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Publication Date:
January 7, 1986
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Chief, DA Plans Staff
SUBJECT: Background material on Consideration of Incorporation of OIS into OIT
Very little hard copy exists that addresses incorporation of OIS into
OIT. I have searched in the following four areas:
1. The 28 August 1980 Information Handling Study (IHS).
2. The October 1982 Strategic Plan for Information Handling Systems
3. The DCI's conferenceE:::Ion 7-8 January 1985.
4. maetings of the Executive Director's Information Systems Board
I found the following comments on information organization (some of it is
related to OIS functions, but most is more directly related to the t:tD and ODP
merger or information management structure in general):
1. Attachment A is Section 5 on Alternative management Structures of
the IHS. Although it has some outdated information on an
architectural staff approach to information services, the
discussion on alternative management structures for information
services is useful.
2. The SPIHS contains words on Information management, but it doesn't
address the organizational aspect of it.
3. Attachment B is John Mcmahon's memo includin paper)
on topics for the DCI's conferences I call particular
attention to Section VI on Organizational Issues. None of the
action items that came out of the conference had directly to do
with OIS or OIS functions.
4. Discussions of the incorporation of OIS into OIT issue may have
taken place in some of the subgroups of the ISB, but no record of
such discussions was kept.
Mich of the information that Mr. Fitzwater had on the OIS into OIT issue
apparently came from discussion with Bill
Donnelly, an They themselves will be the best source for
background on the issue.
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In addressing alternative management systems for information services, the
consideration is to what degree management of information services should be
centralized or decentralized.
However, the problem cannot be dealt with in such global form. One must decide
what is to be centralized or decentralized. The management alternatives that follow
are derived by viewing the problem from three levels of management control. This
analysis technique is employed by IBM in their methodology for business systems
planning which is in turn based on a method of organizational analysis developed at
The methodology speaks to three levels of control:
Level 1: Strategic Planning-the process of deciding on objectives of the
organization, on the resources used to attain these objectives, and on the poli-
cies that are to govern the acquisition, use, and disposition of resources.
Level 2. Management Control-the process by which managers assure that
resources are obtained and used efficiently in the accomplishment of the or-
ganization's objectives.
Level 3: Operational Control-the process of assuring that specific tasks
are carried out effectively and efficiently.
As applied to Agency Information Handling, the questions become:
- How should we organize to set goals for information services, decide invest-
ment strategies, and set policy on system acquisition, use and disposition?
- Who should prepare and defend, budgets, control positions, and manage the
careers of information service specialists?
- Who should be in day-to-day command of operational systems and their
If one considers the possibility of placing each of these controls at different orga-
nizational levels, i.e., Agency, directorate, or office level then many options are made
available for evaluation. Adding to the possible list of line options is the concept of
addressing strategic planning through staff organizations.
The option tree which follows depicts the range of alternatives selected by the
Task Force for study. This tree identifies six families (enclosed in boxes) of options
that are described in some detail in Attachment C.
5.1. Executive Committee Guidance
The DCI's Executive Committee has reviewed all options presented in Attach-
ment C of this report. In selecting the preferred option, the major factors considered
A. User Satisfaction-the degree to which information services produce satisfac-
tion both internally and externally.
B. Planning and Budgeting-the degree to which an organization allows us to
assess the current state of affairs, forecast the future, defend and allocate
resources rationally.
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C. Disruption-the degree to which an organizational change will interfere with
the provision and use of current information services.
D. information Control-the degree to which an organization allows us to insure
that information is provided only to those with an officially approved need-to-
E. Personnel Resources-the organization's ability to recruit, train, and maintain
a skilled cadre of information specialists.
The findings of EXCOM were:
A. There is a need for a central planning function in CIA to provide a more
coherent development of future information systems.
B. While there may be justification for structural change along the lines
recommended by this report, creating a total new directorate is judged un-
desirable due to the decrease in user satisfaction that results from the inertia
and insensitivity of an overly large organization.
C. An increase in Agency level career management was judged to be un-
warranted at this time. Furthermore, at least one senior manager views
authority over career services as a key element in maintenance of effective
D. There may be virtue in greater use of mission budgeting for some forms of
information services. However, rapid shifts in budgeting strategy can have
negative effects in terms of external relationships. For the near term, it is
judged better to maintain the central service budgets but with a more relaxed
view toward mission budgeting as a means to capture necessary resources
when central services are unable to adequately defend the total Agency need.
In sum, it was the consensus of the Executive Committee that the only change in
Agency level management justified at this time is the creation of a System Architec-
tural function to plan for future information systems from the broader Agency
Further organization and management change that may be indicated by the re-
sults of this report and the establishment of the Architect is the responsibility of each
Deputy Director.
The remainder of this chapter addresses itself to regulatory establishment of a
Systems Architect.
5.2. Architect of Information Services
Performs Agency level planning for Information services with particular emphasis
on application of technology.
1. Publishes Strategic goals and objectives for purpose of program guidance.
2. Monitors progress toward goals and objectives and reports state of Informa-
tion Handling to EXCOM (incorporates ADP review).
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3. Consolidates requirements for IH to maximize commonality and minimize
unique development.
4. Conducts design reviews during conceptual design phase.
5. Maintains technology forecast and reports trends to management.
6. Acts as Agency focal point to Community on matters of IH.
7. Commissions system designs to fulfill architecture.
8. Initiates studies and analyses for the purpose of identifying ways to improve
effectiveness and efficiency of IH.
