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September 13, 1985
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___ --._ ""` 17 SEPT 1985
TO Nam.. omc* symbol, room number,
1 ] i.sd
Note and Return
For CNaance
Per Convsrestlen
For Correction
p& gq*
pre n
For Your Intownation
See Me
Invests to
FROM: (Name, org. symbol. Agency/Post)
OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76)
b u.S.o.P0: 1983 -421-529/320 FAMMO (41 t:FR) 101-11.M
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NLT 1400, 18 Sept. 85
To 13: Please have appropriate response
16 Sept. 85
I 3637 (10.81) M
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(202) 225-4501
CongreSS of the Mnitea 'tate5
gouge of tepregentatibeg
September 13, 1985
William J. Casey
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Bill,
,9;-3 Z2, q
MoRRow GA 30260
14041 968-32 `9
1404) 228-0389
(404) 834-6398
NEWNAN, GA 30263
(404) 253-8355
Thank you again for breakfast.
In addition to Afghanistan, I want to pursue the general
issue of how we educate Members of Congress and the news media
about the Soviet war against freedom. There is currently no
place that links together activities during the week in such a
way that they form a coherent pattern. The result is that
Members read the New York Times and Washington Post stories
about isolated incidents such as the KGB expulsion from Great
Britain or the most recent major battle in Afghanistan, but
there's no sense that it all fits together.
Nor is there any systematic way to currently link all of
this back to Leninist training, the writings of Lenin and the
basic intellectual patterns of Soviet military/diplomatic/
political behavior.
I've begun doing a series of special orders on Thursday
afternoons on the House floor in which I try to knit together
Soviet behavior. I'm enclosing a copy of my latest special
We've been getting some help from the State Department in
dveloping materials and our hope is eventually to have an
8:00a.m. Thursday meeting for Members only in which the
executive branch on a de-classified basis tells us what happened
the preceeding week and what it means in terms of the Soviet war
against freedom and Soviet doctrine.
However, as an interim step, I'm trying to pull together
de-classified information that would normally be available to
the State Department, CIA or the Defense Department public
affairs offices to simply link together various events around
the planet and tie them back into historical lessons. Is there
someone in your public affairs who could work with us on simply
delivering late on Wednesday de-classified information that they
think ought to be linked together to explain the war against
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If there is, please have them contact Anne Olsson in my
office and I'd like to meet with them.
Thank you.
Newt Gingrich
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?H.7460 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE September 11, 1985
Vietnamese Embassy. The Vietnamese swaddled In red tape and subject to Cl 1715
Embassy in Ottawa closed in 1981. surcharges, taxes, and theft. THE LESSONS OF GRENADA
A Toronto company. Transsaigon Mr. Speaker, I hope all Members of
Co.-owned by a member of the Union this body will take the time to under- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
General-ships parcels to Vietnam stand the seriousness of the issue dis- a previous order of the House, the gen-
through laser express. The company cussed this evening. I am not necessar- tleman from Georgia LMr. GINGRICHI
has satellites in Edmunton, Windsor, ily certain that my legislation Is in 1s recognized for 60 minutes.
and other parts of Canada. The owner fact the appropriate response to the Mr. GINGRICIL Mr. Speak ,r? to-
denies that he deals with the Vietnam- problem which I have outlined. There night I am going to renew i alking
ese Government, is still plenty of doubt in my mind about the real news and what ' i hap-
gave woridl Tb eon-
The Federal Department of Employ-
s ago, about the extent and nature of the peeing around the
a 4 months ago, problem. cerns we hale to face with the war
$20e the Union Union Generale a Smooth
$20.000 grant. I do believe, however, that if some of against freedom being waged by the
The Department of External Affairs these truly alarming stories have any Soviet Union and Its CommoMst auks.
maw areas.
and the Quebec Order of Pharmacists ring of truth, they represent a viola- I One is want to the focus ocus o on hew two ropaganr as.
were both unaware of the companies' tion of human rights that go beyond Onslve, trying to set the stage and for
activists and activities until contacted the standards of decent behavior on a Geneva. It an attempt to create ar
by the Hamilton Spectator. very broad scale. I urge all my col' environment in which there will be
The value of money and goods leagues to study not any the method- more pressure on President Reagan to
shipped through Montreal is nearly ology contained in my legislation, but mo she Soviet Union than an there
100 times higher than the $19 million also take some time and explore the has been in any We Uni Rhin here
statistics Canada estimates that issue for yourself. Talk to law enforce- Neville In any We went to Munfcir
Canada exported to Vietnam last year. ment officers. Most importantly, dis- Neville Cham
What the Hamilton Spectator re- cuss this issue with leaders in the Viet- in 1938.
talking about the Gor-
send is that refugees who attempt to namese communities. All of us owe it in addition what t think Is
correct American I wane response think
money, medicine, and packages to ourselves to discover whether or not ban n bachev tlk and s that face a difficult task. Much of the the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's the ad correct offensive
to talk
money is siphoned off in taxes by the, controlled economic exploitation propaganda developments in Central
Vietnamese Government controlled scheme actually exists. Most impor- about recent dev
d clop particular ent the ways
savings accounts. Some of the drugs tantly, we should try to learn just how which me and Nicaraguan Communists are
may be seized. Most of the goods that it effects the lives of Vietnamese refu- the
do get to designated recipients will be gees here in the United States. threatening Costa Rica. I also want to
sold on the black market. The majors- talk about the ways in which as the El
ty of the money that is sent back flows 01700 Salvadoran Communists find they are
into the State Bank of the Socialist unable to win, they are reverting to
Vietnam through wire transfers, couri- Mr. Speaker, perhaps we are a little terrorism in their efforts to defeat the
ers and commercial credit. If a refugee bit more aware of this problem in my Government of El Salvador.
