forms but with minor in determining where underground modifications and additions. storage,tanks are located and what The following paragraphs discuss the regulated substances they contain. EPA comments EPA received on the believes that informaton on both the proposed forms and the Agency's previous and current owners should be response to these comments. noted in this situation. Providing only 1. General Instructions. the name of the owner at the time the EPA received a number of comments tank was taken out of service could be concerning the general instructions for misleading as the above example the-proposed forms. Many of these suggests. Requiring information on both comments were editorial. Others previous and current owners provides a concerned the definitions of greater degree of certainty of knowing "underground storage tank" and what the tanks contained (or may still "owner." One commenter believed that contain) and where they are located. In the statutory language to define these an effort to help States distinguish terms may be too technical for small between current and-former owners. entities to understand. The Agency has EPA has provided boxes on the form to already responded to comments indicate whether the respondent is a concerning definitions in Section "current" or "former" owner. III(A)(3) of this preamble. Several commenters recommended Several commenters recommended . that EPA reword the penalty statement that the instructions on the forms should in the instructions. Evidence of indicate that owners are not expected to deliberate failure to notify or knowing expend extensive time and resources to submission of false information is the retrieve the necessary data. statutory standard, they stated. and the Congress provided in Section 9002 sentence should be modified to comply that owners of tanks taken out of with the statute. EPA has adopted the service submit information "to the language of the penalty statement as it extent known" rather than require appears in the statute. The additions owners of tanks taken out of service to suggested by the commenters would expend extensive time and resources to significantly change the meaning of the retrieve the necessary data (e.g.. going statute, and such alterations are not beyond available documents and within the Agency's authority. contacting previous owners to determine 2. Format. the age of tanks, construction materials. Many commenters suggested that EPA etc.). Congress made no such provision, combine the two forms into one form. however, for current owners of tanks. This would result in less paperwork for Thus, current owners of underground tank owners and serve to minimize storage tanks in use or that will be confusion. It would also reduce the -brought into use in the future are printing costs and simplify expected to take any available steps to administrative handling by the State provide the necessary information about agencies processing the information. their tanks. In recognition, however, that The Agency agrees with the commenters there may be situations where It is and has combined the information impossible for current owners to obtain requirements of the two proposed forms all the necessary data to complete the into a single, two-sided form. form, the Agency has provided owners Other format changes suggested by the option of indicating "unknown" as commenters have been adopted and an answer. In a situation where no include: (1) Eliminating all Federal actual record exists, an owner may agency logos, names, and mailing provide a response based on reasonable addresses so that State or local logos estimates, rather than indicate the and addresses can be inserted: (2) answer is unknown. adding a space for total number of tanks One commenter stated that the being reported. and (3) reducing the instructions for the out-of-service tanks number of lines for specific tanks. EPA ..are not acceptable. The commenter also removed the preprinted tank suggested that the Agency clarify numbers from the form in response to a whether all the information requested is comment that photocopies of the form to be accurate as of the time the tank must be altered for facilities with more was taken out of service. or whether than eight tanks, and in response to the some of the information is to be current desire expressed by some commenters as of the date of notification. For to use existing company tank example, is the name of the facility to be identification numbers in lieu of what it was at the time the tank was - preassigned. sequential numbers. Several commenters requested that EPA provide coding lists for materials of construction, external protection. and substance stored to make the form more amenable to a computerized data- processing system. EPA has consulted statisticians concerning this suggestion and on the basis of their analyses. has decided that the probability for errors greater with coded responses than wi h. direct indication of choice. 3. Specific Line Items. Name and Address of the Facility. One State commenter requested that EPA change the heading on the form from "name and address of the facil;--." to "location of tanks." Accordingly, the Agency has made this requested modification for clarity. The Agency has also modified the location address o. -ck so that the owner may now provide !n: name of the company site identifier as an alternative to the facility name. The owner is also required to provide the street address (or, in rural areas. the name or route number of the State road) as well as the city where the tanks are located. A number of commenters requested that the Agency include a space for county name and zip code so that batch reports of tank facilities may be printed. In response to this comment, the Agency has included such requirements on the final form. Several State commenters suggested that tank location should be specified by some universal locater system such as township. range and section number. universal transverse meridians, or latitude and longitude. They suggested that this requirement would be particularly useful outside of metropolitan areas. Another State commenter suggested that facility locations, particularly in rural areas. should reference municipal tax maps. They pointed out that the location of a facility is often difficult to describe because of the lack of street numbers and names. EPA recognizes that sometimes street addresses alone are not sufficient and that inclusion of the information suggested above could add considerable precision to determining the location of tanks. The Agency has decided not to require such information, however. because it would complicate the form and would require owners to urderta.e additional effort by researching tax records, deeds and mortgages. EPA believes this additional effort is not warranted. Owner of Tank. Elsewhere in this preamble tank ownership is discussed. EPA recognizes that because of the varied nature of ownership interests in real property (particularly for gasoline. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations wastes under Subtitle 1 applies to CERCLA substances (Section 9001(2)(A)). It does not apply to petroleum substances that are identified in section 9001(2)(B). The technical standards that will apply to used oil - tanks will be promulgated in the future: In the meantime, notification under Subtitle I is required for used oil and for any petroleum hazardous waste that is not currently regulated as a hazardous waste under Subtitle C of RCRA. Several commenters addressed the identification of CERCLA hazardous substances. In the preamble to the proposed rule, EPA suggested that owners contact the RCRA/Superfund Hotline at (800) 424-9346 if they were unsure whether the chemicals stored in their tanks were CERCLA hazardous substances. EPA also stated that the Agency could provide interested persons with a list of such substances upon request.' One commenter stated that in situations where a commercially available product (which contains CERCLA hazardous substances) is being stored in an underground storage tank, readily available chemical identification information should suffice for. identifying the "substance type" on the- notification. such as information from material safety data sheets required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The Agency believes that the "regulatory synonyms" identified in Table 302.4 of the Reportable Quantity regulation (50 FR 13475, April 4, 1985) may be used in the notification form. The use of trade names, however, may not be used since the exact chemical constituents of any particular product generally are not readily available to the State or local agencies. - A owmnenter who referred to the list of CERCLA hazardous substances noted that it contains both commercial chemicals and discarded commercial chemical products. The commenter requested that EPA clarify which of these substances would be subject to the notification requirements. Every substance on the CERCLA list is a regulated substance unless it is a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C. This means some waste streams on the CERCLA list are not regulated substances for the purposes of Subtitle L On the other hand. commercial products that become Subtitle C hazardous wastes when discarded or when they are intended to be discarded. are regulated substances 'The list of CERCLA hazardous snbstanen was publisned in the Fedml Hesist.r on April 4. 19x5 (50 FR 13544 under Subtitle I until they are discarded or intended to be discarded as wastes. In the preamble to the proposed rule. EPA solicited comment regarding what is the most appropriate indication of stored CERCLA hazardous substance when there is a mixture of chemicals in one tank. The Agency proposed that the owner indicate the substance of greatest quantity in the mixture. The majority of commenters stated that it is sufficient to report only the major component present in the mixture. They also stated that, because many industry products are complex mixtures containing potentially large numbers of hazardous substances, it would be difficult and very expensive to list all products stored. One State commenter stated that his agency's ADP system would not have the capability to include information on more than one substance per tank. Several commenters argued that all substances should be identified so that the potential environmental threat from a tank could be determined. Other commenters stated that, although listing all the substances in the mixture would be an unnecessary burden. EPA's proposal to list the substance of greatest quantity would not accurately reflect the tank's contents. One commenter recommended that all major substances .present in volumes of 10 percent or greater be identified. Another commenter stated that EPA should provide a space for a product description, the CERCLA substance of greatest quantity, and the concentration of the substance. Other commenters stated that using toxicity as one basis for notification is inappropriate because the degree of toxicity of a substance is unrelated to its potential to leak from an underground storage tank. One commenter stated that the Agency should not require tank owners to list the substance that is the most toxic because few owners possess the technical or scientific expertise to evaluate the relative toxicities of materials in the mixture. The Agency has carefully considered these comments and recognizes that. while more detailed information may be needed to respond to an actual tank leak, this greater level of detail is unnecessary for development of a general tank inventory, which is the primary objective of this notification effort. The data supplied under this initial notification effort should not be viewed as the sole source of information. to be used for emergency responses. Therefore, the notification form continues to require the owner to indicate only the CERCLA hazardous 46609 substance of greatest quantity in a mixture. Where a tank is used to store more than one substance during a year. the Agency requires that only the most typical use or use of greatest quantity during the year be identified on the notification form. Certification. In the instructions !,-)r the proposed notification form. EPA stated that the form must be signed and certified by the owner or author:zed representative of the facility. The Agency defined authorized representative as "a person responsible for the overall operation of the facility. as for example, a plant manager or superintendent, or a person of equivalent responsibility." A number of commenters disagreed with this definition. arguing that the certificatiun should be restricted to an officer or other official representative of the owner, and not permit the signature b a mere employee. In response to these comments. EPA would like to clarify its definition of authorized representative: it is a person who is authorized by the owner to sign the notice. One commenter requested that. for companies with many tanks or muitipie locations, certification be allowed in a cover letter rather than on the notification form itself so that the owner would not have to sign hundreds of certifications. In response to this comment, the Agency has modified the form to take into account locations wit^ many tanks. Thus, the certification statement and the signature line have been moved to the first page of the form. Owners are permitted to sign one form, if it is part of a series of notification- forms for several tanks at one location. We have rejected the comrnenter's suggestion, however, to permit - certification by cover letter for owners of tanks at more than one location. To permit such certification could result in separation of the certifications from the forms and present a problem in data management and storage of the forms. There may be instances when the notifier is not an owner or his authorized representative but some other interested party. In such cases. the notifier should indicate this on the form by crossing out the word "owner" under .the certification and substituting the word "notifier." 