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Document Release Date: 
September 15, 2004
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1977
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STAT Approved For Release 2004/10/13 :CIA-RDP88-01315800 ;1.2? IC1;E ,App,EtiltFl~ .. .,.? i fiy? i~iarc Schogol "' ~' z Ynquirrrs,8ta/i;A~riter' v,F ,.I ..,.:. .. :.-~.i~.: At ~Pennsglvania State University, ;~: officials learned only` recentlq that `:. experiments on a~icultttral' contatni:- 'nants~ performed there in the ~ 195r1s '~ and ,'S9s~ were funded by the CIA,'~~ ' `' A.t .the TJniversity of Pennsylvaisia,? .- -officials ~? who ~ have been.. told: that :.Penn:; did .same experiments for the . . C11f., are hard at work trying to .find ~.. out exactly ~vhat'?thep were.' ~ :_-~ ? - - ?All-this.cotnes in the wake of-the f CIA's annatt'ncement last?:month that . ' 80 colleges and institutions had.been _ involved . in the ~ agency's Orwellian . drug and behavior-control testing_pro=- . - graroi, '~' ;` ,'; ~" -,That~~anitouncemetit~ has'serit~-ii>?i- ~. versify research. directors? scurrying >to thou files to look for-CIA connec-,, 'p'~ :Arid; in a` fashion remutiscerrt~.nP - .` the Vietnam .war=inspired ilebates-of ' ? 'the Iate? 1960x, the anaouncemeztt:Fras '~: focused attention on; the .issue. q~;,~nl= ``~~versitp_ :involvement? ?in ~ gcivernmerit {K `: '. r85earClt:'once ? agalrt... , ; ~ ~ ~~-?~ _~ " ,: ~ g'og : example; ~ although; Pemr his., nat'pet-,learned v~hat e:~periments? : -?it was supposed to have clone fbi""tIis?~_ ;: ~ CIA; :an.. Army 'Inspec:tor-.(rerzeral's-. '?4'report'compiled last year rtrrd rriade~ ' available , to; the-- Inquirer . by itcTe-~ '=~pendent~'iesearchers John Judge and? r;Nlaye? Brussell; iixdicates ~~ that Penn .- ':' (and;-;:among. .~others~.'?)ilahnerria~ . ]M'edical` College in ~' 1Jlritadelpl~aY; ;participated ?ia,an'Ai-my drug.-and c1>}errueal ?..testing prngraztx~ sirriil'ar_ . :: iti. some. ways ao.? the t;'I!l's. ?..:? ~,:_ ~? ~ ~ : ? The CIA clritg 'and'cli~?.rrricalrcpst- Wing program; rrtany~: of ~iv}rose~pro,~: '~ sets bvere Tamped: under the ?headitig ? MK i7LLTRA,~ was- carried'out'I~to? T1iI: 1'HILAI)ELPHT.A I.NQIILREK 18 September 1977 .As part of ttrat program,. tiro CIA sponsored tests ~in which T,SD':.arid other mind-alkering drugs --were administered to humans to test the ?.drugs' ability to disturb memory, change sex habits and areatc.aber- rant behavior. -:. : Some of the LS?D tests reporte~Iy were conducted an prisoners at -the &rrdentown ? Reformatory in -;; iv'ew Jersey. - .., Researchers involved say'that the Army testing ~ aC Penn and Hahne- airtatm .involved only .standard rtedi- .cal' experiments.. Same of the Pena tests.-were conducted on several hundred ? inmate .volunteers-.`'at Iiolmesburg Prison,. the- first .such: prisoner experiments latowt~-.-ta have been. performed uader~-the . army's program, according ta.:.tlze ', ? Army report. ".. .. - `.:The ? report does ~ ? saq . that,~. ort8 eKperimer~ in the project at.Holmes- "burg ~rtvolved "high doses of ~: an - ` incapacitating agent." And it'`.says some records indicate that ~ one-.