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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Oc Ic- I ~-vcY\cq-\ co, I ~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE Flo Ftb -TO: DDA ROOM NQ. BUILDING 7D t$' REMARKS: 4 MAR 1986 FROM: C/I ROOM NO. BUILDING 4~ 4. STAT rur1M 1tf-8 1 FPR 6R 7Al /A 71 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 J? =3 L ;COMPT 20 March 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF SUBJECT: House Passage of HR 4151, The "Omnibus Diplomatic Security and and-Anti-Terrorism Act of 1986" 1. As I reported at yesterday morning's Standup, the House-voted 389 to 7 late Tuesday night (18 March) to approve the subject legislation, authorizing approximately $4.4 Billion from FY 1986 to FY 1990 that would implement many of the recommendations made last fall by the Inman Panel. 2. A copy of the debate on the House floor, from the Congressional Record, is attached. The actual Bill language is found at page H1251, but note that further amendments were made to the bill in the pages that follow. The Bill now goes to the Senate where it will be referred to the Foreign Relations Committee. STAT Chief, Legislative Liaison, IC -Staff cc: DD/ICS EXO/ICS C/CCIS C/SECOM 0/PBS C/SC PBS PBS CCi?T RECORD COPY ~R-c~. r e-E'd -+o Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Kim CONGRESINONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 18, Ift oesoii Ores e,/ to dr Hat is through oeeugeek i?eaatrest gaited states toisron ?asr wilts s of UAL horses to seroigm ostmtsten bNeee os of a Va mi addsa 3 weans is an Ism M s.ei8laaea 41 deltas in esasggenr a tits sm saw for Vkm - at aftemew is womed. lit ooteatdes obwa. thaw States citing= we otheifte do so rains their fir with Lisp and do act make tie it entry cafe for United states tikes. then it is appropriate for the peUJL Government to take it t the U.S. a assn aq"of e.Saw travel adae)sorlaa for such cousins, w might ass a far different response to teaodsm by our awes. The United States Issued a travel advisory for Org os last June after the TWA hi- jacking out of Athens. Greece lost enough United States revenue to en- courage a to quickly overhaul the ao- cunil at the airport. If the secretary had beind travel advisort s of Italy and Austria after the attacks on Uaitd at"= cithens last June. Par ham they would fed compelled to take actions to make their countries safer. In short we must find a way to en- conrago, our allies to take actions agA&St terrorists and terrorism. We must find a way to Isolate the Qadha- fie and z2WIneinu from the responsi- ble world community. The provisions of section 07 will help do that. Tilde VI. International Nuclear Ter- rorism expresses the high priority thet committee places on finding responses to the timeat of international nuclear terrorism before the United States is faced with such an act. and In estab- tuhing effective measures to Protect nudear, facflttes and weapons-grade materials from acts of terrorism. Title VII. Multilateral Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism emphasises the importance the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs places on gaining multilateral cooperation among our friends and allies to more effectively combat. on a worldwide basis, the growing threat of Interna- tional terrorism. Title VIIL Victims of Terrorism Compensation. Provides for benefits of captives and compensation for disabil- ity or death. The purpose of Title Tz. Maritime Security, is to establish an effective regime for maintaining security stand- ards at both domestic and foreign ports. It Includes measures to improve seaport and shipboard security. and to prevent unlawful acts against passen- ger and crews on board ships. In addi- tion. there are provisions to require a maritime risk assessment. Lastly. Title X establishes a fellow- ship program named the Poscell Fel- lew+shtp Program after the respected chairman of the Ooesmittee on For- eign Affairs. The purpose Is to afford the fellowship recipients the opportu- nity to Serve ea a short term bass at a United States diplomatic afgloo In the Soviet Uzi= or >?asters sw ope to Obtain firsthand working exposure to the country in which they serve. This wogram is a fitting tribute to the work and interests of an Individual whose it has been a privilege to work with and learn from. Tenwisn In one of the worst intef. notional problems of our time. and it it growing. The legislation before us is a responsible way to try to bring this problem under control. It is the result of much cooperation and effort on the part of those who worked on it It to a good bill and I urge my colleagues to support It. 01630 Mr. LOTT. Mr. Speaker. I have no further requests for time. and I yield back the balance of my time. Mrs. BURTON of California. Mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as I may consume. I would like to say a few words on behalf of this rule sod this bill. Mr. Speaker, terrorism Is a cancer which could destroy us all. Its virulent message has coarsened our sonsibflitia manit7. The evil agents that aid this International disease must be checked I am pleased that a partial remedy for this destructive condition exists in H.R. 4419. appropriately entitled the Diplomatic Security Act. This legisla- tion will provide a needed security ap- paratus to protect our dedicated civil servants who have committed them- selves to a life of selfless public sere. ice. It will further provide. via the De- partment of State. the training assist. ance and related equipment to host Government personnel assigned to protect U.B. Government employees and missions abroad. Because the United States has an imperative Interest in protecting U.S. citizens serving their country abroad. I urge adoption of the proposed rule for consideration of this bill. Mr. Speaker, I have no requests for time. and I move the previous question on the resolution. The previous question was ordered. The resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. APPOfl4TMENT OF CONFEREES ON HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION $34. URGENT 8 AL APPROPRIATION FOR THE DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1986 Mr. WRITTEN. Mr. Speaker. I move to take from the Speakers table the joint-resolution (H.J. Res. 334) making an urgent supplemental appropriation for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending September 30. 1980. and for other purposes, disagree to the amendment of the Senate to the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Senate and ash for a further conference thereon. The SPEAMR pro tempers. The question is on the motion offered- by the gentleman from Mississippi Oir Wtrrrral. The motion was agreed to. The SPEASER pro tempore. With. out objection the Chair appoints the following conferees: Mews. Waerres, TL Mite B6cHucaZ. Nsacunt. AMsg,, WATKnra, Duesm and Sena of look Mrs. am= of Nebr.. Meese Myns of Indiana. Boaas, and 8==t There was no objection. GENERAL LEAVE Mr. FASCEL. Mr. Speaker. I aft unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days in which im revue and extend their remarks and include extraneous matter on H.& 4151. the bill about to be considered. The SPEAKER pre tampons is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Florida? There was no objection. ant to House Reselntion 402 and rde =II. the Chair declares the He In the Ca rmtttee of the Whole Homes on the mate Of the Union for the cia. sideration of the btil. H.A. 4131. 01624 IN Too CO' esQrsaUse wines Accordingly the Zones, resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House an the State of the Union for the coasideratios of the bill (H.R. 4151) to prevlia fur the security of U.S. diplomatic personnel. facilities. and operations. and feu other 'pur- poses, with Mr. Eteaaa In the chair. The Clerk read the title of the bill: The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the rule, the first reading of the bill is dis- pensed with. Under the rule. the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Fsscma.l will be recog- nized for 1 hour. and the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Baooir,III.ol will be recognized for 1 hour. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida (Mr. FAacm r). Mr. FASCEL.L. Mr. Chairman. I yield myself such time as I may con- sume. Mr. Chairman. I rise in support of H.R. 4151. as amended the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986. As you know. this legislation has been expedited at the request of the administration and House leadership and was developed In bipartisan coop- eration with five other committees sharing jurisdiction over various provi- sions contained in this legislation. I want to express my gratitude to the chairmen. ranting numbers and to an the members of the Committees on Armed Services. on the Judiciary. on Merchant Marine and ftherie% on Post Office and civil Service. and on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Mach 18, 1986 In titles I through IV shall be aooatrisd to Umic er Impair the aushsattF W asoaaslbu- ity of any other Yedsss1, U. ar legal song with reaps" to law. eotosesesnol. do` mertie sanity oposdaft or asevis mse activities r dsODSd Is lg, -lw order Tr= III-FEMUR JAMANCZ AND ACCOUA TABII.ITT qC aw. A~1IMFAMLfTT SYtsw. In any am of Serious hnlury. loss of life. or algcdlleaat dstructlon of property at or 1 don abroad wt Is covered by the provt- entity a 1333L (chi Ctarras lens Y6~rra The dean of atlas I through IV (other than a is. strumnt Administrator, of Oeetsnt atarvleae a author- wtansum feed to less (to sorb es2snt er in swab of a Dotted States area military command- (2) O+ anomie an an gawvlded In nopro9rtatioa es). the SStsetaey of State shall convene an Acto) up to 290.N9sgwn feet to the United Aeaoatabtllh Review Board (hereafter in a Stater for the Department of state to as this title referred to AS the ..Board..). The tif rmel commodate the p magind required to carry Secretary shat not convene a Board where a Out this title. 'ifs Department of at. the Secretary determines that a ass clearly given an Shan pay for such epees at -the rate eetab. Involves only causes unrelated to security. (3) Su lasted by the Admi Ich tar of General asc at ACCOI1M?AsnTTT UUVIIW aOA# n7 of f a rm asrvkee for space and related Set,lcea. (a) MsaoeasmV.