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Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-FFDP88 013152000300010009-2 Approved for Rel'eas 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2 pproved For Release 4005/01/111 : CJA-RDP8,?-01315R000300010009-2 wi a i t ilb~ t i~ a~:al ar ayi s~ i by WARREN R. YOUNG Sprinting through the corri- dors and up the stairs of the Wash- ington, D.G. hospital, the surgeon, internist, anesthetist and oxygen technician knew they had, at the outside, only four minutes in which to restore a life. Not four fat minutes that would begin when they and their equipment reached the patient. Not even four min- utes from the time the loudspeaker alarm call summoned them. But four minutes from the very instant the heart of the man in Room 714 unexpectedly had stood still. After that, even if the heart beat anew,. oxygen lack would have clone ir- reparable brain damage. Luckily, everything meshed. The heart's sudden silence just hap- pened to have been noticed quickly enough, and the four-man emer- gency team and the needed tools just happened to be near enough for instant aid. While the surgeon pounded the patient's breastbone to force blood through the heart and the anesthetist applied mouth- to-mouth' respiration to ventilate the lungs, the electric defibrillator, electrocardiograph and oxygen ar- rived. Presently the heart began to beat and an infusion of ],(,,art stimulant plus force-fed oxygen kept it going. The marvels of 1966 medical techniques together with unusual- ly good team planning had ward- cc] off a sure death. But the drop- lets of sweat on the surgeon's face reflected more than the sudden burst of exercise. "We may have half a dozen of these in a clay and- sometimes 1 think it's a miracle that we save rescue took place. "Oh yes, we saved this nman, and we're better organized for crisis action, than most hospitals, but look at our in- efficiency. It's ludicrous. His life hangs in the balance while the medical talent demonstrates its .galloping ability, and expensive equipment is dragged through the 'halls. And during the time this problem was being met, our capa- bility for handling any other simi- lar emergencies was drained. It's a prime example of the stupidities built into the framework of today's tradition-encrusted hospitals." As medicine marches into the future, the nation's hospital sys- tem retreats more and more into obsolescence. The accusations against the hospitals, documented by the public and physicians, are sorrowfully familiar: Patients giv- en the wrong medicine. Patients shockingly neglected, survival of- ten depending upon some stranger chancing to walk past a door at the right moment. Nurses far too short in numbers, low in morale, underpaid and overwhelmed by drudgework. Red tape. Depress- ing food. Not enough rooms and not enough money. Germs that ambush one of eight surgical pa- tients to imperil recovery. Wards aura, of them," said drpp Vb(Yfor Relea (i llespie of the Georgetown Uni- versity Medical Center, where this / i e :29OA101 /1 I that suit no current need and lab- oratories a mile from the patient. And, amid all this, rising prices for even second-rate hospital care. Furthermore, medical staffs and hospital administrators see their problems about to expand as the population continues to swell and Medicare brings in many new pa- tients. Ironically, all these people could be cared for if all the ad- vances of modern medicine were more fully utilized. ` "By new methods and devices we can pull many people through today who otherwise would quite literally be without hope," says Dr. Gillespie. "But the basic ve- hicle, the hospital, is holding its back; the old ways are so hard to give up, even when they make no sense. Trying to practice in even the best hospitals is like driving on an expressway in a Model T loaded IA P8,8-01315O 0340010 ala. .., it ('Approved For Release 2005101/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2:,: ' pressirua engine. It s high tinge to , ingly fascinated by one discovery. design an entirely new model."' The facts indicated that at any Dr. Gillespie is one of three men given time about 80%c of the pa- whoarcill tenllit lugto (lo justth;ll. ticnts in the hospital were merely Along with his superior in cardiac undergoing diagnostic tests, finish- surgeryand research at the George- ing convalescence or receiving town UniversiIy medical Center, treatment for chronic ailments; Dr. Charles Al I lufnagel, and the they were not candidates for emer- center's renowned pathologist, gency lifesaving measures. The Dr. Charles F. Gcschickter, lie