4. Additional data requests. Elsewhere in this preamble, the Agency discussed its rationale for limiting the information required in the notification form to the in items specified in Section 9002. As we have explained earlier, in mponse to comments EPA has added information t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 designated State agencies.) industry stated that a more typical In response to these comments. the facility would have ten to several Agency points out that the final hundred tanks. another commenter notification form. as modified in estimated that a utility company may response to comments. should take less have as many as 600 tanks at one time to fill out than the forms previously facility. Commenters argued that proposed. First, the Agency is sperfy:r.; because the Agency has underestimated that the notification form include oniy the number of tanks at a facility, it has information on the most predominant significantly understated the costs of the chemical constituent stored in the tans notification requirements. One over the past year. For tanks containing commenter stated that as a result of mixtures, the form now includes a box underestimating the number of tanks at indicating that the tank contains a large facilities, the costs to a large mixture of regulated substances. facility could be underestimated by a Owners, will not, therefore. be required factor of ten to twenty. Should this be to identify all the different constituents the case, the commenter argued that the in the tank. Second. EPA is not requiring regulations would be classified as a extensive information on the internal major rule. and external characteristics of the tank Although the Agency agrees that some that could increase the amount of time facilities do have more than three tanks required to complete the form. per facility (e.g., large chemical EPA is requiring owners of tanks companies), the majority of facilities taken out of service to provide the with tanks used for petroleum (e g gas information requested on the form only designated State agency that is stations) and specialty chemical "to the extent known." Thus. these implementing the notification program products are unlikely to have more than owners need not contact all previous to determine if the State has copies of three tanks. The Agency believes that a owners to obtain the notification the form or is using its own State form. typical facility has three tanks. EPA information. This is consistent with the Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 217 / Friday, November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations 46611 of the notice. If a tank is storing petroleum, the owner is required to - indicate the type of petroleum. that is stored. For underground storage tanks taken out of use permanently after January 1. 1974 (but still in the ground), the owner is required to provide the same information as discussed above. In addition, the owner must estimate the date of last use and the quantity of substance remaining in the tank. The owner must also indicate whether the tank was filled with inert material, such as sand or concrete. If the tank is taken out of the ground prior to May 8, 1986. notification is not required. B. Copies of the Form - EPA is providing States with a camera-ready copy of the notification form. Owners of underground storage tanks should contact the appropriate recognizes, of course, that for facilities with a significantly larger number of tanks, the costs could be underestimated: the number of these assumptions EPA used to estimate the time required to complete the form and that the Agency presented in the proposed rule. facilities is not great, however, and. The Agency has assumed that an therefore, the total national costs of the owner of a facility that has three tanks regulation will not increase significantly willrequire 30 minutes to complete the In addition, large facilities that have notification form. This includes the time computer capabilities for monitoring the necessary to read the instructions. contents of their tanks may be able, delegate responsibility for completing through negotiations with States, to the form, retrieve information, complete substitute computer printouts for the the form. submit it for management Agency required detailed information on expected. Thus. the Agency continues to the internal lining of the tank and maintain that the average estimate of external corrosion protection $15 per hour is a reasonable estimate. EPA received a number of comments (information similar to that required on Finally, one commenter challenged the on the Agency's estimated costs to tank the California notification form). it could Agency's assumption that notification owners to meet the notification take significantly longer than 30 minutes costs for product distributors would - requirements. to complete the from. Commenters' range from S50 to $100. This commenter Some commenters disagreed with the estimates of the time required ranged argued that it would be significantly -Agency's assumption that an average from 30 minutes to 2 hours per tank and, more expensive to account for the costs facility was comprised of three tanks. form several hour's to 8 hours per of collecting State forms, printing. and One representative of the. chemical. facility. driver training, especially if a distributor National Costs for the Notification Requirements review, and to do the necessary clerical work. It should be possible for an owner of a large facility to supply the information in about eight hours. un a m e o . comm ty e p P -.7 _ number of safeguarded. of commenters stated. that especially if the facility has computer information will be adequately A n _ u i - the Agency underestimated the average capabilities for data retrieval. Because the information reported in time required per facility to complete the The Agency also received comments the notification forms will be sent to a - notification from. Because tanks may be challenging EPA's estimated hourly designated State or local agency, not to used for mixtures of products-or for - salary rate. The commenters argued that EPA, the. information will not be subject more than