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Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300020006-4
- WASHINGTON POST 18 August 1977
(9 11 -`-] of the uni
for Comm
The dc
By Bi:I Richards and John Jacobs The agency was also interested in say one
"'a knockout pill which can surrellti- reSeaL (, 'i
Wash nzon Post Staff writers
tiously be administered in drinks, and chem
The Central Intelligence Agency food, cigarettes, as an aerosol," to pro- rogation ;
used the University of Maryland vide a "maximum of amnesia,". and a It has
and George Washington University substance, also to be administered tha CIA
surreptitiously, that ' would make it toward a 0 for some of its top secret IIKUL- ''impossible for a man to perform any cal wing
TRA experiments in behavior con- physical activity whatsoever." use for i
trol in the 1950s and 1960s, the The documents also referred to was funn
agency has informed both univer- tests of a "knockout" drug on termi- Fluid for
na}ly ill cancer patients at George- front nat
Shies. town. chick-ter,
The CIA also officially' informed The doc'umeiits say the unit crsity ti}ologist
Georgetown University that it had ' administration was to be totally }uI-: taught at
sheltered some of the 1lIKULTRA ex- witting" of CIA sponsor ship of the as = A 'Geoff
periz ents. Georgetown's part in the sorted mind control experiments. terday ti
project had been previously reported - A CIA spokesman said yesterday found no
but not officially confirmed. that the agency had located all but sip:' the CI~1,
o' the 80 institutions and companies! ducted tl
The three local universities were involved in MKULTRA. "The-others' has beer
among 80 private and public institu- no longer exist," said the spo'kesman,i chickter,
tions told in the past few days they who declined, to give the names of any I tact him.
had played parts-some wittingly, of the institutions or firms involved. poenaed
some not-in the IIKULTP.A tests. one of the three Washington-area Senate `subcommittee investigating
In a related development, the CIA universities notified could themselves the MICULTRA program.
yesterday made publi.^- under the supply details of the types' of MKUL- A long description of the lroposed
Freedom of Information Act an addi- TRA experiments in which they were Georgetown facility suggested that -
tional 1,760 pages of documents per- involved. However, spokesman for all "human patients ' and volunteers"
taming to MKULTRA behavior con- three said they would take advantage would be available for experimental
trol experiments. of a CIA offer to supply Pidditional de- purposes. It said the agency could
These documents show that many talls on request. "recruit new scientific personnel" 'at
high-ranking agency officials knew .. In its letter to University of Mary- the medical center, because agents
and approved at least the Georgetown lard President Wilson * If.. Elkins;' working under cover there would" b ti
part of- the mind control program, in- which arrived ' last Friday, the CIA; in daily contact with "the graduate
eluding then-CIA Director Allen said: "While we recognize this may beschool." The identity of the school
DulIes and senior aides Richard M. unwelcome news .we believe we, have; was censored in the documents.
Bissell Jr., C. P. Cabell, Lyman Kirk- an obligation to advise you of this fact To further its interest in producing
patrick, Lawrence Houston and Rich- [3IKULTRA participation] so that you sthrough chemical means; the
and Helms. Helms later became CIA may initiate such action as you deem stress tre also proposed studying chemical
director. . necessary to protect the interests of n CIA bour.tiniversity." agents on "advanced can patients."
The documents show that among These means included a "K" ar"knoclc-
? n the' letters of notification the
things tested at Georgetown were sub- C~:~ 'noted that in some cases .tliel out drug, which one memo-writer de-
stances to promote "illogical thinking scribed as a "good Mickey Finn."
and impulsiveness to the point where 3NMULTRA institutions were aware of 1
and Another III . ULTR- project sought
the recipient would be discredited in their participation in the program and
been while the ex erimt:nts were to understand "toxic delirium, uremic
public," and substances to promote A and cerebral toxicity from ai
and prevent "'the intoxicating effect of Jakino" place.' coma y p
alcohol." Elkins, who' has headed Maryland soning." Toward that 'end, chemical
ther reference in the documents : since 1954, declined to comment yes. i compounds were administered to can-
is to Cher eere whiwhich will cum n t terday on whether- he 'knew of the I cer patients and to at least four diabe-
MKULTRA experiments. Lloyd II: Fl- tic patients, with plans for more tests.
`pure' 'euphoria with no subsequent let- Jiott, who has headed George Wash-, to "study the effect on mental funs-,
down," a -type of permanent high , -% in-.ton since 1965, could not bed c: -
Approved For Release 2006/12/12 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300020006-4 A -I n
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