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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
November 9, 2004
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Publication Date:
January 22, 1969
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scour er Did Dow""
Rim.estad Appointment
Said To Head - Off Reforms
-~ William P. Rogers, the new Secretary of State, has generated a "looming
storm of controversy" centered on Capitol lull, a top Senate staff Officer
informed this newspaper, because of his recent personnel decisions regarding
key State Dcparhncnt positions. "Ironically, he has managed to alarm both
the conservative and the liberal General, became involved in the r
blocs", the source added. Otepka case with Secretary Rusk",
According to the source, several the source stated.
influential Republican Senators and "Ironically, Robert Kennedy
Congressmen have written personal succeeded Mr. Rogers as Attorney
letters directly to President Richard . General", the source commented.
Nixon expressing great CongressmanRarick
disappointment over these personnel As evidence, the source observed
actions. Their grestest objection was that Congressm.n John Rarick, an.
to -the retention of Idar Rhnestad, acknowledge conservative Democrat,
the controversial Deputy Under has already launched a major attack
Q Secretary of State for Administration on two of President Nixon's top
whose wife's contribution of $500.00 foreign 'affairs appointees. On
to the political campaign of January 13, Mr. Rarick inserted a
Democratic Congressman John long article in the Congressional
Rooney has been widely reported, 'Record' on the "leftist" views of
the source revealed. 1 Charles Woodruff Yost, Mr, Nixon's
Mr. Rimestad's position is central, nominee for Ambassador to the
the source claimed, because his office United Nations. It is a "common
controls not only the admitted public secret", the source added, that Mr.
i ands of the State Department but Yost was really Secretary Rogers'
also the clandestine and confidential choice.
funds as well as the personnel 1. The next day, January 14,
mlcrchangc arrangements between'
the Central Intelligence Agency, the
Foreign Service and the Department
of Defense. In addition, all security
i i ent
Mr. Rimestad's retention and his May 1968, written by Walter T FO tan, ~t Inc me, was subject of an
role in the Otto F. Otcpka case have Chief of the Washington Bureau of arising out of the Otto F. Otepka and k't the FBI in uiry inc sub ect o an
ice StephenA. only znkSCtatesn partmedata nt itiat evidence q suggested that the
arxtvnted tale "unquiet" especially, The C3+lcagn Tribune.
ides and all promot on,
and "selection out" actions. come covered three full pages of the
under his jurisdiction,, the source Record, Included were articles from
revealed. the OST1I Information Service, the
Security Probes New York TY,ncs and a comment a 1 ry,
a lcu uuuuuauw, nau W-1
a1110110 thOSC ?^??-? -a-,
and Congressman, the source said, The source asserted that the runty but also the roles o the For this reason, the FBI, ------ 1",. in the ? 0STHL, Central Intelligence Agency and of its passed. +
as well as Robert F. Kennedy, the 'discussions with tlirA
deceased Senator. whoApptcrJ ed+ or Release 2005/01/12: CIA-RDP88-01315R0004001600QQ-3,t maeh~ts 'a4taoii, tfitlirvea3ed,
!would ?`ernbmiss?''-4g
.. tes,_ . ..T... ?.w+.? .. `'.
Mr. Rogers has been reflecting on Information aervlce .a- ?- "??r? . e.-,.. ??? ?--?-----,..., -----
ways to "re-instate Mr. Otepka but to 19 and January 26 was prepared by a ?Informant claimed. In this areal prontsecuoftioState
but the iproposal
sweep the Otepka case under the rug: team of top research personnel with connoctport;'bcc "a6dedi'. A' '' q~?~as abandoned allegedly because the
at the same time". access to confidential files and with Maiivin COntik, the ~aPtl'smt il+'. !it4 State Department would not agree to
Any such development is bound direct ties to powerful political Asoistattt .'3ecectary'? of--.t ." ' State assify", ens, make available
to lead to a re-opcning, under, figures in the Repubucan.Party. "For Sacuttty,' t+as tertrs0iiy wills .'t4-e.
Democtalic auspices of the entire Otto this reason, this article should be Cer,tr.+l ineetS~gertoe,? MW; ?b Ad;to the prosecutor, the "contents of
the secret telegrams." Thc State
I'. Otepka case, these Republican. regarded as an omen of future ~eN ltnhoCtYtoe. . , *~ Department aelegra that, despite the
leaders fear. There are many; events", the source commented.' 'evidence the FBI had; it was not in
conservative Democrats who would The OSTH Information Servico+ the interest of t'a+t ;t1S vrrruwt to.
be pleased to "hang the Otepka case', relatively ''unknown hitherto In hone the 3?:ivr ?public
albatross on the neck of Mr. Rogers , Washinrton,:.. is mrtnagad by Nancy knowledge boc4u4e , or rCb~ oud
items into the Congressional Recora
dealing with Henry A. Kissinger,
President Nixon's Special Assistant
for National Security. The Items
Osth, a radio commentator who lives
in Berryville, Virginia, the source
The Republican legislators are
also alarmed by indications that
"another deeply interested observer of
Mr. Rogers and the State Department
is Senator Eugene McCarthy", the
source revealed. Another "open
secret" on Capitol Hill is Senator:
McCarthy's determination to launch
Intelligence Agency, the Foreign
Service and the huge lobby-law and
banking firms in Boston, New York,
Philadelphia and Washington, the
source s
New Investigations
affected the Otto F. Otepka an
progress to "get these cases out. of
the news". However, events on
Capitol Hill may result in even
possession of information about the g
identities of persons who carried out
telephone, has "vanished" from the i
Washington area. All efforts to obtain
Information about Mr. Schneider,
who/is carried as a "retired foreign
is date.
has refused to provide this newspaper
with the current telephone number
and office location of Thomas A.
Donovan, a central' figure in the
Stephen A. Koczak case, . who h
"retired" in the first weeks of .r
January, 1969. When asked for Mr. 11
Donovan's number, the State
Department employees replied that
they would take the name of the
caller and would notify Mr. Donovan
who, if he wished, would call back.
greater scandals emerging out of precipitated Crisis
these cases, unless they are resolved A n event which might
administration, first fn, he weeks of the Nixon: ,.precipitate" events which now are said. merely "looming", the source stated,
With h Senator r McCarthy now on. Is the likely announcement of an
the Senate Government Operations appointment to the National Security
Committee, which has subpoena The person involved, who is
powers, and with the Otto F. Otepka Council.
principally because of
case, still unresolved, originating ating with ,.urgings by Dr. Kissinger", is known
the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee, which also has: to have been in very serious trouble
subpoena powers, "it Is highly likely' in the latter half of the Eisenhower
administration because of alleged
that a re-emergence of intense, "leaks of top secret and secret"
investigations of the State classified information to members of
Department and the Central.
Intelligence Agency will take place ,? a foreign embassy with whom he had
the source estimated. Central to these frequent and close associations.
Investigations, at least 'at the outset According to the Informant, this