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August 6, 1977
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Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230022-7
By Bi.' :chards and Jobin Jacobs
Four i'Jl'Ir;tr members of a sei:ret
'I:1 be'l:av iorxl control project were
vb::oenaed yesterday to testify pub-
ely about c rug to is and other hu-
tan mind-control experiments con-
ucted in the I;.33s and 1960s.
Ti e subpoenas :.ere issued by Sell.
=award M. Kennedy 's Subconimittee
_n Health and Scientific Research at-
cr one of the four. Walter P. Paster-
,a- did not show up at a closed sub-
ommittee session.
The subpoenas are for Sept. 9.
Kennedy (D?Zlass.) and Richard S.
'chweiker (111-Pa.) indicated after the
ession that Pasternak, a former CIA
-mployee. had gone into hiding after
!atify'ing investigators 24 hours ear.
ler that he would appear.
Pasternak Iras been linked to one
I the more bizarre projects in 1iK-
LTRA. the code name for the intel-
genc'e agency's mind control experi-
Senate investigators have receipts
!,-'tied by the former CIA employee
_;t' 52.0C0 in S1C0 bills that were dis-
-ibuted to persons involved in "Oiler-
[ion- Midnight Climax." That project
wolved aIlezed prostitutes and ~
rugs given to unwitting persons lur-
:1 into a "safehouse" operated by the
IA in San Francisco.
Pasternak has also provided the
abcommittee with a somewhat un-
ear account of the activities of the
Dciety for the Investigation of Hu-
ail Ecology, a CIA-funded'research
-oup that conducted human behavior
In addition to Pasternak, the sen-
ors subpoenaed Dr. Sidney Gottlieb,
n retired CIA official who ran iSiK
M RA; . Dr. Robert Lashbrook, a
former CIA chemist who now teaches
at the University of California in San.
to Barbara, and Dr..Charles Geschick-;
=er, a former CIA consultant and pro-
_essor emeritus at Georgetown Uni?
its biological warfare center at Fort
Detrick, Md.
That information is believed on.
tained in files on three other CIA
projects known as ,IK-SEARCH, MK-
on all three have been promised to
the subcommittee by Turner.
Among the AIK-ULTRA documents
still not released is a list of stock-
piled "exotic pathogens," according
The CIA also has drawn up a clas. !
sified list of 86 institutions which it
said were used during the behavioral
experimentation in MK-ULTRA. One
of those, according t'.) knowledgeable
sources. is the Smithsonian Institu-'
tion, What part it played could not
be learned.
"To the best of our knowledge the
Smithsonian was not a knowing par-
ticipant in any project of the CIA," a
6 August 1977
Smithsonian spokesman said yester-
Among the thousands of pages of
documents which have been made'
available by the CIA on 11K-ft LTRA
are descriptions of:a number of odd
experiments. In one, CIA researchers
isolated and 'collected "sizable
amounts" of tick venom, which can
cause muscle paralysis. One agency.
memo suggested using the insect
venom as a knockout agent to induce
what the memo writer -called
"involuntary sleep." ,
Another memo described a chemical .'?,
under investigation, known as LSE, as,
producing the effect of "a reversible
chemical lobotomy." A 1953 report
said 429 experiments were carried out
with this drug on 1 psychotics and non-
psychotics.: .. _ .. ...; ;
A June.29,.1954, memo by Gottlieb
'described consultant Geschickter as
having supplied misleading informa-
tion to the Internal Revenue Service.
Geschickter was paid by 1IK-ULTRA
but, according to the memo, had to re- i
port "that he had earned the fee per-
forming consultations ?. with an
''anonymous person,' since the Agency
contributions had been so designated
on the books of the Fund"' -
Details of MK-ULTRA have' been
videly publicized since the CIA re-
-eased nearly 8,000 pages of recently
liscovered documents relating to the
-xperiments.'In San Francisco yester-
fay, CIA Director Stansfield Turner
ailed the drug and brothel activities
.abhorrent"? and said the number of
uch CIA operations now is "zero"
Knowledgeable sources Indicated
esterday that the CIA also mA pA
aken an. active part in germ warfare
periments run by the. Army from
The "Fund" was Geschickter's PH.'
. vate fund, .through which the CIA
passed $375,000 to --a building expan-
sion project at Georgetown University
5'1~ 1tA-RDP88-01315R000200230022-7
r~~glc c emit . war are,
?Geschickter could not be reached for