-of - the-project's purposes was. to allow 7riilitary investigators themselves. to ~. experiment? on inmates. -- '`-The Penn 'researcher"involved ?, vehemently denied-both statemenfs_ ' The separate Army experimental ?contracis awarded to Penn rau frond 4951 to 1968, and the tests at Hahae-? morn were conducted from- 1S51? to .197D. There is nothing ta' ~ indicate that any of the tests involved haIlt~- cinobenic drugs such as LSD or any experiments, in behavior control::- ' ~C3fficials say- there is no reason` to~ believe that airy, of the experiments .f were 'related to the -QA,... - ~--,~ - ~ I ''-From the descriptions of :the ex perimens, at;Pentt~ and. Haltnernanit, most of which w.ere~ concerned. with 'testing possible? antidotes to ?cltemi- cal warfare agents,; one official . at `Penn.said, "These. studies ?,:'..:were. :Basic science, and whether, the? A>inzp' K*aitted - to' dog it~ or;~aot,, they- vnoul$ '.have been done?";,-~ ~ .~-~,R....;~.~ ~ ~,. I'4octId they?da it agaia7 --.:,.;'.:~;~-., ~;':?3,Tot referrir o ;to the work at- Fenn ~ ?.and' -Hahnemann but.: speaking; . in .general, Dr:. Robert. Coak~w president. of the Medical College of PennsyI-- 'vania, said, "]?rIy gucss? is that ex- periments ? approved, in the past wouldn't be?a~prored notv." ' But Dr. Albert Kligman, tlte~Penn researcher . tvhti conducted the ex=~! perimeritr involvipg the Holr~esburg'? ;inmates, said ha had had no second thoughts. ?''~~. ? 6?. : - . Said' Dr...~ ~I Q~tiian; "I'd da it ~ ~ again" ''? - ,',:-` Dr. ICligntati; who ia~also t.~te~}re~td`? of Philadelphia's Ivy Research ~bs; which continued the Holrrtesburg tests for several .yeai`s `al'ter` l~enn decided .. ~to~ discontinue ?them~- said.,the~ only- thing that has changed about the ex- periments ig..tlle pun~io?perceptian of them '. ~ ,. ~? ~ ? ;a~~ ~~~ . ' "At the' `time,'j..rese~rc:h for na-~ floral defense was .'.`a very hanor~, - able thing to do...,.' That was be~ fare CIA Became a dirty ~t?orcl." - - A 1453 local news article .about j some of ~ Dr: , Ktigman's upcoming Army ,experiments at I-Iolmesburg, including' one in tivhich prisoners . were to have- limited arses of their sZtin ex'nesed to ~ small at?iounts o~ ~: radioactive isotopes, was: tvrittert in i ''a highly campliin2ntary tone: ?'? ~~~= 'j' _?': `; "tiVhert Amerlcarl soldiers ~ ---~, and cic?ilians ---.are better protected from ? the effects ~? of, cli2micai ` tivarfare,'.' ~~~ttte story read,?~"iE wilt bz thanks to a Iltiiversity of'Penn'sylvania~doct~r' ,'~ncl several dozen inrrtate volunteers oat Holmesburg Prison." --t =;'.~- ~:~- .' ~ Tem years later, a naves article ?re~. ported, that ~a Halmesburg .prisoner was s~eIdt~; ~OO,G04 in`'asuit filed against br: ?Cligntan and others. The ~prisoner~said iii the suit that he had; been hospitalized .for a severe druv ~ reaction after taIdng Some ?pills slur-j ing : an experimenE: ? 71te suit .:wds ~ :eventually settled out of court.`.:= ?.; ' I12 1975, 's Ior~; p.-:;?;, ea uLid ra}sed ~I the`' ~assi5~'.ity~' that. ~? Dr. Kligniati:I might trays expedmented tivith ha~1= ` lucinogeitic drug?,.including I.Sb,',; ?l)r. ICligntatt 'vehemently.-denies fiver having dens so, saying.that the. suspicion was.a product of the~.times.. ? ? At Pet1n State, the. bulk of :the ' 25- yc~ars~ ago;~`acc~~.dt, ~ lease 2004/10/?13 :CIA-RDP88-013158000 -officials. ? _~r", .. ?.M..w:. e~: research project in- ~vo a"tTemptrtig td determine whe? , they agricultural contamina. nts pos~' sessed by tlt~ ?ITtiited Ska?,~s coup(