sends money through the mail it is part of the country than in others be het me first talk about the Gorba-
often stolen or lost in Vietnam. It can cause we have such a large number of chev peace offensive. The fact is that
take as long as 3 months for a letter to these Southeast Asian refugees, and chev peace offensive.
parties, in ct is t lat
get to Vietnam from Canada. particularly these Vietnamese refu- Marxist-Leninist Lenin's own writings. ns,are year
The articles also illustrated that gees, but in fact it is a national prob- led d by Len 's psychological, s. are very
If the money is sent through Canadian lem. It is the height of irony, it is actu- oriented to ps think that words are
banks it can take up to 8 months to get to ally the height of tragedy that the warfare. They think One of the are
Vietnam and the Vietnamese Government very same Vietnamese Government very, very why Inmost Communist coua-
only gives the Vietnamese relations a por- which drove these people from their tries there is a st-alnatlc increase ra-
tion of the funds at an exchange rate 10 homeland. which required these education as soon as a Communist goo
times lower than that offered through the people to exit in some of the most don- ednment takes over to because they
Montreal by the operation v The rest in account of the money rous ways to leave their homeland education as the key to brain-
that the Vietnamese need government per- to try to seek a little peace in the regshit6 the population. They believe
mission to withdraw from. United States and elsewhere, should that brainwashing that teaches people
Mr. Speaker, what the Hamilton now be taking advantage of these the right words is the key to control-
Spectator uncovered is the fact that people who now, having reached free- Ung people in the long run. So it is
the SRVN is resorting to tactics dom, are attempting to do nothing natural for a Communist government
against people who are basically de- more than assist their relatives and to think that a psychological, political
fenseless. Many refugees say they feel their friends who are left back in Viet- offensive is a part of warfare. Indeed,
guilty about sending money by any nam. unlike the West, if you study Leninist
route through which they believe the As I said, I am not certain that my warfare or Soviet warfare manuals,
SRVN is benefiting. But each method proposal is the best proposal or the they have an entire section on psycho-
by which they can send money or only proposal, but I am putting that logical, political, intellectual warfare,
other essentials is fraught with prob- proposal out on the table so we can see In which they have invested very heav-
lems. When a money order is sent whether or not it is possible for us to ily and in which they train a great
through a local bank to Vietnam's For- create a set of conditions to allow the number of people.
eign Trade Bank, the rate of exchange Vietnamese who live within our midst In the past I have cited from the
of Vietnamese dong to the dollar is to do what any of us would want to do, Grenada documents, documents which
only about half the rate of other and that is to help our neighbors, help were captured when we liberated the
transfer methods, refugees say. Cur- our families, and help our friends who island of Grenada, documents that are
rent evidence reveals that: are left back In their homeland and based on a Communist government
Vietnamese who send money are who are suffering because of the ac- and a Communist party in Grenada. In
forced to deal in U.S. funds and pay a tivities of the government that re- those documents I have quoted exam-
service charge as high as 26 percent of quired us to leave. ples of the very serious planning that
the amount they wish to send; Mr. Speaker, I ask, can we not try to goes into a Communist government
In Vietnam the packages and mail create a set of circumstances which trying to mislead both the American
allows them to have some comfort in people and the American news media
sorred b by y the heavily e governments; oveilfered and cen-
Packages that arrive at Tan Sam the thought that what they are doing an to the a refulzpa helrg w own icheople
Nhat Airport In Ho Chi Minh city are is not in vain?
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It Lit clear from the Grenada docu-
ments that there is a serious long-term
Communist effort to understand the
American news media and to know
how to manipulate It. An effort to un-
derstand American church groups and
to know how to manipulate them.
In that setting. I think the Gorba-
chev offensive is part of a long pattern
of Soviet willingness to lie and deceive
in order to try to communicate their
values. .
In the recent Time magazine inter-
view with Gorbachev, there were two
fascinating examples of the Soviet
modern techniques of manipulation.
The funWer of the two was a line
where Gorbachev was quoted as
saying. "God in His infinite. wisdom." I
found it fascinating. Here you have
the leader of the Communist govern-
ment. an avowedly atheist movement,
a man whose wife teaches Marxist phi-
losophy at the University of Moscow,
cheerfully for purposes of Western
newsmen citing God. A God which
technically he cannot believe exists if
he believes the teachings of Lenin. but
because he knows that we feel com-
fortable with people who cite God, he
is perfectly willing to make us feel
more comfortable.
Second. we had in the very same
interview a reference which Gorba-
chev said, "We would never start a
war." Unfortunately, no one on the
Time magazine editorial board saw fit
to say to him, "What about Afghani-
stan, where you are currently fighting
a war? What about Czechoslovakia,
which you Invaded in 1968? What
about Hungary, which you invaded in
1956? What about the occupation of
the army In Poland?"
Instead. they passed over it, allowing
a Communist leader with a totally
straight face to say to them, "We, of
course, would never start a war. I
prontlse you that,"
One has to wonder how naive you
must think Americans are if you can
get away with that kind of bald-faced
lie, stow he is in the middle of fight-
ing a war in Afghanistan.
The pattern of this offensive is very
simple. We know from a variety of
works` of which possibly John Bar-
roe's books on the KGB are the best.
Sherchenko's work on "Fleeing From
Moscow" ad a Soviet senior official
telling as the inside story is helpful
and there have been a number of
other studies
We know from these works that the
Soviet Government systematically and
cooslstently goes after the penetration
of Western news media.
