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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01315R000300510107-8.pdf111.95 KB
Approved For Ref"VWO5'DOi'IT'CI"[R M on Plot Reported A. o I C. . I-Ig crZnst .3 "I 'op ..enders in Cuba By JOHN M. CREWDSON Speca! to The Nr4 York Ttmef WASHINGTON, 'une 1S--Thei Central Intelligence Agency or- ganized an attempt in early! 156,1 to poison Premier Fidel! Castro, his younger brother,! Raul, and Che Guevara, accord-1 inc, to a source who claims) direct knowledge of the opera-l ~tioa- The C.I.A.'s plot was direct-I ed against the three Cuban po-I , Iitical figures, according to the 'source, because the agency be-~ lieved that they would be ca-I pable of.rallying Cuba against' a counterrevolutionary invasion --the Bay of Pigs operation- khen being planned. The triple assassination plot, he source said, was conceived in the latter half of 1960 underi the Eismho:ver Administ:atior.t and dt;'acted by Sam Giancanal .and John Roselli, two alleged organiz. d crime. figures re-1 ated by the C.I.A. as rni:ld,P- men for tl e job, Several . reports have bee:: 'puh'ishe'i recently about thre -C.I.A.-i:aspired attempts on Mr.1 Castr a's life around the- ti~ii. of the April 19. 1961, invasion at the stay of Pigs. ,But th.el source's v.,_cov.nt is the 'first that has '::eluded other re-.ooiu-i tionary leaders as targets, su gestin g that the C.I.A. hop:.d to. create a power vacuum rn: Cuba to foster confusion a.rd' corroborative details, said that .. at least one of the reported a!.tu!npts concerning Cuba was! '`more complex than just Cas_1 :ro." According to the source with direct knowledge, planning fort the triple murder pl,t began! in the latter halt of 1960. before! the election of John F. Kennedy as President in November of. that year, and the unsuccessful attempt was made in late March or early April of the following year. The source could not say, however,- whether approval for the operation had been' sought or received from higher-level officials of the Eisenhower or Kennedy Administration out- =at: toe C.I.A. the C.I.A. project officer in the case, he said, was Sheffield I'voi'ds, . a former miildt4 caite ;tvho, before retiring, served as head of the C.I.A.'s Office. of Security. Mr. Edwards appeared as al witness several w-~eks ago he-! fore a closed session of thei Senate Select Commi:tee on; Intelligence Activities Ref eat-I ed efforts to re:-cli slim ~crt corn ref:t on his alleged l r'Yl:' in tae. operation werE' tl;i5 c-; cessfui. , - Maheu Role i. eirortt-d Dlr. Edwards, the source- ;aid, enlisted Robert A. NI a former agent of tile. Fac:.ral Bureatr of Inve3tigattCn and, until' 1i'7O, a top aide to I?tow- and R. Hughe_, tae bil'.ie,aire, to serve as the C.I.A.'s liaison disorientation following "the in-' V.-ith the criminal underworld Vaslan. A second Source who has seer) C.I.A. documents re acing, to political assassinations, while clccl.inirg to provide any figures sele::ed to arrange the piny' lens. Tr. lv'Taheu, -who recent y in?, vc::ed the Fifth Amendmnrit privilege against self-incr:r:lirt.i ' . tian in deck^i:i~ to t^srir ?.,.:-i fort . the Senate coal:ht t.:~-!s about' his C.I.A. rolaclo~5 t7,; reportedly sought cut r.: Roselli, whom he knew, a:1d through him gaht!ed the ation of Mr. Gianca^a t r'n i a C::-;~. .,- C !ca r> :a .vi;> r in the hart final r.i