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Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88BOO443ROO0803410008-1 Current Policy No. 464 Following is an address by President Reagan before the National Association of Manufacturers, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1983. We didn't come to Washington at an ideal time, and we've certainly had our share of problems. But the signs of recovery are springing up all around us. There's no mistaking the fact that, at long last, America is on the mend, and the courage and the vision of the people and institutions represented here today deserve a big share of the credit for this hard-earned but inflation-free recovery. So, on behalf of all your fellow citizens who have been freed from the ravages of runaway inflation and can look again to a future of better times and then new opportunity, I thank you. America is meeting her challenge here at home. But there are other challenges, equally important, that we must face. And today I'd like to talk to you about one of them. Late last year, I visited Central America. Just a few weeks ago, our U.N. Ambassador, Jeane Kirkpatrick, also toured the area. And in the last few days, I have met with leaders of the Congress to discuss recent events in Central America and our policies in that troubled part of the world. So, today I'd like to report to you on these consultations and why they are important to us all. The nations of Central America are among our nearest neighbors. El Salva- dor, for example, is nearer to Texas than Texas is to Massachusetts. Central America is simply too close, and the strategic stakes are too high, for us to President Reagan Strategic Importance of El Salvador and Central America March 10, 1983 United States Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. ignore the danger of governments seiz- ing power there with ideological and military ties to the Soviet Union. Let me show you just how important Central America is. At the base of Cen- tral America is the Panama Canal. Half of all the foreign trade of the United States passes through either the canal or other Caribbean sealanes on its way to or from our ports. And, of course, to the north is Mexico, a country of enor- mous human and material importance, with which we share 1,800 miles of peaceful frontier. And between Mexico and the canal lies Central America. As I speak to you today, its countries are in the midst of the gravest crisis in their history. Ac- cumulated grievances and social and eco- nomic change are challenging traditional ways. New leaders with new aspirations have emerged who want a new and bet- ter deal for their peoples. That is good. The problem is that an aggressive minority has thrown in its lot with the Communists, looking to the Soviets and their own Cuban henchmen to help them pursue political change through violence. Nicaragua has become their base. These extremists make no secret of their goal. They preach the doctrine of a "revolu- tion without frontiers." Their first target is El Salvador. Importance of El Salvador Why is El Salvador important? Well, to begin with, there is the sheer human tragedy. Thousands of people have already died, and, unless the conflict is ended democratically, millions more could be affected throughout the hemi- sphere. The people of El Salvador have proved they want democracy. But. if guerrilla violence succeeds, they won't get it. El Salvador will join Cuba and Nicaragua as a base for spreading fresh violence to Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica-probably the most democratic country in the world today. The killing will increase and so will the threat to Panama, the canal, and ultimately Mex- ico. In the process, vast numbers of men, women, and children will lose their homes, their countries, and their lives. Make no mistake. We want the same thing the people of Central America want-an end to the killing. We want to see freedom preserved where it now ex- ists and its rebirth where it does not. The Communist agenda, on the other hand, is to exploit human suffering in Central America to strike at the heart of the Western Hemisphere. By preventing reform and instilling their own brand of totalitarianism, they can threaten free- dom and peace and weaken our national security. I know a good many people wonder why we should care about whether Com- munist governments come into power in Nicaragua, El Salvador, or such other countries as Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and the islands of the Carib- bean. One columnist argued last week that we shouldn't care because their products are not that vital to our economy. That's like the argument of another so-called expert that we shouldn't worry about Castro's control over the island of Grenada-their only important product is nutmeg. Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88BOO443ROO0803410008-1 Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88B00443R000803410008-1 Well, let me just interject right here. Grenada-that tiny, little island with Cuba at the west end of the Caribbean, Grenada at the east end-that tiny, little island is building now, or having built for it, on its soil and shores a naval base, a superior air base, storage bases and facilities for the storage of muni- tions, barracks and training grounds for the military. I'm sure all of that is simp- ly to encourage the export of nutmeg. People who make these arguments haven't taken a good look at a map late- ly or followed the extraordinary buildup of Soviet and Cuban military power in the region or read the Soviets' dis- cussions about why the region is import- ant to them and how they intend to use It isn't nutmeg that is at stake in the Caribbean and Central America. It is the U.S. national security. Soviet military theorists want to destroy our capacity to resupply Western Europe in case of an emergency. They want to tie down our attention and forces on our own southern border and so limit our capaci- ty to act in more distant places such as Europe, the Persian Gulf, the Indian Ocean, the Sea of Japan. Those Soviet theorists noticed what we failed to notice-that the Caribbean Sea and Cen- tral America constitute this nation's fourth border. If we must defend ourselves against