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DD/S 67-1531 Approved for Release 2005/01/13': CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 ~t , c~a < l~r Ce n bra /, j, Ly ::Z:-P, -l l/ , ,,,rr. e K c._ 2 3 MAR 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution Below SUBJECT : CIA Movie 1. Attached is a copy of the "rough script'l has prepared for the CIA movie that our special committee has been considering. 2. After you have had an opportunity to go over the script, I would like to get the committee together to discuss it. Tentatively, I would hope we could meet on Thursday, 6 April, at 2 p.m. in the DD/S Conference Room, 7D-34. If for any reason you cannot be present at that time, I would appre- ciate your letting me know. annex an Deputy Director for Support Att: Script Distribution: Mr. Goodwin, Assistant to DCI Mr. Warner, OLC Mr, are, DD/l Mr. Karamessines, DD/P Mr. Richardson, OTR 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 CIA-RDP88-01365R0003.00040001-2 Approved Fo'r Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 THIRD DRAFT SCRIPT Date - This document consists of 'page(s). No. L . of /I copies. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 Ohll~ U_,:.: QTLY i'he bit side of pa_. describe; act u; . ric right is sound. As t" . Sc t now stands, the pictur'. ;r run 40 minutes. This length. can be cut a little,: at we should like to hav, a reading before going into polishing and editing. The show will be shot in color. Sto., footage that is availa'bie only in black-and-white will tinted or supered with color effects to accommodate `t to the rest of the picture. DAY /NIGHT JASSOLVE EFFECTS EXT FADE V/O NARRA`ftON - Drawings with figures that move-- often merely a T/O. Close up shot (of an inanimate objec~ - Close up shot (of person). - Tolls cameraman to light set for daytime; nighttime . - Indicates a lapse of time or ch_ang,~ c:` loca i~::. - Sounds other than music or voice. - Exterior shot. - A long dissolve, used to separate the sequences or "chapters" of a film. - Close up of a piece of paper, a docum :ent, map, etc. - Footage which has been previously shot hl somebody else (usually Army, Navy, or - Supe:-imp~sed. Actors s eak on camera, voices .r :ihle "synchroniz ,d'' with lip mover .ent. - Vo-:. -ov _? narration. can .:a, unseen. Actors voices no~i c Approved For Release Oa/13_:2 $ 1365R000300040001-2 Approved For Release) 2010510.11-13 L IA-R -W01365R000300040001-2 SC:...._ ' CENTRALIZED IN dDLIC ~NCE MAIN TIT.?,- MUSIC IN, rrauted, quiet y rr;enn about 5 seconds. MAIN TITLE, M U SIC P to t punctuation. U: LIMPOSE: MAIN TITLE: "CE,NTRALIZED INTELLIGENCE" MUSIC down, up to cli r_a lo_ in growing rumble oi: STOCK - Pearl Harbor Attack. (EFFECTS: Bombs fallin_, ex (VARIOUS SHOTS) whine of aircraft, etc. ) At Pearl Harbor on ti-:e r -om m a 0 7 December,1941, the people of United States were exposed to one of the ttnr-ate lessons of intclli`ence. STOCK - Radio antenna They learned that good intelligence may be useless ... that the most :STOCK - Resume Pearl Harbor vital information 1C' the _uost attack footage. trathreat to every part of the U. S. except the far Northwest. STOCK - McCONE talking to Several senior officials in the Joint Chiefs or State Dept. community -- including the Director of Central Intelligence himself -- subscribed to the theory that SAMS were forerunners of offensive missiles. MONTAGE - Floods of reports But proof was lacking. In the SUPER - Analysts perusing report, shaking heads. thousands of reports received on Cuba no hard evidence had been found to support the suspicion that offensive missiles were a part of the Soviet plan. -33- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - BRIEFING OFFICE DAY Excitable REFUGEE describing missiles. . CS - Hand tapping out message on W/T. Back on conference. SENIOR ANALYST shakes head, picks up photographs. STOCK - U-2 in flight. INT - PI CENTER - DAY COORDINATOR and PI study photographs. Numerous refugees said they had seen big missiles before leaving the island. And sources inside Cuba sent word that's missiles were being transported from Soviet ships. But coming from untrained observers who had never seen a missile before, such reports