has other 201%, meanwhile, were in set out to remodel the Geclrgc- serious condition, if only for a town hospltnl. They plan to trans- day or two after surgery. This dis- form it into it radically stream- covery, l,hcy concluded, was the line(] facility to test promising key to the whole dilemma. though unproven design features. "Looking at it from this angle, Physicians and planners from large everybody can see how hospitals and small communities will be in- ought to. be built, even laymen," vited to copy for learn from the says Dr. Gillespie. "There should results. The U.S. Congress has he one section equipped to give authorized an unprecedented Pub- absolutely top-quality, concentrat- lie Health Service grant of $7 mil- ed treatment to one fifth of the lion for the project (to which the patients and a second, larger sec- university must add another $8 tion for more casual care. But no- million, to be raised from its alum- body gives any thought to the ni and friends), and after four matter and hospitals keep on being years of quiet planning, ground is built essentially as second-rate ho- to be broken next spring. tels, with the only concession to our needs being to pencil in Spaces for surgical chambers in place of urgeon Hufnagel was a chid` hotel (lining rooms. The hospitals inventor of plastic heart valves, attempt to provide complete corer-' artery implants, supercooled sur- gcncy care for 100% of the pa- gery techniques, heart re-starting dents, as if` any one of them might devices and heart pumps; with Dr. need it at any moment, and in the Gillespie's help, lie is still bring- process not only waste money but ing out new versions. Dr. Ge- fail to come close to the goal. They schickter, a cancer expert, is co- also try to spread the comforts of author of the three-volume clan- home around for everybody, in- sic Color Atlas of Pathology and eluding the 20% who are in no other tones. Why are three such shape to use or appreciate then], prominent doctors diverting so and provide room service three or much time to blueprinting the hos- four times it day for those who are pitalofthefuture?"Well," says Dr. too healthy to require it." Hufnagel, "when you live in hospi- The 400-bed, 19-year-old red- tals for years and complain about brick hospital already at George- their clumsiness, you should do town, like so many others across something constructive about it." the U.S., is overcrowded and in Dr. Gcschickter has practiced, need of enlargement even for con- medicine for 40 years, but before tinned conventional-stylecare.The that was an architect and cngi- three doctors devised the idea of neer. "I did two things," he has turning it into a pleasant, relaxed said about his approach to this facility for the 801%, who need only project. "One. I made up lily mind minimum care. Meanwhile, they I wasn't going to go around with . would build it modern nine-story, lily hat in lily hand to sell an old 192-bed concentrated-care wing idea and, second, I told the ad- for the acutely ill 201%,. Into it they ministrators at Georgetown that I are pouring all the genius for mod- would not touch the plan unless I ernization they can muster. Glce- had theiraudits for the last 10years ironic computers will improve rcc- and a chance to analyze them. I ord-keeping and bedside care. Use wanted to see where they were los- of new materials and procedures ing money and wasting space. will make the concentrated-care Most important, I wanted to see wing a practically impregnable 9. rant business altogether. where we were losingApt ed For Releas61D2r(5O /04ffl : i ]l [' 'OW-O15R000300010009-2 As the three doctors pored over crating rooms wit tile new be one floor Iligher at the true basement level. Packed into six pa- ticnt floors above will be more test equipment and emergency tools, virtually surrounding every bed will) lifesaving egllipinent. Ordinary hospitals have tradi- tionally divided up the space and staff into surgical, medical, psy- chiatric, pediatric and obstetrical "services" and then sorted the pa- tients somewhat arbitrarily into these categories. This method ca- tG's mainly to the convenience or the department heads and their specialty staffs, while scattering equipment throughout the build- ing, pulling up the budget and making efficient therapy virtually impossible. A patient almost ready to go home after the most minor surgery, for example, may find Ilinsclf in it room next to some- body who has just had a lung re- moved. Ili the new Georgetown plan, the most important consid- eration in sorting patients will he the,i;rarrl.r of their conditions. This is daring