a large hostile military presence on our border, our freedom to act elsewhere, to help others, and to protect strategically vital sealanes and resources has been drastically diminished. They know this. They have written about this. We have been slow to under- stand that the defense of the Caribbean and Central America against Marxist- Leninist takeover is vital to our national security in ways we're not accustomed to thinking about. For the past 3 years, under two presidents, the United States has been engaged in an effort to stop the advance of communism in Central America by doing what we do best-by supporting democracy. For 3 years, our goal has been to support fundamental change in this region-to replace pover- ty with development and dictatorship with democracy. These objectives are not easy to at- tain, but we're on the right track. Costa Rica continues to set a democratic exam- ple, even in the midst of economic crisis and Nicaraguan intimidation. Honduras has gone from military rule to a freely elected civilian government. Despite in- credible obstacles, the democratic center is holding in El Salvador, implementing land reform and working to replace the politics of death with the life of democracy. So the good news is that our new policies have begun to work. Democracy, with free elections, free labor unions, freedom of religion, and respect for the integrity of the individual, is the clear choice of the overwhelming majority of Central Americans. In fact, except for Cuba and its followers, no government and no significant sector of the public anywhere in this hemisphere want to see the guerrillas seize power in El Salvador. The bad news is that the struggle for democracy is still far from over. Despite their success in largely eliminat- ing guerrilla political influence in popu- lated areas, and despite some improve- ments in military armaments and mobili- ty, El Salvador's people remain under strong pressure from armed guerrillas controlled by extremists with Cuban- Soviet support. The military capability of these guer- rillas-and I would like to stress military capability, for these are not peasant ir- regulars, they are trained military forces-this has kept political and economic progress from being turned in- to the peace the Salvadoran people so obviously want. Part of the trouble is in- ternal to El Salvador. But an important part is external: the availability of train- ing, tactical guidance, and military sup- plies coming into El Salvador from Marxist Nicaragua. I'm sure you've read about guerrillas capturing rifles from government na- tional guard units, and recently this has happened. But much more critical to guerrilla operations are the supplies and munitions that are infiltrated into El Salvador by land, sea, and air-by pack mules, by small boats, and by small air- craft. These pipelines fuel the guerrilla offensives and keep alive the conviction of their extremist leaders that power will ultimately come from the barrels of their guns. Now, all this is happening in El Salvador just as a constitution is being written, as open presidential elections are being prepared, and as a peace com- mission named last week has begun to work on amnesty and national reconcilia- tion to bring all social and political groups into the democratic process. It is the guerrilla militants who have so far refused to use democratic means, have ignored the voice of the people of El Salvador, and have resorted to terror, sabotage, and bullets instead of the ballot box. Questions Concerning El Salvador During the past week, we have dis- cussed all of these issues and more with leaders and Members of the Congress. Their views have helped shape our own thinking, and I believe that we've de- veloped a common course to follow. Here are some of the questions raised most often. First: How bad is the military situation? It is not good. Salvadoran soldiers have proved that when they are well trained, led, and supplied, they can protect the people from guerrilla at- tacks. But so far, U.S. trainers have been able to train only 1 soldier in 10. There is a shortage of experienced of- ficers; supplies are unsure. The guer- rillas have taken advantage of these shortcomings. For the moment, at least, they have taken the tactical initiative just when the sharply limited funding Congress has so far approved is running out. A second vital question is: Are we going to send American soldiers into combat? And the answer to that is a flat no. A third question: Are we going to Americanize the war with a lot of U.S. combat advisers? And again the answer is no. Only Salvadorans can fight this war, just as only Salvadorans can decide El Salvador's future. What we can do is help to give them the skills and supplies they need to do the job for themselves. That mostly means training. Without playing a combat role themselves and without accompanying Salvadoran units into combat, American specialists can help the Salvadoran Army improve its operations. Over the last year, despite manifest needs for more training, we have scrupulously kept our training ac- tivities well below our self-imposed numerical limit on numbers of trainers. We are currently reviewing what we can do to provide the most effective training possible to determine the minimum level of trainers needed and where the train- ing should best take place. We think the best way is to provide training outside El Salvador, in the United States, or elsewhere, but that costs a lot more. So the number of U.S. trainers in El Salvador will depend upon the resources available. Question four: Are we seeking a political or a military solution? Despite all I and others have said, some people still seem to think that our concern for security assistance means that all we care about is a military solution. That's nonsense. Bullets are no answer to eco- nomic inequities, social tensions, or political disagreements. Democracy is what we want. And what we want is to enable Salvadorans to stop the killing and sabotage so that economic and political reforms can take root. The real solution can only be a political one. Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88B00443R000803410008-1 Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88BOO443ROO0803410008-1 This reality leads directly to a fifth question: Why not stop the kill- ings and start talking? Why not negotiate? Well, negotiations are already a key part of our policy. We sup- port negotiations among all the nations of the region to strengthen democracy, to halt subversion, to stop the flow of arms, to respect borders, and to remove all the foreign military advisers-the Soviets, the Cubans, the East Germans, the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion], as well as our own-from the region. A regional peace initiative is now emerging. We've been in close touch with its sponsors and wish it well. And we support negotiations within nations, aimed at expanding participation in democratic institutions-at getting all parties to participate in free, nonviolent elections. What we oppose are negotiations that would be used as a cynical device for dividing up power behind the people's back. We cannot support negotiations which, instead of expanding democracy, try to destroy it-negotia- tions which would simply distribute power among armed groups without the consent of the people of El Salvador. We made that mistake some years ago in Laos when we pressed and pressured the Laotian Government to form a government, a co-op, with the Pathet Lao-armed guerrillas who'd been doing what the guerrillas are doing in El Salvador. And once they had that tri- partite government, they didn't rest un- til those guerrillas, the Pathet Lao, had seized total control of the government of Laos. The thousands upon thousands of Salvadorans who risked their lives to vote last year should not have their ballots thrown into the trash heap this year by letting a tiny minority on the fringe of a wide and diverse political spectrum shoot its way into power. No, the only legitimate road to power, the only road we can support, is through the voting booth, so that the people can choose for themselves-choose, as His Holiness the Pope said Sunday, "far from terror and in a climate of demo- cratic conviviality." This is fundamental, and it is a moral as well as a practical belief that all free people of the Americas share. U.S. Policy Toward El Salvador Having consulted with the Congress, let me tell you where we are now and what we will be doing in the days ahead. We'll welcome all the help we can get. We will be submitting a comprehensive, inte- grated, economic and military assistance plan for Central America. First, we will bridge the existing gap in military assistance. Our projec- tions of the amount of military assist- ance needed for El Salvador have re- mained relatively stable over the past 2 years. However, the Continuing Resolu- tion budget procedure in the Congress last December led to a level of U.S. security assistance for El Salvador in 1983 below what we'd requested, below that provided in 1982, and below that re- quested for 1984. I am proposing that $60 million of the monies already ap- propriated for our worldwide military assistance programs be immediately re- allocated to El Salvador. Further, to build the kind of disci- plined, skilled army that can take and hold the initiative while respecting the rights of its people, I will be amending my supplemental that is currently before the Congress, to reallocate $50 million to El Salvador. These funds will be sought without increasing the overall amount of the supplemental that we have already presented to Congress. And, as I have said, the focus of this assistance will remain the same: to train Salvadorans so that they can defend themselves. Because El Salvador's security problems are not unique in the region, I will also be asking for an addi- tional $20 million for regional security assistance. These funds will be used to help neighboring states to maintain their national security and will, of course, be subject to full congressional review. Second, we will work hard to sup- port reform, human rights, and democ- racy in El Salvador. Last Thursday, the Salvadoran Government extended the land reform program which has already distributed 20% of all the arable land in the country and transformed more than 65,000 farm workers into farm owners. What they ask is our continued eco- nomic support while the reform is com- pleted. And we will provide it. With our support, we expect that the steady prog- ress toward more equitable distribution of wealth and power in El Salvador will continue. Third, we will, I repeat, continue to work for human rights. Progress in this area has been slow, sometimes disap- pointing. But human rights means work- ing at problems, not walking away from them. To make more progress, we must continue our support, advice, and help to El Salvador's people and democratic leaders. Lawbreakers must be brought to justice, and the rule of law must sup- plant violence in settling disputes. The key to ending violations of human rights is to build a stable, working democracy. Democracies are accountable to their citizens. And when abuses occur in a democracy, they cannot be covered up. With our support, we expect the govern- ment of El Salvador to be able to move ahead in prosecuting the accused and in building a criminal justice system appli- cable to all and ultimately accountable to the elected representatives of the peo- ple. Now, I hope you've noticed that I was speaking in millions, not billions, and that, after 2 years in Federal office, is hard to do. In fact, there are some areas of government where, I think, they spill as much as I've talked about here over a weekend. Fourth, the El Salvador Govern- ment proposes to solve its problems the only way they can be solved fairly-by having the people decide. President Magana has just announced nationwide elections moved up to this year, calling on all to participate-adversaries as well as friends. To help political adversaries participate in the elections, he has ap- pointed a peace commission, including a Roman Catholic bishop and two inde- pendents. And he has called on the Organization of American States (OAS) and the international community to help. We were proud to participate, along with representatives of other democratic nations, as observers in last March's Constituent Assembly elections. We would be equally pleased to contribute again to any international effort, perhaps in