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Approved For Release 200y/ST4011 N '0300510068-2 Mafla Link onf "In everythirfy related to this matter, I believe Edwards reported directly to Dulles- with my knowledge: and con- currence," Bissell said. Los A:lgel-s 'ria,e3 A former chief of clandes? sBissell said the Mafia work tine services for the Central was not under his personal di- Intelligence Agency said' yes-. rection, however. terday he personally approved CIA. cooperation with Mafia figures who wanted to assassi- nate Cuban Premier Fidel Castro in 1960. - Richard i11_ Bissell, the ex- CIA official, said in an inter- view that he also believed the 'late Allen W. Dulles, then di- rector of the CIA, received regular reports on the Mafia .connection. Bissell's statements marked the first time a former mem- ber of the CIA hierarchy had acknowledged responsibility for the unusual cooperation in the early 1960s between the underworld and U.S.. intelli- gence planners. Lawrence It. Houston, for- mer CIA general counsel, told . reporters last week that he first learned about the CIA- ,1Mlafia links in April, 1962, from the late Col. Sheffield Edwards, then the agency's director of security. Houston said he never au- thorized these' arrangements and insisted that he and Ed- wards immediately briefed At- torney General Robert F. Ken- nedy about the contacts. lious- ton said he doubted Edwards had acted alone in arranging the contacts. Bissell said arrangements pivitti the Mafia were handfed hale said the 'Mafia wanted to by Edwards' office through` remove Castro from power to Robert A. Maheau. reopen'lucrative gambling op- MaheaiL,-a former top aide e ations in Havana that Castro to industrialist . Howard Bast closed down. Hughes, gave his first closed- :Bissell, a top planner of the door testimony to Senate CIA I-Bay of. Pigs invasion, left the investigators yesterday after, CIA in February, 1931. during t i ' m being granted immunity fro prosecution earlier this month. Maheati his said he will meet with reporters today if?1}e completes his testimony. eration -with underworl^ flg- utes Sam Giancana and Johnny Iosselli, but that Bis- s ell_outranking Edwards--- also approved it. _ .,..i -Bissell said these arrange- dents began in:, the waning months of the Eisenhower ad- ministration as plans were also being made for Cuban ex- patriates to invade their home- land. These plans ended in the ;It wad learned that Bissell has told Senate investigators he knew assassination plans would be made when he ap- proved the Mafia cooperation. but doubted the Mafia could ever execute such plans. 1-Ie said he had "no clear recollection or hard evidence" that the White House or Attor- ney General. Kennedy knew ,about any assassination plans;,, disastrous Bay of Pigs inva sign in April, 1961, in the early day's of the Kennedy adminis- tration:. . :Rosselli has'reportedly told.. Senate. investigators that he helped plan or direct about six' attempts on Castro's life iri the early 1960x. :Bissell, when asked how co-: operation with the _Mafia arose, said: .!,I think the his-: tery is very uncertain as to whose original idea it was."' 'Giancana . or other '%Iafia- members might have sub-: gested it themselves, he said, because "they did have very large interests in Cuba that v;ei-e totally eclipsed or de- stroy by Castro." :d1 believe the record shows that they worked without pay (foie the CIA) for . the most; ion stra a' Kennedy admin shakeup of, the agency. He said he did not kno'.t' ho-i' long the : [afia Wock co::ti:..:ei3, al- though others have said Ros- selii's anti-Castro plans contin- sse ranged the highly secret coop u~d until lei63. ll said Edwards had a- 3 JUL 10 c?.k-5 d''ja T6 el Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300510068-2