-A Board shall con" of scribed 9DC. ter. MDRed'1101 OF roasian maessuTIOL five members 4 appointed by the Secretary (1 X B)) enactment of this Act. the Secretary of State shell establish a proem for period is review if the accredited= in the United States at all ilseeiga esnsuular personnel. in- cluding honorary consuls. and the member and location of all foreign consular facilities In the United States. The Secretary shall submit a report on this process to the Cam. mittse on. Farelsa Affesrs of the Noun of Repes?tatlvs and the Committee an Far Sign BahtieoS if the Senate not later than 9 months after the data of enactment of this Act. Such report shall describe this period c rev ew process and peeeeat a plan for the reduetkn (a? well as consolidation) of foreign consular LOd related functions In the United Staten. TITLZ II-DIPL 0MATIC SECURITY SERVICE! 9gC. at. WAIUSHNV(T OF DIFL.OMATIC 9gC11aI- TT ag-' iIQ There shall be. within the Bureau of Dip- lomatie security. the Dlpiomatlc security SerYtee., The Dlplasatie Security Service shall perform suck fu nctioas an may be as, Signed to It by the Secretary of State. 'safc. at DINGS Or DIPLOMATIC sicvnrrr egavxs The Diplomatic 'Security Service shall be headed by a Director designated by the Sec- rotary of 3tats. The Director shall be a career member of the Senior Foreign Serv- tce or the Senior Executive Service and shall be qualified for the position by virtue of demonstrated ability in the area of secu- rity. law enforcement, management, or public administration. Experience in man- agement or operations at diplomatic pats abroad shall be considered an affirmative factor in the selection of the Director. The Director shall act under the supervision and direction of the Assistant Secretary for Dip- lomatic Security. sac.esa rornona In. THIN DrptAMATtc 9acuainr saavtca Positions in the Diplomatic security Serv- ice shall be filled In accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1960 (22 U.C. 3901 et seq.) and title S. United Slats Code. In filling such posi- cons, the secretary of state Shan sett"J7 recruit woman and members of minority groups. The Secretary of State shall pre- scribe the qualifications required for Sedgn- ment or appointment to such positions. In the case of positions designated for special agents. the qualifications may include mini- mum and maximum entry as restrictions and other physical standards and shall in- corporate Out .s standards as may be re- quired by law in order to perform security tunctlane. to bar arm& and to exercise in- vestlgatary. warrant, arrst. and such other authorities s an available by law to special agents of the Department of state and the Feeeigk Service. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE a 19194 of State. and 1 appointed by the Director of or *the Central Intelligence. The Secretary of State the Bas shall desfgnar the Chairperson of the Seery I Board. Members of the Board who are not velopm Federal ohm s or employees shall each be (B) L paid at a rate not to exceed the massmum Obey a rate of bask pay payable for level C MI-13 of mph. the General Schedule for each day (taelud- the lm Ing travel Ume) during which they an an. eel to gaged in the actual performance of duties within vested in the Board Members of the Board who an Federal officers or employes Shall fee"" no additional pay by reason of such membership. (b) FACnsl an. geavnss. 8a'rrtma Aws Bra".- (1) SoleLm n ssAa=rmr or RA=-A Board shall obtain facilities. Services. and supplies through the Department of State. All expenses of the Board. Including neces- sary cow of travel, shall be paid by the Do- partment of State. Travel expenses author- Ind under this paragraph shall be paid in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of We S. United Stats Code. or other ap- plicable law. (2) Da'rAn.-At the request of a Board. employees of the Department of State or other Federal agencies. members of the For- eign Service, or members of the uniformed Service. may be temporarily assigned. with or without reimbursement, to assist the N-L Upon request. the Inspector General the Department of State and the Foreign Service may provide assistance to the Board. (3) lllxrasze Ann cowsoL:A)rrs.-A Board may employ and compensate (in accordance with section 3109 of title 5. United States Code) such experts and consultants as the Board considers necessary to carry out its functions. Experts and consultants so em- played shall be responsible solely to the Board cam as FOOCIDDaaa. (u) members of the uniformed servlan as defined by seed= lgt3) at title 3Z Stave a United (01) an United a (iv) Inc in foanw r.......... I upon APPOC10111011 of the Attorney oenenl. issue to sorb person an order requiring such person to appear before the Board to give testtmon, ter Orodoee information as re- quired by an sabpom& (C) Sabposeed witnesses shall be paid the same Lee and mdsge allowances which an paid subp , ,.- d witnesses In the courts of the United States. (b) CortmsrttAl.rsi.-A Board shall adopt fora rsUve poseedim under this ties suab Feoasdnns with rasped to confldentiallty as may be deemed necessary. including prosdttrs relating to the conduct of closed R'oosdb)p or the submission and use of evidence In Seem. to ensure to par- ticular the protection of classifted informa- tion relating to national defense. foreign policr.,or Intellicace matters. Tbs.a(rsctor the level of protoatlon required _ oe to c - cords pertainfns to ad- minlstrative proceedings under this title shall be Separated from all other records of the Department of State and shall be main- tained under appropriate safeguards to pre- serve confidentiality and siaasification of in- formation. Such records-1hall be prohibited from disclosure to the public until such time as a Board completes its work and is dis- missed. The Department of State shall turn (1) IIwrsm sTASai oovneweeavT racsowww., over to the Director of Central Intelligence AM cowTai-cross.- intelligence Information and Information re- (A) With respect to any individual luting to Intelligence personnel which shall scribed In subparagraph (B), a Board made- y- then become records of the Central Intelli- (I) administer oaths and affirmations: gene Agency. After that Use, only such ex- (1i) require that depositions be given and emptions as apply to other records of the interrogatories answered and Department of Stan under node (m of (ill) require the attendance and presents- title 5 of the United States Code (relating lating to Iron of testimony and evidence by such tndl- freedom of Information), shall be available ridgy for the remaining records of the Board. (d) STATus or Bogies.-The provisions of Failure of any such Individual to comply the Federal Advisory Committee Act (S with a request of the Board shall be U.S.C. App. 1 at seq.) and section 552b of grounds fair dlsdpUaary action by the head title 5 of the United Staten Code (relating to of the Federal agency in which such Individ- open meetings) shall not apply to any ual Is employed or servea or in the case of a Board. contractor. debarment. sgc. SOL FImNcs AND alCO~ATiows HT A (B) The Individuals referred to in subpara- 906%M graph (A) are- (a) Frwsnes.-A Board convened to any (I) employees an defined by section 2109 of ogee shall examine the facts and eirrcum- title S. United States Code (including mem. Stanc s stsrvaotg the serious Wiry. low bens of the Feadgn service); of life, or Mgsilleemm destruction of property Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 'K 1254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 18, 1986 as or fei&Wd to a united States Government ntladoo abroad and determine- (1)-the extent to which the incident or In- cidaota with reamers to whirs tins: Board was convened was seeurtty MIS"* (3) whether tine securky arMsms and ecru. My procedures at that ai^im -wen ads quote; (3) whether the scarily gales and seen- rtty procedures wow property isggismented: Lion intelligence and lelfeema? (5) such other Latta and cbsumstances which may be relevant to the appropriate security management of United States mis stone abroad. (b) Peooaaw Rsoosnmmaaoes.-A Board shall submit its findings (which may be cias- sifled to the extent deemed necessary by the Board) to the Secretary of State, together with recommendations as appropriate to Im- prove the security and efficiency of any pro. gram Or operation which the Board has re. viewed. (c) Pssoue. RacosonmoaTIOws.-When. ever a Board finds reasonable cause to be- lieve that an Individual described in section 303(a)(IXB) bas breached the duty of that Individual, the Board shall transmit the fiadlnt of reasonable cause. together with such evidence and for die cipUnary or other appropriate action, to the head of the appropriate Federal agency or instrumentality. In deternnining whether an individual has breached a duty of that Indi- vidual, the Board shall tare Into account any standard of conduct, law, rule, regula- tion, contract. or order which is pertinent to the performance of the duties of that indi- vidual. (d) Raoan.- (1) PROGRAM ar-0coromreaTtows.-In any case in which a Board transmits recommen- than 90 days after the receipt of such r' c ommendations. submit a report to the Con- great on each such recommendation and the action taken with respect to that recommen- dation. (2) Psasom ion. awcoaorarnArtows.