could not be considered accurate and wholly reliable . ,-. Certainly they were not dependable enough to alert the President ... the nation .. . and the Hemisphere. Meanwhile ... on 5 September a U-2 aircraft made a photographic sweep over selected areas around the island. No indications of offensive missiles were detected. Approved For Releas? O 1 1f,3 LTA-R1N 88'01365R000300040001-2 Approved For Release(iO'd&/ WAb`b1365R000300040001-2 INT - OCI OFFICE - DAY ANALYST sets stacks of reports aside. INT - SENIOR ANALYSTS OFFICE - DAY SENIOR ANALYSTS and MILITARY and MISSILE PERSONNEL discuss draft of report. STOCK (or STILLS) - Soviet ships unloading in Cuba. MAP showing MRBM and ICBM ranges. STOCK - KRUSHCHEV and aides in conference. No hard evidence appeared in subsequent reports from other sources. On 19 September the Community took the official stand that, pending proof to the contrary, the ... Soviet build-up in Cuba appeared to be defensive, its purpose to repel aggression from the outside. The Soviet decision to introduce offensive weapons would ... ... depend on the SovietsI estimate of U. S. reaction. If such an act took place, it would be $`..i:rct viaaki6'of Soviet Policy. INT - OPS CENTER - NIGHT Messenger arrives with cables. ANALYSTS study reports. Lacking proof of offensive weapons, the Community continued to search for it. Approved For Release 2005/01/13-:3MA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Releas@ 113 U(SIA-FW788~01365ROO0300040001-2 INSERTS - Messages, reports. ANIMATION - Showing continual flow of information through open channels. STOCK - U-2 takes off. MAP showing flight coverage of 26, 29 Sept. and 5, 7 October. INSERT - Read-out stating no evidence of offensive weapons. RE-RUN - ANIMATION of Intelligence Community showing teletypes. INT - OFFICE - NIGHT ANALYSTS compare reports. INSERT - Message giving specific reports of missile activity. As the channels continued to provide information1 analysts studied every word, weighing etch report against those preceding, ~Wfl U- 2 photo flights, concentrating on the eastern part of the island, were completed on 26 and 29 September ... and on 5 and 7 October ... all with the same Jj'11.1-- results:, Io evidence of offensive weapons.- But meanwhile the system of all- out collection and central analyses... had begun to surface a pattern. Information coming from under- cover sources was providing sharper, more specific descriptions of larger missiles. These reports were substantiated by an ever-increasing number of statements by refugees and other sources. Approved For Relea"~/9A/1L,3C,FLA-B8@-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - OPS CENTER - NIGHT Though credible, the evidence was not yet conclusive. It was, however, convincing enough to be dispatched to policy-makers. SECRETARY types on teletype. INT - HALL outside DCI's office - DAY 2 OFFICIALS hdrriedly exit from office. A request was made for a U-2 photographic sweep of the areas where various sources had reported the presence of large missiles. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSERT - Map showing proposed Approval received, the components flight plan of U- 2. iL %r' ~` ~'~ ~~? in CIA responsible for undercover STOCK - U-2 takes off. STOCK - U- 2 in flight. STOCK - Aerial U/I tropic shore line, clear weather. INSERT - MAP - Pencil indicates SanTCr.i:,stobal area with SAM sites. STOCK - U-2 in flight. STOCK - Aerial of Cuba, U/I area. STOCK - U-2 on ground. Camera being off=loaded. intelligence prepared a map pin- pointing areas to be photographed. Using this information as a guide, a U- 2 took off on Sunday morning, 14 October. The photo run was completed safely over the central ... portion of Cuba. When the airplane returned, the film was rushed to a processing center. -38- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - PHOTO Interpretation SERVICE - DAY CAMERA explores room with four pairs of PIs studying films. One PI is a Navy Officer, another Army, another Air Force. Remainder civilians. PI #1 (civilian) and #2 (Air Force officer) are examining their transparencies. PI #1 motions to #2 to look at his photo. The next morning photo interpreters at the PI service were beginning to examine