A recent novel, "The Spike," is an-
other example of that. Its coauthor is
Arnaud de Borchgrave, the editor of
the Washington Times, a former
senior columnist for Newsweek maga-
As you study these books, whether
they are fiction or nonfiction, you
ft learn that the KGB, the Soviet secret
[ police, spends a great deal of money
bribing some reporters, influencing
some editors, establishing some aca-
demic centers, setting up a framework
of thought.
It is I think fair to say that not since
Adolf Hitler manipulated the Western
news media in the late 1930's have we
seen an offensive designed to convince,
manipulate and dupe Western people
as sophisticated as Gorbachev's cur-
rent offensive.
What then should the correct Amer-
ican answer be? When the New York
Times prints an ad paid for by the
Soviet Embassy, as it did recently,
should we censor that ad? I do not
think so. When Gorbachev offers to be
interviewed, should we stop the inter-
view? I do not think so.
It would be helpful if the news men
were a little more tough minded, if
they asked better questions, if they
were more aggressive in cross-exami-
nation. But basically, If we are going
to be a free society, we have to allow
people who are going to lie to us to tell
their lies out in the open. And then we
have to hope that our intellectuals,
our news media, our politicians, our
citizens, will pay attention and learn
who is telling the truth and who is
Rather than talk about censorship. I
would like to suggest just the opposite.
We have an opportunity in the third
week of October to lay out for the
entire world to see who the Commu-
nists are and what the system is.
Rather than arguing with Gorbachev
as a person or discussing whether or
not his wife dresses well, it seems to
me far more appropriate for us to look
at the underlying question of the
nature of the Soviet system, the
nature of the Communist government.
I think there is no better time to do
that than the third week of October,
which is the second anniversary of the
liberation of Grenada.
I think it is important for two rea-
sons. First of all, the liberation of Gre-
nada was the first time that a Commu-
nist government was overthrown and
people regained their freedom. In that
sense the experience of the Grenadian
people, now free, now with a free
market, now with a democracy, now
with a free press, now with freedom of
religion, the lesson of Grenada in ceas-
ing to be Communists offers hope to
people all over the world. It offers
hope to the Afghan freedom fighters
It offers hope to the Nicaraguan free-
dom fighters. It offers hope to the An-
golan freedom fighters. It offers hope
to people in Poland, in the Ukraine, in
Estonia, in Latvia, in Lithuania, and
throughout the Soviet Union.
Second, in liberating Grenada and
saving some 800 American students
from possibly becoming hostages, we
also captured 35,000 pounds of Com-
munist documents, the records of the
Communist government, the records
of the Communist Party. So we know
a great deal about Grenada.
Unfortunately, because the Ameri-
can intellectual community is largely
leftwing. because it does not want to
H 7461
learn about communism, because it
does not want to study the Soviet
Union In reality, very little has been
done with those documents. Only a
few books have been written, of which
the most notable was edited by Ro-
merstein and Ledeen and published by
the State Department as the Grenada
Documents. In addition, a book by
Paul Seabury studies the Grenada
Documents. But when one looks at all
of the leftwing intellectual effort to
discredit Tel Salvador, the Philippines,
South Africa, Chile, and then you look
and ask how many Ph.D.'s rush down
to the National Archives to look at
these documents? How many people
have been busily studying and trying
to tell us what we can learn about
communism and the Grenada lesson?
The answer. sadly, Is very few.
Therefore, I think It Is very, very im-
portant that we take the third week of
October, the week of October 25, and
we focus America on looking at the
lessons of Grenada and asking our-
selves, what do they tell us about
today? What do we learn about com-
munism in Grenada that teaches us
about Gorbachev? Nothing could
better prepare America for Geneva
than to study the real nature of com-
munism and look at the real lessons of
the Grenada Documents.
That is why I urge my colleagues to
cosponsor House Resolution 313.
which Congressman IKE SKELTON of
Missouri and I have introduced as a bi-
partisan resolution. It already has over
165 cosponsors. And it is designed to
make the week of October 25 a week
in which high schools, colleges,
Sunday schools, synagogue classes,
civic clubs, veterans groups, everyone
who has an interest in understanding
the world we live in and the nature of
communism, might look at the lessons
of Grenada. That is why I would urge
every citizen to look at their own civic
clubs, their own classes, their own op-
portunities to study the lessons of
Grenada. I think it helps to get the
local news media to ask the question,
what have we learned about commu-
nism? By getting editorial writers
before they interview Gorbachev to
study the way in which Lenin has
? practiced the art of lying to Western
news media, to look at the lessons of
disinformation and deception as prac-
ticed by the Soviet Union, I think that
helps all of us.
So I would urge all of my colleagues
to cosponsor House Joint Resolution
313 and help us make the week of Oc-
tober 25 a week to learn the lessons of
the Grenada Documents.
I would also urge every group
around America that is interested in
and concerned about communism or
about the survival of freedom to take
the opportunity that week to study
the lessons of Grenada.
I would urge those citizens whose
Congressmen have not yet cospon-
sored that resolution to contact their
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H 7462
Congressmen and ask them to cospon-
sor House Joint Resolution 313.
In addition to handling propaganda
as it relates to the Soviet Union. I
think it is also interesting to look at
what has been happening around the
world that the American news media
does not cover very aggressively.
There is a tendency in the American
news media if an American ally does
something to put it on page 1, and if a
Soviet puppet does something to
either not print it at all or put it on
page 30.
Therefore, I have asked that we put
together some major events and on a
weekly basis on Thursday I am going
to try to link together different news
stories you may not have seen. I'm
going to show how they relate to the
war against freedom being waged by
the Soviet Union and its Communist
empire. Here are some examples.
