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Aerospace Calendar
Apr. 4-8-SPIE's Technical Symposium East
'83 and Instrument Exhibit, International So-
ciety for Optical Engineering, Hyatt Regency
Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, Va.
Apr. 5-7-1983 International Reliability Phys-
ics Symposium, Hyatt Regency Phoenix,
Phoenix, Ariz. Sponsors: IEEE Reliability
and Electron Devices Societies.
Apr. 5-8-Intermag '83, 21st International
Magnetics Conference, Franklin Plaza Hotel,
Philadelphia, Pa. Sponsor: IEEE Magnetics
Apr. 11-12-International Operators Seminar,
National Business Aircraft Assn., Crystal
City Marriott, Arlington, Va.
Apr. 10-14-National News Conference, Avia-
tion Space Writers Assn., Stouffer's National
Aviation Week & Space Technology
(ISSN 0005-2175)
March 28, 1983 Vol. 118, No. 13
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Apr. 11-13-Southeastcon '83, IEEE Southeast-
ern Conference, Sheraton Twin Towers Con-
vention Center, Orlando, Fla.
Apr. 12-14-28th National Symposium and Ex-
hibition, Society for the Advancement of Ma-
terial and Process Engineering, Disneyland
Hotel, Anaheim, Calif. Theme: Materials and
Processes-Continuing Innovations.
Apr. 12-15-SAE Business Aircraft Meeting
and Exposition, Century 21, Wichita, Kan.
Contact: Jim Brahney, (412) 776-4841, ext.
Apr. 12-15-AIRMEC '83, Third International
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Exhibit
and Conference, Dusseldorf, West Germany.
Apr. 15-16-13th Mini-Symposium, Society of
Experimental Test Pilots, San Diego Hilton,
San Diego, Calif.
Apr. 15-20-38th Annual Conference, Interna-
tional Federation of Air Line Pilots' Assns.,
Dublin, Ireland.
Apr. 17-19-28th Annual Flight Safety Foun-
dation Corporate Aviation Safety Seminar,
Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans, La.
Apr. 17-19-Joint Western-Mountain Region
EW Technical Symposium, Assn. of Old
Crows, Hilton Palacio del Rio, San Antonio,
Tex. Contact: P. K. Weir, (512) 494-9336.
Apr. 18-20-National Medevac Helicopter
Conference, Crystal City, Va. Cosponsors:
Helicopter Assn. International, Maryland In-
stitute for Emergency Medical Services Sys-
tems. For information: Susan Danker or
Richard Saker, (202) 466-2420.
Apr. 18-20-Industry/FAA Regional Air Car-
rier Symposium, North Park Inn, Dallas,
Tex. Contact: Max Young, (817) 877-2088
Apr. 18-21-29th Annual Technical Meeting
and Equipment Exposition, Institute of Envi-
ronmental Sciences, Marriott Hotel, Los An-
geles, Calif. Theme: Environmental
Technology-A Key to Product
Apr. 18-21-13th International Symposium on
Industrial Robots and Robots 7 Conference
and Exposition, Conrad Hilton Hotel and
McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill. Theme: Ro-
botics-The Emerging Challenge. Sponsors:
Robotics International/Society of Manufac
turing Engineers; Robot Institute of Amer-
Apr. 18-22-1983 SPIE International Technical
Conference/Europe, International Confer-
ence Center, Geneva, Switzerland. Sponsor:
International Society for Optical Engineer-
Apr. 19-21-National Symposium on the DOD
FY '84 Research and Development Program,
Electronic Industries Assn., Hyatt Regency
Crystal City, Arlington, Va. Contact: Frank
A. Mitchell, (202) 457-4944.
Apr. 20-Spring Symposium, Huntsville Chap-
ter of National Contract Management Assn.,
Hotel Hilton, Huntsville, Ala. Title: Profes-
sional Integrity in Contracting. Contact: Wil-
liam S. Taylor, (205) 876-1233.
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Geometry Modeling, Hampton, Va. Contact:
John Shoosmith, (804) 827-3466. ^
Make a note now: Four important
days in Dusseldorfal2-15 April 1983
3rd International Trade Fair
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Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
The International Trade Fair
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Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 5
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Aviation Week
& -Space Technology
March 28, 1983
Volume 118, Number 13 ~,l?
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145,721 copies of this issue printed
Command post for North American Aerospace Defense Com-
mand/Space Command buried in Cheyenne Mountain, Colo.,
has Soviet missile warning attack data boards near the ceil-
ing. Soviet Salyut 7 space station ground track is on the left
screen while a North American projection is at right. The
facility recently was renovated with new Raytheon consoles
and Hughes liquid crystal display boards. USAF photo by
TSgt. Wesley G. Anderson.
Air Transport
Page 26 ' Carrier traffic continues climb
27 Air Florida continues debt restructuring
27 Swissair will continue two-class passenger service
28 More carriers adopt mileage-based fares
28 People Express agrees to buy Braniff 727s
29 Airline antitrust actions increase at Justice Dept.
29 Pan American signs contracts with five unions
31 Airline Observer
32 NTSB cites wind shear in New Orleans accident
35 Piedmont expanding hubs to Baltimore/Washington
36 NTSB chief warns on pace in restoring ATC capabilities
37 World shifts to one class in scheduled service
38 FAA cancels VOR weather program
Space Technology
14 NASA sets medical privacy rule
16 Shuttle payloads to be protected on pad
18 Farsighted planning urged for study of solar system
19 Test clears new shuttle solid motor for use
20 NASA/Ames to fly QSRA to Paris air show
24 Shuttle biological unit cleared for mission
56 Center set for Soviet space monitoring
56 IRAS spacecraft providing high-quality data
57 USAF selects shuttle ice deterrent
Aeronautical Engineering
19 Navy evaluating French transmitters
21 B-1B flight tests begin at Edwards
22 Air Force receives first Lockheed TR-1B
43 PW4000 uses JT9D, new technology
46 Helicopter plan's success keyed to cost control
50 CASA/Nurtanio CN-235 nears completion
16 Administration plans boost in aid to Greece
20 Boeing will not display 757, 767 at Paris show
23 Soviets extending power in Caribbean, Central America
24 House panel given Defense plan for funding research
58 Bill would relax overseas bribery law
Business Flying
59 FAA certificates Challenger 601
61 Business, utility aircraft shipments-January, 1983
Missile Engineering
22 Inert MX in canister falls at pad
22 Protesters arrested at Vandenberg AFB
24 Rivalries intensify for NATO radar contracts
62 Systems Command probes C3 potential
66 New traffic control system being built in Berlin
67 Filter Center
11 Industry Observer 11 Who's Where
13 Washington Roundup 5 Aerospace Calendar
25 News Digest 76 Letters to the Editor
9 Opportunities lost
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Opportunities Lost
With Congress threatening to trim his defense budget
drastically and military spending and nuclear weap-
ons at the focus of an economic and moral controver-
sy, President Ronald Reagan went on national
television last week with his case for the affirmative.
Most of his speech, in the best traditions of Reagan
earnestness and sincerity, went over ground that is
fundamental to drafting of a U. S. defense budget but
which has been ploughed before. His comparisons of
U. S. and Soviet relative strength were sobering, as
always, but did not really get to the heart of why he
is asking for double digit increases in defense for
Fiscal 1984 as opposed to 5% or 6% or 7% as some
have proposed. In trying to simplify the technical and
budgetary complexities for a broad audience, the
President faced a formidable task, and a lot had to be
lost in the process.
His one new element, a commitment to push the
technology for a defense against nuclear weapons, is a
significant shift in concept, but the President did not
get into much in the way of specifics before the
television cameras. The commitment is symbolic, in
the sense that his space policy two years ago was
symbolic. There is nothing like a development pro-
gram for a new antiballistic missile system in the
mill.What is in the mill is a Phase 1 program to
select a technology path to pursue, under direction of
the Secretary of Defense. In effect, it is a manage-
ment initiative to put some top-level direction and
priority among the $1 billion in research efforts now
under way as the Army's ballistic missile defense
work or the Defense Advanced Projects Agency's
laser and particle-beam programs.
The President's use of reconnaissance photographs
to document his description of Soviet tentacles reach-
ing into the Western Hemisphere was a good idea
whose time should have come a long time ago. When
the house lights dimmed and the spotlight hit the
center of the stage, the sad fact is that the veteran
trouper had left his most convincing props in the
Not the Best Evidence
His documentary evidence was not the latest or the
best he could have produced in the way of aircraft or
space imagery. It dealt with the Caribbean and Cen-
tral America, where reconnaissance photography has
already been used in public briefings to support the
Administration's case there for the rising threat.
As important as Soviet listening post and force
proximity are in the political wars, it is a sideshow in
U. S./Soviet strategic superiority jockeying. It has lit-
tle bearing on nuclear weapons, and the rationale for
U. S. development and deployment of a new land-
based intercontinental missile, the MX, or the B-1B
bomber, the submarine-launched Trident ballistic mis-
sile, or deployment of cruise missiles and Pershing 2s
in Europe.
The Defense Dept. pulled its punches in the same
way in the just-released second edition of its booklet,
Soviet Military Power. Its contents are arresting, even
though much is repeated from the first edition. It
includes a drawing of the new Soviet bomber Black-
jack. Another drawing sketches, in a general way, the
deployment of three Soviet mobile SS-20 ballistic mis-
siles in a forest. Still another shows a Kiev-class
carrier in a Japanese-built floating drydock.
Critics' Attack
Critics of the Administration's Defense budgeting
were hardly open-minded about the presentation.
They simply turned around to attack the Defense
Dept. for using taxpayer money to try to sell that
same taxpayer on higher military spending. In their
own small way, the drawings, with a sales brochure
flavor, aided and abetted the hypercritical reaction of
the skeptics whose opposition the Administration will
have to overcome to preserve its program. The hard
photography is there to add the last inch of verifica-
tion. Yet the spook mentality of the Administration
keeps it locked in the safe to satisfy the bureaucracy
while it increasingly risks losing the more important
contest in Congress and in the public arena. The
same mentality cost the President the initiative in his
television speech.
Even worse, in the book's comparison drawing of
the U. S. space shuttle in planform with new Soviet
space vehicles, the planform of the Soviet counterpart
to the shuttle was depicted with a delta wing instead
of the double delta it actually has. Another drawing,
of the Soviet antisatellite spacecraft, was even less
accurate technically. This is harmless and perhaps
even justified fakery, but in the intensely unbelieving
context of the battle over the defense budget and its
necessity to meet the Soviet threat, any loss of credi-
bility ought to be avoided. Microscopic flaws will be
turned into catastrophic cracks in the structure.
Yet one more example of missed opportunity was
that of the National Capital Section of the American
Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics and its
classified briefing on the Soviet threat. The rationale
was that only if the meeting was classified as secret
could a meaningful briefing be given to the section,
whose sessions are normally open to all. As a result,
only about half the section's members could come to
the meeting.
The Administration is using the same logic in tell-
ing the public about the Soviet threat. As a result it
is preaching more fervently to a smaller choir, and
the defense consensus that existed when the Adminis-
tration took office is slowly, but surely, drifting apart.
-William H. Gregory
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Who's Wher?
Anthony M. Corrado named vice president
of operations for Litton Industries' Amecom
Div., College Park, Md.; formerly, he was vice
president of Hazeltine Corp.'s Industrial Prod-
ucts Div.
Robert W. Truxell has joined General Dy-
namics Corp. as vice president and general
manager of the Land Systems Div., Detroit,
Mich., and also has been elected a corporate
vice president. Truxell was corporate vice presi-
dent and general manager of the Truck and
Bus Manufacturing Div. of General Motors,
prior to his recent retirement.
John E. Heaney elected vice president of
corporate communications, a newly created po-
sition, of Fairchild Industries, Inc., German-
town, Md.
John F. Fedak Jr. appointed vice president
of engineering and system operations for Ford
Aerospace Satellite Services Corp., Washing-
ton, D. C.; Fedak was assistant vice president
and transmission engineer for Western Union,
responsible for engineering of satellite and ter-
restrial communications systems.
Douglas Aircraft Co., Long Beach, Calif.,
division of McDonnell Douglas Corp., has
named the following as marketing directors for
commercial aircraft activities: William C. Mes-
secar, Northern Europe; David E. Moore, Mid-
dle East; James B. Mackenzie, North
Pacific-Asia region; Robert J. Olivas, South
Pacific-Asia region; John J. McHale, Canada
and U. S.
W. John Denson appointed executive vice
president of Lockheed Space Operations Co.,
Titusville, Fla.; he was program manager of
Lockheed's Shuttle Avionics Integration Lab-
oratory activities in Houston, Tex. H. Bard
Allison named executive director of the C-5/C-
141 programs at Lockheed-Georgia Co., Mari-
etta, Ga.; Carroll Dallas succeeds Allison as
director of engineering. Also: James A. Neilson
appointed director of the C-5B program, and
C. P. Settlemyer appointed director of the C-
5A program. R. A. Meadows succeeds Settle-
myer as the C-141 program director.
Raymond P. LeCann elected vice president
of Europe/Middle East region for Grumman
International, Inc., a subsidiary of Grumman
Corp., based in Paris.
James M. Burns named program marketing
director-Data Link 700 system for Collins Air
Transport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a division of
Rockwell International Corp., and George A.
Cobley named technical director for Data
Honors and Elections
Frederick R. Einsidler, president and chief
executive officer of Butler International, Inc.,
has been elected president of the Wings Club,
New York, N. Y., succeeding Harry B. Combs,
vice chairman of Gates Learjet Corp. Einsidler
is vice chairman and chief executive officer of
Butler Aviation International and chairman
and chief executive officer of Butler Service
Group, and of International Transport.
Robert J. Schliekelmann, head of Fokker's
Technological Center, has received the annual
Certificate of Honor Award from the Society
for the Advancement of Material and Process
Engineering for his contributions to advances
in nondestructive testing of metal bonding and
for work in composite components in
Soviet heavy space shuttle orbiter sighted by U. S. reconnaissance space-
craft closely resembles the double delta winged NASA orbiter and not the
sharply swept wing configuration presented by Defense Secretary Caspar
Weinberger's report on Soviet military power (AW&ST Mar. 14, p. 257). The
main engines for the Soviet heavy shuttle will be mounted on the vehicle's
external tank, not in the orbiter tail as in the U. S. design. All of the Soviet
heavy shuttle's engines are expected to be liquid fueled, with none of the
engines reusable since both the strap-on boosters and external tank are
Update program for the French navy/Dassault-Breguet Alize maritime
patrol/antisubmarine warfare aircraft will be completed this year. The
turboprop-powered aircraft is being fitted with Thomson-CSF's Iguane
radar to improve its search capabilities and enhance its ability to locate
small targets and semisubmerged submarines (Aw&ST Sept. 1, 1980, p. 223).
French navy Alizes are operated from land bases and from France's two
aircraft carriers (AW&ST Oct. 13, 1980, p. 67).
Westland Helicopters plans to test-fire several Rockwell International
Hellfire antitank missiles from a Lynx helicopter later this year. The
helicopter is a company-owned demonstrator with civil registration that is
being used in the development of the Lynx 3 helicopter gunship (AW&ST
Aug. 2; 1982, p. 21; July 12, 1982, p. 56). Hellfire will be one of three
antiarmor weapons offered with the Lynx 3, in addition to the Hughes
TOW and Euromissile HOT.
U. S. Air Force in Europe is recommending that in-shelter refueling sys-
tems be made the NATO-wide standard. Such a system uses a buried
pipeline loop to each shelter to replace trucks refueling combat aircraft,
reducing exposure to attack and dependence on an aging truck fleet. A
prototype system is in operation in four shelters at Spandahlem AB,
Japan is planning to purchase from the U. S. a $17.5-million block of
replacement parts for the McDonnell Douglas/Mitsubishi Nike-J surface-
to-air missile. That nation's Air Self-Defense Force has received notification
from the U. S. Army that orders received this year will be filled in 1985,
and no requests will be accepted after 1986. The Japanese service predicts
the replacement parts will keep its six Nike-J groups in service for 10 more
Naval Training Equipment Center is expected to move from the Naval
Training Center in Orlando either to the Herndon Airport or to the
Central Florida Research Park, a 1,400-acre facility affiliated with the
University of Central Florida. Orange County has offered to give the Navy
40 acres of research park land if it locates at the park. A decision is
expected before summer.
U. S. Air Force will handle qualification for the Norwegian air force of the
Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk Penguin Mk. 3 antishipping missile on a General
Dynamics F-16 at Edwards AFB, Calif., starting Apr. 1, and at Eglin AFB,
Fla., next month. The Norwegian government will compensate the U. S. for
test costs.
International Trade Commission is studying the effects of increasing appli-
cation of robotics in aircraft production on product competitiveness in
domestic and international markets. Industry contributions to the study are
due Aug. 12.
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19 R TP
Missile Defense
Shuttle Cost Pact
Defense Sharing
Three-Star Critic
Washington Roundup
President Ronald Reagan's call for a research and development effort in directed
energy and other ballistic missile defense technologies is identical to one by Presidential
Science Adviser George A. Keyworth in 1981 for a national task force to coordinate
laser research (Aw&sT July 27, 1981, p. 26). White House officials said the new effort,
which will take several months and has no new funding at the moment, will be
conducted on a multiagency level to "define" the. directed energy program for lasers,
microwave devices, particle beams and projectiles. Keyworth said in 1981 that the
Reagan Administration must bring in various parties and perspectives to a national
task force effort. Directed-energy weapons programs, Keyworth said at the time, are
excessively diverse, lack desirable cross communications between programs and are too
oriented toward systems development at the expense of basic research.
U. S. Air Force and National Aeronautics and Space Administration have negotiated a
$13.8-million increase to the price Defense Dept. will pay for the use of shuttle on
dedicated military space flights. The previous USAF dedicated shuttle flight price was
$16 million in Fiscal 1975 dollars and the new charge will be $29.8 million. Under the
new formula going into effect after 1985, Defense Dept. will pay the same price for a
shuttle launch as commercial users for equivalent service, excluding manpower charges
that will be traded between NASA and USAF.
Final request for proposals in the Air Force's program to lease more than 120
corporate type aircraft for operational support missions will have few changes from the
draft request (Aw&sT Feb. 28, p. 16). However, a snag was introduced into the program
to replace the Rockwell International CT-39 by Senate Appropriations defense subcom-
mittee chairman Sen. Ted Stevens (R.-Alaska). Stevens is concerned over leasing costs
and wants to delay the RFP for more details.
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, lately Israel's ambassador to the United States,
has moved quickly to eliminate one trouble spot left by Ariel Sharon-sharing with the
U. S. Israeli techniques used against Soviet missiles in the Bekaa Valley. This
followed shortly after Arens huddled with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger
(Aw&ST Feb. 21, p. 13). Weinberger last week sent to Congress a notification of a
proposal to sell Israel 200 Raytheon/Ford Aerospace AIM-9L air-to-air missiles.
Meetings on technology transfer problems involving the Israel Aircraft Industries Lavi
fighter also have started in the Pentagon.
The President's Commission on Strategic Forces tentatively has decided to recommend
deploying 100 MX intercontinental missiles in reinforced Minuteman silos and building
a small, 30,000-lb. single-warhead ICBM with mobile capability (Aw&sT Jan. 31, p. 15).
The Commission has written a draft report that will contain no radical proposals, a
senior Administration official said. It also will recommend no change in strategic
aircraft programs, the official said, "sticking with the whole package of B-1, Stealth and
so on."
U. S. arms negotiator Ambassador Edward L. Rowney may have retired as an Army
three-star general, but his memos in his new diplomatic role are undiplomatically
crusty. In a "talking points" memo to Kenneth Adelman, the much embattled
presidential nominee to head State Dept.'s Arms Control and Disarmament Agency,
Rowney said: "ACDA needs serious redirection-is drifting, ... the personnel system
has degenerated ... ACDA needlessly top-heavy-extra deputy directors in bureaus,
deadwood near the top . . . ACDA could get hopelessly embroiled in Soviet compliance
issues, detracting from active negotiations President wants ... ACDA an ill-managed
agency with many dubious expenditures and wrong personnel."
As for people, Rowney was equally blunt such as "fire or send back to State many of
the problems"; or "the Cadillac of the bureaus"; or "knowledgeable, smart but never
produces on requests or promises"; or "questionable, nit-picker"; or "smart, fast, left-
leaning, watch him carefully"; or "the best, want him as my permanent [job title
deleted] in Geneva." Not even the secretaries escaped ("incompetent, lazy ..."). Row-
ney suggested using the State secretarial pool. -Washington Staff
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 13
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1? IR
NASA Sets Medical Privacy R
New policy would prevent disclosure of symptoms shown
by astronauts unless they alter conduct of the mission
By Craig Covault
Washington-The National Aeronautics
and Space Administration is instituting a
new astronaut medical privacy policy un-
der which symptoms such as motion sick-
ness will not be disclosed publicly unless
they force changes in mission milestones
or objectives. The policy will be effective
with shuttle Mission 6.
In the event symptoms, such as motion
sickness caused by adaption to zero-g, do
affect the mission plan and are disclosed,
NASA will not discuss the symptoms in
detail so as to retain some medical privacy
for the crewman involved.
Following detailed public discussion of
the motion sickness symptoms experi-
enced by two Mission 5 astronauts last
November, NASA legal personnel ques-
tioned whether the agency had violated
the Federal Privacy Act by such discus-
sion of crew symptoms (Aw&ST Dec. 6,
1982, p. 27).
No formal judgment was made whether
the Mission 5 motion sickness discussions
violated the act, but the new policy has
been written to fulfill Federal Privacy Act
provisions in the 'future.
Mission Planning
NASA believes any crew symptoms
such as vomiting, headaches or a feeling
of malaise that occur but are not severe
enough to alter mission planning should
remain private on grounds of medical eth-
ics and the Privacy Act. Symptoms that
do result in changes to mission perfor-
mance, however, can be covered by the
Freedom of Information Act and will be
summarized by NASA management.
The names of crewmen whose symp-
toms are involved in mission planning
changes will probably be discussed.
The plan is for NASA to treat the oc-
currence of symptoms not affecting mis-
sion operations as scientific data that will
be totaled and made public every five or
six flights as statistical information.
The new medical privacy policy was
carried in the Federal Register, and
NASA encountered no opposition to it
following its publication, according to Dr.
Arnauld Nicogossian, chief of Medical
Operations for NASA's Life Sciences Div.
Dr. Sam L. Pool, chief of the Medical
Sciences Div. of Johnson Space Center,
said, "Clearly the way the new standard
was written and published, it says those
matters which do not affect the mission
are private unless there is a fairly high
probability that whatever we saw would
affect the flight."
The detailed public discussion of mo-
tion sickness symptoms has angered many
astronauts, who believe if they become
motion sick their chances for future crew
assignments are reduced, even though
most symptoms experienced by shuttle
crews have not seriously reduced crew
Detailed public discussion of symptoms
during Mission 5 also caused concern
among U. S. Air Force reconnaissance sat-
ellite managers, who feared symptoms
could affect crew performance in deploy-
ing reconnaissance spacecraft during the
first orbit after launch from Vandenberg
AFB, Calif. That quick deployment op-
tion, if ever exercised, would avoid the
orbiter's overflight of the Soviet Union
prior to landing after one orbit.
NASA management had to explain to
USAF managers that motion sickness nor-
mally does not affect crewmen that early
in flight and, when it does occur, is mild
One privacy policy option raised by
Johnson Space Center but later rejected
would have assigned essentially a single
descriptive term to increasingly severe
symptoms. A crewman having such symp-
toms would have been characterized as
falling under a particular class of symp-
Satcom 3 Debris
Colorado Springs, Colo.-U. S. Air Force
Space Command's ground-based electro-
optical deep space surveillance system
(GEODSS) station at Socorro, N. M., has
found debris in deep space that may be
the RCA Satcom 3 lost during apogee kick
motor firing Dec. 10, 1979.
The spacecraft's loss has been attribut-
ed to a likely apogee kick motor explosion
or other apogee motor malfunction (Aw&sT
Dec. 17, 1979, p. 23).
The GEODSS debris discovery data
were passed to the MIT Lincoln Laborato-
ry's Millstone Hill deep space tracking cen-
ter, Westford, Mass., for correlation, and it
was able to acquire the debris via radar.
Space Command managers have not yet
been able to confirm that the debris is
from Satcom 3, but they believe that is the
most likely explanation.
Following loss of Satcom 3, RCA's insur-
ance brokers, Marsh & McLennan, se-
cured a $77-million settlement from
aerospace insurance underwriters. Dis-
covery of the debris will not affect the
tom, but no specific details would have
been given out other than those explaining
in general the type of symptoms that
could be present under each class.
In addition to the new policy, NASA
has decided not to schedule private medi-
cal conferences in the flight plan. The
crews in space or the flight control team
will now use a private medical conference
only if one side or the other requests it.
If a crewman is experiencing mild
symptoms related to zero-g adaptation
that are not affecting performance, the
astronaut need not discuss them with the
ground over the air-to-ground loop and
can wait to discuss them with medical
personnel after the mission ends. NASA
also will stress use of physicians being
carried on some flights for medical re-
search purposes. Medical doctors in the
astronaut office have joked for some time
the way to do away with private medical
conferences on the air-to-ground loop is to
fly more doctors in space.
Hands-On Research
Physicians assigned to flights, as is the
case on Missions 6-8, have been selected
for hands-on research, but NASA is now
stressing their value for offering on-the-
spot medical advice as a space-based
house call.
Following the public discussion of the
Mission 5 crew symptoms, Mission 6 com-
mander Paul J. Weitz and other members
of his crew said they did not want their
medical condition in flight discussed pub-
licly. NASA physicians agree from a med-
ical ethics standpoint this should be the
case, but they also recognize the mission
performance aspects of the issue. "I hope
what we have now will satisfy the require-
ment for privacy and the need for knowl-
edge on crew condition," Pool said.
NASA recently received Reagan Ad-
ministration approval to initiate a five-
year, $51.4-million program to research
space motion sickness factors, now char-
acterized as "space adaptation syndrome"
by the agency. NASA received $2 million
in its Fiscal 1984 budget request to initiate
the effort (AW&ST Dec. 13, 1982, p. 16).
"A solution to this problem is essen-
tial," NASA told Office of Management
and Budget in seeking the $51.4-million
program. "The effort will be constructed
with goals and milestones leading to im-
plementation in the late 1980s of definitive
techniques that will mitigate the effects of
space motion sickness."
A more focused in-flight research pro-
gram for such studies will begin with Mis-
sions 7 and 8, to which mission specialist
astronaut physicians recently were added.
Mission 6 next week also carries simple
14 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Soviets Recover Spaceplane in Indian Ocean
Soviet winged spacecraft designed as a subscale version of a future
manned spaceplane floats in the Indian Ocean Mar. 15 as two
Russians in a raft assist in recovery operations. The vehicle has lifting
body/blended wing characteristics with the wings (A) slanted sharply
upward. A small vertical stabilizer (B) rises from the aft mid fuselage.
A large cone (C) about 8 ft. tall rises from the forward fuselage. This
cone is reported to be a recovery aid to assist Soviet forces in locating
the spacecraft, which rides low in the water following a parachute
landing. The brightly polished nose cap (D) could be a Q-ball that
sensed dynamic pressure as the vehicle flew a wingborne reentry. The
vehicle is identical to a similar spacecraft launched June 3, 1982
(Aw&sT June 21, 1982, p. 16). Both vehicles were launched from
experiments, some carried earlier on Mis-
sion 5, to research the body's adaptation
to zero-g and to study factors associated
with multiple crewman living in the orbit-
er for several days.
Activities to be carried out in space
next week include:
^ Predictive test validation-The re-
sults of ground-based tests to help deter-
mine motion sickness susceptibility will be
compared with each crewman's reaction
once in zero-g.
^ Head and' eye motion studies-One
crewman will wear electrodes to record
eye movements during both launch and
reentry to acquire data on some nervous
system responses occurring immediately at
the onset of zero-g and their dissipation
during reentry into the gravity field.
Kapustin Yar on SL-8 boosters derived from the SS-5 intermediate-
range ballistic missile. Also during both tests the 2,000-lb. spacecraft
flew 1.5 Earth revolutions before using a retrorocket system to
achieve a reentry into an Indian Ocean recovery area about 300 naut.
mi. south of the Cocos Islands. The photograph was taken by the crew
of a Royal Australian Air Force aircraft shadowing the seven-ship
Soviet recovery fleet. In the spaceplane's larger manned configura-
tion, the vehicle is expected to be launched on an expendable booster
for space station resupply or quick response manned military mis-
sions. The spaceplane development is different from Soviet develop-
ment of a heavy space shuttle vehicle similar to the U. S. space shuttle
(Aw&sT Mar. 14, p. 255). (Wide World)
^ Head and eye tracking tasks- Elec-
trodes will be used to record how the eyes
track a small ball suspended from the
head. The objective is to see how zero-g
shifts the threshold of such capability by
each subject.
^ Body fluid shift-Photography of the
faces of the crew in orbit will be com-
pared with those made on Earth to assess
the amount of extra fluid moving to the
upper portion of the body. The fluid shift
tends to make the face puffy in zero-g
^ Near vision studies-Eye tests to read
fine print up close will help assess how
much the fluid shift may affect vision.
^ Hearing tests-Crewmen wearing a
headset will indicate when they can hear
tones at different frequencies so this can
be compared with similar tests made on
earth when zero-gravity was not a factor.
