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E 142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks January 23, 1968 looking to the govern ~xl br @ IIe UU~F/ t / f 3 V t ~8 -~~ ~15R( b ~ %eting Radio Free s s-re rights, build ,:: n_erhood-things no government In his- Sergeant Baker had been on duty in Viet- -Europe ..y has ever been equipped to do alone. nam since last July. He was assigned to Many people expect the government to do 'Company "A," 26th Engineer Battalion. HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI deterioration in personal integrity, seen In practically every segment and level of society, from the repairman who does shoddy work . to the factory worker who gives no thought to the quality of the product he is making ... the clerk who takes office stamps ... the salesman who pads his ex- pense account .. . the manager who cheats on his taxes ... the attorney who. recom- mends an unjustified lawsuit . to the physician who might expand a medical report to inflate the insurance payment to himself. and his patient. It also is seen at every level of government, from censure proceedings in our highest legislative bodies to a city where national guard troops are mustered to prevent election abuses. "Government alone cannot solve this prob- He later served at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and In Germany, before he was assigned to Tuesday; January 23, 1968 Vietnam. In addition to his mother, Sergeant Baker is survived by four sisters, Miss Mary E. Baker, of Boston; Mrs. Dorothy M. Bgwman, and Mrs. Annette Bowman, bath, of. Pisgah, Md. and Mrs. Catherine A. Saiiipsou, of. Indian Head, and four brothers, Grant W. Baker, Mourice T. Baker, and Rubin E. Baker, all of Indian Head, and David E. Baker, of New York. The 50th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Nation these things. The solution can come only from a heightened desire by all people to be honest themselves and a willingness to insist on integrity in their neighbors, associates and elected officials. "Leaders in government understandably see it as their duty to do for the people of this country whatever they believe, or whatever they are told by citizens groups, is not already being done equitably, effectively and efRCi- ently by the private sectors of society. "When private citizens abdicate their re- sponsibilities and ask the government to do a job, government responds In the only way it can: it passes more laws and usually ap- propriates more money. And every time an- other law is passed, it means another small or large restriction on somebody's freedom. "As citizens, in other words, we have this choice when facing a situation that needs correcting. We can do it ourselves; or we can ask the government to pass a law that says we must not fail to do it-and that sets up an administrative mechanism to enfQrce the prohibition. The former choice is by far the best way to meet a situation, at least from the standpoint of economy and independ- ence; and often from the standpoint of speed efficiency and effectiveness, depending on the nature of the problem. "The government will be called on to help. Its resources and responsibilities certainly. cannot and should not be overlooked. But the initiative, leadership and work should remain in the hands of the citizens." Maryland GI in Vietnam Dies in Crash HON. CLARENCE D. LONG OF MARYLAND IN THE.HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, January 23, 1968 Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, Sgt. Ronald Baker, a soldier from Indian Head, Md., was recently killed in Viet- nam. I wish to commend the courage of this young man and to honor his memory by including the following article in the RECORD: GI IN VIETNAM DIES IN CRASH SGT. RONALD BAKER LIVED AT INDIAN HEAD, MD. INDIAN HEAD, MD., January 22-An Army sergeant from Indian Head was fatally in- jured last Friday in Vietnam when a truck in which he was riding turned over and caught fire, the Department of Defense re- ported today. The victim was Sgt. Ronald Baker, 22,.son of Mrs. Mabel Baker, of 108 Woodland Road, HON. WILLIAM L. ST, ONCE OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the deterioration of foreign policy under the Johnson administration coincides in . a very interesting fashion with the deteri- oration of the effectiveness of Radio Free Europe. The problems of Radio Free Europe are brought home in the follow- ing very dramatic article by Dumitru Danielopol, which appeared in the Au- rora Beacon-News on January 18: RADIO FREE ,EUROPE MAY BECOME VICTIM OF JOHNSON'S POLICIES (By Dumitru Danieiopol) WASHINGTON.