First, the Communists have been
linked in Nicaragua to 700 Costa
Ricans training in Cuba. At least 700
Costa Ricans linked to leftist groups
have received military training in
Cuba with assistance from the Com-
munist Sandinista government of
Nicaragua, according to Costa Rican
Deputy Minister Johnny Campos.
Notice that this is not a citation
from an American source. This is the
Deputy Security Minister of Costa
Rica. He said in a recent interview in
La Nacion:
Campos broached the magnitude of local
and foreign espionage in his country. He
also stated that this training had been going
on for 4 years. He divided the espionage ac-
tivities into three groups which included the
involvement of the Ortega-led Communist
government of Nicaragua. The Deputy Min-
ister described the situation as dangerous
and he is very concerned about it.
An example of what has been hap-
pening around the world: The Commu-
nist terrorists in El Salvador are
changing their behavior. According to
Radio Venceremos, the Communists in
El Salvador have again bragged about
their sabotage activities.
For example, over the Fourth of July
weekend, the Communist guerrillas
"carried out important sabotage
against power lines in this central area
of the country. These power outages
affected San Salvador and large parts
of Central El Salvador."
The broadcast also went on to boast
that "on July 5, guerrilla units of the
Julio Armando Climaca Detachment
downed three high voltage power
pylons in (Las Gorritas) Canton, San
Jorges jurisdiction, San Miguel De-
"We continue with more activities to
sabotage the war economy of Duarte's
government. Sabotage is victory."
I think every American needs to look
at that and ask themselves, these are
Communist guerrillas. They claim
that they are for the people, yet their
strategy as they grow weaker and are
unable to field a military unit is to
engage in terror and in sabotage.
Imagine the nature of a group which
would say that sabotage is victory.
Sabotage Is destruction, the breaking
up of the economy, the destroying of
jobs, the wiping out of civilized amen-
ities. Then when American reporters
go to a major city and the power goes
out because the guerrillas have suc-
cessfully sabotaged the power lines, in-
stead of reporting on guerrilla brutal-
ity, on the senselessness of their cam-
paign, of their unwillingness to vote.
instead the reporter talks about how
weak the government is.
Let me suggest that if we had guer-
rillas trying to knock out power lines
around Washington, we could appreci-
ate better the challenge to President
Duarte. Not only his daughter kid-
naped by terrorists, but he is faced
with a guerrilla movement which, as It
loses the main war against his army,
reverts more and more to terrorist tac-
tics and to guerrilla warfare.
To the south of Nicaragua, Costa
Rica finds Itself increasingly in diffi-
culty. For example, Costa Rican Presi-
dent Luis Alberto Monge has said defi-
nitely that there will be no dialog be-
tween Costa Rica and the Communist
regime of Nicaragua because the Com-
munist regime has refused to apolo-
gize and give explanation for actions
to Costa Rica concerning their aggres-
sions directed against his government.
Monge referred to three separate in-
cidents in which Nicaragua waged un-
provoked attacks over its border into
Costa Rica: The events at Las Crucitas
on May 31, when two Costa Rican civil
guardsmen died; the July 3 incident in
the same area when Communist
troops attacked the Costa Rican
guardsmen who were trying to recover
the body of one of the slain guards-
men: and the July 26 incident at Barra
del Colorado, when three Communist
air force planes entered Costa Rica's
airspace and dropped bombs.
0 1730
The point I want to make here is
that of all of the countries in Central
America, Costa Rica is the most peace-
ful, the most democratic, the most
Costa Rica disbanded its army In the
late 1940's. It literally has no army
anymore. It has been observed by one
expert on Central America that Costa
Rica is the greatest danger to Nicara-
gua precisely because it is a democrat-
ic country with a free market and a
free press. That means that every pos-
sible younger Nicaraguan will flee to
Costa Rica, just like in Western
Europe we see people flee from East
Germany to West Germany, from
Czechoslovakia to Austria, from Hun-
gary to Austria, and so forth.
The point this expert had made was
that as long as Costa Rica is alive, as
long as it is a free country, as long as
it is a better place to live than Nicara-
gua, It will be an active threat to the
Communist government of Nicaragua
precisely because it drains away
Here we have the President of Costa
Rica, it country which does not even
September 12, 1985
have an army, reporting on three inci-
dents in which the Communist govern-
ment of Nicaragua entered Costa
Rican territory. The Costa Ricans are
concerned in part because, as they
look to the north toward El Salvador,
they have some sense of how a coun-
try can be torn to pie"es by Commu-
nist guerrillas.
Communist guerrill t commander
Joaquin Villalobos, in a statement con-
cerning the increased tt rrorists' use of
land mines and urban terrorism, has
threatened more violence on the
people of El Salvador.
"Our aim is to convert every road
into a river of blood with mines ? ? -'
each stone into a mine and every heli-
copter into a coffin," Villalobos said in
a recent rebel radio broadcast. .
The Farabundo Marti Liberation
Front (FMLN], the Communist ter-
riorist organization bent on destroying
the democratically elected government
of President Duarte, is increasing its
activities due to decreased support in
their insurgency efforts over the past
"The subversives have planted a lot
of mines in the last few months be-
cause they can no longer confront
army units directly," said Maj. Omar
Vaquerano, an infantry battalion com-
mander. "The mines are a demonstra-
tion of the subversives' weakness."
The increase in the effectiveness of
the government's efforts against the
Communists' activities has broken up
the terrorists into small pockets ? of
subversives, taking much of their sup-
port base, supplied by the Masas.