one product over a year, a person with considerable expertise. to Federal public disclosure laws. The identifying all the products included in would be needed to complete the Agency cannot, of course: interfere with the tank would take more than 30 notification form, especially if detailed State confidentiality provisions. Owners minutes per facility. Commenters stated information on the tank's liner and of underground storage tanks who seek that for facilities with tanks taken out. of external materials were required. The protection from disclosure should. - service since 1974, it would take much Agency disagrees with this comment therefore, contact the appropriate State longer than 30 minutes to obtain the because detailed technical information office for information on applicable necessary information, especially for is not requested on the form. Only confidentiality provisions. facilities that have been sold. If the information that is readily available is g g EPA or State notification forms. This , commenters recommended that EPA strengthen the confidentialty provisions will reduce the cost to these facilities to provide assurance to the regulated both in data retrieval and in notification rieta costs. t I at r i th t ' provisions that were discussed in the . preamble to the proposed regulation. Commenters were concerned that confidentiality may not be adequately protected in States that do not effectively implement the underground ulations Several stora a tank re V. Confidentiality Provisions EPA received several comments concerning the confidentiality Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday, November 8, 1985 / Rules and Regulations 46613 tank has been removed from the ground) must.submit. in the form prescribed in Appendix 1 of this section, a notice of the existence of such tank to the State or local agency or department designated in Appendix II of this section to receive such notice. (c) Any owner who brings an underground storage tank into use after May 8, 1988, must, within 30 days of bringing such tank into use, submit. in the form prescribed in Appendix I of this section. a- notice of the existence of such tank to the State or local agency or department designated in Appendix II of this section to receive such notice. (d) In States where State law. regulations, or procedures require owners to use forms that differ from those set forth'in Appendix I of this section to fulfill the requirements of this section. the State forms may be submitted in lieu ofZhe forms set forth in Appendix I of this section. If a State requires that its form be used in lieu of the form presented in this regulation. such form must meet the requirements of Section 9002. (e) Owners required to submit notices under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section must provide notices to the appropriate agencies or departments identified in Appendix II of this section for each tank they own. Owners may provide notice for several tanks using one notification form, but owners who own tanks located at more than one place of operation must file a separate notification form for each separate place of operation. (f) Notices required to be submitted under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section must provide all of the information indicated on the prescribed form (or appropriate State form) for each tank for which notice must be given. (g) Beginning on December 9.1985 through May 9, 1987 any person who deposits regulated substances in an underground storage tank must make reasonable efforts to notify the owner or operator of such tank of the owner's obligations under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. (h) Beginning 30 days after the Administrator issues new tank performance standards pursuant to RCRA section 9003(e), any person who sells a tank intended to be used as an underground storage tank must notify the purchaser of such tank of the owner's notification obligations under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. (i) Paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section do not apply to tanks for which notice was given pursuant to section 103(c) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation. and Liability Act of 1980. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations Tank Identification No. (eg., ABC-123), or Arbitrarily Assigned Sequential Number (e.g.,1.2.3_) Tank No. Tank No. Tank No. Tank No. Tank No. 1. Status of Tank Currently in Use (Mark all that apply ) Temporahly Out of Use Q ~~ Q Q Q Permanently Out of Use C] Q C1 Q Q Brought into Use after 5.8.86 Q ~~ l Q Q~ 2. Estimated Age (Years) 3. Estimated Total Capacity (Gallons) 4. Material of Construction Steel (Mark one m) ~~ Q Q Q Q Concrete Q Q~ Q Q Q J Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic 0 0 0 Q Q Unknown Q -~ Other, Please Specify Internal 0 Protection that alyM) Cathodic Protection (Mark Q Q Q Q Q Interior Lining (e.g. epoxy resins) Q Q Q None Q Q Unknown 0 Q Q Q Other. Please Specify Q External Protection Cathodic Protection (Mark all tttef apply m) Q Q Q Painted (e.g.. asphaltic; Q Q Q Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Coated None Q Q LQ Q . Q Unknown Q Q Q Q QI Other. Please Specify 7. Piping Bare Steel (Mark all that apply ) Q 0 Galvanized Steel Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Q ~~ Cathodical{y Protected n Q nk wn Unknown Q Q Q O O Other. Please Specify In d Substance eate Currently by or Last t Stored a Empty h Greatest Quantity Q Q [_'Q ~] Q b. Petroleum (Mark ap that apply?) Diesel Q Q Q Q Q Kerosene Gasoline (including alcohol blends) Q Q Q Used oil Other, Please Specify c. Hazardous Substance Q Q Q~ Q Q] Please Indicate Name of Principal CERCLA Substance OR Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No. Mark box ? if tank stores a mixture of substances r~~ Q Q Q Q d. Unknown Q Q Q Q Q 9. Additional Information (for tanks permanently -taken out of service) a. Estimated date last used (mo/yr) b. Estimated quantity of substance remaining (gal.) c. Mark box 0 if tank was filled with inert material (e.g.. sand, concrete) C7 Q Q Q C~ Location (tmn.Section II) Pegs No of P"" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88G01332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday. November 8. 