-Radio Free Europe may be-' come victim of the Johnson administration's "bridge building" policies. High level decisions are pending at the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency Tuesday, January 23, 1968 d the State Department. The CIA has long been a quiet but major Mr. ST. ONGE. Mr. Speaker, today contributor to the Free Europe Committee marks the 50th anniversary of the inde- pendence of Ukraine, and in recognition of this event observances are taking place throughout the country. It is also fitting for Congress to pause in its busy routine to observe this significant event.' The continuing subjugation of Ukraine completely refutes the dreary Soviet harangue that the Western powers are- the sole practitioners of colonialism. While Russia ceaselessly slanders the ef- forts of the United States to stop aggres- sion In Vietnam by calling them colo- nialistic, it continues to be the outstand- ing practitioner of imperio-colonialism in the world today. All nations should be aware of the hypocrisy which the Soviet Union practices when it attempts to mask the ruthless suppression of minorities within its own arbitrary borders by im- puting this very crime to others. Our Nation was founded upon the proposition that all men should be at liberty to determine their own destinies and govern themselves free from outside interference or domination. This is a basic principle of our foreign policy and one which we actively seek for all na- tions. No people are more deserving pf our efforts in this behalf than the valiant citizens of Ukraine and their friends and relatives In the United States. Francis B. Randall, in his incisive biography "Stalin's Russia," notes that the distinguishing characteristic of Stalin's personality was his paranoia. It is ardently desired that the present So- viet leadership does not suffer from a similar disability, and that they will come to realize that no people can long be denied their freedom. By accepting this reality, the Soviet Union will riot only contribute to their own stability but will also enhance the peace and well-being of the entire world community. On its 50th anniversary, I extend my warmest praise to the brave and noble spirit of the Ukrainian. nation, and offer the hope that. we may soon welcome It to the company of free and independent states. which sponsors RFE. If CIA funds are stopped, the wkiole operatfon faces an un-' certain future. The much publicized popular subscription of funds for Free Europe covers only a fraction of expenses. Since the Free Europe Committee also sup- ports the Exile National Committees and the Assembly of Captive European Nations, a loss of government backing would mute the voice of many anti-Communist refugees. The profit to Moscow would be enormous. Many a satellite government also wolih breathe easier knowing that nationals in the United States could no longer remind oppressed peoples of their national aspira- tions. There is little likelihood that the axe will fall on RFE until 1969-although it may be "shaved" in preparation for a coup de grace. In an election year, the abandonment of RFE would antagonize millions of voters of Eastern European origin. It would also run into severe bi-partisan criticism in Congress. Some European exiles believe that only the election of a man like Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagon in 1968 can save the op- eration. And these same exiles are urging its reorganization. For several years there have been legiti- mate complaints from exile leaders that RFE has ceased to be. their voice-a mis- Sion it undertook when it first went on the, air in 1950. These complaints have increased con- stantly during my four trips to Munich RFE headquarters in the last four years. They come from refugees and exiles both in- side and outside the organization. Many contend that it once militant, hard hitting operation has become soft spoken, wishy-washy, reflecting a left wing liberal ideology. This is the main reason, the exiles say, that RFE is seldom-if ever--jammed. RFE officials admit that the - American- exile collaboration basis of 1950 has given way to purely American leadership. The change in tenor, these officials say, reflects the real- ity of developments in Eastern Europe. Exile leaders reply that the broadcasts no longer encourage the freedom and' inde- pendence of the captive peoples but preach instead a policy of "status quo," "peaceful coexistence," "peaceful engagement". and "detente.". They also complain that they are no longer allowed to speak to their peo- +'.tr? 1.O tatr""s>'ree: u rop~- ' ck L' I A Ffr44LMIa ? 