9. Maintains a current data base on the status of information systems and their
5.3. The Appeal Mechanism
The reasons for appeal are:
1. Failure of the Agency plan to satisfy Directorate requirements.
2. Failure of a Directorate to adequately program for fulfillment of the approved
3. An irreconcilable policy difference between or among the Architect and the
Directorates that impedes planning and implementation.
The process of appeal may be initiated by the Architect or a Deputy Director. The
appeal will be addressed to the DDCI and will contain a well defined statement of the
issue, a succinct statement of the rationale supporting the originator's position, and a
recommended alternative course of action. A copy of the appeal will be provided to
contending parties who will prepare respective position papers for the DDCI.
The DDCI may refer the issue to EXCOM for further advice and may refer the
issue to the DCI for resolution.
5.4. The Architectural Staff
The Architectural Staff should consist of a Chief Architect, four technical special-
ists, and clerical support.
The Chief Architect should be of senior grade, have substantial experience and
ihterest in management of technical activities, a proven record of high calibre repre-
sentation and ability to maintain good interpersonal relationships with subordinates,
peers and superiors. Broad technical background encompassing communications and
ADP is highly desirable. The position is expected to demand aggressive advocacy of
controversial concepts. The incumbent should have a knowledge of Agency organiza-
tion and management processes.
The technical specialists should consist of:
1. A systems engineer widely knowledgeable of telecommunications, ADP, and
word processing technologies. This person should have reasonable experience
in project management of large systems, exhibit good interpersonal relation-
ships, be articulate, capable of producing well written correspondence.
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2. A software specialist widely knowledgeable of operating systems, applications,
and have experience with project management of software development. Per-
sonal characteristics should be similar to those above.
3. A database specialist broadly knowledgeable of principles of information stor-
age and retrieval regardless of media, familiar with Federal regulations
concerning storage and disposal of official records, and having personal
experience with design and maintenance of electronic data bases. Personal
characteristics as above.
4. A human factors specialist with a wide-range of experience in dealing with
man-machine interfaces, knowledgeable of system documentations systems
and procedures, and capable of providing guidance on user training courses
and their construction. Personal characteristics as above.
5. A senior clerical with broad knowledge of Agency administrative procedures,
qualified operator of word processing and computer terminals, capable of
performing as a para-professional to Staff Officers in addition to performing
normal secretarial functions.
5.5. Positioning the Architect
There are two organizational locations considered for the Agency Architect. One
location is the Office of the DCI and the other is within an existing Directorate.
Within the Office of the DCI the Architect could be directly supervised or seconded
to an existing staff organization such as the Comptroller or EXCOM Staff. From the
Architect's perspective there will be a desire to have the DCI as organizationally close
and accessible as possible in order to enhance power and authority over the planning
function. However, placing the Architect immediately under the DCI is judged unsat-
isfactory because it inevitably diverts DCI time and attention to highly technical subject
matters in greater depth, out of proportion to other areas of DCI responsibility.
This leads to examination of other possibilities within O/DCI that would provide a
supervisory buffer between the DCI and the Architect. One possibility is the EXCOM
Staff. But, while the architectural function may bear some similarity to the Agency
strategic planning function recently installed in that Staff, the architectural function
has a vital need to be institutionalized in a way that guarantees more permanence
than historically exhibited by staff organizations at the DCI level. The Office of the
Comptroller represents an O/DCI organization with permanence. However, there is
wide concern that seconding the architectural function to the Comptroller will result
in overriding emphasis on perceived resource constraints as a planning criteria.
In sum, it appears that the advantages of positioning the Architect in O/DCI
accrue only to the Architect in terms of enhanced prestige and implied authority. The
disadvantages are excessive demands on DCI time and attention for lower level tech-
nical issues or questionable survivability of the function beyond the tenure of current
Agency leadership or over-riding emphasis on resource constraints in the planning
The second option, delegating the architectural function to a Directorate appears
to avoid the major disadvantages associated with placement in O/DCI. However, this
advantage is at least partially offset by the lesser prestige and potential diminution of
authority and influence inevitably resulting from competitive forces among the
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If delegation to a Directorate is considered, then the logical candidate is the DDA.
This Directorate has the bulk of the resources and expertise peculiar to the IH func-
tion. It also holds a unique responsibility among Directorates to ensure equality of
service Agency-wide.
From the DDA perspective there is advantage to having a staff function that can
provide impartial advice and assistance to Directorate management on the large
number of technical issues arising among DDA components in provision of informa-
tion services.
Placement in the DDA will be seen as a disadvantage by users since they will
reasonably expect planning efforts to reflect the dominant concerns of DDA support
elements at varying degrees of sacrifice of user satisfaction. To ensure a proper
balance of user and provider concerns, there should be heavy emphasis on meaning-
ful user participation in planning and well defined appeal mechanisms.
One means of redressing the perceived provider/user imbalance is a larger
committment to mission budgeting which gives users increased resource control and
hence, more influence in the planning process. In fact, mission-budgeting imple-
mented in its most extreme form could over-compensate the system to the
detriment of both central services and architectural function.