conjunction with the OAS, to help the government insure the broadest possible participation in the upcoming elections-with guarantees that all, in- cluding critics and adversaries, can be protected as they participate. Let me just say a word about those elections last March. A great worldwide propaganda campaign had, for more than a year, portrayed the guerrillas as somehow representative of the people of El Salvador. We were told over and over again that the government was the oppressor of the people. Came the elections, and suddenly it was the guerrilla force threatening death to any who would attempt to vote. More than 200 busses and trucks were attacked and burned and bombed in an effort to keep the people from going to the polls. But they went to the polls, they walked miles to do so and stood in long lines for hours and hours. Our own congressional observers came back and reported one instance that they saw themselves of a woman, who had been shot by the guerrillas for trying to get to the polls, standing in the line refusing medical attention until she had had her opportunity to go in and vote. More than 80% of the electorate voted. I don't believe here in our land, where voting is so easy, we've had a turnout that great in the last half century. They elected the present government, and they voted for order, peace, and democratic rule. Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88BOO443ROO0803410008-1 Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88B00443R000803410008-1 Promoting Regional Economic Progress Finally, we must continue to help the people of El Salvador and the rest of Central America and the Caribbean to make economic progress. More than three-quarters of our assistance to this region has been economic. Because of the importance of economic development to that region, I will ask the Congress for $65 million in new monies and the reprogramming of $103 million from already appropriated worldwide funds for a total of $168 million in increased economic assistance for Central America. And to make sure that this assistance is as productive as possible, I'll continue to work with the Congress for the urgent enactment of the long- term opportunities for trade and free in- itiative that are contained in the Carib- bean Basin initiative. In El Salvador and in the rest of Central America, there are today thous- ands of small businessmen, farmers, and workers who have kept up their produc- tivity as well as their spirits in the face of personal danger, guerrilla sabotage, and adverse economic conditions. With them stand countless national and local officials, military and civic leaders, and priests who have refused to give up on democracy. Their struggle for a better future deserves our help. We should be proud to offer it, for, in the last analysis, they are fighting for us, too. The Need for U.S. Support By acting responsibly and avoiding il- lusory shortcuts, we can be both loyal to our friends and true to our peaceful, Bureau,of Public Affairs United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 It address is incorrect please indicate change. Do not cover or destroy this address label. democratic principles. A nation's char- acter is measured by the relations it has with its neighbors. We need strong, stable neighbors with whom we can cooperate. And we will not let them down. Our neighbors are risking life and limb to better their lives, to improve their lands, and to build democracy. All they ask is our help and understanding as they face dangerous, armed enemies of liberty, and that our help be as sus- tained as their own commitment. None of this will work if we tire or falter in our support. I don't think that is what the American people want or what our traditions and faith require. Our neigh- bors' struggle for a better future de- serves our help, and we should be proud to offer it. We would, in truth, be opening a two-way street. We have never, I believe, fully realized the great potential of this Western Hemisphere. Oh, yes, I know in the past we have talked of plans, we've gone down there every once in a while with a great plan somehow for our neighbors to the south, but it was always a plan which we-the big colossus of the north-would impose on them. It was our idea. On my trip to Central and South America, I asked for their ideas. I pointed out that we had a common heri- tage. We'd all come as pioneers to these two great continents. We worshipped the same God, and we'd lived at peace with each other longer than most people in other parts of the world. There are more than 600 million of us calling ourselves Americans-North, Central, and South. We haven't really begun to tap the vast resources of these continents. Without sacrificing our national sovereignties, our own individual cultures or national pride, we could as neighbors make this Western Hemi- sphere-our hemisphere-a force for good such as the Old World has never seen. But it starts with the word neigh- bor. And that is what I talked about down there and sought their partner- ship-their equal partnership-in we of the Western Hemisphere coming together to truly develop fully the poten- tial this hemisphere has. Last Sunday, His Holiness Pope John Paul II prayed that the measures announced by President Magana would "contribute to orderly and peaceful prog- ress" in El Salvador, progress "founded on the respect for the rights of all, and that all have the possibility to cooperate in a climate of true democracy for the promotion of the common good." My fellow Americans, we in the United States join in that prayer for democracy and peace in El Salvador, and we pledge our moral and material support to help the Salvadoran people achieve a more just and peaceful future. And in doing so, we stand true to both the highest values of our free society and our own vital interests. ^ Published by the United States Department of State ? Bureau of Public Affairs Office of Public Communication ? Editorial Division ? Washington, D.C. ? March 1983 Editor: Colleen Sussman ? This material is in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission; citation of this source is appreciated. Postage and Fees Paid Department of State STA-501 Approved For Release 2008/01/04: CIA-RDP88B00443R000803410008-1