The point I want to make is this:
Here we have Communists in El Salva-
dor saying that we are going to rely on
sabotage. I quoted earlier, "sabotage Is
victory." They have said here, we have
them saying their aim is to convert
every road into a river of blood with
mines, each stone Into a mine and
every helicopter into a coffin.
Imagine you were living in democra-
tic Costa Rica, that you were looking
up the road to El Salvador, that you
saw that kind of bloody, visclous anti-
civilian guerrilla warfare, sabotage,
and terrorism going on. You can ap-
preciate why the Costa Rican Govern-
ment, the most democratic, most open
and decent government in Central
America, is increasingly angry with
the Nicaraguans, because it sees in
Nicaragua a country which is support-
ing guerrilla warfare with Communists
In El Salvador. A country which is
Itself a Communist dictatorship. And
Costa Rica sees an Increasing willing-
ness to launch raids against them.
President Monge, In an August 13
letter to Daniel Ortega, the Commu-
nist dictator of Nicaragua, said that
Costa Rica was a "peaceful people"
and blamed "Nicaragua's warmonger-
ing attitude" for the border crisis.
Let me emphasize this. This is the
President of Costa Rica, the neighbor
of Nicaragua, a democratic country
which does not even have an army. His
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attitude toward the Communist Gov-
ernment of Nicaragua, he said it was
"a warrnon`ering attitude."
This is not Ronald Reagan talking;
this is not some rightwing Republican.
This is the democratically elected, free
President of Costa Rica.
He went on to say that we Costa
Ricans "are a peaceful people and
have never attacked anyone."
The Costa Rican President stated
that if there Is no peace in Nicaragua,
then his nation Is affected by this.
"However," Monge stated. "Costa Rica
is not responsible for Nicaragua's
peace; Costa Rica cannot achieve or
impose peace in Nicaragua."
In clear reference to the unprovoked
border aggressions launched by the
Marxist-Leninist regime, Mange said
The vaiious border incidents on Costa
Rica's northern border, specifically the
painful Incident at Las Cractas and the vio-
lation of our national airspace by your gov-
ernnsent's military forces, can be protested
as acts of aggression we will not tolerate and
which. if repeated. will force us to defend
ourselves. We demand a satisfactory
explanation because these incidents are the
result of Nicaragua's warmongering attitude
and of the lack of peace In Nicaragua. which
is an issue that your government cannot
"Therefore, steps toward peace, both
inside and outside Nicaragua, should
be taken by your government," Monge
said. He also stated that he considered
Nicaragua's "international propaganda
aimed at tarnishing Costa Rica's real
position in relation to the Nicaraguan
conflict unjust and ill-Intentioned."
So again we have on August 13 the
President of the democratic, demilita-
rized. free Costa Rica complaining,
saying to the Nicaraguan Communists
to "Let us alone, quit trying to pro-
voke us."
Yet what happened?
On August 25, a Communist army
patrol from Nicaragua was spotted by
Civil Guard units inside Costa Rican
territory in the Boca de San Carlos
region, marking the third unprovoked
border Incident within a week against
this democracy.
According to the Panama City
ACAN report from the northern
region of Costa Rica, the Sandinist
People's Army CEPS] patrol fired at
the civil guardsmen with their rifles
and the civil guardsmen fired back.
Area residents told reporters that
apparently tht Communists had seized
a farm but then abandoned it after
the clash with the Costa Rican public
Public Security Minister Benjamin
Piza Carranza has explained that a
police patrol discovered the Commu-
nist group in Costa Rican territory
and, for this reason, obeyed the order
to fire at them. Costa Rica has no
standing army. He said that the Civil
Guard remains on alert in the border
area, which has been the site of recent
unprovoked and illegal attacks
launched by the Marxist-Leninist
This Is the third incursion the Com-
munist forces have carried out on
Costa Rican soil in I week, according
to official reports issued by the gov-
ernment of President Luis Alberto
On August 22, five Communist. air-
craft violated Costa Rican airspace
and fired shots. only 24 hours after
the Costa Rican Government de-
nounced an attack by the Nicaraguan
Communist forces on the Boca de San
Carlos police post.
These events have been unfolding
during the Nicaraguan so-called peace
dialog propaganda campaign.
In other words. where the Nicara-
guans are publicly in Interviews with
American television. talking to Ameri-
can church groups. they pretend they
favor peace. There are three times in I
week in late August that the Nicara-
guan Communists violated Costa Rica
and attacked Costa Rica. In fact,
things have gotten bad enough that
Costa Rican Foreign Minister Carlos
Jose Gutierrez said that the Inter-
American Reciprocal Treaty [TIAR]
might be requested if unprovoked
Communist border attacks continue,
citing that regime's "expansionist ob-
jectives" as a possible cause for these
"I think that, if these aggressions
continue, we may resort to the TIAR.
Costa Rica has not done so thus far
because it believes the aggressions do
not melt it," Gutierrez said in a tele-
phone interview with Radio Cadena
National. Nevertheless, he noted that
"their frequency and constant repeti-
tion might lead Costa Rica to resort to
a step of that nature."
Gutierrez said that the Communist
attacks on Costa Rica could have vari-
ous explanations, among them that
the Communist regime may be trying
to intimidate the Costa Rican people.
"This could be one of the reasons," he
said. He explained that "perhaps the
attacks seek to prevent Costa Ricans
living in the border area from continu-
ing to express support for the anti-
"Second, It might be that the at-
tacks are the result of the arrogance
of the Sandinist Army, which wants to
show Its military might to its neigh.
bors," Gutierrez added. "We also think
the attacks could be part of the expan-
sionist objectives of the Nicaraguan
Government, which does not hide its
aggressive intentions with regard to
the countries that border Nicaragua."