the 200--fu:tlong reels of film. (PAUSE - while CAMERA examines PI facilities and techniques of interpreting film. ) END V/0 NARRATION SYNC SOUND PHOTO INTERPRETER #1 (To PI #2) Hey, look at this. (PI #2 leans over and studies film. ) PI #Z Looks like military activity. Yes, and it's new. What frame are you on? Approved For Release 89?1Mi1 I,Qj&Rl J LQ1365R000300040001-2 Approved For ReleasCODWI11B,:I RDJRtE 01365R000300040001-2 PI #1 PI #2 (He turns crank, searches his film) I've got a piece of it here. (PI #1 looks at PI#2's film. They exchange a glance. ) PI #1 (Calls to COLLATERAL) Hey, Marv. Get me chart number ( (COLLATERIAL give him chart. PI #1 and #2 study chart, compare with their films.) PI #2 Looks like it's right outside the town of San Cristobal.( They study the film. ) (PI #2 calls to COORDIN- ATOR across. the room.) Hey, Earll COORDINATOR What have you got? PI #2 Don't know exactly. Approved For Release 2005/01/13;4 JA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For ReleasUe ~qO&UIL3 Ik- p8,- 01*~65R000300040001-2 COORD (Eyeballs film) Military equipment, eh? (Studies it a while longer. PI #1 Shall we write it up as a new installation? COORD Yes. Get a vehicle count and see if you can identify any specific types of equipment. COORD. (nods) After you've finished your write- up, clip out a-i w and give them to me. (Pauses) Don't discuss this at all around here until I give you the word, OK? PI #1 Approved For Releasedp~1/11~ :.9AR8a8cp1365R000300040001-2 Approved For ReleasQ-Yc b' H 3 P6k- 8K 01365R000300040001-2 END SYNC SOUND RESUME NARRATION INT - Back-up Section of Photo Interpretation Service - DAY Back-up Tam composed of Army, Navy, Air, and CIA MISSILE SPECIALISTS studying blow-ups of frames. The team leader delivered the frames of film to the missile back-up team, which was composed of photo interpreter missile specialists from ... ... Army ... ... Navy ... ... Air Force i i.) ... CIA. By mid-afternoon they had tentatively arrived at a conclusion. END NARRATION RESUME SYNC SOUND COORD Well, what's the word? ARMY Looks like we've go some MRBMS. COORD How large? Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 Approved For Releag'i0 5 1H Al9W8-01365R000300040001-2 ARMY I The boys in measurement said 85 feet. INSERT - COORD That sort of puts it in the medium ball park, doesn't it? (Instinctively, COORD and ARMY glance to drawing on wall labeled, "Soviet Medium Range Ballistic Missile") CIA Have you call the boss? COORD (nods) He's on his way here. (Everybody studies frameblow-ups. ) NAVY (pointing) These look like more canvas covered missiles on transporters. COORD (nods) Those are liquid oxygen tank trucks aren't they? AIR Yes. Here are the cable trenches for power and control cables. -43- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CIA (pointing) Look at these erectors ... (Breaks off as Director of PI enters. ) The DIRECTOR OF THE DPI PHOTO INT. SERVICE enters. (DPI) Hi. Got something interesting? We think so. (He gestures for DPI to look at blow-ups. ) (Studies a long time, then looks at COORD, glances briefly at AIR, NAVY, ARMY, CIA PIs. ) (Looks at film.) MRBM's eh? DPI How many have you found? ARMY So far, we've located sites and ( ) missiles., DPI Any indiction of intermediate range missile installations? CIA Not that we can see. Probably only MRBMs. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Releasgx6'0 4143 Ve A-P 8 -01365R000300040001-2 DPI (to COORD) Have you ordered enlargements for briefing? 'I Fr . jUthlj. DPI (to Group) Let's say nothing ... absolutely nothing ... about this around the shop until an official announcement is made O. K. ? (ALL NOD) y ANIMATION,j- Sparks fly from CIA to the Community. END SYNC SOUND RESUME V/O NARRATION' Immediately, the Director of the Photo Interpretation Service notified the Director of Central Intelligence,- Word was dispatched to the White House advisors ... to the head of the Defense Intelli- gence Agency ... the Department Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 -45- OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 of State ... the Joint Chiefs ... ... and other key personnel. INT - BACK-UP SECTION - NIGHT At 0100 additional film positive