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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01350R000200030020-9.pdf152.75 KB
Approved For Release 2006/04/19: CIA-RDP88-01350R000200030020-9 SAN JOSE AIERCURY?-Ca. 25 August 1978 ~rofesioi! 5'0 c,'-l.0 f.-2 `7 W ,Na ntr By Dale Rodebaugh ? Staff Writer SANTA CLARA-For the last 30 years the United States government has carried out the most extensive mind-control research and experimentation' in history, according to a Uni- versity of Santa Clara law pro- fessor who has co-authored a book on the topic. Examination of 20,000 pages of CIA and Army documents shows that the CIA probed ev- erything from the psychologi- cal impact of circumcision to the practices of Haitian witch doctors, Alan SchefIin said in an interview. "The Mind Manipulators" is not' a, sensationalized novel written hurriedly to exploit Watergate and other recent revelations about the intellig- ence community, Scheflin said. It is the result of five years of research and hundreds ofin- terviews s and contains more than 1,800 footnotes, said Sche- flip, who teaches legal ethics and law and psychiatry. His coo Alan Scheflin . author is Edward Opton, a San .5 years of research Francisco attorney. The CIA isn't alone in mind- control research; it is practiced, to a lesser degree by other gov- -: The CIA has far exceeded its pitals, universities, the military and prisons, Scheflin said. "Behavior modification and mind control is the ? leading school of psychology today," he said. since and including Harry Trutt man authorized violations of.. that charter," Scheflin said.. -"It's not a pretty picture. What we have -is the CIA okayed by the president to' in- ' ' security all "No other country has can-, tervene for our ducted experiments in these over the world., We can't' take fields with the zeal and longev over the world, but if its lead-, ity of the CIA. Its experiments ers can be manipulated to' can be traced to its predeces- think a certain way, to our ad- sor, the Office of Strategic vantage." . . Services organized during Sen. Frank Church's commit-' World War IL" tee that' investigated the'CIA characterized it as a rogue ele-? phant, Scheflin said. "But we; are trying to show that the. agency was very much in con- ~-T doing.'? Experiments were rearried citizens, Scheflin said. 7"In addition, the agency was` unsupervised, with not even.. Congress knowing what was going on.' Its budget was hid- den, corning* from many sources, and no one knew how the money. was spent. Because of this secrecy, the agency could synthesize the knowledge. of the best -minds in the nation: without scientists knowing it. "The CIA also earned its own money by acting as a runner of, opium for the tribesmen of Southeast Asia whose political and military sunnort it need-' Soviet experiments are noth- ling compared to those of the !CIA, Scheflin said, because the% Russian hierarchy has ruled out areas of research not com- patible with its political doc- trine. The CIA concentrated its ex- periments in drugs and hypno- sis, Scheflin said. He said hel compiled a list of 130 drugs, in-1 eluding heroin, used by the agency. . "One organization funneled; money to a federal drug reha bilitation and research agency, in Kentucky that offered drugs to inmates. The director of than institution defended the prac-, tice before Congress," he said. The CIA was looking for a precise mind-control agent in an attempt to get 'Manchurian Candidates,' Scheflin said. "But I don't think it can be done.; There is no known drug to turn people into robots. Approved For Release 2006/04/19: CIA-RDP88-0135OR000200030020-9 ._ _