^ Cardiovascular deconditioning coun-
termeasures-Four hours prior to reentry,
each crewman will consume liquids and
salts in order to reestablish a more Earth-
like cardiovascular chemical condition.
The human body typically expels about
10% of bodily water after several hours in
In addition to these life sciences tests, a
medical restraint system that could secure
a person on whom cardiopulmonary resus-
citation had to be performed in zero-g will
be demonstrated.
Noise measurements and cabin atmo-
sphere samples also will be taken to obtain
baselines on the new orbiter Challenger in
flight. ^
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. 10
Shuttle Payloads ~aSe Protected on Pad
By Edward H. Kolcum
Kennedy Space Center-National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration has de-
vised a new set of procedures and
hardware modifications designed to keep
shuttle payloads clean while they are on
the launch pad to prevent a recurrence of
the contamination of the Mission 6 pay-
load that caused a delay in its launch.
Some of the corrective actions have
been taken, 'and several hardware modifi-
cations will be made after the next flight
is launched, which is scheduled for 1:30
p. m. EST Apr. 4. The launch will be
preceded by a 93-hr. countdown with an
additional 26 hr. 30 min. of built-in holds.
The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
System (TDRSS) payload for this mission
has been vacuumed and brushed to the
same level of cleanliness it had before it
was dusted with contamination during a
storm Feb. 27-28, according to John Love-
lace of NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center. Lovelace is TDRSS mission-inte-
gration manager.
Alfred D. O'Hara, director of launch
and landing operations, said he feels com-
fortable with the Apr. 4 launch date. The
schedule will enable most workmen here
to be given a holiday Easter Sunday be-
cause a 24-hr. 10-min. hold will go into
effect at midnight Saturday, Apr. 2.
James A. Kelley, chairman of the shut-
tle countdown working group, said that
because of the brief launch window, only
one launch attempt can be made each day.
He and Robert B. Sieck, shuttle chief en-
gineer, said the vehicle could be recycled
for a daily launch, but if the launch does
not take place by Apr. 6, a delay of about
three days would result.
"The inertial upper stage would become
the driver at that point," Sieck said. It
would be necessary to reopen the payload
bay doors to recharge the battery in the
Boeing IUS and realign the inertial mea-
surement unit in this stage.
Administration Plans Boost in Aid to Greece
Washington-The Reagan Administration last week changed its position on military aid
to Greece, saying it would allocate an additional $220 million in guaranteed loans to the
Greek government if the two nations reach "a satisfactory agreement" in current
negotiations on preserving U. S. military bases in Greece.
In its original Fiscal 1984 foreign military aid request, the Administration recommend-
ed no Greek aid increase above the Fiscal 1983 level of $280 million in Foreign Military
Sales (FMS) guaranteed loans. At the same time, the President proposed sizable aid
increases to Turkey, rekindling congressional concerns about the long-standing conflict
between Greece and Turkey over Turkish occupation of the island of Cyprus (Aw&sT Mar.
21, P. 86).
Members of Congress feared the Administration's actions might be interpreted by
Greek leaders as a political insult and might prompt them to break off military base talks
begun last October. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee's ranking member, Sen.
Claiborne Pell (D.-R. I.), criticized the Administration for imprudent timing and bad
In a letter last week to congressional leaders, the State Dept. said the aid boost to
Greece would be allocated "only after the United States has achieved a satisfactory
agreement with Greece in the current negotiations with respect to access to and use of
military facilities in that country by United States forces.
"To make this intention clear to all parties," the letter continued, the Administration
wants the condition made a requirement of law. To that end, the State Dept. set forth
amendment language stating that the extra aid could be made available "only if the
President certifies and reports to Congress" that a base agreement is achieved.
According to the Defense Dept., Greece's planned military purchases include:
^ Attack helicopters.
^ Combat and maritime patrol aircraft.
^ Portable and guided missile systems.
^ Tank and armored personnel carrier conversion kits and antitank weapons.
^ Land and sea communications and radar equipment.
A House Foreign Affairs Committee staff aide said last week the committee probably
will draft a two-year foreign aid bill this year, as it tried to do two years ago over
Administration objections. "This time the Administration is a little more prepared for it
and I think reconciled to it," she said. Congress failed to adopt a foreign aid bill for Fiscal
1983 and funded the program through a catch-all continuing resolution.
The aide enumerated several advantages to a two-year bill. It permits more continuity
in foreign policy and easier planning, she said.
"Frankly, members would rather take a foreign aid bill to the floor in a nonelection
year," she said, because the program is traditionally politically unpopular. Annual
foreign aid bills are time consuming. "There's some feeling that we could do our
oversight better if we weren't so caught up in marking up the foreign aid bill for the first
half of every year."
Countdown Changes
Kelley said these are the other changes
in the coming countdown from the one
used for the fifth shuttle mission that was
launched Nov. 11 (AW&sT Nov. 15, 1982,
p. 18):
^ Launch window. The window was
open 40 min. for Mission 5 and will be
open 17 min. 30 sec. for Mission 6 if it is
launched Apr. 4. It increases by about 6
sec. daily after that date. Astronaut
USAF Maj. Ronald J. Graybe will go to
Dakar, Senegal, to fly approaches at the
runway there to assess lighting conditions
after sunset. Dakar is the transatlantic
abort site, and a determination will be
made if visibility is such that the window
could remain open longer so that a land-
ing could be made there after sunset. Kel-
ley said the formal countdown will not
include a longer window opening, but a
decision on extending it could be made on
launch day, if necessary. O'Hara said
there is a possibility that the window
could be extended by as much as 15 min.
^ Hold duration. It was decided to
combine and extend all but the terminal
count holds to reduce the size of the sta-
tion-keeping crew on Easter Sunday.
^ Payload bay doors. They were closed
prior to the call to stations, which signi-
fies the start of the launch countdown, in
Mission 5. They will remain open until
after cargo closeout in Mission 6 because
it is necessary to have access to, the
TDRSS battery to apply a trickle charge
until about 83 hr. before launch.
^ Liquid oxygen hold time after drain
back has been increased to 10 min. from 6
min. and is an operation that is performed
after replenishment has stabilized. The in-
crease was made after evaluating the flight
mission margin. There was concern before
Mission 5 over the temperature of the
liquid oxygen because of the removal of
the anti-geyser line in the external tank
(Aw&sT Nov. 1, 1982, p.. 19). However,
Sieck said the concern now is more over
the proper propellant mixture and deter-
mining the minimum excess hydrogen
that will be carried. Kelley said that be-
tween 1,000 and 1,100 lb. of liquid oxygen
is drained back each minute.
16 Aviation Week & Space Technoloqy, March 28, 1983
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^ IUS hold time, which was not a con-
sideration in Mission 5, is 13 min. after
the redundant inertial measurement unit
is put into its flight mode at T -5 min. 30
The final countdown documentation
was completed Mar. 23 when it was decid-
ed to include an extra hour of hold in the
terminal countdown. This period, which
begins at 1:10 a. in. Apr. 4, will have 2 hr.
20 min. of holds.
Edwin C. Johnson, Jr., O'Hara's techni-
cal assistant, said NASA and its contrac-
tors have developed these near-term
anticontamination corrective actions:
^ Holes around seals at the orbiter and
payload changeout room interface and
around doors have been closed.
^ Access has been restricted to the pay-
load ground handling mechanism levels
above the spacecraft. ,
^ A cover was installed under the plat-
form above the spacecraft.
^ The payload changeout room was
wiped down and vacuumed.
^ A daily cleaning routine was estab-
lished in the payload changeout room.
^ Tacky mats were installed at highly
traveled locations.
^ Workmen must wear booties.
^ The most aft orbiter bulkhead will be
used as a control area and monitor to
measure contamination in the payload
^ White room rules are reinforced by
newly posted signs.
^ Hypergol spill fan switches, which
were inadvertently activated pouring out-
side air into the payload changeout room,
have been modified. Alarms and lights
will be installed to detect activation of
these fans.
^ A debris shield has been installed be-
German Pilot Training
Training program for West German pilots
at Luke AFB, Ariz., under the mutual de-
fense assistance agreement with the Fed-
eral Republic of Germany, has been
concluded after more than 25 years of
German air force and navy pilots have
been trained in German-owned Lockheed
F-104 Starfighters for the past 19 years
of the program, with peak activity during
1968 when the training activities included
a fleet of more than 100 F-104s. The
Starfighters were maintained under con-
tract by civilian employees of Lockheed
Aircraft Service Co.
The company's services included flight-
line activities, airframe inspections and re-
pair, avionics maintenance and update,
and engine inspection and replacement.
Nearly 2,000 pilots, instructor pilots,
fighter weapons instructors and advanced
fighter pilots have been trained in the pro-
gram during its F-104 operations.
Comsat Nomination
Washington-Shareholders of Communi-
cations Satellite Corp. will elect Joseph V.
Charyk chairman of the board and chief
executive officer of the corporation at its
annual meeting May 20.
John D. Harper, Comsat's current chair-
man, nominated Charyk at the corpora-
tion's Mar. 18 board meeting. He will
retire as chairman following the annual
meeting. Irving Goldstein will succeed
Charyk as president.
Goldstein now is executive vice presi-
dent of Comsat and formerly was presi-
dent of Satellite Television Corp.,
Comsat's satellite direct-broadcast sub-
sidiary. Harper will remain a member of
the Comsat board.
weather, the seal between the payload
changeout room and orbiter, lack of daily
cleaning, heavy traffic, activation of the
hypergol spill fans and inadequate sensi-
tivity to clean room operations.
Johnson said that after Mission 6 is
launched, Kennedy plans a number of
modifications that will insure payloads are
clean. Among these modifications are the
evaluation of payload debris shields-
blankets or covers-that will be used on
the pad. Other changes in hardware or
procedures are:
^ The payload changeout room door
seal pressure will be increased and the seal
design will be analyzed. Winds during the
February storm reached a peak velocity of
57 kt., and the orbiter moved an estimated
9 in., allowing the contaminants to penen-
trate the seal between the payload bay and
changeout room.
^ The forward reaction control system
room will be protected from weather.
r Paint chip producing surfaces and
particle traps will be eliminated.
^ Room static pressure will be in-
^ Covers will be installed under all ex-
tendable platforms.
^ A cleanliness management system
will go into effect. It will include laser
particle counters for remote readout in the
launch control center.
^ Pad flow time and payload stay time
in the payload changeout room will be
^ A contamination control plan will be
developed io see how the facility is main-
tained and verified clean. It will provide
the user with cleanliness-level data. ^
tween. the spacecraft and orbiter during
use of a work platform for payload bay
is The upper payload changeout room
seal for the orbiter window can no longer
be moved until payload bay doors are
^ Technicians and other operational
personnel have been sensitized to the con-
tamination problem.
Johnson said the initial sample from the
TDRSS indicated that the contamination
consisted primarily of hydrated silica,
typical of the products from the white
thermal protection system tile and Ludox
tile densification material.
Particle Sources
Among the possible sources are materi-
al from tile repair work in the forward
reaction control system area directly
above the payload changeout room. Parti-
cles also could come from under the pay-
load bay liner from orbiter processing
facility tile work when a fuel cell was
A third potential source was tiles along
the side of the orbiter that came in con-
Other types of contamination found,
Johnson said, were metal chips, mostly
aluminum and some steel, salt, sand, rust,
man-made fibers, steel weld beads, zinc-
rich paint and titanium-rich spheres of,
acrylic spray paint.
Johnson said that prior to the TDRSS
cleaning, the orbiter radiators were wiped
and contamination did not include hydrat-
ed silica. Substances found were calcium-
rich particles, sand, a talc-like substance,
zinc-rich paint, steel weld beads and alu-
minum-rich corrosion products, which
was residue from previous solid rocket
motor firings.
Factors that contributed to the TDRSS
contamination problem, Johnson said, in-
cluded the long duration of the spacecraft
ig the payload changeout room, severe
AW&ST Telephones
Washington-New telephone numbers as-
signed to the Washington Bureau of AVIA-
effective Monday, Mar. 28, replacing the
present (202) 624-7575 main number
and individual editor extensions.
New main number is (202) 463-1770.
Individual extensions are preceded by
(202) 463 and are assigned as follows:
William H. Gregory, editor-in-chief,
1776; Herbert J. Coleman, managing edi-
tor-bureaus, 1775; Philip J. Klass, senior
avionics editor, 1786; Clarence A. Robin-
son, Jr., senior military editor,. 1787;
James Ott, transport editor, 1781; Eu-
gene Kozicharow, transport editor, 1785;
J. Michael Hoeferlin, military editor,
1789; Craig Covault, space technology
editor, 1782; David M. North, business
flying editor, 1784; J. Woods Hansen,
news editor, 1779; Jay C. Lowndes, engi-
neering editor, 1783; Alton K. Marsh, con-
gressional editor, 1780; Paul Mann,
congressional editor, 1788.
Telex number remains RCA Internation-
al 248437.
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r Y l 8'4 MILL1.UN S Ut- UULLAKS
- 90
Mariner Mk II
Overall Core
Program Funding
M lier
ars G/ C
International Missio
ns of Op
- 90
~p 'I
Planetary Observer
Missions Line Item
d D
90.s 92
Solar System Exploration Committee's recommended planetary science program strategy would utilize low-cost spacecraft at $300-million
annual funding level to attain a stabilized series of missions, rather than the abrupt peaks and valleys of previous funding, as illustrated above.
Farsighted Planning Urged
For Study of Solar System
Houston-Current satellite technology
could accommodate a large segment of
scientific exploration requirements at rela-
tively low cost, easing budget pressures on
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration, according to David Morrison,
chairman of the Solar System Exploration
The committee was formed by NASA
in 1980 with a panel of personnel from
U. S. universities, NASA centers and sev-
eral aerospace companies to devise a new
approach to implementation of a 20-year
space science program.
Morrison described a "core program"
for a long-term mission strategy for solar
system exploration, aimed at identifying
an affordable approach, to a lunar and
planetary science conference here at
NASA's Johnson Space Center.
This core planetary exploration pro-
gram has been studied by NASA, briefed
to members of Congress and received fa-
vorable response, Morrison said.
He said previous approaches to plane-
tary science space programs have demon-
strated that because of the multiple
objectives they sought to achieve on each
mission, they pushed the technical state of
the art and became too expensive, strain-
ing NASA's ability to obtain funding.
As a result, planetary. science programs
have suffered heavily from "peaks and
valleys funding," resulting in erratic space
exploration that has frustrated NASA and
the science community, he said.
The study by the Solar System Explora-
tion Committee has recommended an ap-
proach cognizant of the agency's funding
problems and aimed at providing stability
to planetary missions.
"We must break our goals into smaller
pieces that are more efficient to operate,"
Morrison said. "Let's try to focus science
on particular objectives and not do every-
thing at once. There are some things we
know how to do well-flybys, orbiters,
entry probes. With shuttle and the Cen-
taur upper stage we have a fine vehicle, so
let's exploit them and not worry about
new technology."
To translate this philosophy into mis-
sions, the Solar System Exploration Com-
mittee has developed a core program
utilizing "planetary observers," which
would entail a series of missions using
derivatives of existing Earth orbital space-
craft. This program could sustain a series
of high-priority science missions at a sus-
tained level of about $300 million annual-
ly in 1984 dollars, the committee
The group is proposing a series of rela-
tively inexpensive missions using this tech-
^ Mars orbiter, using a derivative of a
commercial Earth satellite, placed in low
circular polar orbit to carry out two pri-
mary mission objectives-map the surface
composition of the planet with infrared,
gamma ray and X-ray instruments, and
study the Mars climate, in particular the
exchange of volatiles, primarily water and
carbon dioxide between the polar caps.
Launch date would be in 1990, with antic-
ipated operation to 1993.
^ Comet rendezvous, using a so-called
Mariner Mk. 2 spacecraft to match orbits
with a short-period comet and do a de-
tailed study of the nucleus and, by con-
tinuing to fly along with it on its way to
and beyond the Sun, continuing to study
its evolution. The spacecraft would return
with plasmatized dust samples.
^ Titan flyby with probe to follow up
Voyager discoveries. One of the most
exciting Voyager discoveries was the
complexity of the. Titan atmosphere, dom-
inated by nitrogen, with organic processes
taking place that are believed to be an
18 - Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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analog of the prebiotic state of Earth,
Morrison said.
Other planetary observer missions con-
sidered in the committee's recommenda-
tions to NASA include first visits to
near-Earth asteroids and initial character-
ization of main belt asteroids.
. The missions would include several fly-
bys of varied types and detailed orbital
studies of two large asteroids, in-depth
exploration of the Jovian and Saturnian
systems of satellites, rings and magneto-
spheres to permit comparative studies,
probes to do direct analyses of the atmos-
pheres of. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus and
a flyby of Uranus, its rings and satellites,
according to the committee.
Global mapping of the lunar geochemis-
try, including a search for polar reservoirs
of ice, also would be included in this se-
ries, which could be accomplished by the
year 2000 under a core program, the com-
mittee said.
For observation of the outer planets,
some comets and asteroids, it would be
necessary to build specialized spacecraft,
but the philosophy would be to utilize a
modular approach, emphasize simplified,
lightweight construction and ground sup-
port systems readily configured to meet
new mission requirements.
These would be the task of the Mariner
Mk. 2 spacecraft, which would implement
the recommended initial series of missions
.Utilizing modified Earth orbital configura-
tions. Jet Propulsion Laboratory is con-
ducting pre-Phase A studies of the
simplified modular spacecraft, Morrison
The committee's recommendations in-
clude the Venus radar mapper spacecraft,
included in NASA's Fiscal 1984 budget as
a new start, as a high-priority project in
the core program.
The committee's support of the Venus
radar mapper was a key factor in NASA's
decision to include it as a new start in its
Navy Evaluating French Transmitters
Paris-U. S. Navy is considering purchase of French-built infrared transmitter/receiver
units for use in alignment of inertial navigation systems on carrier-based aircraft prior to
A Navy decision on trial acquisition and test of Telemir infrared units from France's
Societe Anonyme de Telecommunications (SAT) could be made during the first half of
the year.
Grumman Aerospace Corp. would team with SAT to handle repackaging of the French
.company's off-the-shelf equipment for the Navy application. This work would be coordi-
nated through Grumman's Great River Operations in New York state.
The equipment would be used in a Navy test and evaluation program. Successful
operation of the Telemir could lead to a Navy purchase of systems for its carrier-based
aircraft that are equipped with the service's Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System.
These include the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18, Grumman F-14 and Grumman E-6.
Telemir would perform the functions now done by the Navy's electromagnetic inertial
navigation alignment systems on board the carriers. The alignment process is carried
out to, update positioning information in the aircraft's computer before takeoff.
An advantage of Telemir is its ability to limit coverage area to the carrier's immediate
vicinity. This makes it difficult for hostile receivers to detect the data transmissions and
locate the vessel. Signals from the Navy's current transmitters can be detected over the
The Telemir receiver is a small device resembling an anticollision light. It contains an
optical head that receives the infrared optical carrier from one of several Telemir
transmitters positioned on the vessel. The alignment data are transmitted in encoded
form over noncoherent directional infrared channels.
Telemir has been operational on French navy aircraft carriers since 1978. The
receivers are carried by Dassault-Breguet Super Etendard fighters, which are assigned
nuclear and conventional attack duties in the French navy.
Complete coverage of the deck area on French carriers is provided by four Telemir
transmitters. U. S. carriers are larger than French vessels, and additional transmitters
are expected to be required to provide total deck coverage.
Fiscal 1984 budget, according to Dr.
Geoffrey A. Briggs, deputy director,
Earth and Planetary Div., NASA head-
quarters. Briggs also is executive director
of the Solar System Exploration Commit-
"The science community, through the
Solar System Exploration Committee, has
put together the planetary exploration pri-
orities in a very clear way and has made
the whole program ' credible to NASA,
whereas a few years ago there was doubt
Test Clears New Shuttle Solid Motor for Use
Washington-Morton Thiokol, Inc., space shuttle high-performance solid rocket motor
successfully completed a qualification firing at Wasatch, Utah, Mar. 21, clearing the
design for use starting on shuttle Mission 8. An additional 3,000 lb. of shuttle payload
can be carried with the increased performance of the motor.
A key aspect of the test was the ability of Morton Thiokol to predict precisely the
motor's burn rate prior to the test, an issue, in planning individual shuttle ascent
trajectories. The company predicted the motor fired Mar. 21 would have a burn rate of
0.368 in./sec., and early test data show the actual burn rate was precisely as predicted.
Greater motor performance was achieved by increasing the length of the nozzle exit
cone by 10 in., which in. turn increased nozzle diameter by 4 in. Other factors increasing
performance were use of additional iron oxide in the propellant compared with standard
motors, increasing propellant surface available for burning by removal of inhibitor
material and slightly increasing propellant load as a result of thinner case walls used in
the lightweight cases for the high-performance motor. Nozzle throat diameter at the
nozzle/motor interface also was sightly less than the standard motor,
Total motor impulse achieved was 298.4 million lb.-sec. With a specific impulse of
268 sec. compared with standard shuttle motors that provide 294 million lb.-sec. of
total impulse and 265.5 sec. of specific impulse.
that the community had thought through
its priorities and considered NASA bud-
get constraints," the space agency official
The agency has given high priority to
developing a series of low-cost planetary
missions, utilizing simple modular space-
craft, which will require some technology
development toward the end of the de-
cade, he said.
Another issue the space agency will
have to consider in the next year is a
proposal to take a modified version of the
Galileo mission spacecraft and send it to
Saturn as an orbiter with a probe, Briggs
NASA has come to the conclusion that
the agency cannot undertake this program
in the near term because the cost would
preclude the beginning of other high-pri-
ority missions.
There is an opportunity to take care of
the Galileo program, and the Solar Sys-
tem Exploration Committee has recom-
mended that NASA maintain such an
This would involve acquiring more
spare parts for the Galileo orbiter and
building another orbiter, but not a probe.
The agency is attempting to collaborate
with European partners on such a project,
whereby they would build the probe,
Briggs said.
NASA plans to include such a project
in its next budget, he said. ^
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Boeing Converts Former Airline 707-320 Transport to Tanker
Former Trans World Airlines Boeing 707-320, converted by Boeing
Military Airplane Co., Wichita, Kan., to a tanker, is shown during initial
flight tests to evaluate centerline hose and drogue refueling system. It
is being fitted with wingtip-mounted hose and drogue pods for three-
point refueling. This is a company-funded program to evaluate the
world market for conversion of surplus 707-320 transports to mili-
tary tanker-transports (Aw&sT Dec. 13, 1982, p. 87). This demon-
strator, which has been given a red, white and blue paint scheme
following initial flights, will be displayed at the Paris air show May 26-
June 5 and subsequently will be demonstrated on a sales tour.
NASA/Ames Plans 16-Leg Trip
To Fly OSRA to Paris Air Show
Moffett Field, Calif.-An 18-leg, 5,218-
naut.-mi. flight by a two-man crew will be
necessary to get the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration's quiet short-
haul research aircraft (QSRA) to the 1983
Paris air show for display.
Officials at NASA's Ames Research
Center here, where the four-engine QSRA
is based, are seeking a Lockheed C-130
transport that could serve as a companion
aircraft-the only obstacle remaining to
the research vehicle's Paris appearance.
"We are getting the spares packaged
and ready to go," an Ames official said,
"We are working at this end as if we are
going." In other preparations, the aircraft
is being flown through various air show
routines, and modifications aimed at im-
proving its cruise performance for the
flight to Paris are being tested.
Officials here, who have scoured the
nation for an available C-130, said they
are 90-95% certain the research aircraft
will make it to the show.
They believe its appearance there repre-
sents a turnabout in the thinking of
NASA headquarters officials that began
with the display of the Bell/NASA/Army
XV-15 tilt-rotor research aircraft at the
Paris show in 1981 (Aw&ST June 15, 1981,
p. 19).
Prior to that, NASA management be-
lieved NASA aircraft are "strictly re-
search aircraft; keep them in our own
backyard," an Ames official said. Largely
due to the efforts of the late John Coch-
rane, then QSRA program manager,
NASA's management changed its think-
ing for the 1981 show, but decided it
could afford to send only one aircraft, and
the XV-15 was chosen, he said.
Boeing Will Not Display 757, 767 at Paris
Boeing Co. will not display its new aircraft at the 1983 Paris air
show, leaving the European Airbus Industrie consortium's pres-
ence unchallenged by any U. S. large commercial air transport
manufacturer despite the intense competition in the marketplace
The only Boeing aircraft at the show will be a 707-320C that the
Boeing Military Airplane Co. has modified as a demonstrator for a
tanker/transport conversion (see photo above) the company is
attempting to sell (Aw&sT Dec. 13, 1982, p. 87). It will be on static
display only.
Boeing's decision against displaying its new 757 and 767
transports will prevent a repeat of the confrontation with the
Airbus A310 that took place at the Farnborough air show last fall
(Aw&sT Sept. 13, 1982, p. 19). At that event, potential customers
were given their first opportunity for what amounted to a side-by-
side comparison of the A310 and the 767, which were head-to-
head competitors in sales contests throughout the world.
Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. officials cited budget pres-
sures for the decision and because each of the new transports
have been demonstrated extensively to potential customers on
lengthy tours throughout the world.
Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. does not plan even to be
represented in the exhibition hall.
However, Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. officials will be pre-
sent at the corporate chalet, prepared to outline the company's
response if Airbus chooses the show as a forum to announce a go-
ahead on the A320 150-passenger transport.
McDonnell Douglas has elected not to participate in the show, as
has Lockheed, which has withdrawn from the commercial air
transport market (Aw&sr Oct. 18, 1982, p. 20).
Boeing Aerospace will concentrate on pushing the E-3A airborne
warning and control system aircraft, which it is trying to sell to
France, and the modular experimental platform for science and
applications, a cooperative program with Europe's Arianespace.
20 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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In view of the boost the XV- N--has
given to the joint services' advanced verti-
cal lift aircraft (JVX) program, NASA
management "finds it hard to ignore" that
sending the XV-15 to Paris "was the best
thing they could have done," he said. This
new attitude was demonstrated when
NASA headquarters this time initiated the
plan to send the QSRA to Paris.
Ames officials had wanted to send the
aircraft to the 1979 show, and plans had
proceeded to the point where transporta-
tion on aircraft carriers had been arranged
when NASA headquarters changed its
mind, he said. Transportation by carrier
also had been explored for the 1983 show,
but the scheduling could not be arranged.
The QSRA is a de Havilland of Canada
C-8A Buffalo that was modified by
Boeing to serve as a NASA research air-
craft for demonstration of advanced high-
lift technology (AW&ST Sept. 8, 1982,
p. 44). It is powered by four shoulder-
mounted 7,500-lb.-thrust Lycoming
YF102 engines and utilizes the upper sur-
face blowing (USB) concept to achieve
high lift.
The flight to Paris, which will roughly
follow the Great Circle route, is well with-
in the aircraft's capability, according to
Ames' QSRA group leader, Dennis W.
Riddle. "The longest stage length is 390
naut. mi., which we can achieve with
plenty of reserves," he said.
The QSRA is expected to cruise at 170
kt. TAS and will require a total flight
time from Ames to Paris' Le. Bourget of
30.8 hr. This might be improved if current
flight tests show that no unfavorable char-
acteristics result from temporary removal
of the outboard leading edge slat, which is
fixed in the down position, Riddle said.
The aircraft, which has accumulated
about 400 flight hours, will be flown by
Robert C. Innis and James L. Martin.
The route will take it from Moffett
Field to Reno, Nev., Boise, Idaho, Great
Falls, Mont., and into Canada to Moose
Jaw air base. From there, it would pro-
ceed to The Pas, Churchill, Rankin Inlet,
Coral Harbor, Frobisher and Cape Dyer
before leaving Canada for Sondrestrom
and Kulusuk Island, Greenland. The next
stops are Keflavik and Hornafjordur, Ice-
land, Vagar in the Faeroe Islands and
Glasgow, Scotland. From there it will fly
to Mildenhall AFB in the U. K., where it
will be prepared for the show, and then
flown to Le Bourget.
The longest leg-390 naut. mi.-is Va-
gar to Glasgow, and the longest overwater
segment-385 naut. mi.-is between Ku-
lusuk Island and Keflavik.
The C-130, carrying ground support
personnel, spares and equipment, is ex-
pected to cruise at 260 kt. It will fly ahead
of the QSRA, supplying weather informa-
tion and landing ahead of the research
aircraft to prepare for its arrival and
ready it for the next leg.
B-1 B Flight Tests Begin at Edwards
Edwards AFB, Calif.-USAF/Rockwell International B-1 B flight test program began here
last week when the second B-lA prototype, modified with several B-1B design changes,
completed a 3-hr. 20-min. test mission.
Among the B-1B features incorporated in the prototype aircraft were a modified flight
control system, spoilers near the aircraft's new composite bomb bay doors and fixed-
geometry engine air inlets. The flight was devoted to systems functional checks, handling
qualities evaluations, vibration and acoustic measurements of the forward bomb bay and
a simulated aerial refueling.
Several test points were deleted and the flight was shortened from a planned 4-hr.
mission when an engine caution light illuminated early in the mission, indicating possible
high vibration levels on the No. 1 engine. As a precaution, the thrust on that engine was
reduced to idle and left there for the remainder of the flight. Post-flight investigations
determined the cause to be a loose wiring connection on a vibration sensor.
