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Publication Date:
May 30, 1972
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3.0 MAY 1972
Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300210019-4
i~ AIJ.111
t 1, 0 it I
h o-.%7,1 s e. irport
one is a U.. representative. winner is pacing, pacing.
"I'm doing it just for the Thinking, thinking. An aide up the equipment at noon
heck of it," laughs Hop. brings water and moves the and stuff it into the Cinemo-
James C. \Vright Jr. (D-Tex.). chair according to instruc- bile, a huge traveling studio
"It's kind of a new expert- tions. 1Viniler mops his. rented from Hollywood and
once for me." Wright says Prow. "Hot. A bit hot." Soon parked outside. The crew is
that though he is a Protest- it is time for take 2, take 3, obviously British; they say.
ant, he considers the role to take 4. "Don't forget to do "please" when they nudge
be "type casting," and says that pushing into Mr. Lan- you out of the way of a light
a crewmember picked him caster, the more the mer. or a cable or a camera. One
as one of the real priests in rier " says Winner to the even says "Excuse me, me the group. hired crowd. (Lancaster is darlin's," as he motions ob=
What will he do with his always referred to as Mr. atacles aside.
After lunch, the crew
$25 fee for being an extra? Lancaster.) "I plan on donating it to Most of the people watch- moves to Jim Finley 's
several of my favorite chari- ing wouldn't know it was Gym, above Jim Finley's r
tics," he says. "The Wright Mr. Lancaster but for his Gwraast in Northeast. get
children." lie looks over to personalized chair, which Lancaster comes here to get
where the lights are shining. sits next to Winner's. Dur- somebody to do something,"
"Say! I think I'm supposed ing a break,.a pudgy woman he half-explains apparently
to be in there." who works at the airport trying not to divulge too
Ten special policemen are cafeteria breaks through to much plot. The film, tiesays, is the first "weighty"
trying to keep the tourists, shake the actor's hand. "I'm spy movie since "The Spy
away, but one woman g is not gonna wash that hand Who Came in from the
through to winner as he sits today," she bubbles later. Cold."
in his MICHAEL 1VJNNER And what did she think of In the hot .gyni, a cam-
director's chair and an at. that makeup job? "It's beau-
tendant hands him another tiful, isn't it?" era, dolly, lights and sound.
cigar. "Just one more please," equipment are set up while'
calls Winner before take 5. boxers spar, jump rope, and
She asks what's going on. punch bags. Into the heart
"Just doing a documentary "Last one-let's give it ev
film here for the airline" erything," he says before e1 the ruckus walks Winner,
lies Winner genially, lie take 6. "One more please," clapping his hands for atten-
tion like a schoolteacher.
gets up and arranges the he says before take 7. children into the desired When it's finally over, the- "Quiet please 'quiet," he
disorder, then bellows an kids (from Bowen School in says. "Now, do any of the
enormous "Quiet!" that si- Southeast) surround Win- athletic gentlemen hyah do?
lences everybody in ner's chair while Lancaster tumbling or acrobatics; " A
He barks to a man 11c" the .checks his hands to make nearby boxer suddenly
camera and, -calm cc'ablis?h- sure they aren't peeling. springs into strenuous sit-
ed, calls for ".- cUoi~." I'lan The kids ask Winner ques- tips. into the fine." That gets
caster says "Good l:,ye, my ti.ons: "What's the name of him Lancaster picture.
is merely
his way through to the
gate, hands his ticket to
customer service- a;e?nt Bob
Karl), who has been supplied
by United Airlines, and
walks toward the exit.
He will repent the scene
six more then Jive
more in close-up. "That was
ric;lit, that was good,"
says Winner after the first
take. "Now we"ve got to get
to this position again," and
he stands on an "X" made
with red tape on the lino-
leum floor.
'Travelers are let through
when the shooting ceases.
"We're gonna get its in a
movie," laughs one Marine
to another as they walk by.
"I could never work for a
i`Pr}eSts, some are se et V cart mg ,Ill Allc 13 :CIA-RDP88-013658000300210019-4
ans from Catholic fit e 0i" ors H h L
- By Toin Shales
That was Burt Lancaster.
What is Burt Lancaster doing
disguised as. a black priest?
Ile is malting a movie on.lo-
cation, and. the location is
Lancaster, costar Alain De-
lon, and a 20-tnan British
crew will be here for the next
.two weeks filming scenes for
..the film, a $4-million spy
cthriller. called "Scorpio."
About half the picture
takes place in Washington,
the rest in Vienna and Paris.
"Filming will continue in those
cities once, it has finshed
here. .
Shooting began at Union
Station Saturday and conti-
nues this week with a mur-
der in Georgetown and a
car chase through city
streets. Other area locations
will include exteriors at the
White House and the Lin-
coln Memorial. .
The clock is set at 5:12 but
it is really 9 a.m. at National
Airport, where director Mi-
chael Winner has already
been filming for an hour
and will film for three more
-all for a brief scene that
will probaly last less than a
minute on the screen.
Lancaster, in dark make-
up, fake beard, and wig, is
playing a veteran C.I.A.
agent named Cross, dis-
guised as a black priest so
he can sneak out of town
unbeknown to Alain Delon-.
who, as Laurier, has been
assigned to kill him.
r_ Winner, 'a puffy, curly
;headed authoritarian, is
,stalking through the bedlam
at Gate 28 waving one of the
:,20 $3 cigars ("Hoyo De Mon-
tere ") he has smoked every
'day for the past 10 years
and summoning 20 priests
and 20 children into a hall-
way already packed with
technicians -and equipment.,
"C,ui we have the priests?"
'.'he' calls, not yet shouting.
`Just fight your way
through, gentlemen. .lVe
have this bit of machinery
there but do your best." A
few of the priests really are
this picture?" "Was Sniolcey tanned by now, out of his-
Robinson here this morn- fake skin, beard, and Aft o,
ing?" "Are there going to be, aslang Winner if the brim
any riots in the movie?" on his hat is too wide, and
"How do you bleed?" Win- striding through a few- takes
nor explains, in answer to in which he walks from the
the last, that a small explo- top of the staircase across
sive charge makes it look the gym floor and out an-
like actors are spurting other door, while Leon \lid-
blood when they get shot in . dleton, a local boxer slams
the movies. As he talks, a into a punching bag. "Ac-
little girt, leaning over his tion, Leon!" calls Winner:
chair, diddles with the view. Sweat is virtually pouring
finder that hangs around his , from the boxers and eventu-
neck. -
Larry Edwards, 13, has
never been in a movie be-
fore, but he offers his auto-
g,raph anyway. In fact, he in-
sists. "I'm a . Professional,
man'!" he says, grabbing a
pen. How much money will
sity, most are actors, and neg. }lc acts 'like lie doesn't
know what lie's doing."