-In any came in which a Board transmits a finding of relsonable cause under subsection (c), the head of the Federal agency or instrumental- ity receiving the Information shall review the evidence and recommendations and shall, not later than 30 days after the re- ceipt of that finding, transmit to the Con. grew a report specifying- (A) the nature of the case and a summary of the evidence transmitted by the Board: and (B) the decision by the Federal agency or instrumentality to take disciplinary or other appropriate action against that-individual or the reasons for deciding not to take discipli- nary or other action with respect to that in- dividual. SWC. afa RRLATION TO OTNn MOCISDING5. Nothing in this title shall be construed to create administrative or Judicial review rem- edies or rights of action aoL otherwise avail- able by law. nor shall any provision of this title be construed to deprive any person of any right or legal defense which would oth- erwise be available to that person under any law. rule. or regulation. TITLE IV-DIPLOMATIC SECURITY PROGRAM SiC. 01. AUTWORMAT10N. (a) DznoiAnc 82cVRrrs PROORAat-In ad- dition to amounts otherwise available for such purpose& there are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of State for final yeah 1911 through 1990 under the heading "Adminlatration of For- eign Affairs" for "Salaries and Zxpenses". "Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad", sod "Counter-terrorUm Research and Develnpsseut such Bums as may be aeceleary for diplomatic security constnfe- lian, acquisition. mad operations pursuant to the Department of State's Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program. except that the aggregate appropriations pursuant to this substation for each such account for those fin fiscal years may not exceed the total amount specified for that account for those five flscal years In the Department of State's Budget In Brief for fiscal year 1117. (b) Nonricanosr ro Avrsotanro CoaoaT- Tosw or Raevbrs roe Armen snows.-Ih any fiscal year. whenever the Secretary of State submits to the Congress a request for appropriations to carry out the program de. scribed In subsection (a). the secretary shall notify the Commute, on Foreign Affairs of the Souse of Representatives and the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of such request, together with a justifica- tion of each item listed in such request. (c) RMMOOMA UM TRRATUMT.-Amounts made available for capital projects pursuant to the program described in subsection (a) shall be treated as a reprogramming of funds under section 34 of the State Depart. meat Bade Authorities Act of 19M (22 U.S.C. 7708) and shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except in compU. ance with the procedures applicable to such reprogramming. (d) PRoxrsrnrow on RULLorAnows or Av- rxeatzArtows.-Section 24(d) of the State Department Bade Authorities Act of 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2192(d)) shall not apply with re- spect to any amounts authorized to be ap propriated under this section. (e) Ssctram Raovasmmrrs or Ovum Fouzow AtvAas AGmcres.-Based solely on security requirements and within the total curity requirements of other foreign affairs agencies. (f) IwsvrncrgcT or Fvwas.-In the event that sufficient funds are not available in any fiscal year for all of the diplomatic se- curity construction. acquisition. and oper- ations pursuant to the Department of State's supplemental Diplomatic Security Program the Secretary of State shall report to the Congress the effect that the insuffi- ciency of funds will have with respect to the Department of State and each of the other foreign affairs agencies. SIC. (eL DIP O11ATIC CON![RUCTION PROGRAZ (a) PRanaues roe Uwrzzp STATES Cow- TaAcroas.-Notwithstanding section 11 of the Foreign Service Buildings Act. 1926, and where adequate competition exists. only United States persons and qualified United States joint venture persons may bid on a diplomatic construction project, for which funds are authorized by this title. which has an estimated contract value exceeding 93.000.000. (b) l:zcsrrtow.-Subsection (a) shall not apply .with respect to any project in a for. eign country whose laws and policies pro- hibit the use of United States contractors on United States diplomatic construction projects. (c) Desrwrnows.-For the purposes of this section- (1) the term "adequate competitan" means with respect to a construction project. the presence of two or more quail. fled bidders submitting responsive bids for that project: (2) the term "United States person'. means a person which- (A) Is incorporated or legally organised under the laws of the United States, Indud- ing State. the District of Columbia` and local laws: and (B) has Its principal place of businar in the United States: and (C) has been incorporated or legaily orga- nised in the United States for more than $ years before the Issuance date of the Invtta. Lion for bids or request for proposals with respect to a construction project: and (D) has performed within the United States administrative and technical. profes. sional. or construction services similar in complexity. type of construction. and value to the project being bid; and (B) has achieved total business volume equal to or greater than the value of the project being bid in 3 years of the S-year period before the date specified in subpara- graph (C); and (F) employs United States citizens in more than half of its permanent, full-time post. tions in the United States and will employ United States citizens in 50 percent of the supervisory positions on the foreign build- ings office project site and (0) has the existing technic and ftnan- cial resources in the United States to per- form the contract: and (3) the term "qualified United States joint venture person" means a Joint venture In which a United States person or persons owns at least 91 percent of the assets of the joint venture. (d) AmMmAw Maroaewy ColrrsAcroas.- Not lees than 10 percent of the amount ap propriated pursuant to section 401(a) for diplomatic construction projects each fiscal year shalt be allocated to the extent practi- cable for contracts with American minority InRRD FOR ,TRUCrnON In carrying out the diplomatic construc- tion program referred to In section 401(a), the Secretary of State my employ as pro- fessional staff (by appointment contract, or otherwlsi onstrate( fields of contract tlons, tb women a sac. es. C Any a capital p of State' ty ProV amount shad be funds un sent Br U.S.C. 2 obligado, ante witl reprograi sac. Nla a The D Building system o lomatic c ant to t: title. Not of enactf submit a repurL w cne a-ungr~ on plementation of this section. SSC. ML ADVIIORY PANaL ON OVWCAS Sactai- TY. Not later than 90 days after. the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Congress on the Implementation of the 91 recommen- dations contained in the final report of the Advisory Panel on Overseas Security. If any such has been rejected. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 - (S! ~5 139920. 180 Mr. Lugar [STAFF DRAFT: May 7, 19861 Viz: 1 Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in 2 lieu thereof the following: 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the "Diplomatic Security and 5 Antiterrorism Act of 1986". 6 SEC. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 7 The table of contents of this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title. Sec. 2. Table of contents. TITLE I--DIPLOMATIC SECURITY Sec. 101. Short title. Sec. 102. Findings and purposes. Sec. 103. Responsibility of the Secretary of State. Sec. 104. Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Sec. 105. Responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security. Sec. 106. Cooperation of other Federal agencies. Sec. 201. Establishment of Diplomatic Security Service. Sec. 202. Director of Diplomatic Security Service. Sec. 203. Positions in the Diplomatic Security Service. Sec. 301. Accountability review. Sec. 302. Accountability Review Eoard. Sec. 303. Procedures. Sec. 304. Findings and recommendations by a Board. Sec. 305. Relation to other proceedings. P., /I'' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 2 Sec. 401. Authorization. Sec. 402. Diplomatic construction program. Sec. 403. Qualifications of persons hired for the diplomatic construction program. Sec. 404. Cost overruns. Sec. 405. Efficiency in contracting. Sec. 406. Training to Improve perimeter security at United States diplomatic missions abroad. Sec. 407. Certain protective functions. TITLE V--STATE DEPARTMENT AUTHORITIES TO COMBAT INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM Sec. 501. Rewards for information relating to international narcoterrorism and drug trafficking. Sec. 502. Counterterrorism Protection Fund. Sec. 503. Authority to control certain terrorism-related services. Sec. 601. Short title. Sec. 602. Fellowship program for temporary service at United Sec. 603. States missions in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Fellowship Board. Sec. 604. Fellowships. Sec. 605. Secretary of State. Sec. 701. Negotiations to make international terrorism a universal crime. 1 TITLE I--DIPLOMATIC SECURITY 2 SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. 3 Titles I through IV of this Act may be cited as the 4 ''Diplomatic Security Act". 5 SEC. 102. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. 6 (a) Findings.--The Congress finds and declares that-- 7 (1) the United States has a crucial stake in the 8 presence of United States Government personnel Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 3 1 representing United States interests abroad; 2 (2) conditions confronting United States Government 3 personnel and missions abroad are fraught with security 4 concerns which will continue for the foreseeable future; 5 and 6 (3) the resources now available to counter acts of 7 terrorism and protect and secure United States Government 8 personnel and missions abroad, as well as foreign 9 officials and missions in the United States, are 10 inadequate to meet the mounting threat to such personnel 11 and facilities. 12 (b) Purposes.--The purposes of titles I through IV are-- 13 (1) to set forth the responsibility of the Secretary 14 of State with respect to'the security of diplomatic 15 operations in the United States and abroad; 16 (2) to provide for an Assistant Secretary of State tc 17 head the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the Department 18 of State, and to set forth certain provisions relating tc 19 the Diplomatic Security Service of the Department of 20 State; 21 (3) to maximize coordination by the Department of 22 State with Federal, State, and local agencies and 23 agencies of foreign governments in order to enhance 24 security programs; 25 (4) to promote strengthened security measures and to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 4 1 provide for the accountability of United States 2 Government personnel with security-related 3 responsibilities; and 4 (5) to provide authorization of appropriations for 5 the Department of State to carry out its responsibilities 6 in the area of security and counterterrorism, and in 7 particular to finance the acquisition and improvements of 8 United States Government missions abroad, including real 9 property, buildings, facilities, and communications, 10 information, and security systems. 