00A?T1 ff/ `: tIA'-RDP88-01315R600200510001-9 at only they can do for themselves. He entered the Army in May, 1966, and "Our nation faces an apparent widespread took his basic training at Fort Gordon. Ga.. of ILLINOIS Approved For Release 2004/10/13 ;,)qlA-RDP88-013158000200510001-9 IAGPAN.:;.? If- ":: The C.niptrcUer VIA : DO/ 17P S1iBdlCT Policy T card E*st Europsc.+an # e G g S. Anathe,d, iz% runt-mo.* to your rroquo6t is a memorandum. dascrib- tng Agency poUcy d its i pless ematiou is c**rd the spilt 'f E*st lcuropesan exie gr-saps ii this country engaged in amti-com=urdat activities. CORD MEYER. JR. tai Action Staff AUs est: Rou to C/CA/BLLSPR:jev & ki (7 & 10 June) Dlstaribution: Orig. & I - Addressee 1 - C/CA I - Legislative Council 1 - Col. Grogan, Assistant to tbss Director 1 - SAS 3 - CA/B1 SECu Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 25X, (TEXT) ALL THESE, PEOPLE REPRESENT THE MOST O 1 ' - 9 7 ry t,r ~i~c f` C ~? ~r ,-r t SELLICOSE MILITARIST CIRCLES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CAPITALIST GROUPS, CHIEFLY FROM ThE t,1ZSTERN STATES, WHO ARE VITALLY IC TERESTED IN MAINTAINING AND FANYNING INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS OBTAINING, SPECIFICALLY, GREAT PROFITS FROM THE SHAMEFUL U. S. INTERVENTION IN VIETNAM. ANSWERED BY THE HEADS OF THE "COMMITTEE" IN A VERY NEBULOUS WAY,, BY HE DECLARATION THAT THEIR ACTIVITY IS A "FORM OF COOPERATION OF AMERICA" CITIZENS WITH REFUGEES FROM COMMUNIST COUNTRIES," AND THAT FO1RMALY, THE "FREE EUROPE COMMITTEE," 'IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION REGXSTaRZD IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. IT HAS NEITHER STATUTES NOR A PRECISE' PR OGRAM,r THE CRITICISM FREQUENTLY VOICED BY REPRESENTATIVE OF PROGRESSIVE STRATA OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY IS 25X1 PACE 2 s?: 25X1 UNCLAS Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01.315R00020051.0001-9 u 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Copy TELEGRAM Arnold Beichman c/o Richard Wald Now York Herald Tribune New York, New York The Assembly of Captive European Nations has, over the years. doto more than any other organization to keep alive the issue of the liberation of the Captive Nations. It has done so despite a climate of opinion which has sometimes made it exceedingly difficult to talk about liberation. The success of the ACEN has been due to the dedication 6f the "remarkably able group of refugee leaders who compose its memberiihip. But it has also been due. and this is in no small measure, to the qualities of their exceptionally able and hard working secretary-general, Mr. Brutus Coate. Indeed, I consider it no exaggeration to say that to the many congressional friends of the Assembly of Captive European Nations, Brutus Costa had come to represent the personification of everything the ACEN stands for. Because I value the work of the ACEN highly, I have been all the more distressed by the news that. after ten years of faithful service. a decision has now been made to dispense with the services of Mr. Coate as secretary-general. I consider this baffling development most unfortunate. not merely because of my personal admiration for Mr. Coate, but also because his separation from the ACEN must inevitably impair its effective. nose. I can only hops that it was not because Mr. Costa's stubborn and Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 uncompromising commitment to his ideals an afoul of the current official hypot1i Sisl, which speak of the '+desatellization" of the satellites and of "building bridges. r' instead of liberation. Thomas 3. Dodd United States Senate Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 R~ ~vRvFE Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 ^h7 i1T,EE Free Europe Committee, Inc. To: Mr. Richard C. Rorson From: Jan Stranskyj MEMORANDUM Date: October 4, 1965 Reference: Subject: Anti-RFE` Czech brochure. The title of the brochure reads "Sybil's Forecasts are False". It was published by the Army Publishing House "Nase Vojsko." in 1965. The author, Karel A. Krejci, is a comparatively unknown journalist. Unlike the "October" article of June 1965 which recognized the FEC as a formidable adversary, this brochure simply attempts to . RFE lovak staffinembers h C . os zec ridicule and to slander RFE and its 1.s depicted as a cold war creation, sponsored and maintained by US " operation which, primarily, serves the pur- ra a " y g authorities -- of US intelligence'. To prove this point, the author uses out poses of context numerous quotes by US personalities -- e.g. John Foster and Allan Dulles, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, General Clay, Senator Kersten, etc. -- as well as such "documentary" material as papers, allegedly found on the persons of spies and agents dispatched into Czechoslovakia by RFE. One of the chapters concentrates do personal attacks upon members of the Czechoslovak BD in Munich who are accused of all kinds of moral turpitudes and depravities. The "dolce vita" pictures are meant to confirm the image-of R Ehasea den of depravity -- yet hardly any RFE staffinembers appea in i d " " o . per Fasching pictures, taken during the Munich Information contained in the text is considerably outdated: leaflets. of the Crusade for'Freedom, reproduced in the brochure, have not been used for many years; scandal-mongering rumors con- RFE staffmembers are but a rehash of statements made in the cerning mid-fifties by some redefectors; data on positions, held by some uite obsolete. Thus the text gives the impression r e q individuals, a that it has been prepared several years ago, and that only now the authorities decided to publish the,brociure. .JS : sk Fro OCT - 765 PrasiCt's office Approved For Release 2004/10/13 CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R00020051Qo01-9 roved For Releass 2004/10/13 CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 !( _. Approved For Release 2004/10/13 .CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/13: CIA-RDP88-01 ease>20 4 f /13 CIA-RDP88-0 15R000200510001-9 m W O cD N O 0 ~. st O N 0- O (~k O. M. 0 . C O C G OV C ? 100 V n' V Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 -RDP88-01315R000260510001-9 Approved For_Release 2004/1.0113 :- CIA-RDP88-0.t315R 5R000200510001-9 r~vlwa~s~ ~oo~ P88-01315R000200510001-9 O (D p O m O C X. K 3 tf ` o 3 3 CD N.r c A N (D rt CC 00 . o ~` 3 N'N;7 0 ld -n Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 .14-01, 9 THE OV RSEAS PRESS BULLETIN ,e Approved For Release 2( /101 ib&AIF)DR88-01315R00020 10001-9 Membership NEW MEMBERS ACTIVE Samuel L. Bauman - Chief, News Bureau, i,Tho Stars and Stripes, Naples, Italy. Michael Field - Staff Correspondent, The Daily Telegraph, The Reporter, Rio de Jan- eiro, Brazil. Craig B. Fisher - Producer/Writer, NBC News, New York, New York Ilarold Gal - Copy Editor, The New York Times, International Edition, Paris, France. Joseph Winn Daniels Novitski - News Edi- jtor, The Associated Press, Rio de Jan- eiro, Brazil. 1,,_jiruce_yan_ Vpprst - Chief of Bonn Bur- eau, Newsweek Magazine, Bonn, Germany. ASSOCIATE 1. William -Berry - Slotman, New York ]Jerald Tribune, New York, New York. 11. Darden Chambliss, Jr. - Director of Communications, Aluminum Association, New York, New York; (F) Associated Press. James C,(tchlow - Director, Information --Div sion, 1 itdio Liberty Committee, Inc., New York, Raymond M. Cudahy Director of Special Information Institute , Services, insurance New York, New York; (F) N.Y. Journal- American, Bangor Daily News, Bangor Commercial, The Evening Bulletin. -JA L- ' 4 t ? Paul F. Hoye - Aramco OverseasCompar>_r, Editor, Aramco World Magazine, Beirut, t i Lebanon; (F) Providence Journal. I Dorothy Radcliffe Ingling - Publicity and Public Relations Dir., Friend-Reiss Adver- fican, Station KGU (Honolulu), Woman's Wear Daily. Albert D. Kappel - Dir. of Public Affairs, Free Europe Committ e-,-T -~~'---""--- - .r Ct Lava - Managing Editor, Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter, New York, New York. Theodore Lit - Senior Editor, Arlington House Publishers, New Rochelle, New York, .Gar