Let me make this point for all of our
friends who belong to church groups
that say why can there not be peace In
Central America. Here he is, the for-
eign minister of Costa Rica, a country
which is a democracy. A country
which is free, a country which does
not even have an army. All it has is a
border patrol and a civil police, and
now what is the foreign minister of
Costa Rica saying? He said that the
Government of Nicaragua has, and I
quote: "Expanionist objectives," and
"does not hide Its aggressive intentions
H 7163
with regard to the countries that
border Nicaragua."
In other words, the foreign minister
of Costa Rica is trying to say to all of
the world, you cannot deal with the
Communist Government of Nicaragua
because it Is trying- to expand itself.
Nicaragua Is an enemy to Its neigh.
bors, and It is supporting guerrilla war.
What do the people of Costa Rica
In a poll conducted by as affiliate of
the international Gallup organisation,
it was found that 89 percent of the
Costs Rican population eondde' the
Marxist-Leninist regime of Nicaragua
a threat to peace in the regic i
The poll, which was published In the
San Jose daily Ls Nadon, she ibmld
that 87 percent of the popelstfen have
an unfavorable opinion of She Comnnu-
nist government. In addition, U per-
cent said that neutrality ought not to
apply if Nicaragua violated the Costa
Rican sovereignty.
According to the results of the
survey, most Costa Ricans approve of
the way President Mange is handling
the Nicaraguan crisis, but are dis-
pleased with the way the Contadora
group is resolving the problems be-
tween the two nations. Also, 83 per-
cent of the Costa Ricans polled said
they were confident the United States
would help defend Costa Rica If they
were Invaded.
On a similar subject. Oscar Aguilar,
Presidential candidate of the National
Union Party, has said that in view of
the new Communist attacks against
Costa Rican territory, which were con-
firmed by the Costa Rican Govern-
ment, the country should break diplo-
matic ties with the Marxist-Lealalst
regime, if only temporarily. His state-
ment. which was on San Jose Radio
Reloj on August 22, also explained
that "firmness does not mean aggres-
sion but that the country cannot con-
tinue to defend the national sovereign-
ty with protest notes that no one pays
attention to."
I think there are two messages here
for Americans. First of all, the next
time someone says to you: "But why
do you think the Nicaraguan Commu-
nists are dangerous." ask them If 89
percent of the free people of Costa
Rica are scared of their neighbor,
should that not worry you. If the folks
who are down there, who are natives,
who are local, and who speak Spanish,
who have friends In Nicaragua, If 89
percent of them are scared of the
Communist next door, should not that
be a sign to us that maybe they know
more than the local politician or your
local reporter who once spent 2 days
there on a trip?
Second, what would our friends on
the left do to save Costa Rica If, In
fact, the Communists in Nicaragua are
violating Costa Rican sovereignty? I
have just Indicated there were three
times in 1 week in August that the
Nicaraguan Communists were occupy.
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ing part or acting on parts of Costa
Rican territory. What would we do?
Are our neighbors, in fact, the Costa
Ricans, right when 83 percent of them
say we would help them if they were
attacked by Communists, or are they
wrong? I wonder. I wonder in this
House how many of our more leftwing
members would, in fact, find some
excuse for explaining away Commu-
nist aggression, some way of indicating
that it was really caused by Costa
Rica, even though Costa Rica is un-
armed, has no army, and could not
attack anyone.
In fact, the Costa Rican Govern-
ment is considering seriously breaking
relations with Nicaragua.
Costa Rican Foreign Minister Carlos
Jose Gutierrez has said that President
Monge and his administration has not
ruled out a break in relations with
"On various occasions and in view of
repeated attacks and violations of the
Sandinist Army, we have been on the
verge of breaking relations with Nica-
ragua but the situation has always
been reconsidered," the foreign minis-
ter said. Government sources say that
the possibility remains, considering
recent territorial violations and the air
attack August 21. "We now have to
think of more drastic measures," Gu-
tierrez said. He went on to say: "The
conditions for signing the peace docu-
ment do not exist," and added that the
tension mentioned by Mexican For-
eign Secretary Bernardo Sepulveda "is
not the result of the position adopted
by Costa Rica, which is willing to sign
the document if it includes all the as-
pects necessary to achieve peace.
"It is not a matter of signing the
peace document but of fulfilling all its
provisions. If this is not done, the ef-
forts would have been useless. Each
country that signs the peace document
must comply with its provisions. It is
not a matter of simply signing the doc-
ument so as to form part of a group of
countries that will subsequently not
comply with it," the foreign minister
I began tonight talking about the
propaganda offensive of Gorbachev
and of the Soviet Union and that
there is a parallel propaganda offen-
sive by the Nicaraguan Communists.
0 1745
One of the comforting systematic
natures of communism that does not
seem to change over time, you can
count on it, is that they can lie with a
straight face. They can tell you they
are for law and order while picking
your pocket. So it is not at all uncom-
mon for a Communist government like
Nicaragua, in a peace offensive, have
their President giving peace speeches
while their army and air force are vio-
lating Costa Rican territory. Here we
have the Costa Rican Government
telling us about the event.
Again, the Costa Ricans are worried
in part because of Nicaraguan Commu-
nist direct activity, and they are wor-
ried in part about what they see just
up the road in El Salvador.
As recently as late August we have
seen examples of the kind of Commu-
nist terrorism in El Salvador which
frightens the democratic. disarmed
country of Costa Rica.
According to an August 24 San Sal-
vador La Prensa Grafica report, new
acts of vandalism and terror have re-
cently been carried out by subversive
groups of the Communist FMLN-FDR
terrorist insurgency organization.
