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November 12, 1979
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ARTIC . P ,,. 4 pproved For ~~
CNN' PAGE &_,.'
There is nothing covert about the CIA-employment
.interviews taking place today in. Clio Hall But,:that_
should not deceive any of. us about the nature of'the
CIA's activities >, +f 4 ~~ YH
As citizens of theUnited States - we need''to lie aware
of the actions the :, CIA carries; out. in', our name. Asp
Princeton, students, and faculty, we must understand
the. history of covert CIA., inntrusions mto:'our campus,
From Iran (I954) Guatemala (1954) andthe-Congo
(1960), to Chile (1973) andAngola (1975),,the CIA has
made it its, business to overthrow governments and to
install (or'attempt to
nstall} ctatorialre
sympathetic taUiiited States-, business .and military
These. interventions are": not merely' the. dark='un
derside of '. American foreign policy,; Rather,`:they
reflect the mainstream' of establishment through: from
World War II to the present,' a consensus which has
been nourished in respectable institutions such as.this
university. Notdoincidentally,. there is- also a long and
multi-faceted - tradition .;of Princeton ; in, the? ;CIA's
~, Breeding ground
From Allen W. Dulles '14;.(later a: Princeton
`trustee), who was the CIA's first director, to William
E. Colby '40, who played a key, role in the CIA's secret.
war in Laos, n. the 1973 "destabilization" -of?,..
democratic government in ;Chile, and in the Phoenix:
,was, CIA .director from 1973 to 1975, Princeton"has
been a particularly fertile: `breeding ground forthe
J. Carlucci '5 "p
CIA ? recruitment' at Princeton has benefited from~
the active participation of university officials Formes
1976 to The Daily Prlncetonian, We are aware of the
kinds of people tilerCIt looks for and~when we,rua
,gut nor alts `C recruiting a`-Princeton
conducted through; Career.Services .Aiiiaarticlc-tn the
story' of a:?, Princeton senior summoned ui, the late
the-university's chief discaplinarian"~rHowever; mean
iscipline.on his!mincl
Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400250004-0
x,; L& DP88-01315R000400250004-0
'6 'I understand you've been interviewing with the
CIA,' the dean said. The senior found the question
It was true that he had applied fora job at
- the intelligence agency, but officials there had insisted."
on' complete confidentiality. How.'had the: dean of
agency'Qnd I thought we might have:a talk?'-'
fid ntral;.of course " about its work,''
A spy in our midst
The CIA announced last year that it'will continue
the secret recruiting of foreign students at ; American.
universities,. Such students have been used to reportton-.
the- political activities of their ,compatriots :-' These.
agencies abroad with potentially, _ dangerous con
sequences for the students and their families.
Foreign students' fears about CIA spying are not.
merely conjectural. In May 1967, the Woodrow
Wilson School-was forced to-admit that":several
students had been working covertly for the CIA whiles
participating in the school's summer program abroad -
Embarrassed WWS-officials :responded by issuing a
ban on "any covert' intelligence activity` while they
student is enrolledin school'.' (The Washington Post,
May 4,%1967),, The policy apparently applies, however,
only to WWS Agraduate .students, not to,,its un
dergraduates or professors a 4;
According to Dean.of the College Joan Girgus (The
Daily Pnncetonran,_ October ;Z~l, 197$), Princeton
University has no specific prohibition against the
covert recruitment of foreign students. In contra t,
Harvard President Derek C 'Bak' liar taken `a firm
public stand !against covert 'CIA activity -on..=his
campus, charging it threatens "the integrity an
dependence of the academic community:"
Princeton .professors .have been involved .witl;,t
CIA in}man y different capacities -Former history
professopJoseph Strayer, ford xample,took a.YeaMs
Dave o1 isencc from Princeton to work`s Ay
Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400250004-0
headquarters in Maclean Virginia, and also worked
there several summers.
Paul Sigmund,?professor of politics, cofounded (in
1958) and served as Executive Officer "of the CIA-'
funded Independent Research Service,.which.compiled
political dossiers on participants in World Youth
Festivals. Since the other cofounder, Gloria Steinem,
admitted in The New York Times (February 21, 1967)
that "the CIA has been a major source of funds," for
the organization, it is highly unlikely that Sigmund
was unaware of the CIA connection. -
: Torture was` the standard operating" procedure of
Phoenix. "Everybody who was.there accepted torture
as routine," said Robert F. Gould,-: Colby's legal,
advisor in Saigon. "I never knew an individual to be
detained as a . `Viet Cong'- suspect who ever lived
through an interrogation," testified K. - Barton
Osborn, a former agent handler for Phoenix.
,The CIA has also-been actively infringing human'
rights at home - for example, in the MK-Chaos
program which, involved -keeping secret files - on-
thousands of U.S. citizens "suspected". of political
A dark area of CIA involvement at Princeton isthat activity. Deputy Director Carlucci said in a seminar at
of covert research.- In 1977 it was revealed, that Princeton last. Friday .(November., 9, !979) that the
Princeton professors had participated in MK-ULTRA,. program had been "pared back""since its notorious
a secret: CIA., program in, mind. control, through heyday in the '60s -but not stopped
mittee on Intelligence has refused to make public the In-light of the CIA's record both at home and
esuits-of,vits4 investigation intrr iC1A^ university abroad, a number of"questios can 1*- raised,-about
educationals activities "perhaps its most sensitive Q First,' in November, 1978, ` it `was I _revealed'that -.
domestic area " -~ Barnaby C. Keeny, who was presidnt of Brown
In its thirty-two-year hist
a consistent . pattern of participation: in coups, during the entire time. he was president.1The Princeton
assassinations, torture-training, and, subversion of ; University community has the right o demand of
people's fundamental right. to j- self-determination.`; President Bowen that he state, for the record, whether
Although this history is too long and extensive to he, or anyone in his administration, does now.or has
illuminate the nature of the Agency's means and ends.
=Second, the only rule at Princeton concerning CIA
On September 11, 1973, democracy: in Chile was- 'intelligence operations is that faculty so engaged
overthrown in a bloody military: coup. The military- should tell their department chairman. Moreover, the
democratic freedoms, murdered approximately 30,000 1 permit. the MK-ULTRA experiments to take place
of its own citizens, and jailed and tortured tens of today. We should ask whether faculty work with a
a; x
thousands more., .covert organization does not undermine the.very
This coup followed- a CIA_,campaign to principles of academic. openness -which Princeton
"destabilize" the elected government.. According to , , purports to hold sacred.
the 1975 staff report of the U.S. Senate Select -r Finally, both graduate and undergraduate students,"
Committee on Intelligence," Covert U.S., involvement
should look carefully at this organization, which has.
in Chile in the decade between 1963 and 1973was? consistently and willfully ;broken" the laws; of the
extensive and continuo-us.';'. It :financed activities United' States and has committed countless crimes,
manipulation of the press to large-scale, support for We should ask whether. we` want: to` participate, in
Chilean political' parties _ ., to direct attempts to dividually or as members' af an institution,:''
foment a military camp.";!.;,,,
providing a forum for the marketing of the CIA.,-.
"Operation Phoenix" in Vietnam, the brainchild of 4t'
William E. Colby '40, displays another of the CIA's
specialties: assassination 'While statistics' on- 'the
numbers detained, killed, and `'rallied" to theaigon
government ,under' Phoenix vary from source` t 3~t
source, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Den
Doolin admitted,; that at, least.-,26,369 South, Viet
namese civilians-- were: killed through` the operation"
while it was under direct :' American control (January-
1968 through August.1972).1
Approved For Release 2005/01/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000400250004-0