1985 / Rules and Regulations Kansas (EPA Form) Office of Environmental Geology Kansas Department of Health & Environment Forbes Field. Budding 740 Topeka, Kansas 66620 913/862-9360 Ext. 221 Kentucky (State Form) Natural Resources Cabinet Division of Waste Management. Attention: Vicki Pettus 18 Reilly Road Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 502/564-6716 Louisiana (State Form) Patricia L Norton, Secretary Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 44066 Baton Rouge. Louisiana 70804 504/342-1265 Maine (State Form) Attention: Underground Tanks Program Bureau of Oil & Hazardous Material Control Department of Environmental Protection State House - Station 17 Augusta, Maine 04333 207/289-2651 Maryland (EPA Form) Science and Health Advisory Group Office of Environmental Programs 201 West Preston Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Massachusetts (EPA Form) UST Registry. Department of Public Safety 1010 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02215 617/566-4500 Michigan (EPA Form) Ground Water Quality Division Depart anent of Natural Resources Box 30157 Lansing. Michigan 48909 Minnesota (State Form) Underground Storage Tank Program Division of Solid and Hazardous Waves Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 1935 West County Road, B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Mtsabsippl (EPA Form) Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Pollution Control PO. Box 10385 Jackson, Mississippi 39209 Missouri (EPA Form) Gordon Ackley. UST Coordinator Missouri Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Montane (EPA Form) Solid and Hazardous Waste Bureau Department of Health and Environmental Science Cogswell Building, Room 8201 Helena, Montana 59620 Nebraska (EPA Form) Nebraska State Fire Marshal P.O. Box 94677 Lincoln. Nebraska 68509-4677 Nevada (EPA Form) Attention: Underground Storage Tanks Division of Environmental Protection Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Capitol Complex 201 S. Fall Street Carson City, Nevada 89710 8001992-0900 Ext. 4670 New Hampshire (EPA Form) Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission Hazen Drive P.O.Box95 Concord. New Hampsh,re 03301 Attention: UST Registration 603f2T1-3503 NewJersey (State Form) Underground Storage Tank Coordinator Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Resources (CN-029) Trenton. New Jersey 08625 609/292-0424 New Mexico (EPA Form) New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division Ground Water/hazardous Waste Bureau P.O. Box 968 Sante Fe, New Mexico 87504 5051827-2933 or 505i827-2918 New York (EPA Form) Bulk Storage Section Division of Water Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Woi( Road, Room 326 Albany, New York 12233-0001 518/457-4351 Nort Carolina (EPA Form) Division of Environmental MgmtJGround Water Section Dept of Natural Resources & Community Development PO. Box 27687 Raleigh. North Carolina 27511 9!9!7'33-5083 North Dakota (Slate Form) Division of Hazardous Waste Mgmt. and Special Studies North Dakota Department of Health Box 5520 Bismarck, North Dakota 58502-5520 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Federal Register / Vol. 50. No. 217 / Friday; November 8, 1985 / Rules and Regulations 46619 Statement for Shipping Tickets and Invoices Note.-A new Federal law (the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). as amended (PL 98-616)) requires owners of certain underground storage tanks to notify designated State or local agencies by May & 1986 of the existence of their tanks. Notifications for tanks brought into use after May 8.1986 must be made within 30 days. Consult EPA's regulations, issued on -, 1985. to determine if you are affected by this law. One-Time Notification Letter Dear Customer. A new Federal law directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a comprehensive regulatory program for underground storage tanks. As part of the new law. owners of certain underground tanks used to store petroleum or hazardous substances must notify designated State or local agencies of the existence of their tanks by May & 1988. This includes owners of tanks currently used to store such substances and owners of tanks taken out of operation after January 1. 1974. but still in the ground. Owners who bring tanks into use after May & 1988. must notify within 30 days. The purpose of the notification program is to assist EPA and the States in locating and evaluating underground storage tanks. Enclosed is a copy of EPA's regulations concerning owners of underground storage tanks, and a notification form. Please review the regulations to detern:ire if you are affected by the notification requirements. A list of the addresses of the State or local agencies designated to recet%e the notifications is contained in the discussion to the regulations. (FR Doc. 85-28778 Filed 11-7-85: 8:45 am( ut,u-w coot stew-sar I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LIST FOR REGULATION OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS UNDER RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT, SUBTITLE I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 ~rrt.~UlA U Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 - LIST For Regulation of Underground Storage Tanks Under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Subtitle I ACerlapnMylert AOwalOSnyee ACftdr1Yw c'wo o? Awlattnyw Incgro? ACSNnrof V.Iar+?,nan OtC~11,r r1:? ACelemiOe N14.4mryp"!. *40mr4 ,. N.904?f1dren?2?p? Awamdf 2?nuOro- Aeolic 5010 AwK am. 09+91 enter Awt.e am ft- W6,1rm salt Acetic acid 1eac Mn Awhc WIG. 91aMUmltl sail AGM arwyanw .....-- ACe1?marc am N?IrmetnylprponlOyl; wyl tn.o 01511191 Mpr Aw10ne AC4nOr1 CvYlaMenn CASRN' 10329 206966 750'0 107200 74.676 591092 62442 93963 440197 94,97 14. ' 766 62746 301042 1636!! 106247 16752775 6764+ 75665 75056 61612 3-tatna-AwwVmwZysl?4- fans Moroayeoymann ero j ACeWWwww 2?ACetylam not1YoMne AwM Oron11w Awyl MIw16e 1-ACey-2.0%owea AcroWn Aay4nr0e ACryK WO ACrylOrtrwe A09K god ... A4nme. 3*bst2 e11tnwmy14me1o)pnenln- 1 - Adlearp ...... . .loon .................... ........ ... APO /4470113 ......... .... ................... A" /Made ................. .. ............................. ..... 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Ctraro4r CWer4a. ......................... _........... _.__....{ /00.9066 C1 vmm ........................................... ._.......__.....' !4$019 COOg41o4w btOnrSi ...................................._ .........~ '7784677 ceb@I o,r w'14r .................... $44193 M19sR1a4 ..............................................j 1.0174!5 COW Oven Vfts 0484 ..................................._....,...j 8411. cow IT .......................... .............._.._._ 744060$ COPPER AM CMWIX S ...._ ~_ ._..__ _.._ C WW Oterae...... ..............._......_. 64417! Cf 4R oho. ......... ........... _..._...... _--.._._.._..__ 472. Groom. ........................................ ............... 500156/ .................... Crews) ............... _ . ........... ......... 1319773 In ...... ..... .....I.................. _.1 1319773 101394 19467 961 43 33739 4170203 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 a. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 C11pnc am* ..... _..... . Clone weewarwe Cups nara6e Cwom aulay C 40M suns Clone wpw .................... _ ............... CYAN53ES __....-_.........._ ................. ... . C,r $0sfook" ysmdssaI i not elserrne?e . 4o-Ot'e0 CyarloOan C,Onogan Wo?mra Canoga' cnw?oe 1.4{,yparOM"W p'Or Claw rile .............. t . wry$aysauroro- Cytaapl0ap+anwoa _.... ....................... 24-0 ACO 2.4-0 Esrws 142?'? O'cn'aownt" T...O, '2002036 12.0cllwrobentena 7447394 1 3.O'c'11wow it ane 3251239 1 4-ocworooanwy 5693663 *-Dclworoepltan. 7756967 O-Dcrror0bsntane 19369297 oOcrrOrO0.nian. SIS927 01CMLO1OSENZIDtNE .-I. 31 - Owhillmmuome $7125 0tnrwocrongmapyn. 460195 506663 506774 106514 110627 6061941 77474 $0160 94757 94111 94791 94904 1320199 1929367 1929616 1929733 2971392 25699267 63467111 2.4.0. Sam am sews ................. ............. _..... 0111I10m1on ........................__...... __....... 000 _ _ .......................................... ............. . 4.4' 000 . ............................. OOE ....................................... 4.4' 005 ..- .............................. ............................. DOT ......... - . ................_ 4.4' DOT .......... .................... . ...................... DOT AND14ETAEOLRES .............................. Oecaef4rocrMao1l4?fwn.n0.2M- CIc bI ta~CdFpenlalan-2.one 01"94 ... ....... of kww ......... .... -._-..~.......:_ ::. y:: O41sn a,r'Is wac.ne .. . ._. 1 Dtaanaela P 041--aary . .. 1.l l$ rwe" rr . .............. .... ..... 0e ...1 eru:Iarl "m I +.3.050ar11s34fapary ................... .............~ 010t4N p1lwar ................................................. D' n",/talar ........................ .............. ._........ 01e01110a .......................... ......................... OriroOan+ ..................... ..... ............................... 010111" .. ..- ...................................................... $ 23.O.eworwryn 0 4oorupy1t111oearoa/fa1. 3.5.01n1bro-N1+ t41T.1nM?2~rooynNlaanraTw. 94757 20630913 73646 726" 726" 72561 60293 50293 13500 2307164 302012 55907 26379455 45720 923406 6331415 53703 63703 53703 6.556 '60556 60125 94742 94742 1915909 1494"9 117506 2303164 23"0555 1 r J cmoro.4 c?a~r D'enloroe'rtuaoT.ma na 01e1woroororyny' r'enlorwmane 01Cworac. nanr tncrMOroamana t 1 DtdlrOr0erlary - .. 12-C.Cf1Mwo.man. 1 1.Oc+worwfhywmo 12-raro-Dlcrworoemyyn. D1Crorpey,yt erw _. . 2.6-QCMprpplynol . 24.01011-W-Oayacetw: aeC sins Inc eaters O'Gworppnsn 14rlna OKrworOpomme 1.,-D1pn*Orpprpp.n. 1.3.Dcn gpproo ry 12-DOWOrbpropene D1~1rOr06raDan4 ' DrtXlrWIvopMla (matum) 1.3?D10rwonmramne 22.01ee1toraproporwe asp 01011W"s _.._..........._ 121.6Orpoay0wry Orwylaf o ..._ _ 2532122$ 15501 f $41'31 +o9447 $41731 95501 106"7 61941 75274 794410 7571. 72546 79343 107062 75354 t "506 111444 120632 67650 $4757 696266 2663697 7"69 142269 76675 600315$ 26952236 711066 647756 750 67737 69671 1407635 10697 ?2422 123611 ft's be LL ..._..... N'-0r9yplpa. ......................................... 0.0otwryt80-m ylwo OO.Oymyt S-fslnyl 04n10pnospnar aMM~lmtoop11owwo .......... ... _............ 0larryl WWWM O.O.Orefyl O$raz I orloa0noralrroale ....._...1 D1e1nyIm, salvo 1 +2-09lyaro?3.5orrbaaselorr ............................ .~ Dp4doa6ow .................................. _...................... O..epropO rluo'oonaptyy 0-ime N ............... _. ... 33'~Orr1s91ayb.rtalbry ....... Orrlalnylsnwry .... _ . 7 13-Ornsal,Oanslalarwrwaeen. 3.3.-Orlnwyeat1lory swam" a10a 13-DTytnyl?1? ffytlynnm-2.bjtanone0- It fwnytanMf OKarbonyl l 0.1fIa D mwrlpewterwo soon" .................. ...... ....... 119,"0, 30044 3866.2 3114" $4662 297972 ?531 t23331 91.6 We ?51$ 115504 134493 loll, 57175 00159 39156194 Ma:areow Substance I CASON 1.1.Owlytnytnypra:ln. - 1 2.Dm.m,m1,orazjni 0.0.01m.myt O?p?nmopn.nyl JMOSpnaorwoate DrMmytnpoaamww sofa song-Onrotnytpr,.n.tnytamn. 2yOwrntnyWwo . . Or1'atHN dlwalat. $7147 54073$ "Woc 62759 1220911 105679 131113 75761 2516454.$ "65c 529290 100254 934$21 131995 2SStcd6" 329716 6735" 5129S 25321146 610399 121142 611957 117940 127911 Or1'tgnp Mrnte ...... ............. D.n.1'O e"ene IT'.eQl 111. I 0? 9. 6.00Mrpppaa0l inc tans Owwropn.noi 2.5. 2.6- 2.4?D1n4ropnenpl Orwroswwrs . 3.4.OwMtmuolw w 2 4.Orrototwna Drweeo _ D' noc11 pftnalat. 1 *Doaarls D$-MENYLMV0 A2INE 1.2.00ftenyrlyoru" OonOaonorw,,o..pale 01r1gbpynfrosanyy Dow 162109 143947 921947 "007 2764729 93""101011 ._ _.... .. 359044 ............... 2.4.OrowoXrn.t ....... ...... ..................... ........ 946637 OYrowmecimanc am. 11 reswyt sew ............ 3911245 Damon .. 370641 ear .................. 2717370 Enaa11n11 ....... ................. ........................ 115297 .:::::: .....:.::::.::::::._r- 3 00064JlFAN AND 61ETAEOLRES .......... _...... _.._.._--- --- I[fAowlfan sto . ....................................... _.... __... 1951979 6noanaf 146733 &WM ................................. _........... 72206 E1tam motty" ..................................................... 7421934 0401114 AND AAETAEOLRES ...... ..... .......... ..... . 105599 Eprraor?r Ewrn .._............................... __............._.w._. 15979 EMananwne /.1-0wMtny42.91111154 ... _.....J t Ewrlrnar N.94* 1. 1~0apa0 _ ............ _. 26150 Ewers. 12l4arorrlo- _.......... 106034 Ewes. t.tdpwpy . . _ .................... 75343 from t2aelroro- 107002 Ewan.. ............................. 97721 Ewan 1,1'{nS lsna0ltNbeylpwl2s>rlbro- ........ 111511 Ewers. t./'4tyau- ...................... ........................... 7 EltY1a.1.1 eayag24ypo .......................... 111444 E9teS. panre>f ww ................................................ 16917 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 EIMM 1.1 1.2-1rranroro- E9W? 112.2-aMaUlwo- ........... 1P I 244r1arro- E9WV. , ,. 14nChW0.22AP910-'M910syprgn q. 2?E Santa .e urwr~oo n o c Co aEtMrltna.r, E9+wewaHlp _. __ ... ......... . . E11a11o1 22-Iyaaeao.n+l1o )b*. ... EPW1ce, 1~lgnyl. .. Enarop n11or1ea ................ EIMrym,ry N-nglnrr-N+ rr0f0 Elm*" c"ro?o. E,Mnt 2 c-roror~0., Irwo I.,-00pro- E61MIa. E9w+a. tans- I.24c*wro- E9won El,yr acsIal, It" anyran EP'yp,nZsns E91yt arern t. (ura9W+) E91yl Ly s Ethyl 4444'+wOt?rt: rau EP,yun, arern,o, 61146144 41e~+1or1Ot E91yir1a oaala E44'1'M"ae'Nars*ocror+rc aodl E91yw1aoranrl, 630206 11315 71005 '2435 3,35446 75056 Gms 1,16517 96662 75365 4454494400 75014 110756 E1lybna0ran,at, atrtaaaec aao (EDTA) .............. 1001091aOieAbrlw._ __.......... ....... .......... 36441 Hla9tapyyl, ............. . .......................... E1+y1 rn49w146u1enMa ..................................... PMO1......... _...... ......... _ .............. Pa111C anllollaan emmiMa ................................. Rack edmea .................... Pom 4 ............. ...... _............_. pwft 6tIO110a . ROHR Hrab ................. _..... ........ Plow now ........... _._............ PWfWA rnllrMan 61AMa ...... . ........ PaallalA WAN ...... _............................................... PbA10640 44010. a001" mm ................................. Pluorarw+r+a ......................... ............................... ............... ......................... PohlW9r,y04 Porr,ar aro16 _ ................................... P14411rae 44446 Hwoe7l9MaR ................................. 753551 1271$4 1566C5 563122 1441796 1440665 100414 51716 107120 S'0+56 106934 107062 7521$ 11154 107153 60001 96457 151)64 1x217 75343 93132 12500 53657 1186671 2"474 1"1)674 710)610 51004164 7781101 104214/4 N mum 11"8610 77511W 7720717 7762630 m4 20"40 11737 77)2414 "0197 60000 "1)6 1286" 1 Puma,[ acd 'Wan ya^ c Soc Hlatnyl 44tH Furan Irrany0ro- 2-Furameamos~y. I1o009 101969 )60l l imalphomne la00Mna .. .. r b 2 S?FManp.o,y op aparlplanIm, O00aep0anratiauhor: r Funval J 109316 ...... aaoaalr. .................... ................. Furlwin ...... _ I 66011 110006 3(2NF14o1ra7o1or,a. S?pnwpHy11. .......... 1(anMM ....... O G1,cooyran0s, 2-0to.y2 16936x1 !31870$4 GIycr0ymmemy0, 7663444 UIS*C&Vno ........... ................. . GuarrOne N.nI0a0-N?m",-Nal,rt 0 7 Law ? ..... ................... _...._ Gum,on 0257 .......... . 66500 ................................. KALOETNEAS . LEAD AND COMPOUNDS I4ALOMETNANES -bplaenra NEPTACNLOR AND META6>OLMES NsOlacnar ONs oa Nsz cr'a00H6ana Waa0ltlOrO0uta0ipy NEXACNLOROCY"ONEx,1,NE (au r$onwo) Hexac110rocy0ohow, 108mn,a SSO011ar1 . ......... 1 234 100?t.atnbr0.G7,00.y 144 444 5 5 76144-oc:anycr0 t ne0 *Moo. 14 S.6.0~rMtMnoMOnlM~tnt t0 Iva:aCWpro-6.7."OSy. 1.4.444.5.6 7S.$- OCLnyapp 00.ONO. 1.44 5.64rn094ronaphrlon, NaaacNl0reathwe ........... ., ............ OtH1alHanon44pn9144tr1, *101.............. 12 l .,.~Sa.1a~a++RyO1v 1.44.5.).r19e,r,0v 1fma1n6rgrl~,~ 56 sOlp, ...4465.1.14. ~14arltr~0 1.43.-a1100, Muapaproprwy ..._ ................ ...................... N-ac 141o01omme .............................. . ................... "4.4441$4 ba')611 Oteme ..................................... Moaarta _....._.._ ................. _......... ---.. MydraaRa. _.................... ?. _....... $4444{1$4. 12,0109gt. .......... `......... _..._..?..._. 11SOral01M. 12*Vwfy4 ........................................ 444th. n199y4 .......................... _..... ._....._....... .......... aymedlbnl 44er0 ........ _ .............. .............. __.?.. 11yeacm 44087 ....................... _....... _ _ ...~ 11yb9ArprlcnaO.........__..._..........._._ _w._. 11yb066H Lmrl0a ................. _......._._..._...._w -1yalo" .,,117? ... ............._....._............_...._...... M10oga ONC4pl+re4 .................. . ...... ......................_.... Mae6an 4waoa ... ................................... 11y0roautfunc lC.O 10244573 1167441 87693 606711 5)699 77474 72206 70301 11)6717 76764 3093012 111)101 $7147 640731 124)67 10344 76186 7647010 744686 ism= 74101 7516417/3 7603512 77630" 10151 77130x1 N70rOe7a^1ad+ylanna oaea ................................ 7,7106 2'111YOaL0Y0matlbrM ........................................... 61467 bloanat 2.3rttpynn, 1876 am Oaa96n ......................... . 644964 Law C1t10r10a ............ .............................. Low 1b00ora14 ............................. Laa0 fbonoa LaaO o0k7t _ __ . Lane Mills Low Pmaw-sts Lane a l,ut, _ ........ Laae sueacetala ................................................ Low koala ........... ................................................. Low kwas LMO Pt cyaMlt ................... _ Ltra. ..................................................... LMtalnt ...._._ "B 449+o. ......................................................... _. Ulm" no ,am ny0rat" ............................................- __. Malorton4r4a . "WSW'"A ........................ ................................ w'WOaa0a11a911+r ....................................... aa11mpR Oywwa .......?_ ........................_.. Moew now ..........? ............. _......__._. USAIM slab .................. _................. _.. MrE>taelA 11th ._.....?............... ......?, MERCURY ADO OOMPONMDE "ft".510616ewo w'o ??_??~ $4'011% 6JlltNo :246?9 76591 76795 42504461 120591 ?7939644 t1 533 143500 303344 7443692, 301042 71644409 7646252 10102464 7156951 13914995 776,3462 10101130 1009974 7446277 7 ,04472M235~ 191)6094 5)662552 1335326 1572)607 7446142 1314170 5670 @me 1438775,)6 1217" 110117 101316 fu=I 6773 /44x23 1033167 10041 10"640 "embe JIM" 1"11755 7!607 74M67x Inn, . of Hg1,yF ................ . ~ ._ JOHN 74106 M49WW. Nf10r0 ................................................._. 71/73 MM W M. Ol,brpHaf pay ......................................... I4'1>Q2 $449+x144. ~er,10 _..?._.._..... ._.._ ........................ 74863 $4111$4144.61-Ibrp y........_...? ............. 76$42 $44411x!44, /1/ar0dalp .?...?......... _..__.._...... 76716 ~111161b, dao? . .................................. _. 7164 l ~ 447e+rtcnatro ................ .._... 542411 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 wm.r1.. 1a.umom. w9?na taaarktro- 9.235 $0914. 75252 87663 7669./ 62500 74931 44423 764" mWilen.ar/br.C ads. -Dqt MIN . ....... Ma91atrOW .......? .......... ............. . .............. w91ar1a.tllarl7r gamma. wrslaaro- ....... . ........ 4 7 IIMno.IM.'*MfN. 1 4,6.6.761-MOUCwo o- 3.177atwnnycro- M.awl-low .......... ... 4.7.W1n.rprpan 9gC1KnlW0? MMMnO ! n. Meow 0Y Melly) Drom.00 1 Jaa9lyaha.Qett. ..... Motnyl Chion00 ... . 4491191 worroeareonaN _ ._ .... Me" I 0"o DOI 4 4M0t'rpinaD,a12?CMro.nd,Ml 2.2 MMlhywnD.N3 4.6.4narDroprwpl) 3-Mov VIV1o4a www met"n brorl'oe mel"4110 Cnwot MetnyMne o4ot M1t1g4 MM tt4Mn..... .... ... _... MNnp " ttalorte Mromw w7M ryera:we ........ _ .............. Mla111Y lofts ............. .............. .. 04.0194 410049 In, is . .. . . wrrM mcwwo ......... ......... 691y.rwewm .............................. ... wwp alwra7w................ _ ................. ................... . ........................ w1 Yor1o. .................. __........ _..._........ _.............. woo.e.a......_._? _._._.._._...... ............ worny.n C ........._.... ?..... .................. ._...?..._... .90r1aa91-is -0.._......?._....._?.....__......._........... Now .....~. _.._.._.._........ _ ................._.... au+Ypernac.rroae. 9liera 4.cr .10 .. .. . uto-219?Draao.yalohl..~.1y.o- '$ 10.y1-O.y).71l.g4Nranpro- 'how" 63.11.1rwryoro.y 1-m.tnD.y Naprnhw4N. 2trnoro. 6411 57749 67561 61605 /6752775 72435 67561 75556 74939 504606 74873 79'2'1 71556 1011" 70304 56495 74953 75002 $0000 76633 133671,{ 60344 749" 106101 624639 76665 74031 own 70217 an= 108101 1042 7796347 3151" 10077 79047 74M5 300765 .0.0613 Naprewta, 2errpr ....?..._...... .................._....... 91557 130154 Z J?Napnrna*.4c.