because, first, like any true experiment, nobody knows how well it will really work; and second, it means shattering the molds of the past, discarding a multitude of seemingly small but terribly familiar patterns. For ex- ample, says Dr. Geschickter, "ev- erybody in our concentrated-care wing will be on a"liquid diet. I don't mind if some are able to cat chopped Meat or custard instead of drinking or getting infusions of true liquids, so long as all that's involved is it paper cup and nap- kin to throw away afterwards. This facility will be devoted to the safe- ty and recovery of patients-not to bowls of flowers and salads that will and big rattling food carts with china dishes." In the niinilllurll-care sectloll, on the other hand, nearly all patients w111 be freed of the tedious wait in their rooms for food which often arrives tepid turd tasteless acid yet is such an expensive item on the budget. Instead they will go on their own to a self-service cafe- teria contracted out to a restau- rant organization. The patients will have it wider choice of foods and fresher cooking. The hospital will deal itself out of the restau- - r new concctn n's ,,,.....- -'.111.1 --- _... . - -I pilais-devised by Dr. GiIlespic(left), live rooms and surgical suites in a Dr. }iufnagel (center) and Dr. Ge- subbasement, and pharmacy, X-ray and laboratory facilities at the true f i ddi on o a t schickter--calls for the a wing for exclusive care of patients in basement level. Atop that will be six serious condition..It will have storage stories of concentrated-Care units. Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2 > 4 14 typical victim. of tt. i disease, a elan known a., say, G.B., will realize even before his therapy begins how efficient tiie new plan is. Assuming that no emergency treatment is necessary, G.B. and his physician will tend to hospital-en(ralice reel tape by meansol pie-admissioninterviews, probably by telephone.Thus When check-in time arrives, G.B. will move along quickly, instead of waiting in line while an admissions clerk types tip a sheaf of question- naires. (If G.B. is brought inns an emergency case, he will immediate- ly be wheeled in to be prepared for surgery, and an admissions clerk will trail along to get the vital data.) Arriving the evening before his operation is scheduled, G.B. will check directly into the new sub- basement, where 31 rooms adja- cent to the surgical suites will shelter pre-.operative patients. His overnight room will be small, sub- terranean and windowless, but quite livable, with a private bath- room and a TV set. Any final tests that may be required can be per- formed on the X-ray and lab floor directly above. Next morning G.B. will be roused at a reasonable hour and transferred just a few feet to one of 32 cubicles to be prepared for surgery. The proximity of the whole "pre-op" unit, with its over- night rooms and "prepping" cubi- cles, to the actual operating rooms not only saves much long-distance pushing and hauling but also per- mits a realistic relationship be- tween the time G.B. must get ready for his surgery and the actual 'operation. If one of the opera- tions preceding his takes longer than anticipated, for instance, G,B.'s "prepping" will be cor- respondingly postponed. The most vital benefit expected from the pre-op unit is the defense it will raise against germs. Of(]- style practice requires putting a pre-surgical patient through in or- deal of scrub baths, antiseptics and changes of garment to remove all possible germs while he lies in his room far from the scene of surgery. Once the hoped-for de- gree of cleanliness is obtained, lie is carted through the regular hos- pital corridors and carried on the outside t uptrhlinZ, riniii; await his turn. Undo the flimsy armor of a sheet, his shivering, shaved and iodine-painted carcass lies cringing as people by (lie dozen brush past hint-including clean- up men toting slush pails and bloody, germ-stained bandages, doctors arriving hurriedly in wet coats and muddy overshoes, and wandering visitor's. His brain, pur- posely only half-sedated, is still working well enough to overhear nurses' talk about minor mishaps and lost sponges and to sink into the worst possible frame of mind for the ordeal ahead. Finally, as a Georgetown critique points out, "This bundle of contamination is then moved directly to the operat- ing room itself, ignoring all zoning barriers and avoiding all protective procedures." The patient is flopped onto the table, bugs and all. "And yet some surgeons still wonder," says Dr. Gillespie, "why so many surgical patients have complicat- ing infccCons." But