11 SEC. 103. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. 12 (a) Security Functions.--The Secretary of State shall 13 develop and implement (in consultation with the heads of 14 other Federal agencies having personnel or missions abroad 15 where appropriate and within the scope of the resources made 16 available) policies and programs, including funding levels 17 and standards, to provide for the security of United States 18 Government operations of a diplomatic nature and foreign 19 government operations of a diplomatic nature in the United 20 States. Such policies and programs shall include-- 21 (1) protection of all United States Government 22 personnel on official duty abroad (other than those 23 personnel under the command of a .United States area 24 military commander) and their accompanying dependents; 25 (2) establishment and operation of security functions Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 5 1 at all United States Government missions abroad (other 2 than facilities or installations subject to the control 3 of a United States area military commander); 4 (3) establishment and operation of security functions 5 at all Department of State facilities in the United 6 States; and 7 (4) protection of foreign missions, international 9 organizations, and foreign officials and other foreign 9 persons in the United States, as authorized by law. 10 (b) Oversight of Posts Abroad.--The Secretary of State 11 shall-- 12 (1) have full responsibility for the coordination cf 13 all United States Government personnel assigned to 14 diplomatic or consular posts or other United States 15 missions abroad pursuant to United States Government 16 authorization (except for facilities, installations, or 17 personnel under the command of a United States area is military commander) ; and t ..., 11 .r 5~1~/< i 19 (2) establish appropriate overseas staffing levels A 20 for all such posts or missions for all Federal agencies with activities abroad (except for personnel and activities under the command of a United States area 1 23 military commander). 24 (c) Federal Agency.--As used in this title and title III, 25 the term "Federal agency" includes any department or agency Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 6 1 of the United States Government. 2 SEC. 104. BUREAU OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY. 3 (a) The Bureau.--There shall be a Bureau of Diplomatic 4 Security In the Department of State, to be headed by the 5 Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security. The Assistant 6 Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the functions 7 and duties set forth in section 105 and such additional 8 functions as may be directed by the Secretary of State. 9 (b) Number of Assistant Secretaries.--The first section 10 of the Act entitled '' An Act to strengthen and improve the 11 organization and administration of the Department of State, 12 and for other purposes," approved May 26, 1949 (22 U.S.C. 13 2652), is amended by striking out "fourteen" and inserting 14 In lieu thereof ",fifteen". 15 (c) Positions at Level IV of the Executive Schedule.-- 16 Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, is amended by 17 striking out '' (14) " following "Assistant Secretaries of 18 State" and inserting in lieu thereof "(15)". 19 (d) Compliance with Budget Act.--New spending authority 20 (within the meaning of section 401(c)(2)(C) of the 21 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974) 22 provided by the amendment made by subsection (c) of this 23 section shall be effective for any fiscal year only to the 24 extent or in such amounts as provided in appropriations Acts. 25 SEC. 105. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 7 1 DIPLOMATIC SECURITY. 2 The Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security shall be 3 responsible for such activities related to diplomatic 4 security as the Secretary of State shall designate. 5 SEC. 106. COOPERATION OF OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES. 6 (a) Assistance.--In order to facilitate fulfillment of 7 the responsibilities described in section 103(a), other a Federal agencies shall cooperate (through agreements) to the 9 maximum extent possible with the Secretary of State. Such 10 agencies may, with or without reimbursement, provide 11 assistance to the Secretary, perform security inspections, 12 provide logistical support relating to the differing missions 13 and facilities of other Federal agencies, and perform other 14 overseas security functions as may be authorized oy the 15 Secretary. Specifically, the Secretary may agree to delegate 16 operational control of overseas security functions of other 17 Federal agencies to the heads of such agencies, subject to 18 the Secretary's authority as set forth in section 103(a). The 19 agency head receiving such delegated authority shall be 20 responsible to the Secretary in the exercise of the delegated operational control. 22 (b) Other Agencies.--The President shall prescribe such 23 regulations as may be necessary to assure that the 24 implementation of titles I through IV dga-s not limit or A 25 impair the authority or responsibility of any other Feaeral, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 8 1 State, or local agency with respect to law enforcement, 2 domestic security operations, or Intelligence activities (as 4 (c) Certain Lease Arrangements.--The Administrator of 5 General Services is authorized to lease (to such extent or in 6 such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts) such 7 amount of space in the United States as may be necessary for 8 the Department of State to accommodate the personnel requires 9 to carry out this title. The Department of State shall pay 10 for such space at the rate established by the Administrator 11 of General Services fcr space and related services. 12 TITLE II--DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE 13 SEC. 201. ESTABLISHMENT OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE. 14 There shall be, within the Eureau of Diplomatic Security, 15 the Diplomatic Security Service. The Diplomatic Security 16 Service shall perform such functions as may be assigned to it 17 by the Secretary of State. 18 SEC. 202. DIRECTOR OF DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE. 19 The Diplomatic Security Service shall be headed by a 22 Director designated by the Secretary of State from among 21 individuals having a demonstrated ability in the area of 22 security, law enforcement, management, or public 23 administration. The Director shall act under the supervisicn 24 and direction of the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic 25 Security. It Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 9 1 SEC. 203. POSITIONS IN THE DIPLOMATIC SECURITY SERVICE. 2 Positions in the Diplomatic Security Service shall be 3 filled in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign 4 Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.) and title 5, 5 United States Code. In filling such positions, the Secretary 6 of State shall actively recruit women and members of minority 7 groups. The Secretary of State shall prescribe the 8 qualifications required for assignment or appointment to such 9 positions. In the case of positions designated for special 10 agents, the qualifications may include minimum and maximum 11 entry age restrictions and other physical standards and shall 12 incorporate such standards as may be required by law in order 13 to perform security functions, to bear arms, and to exercise 14 investigatory, warrant, arrest, and such other authorities as 15 are available by law to special agents of the Department of 16 State and the Foreign Service. 17 TITLE III--PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY 18 SEC. 301. ACCOUNTABILITY REVIEW. 19 In any case of serious injury, loss of life, or 20 significant destruction of property at or related to a Unitec 21 States Government mission abroad which is covered by the 22 provisions of titles I through IV (other than a facility or 23 installation subject to the control of a United States area 24 military commander), the Secretary of State shall convene an 25 Accountability Review Board (hereafter in this title referred Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 10 1 to as the ",Board"). The Secretary shall not convene a Poarc 2 where the Secretary determines that a case clearly Involves 3 only causes unrelated to security. 4 SEC. 302. ACCOUNTABILITY REVIEW BOARD. 5 (a) Membership.--A Board shall consist of five members, 4 6 appointed by the Secretary of State, and 1 appointed by the 7 Director of Central Intelligence. The Secretary of State 8 shall designate the chairperson of the Board. Members of the 9 Board who are not Federal officers or employees shall each be 13 paid at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate of basic pay 11 payable for level GS-18 of the General Schedule for each day 12 (including travel time) during which they are engaged in the 13 actual performance of duties vested in the Board. Members of 14 the Board who are Federal officers or employees shall receive 15 no additional pay by reason of such membership. 16 (b) Facilities, Services, Supplies, and Staff.-- 17 (1) Supplied by department of state.--A Board shall 18 obtain facilities, services, and supplies through the 19 Department of State. All expenses of the Board, including 20 necessary costs of travel, shall be paid by the 21 Department of State. Travel expenses authorized under 22 this paragraph shall be paid in accordance with 23 subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States 24 Code, or other applicable law. 25 (2) Detail.--At the request of a Board, employees of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 E.L.C. 11 1 the Department of State or other Federal agencies, 2 members of the Foreign Service, or members of the 3 uniformed services may be temporarily assigned, with or 4 without reimbursement, to assist the Board. Upon request, 5 the Inspector General of the Department of State and the 6 Foreign Service may provide assistance to the Board. 