The forward bomb bay doors were opened during the flight to measure vibration levels
in the bay. New guillotine-type spoilers forward of the bomb bays are expected to
improve the interior acoustic vibration levels at high-subsonic, low-altitude flight condi-
Aircraft handling qualities following flight control system modifications were checked
during "dry" refueling contacts with a USAF/Boeing KC-135 aerial tanker and were
found good, according to Lt. Col. Leroy B. Schroeder, B-1B combined test force director
and copilot for the initial test flight. The evaluations included 15- and 30-deg. banks
while connected to the tanker refueling boom.
T. D. Benefield, senior engineering test pilot for Rockwell International's North Ameri-
can Aircraft Operations, piloted the aircraft, and James A. Leasure, Rockwell flight test
engineer, served as the third crewmember.
The aircraft is scheduled to fly its next test flight in about two weeks, to continue
handling qualities evaluations.
Primary function of this aircraft will be to perform handling qualities investigations,
conduct weapons carriage and separation tests, and examine several airframe flutter
points. Weapon tests will include drops of Mk. 82 high-drag conventional bombs, Mk. 86
maritime warfare versions of the Mk. 82, B-61 and B-83 nuclear bombs and the short-
range attack missile (SRAM).
Drop tests of these weapons are expected to begin within the next three months.
Target departure date is May 6, but this
could slip a day or two. The show is
scheduled to run May 26 through June 5.
Although the QSRA is a NASA dis-
play, Boeing is assisting, Riddle said.
Boeing officials are helping with coordina-
tion in Paris, and the QSRA will be
parked next to the Boeing 707-320C tan-
ker/transport demonstration aircraft, al-
lowing NASA personnel to utilize Boeing
support facilities. In addition, Boeing will
pay the QSRA show entry fee.
The QSRA has performed flying rou-
tines on only two occasions and never has
participated in a major air show. Ames
officials are putting together a 6-min. fly-
ing demonstration "that has the best visu-
al impact," Riddle said. ^
Europeans Form New Satellite Organization
Paris-Europe has agreed on a multinational management organization as the frame-
work for a European weather satellite network, called Eumetsat. It will be responsible for
overseeing the space- and ground-based elements of the satellite system during a 12-
year program.
Plans are being made for procurement of three new meteorological satellites and one
complete set of spares. The spacecraft will be improved versions of the Meteosat
satellites built by a European consortium, headed by France's Aerospatiale, and orbited
in 1977 and 1981.
The two satellites now in orbit are managed by the European Space Agency under its
pre-operational Meteosat program. ESA will perform similar duties for the three new
Cost of the European weather satellite program is estimated at $400 million. Launch
of the three new Meteosats is planned for May, 1987; August, 1988, and November,
1990, on Ariane launchers.
Agreement on Eumetsat as the framework for a satellite network was reached during
an intergovernmental conference held last week. The meeting was attended by delega-
tions of ESA's 11 member states plus Austria, Finland, Greece, Norway, Portugal and
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Air Force Receives First Lockheed TR-1B
Los Angeles-Initial two-place trainer version of the USAF/Lock-
heed TR-1 high-altitude battlefield reconnaissance aircraft-des-
ignated TR-1B-has been delivered to the Air Force by
Lockheed-California Co.
The Air Force plans to purchase a total of 35 TR-1 aircraft,
including the two trainers, which will be based with the 9th
Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale AFB, Calif. The second
trainer is scheduled for delivery in May.
The TR-1 is built on production tooling used for the U-2R,
although its primary mission will be providing reconnaissance
information to tactical commanders. Two of the aircraft have been
deployed to RAF Alconbury, England.
The TR-1 has a second cockpit for an instructor pilot located in
an elevated position in a payload section designated the Q-bay,
just aft of the standard single-place cockpit. Both versions of the
TR-1 aircraft have a Pratt & Whitney J75-P-13B engine, which
provides a range in excess of 3,000 mi.
Sensors in the aircraft's interchangeable nose, instrument wing
pods and mission bay hatches enable the TR-1 to provide all-
weather, day or night surveillance in support of U. S. and allied
ground and air forces, according to Air Force officials.
Lockheed is evaluating use of composite materials on some TR-
1 parts. Lockheed officials said testing using composite elevators
appears promising, and composite elevator structures could be .
introduced into the program, possibly 10 aircraft into the produc-
tion run-with Air Force concurrence and funding for additional
tooling. Weight savings through use of composites would be about
25% for each part, according to officials, and the reduced weight
would result in added range and altitude capabilities for the
Lockheed also is evaluating composite material for use on TR-1
speed brakes, flaps and ailerons.
The trainer aircraft delivered this month is the.sixth TR-1 to be
built. The first TR-1, delivered to the Air Force in September,
1981, made a total of 2,980 landings and accumulated about
1,186 hr. of operation through February of this year. The 35th
TR-1 is scheduled to be delivered to the Air Force in 1989 at the
current rate of production.
Average TR-1 unit flyaway cost is about $17.1 million, accord-
ing to Air Force officials.
Lockheed also built a single ER-2 Earth resources aircraft, which
has the same airframe and engine as the TR-1, for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. The ER-2 was delivered to
NASA's Ames Research Center in June, 1981.
The TR-1 and ER-2 airframe is about 40% larger than the initial
U-2 built by Lockheed during the 1950s.
Inert MXin Canister Falls at Pad
Los Angeles-A canister containing an in-
ert MX missile designed to evaluate mis-
sile processing systems at Vandenberg
AFB, Calif., was dropped at the MX test
pad while attached to its launch support
stand and hit the ground, according to
Air Force officials.
Program officials last week were assess-
ing possible damage to the canister and
pathfinder missile, which were moved
from the test pad area to the MX missile
assembly building at the base. An investi-
gation team was formed to determine the
cause of the Mar. 16 incident.
The missile is transported inside its cy-
lindrical canister in a horizontal position
to the test pad area, where the base of the
canister is attached to a pivoting launch
support stand. The missile and canister,
which extend horizontally from the stand
without supporting structural members
underneath the canister, are raised to a
near-vertical position by the pivoting
stand in preparation for launch.
The pathfinder missile and its protec-
tive canister were being lowered from a
near-vertical to horizontal position when a
structural failure in the support stand re-
sulted in the canister's falling beyond the
horizontal position and striking the
ground, according to Air Force officials.
No injuries to personnel were reported.
Air Force officials last week said the
possible impact on preparations for the
Protesters Arrested at Vandenberg AFB
Los Angeles-Authorities arrested or detained more than 700 protesters at Vanden-
berg AFB, Calif., through the middle of last week in the second demonstration at the
sprawling southern California base during the past two months.
The key thrust of the latest demonstration was at-the base's main gate on Mar. 21-22,
although six protesters were detained outside a perimeter fence at Vandenberg's MX
missile assembly building.
Air Force officials said the six were monitored by helicopters while on the 100,000-
acre base until they reached an area in which they could easily be taken into custody.
They did not penetrate the perimeter fence of the missile assembly facility, the officials
During a similar demonstration at the base Jan. 23-24, more than 200 persons were
detained or arrested. A group of 27 protesters penetrated the north portion of the base
and moved to within one mile of a Minuteman ICBM test launch facility. Both demonstra-
tions were staged primarily by antinuclear weapons protesters.
Vandenberg, located about 150 mi. northwest of Los Angeles, is the site for the
proposed MX intercontinental ballistic missile system flight test series.
planned MX flight test series at Vanden-
berg had not been determined. Program
officials were attempting to evaluate the
extent of possible damage to the missile
and canister and determine the cause of
the accident.
The launch support stand had been
used previously to raise and lower a struc-
ture. designed to simulate the weight of a
missile and canister at the site.
The pathfinder missile was being low-
ered to a horizontal position on Mar. 16
due to bad weather when the incident
The pathfinder is equipped with MX
electrical interfaces so it can go through
various stage processing and prelaunch ac-
tivities to check ground support systems.
The pathfinder process at Vandenberg is
considered an important aspect of the mis-
sile program because the inert stages are
processed through all MX prelaunch ac-
tivities ranging from receipt of the stages
and components at the base to delivery of
the integrated missile to the pad.
The checkout process enables program
officials to verify handling procedures and
systems prior to the processing of a flight
vehicle. Technical problems encountered
last year during the pathfinder process
occurred during integrated testing when
missile and ground systems were connect-
ed for the first time, officials said (Aw&sT
Dec. 13, 1982, p. 22).
The Vandenberg test pad and MX
launch support stand were intended for
use during the initial launches of the
planned flight test series, with later test
flights being conducted from a launch
area representative of the basing mode for
the missile system. ^
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Soviets Extending
Power in Caribbean
71s and declassified by President Reagan
show Soviet military power influence in the
Caribbean Basin and Central America. A Sovi-
et intelligence collection facility in Lourdes,
Cuba, is manned by 1,500 Soviet technicians
and includes a satellite ground station for
communications with Moscow (above). Rea-
gan said it has grown 60% in the last decade.
A military airport shows MiG-23 aircraft in
western Cuba (below). The President said two
Soviet antisubmarine aircraft, not identified,
began operating from the airport this month.
tion, with Soviet financing and backing, of a
10,000-ft. runway in Grenada. The President
also showed photographs of Soviet/Cuban ac-
tivities in Nicaragua, published last year in
1982, p. 23). (Wide World)
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Shu s Biological Unit Cleared
For Mission After Inspection
Washington-McDonnell Douglas has given
its shuttle Mission 6 biological separation unit
approval for flight following disassembly and
inspection of the system in the orbiter Chal-
lenger because of concern that lengthy launch
delays may have allowed growth of harmful
fungus or bacteria in the device.
McDonnell Douglas technicians will begin
electrophoresis-system activation this week
to support the Apr. 4, 1:30 p. m. EST Mission
6 liftoff. The technicians will also begin tests
of processor fluids important to manufacture
of unique medicines in zero-g.
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration safety managers also have been as-
sessing the effect of the delay on the batteries
used to activate the U. S. Air Force Academy
and Japanese Getaway Special payloads on
Mission 6. The delays have reduced battery
power in payload initiation units to only 25%
of charge, a level expected to be strong
enough to turn the payloads on but not neces-
sarily strong enough to turn them off once
The batteries inside the USAF and Japa-
nese Getaway special payloads are consid-
ered operational for flight; it is the orbiter
batteries that initiate the payloads that are
being assessed. The analysis is centering on
whether any flight safety problems would
arise if the payloads were activated but could
not be shut down with the weak batteries.
If launch were to slip beyond Apr. 18, bat-
tery power would drop to a point where it is
possible activation commands would not be
strong enough to start the payloads. Kennedy
Rivalries Intensify For NA TO
Air Defense Radar Contracts
Addlestone, England-Competition for
more than 30 additional long-range air
defense radar units for the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization over the next six to
eight years is under way with four of the
competitors having already won one large
order each. Twenty radar units have been
sold so far.
Plessey Radar's selection as prime con-
tractor for six AR320 air defense radars
for the British Ministry of Defense offset
the selection of the Hughes radar for the
Norwegian air defense sector of the
NATO air defense network and earlier
selections of General Electric and Marco-
ni radar for other buys (AW&ST Jan. 10,
p. 107).
Since portions of the competition have
involved the four companies that won an
order each as well as Thomson-CSF of
France, the next segment-the so-called
southern tier of Italy, Greece and Tur-
key-may be the most highly contested.
Up to seven radar units are to be pur-
chased, and the winner may gain an ad-
vantage in future NATO competitions by
virtue of a large production base.
Request for proposals for the southern
tier radars is expected to be issued by
midsummer, which should permit the fi-
nal contract to be awarded in early 1984.
Beyond that competition is one for air
defense radars in Portugal and possibly
for additional radar units in Germany and
Norway. Recent NATO air defense radar
competitions have had these results:
^ General Electric was selected to pro-
vide two S-band radars for Britain under
NATO auspices.
^ Marconi was chosen to provide six
Martello radar units for Britain, of which
three were selected under the NATO in-
frastructure competition rules and three
more were purchased by Britain directly.
^ Hughes was winner in the NATO
competition for three air defense radars
for Norway. Additional units are re-
quired, and there may be a follow-on com-
petition at a later date.
^ Hughes also was selected to provide
four radar units for West Germany. This
was a national buy, not one conducted
under NATO auspices. There may be a
Space Center personnel earlier replaced the
battery in the Japanese snow-making Get-
away special, but the capability of this internal
battery would also reach a critical level if
launch were delayed into mid-April.
McDonnell Douglas personnel are sched-
uled to load their large middeck electrophore-
sis system with the highly distilled water
buffer solution about Mar. 31. Electrophore-
sis unit objectives for Mission 6 are to' assess
the processing of biological material under
higher electrical field strengths, enabling a
greater purity in the separated material. This
is a critical factor in the manufacture of new
medicines in zero-g. ,
During shuttle Mission 4, the processing
unit demonstrated that it could provide 500
times the output volume in zero-g that is
possible on Earth.
Use of the new orbiter Challenger for the
second flight of the system has allowed a
water-cooling loop to be installed around the
electrophoresis system, enabling it to reject
NATO competition for Germany at a lat-
er time.
^ Plessey Radar and ITT Gilfillan's
joint AR320 radar was selected in a
NATO competition for Britain. NATO
funded purchase of three and the British
Defense Ministry purchased three more
for a total of six.
The forthcoming southern tier competi-
tion will give the winner a significant edge
in pursuing further segments of the
NATO air defense reequipment program.
Estimates indicate that 30-40 new long-
range air defense radars are likely to be
purchased by NATO and member nations
between now and the early 1990s.
There also are sales possibilities outside
the alliance. In Europe, likely purchasers
are seen as Sweden and Switzerland, both
House Panel Given Defense
Plan For Funding Research
Washington-An alternative to a House com-
mittee plan to control more closely defense
contractors' expenses for independent 're-
search and development, bid and proposal,
has been offered to Congress by Richard D.
DeLauer, under secretary of Defense for re-
search and engineering.
Early reactions from members of the House
Appropriations defense subcommittee show
the alternative may be an acceptable substi-
tute to the subcommittee's plan announced
last year to force these expenses to appear in
the Defense budget as a separate line item
beginning in Fiscal 1985.
The expenses cover independent research,
directed as a company sees fit, and the cost
of preparing bids and proposals to the gov-
ernment. If they were to appear as a line item,
Hughes Aircraft Co. Chief Executive Allen E.
Puckett warned the subcommittee last week,
the word independent would disappear from
the term. Companies would lose control of
which research to perform.
Puckett appeared on behalf of members of
the Aerospace Industries Assn., the Electronic
Industries Assn., the National Security Indus-
trial Assn. and the American Electronics Assn.
The defense subcommittee said last year
there is no visibility and accountability of in-
dependent research and development, bid
and proposal. The total cost is unknown. It is
an expense that can be charged against gov-
ernment contracts that the Defense Contract
Audit Agency is not allowed to audit. "I see it
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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more heat and operate at higher power levels,
officials said.
On Mission 4 the highest power level possi-
ble was 10 v./cm., but on Challenger the rate
will be 25 v./cm., a level expected to be used
once commercial biological processing is be-
gu n.
The high power level should create a more
precise separation of the biological materials
fed into the buffer liquid. Six sample trays will
be processed.
McDonnell Douglas will process three trays
of proprietary biological material thatare can-
didates for use as medicines once commercial
space processing begins. The company also
will process an albumin protein sample as a
standard against which the commercial mate-
rials will be compared.
Two NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
hemoglobin samples also will be processed to
provide NASA data on the continuous-flow
electrophoresis process under its joint ven-
ture agreement with McDonnell Douglas.
of which have extensive, advanced air de-
fense systems, and possibly Austria. The
Austrians do not have a major air defense
capability but are believed to need a de-
graded system for neutrality enforcement
in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Yugoslavia also is a possible customer,
but political considerations may prevent
the country from obtaining a Western mil-
itary unit. In the most recent NATO com-
petition, the radar selected was based on
both British and U. S. technology.
The AR320 radar combines the receiv-
er, signal processing equipment, software,
displays, communications and simulator
from the Plessey Radar AR-3D with the
planar array antenna and high-power,
wide-band transmitter of the ITT Gilfillan
Series 320 radar. ^
as the most important issue currently before
us," DeLauer told the subcommittee, chaired
by Rep. Joseph P. Addabbo (D.-N. Y.).
"It is not appropriate for IR&D, where in-
dustry pursues those areas which they deem
most important for their competitive position
in future markets. Nor is it suitable for B&P,
which is a cost incurred by contractors when
competing for Defense Dept. work," DeLauer
The subcommittee directed last year that
not more than $2.1 billion of the Fiscal 1983
Defense budget authority be obligated or
spent to pay independent research and devel-
opment and bid and proposal costs. De Lauer
said that requirement by the subcommittee is
not relevant to the way the Defense Dept.
does business.
"In order to more directly address the con-
cerns of the committee and what I believe to
be your intent relative to advance visibility
and control of IR&D and B&P costs," he said,
News Digest
Collier Trophy
Washington-T. A. Wilson, chairman of
the Boeing Co., has been awarded the Na-
tional Aeronautic Assn. Collier Trophy.
The award, to be presented at a May 14
dinner at the Sheraton Washington Hotel,
cites Wilson "for private development of
the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 advanced
technology jet transports, with the support
of the Federal Aviation Administration, in-
dustry and the airlines."
The Collier Trophy is awarded annually
for the greatest achievement in aeronau-
tics or astronautics in America, demon-
strated by actual use in the previous year.
General Electric Co. Aircraft Engine Busi-
ness Group has delivered to the Army the
first production T700-GE-701 turboshaft
engine for the AH-64A Apache attack he-
licopter. The uprated version of the T700
develops 10% more power than the T700-
GE-700 used in the Army/Sikorsky UH-
60A Blackhawk utility helicopter.
Racal Recorders, Ltd., Southampton, En-
gland, will deliver $3 million worth of
multichannel recorders to the British Roy-
al Air Force. The equipment will be used
to log ground/air communications.
British Defense Ministry has ordered four
British Aerospoace 125 Series 700 aircraft
for government communications flights.
The aircraft will be based at Royal Air
Force Northolt. Contract includes retrofit
of six earlier Rolls-Royce Viper-powered
125s with Garrett TFE731-3 turbofans.
Air Florida will introduce a twice-weekly
service between Miami and Madrid, Zu-
rich and Frankfurt on May 4, and on May
6, a weekly flight between Miami and
Dusseldorf. Routes will be operated by
McDonnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft, and
on the London-Frankfurt sector by British
Aerospace BAC Ills operated by British
Island Airways.
Flight testing of the Pratt & Whitney
PW2037 engine on the No. 1 Boeing 747
passed the halfway point last week with
25 hr. of a planned 39-hr. program and
five of eight flights completed by Mar. 23
(AW&ST Jan. 17, p. 29). Testing of the
powerplant, which is scheduled to power
some Boeing 757 transports starting in
October, 1984, was being conducted on
"I have established total ceiling amounts for
the services for our 1983 advance agree-
ments. Based on what I consider to be reason-
able assumptions regarding the.economy and
the commercial business mix, these ceilings
will result in less than $2.1 billion allocated to
DOD contracts.
"In order to give proper consideration to
our. inability to control economic. factors
which influence the annual Defense Dept. allo-
cation of IR&D and B&P, I request that the
Fiscal 1984 Appropriations Act provide some
degree of flexibility with regard to the 1983
ceiling. I do not make this request in order to
get relief from my responsibility to strictly
manage and control IR&D and B&P costs, but
simply to recognize the uncertainties inherent
in the economy."
It will be several weeks before the subcom-
mittee takes action on DeLauer's proposal.
Ultimately Congress must regard these
costs as a legitimate part of doing business,
the Boeing-owned 747 out of Seattle's
Boeing Field.
Modified Soviet planetary spacecraft car-
rying a mixed Soviet-French ultraviolet
spectroscopy payload was launched from
the Soviet Union on Mar. 23. The Astron
spacecraft was placed into an orbit of
200,000 X 2,000 km. (124,200 X 1,242
mi.) inclined 51.5 deg. Astron is a Soviet
Venera-class satellite that is modified for
use in Earth orbital missions. Venera-class
spacecraft previously have been used for
Soviet missions to Venus. The payload
carried by the Astron includes a Soviet
telescope and French spectrometer
(Aw&sT Aug. 9, 1982, p. 58). Observations
with the spacecraft are expected to be con-
ducted during a period of eight months to
one year.
Gates Learjet plans to raise the price of its
Series 30 and 50 corporate aircraft by as
much as 19% Oct. 1 due to increased cost
of vendor-supplied components, including
engines, and escalating labor costs. Series
25D prices will not rise. ^
rather than an item that is purchased, De-
Lauer told the subcommittee. He listed sever-
al advances that have resulted from such
^ Aircraft engine improvements. It is ex-
pected that by 1990 the thrust-to-weight
ratio will increase from 8:1 to 10:1 and that
specific fuel consumption will decrease anoth-
er 10%.
^ Submarine navigation system.
^ Portable secure military communica-
is Manned multiple aircraft air-combat
simulator, which will allow 12 pilots to fly
simultaneously in simulated air combat.
^ Lasers, including the world's first ruby
^ Advanced composites.
^ Factory of the future, utilizing new tech-
nology that will help in production of cheap
composite structures for current and future
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Air Transport
Crier Traffic Continues Climb
February results show gains of 13% for major;, and 30%
or more for three regionals in spite of storm problems
Washington-U. S. airline traffic contin-
ued its rebound through February, rising
13% over the same month a year ago for
11 majors and 30% or higher for at least
three regional carriers.
The increase came in spite of last
month's storms that canceled flights for
several days along the East Coast (Aw&sT
Feb. 21, p. 26).
Capacity for the 11 majors rose 4%
over a year ago, and load factor climbed
from an average of 56% last year to 60%.
Traffic for the month rose under the
stimulus of discount fares and various pro-
motions, which reduced the average reve-
nue per passenger mile from last year's
levels, according to airline officials.
North Atlantic operations by Trans
World Airlines and Pan American World
Airways were affected by the weather can-
cellations and lower demand.
Trans World reduced capacity in inter-
Eastern Strike. Averted
Washington-A strike against Eastern Air-
lines was averted Mar. 24 after the carrier
offered a three-year contract with a 21 %
pay increase this year to District Lodge
100, International Assn. of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers.
Dwain C. Andrews, Eastern's vice presi-
dent for labor relations, said the contract
represented "a compromise" by the air-
line and the union. But carrier officials
said Eastern made no substantial gains in
work rules.
"We are completely satisfied," Charles
Bryan, District Lodge 100 president, said.
"The contract contains all the elements of
positive labor relations." Bryan said he
would recommend highly the ratification
of the contract, which may take place Apr.
7 or 8.
Airline and union leaders praised the
work of Robert Harris, chairman of the
National Mediation Board, who directed
the mediation effort last week after the
union rejected by a 72.4% margin an
Eastern proposal for a three-year contract
calling for 32.2% in pay raises and an
improved pension and medical and dental
plans (Aw&sT Mar. 21, p. 29).
Eastern said the three-year contract of-
fered the same 32% pay increase except
that the majority of the increase would go
into effect this year, including retroactive
pay to Jan. 1, 1983. The contract would
expire Dec. 31, 1984.
national services by 7.6% and revenue
passenger miles dropped by 0.6%. Pan
American's capacity in the Atlantic was
down 13.7% and revenue passenger miles
were down 15.8%.
In U. S. domestic markets, Pan Ameri-
can's scheduled revenue passenger miles
increased 5%, capacity was down 6.9%
and load factor was up to 62.8%.
In other international services, Pan
American recorded a 13.5% increase in
Latin American traffic and a 5.3% in-
crease in Pacific traffic.
Highest load factor among majors re-
porting was recorded by American Air-
lines. American had a 67.8% system-wide
load factor, 68.3% in domestic services.
Western Airlines recorded a 24%
growth in revenue passenger miles, fol-
lowed by Delta Air Lines with 20%,
American at 18.8%, Trans World at
17.4%, Republic at 1.6%, Northwest at
14.9%, USAir at 13.8% and United at
Trans World said its traffic was stimu-
lated by its Kids Fly Free promotion, plus
the $99 discount fares still available in
certain markets.
Eastern Airlines' traffic rose 8.7%.
"There is some obvious stirring in the
national economy, which is generating air
traffic," Russell L. Ray Jr., senior vice
president-marketing, said.
Eastern's operations were disrupted se-
verely by the mid-February snows.
Nationals and regionals recording high
rates of traffic growth for February:
Southwest Airlines, up 37.1% in reve-
nue passenger miles; :Piedmont Airlines,
up 32%; Midway Airlines, up 30%, and
Frontier Airlines, up 23.1%.
Muse Air Corp.'s 32.5 million revenue
passenger miles were up 275% over a year
People Express' 197.1 million revenue
passenger miles were up 114%.
Individual carrier reports of primarily
scheduled service include:
e American-2.554 billion revenue pas-
senger miles, up 18.8%; 3.768 billion
available seat miles, up 3.7%; a 67.8%
load factor, up from 59.2%.
^ Continental-830.4 million revenue
passenger miles, up 5%; 1.38 billion avail-
able seat miles, down 2.2%; a 60% load
factor, up from 55.8%.
^ Delta-2.218 billion revenue passen-
ger miles, up 20%; 3.662 billion available
seat miles, up 4.1%; a 61% load factor,
up from 53%.
^ Eastern-2.22 billion revenue passen-
ger miles, up 8.7%; 3.58 billion available
seat miles, up 4%; a 62% load factor, up
from 59.3%.
^ Northwest-1.064 billion revenue
passenger miles, up 14.9%; 2.031 billion
available seat miles, up 15.9%; a 52.4%
load factor, down from 52.9%.
^ Pan American-1.904 billion system
revenue passenger miles, up 0.2%; 3.351
billion system available seat miles, down
2.4%; a 55.9% load factor, up from
^ Republic-779.4 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 16%; 1.358 billion avail-
able seat miles, up 5.8%; a 57% load
factor, up from 52%.
^ Trans World-1.623 billion revenue
miles, up 17.4%; 2.608 billion available
seat miles, down 3.1%; a 62.2% load fac-
tor, up from 51.3%.
^ USAir-465.3 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 13.8%; 860 million avail-
able seat miles, up 9.3%; a 54.1% load
factor, up from 52%.
^ United-2.9 billion revenue passenger
miles, up 1.1.4%; 4.74 billion available
seat miles, up 2.3%; a 61.9% load factor,
up from 57.6%.
^ Western-752 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 24%; 1.27 billion avail-
able seat miles, up 33%; a 58.9% load
factor, down from 63%.
^ Southwest-254.6 million revenue
passenger miles, up 37.1%; 443 million
available seat miles, up 30.9%; a 57.4%
TWA Employee Suit
A Trans World Airlines employee since
1947 has filed a class action suit against
the airline, charging that she was denied
an opportunity to compete for the position
of director of customer services programs
and was not selected because of her sex or
her age.
The suit, filed in U. S. District Court,
Southern District of New York; asked for
$1 million in damages for Rosemary T.
Aurichio, 56, manager of customer rela-
tions at the airline. She charged the airline
management created the new position and
named Bahir Browsh to the post on Jan. 9,
1981, without announcing the job's avail-
ability according to carrier rules of em-
The Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, New York City, gave notice to
the plaintiff of her right to sue but has
taken no other action in the case she
brought to the commission.
26 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Air Florida Continues Debt Restructuring
Washington-Air Florida is continuing to restructure its existing
debt arrangements and to tailor equipment to its route structure
by cutting back on the number of aircraft it operates, according to
Donald Lloyd-Jones, president and chief executive officer.
Lloyd-Jones said the airline is attempting to dispose of its more
expensive leased aircraft and replace them with lower cost aircraft
to trim operating expenses.
He added that the carrier also is conducting debt talks with
InterFirst Bank Dallas, N. A.,. Air Florida's principal bank lender
and the holder of the security interest in most of Air Florida's
Proposals under discussion include deferrals, of payments of
interest and principal and the release by InterFirst of a second lien
on four Boeing 737-200 aircraft owned by the airline.
Air Florida is discussing a proposal to sell or lease the four
aircraft with other airlines, together with sale of a large number of
authorized but unissued Air Florida shares for cash, Lloyd-Jones
The sold aircraft would continue to be secured by the Federal
Aviation Administration and holders of certain FAA-guaranteed
The Air Florida official said the guaranteed indebtedness would
in effect be assumed by any new user of the aircraft, although Air
Florida would remain secondarily liable.
The proposed deal requires the consent of the Federal Aviation
Administration as well as the holders of the guaranteed indebted-
load factor, up from a level of 54.88%.
^ Muse Air Corp.-32.5 million reve-
nue passenger miles, up 275%; 88:32 mil-
lion available seat miles, up 273%; a
36.8% load factor, up from 36.6%.
^ Frontier-307.3 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 23.1%; 467.7 million
available seat miles, up 5.5%; a 65.7%
load factor, up from 56.3%.
^ Midway-44.6 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 30%; 105.8 million avail-
able seat miles, up 44.1%; a 42.2% load
factor, down from 46.8%.
^ Piedmont-309.7 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 32.3%; 632.4 million
available seat miles, up 34.9%; a 48.97%
load factor, down from 49.94%.
^ People Express-197.1 million reve-
nue passenger miles, up 104.8%; 257.5
million available seat miles, up 56%; a
76.5% load factor, up from 56%.
^ Air Florida-110.8 million revenue
passenger miles, down 43%; 177 million
available seat miles, down 47%; a 62.6%
load factor, up from 57.9%.
^ New York Air-39 million revenue
passenger miles, down 23%; 72.4 million
available seat miles, down 31.3%; a
53.9% load factor, up from 51.2%.
