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October 22, 2004
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Publication Date:
November 3, 1966
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NEW YORK 1I.D'L1:J / 322
,Q SO ~ 260 , 4, L
Approved For Release'7004/1~/(7966CIA-RDP88-~~'~RQO200410 ~ - V~
Kennedy Autopsy Photo`
nouncement last night by a Gov- Critics later charged that th
-ernment spokesman that under bullet had lodged In the Presil Epstein sees rhotos' Value
the agreement with the Ken' dent's back and that the phoi BOSTON, Nov. 2 (AP)- Ed-
nedy family only nonofficial
to'-rapes and X-rays had bced ward Jay Epstein, author of "In-
B .rred to All Private Persons .for or'-'at L6d8C5'Year'?:
Capt. James J. Humes 1,f the, The Kennedy family had been; ,which criticize the Wat~ren'-
ny P' R I:D r. riz,l i l :\~I
sn?dAi to Tn. N.w Y..rk TUnee ' Navy and Dr. J. Thornton Bo,-i widely reported to have with-' Commission for Its incomplete,
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-1'ri-,well said the photographs cnr-j held the material for reasons-and unobjeclive report." Tass
vate persons will not receive roborated their testimony to the, of taste. I:said they "express the opinion''-
Warren Commission and the; that Oswald had "hardly acted
? phomigsion to see the autopsy, commission's conclusions about;
photographs and X-r%rys f the wounds. L:uw Threatrns Suit alone."
President Kennedy's .s body for Dr. Humes and Dr. Boswell' COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 2
The nexo t five year yearsn, yrprosen- Dr
amll were both Navy commanders; (AP)--\lark Lane, k New Yor
disclosed k Robert Kennedy Comments
f the Kennedy damily when the President was assns-,lawyer who wrote a book ques-today. isclosed statement sinated in Dallas on Nov. 22,' tioning the official verdict of Senator Robert F.r Kennedy,
A statement Burke h 1963. They conducted the au-'the assassination, threatened to- Democrat of New York when
. by shall, a New York lawyer yer teen topsy that night at the Bethcs-'day to file suit to open to the.jasked Tuesday night why the
node has been designated family to by handle the ern teduests da Na.val Hospital in Maryland.'.pttblic photographic files from executors of his brother's the
to see the items, indicated that ticipated Another in the physician Who , Co par-!the Lane, here to promote tate had placed the restrictions
news be denied rcpeesentativm' on the pictures and X-rays, said
Is~u ed book a "Rush statement contending gthat "the reason is so obvious it
for might much b longer, access to them is Pierre on duA,t,y In n Vietnam. of the, the Dr. Army," - his
said the tsmsspelling out."
The 63 X-rays, color trans well is now in private practice; that the turning over of the should ' d
in Bethesda. pictures and X-rays to the'I over
negati es and black and white The doctors told the Warren Archives "officially confirmed"? to the Archives. were things the, the negatives were placed in Commission that one bullet had1that "the Warren Commission general public would not b0
National Archives by the Ken-; struck President Kennedy in the failed to, examine some of the concerned about that they
nedy family y on Monday. Monday. back of the neck and pass ec i would be of Interest only to'
fir. Marshall's statement was imost relevant and vital docu-j ,medical persons, Federal police
front )r of his his body throat. and. out thiments in the case." lofficet's and federally appointed
surprising in view of the nnthroug
front IIn atirtators.
persons approved by Mr. Mar-1 suppressed. to conceal this fact quest," which challenged the
? shall would he permitted to see
the articles during the first five' According to both physicians, Warren Commission's investiga-
years. It was unimportant that th.eyi tion of the assassination, says
This had created the intpres- had never seen the photographs the possibility of a second as-
sion that Mr. Marshall would-because they had seen the 1sasin "will probably be re-
give selected private persons X-rays during the authopsy and duced to nil" by the pictures.
access to the material. His latest. had been able to. describe the Mr. Epstein said in an inter-,
statement appeared to rule this wounds to the Warren Com- view: i -
out. mission., 11 - "The crucial contradiction In. ?
Mr. Marshall gave no reason' ,We were there and saw juste the events that happened Nov.
for his decision. exactly what the photographs 22 was that the same bullet,
No Approval Planned 1show," Dr. Boswell said. I. could have wounded both Ken-,
Reached in New York, where However, he said it was bent- nedyy and Texas Governor Con-
he is general counsel for the. ficial that the items were now finally.
reserved in the Archives, where ."It's possible that the photo;
International Business es'pthe ortant to those
Corporation, Mr. Marshall hall said; y will be imP graphs show a path of exit for
who didn't see the wounds them- that bullet. If we now have ho-i
from would grant no historians, h i- selves and to corroborate our ip '
from journalists, historians, i-i? tographic evidence that the but=
ographers; and researchers for; It -Dr. Boswell said the ma.inllet went through the President's
at least least five years.
Under an agreement between-Purpose for the pictures having body, this must be seen as nevi
the President's executors and been taken had been to have: evidence."
the Government, only Federal, them as evidence against Lee "This also proves the main
investigative agents have - tile 1Harvey Oswald, the assassin, point of my book-that the
'exarren Commission failed to
right during the first five ,years who had then been caPtwed
tsee the aterial without Mr.' examine crucial evidence."
.and was still alive.
Marshall's permission. j The Justice Department asked Cass Is Critical
After the five-year period, se-,the Kennedy family to give the J
lotted scholars d.nd researchers litems to the Governmene after MOSCOW, Nov, 2 (AP)
will be given access to the plc-.critics of the commission's re-1 Tass described today the plat i
tures and X-rays, he said, but port had complained that the ing of X-rays and photographs'
tile. news media will probablyl? in the Archives as an "attempt
ctems to the Government after to hide clues to the mystery"
still be excluded.
d fl
the com-
These restrictions will con- mission memnevs had not seen of his assassination. .
tinue as long as any member of . The official Soviet press agen-
Icy, said that "a'great number
:President I{ennedy's immediate
iti hdtcd
crcsa su ges family lives. Some
rR' articles and, 4ookE;:,a tarred
According to testimony before,.(that the critics I pictures and x-rays d to corcoal
,first time vestergd 1 f MI For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01350R000200410006-3
the commission, the unde had ,Jean suppres
veloped film and the X-ra~?slflows in the commission's con
were turned over to Secret Serv= elusion that a single bullet had
ice agents in the autopsy room, passed through President Ken-
The agents were reported to nedy and wounded'Gov. John B.,
have delivered the items to the Connally Jr. of texas as they
Kennedy family. were ;]ding in a car through-
Meanwhile, two physicians lDallas.,,?..,~~,,,,.,.,;,.,_.;,,,,;,,,,,,,,
who conducted the autopsy on
.President Kennedy said theiri
'conclusions about his wounds)
were unchanged after they. saw
the autos ltoto r