On the highways to Santa Ana, Ati-
quizaya, Sesuntepeque, Tejutla, Usul-
tan. Ilobasco, and other places the ter-
rorist groups attacked buses, injuring
at least 20 civilians.
In another unprovoked attack, offi-
cial reports say that on August 23 the
Communist extremists machine-
gunned a bus, truck, and pick-up truck
in Delicias de Concepcion Canton, San
Juan. According to the report, several
passengers were wounded and all were
taken to hospitals in that capital and
As the Communist subversives were
preparing to set the vehicle on fire, a
military patrol arrived and the rebels
immediately opened fire and fled from
the army.
The Communist terrorists organiza-
tion's goal is to overthrow the demo-
cratically elected government and re-
place it with a Marxist-Leninist regime
similar to those currently in control in
Cuba and Nicaragua
Now, notice the style here. Now that
the Communist guerrillas in El Salva-
dor cannot stand up to the army, what
do they do? They shoot the civilians,
they machinegun a bus, they machine-
gun a pickup truck. This is the kind of
banditry which can break down a free
society but which is very hard for us
to fight. Where are our freinds on the
left, those who are upset because the
CIA mined Nicaraguan harbors; those
who talked about atrocities from the
right? Where is anyone from the left
In this body standing up and saying it
is wrong for Communist guerrillas to
shoot innocent civilians? We have not
heard a single person from the left in
this House complaining about Commu-
nist guerrillas. Yet we recognize that
there are all sorts of terrorists from
the left who are engaged throughout
Central America in trying to destroy
pro-American and pro-Western gov-
There is one final point I would like
to make tonight about events in Cen-
tral America. And that is that there is
some evidence that Nicaragua is work-
ing in concert with drug trafficking.
There has been considerable evidence
that Cuba works with drug traffickers.
But there has been a recent report
worth looking at in terms of the Nica-
raguan Communists.
An agreement that allowed Colombi-
an coccalne lords to process and ship
narcotics through Nicaragua was de-
scribed July 31 by a pilot working un-
dercover for U.S. authorities.
Adler Barry man Seal described an
April 8, 1984. meeting at the Colombi-
an mountaintop home of Jorge Ochoa
attended by several members of the
Ochoa smuggling cartel:
"They had struck a deal with some
[officials] In the Sandinista govern-
ment in Nicaragua " Seal said. "We're
not Communists. V e don't agree with
their philosophy, I ut they serve our
means and we sen, theirs-then they
made gestures Indic ting money."
Seal, 45, said he was initially worried
about being arrested If he landed in a
plane full of cocaine in a Communist
country, but he said he was assured
that there would be no problems with
Nicaraguan officials.
United States authorities concluded
that the operation had at least the
tacit approval of high-level Sandinista
The point that I think really ties to-
gether drug trade, terrorism, the prop-
aganda offensive, and Nicaragua's at-
tacks on its neighbors in Costa Rica Is
that from a Communist standpoint all
of this fits together. Gorbachev, as a
Communist leader, sees the United
States as the enemy. The Soviet Union
and Its Marxist-Leninist leaders are
very open in saying that we are the
enemy. Anyone who has studied the
Grenada documents can find the then-
Communist leader of Grenada, Mau-
rice Bishop, saying in a secret speech:
Of course we are Communists, of course
this is a dictatorship, of course we are
against the Americans, but if we told them
the truth then they will know what we are
doing. So we are going to lie to them.
It is amazing, since 1917 we have had
an opportunity to study what Lenin
wrote In creating the Soviet state, to
study how Stalin behaved as a dicta-
tor, or to look at what now is almost
70 years of systematic warfare against
the West.
It Is remarkable to see them spy
against us, to have Americans who are
arrested as spies, to see West Germans
who turn out to be spies, to recognize
that the British are expelling spies
right this very day, to see that all over
the world Gorbachev Is Involved in
country after country, in systematical-
ly spying to try to undermine the
Similarly, we see, as we look around
the world, a Communist offensive.
There are Russian troops in Afghani-
stan killing free Afghans this evening
as I speak. There are Cuban troops In
Ethiopia, In Angola, in Mozambique
killing people who want to be free.
There is a Communist Government
in Nicaragua trying to Impose a dicta-'
torship on its people. There is a Com-
munist army from Vietnam in Cambo-
dia trying to impose a Communist gov-
ernment on its people. There Is a Com-
munist army holding down the people
of Poland.
In the middle of all this, Gorbachev
appears on the cover of Time maga-
zine and explains that he Is really a
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September 12, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 7465
called peace offensive. Sometimes you
have to ask yourself how naive is the
American and European news media,
how naive are our intellectual elite.
how easy it seems to be for the Com-
munists, almost by the flick of a wrist,
to change and say: "Oh. please forget
everything we are doing in Afghani-
stan, ignore the people we are killing,
the men, women, and children who are
being butchered, the villages that are
being bombed, the atrocities that are
being committed, we really mean well.
Please ignore the spies that you are
uncovering in your- country that we
send there. We really mean well. Why
don't you come to Geneva and just
talk to us in a pleasant way?"
I believe the President should go to
Geneva. I agree with Winston Church-
ill who once said: "Jaw, Jaw, Jaw is
better than war, war, war."
Still, we should recognize what is
going on.
Neville Chamberlain went to Munich
in 1938 thinking if you could appease a
dictator somehow things would get
better. Neville Chamberlain might
have given up radar in order to make
Adolph Hitler happy. And the British
would have lost the battle of London.
