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Document Release Date: 
October 4, 2004
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Publication Date: 
August 21, 1972
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NE1' EK _ , . 91 AUG. ? 1977 { C ( s k' . 4 e o r: Approved For Release 04/10/13 : IA-RDP88-01350R000200 Sparks or Sputters? A Washington drawing room was the scene last year of an unlikely encounter between poet Allen Ginsberg and Rich- ard Helms, director of the Central Intel- ligence Agency. The subject of the post- poetry-reading confrontation was opium and Ginsberg insisted that the CIA. was C/ deeply involved in shipping it around Southeast Asia. So totally false did IIelnns consider the accusation that he agreed to -a fascinating bet with the poet: Helms promised that be would sit down for an hour of meditation each day for the rest of his life if the charges were proved correct. The. same accusations-true or not- boiled again last week. This time, the McCoy interviewing Laotians, and his provo'c'ative hook ett CIA, which almost never takes a puoue l)UVU3a, L..., --- -- stand on any issue, clashed with the re- sible, and that is what we intend to do.' spected publishing firm of Harper & Privately, the Harper:. & Row lawyer ere undertivhelmed " W e w , /Row. At issue is a book-"Tlie Politics of commented, .V . Heroin in Southeast Asia"-in which au- by their criticism." thor Alfred W. McCoy presents a heavi- Why did the CIA-usually the most ly documented argument that the CIA silent of government' .agencies-take on has assisted in the flow of opium and its Harper & Row so publicly? One agency by-product, heroin. The CIA challenged insider observed- that McCoy's charges the book before publication, and H:npcr had been made before-mostly in under- & Row reluctantly allowed the agency ground or fringe publications. "But what despite ?a I think has got the ? backs up around l peruse the galleys. by the CIA, here," he suggested, "is that the charges '.Harper. & Row announced that it was are now showing up in Ilarper's maga- list of objections specified y satisfied that the book was sound and zinc and in a Harper '& Row book. That would publish it this week-a month is hitting where these people live," he ahead of schedule. said, gesturing around hini'at CIA head- McCoy, ' a 26-year-old Yale graduate quarters. "These are people with vast student, first made his accusations during contacts in the academic community and Congressional testimony in June. McCoy government. They can't lot this ridicu- charged that because drug traffic is such lou's falsehood be accepted as fact." a local custom in Asia-and U.S. allies, McCoy is content to let readers make Approved For Release 2004/10/13 :CIA-RDP88-01350R000200300056-0 from guerrillas to government officials, up their own minds. "I had hoped that. are so deeply involved-the CIA not oiilyvmy work would be interesting enough to - W., 1 1 to " he sa s ` Now a even helps them transport opium and heroin. Soon afterward, the CIA's gener- al counsel, Lawrence Houston, wrote to Harper & Rowv: "We believe we cannot stand by and see baseless, criticism ... without trying to set the record straight After considerable deliberation, Hai-- per & Row sent the agency a set of gal- leys. Seven days later, the CIA weighed 'tl - Ion Ythy critique-which Harper n , y. spas K a pu rc c e n the CIA, by attempting to suppress the book, has itself sparked the debate." Still, there is no indication that CIA director Helms has been convinced by the book's, charges; he has not disclosed any plans to begin daily.meditations. 111 & Row editors judged rather light. B.d/ ?tl t ~_ , Brooks Thomas, vice president and gen- C_ kA U_ 0 t oral counsel of the publishing house, then replied to' Houston: "We believe the best service we can render the author; the CIA and the general public is.. to 0 L( ;to Y4 J Leu:; r,