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Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300560030-8)+ ic ? y , l> l ' tj r~~H "1 lcc t l tt'/ 1y JEzck Anderson stud Le Whittexs Intelligence reports claim that a Cuban military delega- tion has been pumping Portu- guese officers in Lisbon for NATO secrets. The Cubans were particularly curious, according to the reports, about U.S. naval maneuvers in the Caribbean. This confirms the worst fears of other NATO partners, who have been worried about NATO security since the Communist- leaning junta took over Portu- 'gal, As a NATO member, Portugal has had access to NATO codes and classified documents. Lis- ibon also has been kept in- formed on -NATO policies, stra- tegies and tactics. Since the Communist sympa- t izers have come to power in Portugal, NATO codes have been changed and Lisbon has been cut off from the flow of sensitive information. But a trickl of data reaches Portugal from itsNATO conferees. In an earlier column, we re- ported the aarrival in Lisbon of a Cuban delegation that included- array commanders Seven G sas Iseguairo and Fernando Vecino Alegret and navy Capt. Bmigdio Baez. Their surprise appearance was passed off by Lisbon as a ceremonial visit. But ourintelli- gence sources are convinced that the Cubans received secret briefings on NATO and other military matters. The Cu.bans met at Portugal's Armed Forces Movement Soci- Vasco' Goncalves, Gen. Carlos court fora reported 51.5 million, Fabiao. Adm. Antonio Rosa is investigating the govern- Coutinho and Col. Varela ment's use of the Gateway Gomes.The last runs the center. Building in Philadelphia. Here Coutinho has been dubbed are the details: the ."Red admiral" by Portu- Uncle Sam, seeking office guese settlers in Angola. Asgov- space in Philadelphia, adver- ernor of the colony, Goutinho tised for bids. GSA selected encouraged the pro-Moscow fac- Gateway, the highest bidder, to tion and helped it get Soviet receive the contract. At the time arms through Luanda and Lo- of the award, the Gateway build- bito. This enflamed the three- in g didn't exist; the site was a cornered war in Angola and vacant lot. forced the settlers to flee to Poi'- The contract called for annual tugal. rents of about $2.6 million for at t'he Cubans pressed theirPor- least 20 years. This would add tuguese comrades, meanwhile, up to more than cr0 million. The for information about NATO, es- government probably could pecially the U.S. Navy's annual have built its own building for Operation Springboard rsaneu- about one-third of that. vers near Cuba, Not surprisingly, there were It is understood that the Por- charges of favoritism and irreg- tug;uese military leaders cool}- ularitias from competing devel- erated, but there is no firm in- opers. The civil case, before it teiligence on }that secrets were was settled out of court, turned comprestised, up numerous allegations oi Footnote: On Aug. 17, accord- fraud and corruption. ing to our sources, the "Red ad- The damaging evidence as- rniral" visited Cuba at the invi- sembled as part of the suit has tation of Defense Minister Raul been impounded by the court. Castro. The admiral was And no one, least of all GSA, greeted by some of the Cubans seems anxious to help put to- he met atthecenterinPortugal. gather a strong case before the Another Cover-up-The Gen- statute of limitations runs out. ral Sei-Aces Administration, ac- limitations rums our. cording to inside sources, has Our sources have knowledge withheld key doctt ents from that important documents have FBI investigators. The FBI has been withheld from the k'f3I, until the end of the year to crack apparently, to cover up the rote a $30 million building scandal in Philadelphia involving close on Rob_rt L. I.uitxil, tits for. A edmintstrator, and Arthur associates of Senate `,linority ott(R_Ph! l'. Sampson, the currant ad- t a.t. H ghS e r u c Thereafter, the statutory deadline for prosecution runs J~cotndre:Scott has consist- out. ently denied any role in the con- The FBI, following up on a tract award. The Justice De- civil suit that was settled out of partrrienc confirmed that the, ology Center with junta chiefj. W f'1SHINGTON POST r~ ~t is , 1 t]. r . i x'1,9 O 3 statute o tImn tar~oft5 would ru t out at the end of the year, but claimed that GSA had cooper. aced with the FBI. Our sources have information to the con- trary. A spokeswoman for GSA declined to comment. postscript From Chicago--In an earlier column, we reported that President Nixon defended Chico a'.fayor Richard J. Daley in 190 after Attorney General John N..,litchell threatened to, cut the mayor "to shreds." Those present during the con- versation wont l way With the impression that the Justice De- partment as a result, riight.have been lenient with Daley in an investigation. We asked former U.S. Attar-. ney James Thompson to as`:; whether the3 ustice Department had tried to influence his inves- tigation of Daley. Thompson told us that ha had received no instructions on Daley front the Justice Department , Although lie hail not assigned a t squad" to go rafter Baley, - Thoiapson said, he investigated all reports of wrong by 11he mayor and submitted it:forma- tion to . grand jury. But it was insufficient, Thompson said, to justify any action against Daley. 1 Si 5, tr rated I'esture Syad ice t' , i n' . Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-0131580.00300560030-8