In lieu of significant shifts in budgeting responsibility, the best candidate solution
for providing provider/user balance is formalization of a user group that can deal with
requirement consolidation, requirement priorities, and critical review of architectural
plans. Representatives to the group would be Directorate spokesmen. The Architect
would assume the role of arbitrator amongst users and providers. Appeals above the
Architect would be first to the Deputy Director level, and beyond that, the
DCI/EXCOM level.
The alternative of legislating inter-directorate representation on the architectural
staff itself is considered too constraining on the personnel selection process to
warrant serious consideration. This is not to say that all expertise should be drawn
from within the DDA, but that the selection process should place prime emphasis on
job qualification without regard to current career allegiance.
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DD/A Registry
~ k'`/ ~ 7RR
2 8 DEC 1984
SUBJECT: Topics for Off-Site Conference
Here are three things Jim and the Deputies would like to
talk about at our planned off-site session.
First, your recent memo on excellence, emphasizing
substantive accomplishments rather than the procedural and
bureaucratic aspects which you correctly, I think, sense that we
have mostly focused on to date. The Deputies are anxious to show
you that a lot of what you are seeking is in fact going on, and I
think the session by its very nature might generate some more
good ideas.
Second, we'd like to talk about the Agency's recruitment
problem. You mentioned the other day your thought that perhaps
we should be considering decentralizing the recruitment
process. Each of the Deputies would like you to understand how
much decentralization there already is. Possibly more important,
however, having just put the Office of Personnel through the
wringer on recruitment issues several different times, we would
just as soon avoid the topic of reorganizing the office again. I
think we would prefer to talk about what we need to do to get
America's academic and maybe business institutions better
motivated to help us spot our future employees.
Finally, you asked Jim early on for his thoughts on the
world of computers. He is ready to talk about what he thinks
ought to be done. That's contained in the attached paper he has
already shared with the Deputies, which you should read. The
paper should provoke wide-ranging discussions.
I know you'll have other ideas, but these are things on my
mind at the moment.
hn McMahon
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Information Technology Management
27 Dec 84
The Agency has long used information technology to accomplish its
mission. We are heavy users of information technology:
- in support of analysis;
- in our world-wide communications system;
- to help file and retrieve documents and data;
- for computation, modelling, and simulation;
- in our publications, for sophisticated graohies and
the printing process itself;
- in suuoort of our many administrative processes, such
as payroll, budget, and contracts management;
- for wordprocessing;
- to create, process, exploit, and store digital
But senior Agency managers with few exceptions traditionally have
treated information technology management issues--the use of computers,
office automation equipment, communications--with indifference. (After
all, intelligence is our business, not computers!) Of course our
experience is quite similar to that of other big computer users, who
also long ignored these issues. It is also true that when senior
managers have involved ourselves in information technology issues, we
have often focused on the wrong part of the problem. Past discussions
about "limiting growth in the Agency's use of computer terminals" or
about "whether we needed to purchase another mainframe computer"
generally fall in this category. But as a result of our lack of
-- Technical people and staffers have made the policy and business
decisions as well as the technical decisions here for years.
- We have systems designed by computer professionals for comouter
professionals--they are powerful and fast but difficult to use,
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inflexible, and not "user friendly." (In part, of course, this
reflects the age of some of our equipment.)
-- We haven't yet found consistent ways to support properly the
evolving needs of our users, or even identify systematically
their requirements.
-- Lower level managers without an adequate understanding of the
big picture are sometimes establishing our requirements for
information technology and building the systems to meet the
need. (Note that this decentralized approach also has been
responsible for many of our successes.)
Over the years there have been several attempts to raise the
"consciousness" of senior managers about information technology
issues. Those trying to do this have generally cited these arguments:
-- We must be concerned about the growth of our information
technology budget, and about getting the most bang for the
buck. (Information technology now consumes about 25 percent of
our total budget, and the percentage is growing.)
-- Only a limited number of employees really understand the
communications, computer and other information technologies; we
need to be sure they are working on our highest priority
-- If we don't exercise leadership and control centrally, we will
be confronted with the development of numerous incompatible
These points are valid, but they haven't stimulated much real
commitment to the importance of information technology policy and
management issues. No one has vet convinced us that there are real
advantages to adding this additional responsibility to our busy
schedules. In part this reflects our inability to show our senior
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people how such attention might be in their interest. In part it
reflects our inability to focus attention on the possibilities and the
opportunities, rather than the costs and the problems. In asserting
once again the need for sustained senior attention to these issues, I
emphasize these points:
Increasing numbers of our younger people have grown up with the
world of information technology and are comfortable with it.
Working to understand and be involved in their concerns will pay
dividends all through our organization. Ignoring them
increasingly makes us seem unenlightened and, frankly, out of
touch with the real world.
Leadership on information technology issues potentially offers
at least as much leverage over what our organization will be
like in the future as participation in the budget process has in
the past.
We are exercising no leadership in an area which is absolutely
fundamental to our professional capability. We aren't setting
the goals we believe we should be pursuing. Instead, we are
relying on lower levels in our organization to tell us both
where to go and how to get there. Hear are some of the issues
on which we should have views:
In what priority order should we take on
responsibility for developing and maintaining large,
on-line databases, like DESIST?
- Should we move toward electronic dissemination (no
hard copy) of our finished products and, at what oace?
- Which sets of employees need to be connected via
terminals to which other sets of employees?
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What is the real potential for artificial intelligence
to contribute to our analytic, operational, and
management work and what should our priority he in
committing resources to these techniques?
