VIET PEACE PLAN GIVEN TO MOSCOW [Washington Post and Times Herald, Jan 21 1966]

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AND liMi * v, 111 T' -,e ,-.a D r, ;, Approved For Re tie ?q0 1$@/13 : CIA-R PS> 31.5RQO.0300'2.6p002-2 el The 'Washington Merry-Got nese peninsula under the In- ternational i Control Com- mission. Net result would be to In- 'Moscow calling z submitted to 1`+/ ~/ 4 V W.' e I l tlJY ' n V [%' {rte `V By Dre:a Pearson most important and' secret peace formula so far proposed in' the backstage Vietnam peace maneuvering is that b to be given more power and i Some of KY's military com- some kind of a police force to enforce neutrality. f ti manders feel even stronger about 'this, and there have So far, no reply. rom tc ibeen rumbles that if the Russians. None was rcay ex- pected until sametime after 1 United States goes too far Alexander Shelepin returned' with peace, Ky will be either ` ' Hanoi, pos- from his trip to sibly not until after British Prime Minister Harold Wilson goes to Moscow Feb. 21-24. Cocky Premier Ky Chief reason Secretary of State Dean Rusk went to Sai- gon was to persuade Premier Nguyen Cao Ky to take a deep breath and not knock over the peace talks-at least not publicly. Ky, who has brazenly admitted that his hero-is Adolf Hitler, has been popping like a Mexican jump- ing bean ever since the John- son peace offensive got going. As recently revealed by Clayton Fritchey, Ky has told influence in Southeast Asia at the expense of Chinese influ- ence. This the United States much prefers, Ambassador Henry Cabo t Lodge repeatedly that he would not go along. with peace talks, that he is not ready to sit down at 1 .he con- ousted or assassinated, This is why Rusk stopped off in Saigon. He was success- ful--publicly. But privately, the bantam premier of South Vietna:a is still about as sore as a stepped-on crocodile in the Mekong River. Mc s y-Go-:bound The Air Force, which,has a reputation for giving straight answers to newsmen, has been fudging regarding the Presi- dent's future son-in,law, Pat Nugent, now on active duty with the Air National Guard. "McCormick of Chicago, Cissy Patterson's cousin, the, late publisher of the Chicago) Tribune. . . ?. Pan American; Airways saved a lot of lives in, Brazil when it hustled 'high-i speed vaccine injectors down to Rio de Janeiro foliowing the catastrophic rains. The en- tire city was threatened with plague. ' . . . Ohio Democrats have picked Mike Sweeney, ea highly respected Ohio legisla?s tor, to run against unpopular; Democratic Congressman Mike. Feighan. 'Once a ' dedicated member of Congress. Felehani has turned sour. 'H'eader Tiger A different kind of student] Vietnam demonstration is be- ing staged at Pennsylvaa Military; College, Chester, P::.,1 where I drilled during World i War 1. PMC students have organ-~ ized "Operation Tender Tiger" to build an orphanage in South Vietnam. At the rate the Vietcong are winning popular support in d South ' Vietnam, Koch would appear .to be right. PMC students have devised 1 a symbol of a ferocious tiger' with an olive branch in ~ its teeth and are selling "Opera- tion Tender Tiger" buttons to raise money for 'the orphan' age. The idea has spread to near ti by high schools, and ~2 G.r them are. also selling Tende Irfor-buttons ; ,. Air Force officials claimed Pat had only one weekend off during the Christmas holi- days. 'Tweren't so, Pat had more weekends 'off than any other man at Lackland Air Force Base. , . Two blogra- and t;iaf I1,ehhers;of my ex-mother-in-law, ference table , United States canon;. cnm;,;iti Cissy Patterson, have been the government of Solith Vic' to publish books on her nam to peace. glamorous, sulphuric' career. Chief reason Ky is so jittery Alice Hoge, Cissy's niece, fi Is that his government. con- nally heat 'Paul Healy of the 4.ro1s., only about 700 villages 'New York News to the punch. oit of 2600 In South Vietnam.Ilenncbt Geri sneaked Alice's in other words about clne?thirct ihook "Cissy Patterson" in for of the territory. He isn't strong I~ ebruary publication. Double- enough to go to the conference clay will bring. put "Cissy" in table, and he wouldn't have April. 1, , Mean> hife, Frank the ghost of a, chance. of sur? Waldrop, forme 'r.edi'tor of the tvival if, A in c r 1 c a n' troops Washingtdn: Times-Herald,- has India, Canada and Poland. The Russians would have in- direct rqresentation through .Poland, he United States and Britain would have seine influ- once throw Canada. (. - Actually, this proposal has ,been made by the British, but with American willingness to withdraw from Vietnam, with the International Control Com- mission then taking over, not only in South Vietnam but I,aos and Camho(iia, to keep the entire area neutral, The commission would also take 'jurisdiction in North Vietnam. The lnternatidnal Control .Commission was created tinder the Geneva Treaty' of 1954, which arranged for French withdrawal,, Its members are finished 1?a fas0inEting coox,' ;p6s6, seia?s#cobllft 6rs Ic tY, 1MO.t"