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Document Release Date: 
October 22, 2004
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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1975
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Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01315R0 03 Q0380044-3 S /- fI HUMAN EVENTS 30 Pugust 1075 Ala.'- w Americans Lend Support... The worldwide Communist movement, in a propaganda offensive directed from Moscow, has launched a major campaign aimed not only at toppling the military junta currently ruling Chile but seeking to reinstate the same kind of Marxist- Leninist leadership which brought that South American nation to the brink of economic and social chaos. I,w this campaign, the Communists as ustial have allies in so-called "progres- sive forces" in the Western world ranging from knee-jerk liberals in the media land elsewhere to influential members of both houses of the United States Congress..`, Nevertheless, it would be wrong to brand all these critics as '.'enemies of Chile" or Marxists, Many are honestly confused by l c ever propaganda, And the counter-Communist message of the Chilean government rarely gets through to the peoples of the world. T4 .t Communist campaign 'ha's already scored some phenomenal successes. Top Chilean Cornmu`riists or their fellow travellers have been cleared for admis- sion to this country as "refugees," despite the fact that federal immigration statutes specifically bar aliens with Communist backgrounds from coming here. After all, as the writers of these statutes hart rea- soned, we have enough Communists in this country without - importing more exotic varicti~s, Approved -, .,iLticuaetetn?vietnam and Watergate; a considerable body of influential liberal opinion, including media elements, turned against the Harvard professor whose meteoric , rise to superceicbrit.y status had astonished even hint. Chinks in the Kissinger armor were now con- stantly being explored. A major issue raised against Kissinger-by now secre- tary of state-was Chile. The argument was that, because of Kissinger's mach- inations, authoritarian rule had taken over in Santiago, the capital of Chile. And this has caused . Secretary Kis- s inger extreme anguish. The secretary just can't abide criticism, particularly from a,utspoken liberals. Concerned over their reproaches, the guilt-ridden secre- tary has adopted a stern posture towards Chile's anti-CoirinIunist leaders who, he contends, should begin easing their ad- mittedly tough treatment of revolution- aries. Thus, under his direction, the State Department made a unilateral decision to bar Chile from making cash purchases of certain much-needed military items, Now, there can be no argument about the fact that Chile's ruling junta now htiaded by Army Gen. Augusta P'inochet Ugarte did suspend much of the nation's civil liberties following the military take.. over. And for good reason, according to official spokesmen. ,The nation was rid- dled with left-wing guerrillas man of , y whom had stashed away vast stores of S oviet-bloc arms smuggled in from Cuba. mitCee, an interdcpartmerta! nei. Ye For Re f e1200~ ~1/S}1e il8y QA 8000300380044-3 NereriFeless, the fact renrains tines, Alr, L_ky, author and syndicated colurrrrdsi. is curr,ndv v,rl/J-, n h -E. ,.1,...,. W---.. . By VICTOR LASKY It's not. as if these "refugees"have no., , is rZ C9 . t L S 1JL --Y r-9rti fY-t -LAI J e_1 'p.-r :s J + ` i. V t lfrt L GS 6~` I R,P+& sTi activities. "Ih6 date was Jane i7; i Kissinger was then riding high, Vii 1 ~"Arj U N-h~ ley'd rather come to this citadel of ? Less than tine years later, there was ;t fascist imperialism" and enjoy bbur- sharp turn in public opinion. As a result cu,s treligmts than settle in what pre- .imubly are their spiritual homelands 'ehind the iron Curtain. After all, it's ruch easier to mount a propaganda care- aign against the Chilean government -om New York than it is from Moscow. But probably the greatest success scored by the anti-Chilean lobby has been the pressuring of the State De- partment into adopting positions an- tagonistic: to the interests of the. counter-Communist leadership of that" country. The feeling among the bureaucrats in oggy.Bottorn is that Chile has not gone ar enough in restoring full democratic ights toy its people. ,Moreover, Henry Kissinger is constantly being reminded of its role in helping bring down the pro- ioviet regime of Marxist President Sal- 'ador Allende Gossen's. Exactly ]tow nuch of a role Kissinger (and, for that natter, the United States) played in the :vents of September 1973 is still subject o dispute. The secretary was reliably luoted as having said, "I don't see why 'e need to stand by and watch Chile ,go .'ommunist flue to the irresponsibility ?t its own people." i Kissinger, who was then national security adviser to President ' Nixon, made that statement at a White House meeting of the super-secret Forty Com- Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01315R0003.00380044-3 For Further Information o r0cam / id &i4--1 F,-) k- ( 1124 n 6P Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300380044-3