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August 28, 1977
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;,. ,77CL.t Approved Patiens'. Fr 'pies Jfl tests BY PAUL MAGNUSSON Free Press Staff Writer John Doe was a two-time loser when he was sent in 1954 to Ionia State Hospital as a criminal sexual psychopath. Doe (a pseudonym) had been con;ric.ed in Detroit Recorder's Court of two rapes; one of his victims was his 13-year-old. niece. Doe's stay at loni a was to. last until he was cured. So when he was asked by-. doctors at the hospital for the criminally insane if he wanted to take part in an experiment that doctors said wouid be "be- neficial" to him, Doe quickly agreed..,.. "But they never did say what that benefit would be," Doe. .recalled in an interview-last week. "I never did find out." Doe was cautioned not to eat breakfast and given a pill on three separate occasions. Two. hours later, doctors questioned him about his crimes and recorded his answers. ? t What Doe never knew was. that he was taking LSD. as a' stand-in for a mythical, cap- tured CIA agent. Doe was an.. unwitting soldier in the Cold. War with the communists. DOE WAS aninfantryman in one part of a massive CIA. project, code-named MK-'; ULTRA. It began in the early 1950s when the CIA suspected' that, communists had discov-- eyed a way to control men's` minds. - t They had-developed tech-; niques, the CIA feared, to elicit false confessions and to plant; stories that.might be parroted on command by brainwashed agents and political dissidents". In court or before television' cameras. . " The CIA decided to seaicb for the methods the commu.. nists might be using. The ex-,'j periments on Doe were part of . . only-one of some 140 separate subprojects Involving drugs and behavior modification on : prisoners, students, volunteers 1-.. and the unaware. Approved 01M CCtA 88-01315 04A(4 000 dssdpi Pc Interviews last week with. doctors, hospital and clinic per- sonnel and former patients like Doe showed a well-intentioned effort at uncovering th a sec rets of mind control, but one slated to failure. The Ionia project began sometime in' 1954 when the CIA approached Alan Canty, a criminologist atthe Detroit Re- corder's Court psychiatric clinic,.which conducted sanity examinations forthe court. CANTY, THE CIA believed, could conduct experiments with hypnosis and LSD, a drug thought,to have the properties of a truth serum. The subjects of the experiments would be; chi) d?molesters. who might be questioned?under the influence of drugs and hypnosis the same way the communists might in- terrogate'captured CIA ag- gents. Child molesters might be ex- pected. to try to withhold the details of their heinous crimes as a captured agent might try to conceal his contacts, CIA scien- tists thought. Although the experiments .sere failures, It was reassuring to experimenters that the mind could not be so easily con- trolled. And the project proved another In a series of embar- rassing public relations disas- ters for the embattled intelll- ,.gence agency,, ' CIA Director Stanstield _"Turner has called the projects "-."abhorrent" and agreed under' pressure front a Senate sub-' committee to co-operate with the Justice Department In lo- caring the victimsand, if neces- sary, punishing wrongdoers.: Prosecutions. are unlikely., There _is. a general five-year.- statute of limitations; most of. i the records of the projects have, been destroyed-and many of the participants are dead, in eluding Canty' % MOREOVER, the exper'i meats were conducted with the 'consent- of 'the subjects, .al- _t oft years. later the courts would decide mental patients; by definition,.!'could not give their fully Informed consent. And the mind-control exper- iments were the result of Cold War fears that, communism might somehow subvert our minds as, well, as our political and economic'systeuss..-.: To? many, that excuses the n r_~e~tTri~T ~ A- Ll "VIA Thi Canty C4 l ..{ Ct r. a !q~ , dare- ; J 000% Cat #! to Ic Cry pealec to dec s eat _ were e guilty doctors said he was cured. the pills given to the patients- contained sugar or LSD. t-.; The routine for some 3D pa. 'tlents was the sam e.They were asked how' they felt, if they were dizzy or nauseous. Some were, even those who received chiatrists at Ionia State Hospi-.. tal who were picked to do the actual experimentation.: ' John Doe was interviewed by the three, Dr. Jahn Coak,Dr. John Haaret' and. Dr:' Perry Robertson, the`medical super- intendeat.4_.: . .Only Dr: Robertson know if they sometimes were highly intelligent, they frequently would not admit them- selves that they had aoussd children. This made them cnail- lenging subjects for three psy THEY WERE the most mi- serable of criminals. Though Washington where the CIA re-? 'THE INTERVIEWS were tape-recorded and sent -to Canty, who. mailed both the ,tapes and a typed transcript of ,them to a post office:, box In ,and they just denied. every-- thing." :.... 'r,') .. .y .; and we just went down thelist.f. 'Haarer said. -."We were-sup-. plied with the police records. stories; not one Iota.'%Dr:. doctors. He is now a psychic= .trlst in Sarasota.. Fla.. - the placebo.: . Then the doctors' asked'the? i patients about their crimes and about.a mythical,' made-up crime. In nearly all cases, the patients denied the crimes, re-, sponded with Dr. Lawrence Hinkle Jr., at the. Society for the -Investigation of Humad Ecology at Cornell University, which was established, in part, to channel CIA research funds. --As the project at Ionia cot:- tinned, problems developed. 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