COORDINATOR and BACK-UP TEAM (ARMY, AIR, NAVY, CIA) look at enlargements. arrived at the PI service. INSERT - Photo showing site. the back-up team made positive identification of an MRBM launch site with four erector launchers, connection cables, and equipment. That morning at 8:30 blow-ups' of the photographs, along with analyses, were presented to the Director of Central Intelligence and subsequently to the White House. The story of the next two weeks aj>4Wbelongs to history. But while President Kennedy and the Executive Commitee struggled with the basic issues ... ... while the showdown between the President and Krushchev loomed closer ... and developed into an eyeball-to-eyeball con- frontation . . . during this time, Approved For Relea '141 SJI fPP8-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT OPS CENTER - NIGHT CI CHIEF, EDITOR preparing bulletin. the intelligence community worked back-stage to supply information to help answer questions. ANIMATION - MAP OF CUBA. One site with four launchers appear at San Cristobal. "MR? figures pop up throughout the island. "IR? it appear. "IL-28" Bombers appear. The figures point toward the U. S. How many MRBM sites existed? How many missiles were being installed, and when would they How many IRBM sites? . with how many missiles? J.'?-;-.; IL-28 Bombers had arrived When would they bc4in operation? INT - PI Service - NIGHT Members of committees in conference. INT - OPS CENTER - NIGHT 3 ANALYSTS Study reports. The community set up representa- tives of the Joint Missile Committee and Atomic Energy Task Force in the Photo Interpretation service. Read-outs and analyses were pro- duced on an hour-by hour basis and coordinated with the CIA Operations Center. STOCK - U-2 takes off. STOCK - Navy F8U photo plane. STOCK - Recco version of Air Force 101 lands. U-2 flights ... later supplemented by ... low level Navy ... ... and Air Force photo sorties .. . were flown daily. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 7 t A-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY r, Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - PI Service - NIGHT Four teams of PI's at work. COURIER rushes in with new film, etc. As soon as the various aircraft landed, the film was rushed through processing and delivered to the Photo Interpretation Service, now operating on a 24-hour basis. At 4 a. m. all read-outs completed were passed by secure cable to the Operations Center and Current Intelligence at CIA. INT - OPS CENTER -NIGHT OPS CHIEF and 3 ANALYSTS gather together and study all reports. ANIMATION - Intell. Community. Lines streak toward CIA Ops. INSERT - Report from DIA re- Soviet MRBM installation. INT - STATE OFFICE - NIGHT STATE ANALYST dictates to SECTY at teletype. . RE-RUN - Scientific computer scene. RE-RUN - W/T operator. INT - SHIP OFFICE - NIGHT Map on wall showing locations of Soviet Ships. ANALYST and WOMAN check reports with 3x5 cards. At 4:30 analysts compiler', all information which had come in during the past 24 hours. This included not only the photo read- outs and analyses from the Joint Missile Committee and Atomic Energy Task Force but also reports received-from members of the Intelligence Community -- from the Defense Intelligence Agency ... ... from the Department of State .. . ... from Scientific sections in CIA... ... from the Agency's under cover contacts ... from Broadcast Monitoring ... ... and other sources, including a special CIA Task Force set up to help the Navy track every Soviet cargo ship operating in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Seas. Approved For Release 2005/01/134CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY , Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - OFFICE - DAWN CI EDITOR writing. INSERT - Rough daily memo. By 5 a. m. the editors in Current Intelligence had boiled down and .. . distilled the information. INT - REPRODUCTION - DAY PRINTER examines one copy of Daily Memo. INSERT - OCI "CUBAN CRISIS BULLETIN. " STOCK - DCI arriving at WHITE HOUSE. At 6 the analysis was in repro- By eight o'clock, the material was in the hands of the Director of Central Intelligence and the USIB, which incorporated any last-minute information from the Photo