^ Jet America-35 million revenue pas-
senger miles, up 87%; 63.1 million avail-
able seat miles, up 66%; a 55.4% load
factor, up from 49.4%.
^ Scheduled Skyways-3.3 million rev-
enue passenger miles, up from a level of
10.1%; 7.43 million available seat miles,
up 9.5%. ^
Air Florida has returned to InterFirst a 737-200 that the bank
originally leased to the airline. The termination agreement calls for
about $3.3 million to be added to Air Florida's debt to InterFirst,
ending Air Florida's obligations under the financing lease.
Air Florida also has returned a second 737-200 to another
lessor, terminating the lease, although the airline will be required
to make payments .on rental arrears.
The airline will realize a gain on disposal of approximately $1.1
million in the first quarter of 1983 as a result of the termination of
the capital lease.
A third 737-200 was returned to its lessor recently, following
Air Florida's default on a semiannual rent payment in January. The
airline estimates a gain on disposal of about $900,000 in the first
quarter of 1983 as a result of the return of the aircraft and
termination of the lease.
Lloyd-Jones said Air Florida expects to replace the 737 aircraft
with less expensive aircraft, including other 737-200s.
A McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30, which was used on the airline's
Miami-London route, was returned to its lessor with Air Florida
agreeing to pay a negotiated termination penalty. The lessor has,
in turn, agreed to pay for maintenance reserves and other credits
to others who owed maintenance charges for the aircraft, Lloyd-
Jones said.
The DC-10-30 has been substituted with a Boeing 707 on the
Miami-London route.
Air Florida plans to return to using a DC-10-30 this month on
the route under an operating lease arrangement.
Swissair Planning to Maintain
Two-Class Passenger Service
Swissair has decided to maintain its exist-
ing two-class passenger service structure
but will adopt a new policy to improve the
treatment of its full-fare paying passen-
The decision was made after Swissair
reevaluated its current first-class/economy
service structure against the three-class ar-
rangements offered by some competing
Continental Stock Offering
Los Angeles-Continental Airlines has re-
quested authorization from the Securities
and Exchange Commission to issue an ini-
tial public stock offering of two million
An estimated $40 million in equity capi-
tal generated by the sale of the units would
be used for "general corporate purposes,"
according to Continental.
The units will be offered for sale at $20
each. Each unit will include one share of
common and one share of convertible pre-
ferred stock.
The airline's 20 million common shares
are now held by Texas Air Corp., which
bought Continental in 1982 (AW&ST Nov.
15, 1982 p. 34). After the public offer-
ing, Texas Air Corp. will hold about a 91 %
interest in Continental.
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airlines. Its decision to retain a two-class
service structure reflects Swissair's belief
that three-class systems generally do not
provide tailored responses to fluctuating
demands in individual tariff categories.
The new policy for improved handling
of full-fare passengers will begin this sum-
Preferential check-in facilities for these
passengers will be included at the first-
class counters of airports at most of Swis-
sair's destinations.
Full-fare travelers will receive special
boarding cards that enable them to to
board the aircraft ahead of other passen-
They also will receive a certain degree
of preferential treatment once on board
the aircraft, according to Swissair.
Swissair recorded a net profit of $19.2
million in 1982, of which $16.5 million
came from the sale of aircraft and spares.
The Swiss flag carrier's results last year
enabled it to pay a dividend of $12.50 per
Swissair is projecting marginal improve-
ments in its operating results for 1983.
The year's traffic may be higher than ini-
tial expectations, however.
The 1982 net profit of $19.2 million is
down from a net of $27.15 million the
year before. ^
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More Carriers Adopt Mileage-Based Fares
Washington-More U. S. major airlines and a regional carrier,
Frontier Airlines, joined other majors last week in returning to a
pre-deregulation, mileage-based system to set airline coach fares
effective Apr. 2.
Eastern Airlines' mileage-based plan will reduce fares in about
half its markets (Aw&sT Mar. 21, p. 29). Its Air-Shuttle fares will
remain at the same levels, and special discounts to Florida will
remain. One-way Super Coach fares will be offered at 75% of the
economy level.
USAir was preparing a mileage-based cost taper that it said will
eliminate some anomalies in the mileage-based plan first offered
by American Airlines, a carrier official said.
Under American's plan, a 249-mi. flight, based on 53 cents/mi.,
would cost $131.97, while a 251-mi. flight, based on 34
cents/mi., would cost $85.34, a differential that USAir pricing
officials wanted to address.
American's fare plan, however, will not change, according to
that carrier.
Northwest Airlines said it was adopting a fare simplification
program that would reduce fares to four basic types, first-class,
coach, Super Coach and Super Saver, effective Apr. 15, which was
one step in the American fare plan.
Frontier's matching of a simplified fare system and a pricing-by-
distance system was a significant step, airline officials said, be-
cause competition between majors and regionals is expected to be
more keen this year.
Frontier's plan will go into effect Apr. 15 with three basic fare
levels, coach, an unrestricted discount and a restricted discount.
Coach rates will be priced in 10 mileage brackets, starting at 34
cents/mi. for flights of 251-500 mi. and decreasing to 15
cents/mi. for flights more than 2,500 mi., similar to American's
The carrier's discount plans, both of which will be capacity
controlled, are:
^ A new unrestricted discount offering savings of 25% off
coach rates in all markets.
^ A restricted Super Saver replacing Frontier's current Super
Saver on Apr. 2, cutting coach rates by 30-57% depending on
As in many other deep discounts offered by carriers in their new
plans, restrictions are stronger and include purchase of round-trip
tickets at least seven days before departure and return flights
beginning 7-14 days after arrival at the destination.
Military and children's fare discounts will remain, as they are
planned to remain in other carriers' fare programs.
Delta Air Lines will apply the mileage formula systemwide ex-
cept in a small part of its system, estimated to be less than 25%,
where special discounts will remain in effect because of competing
low fare levels, a Delta official said.
Delta's first-class fares will continue to be 120% of coach fares.
Piedmont Airlines officials said they continue to study Ameri-
can's mileage-based fare plans, but no changes were expected in
the immediate future. Piedmont's fares already have been simpli-
fied, an official said.
People Express Agrees to Buy
Braniff 727s, Lease 747-200
Newark-People Express last week
reached an agreement with Braniff Air-
ways to acquire 20 Boeing 727-200 air-
craft and lease one Boeing 747-200, which
would almost double the fleet size of the
low-fare, high-frequency airline.
The Newark International Airport-
based airline also recently signed a letter
of intent with McDonnell Douglas Corp.
to purchase eight used 727-200s and has
an option on an additional nine 727-200s
to meet its future aircraft needs. The
agreement with McDonnell Douglas can
be terminated without penalty before Mar.
29 (Aw&sT Mar. 7, p. 29).
People Express officials said the airline
is studying both aircraft-acquisition deals
and is not precluding one over the other.
The final decision on which agreement to
put into effect will depend on several fac-
tors, including the status of the Braniff
aircraft as part of the airline's bankruptcy
The new, entrant, which started opera-
tions in 1981, has a fleet of 21 Boeing 737-
100s and 737-200s and is scheduled to
take delivery of an additional 737-200 in
The officials said the sales agreement
between Braniff and People Express calls
for a purchase price of $4 million for each
The agreement for both the sale of the
727-200s and the lease of the 747-200 is
subject to the approval of the bankruptcy
court having jurisdiction over Braniff,
government approval of the application of
People Express to provide nonstop New-
ark-London service which was granted
last week and other conditions.
The agreement calls for Braniff to deliv-
er the 727-200s to People Express between
November, 1983, and March, 1985, with
the airline having.the right to accelerate
delivery of six of the aircraft for the sum-
mer of 1983.
The 747-200 aircraft lease is for a peri-
Midway DC-9 Lease
Midway Airlines has signed an agreement
with McDonnell Douglas Corp. to lease two
DC-9-80s for 13.5 years with options to
buy and including spare parts and one
spare Pratt & Whitney JT8D engine.
When the aircraft are delivered in the
third quarter of this year, Midway will sell
three DC-9-31s to the manufacturer. The
lease and the sale of aircraft will keep
Midway's capacity at the same level.
Midway's fleet includes nine DC-9-15s
and eight DC-9-31s, including the three to
be sold. '
od of five years expiring September, 1988,
and gives People Express the right to ter-
minate the lease at the end of one year.
People Express agreed to pay a lease
rate of $50,000 a month from delivery
through September, 1983, and $250,000
monthly for the balance of the lease term
for the 747.
The airline also agreed to purchase
from Braniff a Boeing 727-200 simulator,
certain ground equipment, technical assis-
tance and flight training in connection
with the start-up of 727 and 747 opera-
The airline originally signed a letter of
intent with McDonnell Douglas for the
purchase of eight 727-200s that McDon-
nel Douglas is acquiring from Alitalia
Airlines with an option on nine additional
727-200s, contingent on the aircraft manu-
facturer purchasing them from Alitalia.
Braniff chairman Howard D. Putnam
said the agreement calls for Braniff to
provide certain continuing maintenance
services for the 727 aircraft to People Ex-
press at Braniff's Love Field maintenance
"We are extremely pleased with the
completion of this transaction with People
Express," the chairman of the bankrupt
airline said. "The sale of the aircraft,
when combined with the continuing main-
tenance and training services, provides a
significant step in the resolution of Bran-
if 's bankruptcy and the development of
continuing businesses for our reorganiza-
tion." ^
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
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establishing prima facie evidence and
Airline AnfitrustAcbons proving illegal manipulation of reserva-
tions systems, other airlines would have a
comparatively easy case to prove and
Increase. at Justice Dept, many private civil cases could be expect-
Private civil antitrust cases have been
By James Ott increasing since the advent of deregulation
of airlines and other transportation modes
Washington-Antitrust activities of the Airline lawyers said the Justice Dept. in the U. S., Calderwood said. He estimat-
Justice Dept., including investigations and may be stretching the interpretation of ed that 2,000 antitrust cases are on file in
cases involving airlines, have increased in Section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act in U. S. courts, 100 of them by the Justice
the last year and reflect a more rapid flow its case against American Airlines. Even if Dept.
of information on antitrust matters reach- the carrier's alleged attempt is proved, Since deregulation, the Civil Aeronau-
ing the department, Elliott M. Seiden, prices in that market were not fixed and tics Board and the Interstate Commerce
chief, transportation section, Antitrust would not constitute a violation, the law- Commission no longer serve.as arbiters of
Div., said last week. yers said. antitrust problems between carriers.
Investigations and cases are started The Justice Dept. has said cases under "Companies facing antitrust problems are
"when information comes to our atten- Section 2 are rare because of the reluc- going to the antitrust laws, which are
tion" and have resulted in an observable tance of parties, who may be involved in broadly written," Calderwood said.
increase in activity, Seiden said, but do an attempt to establish a monopoly, to The precepts that have been established
not represent a change of policy or a new disclose that attempt to the government. in the body of common antitrust law, de-
direction in antitrust prosecution at the . James A. Calderwood, an antitrust at- veloped from thousands of case decisions
agency. torney with Grove, Jaskiewicz, Gilliam since the 1890 Sherman act, are being
Antitrust priorities continue to be inves- and Cobert of Washington, D. C., said, applied to transportation cases, he said.
tigation and prosecution of cases involving however, that the Justice Dept. case Loss of an antitrust suit can be severe,
price-fixing and agreements among com- against American should be of concern as much as three times actual damages
panies to divide up the marketplace. Such because the issue could go beyond price- and a jail sentence. The heavy conse-
activities restrict the market from operat- fixing if there is "any attempt to exclude quence of loss is the primary reason for
ing freely and cause consumer harm, he from the market by manipulation of the nolo contendere pleas in which a defen-
said. reservations system." dant does not plead guilty but subjects
The priorities have been emphasized in Investigation into computerized reserva- himself or his company to conviction.
recent actions, including: tions systems is interesting from a legal In these cases, damages at three times
^ Justice Dept. civil case against Amer- standpoint, Calderwood said, because in the actual damages can be avoided.
ican Airlines and its president and chief "no other situation are there opportunities Calderwood said airlines and other
executive, Robert L. Crandall, who is for one or two companies in an industry transportation companies should be wary
charged with attempting to persuade to control something that's so vital to oth- of -the rules of reason provision, one of the
Howard Putnam, president and chief exec- ers in that industry." broadly written provisions in antitrust
utive officer, Braniff International Air- Calderwood said if the Justice Dept. law. If a certain practice can be shown to
ways, to engage in illegal monopoly would file and win a case against airlines, be unreasonably uncompetitive, airlines
practices and a joint 20% increase in fares
on competitive routes (AW&ST Feb. 28,
p. 32). Pan Am Signs Contracts With Five Unions
^ A Justice Dept. review of allegations
by Braniff, which had filed for reorganiza- Washington-Pan American World Airways has signed labor contracts with five of its
tion under the bankruptcy act, that Amer- largest unions, extending a wage package agreement negotiated in the fall of 1981 and
ican had engaged in "dirty tricks" by the spring of 1982.
manipulating Braniff's schedules in Amer- The latest agreement was accepted recently by the Flight Engineers International
ican's Sabre computerized reservations Assn., representing 859 flight engineers at Pan American.
system. This agency review follows a Other unions that have ratified the new wage contracts are the Air Line Pilots Assn.,
grand jury investigation into the charges the Air Transport Div. of the Transport Workers Union, the International Brotherhood of
at Ft. Worth, which ended with no indict- Teamsters and the Independent Union of Flight Attendants.
ments. The contracts cover the period Jan. 1, 1983, to Dec. 31, 1984, and extend wage
^ An agency investigation into pricing reduction agreements negotiated when the last contract expired. The agreements call for
practices in the transatlantic market, restoration of 5% of 10% reduction taken from employees in previous contracts and
growing out of a suit filed by Laker Air- insures that an additional 5% will be restored in 1984.
ways (Aw&ST Dec. 13, 1982, p. 51), which The agreement includes a provision that the various union members will receive
has dissolved in bankruptcy. U. S. and for- additional pay increases calculated on airline profits.
eign carriers believe a grand jury will be USAir flight attendants, represented by the Assn. of Flight Attendants, AFL-CIO, also
impaneled shortly in that investigation. recently reached agreement with the airline. The new 17-month contract will run from
^ A grand jury investigation in Atlanta Apr. 1, 1983, through Aug. 31, 1984.
into an aspect of courier service. Airlines, The Assn. of Flight Attendants said the contract raises wages of the 1,680 flight
however, are secondary in that investiga- attendants to "among the highest in the industry."
tion, which has been under way for more The contract calls for wage increases of 9.27% spread out over 17 months.
than a year. AFA President Linda A. Puchala said eight other carriers will conduct negotiations with
^ An investigation, initiated by Con- its AFA flight attendants this year. "AFA-USAir negotiations are proof that agreements
gress, into airline computerized reserva- can be reached in direct bargaining without elongated mediation and the confrontation
tions systems, a joint effort under way by of a cooling off period."
the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Jus- AFA represents about 21,000 flight attendants on 14 carriers.
tice Dept.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 29
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"",.,?t1,l.ltsi'.~fli .i,#.t1e41.?.;. ....>{1 ,1ga.
New St. Louis-Based Airline Will Begin Service Apr. 1
Boeing 727-100 of Air 1, the new St. Louis-based airline, is shown. The airline will start scheduled operations Apr. 1 using aircraft fitted with 80
seats. The carrier will provide first-class service at coach fares (Aw&sT Mar. 21, p. 34).
engaging in that practice could be prose-
cuted successfully, he added.
James E. Landry, senior vice president
and general counsel with the Air Trans-
port Assn., said greater antitrust activity
was anticipated as airlines are more ex-
posed to antitrust law under deregulation.
The Airline Deregulation Act provides
for CAB powers to grant immunity to
parties of an agreement, he noted, and
those powers would transfer to the Justice
Dept. after the CAB closes under the law.
Landry said the ATA, congressional
aviation subcommittees, the CAB and the
Transportation Dept. have supported a
change in the law to transfer that power
to the Transportation Dept.
Landry said much has been written on
the roles of associations in matters that
could involve antitrust. "But it is the gen-
eral perception and consensus that a trade
association is a meeting ground for com-
petitors and therefore there is antitrust
sensitivity," he added.
ATA lawyers spend "a fair amount of
time monitoring activities to stay out of
troubled waters," he added.
Airline lawyers generally are concerned
with two categories of antitrust law, one
dealing with agreements among carriers,
the other with capacity and price agree-
He said airlines have been particularly
careful to avoid capacity and price agree-
ments even before airline deregulation.
The CAB, he said, never has conferred
antitrust immunity on a rate or capacity
agreement in the U. S.
If there is a question about an agree-
ment covering other aspects of airline op-
erations, airlines are still free to seek
immunity from the Board, he added.
The Board denied antitrust immunity to
a proposal by the association to permit
initial discussions on a spare parts inven-
tory (Aw&sT Feb. 21, p. 32). Landry, how-
ever, has interpreted the Board's
comments to mean that it required a more
detailed explanation for the proposal.
Landry anticipates that airlines will
seek immunity for the talks because they
consider a parts inventory to be an effi-
cient and effective solution to rising costs
of aircraft parts.
A larger, more complex question,
Landry said, arises over the airlines' use
of a scheduling committee to work out
landing slot arrangements at high-density
airports, including Washington's National
Airport, which is operated by the Federal
Aviation Administration.
The Board has granted immunity to
scheduling committee activities since the
strike by the Professional Air Traffic Con-
trollers Organization in August, 1981. As
the ATC system returns to normal, the
Board is "trying to get airlines to come up
with something different," Susan B. Jollie,
the CAB's associate general counsel for
antitrust and litigation, said.
The CAB has asked airlines to propose
a solution in case the airline scheduling
committee reaches an impasse, "and the
committee is trying to work that out," he
The CAB foresees a "significant
amount" of work ahead to follow the con-
gressional, mandate to review periodically
airline agreements covering a variety of
airline operations. "We're going to do it,"
Jollie said. "A review is consistent with
deregulation and the obligation to keep
our house in order for a transfer later."
The antitrust investigation at Atlanta
into an aspect of courier service has re-
sulted in subpoenas, according to Donald
A. Kinkaid, chief, Antitrust Div. field of-
Kinkaid said a grand jury has been
looking into time-critical transportation of
nonvaluable items, which he defined as
canceled checks or computer print-outs
connected with banking activities. Kin-
kaid said airlines were secondary in the
investigation, and it was not clear how
carriers were involved in the case.
The joint investigation of computerized
reservations systems, primarily Ameri-
can's Sabre and United Airlines' Apollo
systems, is focusing on lease costs and
conditions of a lease that may inhibit com-
petition, charges for cohosts and whether
charges discriminate against other airlines
or are designed to inhibit competition, and
display of schedules and fares of cohost
airlines and other carriers and whether
there is discrimination against either class-
es of carriers (Aw&ST Jan. 10, p. 26).
Frontier Airlines has charged that Unit-
ed Airlines was unfair and uncompetitive
in the use of its system at Denver (Aw&ST
Feb. 7, p. 31).
Justice Dept.'s earlier position on a
common automated reservations system,
first advocated by the Air Transport
Assn., Air Traffic Conference and 11 air-
lines in 1969, was negative.
The agency said the computer operation
by ATAR Computer System, Inc., "calls
for a collective boycott of ATAR's com-
petitors and presents ATAR with a mo-
nopoly of this market. A monopoly of
airline reservations systems would sub-
stantially restrain trade in connection with
air transportation and other lines of com-
merce. Competition among airlines in de-
veloping better reservation systems would
be precluded. The ability of travel agents
to choose among reservation service
equipment and reservation service sellers
would be ended. All suppliers of equip-
ment used for reservation services but one
would be foreclosed from this market. All
operators of reservation service systems
but one would be foreclosed from the
market. An agreement with these effects
would contravene Sections 1 and 2 of the
Sherman Act." ^
30 Aviation Week & Space Technoloav. March 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Air Florida has rescinded 80 of 104 fur-
lough notices to flight attendants as traffic
prospects to Europe have improved. The
carrier will add two McDonnell Douglas
DC-10s to the fleet for new European
service in early May (Aw&sT Mar. 21,
p. 28). Furloughs went into effect for 24
attendants and 36 pilots on Mar. 13.
Continental Airlines will increase its gates
at Stapleton Airport, Denver, from 14 to
24. Six gates are being acquired from
Western Airlines and four others will be
included in new facilities at the airport.
Frontier Airlines will suspend temporarily
its flights between the U. S. and the Mexi-
can cities of Ixtapa, Guadalajara and
Manzanillo, effective May 1. The carrier
said the three markets had shown low
demand. Service will continue to Maza-
tlan and Puerto Vallarta from Denver via
Albuquerque, N. M., and El Paso, Tex.
Midway Airlines will return to two-tier
peak and off-peak pricing on Apr. 1 and
will revise its schedule with a temporary
suspension of flights to Tampa on Apr.
18, reduction of service to Omaha from
three to two flights a day and the addition
of one round trip per day from Chicago to
Minneapolis/St. Paul and to Columbus,
Ohio, on Apr. 24.
Ozark Air Lines has started two round
trips a day between St. Louis and Char-
lotte, S. C., via Louisville. Afternoon non-
stops to Cleveland, Louisville and New
Orleans have been added, with evening
return trips from Cleveland and Louisville
and a morning return from New Orleans.
Pan American World Airways will add a
daily flight from Kansas City on Apr. 24
that will connect with Cincinnati and JFK
International, New York, where service to
26 international destinations is available.
Swissair scheduled replacement of Mc-
Donnell Douglas DC-10-30s with Boeing
747s on its Chicago-Boston-Zurich service
on Mar. 27.
Trans World Airlines will resume daily
one-stop service to Vienna under'a service
agreement with Austrian Airlines, effective
Apr. 24. Trans World will operate Boeing
747s from New York to Frankfurt, and
Austrian will operate McDonnell Douglas
DC-9-80s from there to Vienna as TWA
Flight 740.
United Airlines will add three daily
round-trip flights between LaGuardia and
O'Hare airports on Apr. 24, increasing its
seats in the O'Hare-New York market to
3,908 daily, which includes five trips to
Newark and three to JFK International.
Greater head-to-head competition between U. S. majors and regionals is
expected this year. New twin-engine, short-haul aircraft are entering the
fleets of American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and Trans World Airlines and
will be put into service in selective markets that feed hubs and long-haul
flights. In turn, regional airlines are expected to enter selected long-haul
Lufthansa German Airlines is scheduled to put into service six of 25 Airbus
Industrie A310 short-to-medium-haul transports this year, starting in April.
Plans call for the A310, configured with 18 first-class and 193 economy-
class seats, to be used on routes from Frankfurt to London, Vienna, Paris,
Madrid, Athens, Istanbul and Cairo. The airline estimates that operations
with a two-man cockpit crew instead of a three-man crew will save about
$240,000 annually for each aircraft. Lufthansa will receive its final A310 in
U. S. airlines are offering special SuperSaver fares with no minimum stay
restrictions to persons who qualify to attend conventions. Information on
fares and special services are included in convention brochures. Those who
qualify must give a code number to identify themselves with the airlines.
American Airlines has established a Meeting Services Desk and a toll-free
telephone number, where passengers may reserve a seat, obtain tickets,
select a seat and order a meal. Republic Airlines offers 30% off regular
coach fare levels, or lower fares if available, as does American.
.Japan's Ministry of Transport is looking favorably at the application by
Japan Cargo Airlines to provide cargo service between Japan and the U. S.,
but approval is being withheld until the market improves. The ministry
foresees steady growth in both mid- and long-term forecasts. Japan Air
Lines opposes the application and was joined recently by the Federation of
Labor of Japan. The labor group, representing employees of subcontractor
companies of Japan Air Lines' cargo service, said another cargo carrier in
the market would generate excessive competition and cause an employment
crisis. The cargo airline was formed in 1978 by All Nippon Airways and
four shipping firms. Initial service would link Tokyo, San Francisco and
New York.
The U. S. has issued 2 million machine-readable passports and is introduc-
ing automatic readers as an experiment at O'Hare International Airport,
Chicago. Automated equipment has been installed at London's Heathrow
and Gatwick airports and at the Dover, England, Harbor, and it is linked
to a central computer. Ten nations in the European Economic Community
are planning to produce uniform passports under International Civil Avia-
tion Organization specifications by Jan. 1, 1985.
Massachusetts Port Authority is attempting to get Congress to make
Boston's Logan International Airport a foreign trade zone as part of a
$200-million Bird Islands Flats development program that includes con-
struction of a new $130-million Massachusetts Technology Center and a
$70-million air cargo complex. Foreign trade zones are created by Congress
to stimulate international trade by exempting products entering the jurisdic-
tion from import duties, excise taxes and bonding costs.
Frontier Airlines will begin offering free ground transportation between
Denver's Stapleton Airport and hotels in Boulder and in Fort Collins,
Colo., on May 1 in its own fleet of eight 19-passenger vans. A total of 150
round trips a week are timed with Frontier's connecting banks of flight
departures and arrivals.
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NTSB Cites Wind Shear
In New Or/ears Accident
Washington-National Transportation
Safety Board last week recommended that
the Federal Aviation Administration im-
prove its airport weather and wind shear
alert systems after an investigation deter-
mined the probable cause of the Pan
American World Airways Boeing 727-235
crash at New Orleans International Air-
port on July 9, 1982, was a wind shear
caused by a microburst (Aw&ST July 19,
1982, p. 32).
The safety board said the aircraft en-
countered the wind shear during liftoff
and initial climb on its scheduled flight to
Las Vegas. The downdraft and decreasing
headwind led to the crash that killed 145
persons on the aircraft, including seven
crewmembers and a nonrevenue passenger
in the cockpit jump seat. Eight persons on
the ground also were killed (Aw&ST Sept.
20, 1982, p. 30).
Limited Technology
Contributing to the crash, which oc-
curred 29 sec. after start of the takeoff
roll, was the "limited capability" of exist-
ing airport wind shear detection technol-
ogy to "provide definitive guidance for
controllers and pilots for use in avoiding
low-level wind shear encounters," the
board ruled.
The board said the decision of the 727-
235 captain to take off was "reasonable"
given the weather information he had re-
ceived and found that the copilot, who
was flying the aircraft, "would have had
difficulty" recognizing the effects of the
wind shear and reacting in time before the
aircraft's descent could have been stopped.
The safety board incorporated 14 safety
recommendations in its report, including:
^ Improvement of airport wind shear
alert systems.
^ Better information requirements for
pilots' takeoff decisions.
^ Improved wind shear pilot training.
^ Expedited development of airborne
wind shear detection equipment.
^ Further research into the effects
heavy rain on aircraft performance.
The NTSB investigation found that the
New Orleans wind shear alert system did
not detect the shear that the Pan Ameri-
can flight encountered until after it had
begun its takeoff.
An air traffic controller's advisory,
which was based on the shear, was broad-
cast to another aircraft 2 sec. after the
Pan American 727-235 had already struck
trees after its takeoff.
A sensor of the New Orleans low-level
that Pan American Flight 759 lifted off at
4:08:40 p. m. from Runway 10, climbed to
wind shear alert system west of the ap-
proach end of Runway 10 had been van-
dalized and was inoperative when the
New Orleans system was commissioned in
December, 1979, and on the day of the
accident, the Board's investigation found.
The New Orleans alert system was one
of 58 then operational in the U. S. Its
sensors and computers provided control-
lers with airport sector wind velocities and
directions to relay to pilots. But the board
said the information would have been
"more meaningful" to pilots if it were
presented as headwind, tailwind or cross-
wind shear vectors for the runway being
Existing systems' computers could be
modified to provide the specific informa-
tion, according to the board.
It added that recent work with airborne
wind shear detection systems has demon-
strated that the systems can "improve pi-
lot performance in wind shear."
However, the systems are limited in
their ability to predict wind shear soon
enough. "Programs must be pressed to
develop airborne and ground systems with
greater lead time predictive capabilities,"
the board said.
The NTSB investigation determined
Wind Shear Study
Washington-Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration last week awarded a $275,000
contract to the National Academy of Sci-
ences to conduct a three-month study of
low-level wind shear and its effect on air-
The contract calls for the establishment
of a joint committee composed of two
panels that will study low-level wind vari-
ables and aircraft performance and opera-
The low-level wind shear panel will re-
view current techniques used to determine
and track wind shear and will recommend
a series of changes to improve the FAA's
ability in predicting the weather phenome-
The aircraft performance panel will re-
view the vulnerability of aircraft operating
in wind shear conditions and recommend
changes when necessary in operational
The study was mandated by Congress
last year after the crash of the Pan Ameri-
can World Airways Boeing 727-235 air-
craft July 9, 1982, at New Orleans
International Airport.
and then began to descend. The aircraft
struck three trees 2,376 ft. beyond the
departure end of the runway in a slightly
left-wing-low attitude. The impact point
in the trees was 50 ft. above ground level.
The time at impact was 4:09:01 p. in.
The aircraft then struck a second group
of trees about 300 ft. farther east in a 6-
deg. left bank. The 727-235 continued to
roll into a vertical left bank and struck the
ground, left wing tip first. The impact
swath ended 4,610 ft. from the departure
end of the runway and 400 ft. to the left
of its extended centerline.
The impact, explosion and post-crash
fire destroyed the aircraft and six houses.
Five other houses were severely damaged.
The investigation found that special
weather observation at the airport record-
ed an overcast at 4,100 ft., with visibility
of 2 mi. Heavy rain showers, haze and
winds gusting to 20 kt. were reported.
