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November 24, 1973
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Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315RQ00200200009-5
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By John -IIanrahan
wash Teton Post Staff writer
A former CIA employee
asserted yesterday that his
preliminary use of methods
for determining psycholog-
ical stress indicates to him
that President John F. Ken-
nedy was killed not by Lee
Harvey Oswald but by coil-
George O'Toole, a former
CIA confput r specialist,
who uses a device for de-
tooting psychological stress
by analysis of voice record-
ing told a meeting of assassi-
nation researchers that his
initial studies of recorded
interviews with 40 key fig-
ures in the assassination in-
vestigation- indicate to him
that many of them showed
great psychological stress.
He said that might mean
they were not telling the
O'Toole said he could not
identify at this time persons
involved in the alleged con-
spiracy. But he said he be-
lieved he could "soon offer"
persuasive evidence about
O'Toole was one of ` sev-
eral speakers at the two-
day conference that opened
yesterday at Georgetown
University who assailed the
Warren' Commission's re-
port's official version that
Oswald was the lone assas-
sin of President Kennedy.
The conference, scheduled
to coincide with the 1,001 an-
niversary of President hen-
nedy's assassination on Nov.
22, 1063, was sponsorerl by
the Committee to Investi.
gate Assassinations, a pri-
vate, Washington-based
group that has investigated
r e m u
several of the political assas-
sinations of the last decade.
More than 300 persons at-
tended the initial session
yesterday, held in Gaston
Although the conference
yesterday heard speakers
contend that the assassina-
tions of Sell, Robert F. Ken-
nedy, Or. Martin Luther
King, Jr. and American Nazi
leader George Lincoln Rock-
well are still unsolved, the
emphasis was on president
Kennedy's assassination.
O'Toole, in his presenta-
tion, said that newly devel-
oped techniques such as psy-
chological stress evaluation
should be applied in a new
investigation of President
Kennedy's assassination.
The device O'Toole uses,
which he said is 94 per cent
accurate in the hands of an
expert, operates in a fashion
analogous to a lie detector,
but gauges stress only from
recorded statements.
Using a slide projector to
show the graphs based on
application of the stress de-
vice to interviews held by
CBS Television News in
1967, O'Toole said he de-
tected varying degrees of
stress in some of the an-
swers of former Chief Jus-
tice Earl Warren, who
headed the assassination
commission; James E.
Humes, chief autopsy sur-
geon for the late President's
autopsy at Bethesda Naval
hospital; Howard Brennan,
the man who told the War-
ren commission he had seen
Oswald shooting at Mr. Ken-
nedy from the window of
the Texas School Book De-
pository building, and sev-
eral Dallas officials w h o
were involved in the initial
investigation of the shoot-
ing. Ile emphasized that the
appearance of stress does
not necessarily indicate that
the person whose voice is
being studied is not telling
the truth.
O'Toole said Brennan
showed great stress when
asked on the CI3S broadcast
whether he was sure Oswald
was the man he saw. War-
ren, he said, showed stress
in answering that there was
.,no evidence of any kind
that there was a, conspir-
O'Toole said he would
complete his studies, which
have been going on for a
year, in 1974 and at that
time will turn over his find-
ings to the Justice Depart-
ment and members of Con-
gress. In emphasizing that
the appearance of stress
does not necessarily indicate
a lie, he said some persons
show stress even when ? an-
swering truthfully, while
others show stress because
they have doubts about
their answers, he said.
One of the themes
sounded in the conference
yesterday was the frustra-
tion of students of the kill-
ing over their inability to
obtain materials relating to
the. assassinat.ioli from the
National Archives.
Dr. Cyril Wecht, professor
of law and forensic medi-
cine at Duquesne University
and coroner for the city of
Pittsburg, told the confer-
ence of his privileged view-
ing of one of the assassina-
tion bullets in the closed
files of the National Ar-
chives in August, 1972. The
bullet, which the Warren
Commission says passed
through Mr. Kennedy's Beck
and also wounded then.
Texas Gov. John Connally,
"could not have done what
it is said to have done,"
WVecht said.
Both the alleged angle of'
the shot, plus the small
"loss of substance" by ,the
bullet in passing through
two bodies, destroy the so-
called "single-bullet" theory
of the Warren Commission
and its conclusion that Os-
wald was the lone assassin,
Weclrt said:
It is an action not spon-
sored by the conference yes-
terday, a group of about 20
.Youth International Party
(YIP) organizers calling
themselves The Committee
to Open the - Archives led
sparsely attended sallies at
the Capitol and National Ar?-
.chives, accusing the govern-
merit of covering up evi-
dence in. the death of Presi-
dent Kennedy and calling
for increased access to Ken-
nedy files in the archives
for reserchers. '
"No More Cover Ups,
Dump Ford," said a large
placard carried by demon-.
stratorsin reference to vice
presidential nominee Gerald
Ford's public adherence to
the lone-assassin theory as a
member of the W'arren Com-
mission in the 1960s.
Approved For Release 2004/10/13 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200200009-5