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December 20, 2004
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Approved For Release 200y/ST4011
Mafla Link onf
"In everythirfy related to
this matter, I believe Edwards
reported directly to Dulles-
with my knowledge: and con-
currence," Bissell said.
Los A:lgel-s 'ria,e3
A former chief of clandes? sBissell said the Mafia work
tine services for the Central was not under his personal di-
Intelligence Agency said' yes-. rection, however.
terday he personally approved
CIA. cooperation with Mafia
figures who wanted to assassi-
nate Cuban Premier Fidel
Castro in 1960. -
Richard i11_ Bissell, the ex-
CIA official, said in an inter-
view that he also believed the
'late Allen W. Dulles, then di-
rector of the CIA, received
regular reports on the Mafia
Bissell's statements marked
the first time a former mem-
ber of the CIA hierarchy had
acknowledged responsibility
for the unusual cooperation in
the early 1960s between the
underworld and U.S.. intelli-
gence planners.
Lawrence It. Houston, for-
mer CIA general counsel, told .
reporters last week that he
first learned about the CIA-
,1Mlafia links in April, 1962,
from the late Col. Sheffield
Edwards, then the agency's
director of security.
Houston said he never au-
thorized these' arrangements
and insisted that he and Ed-
wards immediately briefed At-
torney General Robert F. Ken-
nedy about the contacts. lious-
ton said he doubted Edwards
had acted alone in arranging
the contacts.
Bissell said arrangements
pivitti the Mafia were handfed hale said the 'Mafia wanted to
by Edwards' office through` remove Castro from power to
Robert A. Maheau. reopen'lucrative gambling op-
MaheaiL,-a former top aide e ations in Havana that Castro
to industrialist . Howard Bast closed down.
Hughes, gave his first closed- :Bissell, a top planner of the
door testimony to Senate CIA I-Bay of. Pigs invasion, left the
investigators yesterday after, CIA in February, 1931. during
being granted immunity fro prosecution earlier this
month. Maheati his said he
will meet with reporters today
if?1}e completes his testimony.
eration -with underworl^ flg-
utes Sam Giancana and
Johnny Iosselli, but that Bis-
s ell_outranking Edwards---
also approved it. _ .,..i
-Bissell said these arrange-
dents began in:, the waning
months of the Eisenhower ad-
ministration as plans were
also being made for Cuban ex-
patriates to invade their home-
land. These plans ended in the
;It wad learned that Bissell
has told Senate investigators
he knew assassination plans
would be made when he ap-
proved the Mafia cooperation.
but doubted the Mafia could
ever execute such plans.
1-Ie said he had "no clear
recollection or hard evidence"
that the White House or Attor-
ney General. Kennedy knew
,about any assassination plans;,,
disastrous Bay of Pigs inva
sign in April, 1961, in the early
day's of the Kennedy adminis-
tration:. .
:Rosselli has'reportedly told..
Senate. investigators that he
helped plan or direct about six'
attempts on Castro's life iri
the early 1960x.
:Bissell, when asked how co-:
operation with the _Mafia
arose, said: .!,I think the his-:
tery is very uncertain as to
whose original idea it was."'
'Giancana . or other '%Iafia-
members might have sub-:
gested it themselves, he said,
because "they did have very
large interests in Cuba that
v;ei-e totally eclipsed or de-
stroy by Castro."
:d1 believe the record shows
that they worked without pay
(foie the CIA) for . the most;
a' Kennedy admin
shakeup of, the agency. He
said he did not kno'.t' ho-i' long
the : [afia Wock co::ti:..:ei3, al-
though others have said Ros-
selii's anti-Castro plans contin-
ranged the highly secret coop u~d until lei63.
ll said Edwards had a-
JUL 10
c?.k-5 d''ja
Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300510068-2