The National Weather Service radar
was showing weather cells over and be-
yond the departure end of the runway
when the aircraft took off. Three wind
shear advisories radioed by air traffic con-
trol shortly before takeoff had been re-
ceived by the flight crew, including one in
response to their request for wind infor-
mation. The takeoff was made in increas-
ingly heavy rain, but there was no thunder
or lightning before or during liftoff.
Decreasing Headwind
Between the time of the liftoff and the
time the aircraft reached the treeline, the
aircraft experienced a decreasing head-
wind shear of about 38 kt. and a 7 fps.
downdraft at 100 ft. above ground level.
"The wind shear was caused by diverging
flow from a microburst which occurred on
the New Orleans International Airport,"
the safety board concluded.
The 38-kt. wind shear decreased the air-
speed of the aircraft by about 18 kt.
The safety board estimated that the co-
pilot had about 6 sec. to react to the wind
shear, raise the aircraft's nose and add all
available engine power to prevent de-
scending into the trees. An 18-kt. accel-
eration and leveling of the aircraft in the
last 5-6 sec. before the initial tree impact
indicated that the copilot. "had probably
reacted and was applying corrective ac-
tion," the board said.
The copilot's correction of the 727-
235's settling toward the ground "equalled
the response which could be expected un-
der the prevailing conditions," the board
"It appeared that all that was occurring
at the time was rain showers," the safety
board added. "Company [Pan American]
directives did not preclude the captain
from taking off in these circum-
stances." O
32 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Best of all, the sensors are mounted
above the rotor to let the OH-58D Aeroscout
remain behind tree and ridge lines. Only a
steerable, ball-shaped housing over the
optical systems is exposed to hostile eyes.
The new sight is the result of research
started in 197 5. In the years since, the stabili-
zation system has passed more than 300
hours of Army laboratory tests and 100 hours
of Army evaluation flying.
The sensors chosen for the Bell Heli-
copter Aeroscout include telescopic TV and
FLIR thermal imaging systems.
The Mast-Mounted Sight is now being
readied for full-scale production as part of
the Army Helicopter Improvement Program,
and for other projects requiring sensor instal-
lations in high vibration environments.
Turn the page to see an enemy's eye
view of an Aeroscout crew.
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Army OH-58D Aeroscout crews will soon see
without being seen, day or night, through
weather or battlefield smoke or haze, thanks
to the Mast-Mounted Sight from McDonnell
Douglas. And they will see better than they
ever could before.
New precision optics and aiming systems
are "soft-mounted" to minimize jitter and
vibration on images viewed in the cockpit.
The optics will increase stand-off capability,
see more targets and remarkably improve
control and distribution of fire.
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Army OH-58D Aeroscout crews will soon see
without being seen, day or night, through
weather or battlefield smoke or haze, thanks
to the Mast-Mounted Sight from McDonnell
Douglas. And they will see better than they
ever could before.
New precision optics and aiming systems
are "soft-mounted" to minimize jitter and
vibration on images viewed in the cockpit.
The optics will increase stand-off capability,
see more targets and remarkably improve
control and distribution of fire.
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Best of all, the sensors are mounted
above the rotor to let the OH-58D Aeroscout
remain behind tree and ridge lines. Only a
steerable, ball-shaped housing over the
optical systems is exposed to hostile eyes.
The new sight is the result of research
started in 197 5. In the years since, the stabili-
zation system has passed more than 300
hours of Army laboratory tests and 100 hours
of Army evaluation flying.
The sensors chosen for the Bell Heli-
copter Aeroscout include telescopic TV and
FLIR thermal imaging systems.
The Mast-Mounted Sight is now being
readied for full-scale production as part of
the Army Helicopter Improvement Program,
and for other projects requiring sensor instal-
lations in high vibration environments.
Turn back a page to see an Aeroscout
crew hide while they seek.
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Piedmont Airlines' hub at Dayton International Airport is an example of a connecting bank in operation. The hub serves eight Middle West mar-
kets and connects them with East Coast and Florida markets and Dallas/Ft. Worth-.
Piedmont Expanding Hubs
To Baltimore/Washington
Winston-Salem, N. C.-Piedmont Airlines
is bringing its regional hub-and-spoke phi-
losophy, which emphasizes service to mar-
kets deregulation left out, to Bal-
timore/Washington International Airport,
setting the stage for an expanded route
system that will link its three hubs.
Baltimore operations should account
for much of the 18% capacity gain expect-
ed by the end of the. year. Nine Boeing
737-200s and six Boeing 727-200s are
coming into the fleet in 1983. William F.
Howard, president and chief operating of-
ficer, said the aircraft may not be suffi-
cient to meet expansion demands. He is
reviewing aircraft buys with that in mind.
Starting in August, Piedmont plans four
connecting banks of seven flights each at
Baltimore. The plan calls for 12 flights in
each bank by the end of the year.
The State of Maryland, the airport op-
erator, is financing a $21-million, 12-gate
complex for Piedmont and is negotiating
with the carrier on a quantity discount on
landing fees.
From Baltimore, Piedmont will be able
to make deeper penetration of Middle At-
lantic and northeastern U. S. regions-
and eastern Canada if the Canadian gov-
ernment permits.
The carrier is preparing a-new schedule
for the Baltimore hub that should be
ready 30-60 days before the August start-
up. Details are not complete at this time,
but these elements have emerged:
^ Piedmont will link its hubs at Char-
lotte, N. C., and Dayton, Ohio, with the
new hub at Baltimore to provide connect-
ing services to cities served by each hub.
^ Service to Canada from Baltimore is
in Piedmont's plans, but U. S. and Cana-
dian bilateral discussions have not re-
solved the issue.
^ The Middle Atlantic region offers
some potential for short-haul service, and
there are a number of underserved cities
in New York state that could connect
with the new hub.
Howard said the expansion is trans.
forming Piedmont "from a local service
carrier to a major regional airline." But
the carrier's operating philosophy will not
change. "We are providing air transporta-
tion for medium-size cities," he said. "We
are finding underserved cities and serving
them with small jets."
Howard calls Piedmont's strategy un-
conventional, because the carrier has de-
liberately bypassed large, traditional hubs
and focused service on underserved com-
munities. Many such communities are im-
mune from competition since, standing
alone, they do not generate sufficient traf-
fic to warrant regular jet service.
Piedmont has applied its hub-and-spoke
system to medium-size markets that in
many cases lost service since passage of
the Airline Deregulation Act. Larger air-
lines withdrew from many losing and mar-
ginally profitable routes in the post-
deregulation period and focused more on
high-density longer hauls between their
own hubs.
While many U. S. carriers have in-
curred losses in this period, Piedmont has
thrived, and much credit is given to the
carrier's route and pricing strategies.
Operating profits rose from $7 million
in 1978 to $21.3 million in 1979, $28.6
million in 1980, $57.2 million in 1981, and
declined to $23.8 million in 1982 under
the influence of discount fare wars.
The carrier's first hub at Charlotte will
have grown by next month to 122 depar-
tures a day, and its hub at Dayton,
opened in 1982, is advancing toward
100,000 available seat miles each month.
Piedmont's hub operation, character-
ized by tight scheduling of flights and
quick turnaround of aircraft, enables the
carrier to provide a multitude of destina-
tions to passengers who may be boarding
at the end of any of its routes. The carrier
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 35
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NTSB Chief Warm on Pac
In Restoring A TC C as a~ oloes
Washington-National Transportation Safety
Board Chairman Jim Burnett has warned that
the Federal Aviation Administration pace for
reestablishing the nation's air traffic control
system in the aftermath of the 1981 air traf-
fic controllers strike may be too quick and
could lead to accidents.
Burnett said the FAA should consider slow-
ing down its push to lift all flight restrictions
to prestrike levels in April. While the national
airspace system is safe, he said, problems
could surface if traffic levels rise too fast.
He said the FAA's first priority in returning
the system to safety levels before the strike
should be to get air traffic control supervisors
away from filling in for controllers and back
into strictly supervisory roles to provide back-
up and support for newly trained controllers.
A second priority for the FAA would be to
cut back on long hours for controllers and get
them to work normal 40-hr. weeks, according
to Burnett.
The NTSB official said, "We're not saying
the sky is falling," but traffic levels should be
raised to match the pace of controllers' skills.
The FAA said earlier this year it was lifting
air traffic control restrictions on airline and
general aviation traffic in most parts of the
country by the fall.
FAA Administrator J. Lynn Helms said the
air traffic control system is handling slightly
more than 90% of the traffic levels registered
before the August, 1981, strike and is ex-
pected to return to 100% by April (Aw&ST
Feb. 7, p. 35).
Burnett told the House Public Works and
has restricted the schedule for a connect-
ing bank of flights at its hubs to 30-40-
min. in order to allow passengers to
change aircraft and avoid a lengthy
ground delay. An advantage for a passen-
ger in a Piedmont hub is that all aircraft
are parked at the Piedmont complex. Only
a short walk is required to board another
From the airline's standpoint, the con-
centration of flights at a particular time
serves the carrier's need to build up traffic
flow. The traffic is, in effect, funneled
from other markets through the hub,
which allows the carrier to serve markets
that the hub cities alone could not serve.
Howard uses the example of Charlotte-
Dallas/Ft. Worth, one of Piedmont's first
successful long-haul routes from the Char-
lotte hub.
"Everyone thought we would lose, but
the feed from other cities built the traffic
flow at Charlotte and now we have four
nonstops a day," he said.
The pattern of connecting flights at
each hub allows passengers involved in
the hub-and-spoke system to depart in the
morning and return at night from nearly
all points on the carrier's system, Howard
Expanding the hub.-and-spoke concept,
particularly in a recessionary economy,
had elements of a risk, Howard said, but
Piedmont's strong financial position en-
abled it to take advantage of other air-
lines' reversals.
The carrier was in a position to pur-
chase facilities, take over leases and trade
airport slots from carriers that were ready
to do business.
Over the last 15-18 months Piedmont
has added new facilities at Dallas/Ft.
Worth, Boston, Charlotte, Raleigh-Dur-
ham, Greensboro, Miami, Orlando, Tam-
pa, Dayton, Denver and Houston largely
with internally generated funds.
J. Leonard Martin, vice president, pas-
senger services, said Piedmont favors the
Reengined DC-3 Aircraft Ordered
Los Angeles-First production United States Aircraft Corp./Douglas DC-3 aircraft
equipped with Pratt & Whitney of Canada PT6A-45R turboprop engines has been'
ordered by a U. S. regional operator for combined passenger and cargo revenue service.
The purchase agreement also includes an option to lease or purchase the company's
demonstrator aircraft.
The initial production aircraft-to be delivered in July-will accommodate 18 passen-
gers in a forward passenger compartment and palletized cargo in the aft two-thirds of
the cabin.
Supplemental 800-gal. fuel tanks will be installed in the outer wing panels, doubling
the aircraft's standard 800-gal. fuel capacity.
A DC-3 fitted with the turboprop engines has completed 102 hr. of flight testing since
last August (Aw&ST Aug. 2, 1982, p. 32; May 31, 1982, p. 23). It is expected to receive
a Federal Aviation Administration supplemental type certificate this spring.
Formerly based at Van Nuys Airport, United States Aircraft recently moved to larger
facilities at nearby Burbank Airport.
Transportation aviation subcommittee re-
cently that dealings with the FAA have be-
come "tougher" in the last several years.
"There are some signs the FAA is not being as
responsive to recommendations as it used to
be," he said.
In contrast with 1981, when the FAA
adopted 93% of NTSB recommendations, the
FAA only adopted 73% last year, he said,
adding that the FAA also has been slow in
responding to the Board about whether it
accepts or rejects recommendations.
"For example, the FAA has delayed a final
decision on the Board-recommended changes
in the operational procedures used by Boeing
737 flightcrews," he said. "The agency has
advised the Board that any action on this
recommendation must await completion of
further wind tunnel tests on the Boeing 737.
We intend to keep pressing on these recom-
mendations and several others, all of which
the Board considers important."
Burnett said the FAA also was dragging its
long-term lease for airport properties. At
the medium-size airports where Piedmont
serves, long-term leases are required be-
cause the airports have "no way to raise
capital to expand. They need the carriers'
backing," he said.
Piedmont sought and obtained "risk-
sharing" by operators at Dayton and Bal-
timore and continues to negotiate for a
quantity discount on landing fees.
Dayton airport expanded its northeast
concourse, added a deck level and pro-
duced the 11-gate complex with 11 load-
ing bridges. Approximately 450,000 sq. ft.
of ramp space was added.
The $12-million Dayton project was fi-
nanced through general obligation bonds
issued by the city, and airport revenue
Piedmont will increase its gates at this
complex, from seven to nine Apr. 24.
The landing fees issue remains unre-
solved, according to J. R. Wood, director
of aviation for the City of Dayton.
Piedmont has proposed that the quanti-
ty discount go into effect when daily land-
ings exceed the highest level so far
achieved by a carrier to avoid complica-
tions with carrier contracts.
Wood said the proposal, still being dis-
cussed, is stymied because the airport has
found "no legal way to do it."
Piedmont's presence at Dayton has in-
creased operations after enplanements de-
clined by 17% in the aftermath of
deregulation, the strike by air traffic con-
trollers and, lately, recent offering of deep-
ly discounted fares by People Express at
Columbus, Ohio.
Since Piedmont's arrival at Dayton, air-
line seats offered by carriers have risen
48% over 1980, and operations are "back
up to where they ought to be," he said.
The Baltimore hub will be bigger than
36 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
heels on an NTSB recommendation to install
digital flight data recorders on all aircraft to
monitor new avionics and equipment sys-
tems. The new data recorders would measure
and monitor 11 parameters compared with
only five for current flight recorders.
He said the U. S. was falling behind many
'European nations in aircraft accident investi-
gative techniques because of slowness in
adopting new technological tools such as digi-
tal recorders.
Lack of the digital recorders in all commer-
cial aircraft is "undermining" safety efforts in
the U. S., Burnett claimed.
Burnett said a series of budget cuts in
recent years had restricted NTSB activities
because of a lack of manpower. "Like other
agencies, the board has taken its share of
budget cuts," he said. "In view of our unusual-
ly small size, these cuts went beyond any fat
that we may have had and cut right into our
The NTSB had 401 employees in February,
1980, according to Burnett. By October,
1982, the board was down to only 292 em-
ployees-a reduction in staffing of 27%.
"While the Board managed to continue its
priority investigations during this period, it
was not done without sacrifice," he said. "We
were forced to issue less reports, less recom-
mendations, and delay the initiation of a fol-
low-up study of the air traffic control system
since the Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Organization strike."
The cutback in personnel led to delays in
issuing reports, which climbed from 8.6
months in 1981 to 20.7 months.
He said the Board is asking Congress to
approve a three-year reauthorization request
that would authorize the Board $22.6 million
in Fiscal 1984, climb to $24.5 million, in
Fiscal 1985 and culminate with an authoriza-
tion of $26.1 million in Fiscal 1986.
The reauthorization would permit the NTSB
to hire an additional 31 persons in Fiscal
1984, including 22 more technical experts.
the Dayton hub. There will be one more
gate in the complex.
Piedmont cites the Baltimore/Washing-
ton area's population of 5.2 million as an
asset. Traffic at Baltimore/Washington
International airport increased 20% in
1982 over 1981. Airport officials antici-
pate a positive impact from Piedmont's
"We have a fair number of short-haul
markets that are poorly served," T. James
Truby, state aviation administrator, said.
Piedmont's traffic also may increase be-
cause of the airport's international connec-
tions and the proximity of the Washington
suburbs in Maryland to the airport, Truby
Piedmont expects to hire 140-150 new
pilots in 1983 and at least 35-40 pilots in
1984 even if no new aircraft are pur-
The earrier has hired 100 pilots who
came from Braniff International Airways,
which filed for bankruptcy in 1982, and
30 other former Braniff pilots are now in
Piedmont classes. Average age of new pi-
lots is 40-41 years, with' 11,000-12,000 fly-
ing hours.
Howard is pleased with the perfor-
mance of the Boeing 727-200s that the
carrier has acquired from Delta Air Lines.
Piedmont paid $4.7 million each for 11
aircraft, which were modified by Delta.
The carrier invested $700,000 in new
equipment for each aircraft, representing a
unit total cost of $5.2 million.
"Call them gas-guzzlers if you will,"
Howard said, but the $5.2-million invest-
ment when compared with the cost of new
aircraft, is spent wisely as long as fuel
prices remain stable, he said.
Piedmont's Boeing 727-200s are
equipped with digital avionics, color radar
and new interiors in a 164-seat configura-
tion. The aircraft will remain economical-
ly feasible for Piedmont as long as fuel
remains below $1.60/gal., Howard said.
"I won't say we won't buy new technol-
ogy aircraft," the president said, "The 757
is not that much bigger than the 727, and
the difference in passenger appeal is essen-
tially zero."
Howard said senior vice presidents for
finance like the new-generation aircraft
because they offer lower fuel costs. Carri-
_0ers at this stage must "balance fuel sav-
ings against ownership costs," he added.
Piedmont has discussed the Boeing 737-
200, now priced at $16 million, he said,
and has looked into the Boeing 737-300
and 400, priced at $28-30 million.
"The price for the derivatives troubles
us, particularly at current interest rates,"
he said.
Piedmont is careful about its pricing
levels when in competition with other car-
riers and also when discounts at certain
markets begin to have an effect on other
The carrier in early March reduced
fares from Wilmington, N. C., to levels
charged at Raleigh/Durham. Fare levels
had been lower at Raleigh/Durham,
which attracted passengers who drove
from Wilmington and other Carolinas
towns to get the lower fares.
Piedmont has common-rated fares at
other points as well.
Howard said Piedmont at first opposed
deregulation and altered its position to
pro-deregulation largely because officials
believed there was little that could be
done against the deregulation tide:
"Deregulation can work, though it has
been traumatic for many airlines," How-
ard said. "We have four years of deregula-
tion and four years of deregulation
pricing, but only in a downside economy.
When the economy turns, there will be a
better chance for improved yield. Load
factors will go up and much of the urge to
use discounts will diminish." ^
World Shifts to One Class in Scheduled Service
Washington-World Airways is eliminating its first-class and business sections and
focusing on one-class scheduled service at competitive fares that offers a wider scope of
coach amenities than before.
The one-class service, called Ultra Service, is one step in a 1983 operating plan,
formulated by World management after consultations with an employee Forward Look
The carrier plan involves expansion to include nonstop Baltimore-Frankfurt service
four days a week starting Apr. 21 and Oakland-Newark-Baltimore service daily that will
connect with Frankfurt flights, and a new market in the fall.
W. P. Jamieson, vice president, marketing and sales, said the operating plan calls for
economic recovery of the carrier by mid-1983.
The carrier is seeking yield improvement but will remain competitive in price and
service, he said.
World has identified its market as "the, leisure passenger, VFR-Visiting Friends and
Relatives-the young and old, and the cost-conscious businessman," Jamieson said.
Other classes of service, such as Executive 1 for businessmen, were profitable only in
the fall season, he said. These classes have been eliminated to provide improved coach
service, he added.
World is reconfiguring five McDonnell Douglas DC-10s used in scheduled service to
carry 350 passengers at 34-in. and in some cases 35-in. pitch seats.
New cabin interiors with increased carry-on baggage room are being installed.
Other amenities include one-stop airport check-in, choice of three entrees, theme
cocktails, free wine, hot towels, baby change facilities, inflight electronic games for
children and films on the destination of the aircraft.
Jamieson said 100 furloughed flight attendants and cockpit crews worked without
pay for a period to promote World's new services with travel agents. Their efforts were a
factor in the carrier's meeting its January and February goals in its 1983 profit plan, the
vice president said.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 37
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Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
By Philip J. Klass
r ~
ancels VOA Weather Praaram
Washington-Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration has canceled a planned demonstra-
tion of a technique to transmit ground
weather radar imagery to general aviation
aircraft via VOR stations, delaying the
operational availability of such service by
at least 10 years.
The technique was first demonstrated in
Ohio, and a more extensive demonstra-
tion-evaluation had been planned for this
summer (Aw&sT Nov. 16, 1981, p. 89).
FAA Administrator J. Lynn Helms ter-
minated the program despite a recent re-
port submitted to him by general aviation
and business aircraft operators that rec-
ommended efforts to alert pilots more
promptly to severe storms.
Data Feed
In the canceled demonstration, storm
data from U. S. Weather Service ground
radar would have been fed to several VOR
stations, probably in the Washington,
D. C., area, and broadcast over the little-
used voice channel, together with surface
weather observations from airports in the
Aircraft equipped with a small cockpit
printer-adapter connected to the output of
the aircraft's VOR receiver would print
out a replica of the weather radar imagery
showing both severity and location of
The pilot can select several different dis-
play scale factors ranging from 30 X 30
naut. mi. to 256 X 256 naut. mi. Or the
pilot can print out surface weather data.
Cost analyses performed earlier by gen-
eral aviation avionics companies indicated
that the airborne equipment needed to
provide the new service could be priced at
around $2,000 in production quantities.
Mitre Corp., which developed the ex-
perimental hardware used in the demon-
stration in Ohio, recently informed the
FAA that it had enough funds in its exist-
ing contract to build a dozen units that
could be employed in the planned demon-
stration and sought agency approval to do
The necessary modems required to
modify three VOR stations to broadcast
the weather radar imagery also were avail-
able, having been built for the Ohio dem-
Mitre recently demonstrated a function-
ally similar terminal that could be used by
fixed-base operators to provide pilots with
television-type display and a print-out of
weather radar imagery and surface obser-
The Mitre terminal, which uses a com-
mercially available Osborne personal com-
puter and a small printer, would cost
about $2,000, according to James P. Kel-
ley, Mitre project engineer.
Kelley said a pilot with a personal com-
puter in his home also could program it to
perform the necessary processing of
weather radar imagery obtained over con-
ventional telephone lines.
Helms' decision to terminate the pro-
gram was based on a "lack of support
from the operational side of the house,"
one FAA official said.
"They felt that such a display might
lure general aviation pilots into entering
areas that appeared to have less precipita-
tion echo than others," the official said.
He said the FAA eventually plans to
transmit ground weather radar data to
aircraft cockpits via its Mode-S data link,
if requested by a pilot whose aircraft is
appropriately equipped.
Northwest Shows Profit, Republic a Loss
Northwest Airlines recorded an $8.375-million operating loss and a $5.019-million net
profit for 1982, while Republic Airlines recorded a $37.223-million operating profit for
the year but a net loss of $39.8-million due in part to $100.7 million in interest expense.
The carriers' financial reports increase the net losses for nine U. S. majors to $588
million for the year (AW&ST Feb. 14, p. 29).
Comparison of reports of individual carriers by year and by fourth quarter are as
^ Northwest-$1.877-billion revenues, up 1.3%; $1.885-billion expenses, up
1.8%. Loss on interest expense, $7.216 million; gain from disposal of property,
$12.425 million, and gain from other income, $3.854 million. For the fourth quarter,
$473-million revenues, up 8.2%; $487.9-million expenses, up 8.7%; $14.93-million
operating loss and a $2.57-million net loss.
^ Republic-$1.530-billion revenues, up 1%; $1.493-billion expenses, up 4%.
Interest expense, less capitalized interest, $100.7 million, down from $108.36 million
in 1981, and total expenses of $1.570 billion, up from $1.494 billion in 1981. For the
fourth quarter, $348.5-million revenues, up 2%; $378.8-million expenses, up 4%;
$30.28-million operating loss and a $27.32-million net loss.
He acknowledged that because of the
limited amount of data that can be trans-
mitted to an aircraft via the Mode-S data
link during a single scan of the ground
interrogator beam, it would be necessary
to transmit only the contours of severe
weather areas to provide the information
in a timely manner.
The FAA expects to be able to obtain
such severe-weather contours from its cen-
tral weather processor when that system
becomes operational "in the late 1980s"
the official said.
However, Mode-S surveillance and data
link coverage down to 6,000 ft. altitude
over the continental U. S. is not expected
to be achieved before the year 2000, ac-
cording to the present FAA schedule, the
official said.
Nationwide Coverage
Those who favor the VOR-broadcast
technique for ground weather radar claim
the FAA could have nationwide coverage
before 1990, and that user equipment
could be on the market several years be-
fore that date.
In response to the FAA view that the
new service might have an adverse effect
on general aviation safety, proponents
point to the results of limited tests con-
ducted by Ohio University's Avionics En-
gineering Center during the summer of
In a report on those tests, published
this past December, Richard H. McFar-
land said the cockpit weather dissemina-
tion system "was found capable of
providing radar reflectivity patterns which
were used by pilots to adjust their flight
paths and thus avoid turbulent areas.
"The synoptic view available from the
radar located in Columbus, Ohio, gave the
pilots a perspective that is not even avail-
able from on-board weather radar,"
McFarland continued. "This was found to
be a significant advantage in maximizing
the efficiency of the flights and minimiz-
ing the discomfort to the crews and pas-
McFarland added that while the tests
had emphasized general aviation-type op-
erations, "the results are directly applica-
ble to commercial and military oper-
Of the 16 pilots who participated in the
test, McFarland said, "some were very
"At the very least, the respondents felt
it offered a useful service.... there were
no negative responses from participants
concerning the appropriateness of such a
device for improving safety of flight,"
McFarland continued. ^
38 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Aeronautical Engineering
PW4000 Uses /T9D, New. Technology
East Hartford, Conn.-Development of
the Pratt & Whitney PW4000 family of
turbofan engines is based on experience
gained from the JT9D series of engines,
technologies developed from the PW2037
program and new design improvements to
provide a series of new technology engines
in the 48,000-60,000-lb.-thrust class.
Many detailed component changes were
necessary to achieve PW4000 engine econ-
omy, maintainability and performance
gains over the JT9D large turbofan en-
gines. The PW4000 is designed for new
versions of the Boeing 747 and 767, for
Airbus Industrie A300-600 and A310 air-
craft, and for retrofit on current JT9D-
7R4 powered aircraft (Aw&sT Dec. 13,
1982, p. 24).
Pratt & Whitney management has de-
termined that the demand for large com-
mercial engines is the strongest segment of
the market and wanted a new technology
engine to meet the anticipated need. Man-
agers estimate 8,000-10,000 transport air-
craft will be ordered over the next 20
i ,_~ r
Cross sections of the Pratt & Whitney PW4000 turbofan engine
(bottom half) and the latest version of the JT9D-7R4G (top half,
tinted) are compared. The PW4000 has the same dimensions and
attach points as the JT9D to allow use with common installations and
support equipment. Simplified construction reduces the number of
parts and stiffens the structure in the fan and low-pressure compres-
sor support drum (A). The core and bypass air splitter (B) is moved
back to reduce particle ingestion. An additional bearing (C) stiffens
years and that 60% will be wide-body
aircraft requiring large turbofan engines.
Design of the PW4000 began more than
a year before the program's announce-
ment last December, Pratt & Whitney en-
gineers were given a clean sheet of paper
from the start of engine design, according
to Karl M. Thomas, senior vice president,
Commercial Products Div.
"The PW4000 started with ideas from
the energy efficient engine [E3] program
that were put into practice on the
PW2037 and refined for the PW4000," he
The design group decided early that a
new design and not an improved JT9D-
7R4 was needed to provide an engine with
the desired fuel economy and thrust im-
"The JT9D could have been made to
reach 60,000 lb. of thrust, but we needed
increased engine life, reliability and lower
operating costs. With all of the changes
needed to accomplish this, we decided we
might as well make a new engine," Wil-
~ I M m ~ T T 1
Liam Robertson, vice president, JT9D and
PW4000 series for Pratt & Whitney, said.
Improvements in the PW4000 were de-
signed to increase fuel efficiency, reduce
maintenance and lower ownership costs
over the JT9D-7R4. Fuel efficiency was
improved by increasing engine rotational
speed by 27%, doubling engine stiffness,
improving compressor aerodynamics, re-
ducing turbine cooling by 26% and using
an electronic engine control.
Pratt & Whitney expects maintenance
requirements to be reduced 25% in an
engine with half as many parts as the
JT9D. Fewer parts and larger castings
used in the engine cases and diffuser sec-
tion also will reduce the engine's assembly
time, Robertson said.
Pratt & Whitney designed the PW4000
to fit existing JT9D-7R4 installations to
further reduce costs. To meet this require-
ment, the engine has the same fan case
diameter, overall length and mounting
points as the JT9D-7R4. This commonal-
ity reduces costs by minimizing engine
the front of the engine. Intermediate case (D) is strengthened also to
stiffen the engine and improve the gearbox mounting. High-pressure
compressor improvements (E) include fewer parts, improved airfoils,
higher rotor speed and Thermatic rotor expansion system. One-piece
cast diffuser, improved fuel nozzle and a ring-rolled burner reduce
parts in the diffuser/burner section (F). High-pressure turbine blades
(G) have improved aerodynamics and require less cooling air. Low-
pressure turbine blades (H) incorporate a new design.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 43
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Prototype intermediate case for the Pratt & Whitney PW4000 powerplant shows the wide
vanes used to separate and stiffen the low- and high-pressure compressor sections of the
engine. A one-piece casting of the production intermediate case will replace the welded
construction technique of the prototype case. Compressor blades and other components are
being assembled for the first high-pressure compressor rig tests, scheduled to begin in July.
inventories and allows the use of common
handling equipment, test cells and na-
celles, according to Jim Bruner, PW4000
engineering manager.
"Our objective also is to phase out the
JT9D with the PW4000. We perceive
1988 or 1989 as the time for JT9D-7R4
production halt, with spares continuing in
production," he said.
