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d _AR.7"1'CLE ,?3PPEARFZ -ON PAGE WASHINGTON POST 3 AUGUST 1977 w - h ckter Research Fun By John of Goshko allegations about his foundation pub- his personal means and partly from WashirLCton Post Staftwrite., lished yesterday by The New. York. gifts provided by his patients and A Washington foundation that alleg- Times. . other persons interested in the medi- edly channeled Central Intelligence The Times article said the Geschick- cal sciences. . . ter Fund had been used by the CIA as "It was no secret that he had a pri- control drugs is a little-known organi medical researchers invoked in a se- . it was not something that he pushed rat;nn whose affairs were tightly con- cret, 25-year, $25 million effort to , or promoted in any noticeable way. 11 Geschickter. Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R0 Charles F. 1ear[F LIUW LU LUILLIUI L1L 11u1116314 'aaauu. . "I He LUUIILIULWVi1, IVLUVU1L,y Uly. Matthew McNulty, vice president of.. "was not a part of Georgetown Uni- Geschickter, 76, an emeritus, profes- sor of pathology at Georgetown Uni- versity medical school; is a nationally prominent figure in the fields of med- ical research and edttcation. Georgetown University in charge of versity, never has been and, in the fu- medical affairs, said. yesterday that tire, will not be connected to the uili university officials also had been un- versity:' able to contact Geschickter and ask McNulty said that university off i- him- about the allegations. However, dais have been searching the records McNulty and other medical profession of the Georgetown medical school and. who asked not to be identi hospital and, so far, have. . found.. no sources , hut, leis colleagues at Georgetown, fled,. were able' to provide some sign that the university or members where he taught from 1946 until his sketchy information about the fund of its faculty ever, applied for or re- retirement-,Jr, 1971, apparently knew and its activities. ceived "any grants, contracts or "-little about'-the ., private foundation They said the fund was founded by awards" from the Geschickter fund that he ran on the side ??- the Ges- Geschickter in 1939, when he was on for research of the type described in chickter Fund forzlledical Research. the faculty of Johns Hopkins medical The Times article. Although Geschickter's.: biography school, and apparently is still in exist- ?- 'However, he added, the fund period :in the 1979.77 edition of Who's Who ence. Although they were unclear . ically had made gifts of cash and takes u r 23 :lines,.it:mabes no mention about the source of the foundation's stocks to Georgetown. for general use of the foundation- The doctor, who funds, they said it was.. generally os- in medical research-.and .education- lives in Lorton, Va.;;.' could not be sumed among Geschickter's col McNulty said these '.gifts were reached yesterday for comment' on leagues that they came partly from "modest in size" with the e\ceptton of 'a $370.000 donation. toward construc- tion of a $3 million.. building at Georgetown-Hospital.... :.?t?: In mentioning this,.:contributionI , The Times article said it might have I been linked, to the CIA's desire to es- tablish a forensic medicine ..depart-! ment at a university, However, Ale-.d 'Nulty said, the building in question -had no connection with forensic medi- tine and was put up to house the hose pital'sambulatorYpatient wire serv-' ing his time at Georgetown described. '" . uiet " , q him in -such... terms as ."reserved" and "keeping-pretty much .:4 a _:_, " ara his H rinedical school but he didn't mingle ` very much and was: hard to know. Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300020009-1