Can today's sophisticated computer-driven imagery
presentation techniques improve analysis and
How can we use information technology to streamline
more of our burdensome administrative and managerial
processes (budget preparation and re-preparation;
travel accountings, etc.)
In nearly all parts of American business, competitive pressures
are forcing senior management attention to information technology
issues. The attention grows from a sense that its absence may prove
fatal, as competitors increasingly harness these information technology
tools to gain advantage. We in government aren't directly subject to
such competitive pressures. But our general desire for excellence, and
our need to maintain first-class facilities and capabilities in order
to attract America's brightest young people to our profession, should
themselves stimulate action.
To begin to develop workable processes which will help us solve
problems, there are five things we need to do:
-- Encourage information sharing and coooeration;
-- Educate and involve senior managers directly;
-- Establish an Agency infomation technology policy;
-- Stimulate imaginative Directorate planning and, most
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-- Focus senior management attention on selected strategic
information technology issues.
I. Encouraging Information Sharing and Cooperation
Our Information Systems Board was established a year ago.* It has
been an effective forum for the exchange of information and has put
people who needed to 2ommunicgte in touch with each other. More can be
I plan to continue the monthly meetings of the Information Systems
Board for the purposes of:
-- Keeping the key players in touch.
-- Encouraging broader understanding of our problems.
-- Encouraging experimental activities--such as Artificial
Intelligence applications--and tracking and sharing the
results of these.
-- Educating the key players. (ORD will give a series of
presentations on critical technologies in the future. Cray
Research, of supercomputer fame, briefed the Board in
November on the future of supercomputers and what they can
do. We plan other like activities.)
-- Providing an open door to those with new ideas for
technology, applications and information technology
*ExDir chairs; the other 11 members are OC, OS, OIS for DA; ASG, OCR
for DI; IMS for DO; ODdcE, ORD, OSO, NPIC for DDS&T, and Comptroller.
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-- Sponsoring broad-based working grouos on selected
Information technology issues (we have used this technique
so far to prepare a computer security investment strategy,
and to propose options for our Executive Information
II. Educating and Involving Senior Managers
The perspective of senior Agency management is too narrow. We
need to educate our managers on a continuing basis. I propose:
-- Education designed for executives - We plan to bring IBM to
present their one or two-day executive level seminar.
-- Hands-on experience for managers - I have tasked ODP to
create an executive network linking key senior people
together through our electronic mail system. This is
already involving top-level managers directly in using our
information systems--and it will make them understand
better what "user friendly" means!
-- Continuing influx of ideas - We need to bring in outsiders
on a regular basis--managers from industries that are
making imaginative use of information technology to
accomplish their work, for example--to discuss their
approaches and experiences. (We hope that a senior
Reynolds Metals executive will meet with us early in 1985.)
Increased discussion of options - Senior managers need to
be comfortable considering the relation between information
systems and physical space, the management of ADP
activities, who is best suited to design and develop new
information systems, and a host of other information
technology issues. Most of all, they need to begin to
develop a vision of where we ought to be so that they can
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encourage the use of information technology tools to shape
our environment and future capability.
III. Establishing an Agency Information Technology Policy
We need a common understanding of where we want to go, a
statement of Agency policy and objectives. Such a statement should
recognize the fundamental importance of information technology to our
profession, and express our intention to use such technology to:
-- Promote the sharing of our information with those we intend
to have access to it.
-- Separate the wheat from the chaff, helping us sort through
the information we collect, to deliver the most meaningful
information rapidly to those who need it to do their work
(the data reduction problem).
-- Improve communication and information security.
-- Facilitate the dialogue between our customers, analysts,
processors and collectors on requirements issues.
-- Help us better analyze the information we have collected.
In particular, we need to monitor Al developments closely
for potential breakthroughs which will enhance our
analytical capabilities in support of production,
operations, and management.
-- Store information of all kinds--text, maps, images, video--
in original form to free us from the costs (space) and
constraints (limited access) of paper storage.
-- Give to selected Agency populations the ability to create
and maintain their own specialized databases.
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-- Communicate our finished intelligence to Dolicymakers more
effectively and securely.
-- Enter and store information only once.
-- Minimize any adverse impact of new information systems on
our physical facilities.
In order to accomplish these objectives, we need to develop a set of
rules which:
-- Encourage the use of available and useful ADP orolucts
wherever possible to reduce costs, ensure user acceptance,
and allow flexible future growth.
-- Assign executive agent responsibility for the development,
operation and maintenance of systems of common concern on
behalf of all.
-- Encourage competent employees to develop the tools and
applications they need to do their job themselves ("end-
user programming") and give them the tools (personal
computers, training, etc.) they need to do so.
-- Move us toward a distributed architecture which permits
text, graphics, imagery and data to be entered, viewed,
manipulated and analyzed either locally or centrally by
special purpose equipment as appropriate to the task at
hand and the constraints of security.
-- Provide one family of terminals with future growth
potential and a range of caoabilities sufficient to meet
most Agency user needs. These terminals should permit easy
mastery and transfer between terminal types and they must
allow local word processing and use of commercially
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easy access to our mainframes. One family is desirable
to: limit the number of vendors with access to our
building and equipment, limit the numbers of difficult
systems our employees need to master, and increase our
(limited at best) leverage over suppliers.
-- Enable us to evaluate the competence of those who will be
resoonsible for new development efforts with sizeable
multiyear costs. (To help us avoid the past mistakes of
SAFE or the FBIS "Rapid" endeavors.)