Detailed improvements over the JT9D-
7R4 are incorporated throughout the en-
gine beginning with the fan section. The
front fan was redesigned to reduce the
number of blades from 40 to 38. The in-
creased stiffness of the engine case com-
pared with the JT9D allows a tighter fan
tip clearance with the fan case rub strip.
The bypass area behind the fan also was
designed to increase the flowpath conver-
gence to reduce the aerodynamic losses
across the case vanes, Bruner said.
The low-pressure compressor section in-
corporates second-generation controlled
diffusion airfoils, reducing the number of
airfoils in this section by 9%. The new
controlled diffusion airfoils are similar to
those used in the PW2037, but they in-
clude changes defined by PW2037 testing
and better computer design modeling,
Bruner said.
The controlled diffusion airfoils have
thicker leading and trailing edges than
standard airfoils that increase the blade's
resistance to particulate erosion and per-
mit them to operate at higher Mach num-
bers without blade efficiency loss (Aw&ST
Jan. 25, 1982, p. 48).
Pratt & Whitney also redesigned the
low-pressure compressor section to reduce
the amount of dirt particles ingested into
the engine.
The air splitter separating bypass and
core airflow is moved 1.2 in. farther back,
compared with the JT9D, and the blades
and stators located behind the splitter are
swept back at an angle. The extra space
allows more particles to pass outside the
core, eliminating 12%% of the dirt that en-
ters the compressor on JT9D-7R4 engines.
Particles still entering the compressor
can be removed by a bleed port behind the
fourth row of low-pressure compressor
blades. The 1-in. port catches dirt as it is
thrown to the outside of the case wall by
the compressor blades and is routed into
the bypass airflow. The port eliminates
another 8% of the ingested particles.
Pratt & Whitney's effort to increase the
stiffness of the PW4000 over the JT9D is
evident in the intermediate case area. The
vanes separating the low-pressure from
the high-pressure compressor were wid-
ened and extended as a solid strut to the
outer casing. The low-pressure compressor
drum is welded into a single piece to add
more rigidity and allow tighter blade
An extra bearing, not present on the
JT9D, was added to the section to stabi-
lize and stiffen the front of the engine,
Bruner said.
The bearing is located between the No.
1 and 2 bearings on JT9Ds.
"People were used to the numbering for
the four bearing locations on the JT9D, so
we decided to call the new one a 1.5
bearing to retain the same nomenclature.
In other words, the No. 4 bearing location
on the JT9D still coincides with the same
bearing on the PW4000."
Pratt & Whitney increased the rotor
speed 27% over the JT9D-7R4 by de-
creasing the diameter of the high-pressure
compressor and high-pressure turbine.
The increase in rotor speed raised the
pressure ratio by 10% and dropped the
number of airfoils in the the high-pressure
compressor by 31%. The use of the sec-
ond-generation , controlled diffusion air-
foils also decreased the number of airfoils
needed in the compressor, Walter Stahl,
PW4000 development engineer, said.
Simplified Case
The compressor section also is designed
for stiffness by simplifying the case struc-
ture design and electron beam welding the
rotors into a solid drum. This improves
the gas path sealing and reduces the num-
ber of parts in the section, Stahl said.
Within the high-pressure compressor
section is a new system to reduce blade
clearances during different engine operat-
ing conditions. In the past, cool air has
been used to shrink the outer compressor
case during cruise to improve perfor-
mance by allowing less air leakage. The
new Thermatic rotor drum distributes -hot
air into the rotor cavity, forcing the blades
to expand out toward the case wall seals.
The increased stiffness of the. engine also
allows closer clearance tolerances during
takeoff without blade end rubbing prob-
lems, Stahl said.
Air is taken from the ninth stage of the
compressor and is passed into the rotor
during takeoff to expand the rotor and
tighten clearances. Hotter air from the
fifteenth stage is used to retain the tight
clearances when the ninth-stage air is
cooler during cruise conditions. Develop-
ment of hollow ninth-stage stators provid-
ed the engineers a way to pass the air
from outside of the compressor case into
the rotor cavity.
All of the compressor improvements re-
duce thrust specific fuel consumption by
3.4% from the JT9D-7R4, according to
Pratt & Whitney.
Cascade Diffuser
The diffuser/burner section of the
PW4000 borrows heavily from PW2037
design. A cascade diffuser supported by
24 struts distributes air to 24 fuel nozzles.
The PW4000 burner uses a double pass
liner similar to the PW2037, has 60%
fewer parts and is 4 in. shorter than the
JT9D-7R4 burner. A simplified fuel noz-
zle also cut 10-20% of the PW4000 burn-
er parts compared with the PW2037
burner section design, Bruner said.
The high-pressure turbine section also
gains from the higher rotational speed of
the engine. The section contains 43% few-
er airfoils and 55% fewer parts than the
JT9D-7R4. The high-pressure turbine
blades were designed using three-dimen-
44 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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sional computer modeling to improve air-
flow near the blade's base and improve
their efficiency. The three-dimensional
blades are more complex in shape and are
configured to minimize aerodynamic end-
wall losses due to clearance leakages
(A.w&ST June 28, 1982, p. 121).
Pratt & Whitney claims a 3.9% reduc-
tion in thrust specific fuel consumption
from the diffuser/burner section and the
high-pressure turbine section over the
The three-dimensional airfoil design
also is used in the blades and exhaust case
vanes of the low-pressure turbine section.
Pratt & Whitney claims a.1.0% reduction
in thrust specific fuel consumption mainly
from the improved airfoil-design. The sec-
tion uses 9% fewer airfoils than the
All engine functions are controlled by a
digital electronic engine control. The con-
trol monitors engine air requirements to
the airframe, Thermatic rotor and turbine
air control valve scheduling, fuel flow
scheduling for idle and transient engine
operations, high-pressure compressor vane
positioning and oil cooler valve control.
'The electronic engine control also elimi-
nates engine trimming after maintenance.
The PW4000 will be compatible with
mechanical cockpit interfaces as well as
the newer electronic cockpits. The engine
mands from a three-man cockpit and
drive analog instrumentation in response.
The engine also can accept electrical com-
mands through the electronic engine con-
trol and respond back through digital data
links when used with electronic cockpits,
George Sevich, PW4000 development en-
gineer, said.
Designing the engine to accept both
types of control inputs did not force any
compromises, since this capability was
planned early in the engine's development,
according to Sevich.
The decision to produce an all-new en-
gine allowed manufacturing to be included
in design integration and in risk versus
benefit studies from the beginning of the
program, Robert J. Piasecki, manufactur-
ing manager for Pratt & Whitney, said.
"This early involvement in the program
will allow us to build the development
engine in the same manner as the produc-
tion engine, basically using production
tooling," he said.
Production of the PW4000 will take ad-
vantage of computer-aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing, composite
technology, ring rolling for the combustor
liner and lasers for welding, hard facing,
blade cooling hole drilling and marking,
Piasecki said.
Engine production will be split between
Falcon D Tested as Electronic Countermeasures Trainer
Flight Systems/Dassault-Breguet Falcon 20D, configured as an elec-
tronic countermeasures training aircraft, is shown during a test flight
over the California desert. The Flight Systems-initiated development
is aimed at providing airborne electronic warfare and countermea-
sures training for U. S. and allied naval, ground and air forces under
flight service contracts (Aw&ST Feb. 14, p. 13; Oct. 11, 1982,
p. 111). The leased Federal Express Falcon 20D carries programma-
ble, computer-controlled communications and radar jamming equip-
ment. External modifications include ultra and very high frequency
radio antennas on the forward and aft lower fuselage for disruptive
communications transmissions; D-, G-, I- and J-band radar electronic
countermeasures antennas located in the nose radome, and aft-
Middletown and Southington, Conn.,
North Berwick, Maine, and the new facili-
ty in Columbus, Ga. (.Aw&sT Aug. 2,
1982, p. 86).
"We are working toward. a modular
concept with each factory shipping a com-
plete module;" Piasecki. said. Final assem-
bly of the engine will be done at
The initial production PW4000s will be
certified at 56,000 lb. of thrust with an
overall 7% improvement in fuel consump-
tion. Subsequent versions will be rated
from 48,000-60,000 lb. of thrust with an
additional 4% improvement in fuel con-
."Only modest changes in the high-pres-
sure turbine, configuration and electronic
engine control are needed to cover the
48,000-60,000-lb.-thrust range," Bruner
said. "We do not see any need to go above
60,000 lb. of thrust."
Pratt & Whitney plans to complete all
design work by June and conduct high-
pressure compressor rig tests from July
through November. Low-pressure turbine
rig tests are scheduled from March
through November, 1984, with the first
complete engine test to start in April,
1984. FAA certification of the PW4000 is
scheduled for July, 1986, to support the
first airline deliveries in 19.87. ^
coverage air-to-air radar jamming antennas in the canister-like ra-
dome mounted below the vertical stabilizer. An on-board Hewlett
Packard 85 microcomputer tailors and controls transmissions of
radar and communications electronic warfare signals produced by a
company-designed wave function generator, emulating techniques
and modes used by Soviet jammers. Following a brief test program,
the aircraft will conduct countermeasures training for U. S. and
Canadian military exercises scheduled for this summer, attempting to
penetrate allied defense networks. Flight Systems plans to upgrade
the Falcon's countermeasures capabilities to simulate coherent radar
jammers that threaten U. S. Air Force/McDonnell Douglas F-15 and
USAF/General Dynamics F-16 fighter aircraft.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 45
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Helicopter Plan's Success
Keyed to Control of Cost
Washington-Cost control may be key to
any Army success in completing its Heli-
copter Improvement Program (AHIP) to
develop the Bell OH-58D Scout.
Program costs have gone in less than
three years from an initial estimate of $1.3
billion to $2.7 billion with a drop in
planned aircraft procurement from 720 to
578. Because aircraft capabilities have not
been tested, the General Accounting Of-
fice believes additional cost increases can
be anticipated.
Army officials said they have contained
costs within the ceiling price by negotiat-
ing a fixed-price incentive contract for the
full-scale engineering development phase
of the program despite a rise in target
costs of almost $3.1 million during the
first 13 months of the contract.
Ceiling price options for the first two
production buys of 16 and 44 aircraft also
were negotiated to control costs further,
they said.
The OH-58D is intended to give the
Army a reconnaissance and standoff tar-
get acquisition capability in daylight,
night and adverse weather conditions. It
will have a basic O1-1-58A airframe with
modifications to include:
^ A McDonnell Douglas/Northrop
mast-mounted sight above the main rotor.
^ A four-bladed glass fiber composite
main rotor and composite main rotor hub.
^ An upgraded drive system with a
435-hp. main transmission.
^ An upgraded 110-hp. tail rotor drive
^ Vibration isolation pylon mounting
^ Two Allison 250-C30P 650-shp. type
^ Provisions for mounting a multipur-
pose lightweight missile system.
. n Improved nap-of-the-earth flight
characteristics and communications and
navigation avionics.
^ Survivability equipment, including a
radar warning receiver and infrared sup-
Army doctrine calls for using the OH-
58Ds in conjunction with either Hughes
AH-64 or Bell AH-1S attack helicopters.
The OH-58Ds would seek out and target
enemy vehicles and positions with mast-
mounted laser designators. Attack heli-
copters then would destroy the targets.
The Scout helicopters also would be able
to "guide" certain missiles to their targets
as well as designate targets for fixed-wing
aircraft or artillery.
"This will be our first true scout heli-
copter," one Army officer said. "Most of
the aircraft we have so far are really ob-
servation helicopters performing scout
Unlike the others, he said, the OH-58D
has improved communication and target
acquisition capability plus the ability to
meet performance requirements calling for
hovering out of ground effect at 4,000 ft.
on a 95F day. The aircraft's endurance is
estimated at 2.4 hr.
Among uncertainties cited by the GAO
report is development and testing of the
mast-mounted sight, which incorporates
sensors for automatic tracking, rangefind-
ing and laser target designation.
The sight housing is to be 25 in. in
diameter and mounted about 30 in. above
the main rotor, giving the helicopter in-
creased survivability by allowing it to hide
behind terrain features while performing'
its mission. The sight will be used as a
periscope to see and acquire targets with-
46 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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out the helicopter airframe being exposed
to enemy radar or weapons.
The Army and GAO differ on financial
and safety risks imposed by the sight.
The Army said basic sight components
are "repackaged proved designs" and are
low risk. The GAO cites the mechanical
integration of components in the thermal,
space and weight restrictions of the sphere
as a "major risk contributor." GAO also
cites a contractor analysis showing inter-
nal bearing isolators as having "inade-
quate fatigue life" by failing after only 200
hr. instead of the 4,500 hr. required by the
Redesigned Material
Since that analysis, isolator material has
been redesigned and changed to meet
Army requirements, the GAO said. Inte-
gration of sights and airframes is to begin
in July with operational flight testing
scheduled for October.
Success in utilizing the sight depends
largely upon a pilot's ability to hold a
precise hover. According to a 1982 Army
study, this hover creates a high pilot
workload. As a result, the GAO recom-
mends that an altitude hold and hover
system be considered.
Requirements for a system have not
been defined, but Bell officials have pro-
posed one that would take inputs from the
Doppler and attitude heading and refer-
ence systems and feed them to the existing
stability control augmentation system to
provide heading control. Provisions for al-
titude hold are not proposed. The radar.
altimeter is not part of the system.
A program official said that when the
cockpit was designed attention was giver,
to reducing crew workloads.
"If we find during any development or
operational testing.that we need that [alti-
tude and hover system], we can go back
and retrofit," he said. "It would take
money but not that much time."
Missile Capability
Army officials are interested in equip-
ping the OH-58D with air-to-air missile
capabilities in the future, although no
funds have been requested. An estimated
$44 million would be needed to develop a
weapon system using a lightweight version
of General Dynamics' Stinger missile.
Inclusion of a Stinger package, officials
believe, would greatly enhance survivabil-
ity of both the scout and attack helicop-
ters. Soviet Hind attack helicopters have
air-to-air capabilities.
The Army determined that the 100-lb.
infrared night vision system in the AH-64
is too heavy for the OH-58D. Therefore,
night vision goggles are to be used by
Scout pilots.
The GAO said current goggles are light
amplification devices and require some
ambient light to be effective.
This incompatibility of systems, it said,
Rolls-Royce Installs Engine Core Testbed
Technicians at Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Bristol, England, work on the core of a Turbo-Union RB. 199
turbofan during commissioning of a new test plant. The computer-controlled test facility can
record up to 500 core parameters and simulate realistic entry-air conditions. X-ray imaging
system permits engineers to observe behavior of internal components while the core is rotating.
could preclude certain joint night opera-
Army officials disagree. They said exist-
ing goggles are adequate.
Another area of disagreement between
the Army and GAO concerns the Army's
1980 cost estimate of $1.3 billion for 720
aircraft. The GAO considers this estimate
"very significant."
Defense planners told GAO such esti-
mates "should not be given too much cre-
dence" because they were made prior to
the definition of the AHIP/Scout configu-
ration and were for an aircraft with limit-
ed capability. That aircraft was to use
existing engines, drive trains, avionics, ro-
tor systems and minimum range sights.
Army officers said such an aircraft sim-
ply could not meet mission or perfor-
mance requirements. Performance require-
ments and program definitions changed in
July, 1980, to enable the OH-58D to oper-
ate in a nap-of-the-earth environment with
full mission payloads in hot or cold
Consequently, the engines and power
trains were upgraded, and new main and
tail rotors were required along with ex-
panded testing. As a result, program costs
increased about $357 million.
In Fiscal 1981, the Army made configu-
ration changes and extended the procure-
ment program by two years, which
increased cost to over $2 billion. The air-
craft to be purchased decreased from 720
to 578. By October, 1982, total estimated
program costs were $2.7 billion.
The GAO said cost growth has de-
creased since the Army "fully defined sys-
tem requirements." ^
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 49
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CA SA/Nurtanlo CN-235 Aircraft Nears
Seville, Spain-First of two CASA/Nur-
tanio CN-235 commuter transport flight
prototype aircraft is in final assembly here
as the Spanish/Indonesian cooperative
program moves toward initial flight this
The aircraft manufactured at CASA's
Seville-Tablada plant will be joined by a
Nurtanio-built prototype in Indonesia for
a 12-13-month flight test and certification
program. This is expected to lead to start
of CN-235 deliveries in late 1984.
CASA and Nurtanio also are building
one additional preproduction airframe
each for use in ground test activities. The
Spanish unit will be used mainly for static
testing and also may perform some fatigue
work. The Indonesian airframe will be
dedicated to fatigue tests.
The CN-235 is a program shared by the
two companies on a 50-50 basis. They
have formed an organization called Air-
tech Industries to act as the program's
central management group.
Production tasks for the twin-engine
turboprop transport will be divided be-
tween the two companies, and final assem-
bly lines will be established in Spain and
Program plans call for combined pro-
duction to reach eight CN-235s a month
two and one-half years after first aircraft
delivery. Four units a month will be pro-
duced at CASA and four at Nurtanio fa-
cilities. The CN-235 project follows a
separate effort in which Nurtanio is pro-
ducing the CASA-designed C-212 trans-
port under agreement with the Spanish
Nurtanio has assumed a greater role in
the CN-235 because it is participating
with CASA in design and development
from program inception. This is part of an
Indonesian plan to develop a complete de-
sign, development and production capabil-
ity for its government-run aerospace
industry (Aw&ST Apr. 19, 1982, p. 68).
CASA officials said the overall CN-235
program remains on schedule. Simulta-
neous rollout ceremonies for the two fly-
ing prototype aircraft in Spain and
Indonesia are targeted for late August or
early September. The ceremonies will be
held at CASA's Getaf-- plant near Madrid
and Nurtanio's facility at Java's Bandung
air force base.
Nurtanio's portion of CN-235 develop-
ment has had some delays, and the manu-
facturer is being supported by a con-
centrated CASA assistance program. A
review was held recently to evaluate cur-
rent program status in both Indonesia and
Spain. The Nurtanio effort had fallen
about two months behind at one point,
program officials said. Despite the delays,
CASA management said the young Indo-
nesian industry is demonstrating its ability
to handle the new aircraft program and
has shown technical competence.
Orders for the CN-235 stand at 104
firm and 18 options. The majority are
booked with customers in the Spanish and
Indonesian home markets. Sales price for
a fully equipped 39-passenger version was
set at approximately $4.6 million in 1982.
The 1983 price has not been set, but any
increase is expected to be 10% or less
from last year's level.
CASA officials said they have been sat-
isfied with the number of orders booked
to date, although sales efforts have been
affected by the slowdown in worldwide
commuter regional airline markets. The
organization is working to establish an
identity as a new-generation transport
producer in key markets such as Europe
and North America.
A CN-235 sales operation is being orga-
nized in the U. S. that will include estab-
lishment of an office in Washington, D. C.
CASA exhibited a CN-235 mockup at the
Regional Airlines Assn. meeting last De-
cember (Aw&sT Dec. 13, 1982, p. 40). This
was followed by a briefing in January for
airline executives held at General Elec-
tric's aircraft engine business group fac-
50 Aviation Week & Space Technoloqy, March 28, 1983
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tory in Lynn, Mass., where the CN-235's
CT7-7 engine is assembled (Aw&sT Feb.
14, p. 123).
CASA is stressing that it already has a
presence in the U. S. market through the
sales of the company's C-212 transport,
which is operated by six North American
regional operators.
Flight test program for the CN-235 is
expected to accumulate a total of about
1,000 flight hours on the Spanish and In-
donesian prototypes. Flight time will be
divided about equally between the two air-
craft. The CN-235 will be certified to Fed-
eral Aviation Regulations Part 25
At least one CN-235 will be delivered
by CASA to an airline customer in late
1984. This will be to Aviaco, a Spanish
commuter carrier. Other deliveries will
follow in the final weeks of 1984 or in
early 1985.
No full-scale engineering mockup of the
CN-235 is to be built by CASA or Nur-
tanio. An engineering mockup of the
cockpit section will be developed to study
avionics and wiring installation, and the
CASA static test airframe also will handle
some engineering mockup duties, accord-
ing to program officials. A mockup of the
engine nacelle also is being produced.
Fuselage of CASA's CN-235 flying pro-
Fuselage for the CASA/Nurtanio CN-235 turboprop transport takes shape at CASA's Seville
plant (above). Two airframes are being built. One will be used for static testing; the second will
become the Spanish flying prototype CN-235. Nose section (left) has been mated to the
airframe.The outer wings, aft fuselage and tail section are being built by Nurtanio in Indonesia.
Standard configuration for the CN-235 transport accommodates.39 passengers in seating
with 30-in. pitch. The cabin is to be fitted with overhead luggage bins, and additional baggage
can be placed in the compartment aft of the rear cabin bulkhead. CASA is developing a special
luggage container to fit in the aircraft's rear baggage compartment.
totype is being assembled at the Seville-
Tablada plant and will be shipped north
to Getafe, where the flight development
activity will take place. Mating of the pro-
totype's wings and empennage will be
done in a new development/test hangar
built at Getafe to support the CN-235
The full-scale production effort will be
centered at Seville. Assembly work will be
done at the Seville-Tablada plant, and
components will be trucked to the nearby
Seville-San Pablo facility for final assem-
bly and flight acceptance.
Construction work on two new build-
ings has begun at Seville-San Pablo for the
CN-235. One will house the final assem-
bly line, and the other will be for aircraft
painting. CASA currently has its C-212
assembly and flight acceptance activities
at Seville-San Pablo.
Basic flight and performance data for
the CN-235 are being verified in the flight
test program. Maximum ramp weight for
the aircraft is estimated at 28,769 lb., and
maximum takeoff weight is targeted at
28,659 lb. Maximum landing weight is set
at 28,218 lb., and the estimated zero fuel
weight maximum is 26,013 lb. Operating
empty weight is 18,132 lb., and maximum
payload weight in the passenger configura-
tion is 7,881 lb.
Program officials said the initial air-
frames produced appear to be consistent
with these weight projections.
Range with maximum payload is set at
430 naut. mi. This calculation is made at
maximum cruising power at cruise alti-
tude and with instrument flight rules fuel
reserves. Maximum cruise speed is esti-
mated at 245 kt.
The pressurization system is being de-
signed at 3.6 psi., giving the aircraft a
ceiling limit of 18,000 ft. The cabin will be
pressurized to an equivalent altitude of
8,000 ft. Pressurization may be increased
to 4-4.5 psi. based on the results of static
testing, according to Pedro Martinez,
CASA's CN-235 marketing manager.
An important factor in the decision to
set pressurization at 3.6 psi was the capa-
bility to retain the CN-235's large rear
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 51
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is -0
The smalleconomicalbusiness jet
has served its historical purpose.
It led to the big,
conomical business jet.
Cabin Width
(With NBAA/IFR Reserves
and 5 Passen
gers) 1,150 ft
7,830 lbs.
2,800 NM
Challenger 500
8 ft, 2 in.
700 ft
4,130 tbs.
2,225 NM
Falcon 200 200
6 ft, 2 in.
400 ft
2470 tbs.
2,040 NM
Learjet 55
5 ft., 11 in.
..: '??,
604 ft
2,050 tbs.
2,220 NM
Hawkerslddelay 125/700
5 ft., 11 in.
. ?
? t
438 ft
2,072 tbs.
2,100 NM
Citation 111
5 ft., 8 in.
When you send executives
across the country to negotiate a
deal, or inspect a property, or han-
dle an emergency, or otherwise
conduct business on behalf of the
stockholders, the purpose of send-
ing them via privately owned and
operated aircraft is obvious:
To move them with maximum
speed and a minimum of physical
and mental discomfort, so they
can function better en route and,
more importantly, once they arrive.
What has become equally ob-
vious over the years is that the
very aircraft they are sent in tend
to defeat that purpose.
The cabins are too small,
the engines are too small,
the thinking is too small.
Conventional transcontinental
corporate jets may be woefully
inadequate, but not willfully so.
Most are simply hostage to
the thinking and technology of the
sixties, when the original versions
of these aircraft were first designed
and built.
Back then, you could not have
a big, comfortable passenger cabin
without big, fuel-guzzling engines
to go with it. You could not have de-
cent transcontinental range without
a mailing tube for a fuselage and a
good, stiff wind at your back.
Since such shortcomings
were literally designed into the air-
craft of that period, there seems
little sense in trying to overcome
those shortcomings with what are
essentially those same aircraft.
Particularly when you consider
what modern technology has
wrought in the interim.
The Canadair Challenger 600.
Now you can operate a
big transcontinental
corporate jet for little more
than the cost of a
small transcontinental
corporate jet.
The Canadair Challenger repre-
sents nothing less than a
decade-and-a-half leap in tech-
nology. Resulting not just in
an extremely economical aircraft,
but one that contains a passenger
cabin eight feet, two inches wide
at the centerline. Two feet wider
than the Falcon 200. Two feet,
three inches wider than the Learjet
55 and the Hawker-Siddeley 125/
700. And two feet, six inches wider
than the Citation III.
As for range, it is entirely argu-
able that the Challenger 600, with
its 2,800 nautical mile NBAA/IFR
range, is the only real transconti-
nental corporatejet in the lot, capa-
ble of making NY-LA non-stop with
unfailing reliability. Not to mention
a full passenger cabin.
Or fly New York to Detroit to St.
Louisto Pittsburgh and backto New
York without having to refuel, and
with NBAA/IFR reserves inthetanks.
So, you can struggle along in a
cramped, limited-range, limited-
passenger aircraft that happens
to look inexpensive to run.
Or enjoy the benefits of a
quiet, spacious, long-range, more
productive aircraft that actually is
inexpensive to run.
To find out more about the
honestly transcontinental Canadair
Challenger 600, just call Mr. James
B. Taylor, President of Canadair
Inc. His telephone number is (203)
Or you can drop him a line at
Canadair Inc., 274 Riverside
Avenue, Westport,
CT 06880.
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
All-cargo configuration of the CN-235 transport can carry four LD-3 containers or two
88 x 125-in. pallets. The aircraft's cabin interior length is 30 ft. 8 in.
cargo door. "The cargo door is an impor-
tant feature for CN-235 operators, civil
and military," Martinez said. "We wanted
to make sure the door was part of the
basic aircraft design without the weight
penalties we might face with higher pres-
Martinez said average stage length for
the CN-235 is estimated at 200-300 naut.
mi., and operators wanting to optimize
the aircraft's efficiency would not want to
fly higher than 18,000 ft. in their normal
CN-235 Suppliers
Seville, Spain-Following is a list of major
suppliers for the Spanish/Indonesian CN-
235 commuter transport program:
General Electric ..............CT7-7 turboprop
Hamilton Standard ..................... Propellers
Hamilton Standard ........... Air-conditioning
Garrett .................................. Pressurization
Collins ............................Avionics package
Fairchild ................Cockpit voice recorder/
flight data recorder
Telephonics.....Interphone/public address
Lord Corp ............. Engine isolation system
Teleflex Aerospace ................... Powerplant
control system
Dowty. Rotol ............. Flap actuating system
Messier-Hispano-Bugatti ...... Landing gear
Dunlop ..................... Brakes, antiskid, tires
Kratos ..............................Engine indicators
Revue Thommen ............... Flight indicators
Auxilec .............................Starter generator
Grimes ...................................Exterior lights
"Even if the average stage length for
the aircraft grows after the CN-235 is in
service for several years, the 18,000-ft.
ceiling still is a good target for optimizing
the aircraft's performance," he said.
The rear-door configuration is pat-
terned from the design used on CASA's
unpressurized C-212 transport. The door's
bottom portion deploys downward from
the CN-235 fuselage, providing a
119.7 X 92.5-in., ramp. The upper door
segment activates upward inside the fuse-
lage. This arrangement will enable the
CN-235 to handle LD-3 containers and
88-in.-wide pallets.
Cabin interior length is 30 ft. 8 in., and
volume is 1,478 cu. ft. Maximum cabin
width is '8 ft. 10.2 in., and floor width is 7
ft. 9.1 in. Maximum cabin loading dimen-
sions are for a width of 88 in. and a height
of 52 in. In an all-cargo configuration the
CN-235 can handle four LD-3 containers
or two 88 X 125-in. pallets. ..
Standard configuration accommodates
39 passengers at 30-in. seat pitch. The
majority of rows in this configuration are
arranged 2-2 with a central aisle. A final
row of three seats is positioned against the
rear cabin bulkhead.
Standard CN-235 cockpit instrumenta-
tion will include four 5-in. cathode ray
tube displays. The pilot and copilot's posi-
tion will be fitted with two displays each.
One will function as the ADI (attitude
director indicator); and the other will be
the HSI (horizontal situation indicator).
Basic avionics package is with Collins
equipment. It includes the APS 65 autopi-
lot that CASA hopes to certify for Cate-
gory 2 landings on the CN-235. ^
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Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
IRAS Detecting Spectral Colors
Of Elements in Distant Galaxies
London-Infrared telescope and other detec-
tion instrumentation on the Infrared Astro-
nomical Satellite (IRAS), launched Jan. 26
from Vandenberg AFB, Calif., are demonstrat-
ing sufficiently high resolution to enable the
satellite's radiation spectrometer to display
radiation lines of individual elements clearly.
Spectrum lines of both sulphur and neon 3
have been observed in radiation from distant
galaxies. One of the concerns of the science
team was that the system's resolution would
not permit individual traces of elements to be
clearly detected.
"Spectrum lines of neon 3 are very sharp,"
Professor Dick Jennings, one of the resident
astronomers at Rutherford Appleton Labora-
tories, Chilton, England, said.