when G.B. has his gall blad- der removed in the new George- town facility, he will be saved from such trials. From the moment the arrives, lie will be kept as sani- tary as possible. And in the pre- op area, everything and everybody will be isolated from outside con- tamination. Even G.B. himself, once "clean" and inside the unit, will have to go out to a special lounge if he must see a visitor- and then re-enter through the main entrance, shower and change gar- ments again. Doctors and nurses will have to take similar precau- tions. "Surely, it will be an extra bother," says Dr. Gillespie, "but far less painful and tune-consunm- ing than an avoidable infection." When the operating room is ready for G.B., he must nmerely be wheeled in from next door and given the final anesthetic. Then- the surgery. .,,. ti,sc , IL", t:i the tiles and pocks in 1. (- the stone are marvelous traps for the `bugs.' And we are bound to have some vicious ones in all operating room. There they sit, undaunted by our attempts at sterilizing the room between operations, ready to pounce.,, His solution, which will greatly protect G.B. during the most vul- nerable hour: wrapping the entire inside of the room--walls, floor, ceiling and all--with wide sheets of vinyl. The scants of the vinyl will be heat-sealed; the corners 01 the room will be rounded off and the room will be windowless. This is a room that can be made truly sterile. G.B. may notice the absence of the traditional operating-room sur- gical light, which today sheds an occasional germ-ridden grain of dust from its shining reflector, its overhead gear-tracks or its mov- able, articulated arm. Not long ago Dr. Gillespie called in the leading manufacturers of these lights and pointed out that their products might be dandy for illumination but are not germ-free. "They ex- plained to me very patiently," the recalls, "that this was simply the finest surgical lamp ever made. I'm not sure that I was equally patient, but I told them the best simply isn't good enough. Our goal must he perfection." And so, on that morning when G.B. gazes up from his operating table, he is likely to see only some smooth ,lass plates in the arched, smooth-vinyl . ceiling. Recessed above the plates will he a complete circle of spotlights which G.B.'s surgeon will adjust with foot ped- als for the exact lighting needed. if G.B.'s operation is to be observed, visiting medical men or students will be denied the free access they generally have. In these "old" days of 1966, observers often troop right into the surgical cham- ber. In the new facility they will 17 he Operating room itself will watch from a small classroom irll- be completely redesigned with a mediately above the table, looking t view to reducing the danger of in- through a thick glass panel 11101,1111- view in the ceiling. Medical movie fection. Today," Dr. Gillespie "you see shiny square tiles on cameras and closed circuit TV pick- says, operating-room wall and at- ups will be mounted there too. tractive terrazzo stone on the floor When G.IL's operation is fin- ancl you think that's pretty nice. It ishccl the will not be moved into a r om, as would he the 2001 /Odilal iinG1Ae1RDP66>~1adSR0003006Td ! cars -n t re est current hospitals, pidity based on the idea that 'tile is regular clevatorAp113imvediFolriRelease attendant and especially the wheels of the cart pick up dirt and germs. Approved For Release 200 not evert have a recovery room., if G.B. takes a turn for the worse on the operating table, he will he kept there for as many hours or days of care as may be required. I, To make this possible, the hospital will have 21 op rating rooms. But if there are no otnplications after G.B. has come out of anesthesia, he will be whisked up one of five high-speed elevators directly to his concentrated-care room. The spe- cial cart he rides on will become his bed, eliminating one delicate transfer. The cart will be rolled up to a separate, two-wheeled head- hoard held upright by "bayonet" prongs plugged into the wall. Can- tilevered out to one side of G.B.'s headboard will be a built-in wash- basin. On the other side will be it shelf for small medical apparatus. The cart-bed will stand unattached in front of the headboard. G.B.'s room will be one of 16 arranged in a rectangle with a nurses' station planted in the mid- dle, making up a concentrated-care unit. Two identically designed units will he on each of the six patient floors, with supply quarters, staff' lockers and lounges, and major emergency equiprrlent housed be- tween the two units. Twelve roollis in each unit will be designated as sub-acute