$uwOnK SCO1 7(13.3.0,n.tny. 11.1 -DOM"y11.44:0,y')C'4aio1JWa1S-am'np 4-rM'OrO.11.1Nras0owm ..r. N4DntMn,C acw 1 4Naolnoatnrwne t.a4aprwhyynl,re 2-Napwr'yhamwe ew-NaoMnyunrna .. _ _... . 2?Nlphwnylarnwt. 94 N W12.cworMtnr)- ?pn1NaOM nNtMthqurta NICKEL AND COMPOUNDS NK?01 amm0n,~m s ate NKk.1 cat0onyt Nlckel ciao o. .. .... . Nrdel cy.rwd. _. .. N,C.?1111 CYan,O, NK..I ny09D4oe Nrtll? nnraw ... 49114901 auftle NrCAN lrrscarponyi NKama am wu Nnnc ame Nitric Owe PNnrDanhv i N"obelv?N Nnrow wioa Nroo90n111) 01100 NltroQlyo.rrN ........ Pmuprertd lI'U.O) m 0- 9. 2 /ar.pwnr . .. ........... ..... . ........... s w..p1.r1.1 ..................................... 6R110N6FNOls ...................... . 2-6a.a0ropare . .............. ........... .. . .............. Nfl O5AMINES ........................... Naa9o.o0astylanwrl. _....... _ ......._... ............................... N++.IOMN?1wM __ ........ ... .. ................. ...... N-ar.D.o-N-nNlnyh,AalarN .... N-Noomoolmone N-Nnr0SOQynONOwn . 1336215 130164 134327 615" 13027 6161 494031 666" 7440020 15699160 13463393 7719549 37211055 $57197 557197 12054497 14216752 7786614 13463393 54115 7697372 10102439 10001E 99953 10102440 106"726 10102439 10102440 10"4726 55630 26154555 654.47 1755 100027 *00027 1755 1000277 76469 ............. 924113 1115547 56165 5:759 son 921547 75.737 614506 915532 4540400 100754 510532 1321126 9 1 4722 1490 1655 S-NOroon.ne?2 3.ewreneno, 1 4.5.6 7 7. '1uaCmoro. CyClK aulNi OCUme,nyrpyropnlh.DrrDr am,oe Oarw .m.sae Oamtum 111"0.01 7.O.ab.cyco12 2 1 *aO'W 2.3.wataorryac ac c 1 2 Outmauna 2 2.c o^me anwrll wtrwrard2oro. O^ m.i. . ....... ................ ................................. Oawane. 2,taroronwn,1). Perabrme'Oehy00 PN.roMyee Paramlon P?xa0wo0en=ene .. Perneo*wo.et.rN . PSAW" Oronuo0enCeM Pernaeh'broprwld _ t.3~P4w1ta0ere Pwecvi ... PenarnMNe Phenol _ _ PMnol. 2enaro. Prenp 4-Ch'OrO.3?m?nyl? Phenol 2-CVCMneay,.4a?o,rr,t,O PrwlmI 2 4acwao? P1end. 2.64oworo. ... POWW. 2.44rn.e,yl- Prwlol. 24arwtro- ._. Phenol 24.0111'870.6-414lelnytOr00Ytl Pwlot. 2.44wwwo-S.neptyl? am .alts .............. --.) Phenol. 4?w*D- ....... .......... .............................. .-J Per". p.rwaCNpr. ...................... P'eno1 2.34 6-stmt nloro- 152'aa 20616+2: 206'6'2: '45733 1120"c 50196 7621. 104966 30625694 12x37 56392 9049]5 79017 9210 9791'. Paw owl 63452' 10002. 6710 an Pwwl. 2.4.5-elawav .. _ 1 149? PN?wl 2.4 6?tnKMro. IN= Phenol. 2.4.5-iwrao-, atnv*eaiea m .alt 131749 "" armsm.arww ..... ................. _................. 26991 1.1041.2ftenylartalpyare ................. ....... _...... 10338 PhenyhMrCwK .101.10 ... S. N'PMnywmw.e .. ... Sam P%orae .MOT ft-we .. ......................... 754,4r Plow .. ................. .... .......................... _... 7M35r. Phpap lone am ................ _................. ............... 74431 PtMPrlore a01.-as 1 P+a11N1ta.. ~WN ... 3414! Prtporl.rte ado. 1MO 11.11 ........_......:... ~_.._ 744W Pnospr10r00nhoc geld, OOewtgl $-ANnyl.p.r =w Ph6Mrwoomme Mo. O.O0a9rp 2~ar17a1eo6 -_ 2422 WA"~. Pb69t?wroe Irdc am. 0.00"W"1 1. ................ 929-1 {2(ma9tylanre f2q.pMhM16616. ? OIOnCr0luOr10K WIG DWI VW Nil" y1welet ow PlgaploM8"C a1.o.O.04eIrp Oip-r*c 1lo p) 426 Mt.r Phn.phomoh ans. 0.O4S6Iyl O.Awa: ip am 3517, 11OMWWN phoewww1m 6rwrlpa~6dDOWly 404 M ........... Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Pro.pnQ w Q.yc?"re. "Wow" Parn..ua40 PI0spr10,Y4 suit.. . PrrpoppnQrN w4m... 0. .... PWrMALATE ESTERS 2?PVC*-V Pk-it POLYCHLORINATED SIPHENYLS (PC64) ,0025373 1314103 1374W3 77,5122 65449 109066 76002 1336362 126741,2 11104262 11141,55 534692/9 12672296 I 1937691 11936625 POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS P?aa1,um a."Malt P0406wm arsww....._ .... 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TOE ................... ...................... _. 12.434rrt.erM0'Oppyr4 .......................... "A 2-T.93693.l0ro.st.n........ .............. 1.12.2-TMr6.1110'9.6ww ..................?. t3 4~TwI60N1pr00PM101 ...?_. ..._: 193P6.01y140f .....__....__........ ._.._...___._-- T nwpN6.p1w..........__ ............................ Tow""- 930,0. ft." w ..................... TA9393rc Q.f. .................................................__ 71,939344''', }~ ................................... THALLIUM AND COMPOUNDS ............ .._........__ ^15+"n 90.1515 ............................................. '+?'+?'9301 Q.rs6r+r. .......................... fl1593tnp) QNIrrO. ............................ ..................._. T""'""II) m"m ....................... ..........._....._._.. 91043 1746016 53091 74345 12711 11502 3502.6 7,002 167460 1050 *1141 76751 1314525 744500 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1 Tn.x,urnuu aa. Tl,a.xtrnttl ..Mawa ThvMH aw1a1. TlxOav.fatnl.. Th oww ..... ............ TI11Q"n400caroorl,C 0,.mb. T101MtM. (2.tJ11orvaynYlh . . TAov... L,npn.+wnN Tlrpur.a. nY1. ............... . Thnm ................ .... ........... . Tau.". ............................ . OT04.Ony nyprpctyy~ T4Mr.ptlpy ....... ................... 24,6?Tp 41QC 2.4.5-TP aao 1.11,1 IM.1 2.a TnaavM }.rniy ... ......... TfO1b1o .._..._...._.. ............. .. 1.2.4.Tgtrip,pa,ltMN 1.1.1?TI Ia1Oa1yt, ............ . ............ Tdloft,VWWO .......... Tfthixo..,wn..... Tetfr..toI1M.WanaaeM4nyt OHbra... _ . _ Tlwdm pt10fOT. w, 8.2.LTI,aaetap,~tat 8.2.btV1lIapaytat 2L4.iTl1yl1.ta11,.tat 2.4.~Tawaot.at~tpt i.4.~Tltalyltppt.tt.t 2 4 6 T1lcgpt.ptatly ..................._ 1314325 12.031520 7446t66 1003139, 6235- "166114 141337 74931 101"5 79116 ?366 5744124 11114 107153 10*211 101163 15107 25376456 496720 arms 514149 11067 2647,625 1362ts 1001352 93721 32574955 11125 62f16 12!0121 71536 75003 71011 711016 614427 ....._ ..............? . 8716 T 1 .rnaN _. __.._._. 872?it17 ,"--.FNWIW........_ ...................._ _~.. ........ 18144 -..-+w.rY.n. .............................................. 1 14761 I 314 . MI.Oatp 241 ....11 T ~4rllas,yl ............. ............. 127507 'w __,l ) 11_,., Ow"Ilm ...... _ _ ............. 1u7r ft* wawa. .................. rte.. ...... '.w.wc a GOnOrMf' ......................... 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NORM 14"1176 _~...~ .................................. 272071 ............................... a1,e..e. orr .................. .................. 2314 .... .1 fA1761 atl one. _ ......................... Z 714"37 ::!n .. wrzn ...... 7717416 am 104,6 ................... ln.. ~.._ ........................._..._ 7716114 ......... ...... ......... ..... ............_. /271ij 21ne 11W. ............_ .................................... 1714147 76- r l al cv lror,a. ....... ............. . 1"7,711 _ 2kaor......,.-.. Mor..tx,Mn "Mora. xw271se wn M t.1 .b ........ 11444612 .** am a 13113133 a NO e.ateo,n wew.ne. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000901060005-1