Since it is known how much energy is re-
quired to produce neon 3, the gas's detection
indicates the temperature of the star radiat-
ing it and the amount present in the star's
makeup, he said.
Although the satellite has so far completed
about 16% of its work in surveying the sky,
the data have been analyzed only on a sample
basis. Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
Calif., is processing the data, and techniques
are still being developed and tested there.
Science team members at Chilton indicated
that to prevent costly delays through the use
of incompletely developed processing tech-
niques, data from a sample area of the sky
was being used to refine the techniques be-
fore work on the rest of the data was begun.
At Chilton, the data acquisition process is
being monitored to insure that each scan of
the -sky produces the required data, or to
rescan an area quickly if the scan is in some
way deficient. Several rescans may be neces-
sary to obtain the data that would have been
obtained in the original scan, Jennings said,
since the movement of the satellite would
require several passes to cover the same area
covered by the first.
Space Technology
Center Set for Soviet Space'
By Craig Covault
Colorado Springs, Colo.-Space Com-
mand's Space Defense Operations Center
buried within Cheyenne Mountain here is
maturing to a point at which the facility
can play a strategic warning role by moni-
toring Soviet space activities that may in-
dicate possible hostile Soviet activities on
"The strategic warning value of space
systems is a primary factor that we need
to exploit," USAF Col. Gerald M. May,
director of space operations for Space
Command, said: "We need to better un-
derstand how this would fit into our deci-
sion-making process-make a determi-
nation of what we see and if we can, make
a judgment on Soviet intent. We would
then try to marry that with all of the
indicators we see in the spectrum of activi-
ties we see worldwide.
"Space is not all that esoteric, it has
tactical and terrestrial value," May said.
The Space Defense Operations Center
(Spadoc) is a command post with comput-
er consoles upon which can be displayed
geographic and digital data on the ground
track and condition of all spacecraft
tracked by North American Aerospace
Defense Command. Intelligence officers
and their computer displays are also posi-
tioned in Spadoc, as is a status board
denoting the condition of virtually all
U. S. defense and government civil space-
craft and key ground stations.
The objective is to have one point at
which the status of all U. S. space assets
and the intent of Soviet systems can be
monitored and warnings issued to U. S.
space operators if necessary (Aw&sT Feb.
8, 1982, p. 21).
In order to have such interaction with
the spacecraft operators, Space Defense
Operations Center personnel have been
negotiating interaction agreements on all
U. S. government-operated spacecraft. Six
agreements have been signed, five are
close to being signed and 11 others are
still in negotiation. One other planned
agreement process has not yet begun,
while two others have some differences
that need to be worked out between Space
Command and the operator before they
can be implemented.
Space Defense officers said they have
been limited by the amount of manpower
assigned to working out these agreements
and wish Space Command would place a
higher priority on the work. The current
number of signed agreements is only two
more than last year at this time.
The agreements resulting from these ne-
gotiations result in procedures on how the
Also, some of the instrumentation in the
spacecraft and on the ground is still being
Mapping of the entire sky is expected to
take slightly more than six months from the
time the first mapping scans were made on
Feb.10 (Aw&sT Feb. 28, pp. 21, 59).
Chopped photometric channel (CPC) in-
strumentation contained in the Dutch Addi-
tional Experiment (DAX) package, which also
is carried on the IRAS, is producing infrared
maps of approximately nine arc-minutes by
nine arc-minutes, a greater spatial resolution
than is possible with the survey instrumenta-
tion used to map the sky.
These maps are being made from observa-
tions centered on known astronomical ob-
jects, which permit the infrared map to be
compared to photographs of the same-area-'
taken through an optical telescope.
Each of the observations being taken by the
DAX is presented in two radiation bands-50
microns and 100 microns-to enable further
Initial observations were taken of galaxy
NGC 891, which is located about 15 million
light years from Earth, and of an area within
spacecraft operators and the Space De-
fense Operations Center personnel will ex-
change data on a day-to-day basis or in
circumstances where a spacecraft malfunc-
tion or hostile act has occurred.
One recent example of this interaction
occurred Nov. 25, 1982, when the GOES
4 geosynchronous orbit weather satellite
operated by the National Earth Satellite
Service had a serious imaging system mal-
function (Aw&sT Dec. 6, 1982 p. 26).
As soon as spacecraft ground control-
lers detected a problem on the spacecraft,
positioned over the Pacific Ocean, they
went into routine failure analysis proce-
dures and informed the Space Defense
Operations Center here about the prob-
lem. The timing of the failure in relation
to the position at that time of low-altitude
Soviet spacecraft or other Soviet platforms
capable of carrying laser weapons systems
was assessed to be sure no hostile act had
caused the failure.
In reality it provided a good simulation
of what would become a more important
assessment in a time of international ten-
sion. Other spacecraft malfunctions have
been reported and assessed in a similar
Commercial spacecraft have not yet
been included in the process for such in-
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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teraction because the Defense Dept. Jias
been unable to determine how commercial
spacecraft would interact with the mili-
tary in a crisis situation or how to provide
spacecraft survivability measures to com-
mercial spacecraft without a multimillion
dollar federal funding program.
The operational Soviet antisatellite sys-
tem, using spacecraft launched on SL-11
boosters into co-orbital trajectories with
target spacecraft, is a primary concern in
the Space Defense Operations Center.
Whenever such a mission is launched,
even if it appears the Soviets are going
after one of their own target spacecraft,
the center here alerts all U. S. satellite
operators with vehicles in orbits that
could be reached by the Soviet Asat as it
flies its mission.
In this same vein, the maneuvers of all
Soviet spacecraft are called to the atten-
tion of Space Defense Operations Center
personnel so the relative geometry of the
Soviet spacecraft making the maneuver
can be assessed against the positions of
U. S. spacecraft. The Spadoc also will be
the primary command center for U. S.
antisatellite weapon operations using a
Vought miniature vehicle launched on a
McDonnell Douglas F-15.
The highest priority cross-monitoring of
positions between Soviet and U. S. space-
craft is done for USAF imaging reconnais-
sance satellites on a day-to-day basis and
with the space shuttle whenever a manned
flight is in progress. It has been only with-
in the last year that the management
structure at NORAD and more recently
Space Command has begun to realize the
value of assessing Soviet space actions,
USAF Selects Shuttle Ice Deterrent
Los Angeles-Air Force has decided to use a ducted hot air system to deter ice buildup
on the space shuttle external propellant tank when scheduled shuttle launch operations
begin at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., in late 1985. The heated air probably will be provided
by jet turbine engine exhaust, program officials said.
Air Force officials said icing on the large external tank could pose a problem at
Vandenberg prior to shuttle launches because of weather conditions at the West Coast
base, located about 140 mi. northwest of Los Angeles.
The heater system, as currently envisioned, could include two turbine engines located
to the side of the launch pad, with engine exhaust ducts running up through the launch
mount to direct the hot air on the bottom of the shuttle propellant tank. The planned
system does pose some environmental concerns, however, due to the exhaust products
that would be emitted during the approximately 5 hr. of engine operation before launch.
A solar heating system had been discussed earlier as a possible alternative to the
presently planned unit.
Project officials also had considered an electrical system, but it was determined that it
would use excessive power.
Recent heavy rainstorms along the Southern California coast have not affected
construction activities at Vandenberg significantly, although there has been some
erosion and runoff from a hill directly east of the shuttle launch pad area. Program
officials said the runoff has not been a serious problem and that plans made previous to
the recent storms called for stabilization of the hillside following completion of site
The 7,000-ft. extension to the north end of the Vandenberg runway in preparation for
space shuttle landings has been completed, while construction of the orbiter mainte-
nance and checkout facility structure is scheduled to be completed in about two months.
The payload preparation room is about 85% complete.
A large weather shelter designed to enclose the shuttle on the launch pad when
combined with the mobile service tower will be constructed in a.joint venture of Raymond
Kaiser Engineers and the Kaiser Steel Corp. The $34-million contract for the project was
awarded by the Army Corps of Engineers.
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the Milky Way galaxy, centered on the constel-
lation Perseus.
NGC 891 is a spiral galaxy but is viewed
edge-on from Earth. Optical photographs
show black clouds of gas absorbing the light
emitted by the stars composing the galaxy.
The infrared observations, however, show
that the black clouds are actually emitting
infrared radiation. The clouds are believed to
be molecular hydrogen that is being warmed
by stellar radiation from the galaxy and is
then emitting the energy absorbed in the in-
frared spectrum.
Observations of areas in Perseus have
found several sources of infrared emissions
not previously known.
These are thought to be from newly formed
stars, which are believed to emit large
amounts of infrared energy. The area sur-
veyed is believed to be an area in which stars
have recently formed and in which they may
still be forming.
The IRAS science team believes the satellite
may be able to discover stars that have es-
caped detection by radio astronomy, as well
as provide data on the development and be-
havior of new stars.
especially antisatellite activity, as a possi=
ble indicator of Soviet actions on Earth.
"The management structure was not fa-
miliar with operating under the occasion
where you might have something happen
to a U. S. satellite," one Space Command
officer said. Now NORAD exercises simu-
lating an escalation of conflict include ac-
tions against U. S. spacecraft as part of
the simulations.
The importance of the Space Defense
Operations Center in shuttle operations
also has become apparent to Space Com-
mand officers now that the organization
has been involved in five shuttle missions.
The workload here increases significantly
during a shuttle mission to maintain clos-
er monitoring of possible accidental colli-
sion hazards with orbital debris and also
to keep an eye on Soviet spacecraft or
ground facilites that could pose a threat to
the manned orbiter.
"Being totally dedicated to a four-orbit-
er fleet is a pretty slim amount of re-
sources, and it is something that we have
to protect and preserve," May said.
"Seeing the kinds of conjunctions that
have occurred between space shuttle and
other objects in space makes us realize
just how fragile it is," he said. The closest
such conjunction was a Soviet rocket body
that passed within a few miles of the or-
biter during shuttle Mission 4. As space
traffic increases, Space Defense Opera-
tions Center personnel believe they will
take on more of a service role in addition
to their space defense role.
"In order for us to keep everything sep-
arated in space, we are going to become
the traffic cop," May said. "I don't see
any other nation coming forward to do
that so it will rest with us. New computa-
tional and surveillance capabilities are go-
ing to be required on our part to do it."
The increased demands on NORAD/
Space Command space tracking and intel-
ligence activities have resulted in a more
conservative approach now.
"There was a time we thought we could
do about anything when it came to track-
ing vehicles in space," he said. "As the
years have gone by, we have become more
familiar with the capabilities and limita-
tions of our tracking network. We have
become very conservative over the past
few years to say maybe we are not as good
as we used to think we were. Now we say,
`Let's be very careful about how we go
about calculating satellite positions, let's
be sure we know what we are talking
about because we are going to be provid-
ing some very sensitive data and we are
going to be asked to provide some very
accurate parameters on the locations of
vehicles in space.'
"We were very flamboyant when we got
into the space business, but not any more.
Now we know the Soviets have an antisa-
tellite system that can cause a lot of dam-
age and trouble." ^
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General Electric Wins Fuel Antimisting Contract
Federal Aviation Administration's Technical Center has awarded a $2-million contract to
General Electric Aircraft Engine Business Group for the design, manufacture and testing
of a prototype antimisting fuel degrader.
The modified high-speed centrifugal pump would operate ahead of the fuel pump in an
aircraft fuel system to retard the action of polymer fuel additives that cause fuel droplets
to form instead of a fine mist when fuel tanks are ruptured during a crash and airflow
strikes the fuel.
Such additives have stopped the propagation of fire within clouds of fuel particles, but
would be unsuitable for use in a gas turbine engine without a degradation of properties
(Aw&sT Mar. 23, 1981, p. 69).
Garrett AiResearch as subcontractor will build and bench-test five prototypes using
the General Electric design.
Flight tests are scheduled for this year and early next on one engine of a Convair 880
to be provided, converted and flown by General Air Services, which is located in Miami,
The remaining four degraders will be installed on the center's Boeing 720 scheduled
for a remotely piloted, full-scale crash test with antimisting fuel in mid-1984 at Edwards
AFB, Calif. (Aw&sT Aug. 3, 1981, p. 13).
Bill Introduced to Relax
Overseas Bribery Law
Washington-A bill to relax U. S. over-
seas bribery law and to make it part of an
existing export control statute has been
introduced in the House of Representa-
tives by Rep. Daniel A. Mica (D.-Fla.), a
member of the House Foreign Affairs sub-
committee on international economic poli-
cy and trade.
Mica wants to revise the 1977 Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibits
U. S. companies from paying foreign gov-
ernment officials to obtain or retain busi-
ness, and to consider incorporating it in
the Export Administration Act of 1979,
which is now up for congressional renewal
(Aw&sT Mar. 7, p. 14). The export act
empowers the President to control exports
for national security and foreign policy
reasons through licenses and trade sanc-
The Reagan Administration has long
sought an amended bribery law, agreeing
with business officials that the existing
law is poorly defined, difficult for business
to understand and interpret, and a detri-
ment to trade (Aw&sT May 25, 1981,
p. 22).
The Senate amended the legislation two
years ago, largely in accordance with
White House thinking, but the House nev-
er acted because Rep. Timothy E. Wirth
(D.-Colo.) held the bill in the House Ener-
gy and Commerce subcommittee on tele-
communications, consumer protection and
finance, of which he is chairman (AW&ST
June 14, 1982, p. 28; Nov. 30, 1981,
p. 29).
Wirth opposed the Senate bill because
he believes it as ambiguous as the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act in defining what
constitutes a corrupt payment.
Sen. John Heinz (R.-Pa.) reintroduced
the Senate bill last Feb. 3.
Mica's bill is similar to Heinz's but
would take the Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act "out of the hands of the Securities
and Exchange Commission and would put
it in the hands of the secretary of Com-
merce as the administering official and the
enforcement agency," according to Roger
Majak, who is staff director for the House
Foreign Affairs subcommittee and who
drafted the bill on Mica's behalf.
Combining the bribery law with the Ex-
port Administration Act would work well
technically, Majak said, because the ex-
Northrop Executive Posts
Los Angeles-Roy P. Jackson, vice presi-
dent and general manager of the Northrop
Corp.'s Aircraft Div. since 1980, has been
appointed to the corporate post of senior
vice president-operations.
Joseph T. Gallagher, vice president-en-
gineering in the Aircraft Div. since 1980,
has been named vice president and gener-
al manager of the division, succeeding
Stanley Ebner, vice president and man-
ager of Northrop's Washington office
since 1979, has been appointed senior
vice president-government relations.
port statute regulates foreign trade prac-
tices in various areas "and of course that's
exactly what's involved in the payments to
foreign officials."
He said the export law furnished all the
authority the secretary of Commerce
would need to enforce bribery prohibi-
tions, except "the authority for injunctive
relief in the event there is an apparent
violation in progress, and that we have
given him in the proposed bill."
Energy Subcommittee .
Majak disagreed that Mica's bill was
intended as a tactical maneuver to spur
Wirth's Energy subcommittee into action,
but he volunteered that members of the
Foreign Affairs subcommittee "obviously
are aware that nothing has happened in
the Energy and Commerce Committee for
over two years, and they obviously are
aware of the possibility that this proposal
could become an alternative."
Majak said he had conferred with
Wirth's subcommittee staff about Mica's
bill and "they are obviously, I think, skep-
tical of it in a number of ways."
He attributed this in part to their con-
cern that giving the Commerce Dept. en-
forcement authority for overseas bribery
law would place the department in yet
another conflict between promoting trade
and restricting it.
Commerce Duties
This issue figures prominently in the
debate over renewing the Export Adminis-
tration Act, which expires Sept. 30. Some
members of Congress now want to strip
Commerce of its enforcement responsibil-
ities for export controls, charging that the
department's institutional bias for promot-
ing trade weakens its enforcement capabil-
This sentiment presumably would con-
flict with Mica's proposal to add to the
department's enforcement functions.
Majak said Mica's bill would not delay
reauthorization of the Export Administra-
tion Act.
It was introduced separately, he said,
"and no decision has been made at this
point as to whether we will or will not try
to add it to the Export Administration
Act renewal."
Majak also cautioned that it was not
settled whether the subcommittee would
act on Mica's bill, although he insisted it
was a serious proposal. "It would work,
it's ready to go, it's not just a discussion
"I think we probably will do a hearing
or two, fairly soon," he added.
In drafting the bill, Majak conferred
with Commerce Dept. officials, but he
said they had taken no formal position on
it, nor would he expect them to. He said
Heinz's staff was receptive to the propos-
al, but "their bill is still, I think, their
preferred approach." ^
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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NTSB Urges Fuel Tank, Procedure Changes
Washington-National Transportation Safety Board has made
nine recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration
covering general aviation aircraft fuel tanks and fueling proce-
dures, citing 396 accidents involving engine failures or malfunc-
tions from 1975 to 1981 traced to water in the fuel.
The safety board's recommendations included two urgent and
seven priority actions ranging from purging the fuel tanks of some
Cessna Aircraft to installing wing fuel tank quick drains on some
Piper aircraft. The recommendations to the FAA were prompted
by recent tests of water contamination in general aviation aircraft
fuel tanks.
A study of the accident records of older high-wing Piper aircraft
and older and new high-wing Cessna aircraft with rubberized
bladder-type fuel cells led to the recommendations. Also included
in the study were the Piper Pawnee and the Cessna AgWagon
Business Flying
agricultural aircraft. The safety board found that engine stoppage
in these aircraft traced to water in the fuel occurred most often
during the takeoff and initial climb phase of flight.
In aircraft such as the Cessna 180, 182, 185, 206 and 207
that have flexible rubberized bladder-type fuel cells in their wings,
water can be entrapped or dammed up within the cells because of
irregular surfaces, wrinkles or ridges in the cells, the board said.
Older single-engine aircraft that did not have quick drains in the
fuel tanks when manufactured should have them installed now, the
NTSB said. Although Piper builds a wing fuel tank quick drain
installation kit for these aircraft models, the safety board said that
few aircraft operators have installed the kits. The safety board
said tests conducted on the Piper's metal fuel tanks showed that
water could still be in the fuel tank sumps even after the aircraft's
belly drain and fuel strainer ceased to indicate any trace of water.
Challenger 601 Certificated by FAA
Washington-Canadair Challenger 601 re-
ceived its Federal Aviation Administra-
tion certification, and deliveries of the
aircraft, powered by General Electric
CF34 turbofan engines, began earlier this
Federal Aviation Administration ap-
proval of the 19-passenger business flying
aircraft was preceded by Canadian Trans-
portation Dept. certification in late Febru-
ary. The aircraft, which is equipped with
winglets, received its U. S. and Canadian
approval within a year of its first flight on
Apr. 10, 1982:
Canadair delivered the first production
Challenger 601 to a completion center ear-
lier this month, and expects to deliver two
or three more during March.
A total of 28 Challenger 601s are sched-
uled to be delivered to completion centers
in 1983. Deliveries of Canadair's Avco
Lycoming ALF502L-powered Challenger
600s will drop from the 39 in 1982 to less
than 10 in 1983.
The Canadian aircraft manufacturer,
based in Montreal, holds approximately
50 orders for the Challenger 601. They
are a combination of new orders, deposits
switched from the canceled stretched
Challenger E and other corporate opera-
tors choosing the Challenger 601 over the
Challenger 600.
Canadair has delivered 75 Challenger
600s since deliveries began in 1980. At
one time, Canadair held approximately
125 orders for the Challenger 600.
Performance goals for the Challenger
601, unlike the Challenger 600, were ei-
ther met or exceeded by Canadair (AW&ST
Sept. 22, 1980, p. 34). Range of the Chal-
lenger 601 with National Business Air-
craft Assn. instrument flight fuel reserves
at long-range cruise is approximately
3,570 naut. mi. Canadair had guaranteed
corporate operators that the IFR range of
the 601 would be at least 3,500 naut. mi.
while carrying five passengers.
The balanced field length of the 601 at
its estimated 41,650-lb. maximum takeoff
weight had been calculated to be 5,100 ft.
by Canadair. The 601 has been certificat-
ed to a higher takeoff gross weight of
42,100 lb., and the balanced field length at
this increased weight is 5,125 ft. At the
41,650-lb. takeoff gross weight, the bal-
anced field length would be 5,050 ft. ^
Gulfstream 4 to Make Its First Flight in 1985
Gulfstream Aerospace's Gulfstream 4 will have an exterior configuration similar to the
Gulfstream 3, except for a 2-ft. extension and the addition of a window on each side. The
Gulfstream 4 will be powered by the Rolls-Royce Tay engine (AW&ST Mar. 21, p. 59), flat rated
to 12,450 lb. of thrust at takeoff. Other changes from the Gulfstream 3 include a flat rear
pressure bulkhead, avionics moved from the cabin to the rear baggage area and electronic
flight instruments as standard equipment in the Gulfstream 4. First flight is planned for
December, 1985, with production deliveries scheduled to begin in the last quarter of 1986.
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Business, Utility Aircraft Shipments
January, 1983
Make & Model
No. of
600 Thrush .........................................
1200 Thrush ......................................
Gates Learjet
Turbo Thrush .....................................
Ayres Totals ............................................
36A ............................. :........................
55 ........................................................
Gates Learjet Totals ..............................
77 Skipper...........................................
C23 Sundowner .................................
C24R Sierra .......................................
Gulfstream Aerospace
840 Commander
F33A/C Bonanza ..............................
900 Commander
V35B Bonanza ..................................
980 Commander
36TC Bonanza ............................. :....
1000 Commander
36 Bonanza ............. ..... ................... :.
Gulfstream 3
76 Duchess ........................................
Gulfstream Aerospace Totals .............
B55 Baron ..........................................
E55 Baron ..........................................
58 Baron ............................................
58TC Baron .......................................
58P Baron ..........................................
B60 Duke ...........................................
Lake Aircraft
200 EP ................................................
C99 .............
250 Renegade ...................................
F90 King Ar ......................................
Lake Aircraft Totals ..............................
E90 King Air ......................................
C90 King Air ......................................
B100 King Air ....................................
200 Super King Air ..........................
Maule Aircraft
Beech Totals .........:..................................
M-5 235C ..........................................
M-6 235 ..............................................
Maule Totals ............................................
152 ......................................................
F152 ....................................................
152 Aerobat .......................................
201 M20J ...........................................
FRA 152 .............................................
231 M20K ..........................................
172 Skyhawk .....................................
Mooney Totals ........................................
F172 ....................................................
R172 Hawk XP .................................
F172 Hawk XP .................... :.............
180 Skywagon ...................................
182 Skylane .......................................
182 Turbo Skylane ...........................
PA-18-150 Super Cub ......................
185 Skywagon ...................................
PA-28-161 Warrior ............................
Stationair 6 ........................................
PA-28-181 Archer 2 .........................
Turbo Stationair 6 .............................
PA-28-236 Dakota ............................
Stationair 8 ......................................:.
PA-32-301 Saratoga .........................
Turbo Stationair 8 .............................
PA-32-301T Turbo Saratoga...........
172 Cutlass ........................................
PA-38-112 Tomahawk ......................
172 Cutlass RG ....................... :........
T-35 .....................................................
R182 Skylane RG ............................
PA-28RT-201 Arrow 4 .....................
TR182 Skylane RG ..........................
PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow...........
210 Centurion ..............
PA-32-301 Saratoga SP ..................
Turbo 210 Centurion ........................
PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP.
P210 Centurion .................................
. 3
PA-36-375 Brave ...............................
AgTruck ..............................................
PA-34-220T Seneca 3 .....................
AgH usky ..............................................
PA-44-180 Seminole .........................
303 Crusader .....................................
PA-44-180T Turbo Seminole ..........
310 ......................................................
Aerostar 602P ...................................
2 /
335 ......................................................
PA-31-310 Navajo .............................
340 ....................................................:.
PA-31-325 Navajo C/R ...................
402 ......................................................
PA-31-350 Chieftain ..........................
404 Titan ............................................
PA-31T-500 Cheyenne 1 ................. .
414A ....................................................
PA-31T-620 Cheyenne 2 .................
421 Golden Eagle ............................
PA-31T-620 Cheyenne 2XL............
425 Conquest 1 .................................
PA-44-720 Cheyenne 3 ...................
441 Conquest 2 ................................
T-1020 .................................................
Citation 1 ............................................
T-1040 .................................................
Citation 2 ............................................
Piper Totals ..............................................
Citation 3 ............................................
Cessna Totals ..........................................
Fairchild' Aircraft
Totals (January, 1983) ..........................
SA-227AT Merlin 4C ........................
Totals (January, 1982) ..........................
SA-227AC Metro 3 ...........................
Exports (January, 1983) .......................
Fairchild Aircraft Totals .......................
Exports (January, 1982) .......................
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A vionics
Systems Command' Probes c3 Potential
By Kenneth J. Stein
Hanscom AFB, Mass.-Coordinated up-
grade of U. S. strategic warning capabili-
ties links a number of complementary
command, control and communications
(C') programs under way at USAF's Elec-
tronic Systems Div. here, designed to
modernize and extend existing systems
and add some new ones.
"Our emphasis is on strategic C' capa-
bilities that can survive and endure," Lt.
Gen. James W. Stansberry, ESD com-
mander, told AVIATION WEEK & SPACE
TECHNOLOGY. Developments focus on im-
proved sensors, communications links,
data processing capabilities and displays.
Strategic command, control and com-
munications upgrades represent a major
defense investment, with funding on the
order of $18 billion over the next few
years, Stansberry said. About one-half of
that is estimated to involve ESD pro-
Emphasis in C' systems has changed
from being product oriented to being mis-
sion area oriented, Stansberry said. A ma-
jor element of its task is that Electronic
Systems Div. must closely coordinate the
interfaces of many programs that were
started individually.
Reinforcing the emphasis on this coor-
dinated approach, a general officer slot
has been established at ESD to oversee
strategic warning programs, Stansberry
said. Brig. Gen. M. H. Alexander has
been appointed deputy for strategic sys-
tems and Anthony Salvucci has been
named assistant deputy.
"We're trying to achieve complemen-
tary directions in several air defense pro-
grams, taking a total architectural
approach to air defense systems," Salvucci
said. "We're looking at the mission area
as a whole, lumping missile, space and air
defense roles together. We're now design-
ing from the top down, changing the as-
sets at lower levels to fit the total mission.
"In the C' area, we are trying to be-
come less sensitive to what tactics might
be and look at possible enemy actions.
Why should an enemy go after a missile if
it is easier to knock out the transmission
capability for sending orders?" Salvucci
"Therefore, we try for the best mix,
planning on fixing potential `holes' and
prioritizing what is perceived as intent,"
Salvucci said.
Major landmarks in strategic upgrade
efforts in progress at ESD include these
^ First of eight Region Operations Con-
trol Centers, a vital link in the U. S.-Cana-
dian Joint Surveillance System, reached
initial operational capability at Tyndall
AFB, Fla., earlier this month. The air
defense system, which displays digitized
air traffic data derived from Federal Avia-
tion Administration, USAF and joint-use
radars, is a successor to the Semi-Auto-
matic Ground Environment (SAGE) and
Back-Up Interceptor Control (BUIC) in-
stallations of past years. The initial opera-
tions center accepts data from radars
ranging from Texas and the Gulf of Mexi-
co to Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, the
Carolinas and most of Virginia. Prime
contractor for the system, expected to be
fully operational in 1984, is Hughes Air-
craft, Fullerton, Calif., with a firm, fixed-
price contract for $156 million.
Navy Plans Tests of Airborne EW Simulator
San Francisco-Naval Air Rework Facility, Alameda, Calif., expects to begin tests this fall
of an airborne electronic warfare (EW) simulator/trainer housed in .a modification of the
reconnaissance version of the Douglas A-3 Sky Warrior.
The modified aircraft has been designated the ERA-3B.
One feature on the ERA-3B will be a 20-ft.-long radome beneath the fuselage, which
will house high-power jamming antennas. The radomes are being developed and built by
Boeing Military Airplane Co. at Boeing's Wichita, Kan., facility.
The broadband radomes embody technology that Boeing developed in antenna system
installation programs for the USAF/Boeing B-52, independent research and develop-
ment, and the design and production of quiet nacelles. The radome contract is valued at
$2.4 million. The first unit is to be delivered in early summer.
The ERA-3B payload includes active and passive electronic warfare equipment sup-
plied by EM Systems of Sunnyvale, Calif., Hewlett-Packard Co., Lundy Electronics &
Systems, Inc., Raytheon Co., Scientific Communications, Inc., of Garland, Tex., and
Watkins-Johnson Co. Payload integration is being done by Naval Air Systems Command
and Naval Electronic Systems Command.
^ Coverage of the over-the-horizon/
backscatter (OTH-B) radar sites at Maine
will be expanded and the sites extended
under a contract with General Electric
Co. (Aw&sT Aug. 16, 1982, p. 68). ESD
expects to have construction completed by
this summer on a dedicated building to
house the OTH-B operations center at
Bangor International Airport. One modifi-
cation to the test system will change re-
ceive antennas at Columbia Falls, Me., to
monopole types, which are "better struc-
turally in the wind and ice" of the Maine
winter environment, according to'Col. A.
Lee Snyder, program manager.