-- Consider the impact of proposed development activities on
our physical working environment. (To avoid displacing
more people, we need to control the amount of physical
space--now approaching one-quarter of our building--
consumed by information systems and related activities.
DDA has a.task force on this issue now.)
-- Identify advanced technologies which may be of use and
justify their inclusion or exclusion from new systems.
-- Enhance our ability to find and hold information technology
people who can help us do our work.
-- Establish a comprehensive and thoughtful information system
planning process at the Directorate level, as well as user
support organizations focussed on the unique needs/
requirements of our four line Directorates and the seventh
IV. Directorate Planning
A thoughtful planning process should he encouraged at the
Directorate level. I emphasize Directorate level because the Droblems
and opportunities faced by the Intelligence, Operations, and
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Administrative Directorates are best considered in a Directorate-wide
context. The Ski' Directorate case is somewhat less clear, due to the
diversity of their functions and the information technology
sophistication resident at the Office level.
Planning can be the vehicle which our Deputy Directors use to
think through what capabilities they believe their offices or divisions
should have. We can encourage this process by requiring periodic plans
focused on selected key issues. Following are representative kinds of
questions which ought to be addressed in the Directorate planning
For the DI:
(1) What major databases can we envision the DOT may be asked
to build and maintain for ourselves and for the rest of
the intelligence community? How large a responsihilty
will the development and maintenance of such databases be
for the Directorate over the next decade?
(2) How much importance do we attach to developing techniques
for the electrical dissemination of our intelligence
product to outside customers? After the Cabinet level
customers, in what priority order should we extend such
service? How much interaction with customers do we
anticipate such efforts will promote? How much is
(3) Do we see the widespread application of computer-assisted
analysis, modeling and design techniques to the
intelligence production orocess? What kinds of problems
seem amenable to these techniques?
(4) Same question for artificial intelligence "expert"
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t...~.. alt
(5) Are there substantive problems on which we might improve
our performance if analysts could be "on line" with
collectors on requirements issues? If so, can we
anticipate what our priorities would be in this respect?
(6) Can we identify areas in which there would be significant
savings if we could greatly reduce the amount of human
effort expended in entering collected information into
databases (automated database generation)?
(7) Can we identify significant areas of analysis where
faster and more powerful computation would result in
substantial improvements in the timeliness or quality of
the analysis? Are there significant analytical problems
which are not being addressed because we lack the
computational power or technical expertise to do so?
(8) Do we envision the need for analysts to have direct
access to outside databases, including those maintained
by foreign governments possibly in foreign languages?
(9) What do we need to do about ensuring the accuracy and
consistency of data in very large databases so that ?
analysts are all working with the same set of facts?
(10) How much of this development, operation and maintenance
would the DI really wish to control directly, and how
much would it seek from central services (ODP, O(', etc.)?
For the DO:
(1) What major databases do we envision the DDO may he asked
to build and maintain for ourselves and for the rest of
the intelligence community in the next few years?
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the intelligence community in the next few years?
(2) To what extent do we think that the rapidly evolving
computer-assisted analysis, modelling and design tools
being employed in industry may have implications for
operations? For operations training?
Same question for artificial intelligence "expert"
(4) What kinds of access to non-DO computer files (in DI or
elsewhere) will the DO see as desirable?
(5) Which sets of DO employees ought to be able to
communicate with which other sets of DO employees
(6) What will be the impact of the CRAFT system in
operational and productivity terms as we approach our
installation goals?
(7) How can we use information technology to improve cover
for our employees, or help us to establish or
disestablish notional cover entities more expeditiously?
For the DDA:
(1) What are the organizational and other implications of our
movement toward integrated personal information systems?
(2) How can we use information technology to reduce to an
absolute minimum the amount of time and effort devoted by
Agency employees to the travel process--from initial
approval of orders, to ticket acquisition, to subsequent
accounting and audit?
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C L Vi +L/Li W 11/AL
(3) How can we harness information technology to further
improve personal accounting in our Agency? Financial
For the Ski':
(1) Can we identify significant areas of analysis where
faster and more powerful computation would result in
substantial improvements in the timeliness or quality of
the analysis? Are there significant analytical problems
which are not being addressed because we lack the
computational power or technical expertise to do so?
(2) What do we need to do about ensuring the accuracy and
consistency of data in very large databases so that
analysts are all working with the same set of facts?
(3) How much importance do we attach to the development of Al
techniques--such as image understanding, expert systems,
robotics, etc.--and do we see areas of immediate
application for such techniques? What kinds of problems
would such techniques solve or what kinds of benefits
would accrue?
(4) In what ways could automation improve the relationship
between analysts, collectors and processors of
intelligence? How might our performance improve if s'ich
automation were achieved?
(5) What unique requirements does the S&T envision for mass
data storage such as imagery, video, graphics as well as
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(6) Do you foresee any unique communications requirement--for
example between contractors and program managers or
between NPIC analysts and military users of imagery--
which should be factored into our planning for
teleprocessing capabilities of the future? Do you
foresee any requirement for cleared contractors to have
remote access to Agency automated databases?
(7) How much of this development, operation and maintenance
would the Sal' really wish to control directly, and how
much would it seek from central services (ODP, OC, etc.)?