spaces; the other four, nearest the nurses' station and the support areas, will he for the most acute cases. The rooms hous- ing the latter-small, lacking win- dows to the outside and bare of furniture except fo the headboard, the cart-bed and equipment carts -will be models of efficiency. Flowers and gifts, will be banned from the entire unit, and visitors will be allowed in only rarely, if ever. G.B., because lie is lust out .of surgery, will be in one of the acute 1'oo11is under consta[lt close :watch by three duty nurses. The patients cannot see each other, since the side walls of their rooms arc opaque, 13ui the inner end walls are glass, and the nurses can see every patient at all times without leaving their station. Doctors, too, will be available on every floor at all hours. [A-RQ,P,8$-01,315FQOOOQ01000~92 t J :r ad a ~: r s'' le>Mr: dt.. as ft w eye and sec it trained professional standing there looking at him wilit all the emergency apparatus that might he needed and not rust a bowl of posies," says Dr. Gillespie. "Today, only a person who has undergone the most radical kind Of inller?-heart repair Oran llnpl"eee- dented major procedure is likely to receive such attention, except for it brief hour or two in a recov- cry room. Even the child who has his tonsils out or the young man with it patched hernia sometimes dies, and the post-surgery rates of death from infection, unrecog- nized hemorrhage and choking oil their own fluids, is greater than on the table." G.B.'s recovery will be watched not only by nurses but by electric eyes too. Sensing devices will con- stantly monitor his heart rate, his temperature, his respiration rate, Itiselcctr?oeardiogramandtlieblood pressure both in his veilis and in his arteries. The nurses will not rouse G.B. early in the morning to poke a glass Ihernlomeler between his gums and then spend much of the day checking up on his and the very patient recovering from other patients' conditions. They surgery of any kindAppttoaYleO iFor Rele 4 ~01jG 11 Il AtR,QRt$QrQ131 nonsurgical patient with acute ill- console of their station to get as ness, deserves to be able to open 811 llicarly readouts trs they want. G.1B. in each concentrated-care unit, centrally stationed nurses will have full view ol'all patients. Al- though rooms can hold two beds for emergency use, normally there will be only one occupant. will not' have to hope that if lie cntersacrisissonlchoclyrrrai,spot it. If any single bodily. function or combination of functions deviates beyond the fixed limits G.B.'s phy- sician has programmed into a com- puter, lights will flash and a buzzer will sound the alarm. Within sec- onds, 11urses, technicians, doctors and a complete array of equipment will be in action at his bedside. Computer" systems are already working well in some U.S. hospi- tals and "eventually," says Dr. Gillespie, ''our goal will he to monitor tiny changes lx.~lure Ca- lastrollhe occurs, as the computer and we ourselves fain experience. IN heart standstill can be predicted 30 seconds before it is going to occur, for example, we can attach a. pacemaker and keep it from happening at all. Many of the trag- ed ics now considered unavoidable fates are really not that at all." Some of the sensing devices will probably have to he taped to G.B.'s~~,sskin and others inserted 5 L c t- I ~s fr `t1,s`Cd bloodstream. opcrtat- ing'room, and at the end of G,B.'s a fit is ire G 2s / dApproved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2 i 11. i) ~ 11 hi` %; F"l~'k4 r{ k; yglf ~ a) wA)lA. }' I +ll r t ~GJ Uly~ f~~~W- Oelintr?el out + walk snot in the orc- Why z a(A: 0se~ I' ' caulions against post-surttical in- fection. ])r?. Carl Walter of Bos- ton's Peter Bent llrighain I lospitai, it past innovator in operating-room design, told Dr. Gillespie, "You of the nurses. Only a highly trarncct can put all the vinyl you want on nurse will be able to cope with the the walls, John, but how are you Ij 1 operation these sensors will be left Cleo rgetown-type SysteIII, and her going to control people? If you in place, The gang plug leading role will ,shift di tnlcttically from don't, none of it is any good." from them will be pulled. out and her present reconnected to the circuitry in his i preoccupation as a Germs, after all, are not self-pro- combination bookkeeper, supply- polled; they are always carried. concentrated-care room so that sergeant, walkathon champion. A study was immediately begun signals will begin to flow at once She will become once more a true to find out where people really to. the nurses' station computer r eonsole? and indispensable professional