7 (3) Experts and consultants.--A Board may employ and a compensate (in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, 9 United States Code) such experts ana consultants as the 10 Board considers necessary to carry out its functions. 11 Experts and consultants so employed shall be responsible 12 solely to the Board. 13 SEC. 303. PROCEDURES. 14 (a) Evidence.-- 15 (1) United States Government personnel and 16 contractors.-- 17 (A) with respect to any individual described in 18 subparagraph (B), a Board may-- 19 (1) administer oaths and affirmations; 20 (ii) require that depositions be given and 21 interrogatories answered; and 22 (iii) require the attendance and pre-entaticr. 23 of testimony and evidence by such individual. 24 Failure of any such individual to comply witn a 25 request of the Board shall be grounds for Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 12 1 disciplinary action by the head of the Federal agency 2 in which such individual is employed or serves, or in 3 the case of a contractor, debarment. 4 (5) The individuals referred to in subparagraph 5 (A) are-- 6 (i) employees as defined by section 2105 of 7 title 5, United States Code (including members of 8 the Foreign Service); 9 (ii) members of the uniformed services as 10 defined by section 101(3) of title 37, United 11 States Code; 12 (iii) employees of instrumentalities of the 13 United States; and 14 (iv) individuals employed by any person or 15 entity under contract with agencies or 16 instrumentalities of the United States Government 17 to provide services, equipment, or personnel. 18 (2) Other Persons.--With respect to a person who is 19 not described in paragraph (1)(B), a Board may administer 20 oaths and affirmations and require that depositions be 21 given and interrogatories answered. 22 (3) Subpoenas.--(A) The Board may issue a subpoena 23 for the attendance and testimony of any person (other 24 than a person described in clause (I), (ii), or (iii) of 25 paragraph (1)(B)) and the production of documentary Cr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 13 1 other evidence from any such person if the Board finds 2 that such a subpoena is necessary in the Interests of 3 justice for the development of relevant evidence. 4 (R) In the case of contumacy or refusal to obey a 5 subpoena Issued under this paragraph, a court of the 6 United States within the jurisdiction of which a person 7 Is directed to appear or produce information, or within 8 the jurisdiction of which the person is found, resides, 9 or transacts business, may upon application of the 10 Attorney General, issue to such person an order requiring 11 such person to appear before the Board to give testimony 12 or produce information as required by the subpoena. 13 (C) Subpoenaed witnesses shall be paid the same fee 14 and mileage allowances which are paid subpoenaed 15 witnesses in the courts of the United States. 16 (b) Confidentiality.--A Board shall adopt for 17 administrative proceedings under this title such procedures 18 with respect to confidentiality as may be deemed necessary, 19 including procedures relating to the conduct of closed 20 proceedings or the submission and use of evidence in camera, 21 to ensure in particular the protection of classified 22 information relating to national defense, foreign policy, or 23 Intelligence matters. The Director of Central Intellieence 24 shall establish the level of protection required for 25 Intelligence information and for information relating to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 14 1 Intelligence personnel, including standards for secure 2 storage. 3 (c) Records.-- 4 (1) In general.--Records pertaining to administrative 5 proceedings under this title shall be separated from all 6 other records of the Department of State and shall be 7 maintained under appropriate safeguards to preserve 8 confidentiality and classification of information. Such 9 records shall be prohibited from disclosure to the public 10 until such time as a Board completes its work and is 11 dismissed. The Department of State shall turn over to the 12 Director of Central Intelligence intelligence information 13 and information relating to intelligence personnel which 14 shall then become records of the Central Intelligence 15 Agency. After that time, only such exemptions as apply tc 16 other records of the Department of State under section 17 552(b) of title 5 of the United States Code (relating to 18 freedom of Information), shall be available for the 19 remaining records of the Board. 20 (2) Use as evidence.--No part of any record 21 pertaining to administrative proceedings under this title 22 may be admitted as evidence or used in any suit or action 23 for damages growing out of any matter mentioned in such 24 record. 25 (d) Status cf Boards.--The Provisions of the Federal Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 15 1 Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 1 et seq.) and section 2 552b of title 5 of the United States Code (relating tc open 3 meetings) shall not apply to any Board. 4 SEC. 304. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BY A BOARD. 5 (a) Findings.--A Board convened in any case shall examine 6 the facts and circumstances surrounding the serious injury, 7 loss of life, or significant destruction of property at or 3 related to a United States Government mission abroad and 9 shall make written findings determining-- 10 (1) whether there are reasonable grounds to believe 11 that the injury, loss of life, or destruction of property 12 with respect to which the Board was convened was 13 security-related; and 14 (2) w~iether there is reasonable cause to believe that 15 a breach of duty by an individual described in section 16 303(a)(1)(B) contributed to such injury, loss of life, or 17 destruction of property. 18 In making its findings, the Board shall take into acccunt 19 such standards of conduct, statutes, rules, regulations, 20 instructions and other sources as may have been pertinent to 21 the performance of work and official duties. 22 (b) Program Recommendations.--The Board shall make 23 recommendations to the Secretary of State as appropriate to 24 improve the efficiency, economy, suitability, or security of 25 any program or operation which the Board has reviewed, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 1 16 1 particularly recommendations to promote security awareness 2 and individual accountability for security programs. 3 (c) Disciplinary Proceedings.-- 4 (1) Notice.--Whenever a Board finds reasonable cause 5 to believe than an individual has breached a duty under 6 subsection (a)(2), the Board shall promptly notify the 7 individual concerned. The Board at the same time shall 9 notify the head of the appropriate Federal agency or 9 instrumentality of such finding and recommend that such 10 agency or instrumentality initiate an appropriate 11 investigatory or disciplinary proceeding. 12 (2) Record.--Whenever notice of a finding under 13 paragraph (1) is made, the Board shall transmit to the 14 head of the appropriate Federal agency or instrumentality 15 a certified copy of the record of the pertinent 16 administrative proceeding undertaken by the Board under 17 this title, which shall be part of the official reccrd 18 for all curposes of any disciplinary action against the 19 individual concerned. 23 (d) ReDorts.-- (1) Program recommendations.--In any case in which a 22 Board transmits recommendations to the Secretary of State 23 under subsection (b), the Secretary shall, not later than 24 90 days after the receipt of such recommendations, submit 25 a report to the Congress on each such recommendation and Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 17 1 the action taken with respect to that recommendation. 2 (2) Personnel recommendations.--In any case in which 3 a Board transmits a finding of reasonable cause under u subsection (c), the head of the Federal agency or 5 instrumentality receiving the Information shall review 6 the evidence and recommendations and shall, not later 7 than 30 days after the receipt of that finding, transmit 8 to the Congress a report specifying-- 9 (A) the nature of the case and a summary of the 10 evidence transmitted t;y the Board; and 11 (B) the decision by the Federal agency or 12 instrumentality to take disciplinary or other 13 appropriate action against that individual or the 14 reasons for deciding not to take disciplinary or 15 other action with respect to that individual. 16 SEC. 305. RELATION TO OTHER PROCEEDINGS. 17 Nothing in this title shall oe construed to create 18 administrative or judicial review remedies or rights of 19 action not otherwise available by law, nor shall any 20 provision of this title be construed to deprive any person of 21 any right or legal defense which would otherwise be availatlE 22 to that person under any law, rule, or regulation. 23 TITLE IV--DIPLOMATIC SECURITY PROGRAM 24 SEC. 401. AUTHORIZATION. 25 (a) Diplomatic Security Program.--In addition to amounts Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 18 1 otherwise available for such purposes, there are authorized 2 to be appropriated for the Department of State under the 3 heading "Administration of Foreign Affairs" for "Salaries 4 and Expenses", "Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings 5 Abroad", and "Counterterrorism Research and Development", 6 $ for the fiscal year 1986 and $ for the 7 fiscal year 1987 for diplomatic security construction, 8 acquisition, and operations pursuant to the Department of 9 State's Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program, as 10 justified to the Congress for the respective fiscal year. 11 (b) Reprogramming Treatment.--Amounts made available fcr 12 capital projects pursuant to the program described in 13 subsection (a) shall be treated as a reprogramming of funds 14 under section 34 of the State Department Basic Authorities 15 Act of 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2706) and shall not be available for 16 obligation or expenditure except in compliance with the 17 procedures applicable to such reprogramming. 18 (c) Security Requirements of Other Foreign Affairs 19 Agencies.