Inter- pretation Service. The composite intelligence -- photographic, analytical, estimative -- was taken by the Director and assistants to the White House by 8:30 for inspec- tion by the executive committee and the President ... ... by which time the intelligence process had started all over again... INSERT - Aerial still of MRBMs at Sagua. This routine continued for two weeks and produced hour-by-hour information on two more four-- launcher MRBM. sites in the Sagua La Grande area east of Havana ... Approved For Release 2005/01/13 :'IA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY "- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT-PHOTO-IN. SERVICE -NIG-'HT On the 17th of October photo PI-IOTOIN #1 and #4 studying prints. interpreters identified the first COORDINATOR and NAVY analysts looking over shoulder of PHOTOINS. launching sites of IRBMs in the area of Guanajay .. . INSERT - Guanajay still showing Each had four launching positions IRBMs paired and focused on a central control bunker. Although the ARMY and AIR analysts arrived, the rate of preparation examine pictures, talk to COORDINATOR. had been rapid. Missile experts ANIMATION - Repeat from be operational by 15 December Scene , showing range of IRBMs. at which time the weapons could STILL - Sagua La Grande. command a radius including all metropolitan centers of the United States except Seattle ... and key centers in South America. Meanwhile 24 Medium Range Missile, installations were nearing completion at San Cristobal and ... Sagua La Grande. Approved For ReleasQi00t% 3 -1 W-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ?, Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - WHITE ROUSE SITUATION At 8:30 a. m. on the 18th, missile ROOM - DAY specialists in the Intelligence Teletype of message from DCI Community stated that the first Soviet MRBM would be ready for launching in ... INSERT: MAP showing all MRBM's in Cuba. SUPER: "Oct. 28. " 18 hours, at which time New York and Washington would be in range. All Soviet MRBM facilities would achieve full operation capability in 10 days ... by 28 October. INSERT: Conclusion of Estimate: During this period, the Director (01e to phrase) `In the judgement of Central Intelligence and the USIB of the Intelligence Community the Soviets will not initiate a general also prepared special intelligence nuclear war for the sake of Cuba.- estimates of the courses of action which the Soviets would follow in response to the various expedients taken by the U. S.%.i 4 . ?"' '` ?~ `~ STOCK: Kennedy giving 22 On the 22nd of October the President October speech. / issued his historic order,... to turn back Soviet ships carrying offensive weapons to Cuba. (Pause. ) STOCK: Khrushchev making On the 23rd ... while the world angry speech. held its breath ... Khrushchev STOCK: Navy Aircraft surveilling Soviet ship. intended for offensive purposes ... Soviet ships meanwhile held their course for Cuba. -51- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY an Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - SHIP OFFICE - NIGHT WOMAN reads Navy dispatch, checks 3x5 card, calls to ANALYST, who goes to chart on wall, changes course of ship 1800. STOCK: Soviet ships. Then on the 24th ... (PAUSE) (MUSIC UP, DOWN) On the 25th - USIB reported INT - SHIPROOM - NIGHT Chart showing courses of 12 ships. reversing. that twelve of the 25 Soviet ships bound for Cuba had put about. STILL - Destroyer Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. boards the Marucula. Under the terms of quarantine, the U. S. Navy boarded the first Soviet bartered cargo vessel. STOCK - White House DISSOLVE SUPER: Blow-up letter, if available. On the 26th of October a conci- liatory message from Khrushchev arrived hinting at concessions . . STOCK - Khrushchev making speech. ... only to be refuted by a second letter from the Kremlin the next day, bi'llige rent in tone and rc$ $r g the terms of the Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP>3&:gl;?