as- need to go in a hospital--and when. sociatc of the physician. After it year the answer to the peo- Barring complications, a gall pie problem was found: multiple The same computer setup will bladder removal is only moderate- corridors with one-way traffic. Bar- ly serious, so after about 24 hours ricr?s, locks and blocks to wrong- also plug the memory gap which G.B. will be moved ago brings about. the appalling fro- tin. This way travel will rule out temptation time his cart will roll only it few to slight the rules or short-cut the quency of mistakes in medication. ("You know,, says Dr. Gcschick- feet into one of the Sub-acute routes. A doctor who dresses for ter, "that at ]cast one in every six rooms. There he will have a win- surgery and then is inclined to step ter, ' doses is given at the wrong (low and the computer will moni- back into a dressing room for a drug for Only his pulse, breathing and smoke will be unable to do so be- time, in the wrong amount or to temperature, He will be a few steps cause doors will have locked be- the wrong patient.") When G.B.'s farther from the nurses but still in hind him. Visitors will not be doctor orders medication, it will be their direct view. For perhaps three allowed into the keyed into the computer instead of gent-free areas scribbled on it notepad. The order more clays lie will thus recuperate unless they go rough a decon- will go instantly and automatically in the concentrated-care unit, thor- tamination process. to the hospital's at Even the scrub sink will be pharmacy, ougltly attended anal well protected the same time producing a. epee changed. "Every intern is taught 11 - against outside infection, tronic record. Then the medicine On the fifth day, if all goes well, that he must scrub his hands and itself will be sent a to the con arms with germ-killing detergent p the resident physicians will exam- five minutes before gowning Ceti trated-cai?e unit through pneu- ine G.B. and his computerized rec- for Gill . D i " f e r- esp or surgery, says matic tubes, and the Cott[ ratter will i ord of progress and pronounce him "E is is sup posed to do it with his not only' remind the nurse each fit enough for transfer to the rmin_ I i time site is supposed to give G.Q. imam-care section of the hospital. elbows extended far enough in it dose but will require electron- front of him so that the washing The resident physician's authority solution drips from his elbows into is verification through the key- to discharge G.B. fr?oni concert- I ` board that this has been done and [rated care, instead of' having to the sink. But except in the movies, donecorrectly.Otherwise,another wait for G.B.'s personal doctor, just about every surgeon decides alarm will sound. - will he a radical but essential de- ? after the first operation or two that The drudgery of charting G.B.'s parture from current procedure. this. awkward extra strain on his case history as his condition muscles isnotabsolutelynecessary. changes will be handled by the He just. holds his elbows out from his sides and the floor around the computer, using the data from hi s s nlllllrllllltl carC 100111 si Tile nk sernSOrs: If G.B. takes Ili G.B.'s life will be quite diflereni, becomes it sloppy raisin." " with. I lc will wear no sensors and he will C;ccirftcttiwn solution is a si alarming but baffling turn, the a circular cut-Out at the front into Coiilpuler? will scalp all its d;tta on . he far front nurses and doctors . which the surgeoil steps and with his dianltr)515, medication and pre- most t)f th e time, but when they do side-willLis extending out beneath vious changes of condition and visit, he will not have to Compete where his elbows actually will be. match them against the new signals for their. time and attention with "( don't know why they've: never coming in as well as against a direly ill patients. He will find the , vast encyclopedic store of corre- challenge of getting to the cafe- been made right before," says Dr, Gillespie. "As it is with the whole ]ated indexes. It will then suggest teria and selecting foods a strength- to the doctors what Yg rig citing task. I pis visitors will not feel field of hospital design, everybody may be wrong knows what should be done, but and what might best be done. The they have to whisper and, in short, nobody has bothered to do it." doctor, of course, will decide he will begin to feel halfway back Matiy details are still being whether to follow the suggestion, into the outside world. Eight clays worked out. All doors, whether just as lie would have if lie had, after his surgery, lie will go, home, swinging or