For the Executive Area:
(1) What sort of budget development/modelling system could we
develop to reduce tedious detail work, further improve
senior involvement in the resource allocation process,
and help us make smarter resource decisions faster?
(2) What capabilities should be available on line to senior
executives via the Executive net?
(3) How can we harness today's information technology to
improve our responsiveness to congressional requests?
V. Senior Management Involvement in Decision Making
We need to get the right decisions to the seventh floor. The
previous steps will help. But they will have little effect unless we
can identify which decisions are of a strategic character and require
senior involvement. This is not as easy as it sounds. At the moment I
see four critical areas of activity, but much more attention to this
question is required:
.' i OAk L
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~. .... ....~ Y.c SAL
What kind(s) of computer terminals/personal Computers
should we support for our employees? Our building now is
filled with Delta Data terminals for access to the ODP
mainframe and for electronic mail, and Wang systems for
word processing. (We now have aooroximately Delta
Data and Wang terminals installed, with more coming every
Our goal should be perceptible
movement toward one family of terminals which will:
allow future growth, provide word processing and graphics
capability, allow electronic mail, provide access to the
ODP mainframe, and run software which local users can
purchase or develop for their own needs.
What can be done about the ever increasing data reduction
problem we face? The pace of growth of information
technology proceeds at an amazing rate. The volume of
Central Dissemination System traffic (all substantive,
operational and administrative cables into and out of the
Agency) has more than tripled in the last five years and
the rate of growth has climbed from about six percent per
year in 1979 to nearly 14 percent in 1984. DO reporting
FBIS modernization become available. Obviously, we don't
wish to reduce the amount of raw intelligence collected,
and we may not be able to afford to build ever larger
communications and information systems in order to
process the glut. The answer one day will be to use
information technology itself to separate the significant
information from the useless residue, at every stage from
collection to analysis.
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Computer security. We face important questions about
what our policies should be, about the need for and
priority of various investments, and about how we are
organized to carry out programs. An Information Systems
Board working group has developed an internal investment
strategy in this area and I have taken steps to get some
of this moving. Much remains to he done. The question
of security is paramount. But I believe that, in
addressing security issues, we will make progress on some
other problems as well.
Communications within the new Headquarters building. The
systems to be installed in our new building (and
retrofitted to our present one) will either facilitate or
inhibit the development of our future capabilities. The
planning now underway, as I understand it, is sensible
and sound. But the potential for a mistake which greatly
limits our future options, or--more likely--which pushes
us in one direction when another may be preferable,
VI. Organizational Issues
Separate from the above five steps is another topic which-I
include with full knowledge that its mere mention will electrify a
significant number of Agency managers: reorganization. My sense is
that the swiftly evolving information technology capability available
to us, together with the rapid and unrelenting growth of the interest
and sophistication of Agency users, are slowing rendering obsolete the
organizational structure within which we have traditionally managed
many information technology activities.
For me, the test of whether reorganization is desirable in this
area rests on the answers to four questions:
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(1) Would reorganization make it possible for us to better
harness the creative energies of our best people?
(2) Would reorganization facilitate improved management
control over the flow of substantive and management
(3) Would reorganization improve the ability of our
information technology users to drive our technical
(4) Would reorganization improve the quality of our decision-
making re the priority of future information technology
Two of the fundamental organizational options available to us
(other than the status quo) include: combining the Offices of
Communications and Data Processing into a new organization (a fifth
directorate) responsible for most aspects of our information technology
activities, or decentralizing responsibility and authority over
information technology activities to our four present line
directorates, together with a redistribution of existing ODP,
Communications, and other responsibilities.
Combining ODP and the Office of Communications has been talked
about for years, though never thoroughly studied. Its major virtue is
said to be that it would out one organization in charge of many aspects
of the information technology problem. This is however, only partly
true, as there would remain large centers of information technology
activity outside this organization, in both the DO and the S&T.
Frankly, I believe organizational centralization is yesterday's
option. It flies in the face of much recent relevant corporate
experience. Perhaps most important, it violates our growing sense of
the importance of computer user involvement and control. It rests I
think on a false assumption that computer service in the future will be
like electricity--to be supplied by a utility. My belief is that much
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future innovation and problem-solving capability will be the product of
deeply knowledgeable people working directly with information
technology tools on intelligence problems--the very antitheses of the
'public utility" model.
Continuing decentralization of our information technology
activity, on the other hand, seems compatible with the direction in
which information technology is moving, and seems maximally supportive
of user needs/desires for participation and control.
A sensible eventual goal would be to have:
- the Operations Directorate responsible for "end to end"
handling of all information collected overseas and "processed"
in Headquarters;
- the Science and Technology Directorate responsible for
national programs support (including CAMS), and computational,
modelling, and analytic capability in support of national
programs, other S&T operations, and general information
technology R&D for all parts of the Agency;
- the Intelligence Directorate responsible for all substantive
databases and information technology services for analysts;
- the Administration Directorate responsible for all management
of databases and information technology services in support of
our financial, logistics, personnel, travel, and other
administrative processes;
- and the Executive area responsible for information technology
application for our budgeting, legislative, legal and other
senior management responsibilities.
Organizationally, having the DO responsible for all overseas
communications and Headquarters recordkeeping and traffic handling
I 'r
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q` -NT1AL
functions, suggests combining the Office of Communications Voreign
Networks Division with the DO's Information Management Staff into a new
organization responsible for overseas automation (CRAFT), maintenance
of the overseas communications system, and all DO Headquarters
retrieval, filing and registry functions.