~M93390040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY -52- rI c~A I~ LT Approved For Release 20051Q'1713S-~I -h 88-013a.,.65R000300040001-2 STOCK - SAM being The same clay a U-2 was shot launched. clown by Soviet gunners operating SAMS over Cuba. STOCK - CASTRO fulminating. Castro came on TV threats of more action ... Had Stalinist forces taken over from Khrushchev in the Kremlin? (Pause) INT - SENIOR OFFICE - NIGHT SENIOR instructing JUNIOR, who exits. SENIOR picks up telephone speaks, INT -FB IS OFFICE - DAY SUPER: First condensed version of braoo cast prepared by FBIS. Then ... on the 28th at 0900 the Monitoring Service in London intercepted an announcement on radio Moscow. hour (?) before the official statement arrived the text was /1. translated, condensed, and relayed to the White House. (PAUSE) Khrushchev had thrown in his hand. Approved For Release 2 f~1n/IF3V.CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY -53- Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CTA-RDP88=01365R000300040001-2 INT - PHOTO INTER. SERVICE - Night PI #1 and #2 studying film. During the ensuring weeks . the intelligence community ... INT - OPS CENTER - NIGHT EDITOR studies read-out. ... continued on a 24-hour basis as it checked the with- drawal of Soviet missiles. Through photography and other sources, the community knew how many MRBMs had arrived in Cuba .... and how many IL-28 bombers. Now all missiles and airplanes were accounted for and checked off as they were loaded aboard ships. The disposal of supporting equipment was also carefully traced -- oxygen tanks, cherry pickers, generators, transporters, nose cone vehicles, and other equipment. Approved For Rele e i16 ~1 Y~bl k8-01365R000300040001-2 Approved For ReIelger2OQ5LOJ/1EC 88-01365R000300040001-2 After cargoes of missiles and bombers were ticked off at dockside ... STOCK or STILL - Navy craft Navy intelligence took over and STILL - Missiles being loaded on Soviet vessel. following Soviet cargo vessel. reported their progress ... as far away as the ... Bosphorous and the Baltic Sea By 9 November the job of reporting on the Soviet exodus was completed . For months ... years ... to come, surveillance on Cuba would be a part of U. S. vigilance. But for the moment, the crisis 12 A few months later, President Kennedy placed his stamp of approval on the intelligence job done by the Community) "Proffessional excellence ...__3ae said. ''The fact that we had timely and accurate information skillfully analyzed and clearly presented, to guide us in our .. . iii'/dLTi? RE-RUN-Conclusion from 1LE ... judgements during this crisis that SoviApproved d!cRe1ea O05/01/13 : CIA-RDW08-Q1-o?6pf?AW,3QO .4( a2est tribute... war over Cuba. FADE OUT r)rT T(`TAT. TTg -54A- OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 EXT - CIA Bldg - DAY. RE-RUN ANIMATION #1 (Pre-Pearl Harbor teletyped readouts vary) (MUSIC IN, MUTED) Thus ... a brief story of centralized intelligence. Why it was needed. RE-RUN ANIMATION #3 (Structure of Intell Community) RE-RUN ANIMATION #3 (Showing line of command from NSC to DCI, USIB, CIA) MONTAGE of doors of sub- committees, Bureau of the Budget and Foreign Intel. Adv. Com. RE-RUN ANIMATION #3 (Showing all teletypes in Community operating. Where its orders originate. Who monitory its activities. Finally ... how it operates as a unit of National defense. INSERT - National Security Act of 1947. RE-RUN - Congress passing the Act. In its twenty years of existence centralized intelligence has jnot always functioned with perfections But the community has learned. The system has provided a workable basis for good national security insurance. RE-RUN - INT - SENIOR ANALYST'S OFFICE - DAY Conference. In the Cuban crisis, for example -- purposely selected to illustrate a JNFr 1,C UL T dizf_.4 problem -- the community had gone all-out to obtain proof positive that Soviet offensive weapons were in Cuba. Approved For Release 2005/01/13 5 CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Relea ~'26e h3'gb: A -O'T"365R000300040001-2 RE-RUN As sometimes happens, this INT - PI Service - DAY PI shakes head. proof simply did not materialize STOCK - Navy operator Unlike Pearl Harbor, where hard with earphones. intelligence arose on all sides and pointed ... STOCK - Japanese Ambassador. ... directly to enemy intentions ... RE-RUN - REFUGEE being interrogated. RE-RUN - ANALYSTS studying many reports. RE-RUN SENIOR ANALYST shaking head. ... our Cuban information was sketchy, and analysts had to rely on the next best thing - - -- information which might indicate the true course of development. The indicator here was ... Soviet policy. Never had the Kremlin counten- anced such a rash act as installing missiles only 90 miles from the United States. And thus the community took its stand. Approved For ReleaaWid6 'I:. 