sliding, may be re 'looked up sornethifi } in it ho sl4 an averse of at least two th air stream barriers. Such sophisticate prig-Y airlgr Release ahllll q~r[4#eRPPvg? Q' ~a9R00030;Odit6Ob9v2 will not. only help G.B. but will spent in an old-style hospital with Two-way Ads-t so riloedd gh linens bin and for clean and nd also boost the long-sagging morale it similar gall bladder case, Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2 aromil walls to reduce the urlnllier of times stall Illetnhers need ~:nter. Conveyor hells may replace sup- ply carts. And, if an extra $1 mil- lion can he found, a pressurized-air surgical chamber may be built; it would literally saturate patients' tissues with c}xygcn and permit op- erations aid therapy which would otherwise be, impossible. The new wing will he equipped to serve as a' civilian disaster cen- ter, something few communities .''have but sooner or later nearly always. need.j On those rare times Architect Theodore Mariani and associates have designed the wing with flexibility for future additions, in case funds become available for mare innovations. when a community is afflicted by air crashes, riots, tornadoes, floods or collapsed buildings, the need for mass medical aid is ovcr?whelnl- lug. "It's shocking to think." says Theodore Mariani, head of one of the two architectural firms work- ing with the doctors. "that even if we had a major bus accident in Washington today, no single hos- pital could care for more than six or seven critically injured patients at a time. In case of a full-scale civil disaster, say with 1,000 in- I he wing will have a helicopter port, entranceways for 20 anlbu- lances to unload simultaneously, and a vast emergency area in a See- ond sub-basement-directly under- neath the surgical suites and pre- - op unit. Ilere, supplies will be stored, 1,000 extra cots can be set up quickly in open wards and space will be available for at least 4,000 uninjured refugees and need- ical personnel. At more tranquil times the disaster spaces can be used by the hospital as spacious and efficient wards. Also, since the wing is designed to he partially underground and requires fully filtered air to coni- bat germs, it will be made heat- and blast-resistant as well, in order to serve as a central refuge in the event of nuclear warfare. "The need for a nuclear shelter may, of course, never come," says Mari- ani. "But the requirements dove- tail beautifully into its other func- tions with only a minimum added cost for the added protection." Because of rapid changes in medical technology, an important question has arisen: is the addi- tion of just one new wing the best answer to the efficiency gap? "Operating any hospital for just two years costs more than its con- struction," says Architect Mari- ani. "Perhaps all the old hospitals should just be torn clown every few years. Industry does it that way; a technologically obsolete factory, no matter how recently built, is just knocked down and replaced. But in the case of a hospital, the coin- munity has put so much sweat and pain and emotion in between the bricks that there is a strong urge n ff ^ Gael r to salvage the existing facility." Yet if the Georgetown "con-' centrated artillery wing" concept really proves out--in restrained costs, saved lives and short-circuit- ed frustrations--hospitals all over . the country may be able both to save the old and incorporate the new. Adding a new concentrated- care wing of appropriate size-- compact and computerized, streamlined and sterilized-may be fir wiser than endlessly try- ing to rip out enough of the old innards to find room for mod- ern techniques. As Dr. Gillespie puts it, "What we ]earn here may make it possible to design pack- aged medical modules that can be stacked up to any desired capacity and plugged onto virtually every hospital in the country." "It's fairly clear," says far. fluf- rage], "that, immediately, we will be able to improve the level of care by at least 100%. Others can do the same. Flow much higher than that Ave can go is the only question." The urgency for such improvement in tomorrow's hos- pitals is revealed by another sur- geon's remark: "Tile physical plant must be improved quickly. There's no ? point in a patient's going through the delicate ordeal of having a lifesaving plastic part inserted if he is going to die soon afterward of infection. We might just as well put in a piece of bub- ble gun I." .. . jured, all the hospitals in the entire .area could accommo4 did for Release 2005/01/11: CIA-RDP88-01315R000300010009-2 about 100. The other 900, would - just have to pile up and wait."