--Based solely on security requirements and within 23 the total amount of funds available for security, the 21 Secretary of State shall ensure tnat an equitable level of 22 funding is provided for the security requirements of other 23 foreign affairs agencies. 24 (d) Insufficiency of Funds.--In the event that sufficient 25 funds are not available in any fiscal year for all of the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 19 1 diplomatic security construction, acquisition, and operations 2 pursuant to the Department of State's Supplemental Diplomatic 3 Security Program, as justified to the Congress for such 4 fiscal year, the Secretary of State shall report to the 5 Congress the effect that the insufficiency of funds will have 6 with respect to the Department of State and each of the other 7 foreign affairs agencies. 8 SEC. 402. DIPLOMATIC CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. 9 (a) Preference for United States Contractors.? 13 Notwithstanding section 11 of the Foreign Service Buildings 11 Act, 1926, and where adequate competition exists, only United 12 States persons and qualified United States joint venture 13 persons may bid on a diplomatic construction or design 14 project, for which funds are authorized to be appropriated by 15 this title, which has an estimated total project value 15 exceeding $5,000,000. 17 (b) Lxception.--Subsection (a) shall not apply -~ r 19 prohibit the use of United States contractors on (2) 71_i .s e w. c,e P i,, s l( v-y 23 United States diplomatic construction projects b 21 vale :4+ -= 30 days after the Secretary of State certifie~ 22 to the Congress that he hak urged such foreign country to U.S. 23 permit the use of ,. t contractors on such projects. 24 (c) Definitions.--For the purposes of this section-- 25 (1) the term "adequate competition" means with Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 20 1 respect to a construction project, the presence of two or 2 more qualified bidders who are (A) United States persons 3 or are qualified United States joint venture persons and 4 (B) who are submitting responsive bids for that project; 5 (2) the term "United States person" means a person 6 which-- 7 (A) is incorporated or legally organized under 9 the laws of the United States, Including State, the 9 District of Columbia, and local laws; and 13 (3) has its principal place of business in the 11 United States; and 12 (C) has been incorporated or legally organized in 13 the United States for more than 5 years before the 14 issuance date of the invitation for bids or request 15 for proposals with respect to a construction prcject; 16 and 17 (D) has performed administrative and technical, 18 professional, or construction services similar in 19 complexity, type of construction, and value to the 20 project being bid; and 21 (E) has achieved total business volume equal to 22 or greater than the value of the project being bid in 23 3 years of the 5-year period before the date 24 specified in subparagraph (C); and 25 (7) employs United States nationals in more than Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 21 half of its permanent, full-time positions in the United States, including management positions, and will employ United States nationals in 80 percent of the supervisory positions on the foreign buildings office project site; and (G) has the existing technical and financial resources in the United States to perform the contract; and 9 (3) the term ''qualified United States joint venture 10 person" means a joint venture in which a United States 11 person or persons owns at least 51 percent of the assets 12 of the joint venture. 13 (d) American Minority Contractors.--Not less than 10 14 percent of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 401(a) 15 for diplomatic construction projects each fiscal year shall 16 be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with 17 American minority contractors. 18 SEC. 403. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS HIRED FOR THE DIPLOMATIC 19 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. 20 In carrying out the diplomatic construction program 21 referred to in section 401(a), the Secretary of State shall 22 employ as professional staff (by appointment, contract, or 23 otherwise) only those persons with a demonstrated specialized 24 background In the fields of construction, construction law, 25 or contract management. In filling such positions, the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 22 1 Secretary shall actively recruit women and members of 2 minority groups. 3 SEC. 404. COST OVERRUNS. 4 Any amount required to complete any capital project 5 described in the Department of State's Supplemental 6 Diplomatic Security Program, as justified to the Congress for 7 the respective fiscal year, which is in excess of the amount 8 made available for that project shall be treated as a 9 reprogramming of funds under section 34 of the State 10 Department Basic Authorities Act cf 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2706) and 11 shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except 12 in compliance with the procedures applicable to such 13 reprogrammings. 14 SEC. 405. EFFICIENCY IN CONTRACTING. 15 (a) Bonuses and Penalties.--The Director of the Gffice of 15 Foreign Buildings shall provide for a contract system of 17 bonuses and penalties for the diplomatic construction program 18 funded pursuant to the authorizations of appropriations 19 provided in this title. Not later than 3 months after the 20 date of enactment of this Act, the Director snail submit a 21 report to the Congress on the implementation of this section. 22 (b) Surety Bonds and Guarantees.--The Director of the 23 office of Foreign Buildings shall require each contactor 24 performing work under the diplomatic construction program to 25 post a surety bond or guarantee, in such arrount as the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 23 1 Director may determine, to assure compliance with the 2 provisions of this Act. 3 (c) Disqualification of Contractors.--No person doing 4 business with Libya may be eligible for a contract under this 5 Act. 6 SEC. 406. TRAINING TO IMPROVE PERIMETER SECURITY AT UNITED 7 STATES DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ABROAD. 8 It is the sense of Congress that the President should use 9 the authority under chapter 8 of title II of the Foreign 10 Assistance Act of 1961 (relating to antiterrorism assistance) 11 to improve perimeter security of United States diplomatic 12 missions abroad. 13 SEC. 407. CERTAIN PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS. 14 Section 208(a) of title 3, United States Code, is amended 15 by adding at the end thereof the following: "In carrying cut 16 any duty under section 202(7), the Secretary of State is 17 authorized to utilize any authority available to the 18 Secretary under title II of the State Department Basic 19 Authorities Act of 1956.". 20 TITLE V--STATE DEPARTMENT AUTHORITIES TO COMBAT 21 INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM 22 SEC. 501. REWARDS FOR INFORMATION RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL 23 NARCOTFRRORISM AND DRUG TRAFFICKING. 24 (a) Authority of the Secretary of State.--Section 36(a) 25 of the State Department Pasic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5""""" 139920.180 S.L.C. 24 1 U.S.C. 2708(a)) is amended to read as follows: 2 '*(a) The Secretary of State may pay a reward to any 3 individual who furnishes the following information: 4 "(1) International terrorism.--Information leading 5 to-- 6 "M the arrest or conviction in any country of 7 any individual for committing, or for conspiring or 8 attempting to commit, an act of international 9 terrorism; or 10 "(B) the prevention, frustration, or favorable 11 resolution of an act of international terrorism; 12 if the act of International terrorism is against a Unitea 13 States person or United States property and is primarily 14 outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United 15 States. 16 " (2) International narcoterrorism and drug 17 trafficking.--Information leading to-- 18 '?(A) the arrest or conviction in any country of 19 any individual for committing primarily outside the 20 territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or for 21 conspiring or attempting to commit primarily outside 22 the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, a 23 narcotics-related offense, if that offense involves 24 or is a significant part of conduct that involves-- 25 "(1) a violation of United States drug laws Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 25 which occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and which is such that the Individual is a class I violator under the Domestic Drug Violator Classification Standards and Criteria established by the Drug Enforcement Administration; or "(ii) the killing or kidnapping outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States of-- 10 "M any officer, employee, or contract 11 employee of the United States Government 12 while that individual Is engaged in official 13 duties, or on account of that individual's 14 official duties, In connection with the 15 enforcement of United States drug laws or the 16 implementation of United States drug control 17 objectives, or 18 " (II) a member of the immediate family 19 of any such individual on account of that 20 individual's duties in connection with the 21 enforcement of United States drug laws or the 22 implementation of United States drug control 23 objectives; or 24 *'(P) the prevention or frustration of an act 25 described in subparagraph M.". Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 26 1 (b) Consultation with the Attorney General.--Section 2 36(c) of such Act is amended to read as follows: 3 "(c) The Secretary of State shall advise and consult 4 with the Attorney General before paying any reward under this 5 section-- 6 "(1) In a matter over which there is Federal 7 criminal jurisdiction; or 8 " (2) for any information described in subsection 9 (a)(2).". 10 (c) Funding for Rewards.--Section 36(f) of such Act is 11 amended by striking out the period at the end of the first 12 sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ", up 13 to $2,000,000 of which may be used for rewards for 14 information described in subsection (a)(2). In addition to 15 the amount authorized by the preceding sentence, there are 16 authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for fiscal year 17 1987 for 'Administration of Foreign Affairs' for use in 18 paying rewards under this section, up to $5,000,000 of which 19 may be used for rewards for information described in 20 subsection (a)(2).". 21 (d) Reports on Rewards; Definitions.--Section 36 of such 22 Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following nev 23 subsections: 24 " (g) Not later than 30 days after paying any reward 25 under this section, the Secretary of State shall submit a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 27 1 report to the Congress with respect to that reward. The 2 report, which may be submitted on a classified basis If 3 necessary, shall specify the amount of the reward paid, to 4 whom the reward was paid, and the acts with respect to which 5 the reward was paid, and shall discuss the significance of 6 the information for which the reward was paid in dealing with 7 those acts. 8 '' (h) As used in this section-- 9 "M the term 'United States drug laws' means the 10 laws of the United States for the prevention and control 11 of illicit traffic in controlled substances (as such term 12 is defined for purposes of the Controlled Substances 13 Act); and 14 *1(2) the term 'member of the immediate family' 15 includes-- 16 "M a spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child 17 of the individual; 18 "M a person to whom the Individual stands in 19 loco parentis; and 20 '' (C) any other person living in the individual's 21 household and related to the individual by blood or 22 marriage.". 23 SEC. 502. COUNTERTERPORISM PROTECTION FUND. 24 The State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 is 25 amended-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 28 1 (1) by redesignating section 39 as section 40; and 2 (2) by inserting after section 38 (22 U.S.C. 2710) 3 the following new section: 4 "SEC. 39. COUNTERTERRORISM PROTECTION FUND. 5 " (a) Authority.--The Secretary of State may reimburse 6 domestic and foreign persons, agencies, or governments for 7 the protection of Judges or other persons who provide 8 assistance or information relating to terrorist Incidents 9 primarily outside the territorial Jurisdiction of the United 13 States. Before making a payment under this section in a 11 matter over which there is Federal criminal jurisdiction, the 12 Secretary shall advise and consult with the Attorney General. 13 "(b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are 14 authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of State for 15 'Administration of Foreign Affairs' $1,000,000 for fiscal 16 year 1986 and $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1987 for use in 17 reimbursing persons, agencies, or governments under this 18 section. 19 "(c) Designation of Fund.--Amounts made available under 20 this section may be referred to as the `Counterterrorism 21 Protection Fund'. ' '. 22 SEC. 503. AUTHORITY TO CONTROL CERTAIN TERRORISM-RELATED 23 SERVICES. 24 The State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 is 25 amended-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 29 1 (1) by redesignating section 40 (as so redesignated 2 by section 502 of this Act) as section 41; and 3 (2) by inserting after section 39 (as added by 4 section 522 of this Act) the following new section: 5 "SEC. 40. AUTHORITY TO CONTROL CERTAIN TERRORISM-RELATED 6 SERVICES. 7 "(a) Authority.--The Secretary of State may, by 8 regulation, impose controls on the provision of the services 9 described in subsection (b) if the Secretary determines that 10 provision of such services would aid and abet International 11 terrorism. 12 *1(b) Services Subject to Control.--The services subject 13 to control under subsection (a) are the following: 14 "(1) Serving in or with the security forces of a 15 designated foreign government. 16 "(2) Providing training or other technical services 17 having a direct military, law enforcement, or is intelligence application, to or for the security forces 19 of a designated fcreign government. 20 Any regulations issued to impose controls on services 21 described In paragraph (2) shall list the specific types of 22 training and other services subject to the controls. 23 "(c) Persons Subject of Controls.--These services may be 24 controlled under subsection (a) when they are provided within 25 the United States by any individual or entity and when they Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 30 1 are provided anywhere In the world by a United States person. 2 "(d) Licenses.--In carrying out subsection (a), the 3 President may require licenses, which may be revoked, 4 suspended, or amended, without prior notice, whenever such 5 action is deemed to be advisable. 6 *'(e) Definitions.-- 7 "(1) Designated foreign government.--As used in this 8 section, the term 'designated foreign government' means a 9 foreign government that the Secretary of State has 10 determined, for purposes of section 6(j)(1) of the Export 11 Administration Act of 1979, engages In or provides 12 support for international terrorism. 13 '*(2) Security forces.--As used in this section, the 14 term 'security forces' means any military or paramilitary 15 forces, any police or other law enforcement agency, and 16 any intelligence agency of a foreign government. 17 "(3) United States.--As used in this section, the 18 term 'United States' includes any State, the District of 19 Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the 20 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any 21 territory or possession of the United States. 22 11(4) United States person.--As used in this section, 23 the term 'United States person' means any United States 24 national, any permanent resident alien, and any sole 25 proprietorship, partnership, company, association, or Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 31 1 corporation organized under the laws of or having its 2 principal place of business within the United States. 3 "M Violations.--Whoever willfully violates any 4 regulation issued under this section shall be fined not more 5 than $100,000 or five times the total compensation received 6 for the conduct which constitutes the violation, whichever Is 7 greater, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both, 8 for each such offense. 9 "(g) Congressional Oversight.-- 10 "M Review of regulations.--Not less than 30 days 11 before Issuing any regulations under this section 12 (including any amendments thereto), the President shall 13 transmit the proposed regulations to the Congress. 14 " (2) Reports.--Not less than once every six months, 15 the President shall report to the Congress concerning the 16 number and character of licenses granted and denied 17 during the previous reporting period, and such other 18 information as the President may find to be relevant to 19 the accomplishment of the objectives of this section. 20 **(h) Relationship to Other Laws.--The authority granted 21 by this section is In addition to'the authorities granted by 22 any other provision of law.". 23 TITLE VI--FASCELL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 24 SEC. 601. SHORT TITLE. 25 This title may be cited as the " Fascell Fellowship Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 32 1 Act' ' . 2 SEC. 602. FELLOWSHIP FROGRAM FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE AT UNITED 3 STATES MISSIONS IN THE SOVIET UNION AND EASTERN 4 EUROPE. 5 (a) Establishment.--There Is established a fellowship 6 program pursuant to which the Secretary of State will provide 7 fellowships to United States citizens while they serve, for a 8 period of between one and two years, in positions formerly 9 held by foreign national employees at United States 10 diplomatic or consular missions in the Soviet Union or 11 Eastern European countries. 12 (b) Designation of Fellowships.--Fellowships under this 13 title shall be known as " Fascell Fellowships". 14 (c) Purpose of the Fellowships.--Fellowships under this 15 title shall be provided in order to allow the recipient 16 (hereafter in this title referred to as a "Fellow") to 17 serve on a short-term basis at a United States diplomatic cr 18 consular mission in the Soviet Union or an Eastern European 19 country in order to obtain first hand exposure to that 20 country, including (as appropriate) independent study in 21 Soviet or Eastern European area studies or languages. 22 (d) Individuals Who May Receive a Fellowship.--To receive 23 a fellowship under this title, an individual must be a United 24 States citizen who is an undergraduate or graduate student, a 25 teacher, scholar, or other academic, or an other Individual, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 33 1 who has expertise in Soviet or Eastern European area studies 2 or languages and who has a working knowledge of the principal 3 language of the country in which he or she would serve. 4 (e) Women and Members of Minority Groups.--In carrying 5 out this section, the Secretary of State shall actively 6 recruit women and members of minority groups. 7 SEC. 603. FELLOWSHIP BOARD. 8 (a) Establishment and Function.--There is established a 9 Fellowship Board (hereafter in this title referred to as the 10 "Board"), which shall select the individuals who will be 11 eligible to serve as Fellows. 12 (b) Membership.--The Board shall consist of 9 members as 13 follows: 14 (1) A senior official cf the Department of State (whc 15 shall be the chair of the Board), designated by the 16 Secretary of State. 17 (2) An officer or employee of the Department of 18 Commerce, designated by the Secretary of Commerce. 19 (3) An cfficer or employee of the United States 20 Information Agency, designated by the Director of that 21 Agency. 22 (4) Six academic specialists in Soviet or Eastern 23 European area studies or languages, appointed by the 24 Secretary of State (in consultation with the chairman and 25 ranking minority member of the Committee on Foreign Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 34 1 Affairs of the House of Representatives and the chairman 2 and ranking minority of the Committee on Foreign 3 Relations of the Senate). 4 (c) Meetings.--The Board shall meet at least once each 5 year to select the individuals who will be eligible to serve 6 as Fellows. 7 (d) Compensation and Per Diem.--Members of the Board 8 shall receive no compensation on account of their service on 9 the Board, but while away from their homes or regular places 10 of business in the performance of their duties under this 11 title, may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in 12 lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as persons employed 13 intermittently in the Government service are allowed expenses 14 under section 5703 of title 5 of the United States Code. 15 SEC. 604. FELLOWSHIPS. 16 (a) Number.--Up to 100 fellowships may be provided under 17 this title each year. 18 (b) Remuneration and Period.--The Board shall determine, 19 taking into consideration the position in which each Fellow 20 will serve and his or her experience and expertise-- 21 (1) the amount of remuneration the Fellow will 22 receive for his or her service under this title, and 23 (2) the period of the fellowship, which shall be 24 between one and two years. 25 (c) Training.--Each Fellow may be given appropriate Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 35 1 training at the Foreign Service Institute or other 2 appropriate institution. 3 (d) Housing and Transportation.--The Secretary of State 4 shall, pursuant to regulations-- 5 (1) provide housing for each Fellow while the Fellcw 6 is serving abroad, including (where appropriate) housing 7 for family members; and 8 (2) pay the costs and expenses incurred by each 9 Fellow in traveling between the United States and the 10 country in which the Fellow serves, including (where 11 appropriate) travel for family members. 12 (e) Effective Date.--Subsection (d) of this section shall 13 not take effect until October 1, 1986. 14 SEC. 605. SECRETARY OF STATE. 15 (a) Determinations.--The Secretary of State shall 16 determine which of the individuals selected by the Board will 17 serve at each United States diplomatic or consular mission ir. 18 the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe and the position In which 19 each will serve. 20 (b) Authorities.--Such service shall be in accordance 21 with the relevant authorities of the Foreign Service Act of 22 1980, the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, and 23 title 5 of the United States Code. 24 (c) Funding.--Funds appropriated to the Department of 25 State for "Salaries and Expenses" shall be used for the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 36 1 expenses incurred in carrying out this title. 2 TITLE VII--MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 3 SEC. 701. NEGOTIATIONS TO TAKE INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM A 4 UNIVERSAL CRIME. 5 (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that-- 6 (1) in the past decade there have been nearly 6,500 7 terrorist incidents around the world, killing over 3,500 8 people and wounding more than 7,600, including over 2,500 9 incidents against Americans; 10 (2) terrorism anywhere affects nations everywhere by 11 chilling the free exercise of sovereign authority; 12 (3) rampant terrorism by its very nature threatens 13 world order and thereby all civilized nations and their 14 citizens; 15 (4) any and every nation has the right, under current 16 principles of international law, to assert jurisdiction 17 over offenses considered to be "universal crimes", such 18 as piracy and slavery, in order to protect sovereign 19 authority, universal values, and the Interests of 20 mankind; and 21 (5) individuals committing ''universal crimes" may 22 be prosecuted in any nation in which the offender may be 23 found, irrespective of the nationality of the offender or 24 victim or the place of the offense. 25 (b) Policy.-- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 37 1 (1) Definitions of International terrorist crimes.-- 2 It Is the sense of the Congress that the President should 3 call for international negotiations for the purpose of 4 agreeing on a definition of "international terrorist 5 crimes" and for the purpose of considering whether such 6 a crime would constitute a universal crime under 7 international law. Such definition should require that 8 acts constituting an international terrorist crime-- 9 (A) involve the threat or use of violence or be 10 dangerous to human life, 11 (B) would be a crime in the prosecuting 12 jurisdiction if committed within its boundaries, 13 (C) appear to be intended-- 14 (1) to intimidate or coerce a civilian 15 population; 16 (ii) to influence the policy of a government 17 by intimidation or coercion; or 18 (iii) to affect the conduct of a government 19 Ly assassination or kidnapping; and 20 (D) transcend national boundaries in terms of the 21 means by which they are accomplished, the persons 22 they appear intended to coerce or intimidate, or the 23 locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek 24 asylum. 25 (2) Establishment of an international criminal Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 139920.180 S.L.C. 38 1 court.--It is further the sense of the Congress that the 2 international negotiations described in paragraph (1) 3 should also include consideration of the establishment of 4 an International criminal court along the lines of the 5 International Military Tribunal established after World 6 War II for the trial of major war criminals at Nuremburg, 7 Germany, that would have jurisdication over the crime of 8 international terrorism. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 aza.L n II 90417 WASHINGTON Ex-cuti'10 July 13, 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE THE DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE THE CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF THE ADMINISTRATOR, AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT THE DIRECTOR, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY SUBJECT: Guidelines-to-Implement NSDD 38 The attached Guidelines to replace all guidelines and other agreements previously in effect under the Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment System are approved. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88G01332R000600630048-5 These guidelines are issued pursuant to the Presidential Directive of 2 June 1982 on Staffing at Diplomatic Missions and Constituent Posts. These guidelines replace all guidelines and other agreements previously in effect under the Monitoring Overseas Direct Employment -(MODE) system. The purpose of the Directive and these guidelines is to allow the flexible, systematic and expeditious deployment and management of personnel of all U.S. Government Agencies operating under the authority of Chiefs of Mission in support of U.S. foreign policy objectives. These guidelines will ensure that the approval of Chiefs of Mission is sought by U.S. Government Agencies on proposed staffing changes for activities operating under the authority of Chiefs of Mission. The Chiefs of Mission will transmit their views on overseas presence to the Department of State, as department and agency representatives will communicate with their respective department/agency headquarters in this regard. These guidelines also provide for the resolution of disagreements, should such arise between the Chiefs of Mission and department/agency representatives and between the Department of State and department/ agency heads. A. Requests for Changes in Staffing 1. Preliminary or exploratory consultation by the requesting agency with the Chief of Mission regarding staffing changes is encouraged. Such informal proposals may be initiated in Washington or by agency overseas representatives. 2. Formal requests for approval of staffing changes as required by the Directive must be made by the cognizant Agency to the Chief of Mission in consultation with the Department of State. Copies of such requests will- be provided to the Department of State. 3. The Chief of Mission will convey his views on formal requests to the Department of State. The point of contact in the Department of State for such matters is the Office of Management Operations (M/MO), Room 7427, Attention: Assistant for Overseas Positions. The Chief of Missior's response to the formal request should be addressed to that office for action.. Copies of requests and responses will be given to the appropriate regional and functional bureaus in the Department of State and to the requesting agency. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5 B. Resolution of Disagreements 1. If there are disagreements over staffing levels between Chiefs of Mission and Agency heads, the views of both parties will be forwarded to M/MO for immediate presentation to the Secretary of State for decision within 15 working days of receipt from M/MO. 2. If the Secretary of State is unable to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the parties concerned, the Secretary and the Agency head concerned will present their respective views to the President for decision through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. C. Formal acknowledgement of Changes Changes in staffing levels at individual posts reached in accordance with the above procedures will be provided by telegram from the Department of State to the Chief of Mission, and the agencies concerned. D. Staffing Authorization Records The Department of State shall maintain a current record of staffing authorization for each overseas post. Staffing authoriza- tion is defined as all full-time, permanent, direct-hire, Uai.ted ILLEGIB States Gover'iment employees, including Foreign Nationals, an0 United States Military Personnel under the authority of a Mission Chief . Departk.tents and agencies will provide the current and projected overseas staffing authorization information, required by the directive, to the Department of State, Office of Management operations- (M/MO), Room 7427, Attention: Assistant for Overseas Positions. That official will solicit additional informatioi. from departments and agencies when necessary to meet special reporting requirements as established by statute or as levied by the NSC, OMB, or the Congress. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/16: CIA-RDP88GO1332R000600630048-5