Schmitt - Group Head (PR Dept.) J. Walter Thompson Company, New York. New York; (F) Times-Union, N. Y. Times-Wide World Photos, Inc.. M. Harvey Strichartz -.Editor: ARA Press; Man. Editor, ARA LOG, American Radio Association, AFL-CIO, New York, New York. Jack D. Summerfield General Manager, Riverside Radio WRVR,' New York, New York. Nathan A. Turkheimer - Vice President and Dir. of PR, J. M. Mathes, Inc., New York, New York; (F) New York Times, N. Y. World Tele gram. & Sun, NANA, ECA, Rich- mond Times Dispatch, Roanoke Times. Georgge W.. Volckhausen, Editor, Profits ?revfew,Westport, Connecticut. - r Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 Date: October 4 , 1965 To: Mr. Richard C'.. Rowson, Reference: rs,: From: Jan Stranskyl: Subject: Anti-RFE' Czech brochure. The title of the brochure reads "Sybil's Forecasts are False"., It was published by the Army Publishing House "Nase Vojsko" in 1965. The author, Karel A. Krejci, is a comparatively unknown journalist., Unlike the "October" article,of June 1965 which recognized the FEC as a formidable adversary, this brochure simply attempts to ridicule and to slander RFE.'and its Czechoslovak staffinembers..' RFE 1.s depicted as a cold war creation, sponsored and maintained by US Eluthorities -- a "gray" operation which, primarily, serves the pur- poses of US intelligence'. To prove this point., the author uses out of context numerous quotes by US personalities -- e.g. John Foster and Allan Dulles, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, General Clay, Senator Kersten, etc. -- as well as such "documentary material as papers, allegedly found on the persons of spies and agents dispatched into Czechoslovakia upon Oof thetCzechoslovakcBDcintMunichdwho personal attacks up are accused of all kinds of moral turpitudes and depravities. The "dolce vita" pictures are meant to confirm the image-of RFE as a den in these of depravity -- yet hardly any RFE staffinembers appear pictures, taken during the Munich "Fasching" period. Information contained in the text is considerably outdated:' ,.r leaflets of the Crusade for Freedom, reproduced in the brochure, have not been used for many years; scandal-mongering rumors con- +.. cerning RFE'staffinembers are but a rehash of statements made in the mid-fifties by some redefectors; data on positions, held by some individuals, are quite obsolete. Thus the-text-gives the impression t the only now d th a that it has been prepared several years ago, an authorities decided to publish'the,brochure. 'JS: sk Fro,r,,.r_, _JZ OCT_7'65 Pr~siC Yx Qtfic ' . Approved For Release 2004/10/13.: CIA-RDPI r'efease 2004/10/13: CIA-RDP88- . 0 '200510. 'c. ,~ Free Europe Committee, Inc.. NEW YORK YIDS ]L. `! V11,1/,'" HERALD tRiBU ~ N ( 5l-4 Y, Approved For Release 2004/10/13: CIA-RD0g8/b12'Y5F W020 510001-a MAY Ij 1965 ,. y dl',2 gF,' Kila ;s1ey to Head Radio !reel, 1 Europe News Nathan 1{i11wsley. naI,1onals editor of the Herald Tribune;; has resigned to become di rector of news for Radio Free Euroh2. M>... P in,sley will be sta-i tioned in Munich, Germany, where he will supervise Radiol Free Europe's central news-'. room, the operation of its i nine news bureaus 1n. Western', Europe and its monitoring of 50 communist radio stations; and news services. A ; Member of the Herald Tribune staff since 1948, Mr. j'' Kingsley has served as U. $: correspondent for the paper's i ' European edition, as man- ',140111R cditor.' of the Herald ' Tribune News Service, and as j city editor. and managing, editor of the European edition+. He succeeds Gene Mater,; who will return to. New York? to become executive director. iii. charge of public affairs for,. TI~c~Fr~e. ?>?urope Committee: - r- D 19 - I Approved For Release 2004/10/13: CIA-RDP88-01315R000200510001-9 NEW YORK TDOS Approved For Rele M010Q/1 ? : CIA-RDP88~43 R 00 0 5109( 1/ 9n,.Cce y ,RTC' G4 r1ti r77 I . New Radio Free. Europe Aide, >, . The appointment of Nathan Kingsley, national editor.of Thel New York Herald Tribune, as director of news of Radio Free Europe was announced yester= .(1y. Mr. Kingsley will be sta- tipned at the organization's! ,headquarters in, Munich, Ger-i' many. He succeeds Gene Mater,? who has been named executive director of public affairs for the tFree Europe. Committee in NCw Approved For Release 20Q4/10/13.: CIA-RDP88-013158000200510001-9 dl!