1A '8-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 INT - CUBAN HOME - NIGHT Intelligent appearing Agent drawing accurate sketch of missile. RE-RUN ANIMATION #3 All teletypes in action, read-outs converging on CIA. INT - OPS CENTER - DAY Two ANALYSTS studying. Pile of reports. GIRLS adds reports to pile. ANALYST telephones. But even as the report was going forward ... ... new information was being obtained and funneled .. . ... through openV channels .. . ... to trained analysts and specialists. With no bottlenecks to impede communication, the word was .. . ... analyzed hourly .. . ... processed .. . and disseminated where it was needed. RE-RUN - ANIMATION #3 STATE TELETYPE. In this case, undercover intelligence and refugee information triggered the action and photography provided the proof. Next timeinformation from State may set the process in motion RE-RUN - ANIMATION #3 ARMY TELTYPE. ... or a report from the Army .. . Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 -57- [\1, USI; ONI Y Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01ate.365R000300040001-2 STOCK - Radio Monitor. . . . or, as at Pearl Iiarhor,data from radio intercepts. RE-RUN ANIMATION. We have only to apply the old Pearl Pre-Pearl Harbor intelligence systems. Tape snarls up. Harbor system to the Cuban crisis .. . to comprehend the difference. SUPER - ANIMATION. With no coordinated collection ... Stills of Cuba flutter off in every direction. no central analysis ... ... with only fragments of the over- all picture reaching the policy-makers ... we might well have fallen victim to confusions and delay ... STOCK - MRBM and found ourselves staring across the conference table at 42 Soviet MRBMS. DISSOLVE RE-RUN. Still of Cuba. The reverse side of centralization SUPER: Krushchev with advisors. was also illustrated in Krushcheva gamble in the Cuban crisis. Acting on inferior intelligence, he guessed ... STOCK - Crowds in that the American people were New York. 'tJ C.L'LlI', soft and Zrxt back down in the Approved For Release 2005/01/13 -TA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Rele I 11 ~tI? tYi~88-01365R000300040001-2 Newspaper headline: (To the effect that U. S. population solidly behind President. ) Co tiess Soviet analysts in the riGB and GRU could have told him differently. But the intelligence did not get to Krushchev in the right form at the right time. As a result he lost his gamble ... and Soviet history turned a corner from which there was no return. Newspaper headline (to the effect that Soviet offensive weapons evicted from Western Hemisphere. ) RE-RUN ANIMATION #Z (World with intell sources centralized in Washington. ) STOCK - President Eisenhower. The importance of centralization ... and the role that CIA plays in defending the interests and security of the nation ... has been commented upon by various Presidents. In 1959, President Eisenhower said .. . ''Upon the quality of your work depends in large measure'the success of our efforts to further the Nation's position ... Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 -59- OEEx ;T, ,I, US1 ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY e~ Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 The reputation of your organization for quality and excellence ... is a proud one ... May it long endure, to serve the cause of America and of peace. '' STOCK - President Johnson In 1965, President Johnson stated, We have committed our lives, our property ... and our sacred honor to the freedom ... of other men ... We would dishonor that commitment - ... if we were not every hour of every day vigilant against every threat to peace and freedom. That is why we have the Central Intelligence Agency. END TITLE (MUSIC UP OUT) Approved For Release 2005/01/13 -CM RDP88-01365R000300040001-2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY