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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 9, 2004
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Publication Date: 
February 15, 1975
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e r a /01/12: CIA-RDP88-01315RO RADIO TVVf 99W.... PROGRAM THE AM ER I CAN WOMAN! FF.RRUARY 15, 1975 41 EAST 42ND STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017,697-5100 0 U tic . C,17 /1) Aj STATION !?!CBS 12:21 P.M.CITY 1-!E1;1 YORK. CIA LEE THORNTON.: THE AMERICAN WOMAN, Mew. charges that the CIA used the League of Women ?Voters overseas to: conduct surveillance .on women's groups. I'm Lee Thornton reporting on the CBS Radio Network. More in a moment. THORNTON: 'A Seattle woman is charging that the Central Intelligence Agency used a branch of the League of `.!omen Voters to collect information about, women's g.rouos overseas. Ann ?oberts who worked as a secretary for the Overseas E-ducat ion Fund of the League says she can substantiate the charge. ANN ROBERTS: I knew 'it because I gathered this much from reading the correspondence.i.n the office that was freely. circulated and was not secret or anything. It was everyday information in the office,-.and. it didn't take too long to figure it out. THORNTON": And. what did it benefit the CIA to spy on overseas women's groups? ROBERTS: in doing this, they care learn how to manipulate women's groups as they did in Chile, and I.'think it has been proven that the CIA provided funds to. various movements in Chile in order to disrupt and sabotage the Allende government, and they can do the same thing -- they did it with the women's groups in Chile, they bussed them from one area. of Santiago to another, and it was called The Empty -- the March of The Empty Pots, and it made it look like the poor people were against Allende's government when in fact'it was the upper-cl.ass women who were demonstrating that created quite a bit of disruption in Allende's government. And, I don't want this to happen .again, women being manipulated like this. SAN EpSO 11VAHPGTQNW~ -OR ~ 909WWP CIPAL CITIES AooroveDETROITReLOS OFFICES IN: NEW YO "Material supplied by Radio TV Reports, Inc. may be used for lie and reference purposes only, It may not be reproduced, sold or publicly demonstrated or exhibited." GU Gttiti?c~., . v, o ~tlx r