The President has the 21st century
equivalent of radar, the strategic de-
fense initiative. It is vitally important
that all of us in America, and in
Europe, and in Japan, and all of the
free countries recognize who is going
to Geneva.
On the one side, there is a Commu-
nist empire, there is a man whose
armies are currently trying to conquer
Afghanistan, there is a man who is
spying against all of us, who is sup-
porting terrorism and who represents
the dark forces of the secret police,
the Gulag Archipelago and the con-
centration camps of political prisoners.
That is Gorbachev.
We should recognize that, we should
remember it, and we should go to
those negotiations starting with a
question, since this is a man who will
lie with a straight face, who will quote
God even though he is an atheistic
Communist, who would tell us he
would never start a war even whole he
as 120,000 troops fighting in Afghani-
stan. Let us be clear what is happen-
It is vitally important the American
President talk with the Communist
leader. It is equally important that the
American President not try to appease
the Communist leader. If we can reach
reasonable agreements that are en-
forceable, that is worth doing. I hope
that on the week of October 25, we
will study the lessons of the Grenada
documents and we will celebrate, for
free people everywhere and people
ho would like to be free everywhere,
the fact that for the first time a Com-
mtmist nation has become free again.
As we look at the lessons of that
second anniversary, it is my hope that
across America and through the U.S.
Information Agency across the world,
the people who are free will be able to
look once again at the lessons of com-
munism and the nature of communism
and what really was happening in Gre-
nada, and that that will give us a
much more sober, a much more realis-
tic, a much more reasonable balance as
we move toward Geneva.
It is vitally important that Geneva
occur, but it is equally important that
Geneva not become another Munich.
While Ronald Reagan is a Churchil-
lian figure, a man of great resolution,
a man who understands communism, a
man who, as a former labor union
president, knows how to negotiate. It is
very important that he not have Nev-
ille Chamberlain's style news media,
Neville Chamberlain's style elite, Nev-
ille Chamberlain's style advisers. Nev-
We Chamberlain's pressure from his
own public to make unwise conces-
sions. BY asking Your Congressman to
cosponsor House Joint Resolution 313,
to help us look at the lessons of the
Grenada documents, by asking your
civic club, your Sunday school, or your
synagogue group, your high school, or
college class to take time that week to
look at the lessons of Grenada. I think
it is possible to educate ourselves, and
I think that in the long run an educat-
ed, free people will survive despite the
threats of dictatorship and that we
can achieve peace through knowledge
and through information.
I thank the Speaker.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Iowa [Mr. LEecxl is rec-
ognized for 30 minutes.
[Mr. LEACH of Iowa addressed the
House. His remarks will appear hereaf-
ter in the Extensions of Remarks.]
Mr. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask
unanimous consent that all Members
be permitted 5 legislative days in
which to extend their remarks and to
include therein extraneous material
on the bill. H.R. 7, which was consid-
ered today.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is
there objection to the request of the
gentleman from Florida?
There was no objection.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Florida [Mr. McCOLLVMI
is recognized for 30 minutes.
(Mr. McCOLLUM asked and was
given permission to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I
would like to speak today about Mrs.
Ines Guadalupe Duarte Duran, the
eldest daughter of El Salvador's Presi-
dent, Jose Napoleon Duarte. Both
Mrs. Duran and a female friend were
kidnaped yesterday and in the process,
a young man guarding Mrs. Duran was
No guerrilla group or organization
has yet to claim responsibility for the
kidnaping. The clandestine rebel radio
station, Radio Venceremos, did not
mention the kidnaping during Its Sep-
tember 10 broadcast:
However, it seems to me that this Is
another signal that urban warfare in
El Salvador is a reality and the Com-
munist guerrillas mean what they say.
The June 19, 1985, murder of four
U.S. marines In the city of San Salva-
dor is still fresh on our minds. Only
three of the suspected rebels responsi-
ble for this attack have been appre-
hended to date. Shortly after this
murder, the Communists announced
they would continue to hunt down Sal-
vadoran and American officials In the
The clandestine radio station of the
Marxist-led insurgents, Radio Vencere-
mos, announced yesterday, September
11, 1985, that their goal to "annihilate
American advisers" in El Salvador is
still a very high priority.
It is crystal clear to anyone who
pays attention and who keeps his eyes
and ears open as to what kind of crimi-
nal we are dealing with in El Salvador
and Central America. The Salvadoran
intelligence forces recently reported
that they have received information
that Salvadoran and American offi-
cials remain the targets of the Com-
munist rebels.
The crimes and threats of the Com-
munist rebels in El Salvador are not
merely directed at the Duarte govern-
ment or American advisers or officials.
These acts are designed to intimidate
the Salvadoran population and desta-
bilize that country in order to allow
the Communists to abort democracy in
El Salvador and Central America as a
whole. We must not make any mistake
about the actual purposes Involved in
this series of terrorist acts that they
are now engaged in.
As the speaker before me made the
point in his presentation, the rebel
forces at this time in Central America
are conducting terrorist activities in
order to bring about a change in the
freedom that does exist in the few
countries around the area where they
now hold control in Nicaragua. The
United States, as a result, In order to
protect its own citizens and In order to
protect the officials of the democratic
countries In Central America, especial-
ly in El Salvador, and in order to pro-
tect the glimmering hope of democra-
cy that is flaming now In those areas
down there, the American Govern-
ment, the United States, us, this Con-
gress must expedite the money, mate-
rials, and support already authorized
to El Salvador to counter the Commu-
nist urban offensive going on. Just
before the August recess, we passed a
Foreign Assistance Act that contained
authority for the United States to pro-
vide training and equipment to the
police and internal security forces of
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