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November 1, 2004
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Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230006-5
Channel 2- KTVU 11 pm news (Oakland)
Newsman: The Director of Central Intelligence appeared today in
San Francisco and he asked the city's forgiveness for that spy agency's
operation of a bawdyhouse at 225C Chestnut Street during the mid-fifties.
Turner said that Operation Midnight Climax wherein unsuspecting citizens
were lured to this Telegraph Hill apartment for the CIA's drug experi-
ments were, in his words, "abhorrent." But the CIA Chief said he didn't
know much about the operation since he hadn't spoken with the mastermind.
Turner: The CIA is not involved in investigating Americans and we
also did not want to appear to be influencing Gottleib in any way to
testify or not to testify. I have not communicated with him since these
new documents became available.
Newsman: Admiral Turner said there were no such operations now.
He did emphasize, however, the CIA continues to be deeply interested
in the international drug trade but the CIA's "mind-control" experiments,
he said, are all past history.
Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230006-5
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Channel 5 - KPIX.-TV 11 pm news (San Francisco)
(Opening comments regarding "CIA's brothel in San Francisco" were
Newsman: ...Federal government's Bureau of Narcotics office in
San Francisco and he died two years ago. Today, CIA Director Stansfield
Turner, the man who first revealed the existence of the operation, appearedl
for a news conference here in San Francisco. Reporter Avery was there too
and he asked Turner about the apartment, about Colonel White, and about
information the experiments were tape-recorded by CIA. He even asked
about four DD4 microphones connected to two F301 tape recorders. Very
detailed information.
Turner: You've got lots more details than I do. I'm not in a
position to discuss with you the names of individuals involved in this
because the laws of this country quite properly prohibit my doing so.
I have turned over to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence every
name, every bit of information we have available, for their use in pur-
suing their investigation."
Newsman: Today in Washington, four men who used to work for the
CIA on Operation Midnight Climax, the Senate Intelligence Committee
issued subpoenas to bring them to the Hearing rooms next month.
Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230006-5
STAT Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230006-5
Approved For Release 2005/01/11 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200230006-5