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Document Release Date: 
October 22, 2004
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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01350R000200410010-8.pdf158.22 KB
tvltsW ., ix UKK "1Lt~4F'~ / ~' )/, Approved For Release ~flg-RDP88- R026Oj41010`~8~ '~ tc ' N .L/te9... ~'', r. Caw /~. British` Critics Revive Debate 'on,'W arr'en Report! .' would have had posthum ous lay ANTHONY LEWIS Issues Ra Book s Ly specI .o Tht New York Tlmcs ised in counsel before an English royal) LONDON, Sept. 25 - The Epstein and Lane Prompt commission. , review in, Warren Commission report on The anly?favor-ble ~+ the serious Sunday papers was; the assassination of President , New Round of Jcrutlny /. by Cyril Connolly, the literary; Kennedy is undergoing another critic. i~ouiid.. of .scrutiny. in. ,Britain. * He said in the Sunday Times critics and defenders. seers. Lord Devlin, one of the most that he was now convinced that ;bout equally divided. respected legal figures in Eng- the authorities investigating land, said in The Observer to. the assassination were unduly The occasion for. the revival day that, in light of the Epstein committed to the view that of interest is the publication of book, the commission "was not Oswald had committed the slay. 'two critical books already on Ing alone. He called for another as potent an instrument for investigation by "some com- the . market, in the - United discovering the truth -as ex- pletely 'unprejudiced and fear- States-"Inquest" by' Edward ternally it appeared to be." less 'body." :Jay Epstein and "Rush to Judg- On the other hand Lord i Al stair Cooke, the long-time Anicnt" by 14ark Lane. Devlin' said Mr. Epstein had American correspondent of They fir. Epstein's complaint that not sustained . his Intimated Guardian, also was critical of 'ithe commission headed by Chief charge that the coiiWssion had the Warren report. He said that! i~ Justice Eail Warren did a hasty, ,brought itself to shirk the it had "signally' failed" to as-ii inadequate job has won more truth because of its own fear certain the truth, and-that "this! 11 support than any conspiracy of the political consequences."President or the next should theories-'either his or the " i x vldonee: Ifeld lAckIn convene another commission. more fanciful ones' or Mr. Lane. g ' ,Another call, for, a further in Mr. Epstein, a Harvard doe Mr. Epstein agreed with the dependent study was made by; toral candidate, undertook his commission that Lee Harvey the anonymous reviewer in The: study of the Warren .Commis- Oswald had fired at the Presi- Economist. Without it, he said,; lion report as a master's thesis dent but thought, there, might the . judgment will "never ? b6 at:Cornell, Mr. Lane' i? a lawyer well have'' been ??? a. reeQnd Satisfying or conclusive.,' ' and former Democratic Assem- assassin. Lord Devlin thought - Bernard Levin, an often aci-' blyman from New York City. the known' evidence on firing dulous 'columnist In The Dailyj Tonight The Times of London times .left the possibility open, Mail, found both Mr. Epstein failed on' the Warren Commis- but he saw it as only a possi- and i', Lane "shifty" in their sine. to reopen its inquiry and bility, with no trace of affiruia- handling of the evidence. He rte;ii, with the various points of tive evidence to' support it. 'said they merely served those criticism raised. The' comment Prof. Arthur I. ? Gaodhart, who iefused. to believe the re. Was 'in: an editorial, for'.tombr- another eminent lawyer, writ- port's conclusion_ "because the row, s editions. ing in The Sunday Telegraph, truth is unbearable- to them.". ? "All things considered the ridiculed both the.. Lane, and "The "" truth iii" - Mr. Levin Warren Commission did a' ,re- Epstein books, as worthless, es, wrote, '.'that ;Lee Harvey,,Os- markable job ? of 'work' in dif- pecially Mr.' Lane's. wall killed. President Kennedy fioult circumstances: and ex He recalled that Mr. Lane's though nobody told him to; and trenie . pressure,", The. ? Times own testimony before the com- that the.wgrld.?is indeed subject said. mission was evasive and devoid to chance,' accident and, lm- However, in eontlnued, ;?it is of: 'direct' relevance, , He de- pulse,,?grid ,iA by, no means the now clear", that the commission scribed as "utter nonsense"' a.rational, ,,ordered,' predictable "did cut" some cornerstatement by Mr. Lane that Os'? &cq. that *o..long? for it'to b6,11 Approved For'Release 2004/11/01,': CIA-RDPOB-01350R00020041-c01.U'Y