Making the DI responsible as above suggests eventual DI management
of the existing ODP Northside Center, of all.DI computer operations
including the SAFE program and related data bases, and of DESIST and
other future stand-alone production databases, the Headquarters
printing facility, and the future world of electronic dissemination of
finished product. Of course such a step couldn't be taken overnight,
but there is no fundamental reason why the DI shouldn't ultimately
assume full responsibility for the design, operation and maintenance of
its own computer facility, and for the terminal networks to access that
Organizationally, after taking these two steps, there remain a
very important Office of Communications component
those portions of our Office of
Data Processing responsible for CAMS and for those ODP systems-devoted
to DDA administrative functions like finance, personnel, logistics, and
others, as well as Headquarters computer operations.
Continuing the restructuring, responsibility for management of
CAMS is relatively easily moved to-the S&T Directorate. Combining the
balance of ODP with the Office
of Communications would be a sensible immediate move in the direction
of a redesigned DDA component responsible for management of all our
administrative systems. The function of OC's important communications
security and engineering organizations would necessarily be combined
into the Directorate-based components as appropriate. This would also
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be a sensible time to consider merging the communications and computer
security functions, now separately resident in OC and the Office of
Taken together, such a reorganization could:
- recognize the fundamental character of the evolving
information technology revolution by positioning the DO, the
DI, and the Sal' to design, manage, and seek resources for all
aspects of the information technology systems they require to
accomplish their missions, while focusing the DDA role in
information technology on support of its mission
- more clearly illuminate future information technology
investment decisions by forcing line attention to the
alternatives available in a mission-related context (for
example, the MI would consider information technology
investments in the context of all the other investments he now
- facilitate user involvement and control of all aspects of our
information technology investment and, ultimately,
- improve our ability to challenge our best people by making
them more nearly part of team efforts to accomplish mission-
related goals.
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15 January 1985
7-8 January 1985
Here are some notes I did on the
off-site conference which supplement
Should this material be circulated
to the others and how should we make
sure the notes are followed through?
William J. Casey
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i UL I
15 Jan 85
Conference Notes
8 January 1985
Information Technology
On information technology, what needs to be done? It seems to me that
a necessary starting point is some kind of an inventory and overview of what
we have in hand, things like the following:
- A menu of data bases on hand, in development, accessible to us
from other sources inside and outside government.
- A menu of the computer capabilities available.
- What uses of artificial intelligence have we in operation, i.e.,
psychological assessments, others?
- What uses are under study or development--what other uses can be
perceived as likely or available?
These are the hard factual kinds of data which would help us think about
how we can get on top of information and technology.
My gut reaction out of the conference was that there is a need for loose
central guidance, DDA should continue to operate a main frame and a service of
common concern. That should be an experienced man with a small staff in the
Director's office to look at the overall system, evaluate and plan ahead,
facilitate the work of each of the divisions in meeting their needs, draw on
and use the Director's authority to speed things up, establish or shift
priorities, resolve budget issues, reallocate assets as need indicates,
watch computer security and see that the proper central control, direction
and handling is established and maintained. This role should be played by
somebody who knows the organization and its requirements and is knowledgeable
in the co n area--someone like
Donnelly, This group would have to set a fast pace in
rapid, intense, highly focused work to see where we are and where we should
be going in this area and to see that the seven people who were at the meeting
are actively engaged and participating in the overall process as
well as directing the follow-through in their divisions.
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On personnel, we need more imagination, versatility, targeted effort.
Try use of headhunters. Develop special pay for computer specialty and other
hard to find qualities. Organize and run continuing efforts to get employee
and alumni suggestions on likely recruits.
On languages, demand and make arrangements for greater language training
for all case officers. We will consider increasing payments for the maintenance
of language on the part of case officers but not for those who are not required
to attend language school to handle a specialty for which they were brought
in and where daily work forces them to maintain the language. We must narrow
the margin between the language capabilities and preparation which the KGB
has and our own. Work on recruiting from ethnic groups, likely to have the
language or a good start on the language, notably Hispanics and Slavs in
this country. Develop a program to make use of employees who are alumni of
colleges as referents to develop career interest in students attending those
Public Image Problem
Respond to more egregious stories in the media--develop continuing
program to amplify and encourage our supporters and show the positive side
of the Agency. We will not put out a lot of unclassified research, but we
will put out information through speeches and otherwise on those activities
which are widely known, where there are no security considerations and which
justify our existence and require our talent and effort. Subjects like
Soviet active measures, technology transfer, modernization of the Third
World, terrorism, Soviet activities in the Third World, outlook for the
Third World by the end of the century covering subjects like water resources,
populati n Use this material on campuses in recruiting and to encourage
support from the business world, etc. Some of this would be put out
under our own name, others, like terrorism and arms sales, with the State
Department, tech transfer perhaps with Commerce or Defense.
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25 January 1985
SUBJECT :I (Notes, 7-8 Jan 85
the DCI and DDCI's list of items we agreed to work
on at conference produces the following. I don't think
there should be any surprises here.
-- DCI asks for a kind of inventory of uter
equipment and capabilities. Action:
-- Consider some front office staff entity which will
provide loose central guidance to the information
technology world. Action:
-- Consider using headhunters to recruit new people.
Action: Fitzwater.
-- Develop special pay for computer specialized people.
Action: Fitzwater.
- Organize and run continuing program to get employee and
alumni suggestions on likely recruits. Action:
-- Get serious about keeping people in language training
for the full course. Action: George, with help from
-- Work to increase the payments in our language main-
tenance and instruction programs. Fitzwater should
bring a proposal to the Executive Committee for
discussion and decision.
-- Continue to make public information (through speeches
and otherwise) on those Agency activities which are
already widely known, where there are no security
considerations, and which tend to justify our existence
and require our talent and effort. Action: Gates.
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-- Get the computer terminal installation program better
organized (should fall out of the consolidation of DND
with ODP). Action: Fitzwater.
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Action Items Resulting from Confeence on 7/8 January 1985
Harry E. Fitzwater DDA 85-0040/5
Deputy Director for Administration DATE
7D 24 Hqs 16 January 1985
TO: (Officer designation. room number,
Director of Central
Intelligence 2. 7D 5607 Hqs
17 JAN
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
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DDA 85-0040/5
16 January 1985
MEMORANDLM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater
Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT: Action Items Resulting from) (Conference
on 7/8 ,January 1985
1. During our meeting several issues were discussed that I
consider to be my responsibiii or action. Consequently, I have
assigned the action for implementation or study to the appropriate
Offices within the Directorate of Administration. This memorandum is for
your information but in the event I have missed something that should be
addressed by this Directorate, please let me know.
2. The following actions are being taken relative to the issues
a. I have asked the Director of Personnel (D/OP) and the
Director of Training and Education (D/OTE) to work together in
selecting a high visibility and articulate officer who would have
access to both the training and recruitment programs. This person
should devote his/her time to visiting campuses, staying in touch
with people in academia, and helping to bring together our
recruitment mechanism and academia. This individual should help sell
the Agency and the challenge that a career in CIA offers. Also, OP
and OTE are working to determine how we can better the image of
training provided to our employees which may help in our recruitment
The D/OP is looking at an assignment of a high visibility
Agency officer to work with industry and our recruiters similar to
the one working with academia.
Additionally, we are proposing to assign an officer to the
School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. State has a
Foreign Service careerist currently assigned to the School. We will
look at placing officers in other universities if the Georgetown
effort proves worthwhile.
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b. At the Conference, the DDI made the statement with which we
firmly agree--that the D/OTE is desperately understaffed for teaching
information science. I have asked the D/OTE to give me some
alternatives for staff-type personnel. It is doubtful that we can
find the slots or the people to get an early solution to this problem
but we may be able to use contractors or some other innovation.
c. I have asked the Chairman of the Language Development
Committee and the D/OTE to establish a system by which we will pay
award fees, for both maintenance and achievement of new languages, in
accordance with State's award fee system. This is supposed to be
applied particularly to the Directorate of Operations personnel.
d. I have notified the D/OTE that the DDO has agreed to leave
students in language training for the advertised length of study. We
will keep an eye on the developments of this new DO policy and work
with the DDO in case this directive is being violated.
e. I have asked the D/OP to determine from the Office of
General Counsel whether we can legally use an employment organization
to help in our recruitment of new employees. Our initial look
indicates that there may be some type of legal restriction on federal
agencies using "head hunters." If we find that it is legally
permissible, then I have directed that the D/OP contract with a firm
on an experimental basis to see if it works, and, if so, we will
expand to other firms.
f. I have asked the D/OP to provide to the DDI statistics on
the sources of his new employees. If you will recall, I noted that
there were four categories (i.e., write-in or call-in to recruiters,
campus, advertising, and employee referrals) which historically
produced the major portion of our new recruits.
g. I have asked the D/OP to post CIA employees' names with
placement officers at universities at which they are alumni. This,
of course, must be with the approval of the emplo ee
The idea behind
this is permit the students to contact our employees and establish
a one-on-one relationship which may lead to the student's employment.
h. The D/OP has been directed to provide me with a proposal for
new categories of hard-to-get personnel who should be considered for
special pay. Of particular interest are people in information
i. The D/OP is to provide me with a proposal for paying tuition
for selected individuals in graduate programs. These individuals
would be legally bound to a certain period of employment by the
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j. The D/OP is to 'work with the D/OTE in looking at the
feasibility of a "Brookings-type" seminar for Executive Officers from
Fortune 500 companies. At these seminars we would emphasize our
desire to recruit top-grade personnel.
k. I have directed the D/OP to provide me with a proposal for
paying premium pay to lower-graded DO officers overseas to compensate
them for the long hours they work without receiving overtime pay. I
will ensure that any proposal will be thoroughly staffed wih the DDO.
1. You will recall a complaint about the lack of a single
organization to handle the installation of computer terminals.
Although we are installing terminals a month, which is
quite a feat in itself, I agree that we can do better organiza-
tionally in the handling of these installations. As you have been
advised, I am combining
Office of Communications with the Office of Data Processing and have
asked that this organization have a single point of contact for all
installation of terminals and word processors.
m. In accordance with your concern to "accelerate the tempo and
move it--get it done," I have asked that all Offices put greater
emphasis on this mind-set. Also, I have passed along your desire to
stimulate initiative and creativity.
3. If I have missed anything, please let me know and I will take
action on it immediately. I will also keep you advised on the results of
any of the studies relative to these action items.
cc: DDCI
Orig -
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