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I? JUX 1969 Approved For Release 200621, IWF 315f 000300230003-4 'A BOOK FOR TODAY sr~ o STAT i it `~~ ,~ ? tR rF C~ , t + '''~ ` 'i rl V~V 1 1i cr',~ f L ~.H ~"Y M Y n l Y Y V r 1 4.1 LL ,N'`'u L-.J L s ~?a ;/ ux o c j~ 1 /' CL YY : :..w W. -..:.r?; .. .... .... ..:~ 11 hi i h . t t s i 1, ^R ~E+ . . . The footnote for that Para-; cope specifically w ' By 0i.n 't.:.:.Ll h refers the reader to' pr~ohicm. S ra g p TIIB tl'AR BUSIN::SS. The In- three news stories in the' 1'herc are no agreements tern:Lional Trade in 'Lima- 'Washington Post and one in among nations to control the', rt:cnts, By George Thayer. ,the New York Times. proliferation of these arms. nwn S. S e h u s t e r. 117 one can just hear the, edi There are no conferences or pubes. $6.9 i toriiils based on that kind of d'?scussions under way, or.. 'I'll's is the kind of book that paragraph: ". as George ,even planned, to bring some can '1U 'Ow a good scare into Thayer has revealed in his au_ order to t us field. There is not anyone who takes the time to thoiitative book, 'The War even much demand for action;j ink it, , few people discuss the subject. I Business.' 11 L114Whatabout is particularly scary is This is not meant as a criti- Everyone has been talking who has an.; about atomic warfare and how? r f Th aye n t so much- the threat from, C15111 o , the international trace inar. parently done a prodigious. to avoid it, when all the killing. amount of work in gathering '1 one by these 'mun we apons. manlents-scary as that may , together what can be known or' dana bo-but the way a book like surmised or what has been re- If Thayer's book at least this takes -gossip, rumor and ported about the international gets people to worrying about journalistic reports and gives 'arms trade and has woven it, the spread of conventional- them akind of legitimac they together into a balanced, read-;weapons his efforts will not do no' possess on their own able account. But it is meant have been in re ' i t i c u s a p n that this merits simply by encasing to war them between the hard covers painted with a borad brush. of a book.:. ,..._ One of the most fascinating; the k i t s portions of the boo Take one paragraph, almos at random: chapter Thayer devotes, to "While it was sur eptitiously Samuel Cummings, founder, Portugal in its war president and sole owner of. ti ng suppor `,against ,he guerrillas by al- International Armament Cor-, ` -hewn as Inter- rs b e now , poration, lowing it to buy 3-26 bom d States was and still arms but long familiar to resi it e the Un :is supporting the guerrillas dents of the Washingtori area widely known. in Angola, for ,warehouses on the Alexandria. ith the antitank rt- , waterfront, w instance, it has been suppo ing Holden Roberto. In Moz-. 'guns lined up out in the yard, ambique, also a Portuguese have for years been one of the i colony, it has been supporting more intriguing of the area's,, a rebel oup led by a pro- ' tourist attractions. c West nationalist named Ed-. But even the dealings of this. uardo Mondlane. Both men "largest private dealer in sur wore educated in the United plus military weapons on the; States and have been looked international m a r k 9 t" 'are upon with discreet favor by,yastly, overshadowed by tho? .%vashington cuficials. They . dealings of the major powers,,, both have received a small particularly the United States amount of financial aid from and the Soviet Union. U.S. sources. Several African Thayer is most critical of experts have told met at the the role of the U.S. govern--l omney has come and still meat which, he argues,. has coes fro bath private and not adjusted to the changes government funds. One au- which have occurred in the thority claims that the CIA 'world since the chilliest days has been directly involved ' of the Cold War and has con- with these rebels but he could tinued to peddle arms on a'. not prove it. The United States vast scale. + 'has realized-.as, surprisingly, Whether ? this is true or.: do many P'a r t u g u e s e not-and there are those with. leaders-the t someday both in the government who would territories must he given their argue strongly that it' is not- freedom and, until then, it is' the relatively free flow of in the U.S.'s interest to keep arms throughout the world is t e....- ..? o away from the west." "It is a fact of life today As support for this charge that no'onc v,'ants to control': 1that the U.S. is backing both the trade in conventional sides in the conflict in Angola arms-riflos, pistols,, machine', and Mozam,;i.;uc, Thayer re-; guns, tank's, artillery, fighter, fors to the export to Portugal 'planes and bombers, warships, of B-26 bombers-a case with, tactical missiles and conven- i ? w`,ich I am familiar and in ' tlonal explosives," Thayer ? which, I am completely ;,on-',warns. "No organization, el- i vinced, the planes were smug thor national or international, Bled without the approval of has created any -macbinery-tok "several African .erts" a d +., p proved For Release 20Q6/09122 ': CIA-RbPis84013 5-R0OpSU0230003'4,_- TAT