^ Missile Warning Bypass System, now
undergoing testing, is designed to speed
alert information from Pave Paws, Ballis-
tic Missile Early Warning System and oth-
er sensors to the North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
command post, even if main communica-
tions processors experience a failure.' This
direct linkup is being built, installed and
tested by Ford Aerospace & Communica-
tions under a $4.1-million contract. More
basically, requests for proposals were re-
leased recently for design concepts for
Computer System Segment Replacement
at NORAD's underground command
post. The plan is to "rewire" the entire
processing complex at NORAD's under-
ground command post with a new distrib-
uted architecture system employing arrays
of microprocessors, possibly linked by fi-
ber optics, to provide increased flexibility
and better response time. A $200-million
multiyear program, expected also to re-
place processing and display and commu-
nications segments at "the heart of the
mountain," marks the first basic change in
the NORAD command post since its in-
^ Pave Paws warning system will be
upgraded at the two initial sites, Otis
AFB, Mass., and Beale AFB, Calif., with
improved data processors and software
and activation of some passive array ele-
ments (Aw&sT Apr. 9, 1979, p. 60). The
new southeastern site, at Robins AFB,
Ga., largest of the four, will take on an
additional functional task of deep space
tracking in addition to its warning role,
taking over the tracking functions of the
FPS-85 phased array system at Eglin
AFB, Fla. Both the Robins location and
the southwestern installation near Good-
fellow AFB, Tex., will use approximately
one-third of the 1,300-1,700 sensors on
the array face. The system at Robins also
will have a more powerful computer in
62 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983
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view of its multiple role. Pave P I up- inland Alaskan sites. The FPS-117 is de- evaluation hardware. A single contractor
grades extending to 1988-89 are expected signed to provide range, position and will be selected for full-scale development.
to be funded at about $250-300 million. A height of targets out to 200 naut. mi. and Also in support of MEECN is develop-
sole-source award to Raytheon Co., which up to 100,000 ft. Use of the minimally ment of frequency, time and spatial diver-
developed and built the original system, is manned radars at all 13 Alaskan sites sity receiving equipment both for ground
expected this summer. would be expected to save more than $30 sites and airborne command posts, and
^ Ground wave emergency network million annually, allowing USAF to re- also a 100-kw. VLF/LF transmitter for
(GWEN) is a 'low-frequency system oper- duce personnel at the sites from more USAF/Boeing EC-135 command post air-
ating at 160-190 KHz. to provide emer- than 900 to about 150. craft. Westinghouse won a competition for
gency communications and to pass crucial ^ WWMCCS (World-Wide Military the transmitter, but subsequent flight tests
national messages when other communica- Command/Control System) information were discontinued because of difficulty of
tions systems are "highly stressed" within system improvements, in which Electronic interfacing the high-power transmitter
an electromagnetic pulse environment. Systems Div. has been given responsibility with trailing-wire antennas. Westinghouse
GWEN would be expected to maintain for development and acquisition in a joint is studying transmitter/antenna combina-
multiple signal paths across the U. S., pro- program conceived and designed by the tions, and a decision on proceeding is ex-
viding flexible packetized communications Defense Communications Agency. Con- pected later this year, Col. William
from one node to the next. Two prelimi- tracts for the overall upgrade program for Lewark, who heads the strategic commu-
nary design contracts for an operational WWMCCS, encompassing more than 30 nications systems directorate at ESD, said.
system have been awarded, $5 million to sites world-wide, were at about the $3- The new Region Operations Control
Rockwell-Collins Communications Sys- billion level during the past fiscal year and Center at Tyndall AFB is one of eight
tems Div., Richardson, Tex., and $4 mil- may climb to about $5 billion in the next planned facilities, according to Lt. Col.
lion to RCA Government Communica- year or two, according to Stansberry. Gordon Drake, Joint Surveillance System
tions Systems, Camden, N. J. ^ Providing USAF support of MEECN program manager in ESD's North Ameri-
^ Ballistic Missile Early Warning Sys- (minimum essential emergency communi- can Air Defense Systems Directorate.
tem (BMEWS) upgrades encompass both cations network), ESD released two com- Others locations include:
radar system and data processing im- petitive validation phase contracts in ^ Griffiss AFB, N. Y.
provements. Missile impact predictor January for a miniature airborne VLF/LF ^ McChord AFB, Wash.
(MIP) data processing capabilities at all receive terminal for bomber aircraft. ^ March AFB, Calif.
three BMEWS sites will be updated with Awards of about $13 million each went to ^ Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.
Control Data Cyber 170-720 processors Rockwell-Collins and Westinghouse Elec- ^ Wheeler AFB, Hawaii.
replacing the aging IBM 7090s. Develop- tric, with each to provide three sets of ^ North Bay, Ontario, Canada. Two
ment, test and engineering phase is near
completion at the Clear, Alaska, operating
site. Initial operational test and evaluation
is planned at Thule, Greenland, followed
by installation at Fylingdales Moor, Eng-
land. For BMEWS basic radar upgrade at
Thule, three companies are in source se-
lection for a design-to-budget approach:
Federal Electric Corp., Norden Systems
and Raytheon. This represents a new ap-
proach to the Thule job-"What can we
do for approximately $80 million to up-
grade the radar?" Stansberry said.
^ North Warning System, a replace-
ment for the Distant Early Warning
(DEW) line, will use a mix of "minimally
attended" long-range radars and unattend-
ed short-range radars expected to reduce
personnel required to operate and main-
tain the system. Replacement of aging
DEW line radars across Alaska, Canada
and Greenland is expected to trim annual
operating costs by more than $40 million.
The 50 sites in the modified 3,000-mi.
network will have an expanded mission,
guarding against penetration by low-level
air-to-surface missiles, as well as by
manned aircraft. Requests for proposals
are expected to be released soon.
^ Seek Igloo, a program to replace
Alaskan air defense radars more than 20
years old with new, largely automated
equipment. has reached a test phase in
wnicn a preproaucuon venerai rIceLnc
AN/FPS-117 radar is undergoing initial
operational evaluation at King Salmon
Air Force Station, Alaska. If a production
decision follows, the FPS-117 will replace
equipment at 12 additional coastal and
Joint Surveillance System replaces earlier technology of the Semi-Automatic Ground Environ-
ment (SAGE) and Back-Up Interceptor Control (BUIC) systems, reducing operating personnel
by more than 6,000, with anticipated savings of $100 million annually. Typical Region
Operations Control Center will provide 18 radar scope positions. Hughes Aircraft is prime
contractor for the control centers under a $156-million firm fixed-price contract.
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Region Operations Control Center (ROCC) for U. S.-Canadian Joint
Surveillance System will provide command and control functions
covering a geographical area measuring about 2,048 naut. mi.
square. The Joint Surveillance System will integrate existing USAF
centers will be located at this site, which
will be turned over to Canadian Forces
after acceptance..
When the new network is fully opera-
tional, it is expected to save $100 million
annually in operating costs, as older air
defense systems and operations centers are
closed down.
Designed as a peacetime air surveillance
and control network, the Joint Surveil-
lance System gathers information from
USAF, FAA and some dual-use radar
sites. Digitized data from the radars will
be shared with the FAA, Drake said.
A ' typical center employs 18 display
scopes in normal configuration and "does
a lot of what SAGE did, but with nicer
displays and clearer maps that can be
used in normal room lighting," Drake
In implementing the Joint Surveillance
System, modifications are being made to
some existing radars, and height-finders
are being added, Drake said.
In the Norad command post Computer
System Segment Replacement, first of sev-
eral update phases that will involve pro-
cessing, display and communications
capabilities, a new distributed architecture
surveillance radars, Federal Aviation Administration air traffic control
radar system and Canadian radars into a shared radar-data system.
Four Region Operations Control Centers will be built in the Continen-
tal U. S., two in Canada and one each in Hawaii and Alaska.
concept employing microprocessors is ex-
pected to replace the present Honeywell
6000 central processors, according to Col.
E. A. Mezzapelle, who heads ESD's mis-
sile warning systems directorate.
The processing program will replace
"the heart of the mountain," Mezzapelle
said, since all sensor information comes
into the communications processors and
out to other command posts. Systems
Command is charged with development
planning and insuring that the system be-
ing built will be as error-free as possible,
Mezzapelle said.
This development planning responsibil-
ity will involve end-to-end tests of the new
A contract definition phase is anticipat-
ed late this year for a command post pro-
cessing and display system designed to
provide missile warning information at all
command posts.
In the essential communications area,
the Ground Wave Emergency Network is
,expected to provide low-frequency links
that follow the Earth's surface, continuing
to function through electromagnetic pulse
conditions that could disrupt ionospheric
characteristics, according to Lewark.
A nine-station unmanned' GWEN net-
work is being built in the Midwest to test
the feasibility of the concept. The pilot
program will link Strategic Air Command
headquarters at Offutt AFB, Neb.; North
American Aerospace Defense Command
at Peterson AFB, Colo.; Buckley Air Na-
tional Guard Base, Colo., and several oth-
er bases.
Initially stations will be located at
Pueblo and Aurora, Colo.; Omaha and
Ainsworth, Neb.; Manhattan and Colby,
Kan.; Fayetteville, Ark.; Canton, Okla.,
and Clark, S. D.
Commercial radio towers will be used
at Manhattan, Colby and Canton.
Standard GWEN towers will be about
300 ft. high with a suitable ground plane,
nominally 1,000 ft. on a side, Lewark said.
The low-frequency system, operating at
160-190 KHz., will have some logic at
each site and some antijam capability,
Lewark said.
USAF also is looking anew at adaptive
high-frequency radio, which had been dis-
counted in the past because of operating
difficulties in a disturbed ionosphere,
Lewark said.
However, operation at extended fre-
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 65
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New radar system at Tempelhof Central Airport, Berlin, will be housed in 53-ft.-dia.
radome shown as it was installed atop a 233-ft. tower at the airport. The system will
employ an enhanced version of the AN/FPS-1 17(V) radar developed for USAF's Seek
Igloo program and an automation/display system with four-color controller consoles.
New Traffic Control System Being Built in Berlin
Hanscom AFB, Mass.-Enhanced version of the AN/FPS-1.17(V) air defense radar
developed by General Electric Co. for USAF's Seek Igloo program will be used in
conjunction with Sanders Associates four-color display consoles in a new traffic control
system being built at Tempelhof Central Airport in Berlin.
The automated system will provide composite video displays of all radar data on
Sanders color consoles similar to those employed in the U. S. Navy's Fleet Air Control
and Surveillance Facilities (Aw&sT Mar. 7, p. 65).
The new Berlin radar system will replace a much-modified FPS-67D radar, which is
approaching end of life and is no longer supportable, according to Lt. Col. Gene Box,
Berlin radar program manager at USAF's Electronic Systems Div. here.
The system, used to help control traffic in the air corridors that link Berlin with
Western Europe, will employ new data processing equipment that will track aircraft and
display current flight plans.
The FPS-117(V) antenna will be housed inside a 53-ft.-dia. radome atop a 233-ft.
tower erected at Tempelhof.
Sanders Associates was awarded a $24.3-million multiyear contract to install the new
equipment at Tempelhof, with an expected operational date in late 1985. .
quency ranges in the high end of the band
and networking techniques promise more
capabilities than had been realized in re-
cent years, he said.
New modular radios under develop-
ment are expected to be capable of moni-
toring multiple frequencies and analyzing
link qualities, accepting properly ad-
dressed messages on a number of usable
Screen rooms also are being provided at
principal Strategic Air Command com-
mand posts to provide EMP protection
for key communications equipment. EMP
event detectors are designed to provide
warning of pulse conditions.
In the sensor area, the radar upgrade at
the Thule, Greenland, BMEWS site is
fund-limited, and the three contractors in
source selection have had to bid on. a
design-to-budget approach of approxi-
mately $80 million, Mezzapelle said.
The 40-44-month program is targeted
to have an upgrade in place in early 1987,
Mezzapelle said. Thule, which monitors
the "main channel" of approaching
ICBMs, was built for one or two single-
warhead type missiles, but with the devel-
opment of extensive MIRV capabilities,
the ability to track the first stage does not
provide enough information, he said.
Radar Modernization
The approach at Thule is to modernize
the radar and enable the system to better
characterize an attack, Stansberry said.
The radar upgrade will complement the
missile impact predictor system improve-
ments, in which USAF hopes to see the
new Control Data Cyber 170-720 proces-
sors in place at all three BMEWS sites by
later this year.
In a third phase, USAF.plans to devel-
op the operational requirements for
BMEWS Site 3, Fylingdales Moor, En-
gland, to improve both missile warning
and space tracking capabilities, Mezza-
pelle said. The space role could become
the primary one at Fylingdales. However,
this portion of the development is relegat-
ed to future USAF budgets, perhaps 1986.
Cyber computers also figure in the
planned upgrade of the Pave Paws radar
sites at Otis AFB, Mass., and Beale AFB,
Calif., Mezzapelle said. A more powerful
Cyber model is planned for the new dual
function site at Robins AFB, Ga. The
total program for radar system growth
and added data processing capability at
the two original sites, plus the two new
Pave Paws sites, is expected to extend
through 1988-89.
In the Seek Igloo program, developmen-
tal hardware has now been through three
test phases and is currently completing
evaluation by the Alaskan Air Command,
testing the radar remoted to King Salmon
Air Force Station, Alaska, according to
Charles Minor, test director.
The highly automated FPS- 117 radar is
expected to reduce personnel at each site
from the present eight or ten ranging up
to 25 to "up to three people at each of the
sites for maintenance purposes," accord-
ing to system specifications.
The test system has been operated in
conjunction with USAF aircraft flying out
of Elmendorf AFB and has been inter-
faced with both the new Region Opera-
tions Control Center and with FAA air
traffic facilities.
The new North Warning system radars
will also enable USAF to reduce on-site
personnel and trim operating costs. The
66 Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983.
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North Warning concept calls for approxi-
mately 37 short-range unmanned radars
and 13 long-range "minimally staffed" ra-
dars. The, long-range sites will use Seek
Igloo radars, according to Lt. Col. Wil-
liam Stinson, program manager.
A request for proposals for the remain-
ing radars is expected to, be issued soon.
Modernization of both processors and
software that support the World-Wide
Military Command/Control System is ex-
pected to. enable the system to meet de-
mands that outgrew its original
1960-vintage technology.
"The, appetite of WWMCCS Informa-
tion System users outgrew system capabil-
ities and its software also is now
considered relatively inefficient," Col.
Thad Sandford, WWMCCS program
manager at ESD, said.
The system, conceived in, the early
1960s and installed in the field in the early
1970s, was built around Honeywell 6000
central processors. Because neither a sud-
den cutover nor a system shutdown is
permissible, an evolutionary approach
with local area networks is being under-
taken, Sandford said.
WWMCCS is a joint program con-
ceived and designed by the Defense Com-
munications Agency, and the joint
program manager, in Washington, reports
to the joint chiefs of staff. ESD has been
given the responsibility of development
and acquisition of the system.
Hardware Competition
Expected procedure calls for modern-
ization of the software first, followed by a
hardware competition. ESD has the task
of providing a modern replacement for the
Honeywell 6000, which is no longer man-
ufactured, Sandford said.
Plans call for an integration contractor
and two hardware contractors. The hard-
ware contractors will provide, respective-
ly, joint mission hardware and user
interfaces to the WWMCCS information
system. Selection of an, integration con-
tractor is expected by late summer; a com-
mon user contractor selection is expected
to follow about four months later, Sand-
ford said.
ESD also has responsibility for modern-
ization of the Space Defense Operations
Center in Cheyenne Mountain, consolidat-
ing command, control, communications
and intelligence capabilities for the space
defense role.
A program to upgrade the operations
center and space cataloging capabilities is
just about at completion of definition of
incremental acquisitions, according to
Col. William F. H. Page, who heads the
space defense systems directorate at ESD.
Ford Aerospace and Martin Marietta
were awarded definition contracts of
about $3 million each, and ESD is now in
the process of source selection for a devel-
opment contractor, Page said. ^
Lockheed-Georgia Co. and Singer's Link Flight Simulation Div. are form-
ing a new joint company to build a $12-million training facility equipped
with a state-of-the-art flight simulator to provide initial and refresher flight
training on both civil and military versions of Lockheed's C-130/L-1,00
Hercules aircraft. Under terms of the agreement, Link will build, install
and maintain an advanced simulator system for the turboprop aircraft.
Lockheed will acquire land near its plant at Marietta, Ga., construct the
15,000-sq.-ft. building, staff and manage the training facility and market its
services. Construction is expected to begin in May.
Honeywell-developed dual-mode airborne missile warning system, employ-
ing a combination of pulse-Doppler radar and infrared sensors to detect
missiles attacking an aircraft, will undergo flight test on a USAF/Lockheed
C-130 at the Army's White Sands Missile Range, N. M. By combining two
different types of sensors, USAF hopes to reduce false alarms and enhance
missile detection. The advanced development system earlier was tested on
the Sandia cable car facility near Albuquerque, N. M.
McDonnell Douglas Electronics Co. has acquired Polhemus Navigation
Sciences from the Austin Co. for $3 million and will operate the new
acquisition at its present location in Essex Junction, Vt. Polhemus produces
a helmet-mounted sighting system that uses electromagnetic sensors to
determine pilot's line of sight.
Small, lightweight solid-state flight data recorder that will be developed for
the USAF/General Dynamics F-16C/D could become a triservice standard
for use on fighter, attack and trainer aircraft. This is the objective of an
effort under way by. USAF Aeronautical Systems Div.'s deputy for 'aero-
nautical equipment. General Dynamics will handle selection of a contractor
to develop the flight recorder later this year.
Request for industry proposals for funded six-month studies on megawatt-
level nuclear space power systems is scheduled to be issued around mid-
April by NASA's Lewis Research Center, Ohio. The studies are to identify
viable concepts, estimate their physical and operating characteristics and
pinpoint critical technologies needed to develop promising concepts. Inqui-
ries can be directed to R. J. Paginton: (216) 443-4000, Ext. 709.
Grumman Aerospace will develop Modular Automatic Test Equipment
(MATE) for portions of the USAF/Martin Marietta Lantirn (low-altitude
navigation targeting infrared for night) radar pod under a $7-million award
from Martin Marietta. Grumman projects a market potential of more than
$50 million if the Lantirn pods enter full-scale production.
Sperry Flight Systems will install an electronic flight instrument system
(EFIS) in a Sikorsky S-76 demonstrator helicopter, using 5 X 5-in. cath-
ode ray tube displays in the civil helicopter. A Sperry SPZ700 dual digital
flight control system and Primus 800 ColoRadar will be certified with the
EFIS installation.
New interface unit between Texas Instruments' TI 91 Remote Loran-C
Navigator and Sperry Flight Systems' Data Nav 3 display system will
enable integration of Loran-C navigation data with weather or groundmap
radar information on a single CRT screen. The Loran-C unit supplies
programmable waypoints, range and bearing to the next waypoint, estimat-
ed time en route, ground track angle and cross track data to the Data Nav
3, providing a continuous pictorial display of the aircraft track on any
Sperry color radar indicator.
Aviation Week & Space Technology, March 28, 1983 67
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Advertisers in
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1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10020
Aerospatiale ..............................................................4
Aviation Week & Space Technology
Aerospace Materials
Special Advertising Section ....................... 74-75
Boeing Commercial Airplane Co .................. 39-41
Boeing Vertol Co .......................................4th Cover
Canadair Inc ........................................................... 52
CFM International, A Joint
Co. of Snecma, France and
General Electric Co., U.S.A .............................. 42
Eastman Kodak Co ................................................ 48
First Boston Corp., The ........................................ 60
Gates Learjet Corp ................................................ 47
General Electric Co.
Aerospace Electronics Systems Dept............ 77
General Electric Co.
Space Systems Div ............................................ 12
Logitek, Inc ............................................................ 53
McDonnell Douglas ......................................... 33-34
Northrop Corp ........................................................ 10
NOWEA/AIRMEC 83 ................................................5
Rolls-Royce Ltd ................................................ 54-55
Sperry Corp ............................................................... 8
Sundstrand Corp ................................ 78-3rd Cover
United Technologies
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft .................. 2nd Cover-3
Vought Corp., The
An LTV Co .............................................................. 6
Blackbird ................................................................72
Dayton-Granger, Inc .............................................. 68
EATON, AIL Div ...................................................... 72
Garrett Turbine Engine Co .................................. 72
GWU-NASA Langley Research Center ............... 68
Hughes Aircraft Co ............................................... 64
Link Flight Simulation Div .................................... 70
Lockheed-California Co ........................................ 69
Saudi Arabian Airlines .......................................... 71
Simuflite Training International Inc ................... 70
United Technologies
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft ............................68, 68,70
Williams International ........................................... 68
Aviation Week
& Space Technology
March 28, 1983
Business Manager: William V. Cockren
Director of Special Projects: James E. Marquis
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It's a worldwide revolution, as every
major industrialized nation in the
world competes to stay ahead in the
high-technology race. New materials,
new alloys and adaptations of old
materials are literally creating whole
new industries on an international
scale. Staying on top means staying
ahead, and that means more re-
search, more development, more
Composites. How far away is the all-
composite helicopter body?
Specialty Steel. The industry re-
tools, and the new alloys are amazing.
Aluminum. New techniques mean
new fabrications, which mean "new"
Ceramics. For hotter, more efficient
engines than anyone thought possi-
ble 5 years ago.
And... the wide spectrum of other
materials that contribute to the aero-
space industry's manufacturing
AW&ST's April 25 Aerospace Materi-
als Special Advertising Section will
describe developments from a state-
of-the-market point of view interna-
tional in scope. The materials, the
tools, the products and components,
the major companies in the indus-
tries, and their important applications
throughout the worldwide market-
place-all in April 25, AW&ST.
And the greatest aviation/ aerospace
audience in the world-more than
half a million readers of Aviation
Week-will read it all, both ads and
Aviation Week & Space Technology
a McGraw-Hill publication
1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10020
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APRIL 25,. 1983
promotional text. An independent
study of our 1982 Aerospace Materials
Special Ad Section by Harvey Re-
search documented and proved our
readers study it all -thoroughly!
It's an outstanding advertising oppor-
tunity, an ideal showcase for mate-
rials producers ... fabricators...
final-product manufacturers... every
marketer involved with the future of
aviation and aerospace construction.
April 25, 1983 Aviation Week Aero-
space Materials Special Advertising
Section. Don't miss it. Call your
AW&ST representative today, or Sam
Perry, Director of Special Advertising
Programs, at (212) 997-6477.
Issue will include Reader Response Inquiry Cards...
and independent studies of ads by Harvey Research.
military aircraft, controls and
communications, missiles
and simulation systems.
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PART 1: AUG.15, 1983/PART II: AUG. 22, 1983
A two-part Special Advertising Section on this $6
billion-plus growth industry is giving increasingly
powerful operational leverage to modern weapons
systems-and has become a basic element in de-
fense planning and weapons-system development.
Spotlight on the aerospace industry's growing
need for ever more efficient, more sophisticated
computer-based tools, for commercial and ,
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Letters to the Editor dit?r
Wind Shear
The article by Keith F. Mordoff on methods
performance can be best optimized during an
path control. Furthermore, we have had little
ground when the elevator was used to lower
the model's nose to gain airspeed in an at-
reduction in angle of attack, a significant loss
and ground impact. Under such conditions,
IAS is an inferior and invalid parameter for
adequately deciphering the aerodynamic pic-
ture. The indiscriminate chasing of IAS, with-.
The combined reduction in IAS (dynamic pres-
sure) and AOA (lift coefficient) will severely
reduction in AOA toward negative values can
occur. This can produce a temporary flight
condition where a high-pressure area develops
above the airfoil and a low-pressure area below.
This reversal has the opposite effect of a posi-
tive lift producing wing.
Referencing this transitory flight regime of
lift generation and classical Newtonian dynam-
ics. Simply stated, if the aircraft is not generat-
ing enough lift to support its weight, then it's
not going anywhere but down. The resultant
create an unbalanced force to accelerate the
aircraft inertially with an increasing, downward
second law of motion. This is apparently what
occurred in these tests and in several past
definitely supports the stick shaker recovery
method originated by Paul Higgins of Boeing. I
believe this to be the best procedure to date for
transport-category aircraft that have no real
When inadvertently confronted with an ex-
best be maximized by (1) applying maximum
thrust and executing a missed approach while
(2) simultaneously rotating to the AOA for
maximum lift generation to discontinue or pre-
vent a downward inertial velocity and once
achieved, then (3) fly out at the AOA for best
angle of climb until a positive rate of climb is
established and obstacles are cleared, and (4)
comes the opinions of its readers on the
issues raised in the magazine's editorial
columns. Address letters to the Editor,
Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y.
10020. Try to keep letters under 500
words and give a genuine identification.
We will not print anonymous letters, but
names will be withheld. We reserve the
right to edit letters.
The solution to the wind shear threat can be
found in the precision control of the relative
wind through AOA and the optimizing of all
the physical forces of flight. This assumes, of
course, that the given aerodynamic capability
of the aircraft can exceed the physical forces of
the given shear or microburst.
Lt. Cmdr., Naval Reserve
San Diego, Calif.
I was pleased to see your article on methods
to combat effects of wind shear (Feb. 21,
p. 40). Trans World Airlines and other airlines
have implemented the wind shear/stall recov-
ery technique advocated by the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration workshop at
the University of Tennessee you cited. We
adopted this technique in 1979 after reviewing
wind shear accidents and incidents.
This research and others tend to corroborate
the optimum performance (maximum lift/drag)
theory of recovery technique. Research on
wind shear detection devices should make our
airways safer.
Flight Manager-Training
Trans World Airlines
Kansas City, Mo.
In the article on wind shear research, atten-
tion was drawn to the possibility that some
shear situations may not be penetrated safely.
If this is true, it is of the first importance to
detect such situations; and this implies that all
airports should have the needed equipment.
It seems equally important.that this informa-
tion be made available to air crews in a form
that can be both understood and believed.
It is also important to consider the integrity
of any method used to combat wind shear,
especially with regard to the effects of errors in
data sources. For example, the method of opti-
cally projecting a symbol at a fixed angle below
the true horizon (to show directly the vertical
offset from a desired approach path) is sensi-
tive to inaccuracy in the attitude reference.
Experience has shown that a conventional
gyro can be quite inadequate for this purpose
because of deceleration error during the ap-
proach. An error of only one-third degree
when the aircraft is at a height of 1,000 ft.
results in an apparent vertical offset of about
120 ft. Other methods of dealing with wind
shear need to be examined in the same manner.
So it appears necessary to deal with the
problems of measuring a real-life shear, of com-
municating relevant information to air crews,
and of surmounting effects of inaccurate data
sources. Simulator experiments can be given
due credence when the influence of these fac-
tors is allowed.
In conclusion, your wind shear article adds
weight to a feeling that your space is well used
in giving emphasis to research. Perhaps the
time has come to include a section devoted to
research in your table of contents. We need
R&D to keep ahead.
Los Altos, Calif.
CF6 Engine Oil
In the third paragraph of the article on the
General Electric CF6 engine problem there is a
statement that American Airlines "had
switched its lubricating oil to that used by Del-
Jan. 31, p. 34). A true statement.
The penultimate paragraph of the article
goes on to say that Delta, using Exxon 2380,
has not observed the metal-chip problem. This
is not true since Delta had removed two en-
gines due to metal on the B sump chip detec-
tor, one on Jan. 27 and the other on Jan. 28.
In addition to leaving out the above facts,
which could leave some readers (including our
customers of Mobil Jet Oil 2) with the wrong
impression, AVIATION WEEK failed to report
that American continued to remove engines
due to metal on the chip detectors after having
switched to Exxon 2380.
Delta, using Exxon 2380, had two removals
due to metal on the B sump chip detector, one
on Jan. 27 and the second on Jan. 28. Both
removals were before the AVIATION WEEK
publication date and should have been included
in the interest of fairness and accurate
Omission of these facts could, by inference,
cause your readers to conclude that Mobil Jet
Oil 2 was at fault. This conclusion is not true,
and General Electric's subsequent admissions
of mechanical causes of the bearing failures
attest to the problem being totally unrelated to
the lubricant used.
I look forward to clarification of this matter
in a future issue.
USD Aviation & Government Sales
Mobil Oil Corp.
Fairfax, Va.
(Both Exxon 2380 and Mobil Jet Oil 2 can be
used in the General Electric CF6-80 engine,
according to the FAA. While no mention of the
two Delta engines was made in the Jan. 31
story, the information was included in the next
issue, AW&ST Feb. 7, p. 32-Ed.)
F-15C/D Budget Item
I was amazed to find the Air Force's F-15C/
D aircraft missing from your box score listing
of Fiscal 1984 major weapon systems spending
detailed by military service (Aw&ST Feb. 14,
p. 92). Ditto for the EF-111A.
Did someone's finger slip while reviewing
the Defense budget request, or are the pro-
grams really terminated?
Softech, Inc.
Falls Church, Va.
(F-15C/D figures were inadvertently omitted
from the Feb. 14 table. They appear in the Mar.
14 issue, p. 10. Defense Dept. did not request
funding for the EF-111 in Fiscal 1984-Ed.)
Aviation Week A Snares Torhrinlnn,, March 28, 1983
Approved For Release 2008/05/07: CIA-RDP88B00831 R000100210025-3
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With a new Sundstrand Electrical Power Generation System and modern CFM56 engines, the KC-135R tanker will have
better fuel economy, greater performance, and a service life extending well into the next century. We're proud to help
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improve ine u:~5rt s etticien y : Atte j all, improving SUNDSTRR o Committed to aerospace growth.
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B09 C.
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When seas are up and the wind keeps
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Just over the horizon, the Navy's
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tion kits extend the aircraft's ability to
meet current mission requirements and
reduce cost of ownership to the year 2000
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The Boeing VERTREP helicopter:
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The LeadingEdge
Philadelphia, PA 19142
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