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LOS ANGELES AREA CHAM rEd6cQQWR6 e5se 2004/11/01 CIA-RDP88-0110 7000 $HAMBER OF COMMERCE TWENTIETH ANNUAL AEROSPACE LUNCHEON TWENTIETH ANNUAL AEROSPACE LUNCHEON ENTRANCE OF HEAD TABLE PRESENTATION OF COLORS Joint Military Services Color Guard MUSIC Fifteenth Air Force Band March Air Force Base The Michael Paige String Ensemble INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Mr. Paul E. Sullivan Executive Vice President, Bank of America and President, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce INTRODUCTION OF GUEST OF HONOR ADDRESS Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency ADMIRAL STANSFIELD TURNER Director Central Intelligence Agency PAUL E. SULLIVAN President Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce REAR ADMIRAL WILLIAM H. ROGERS, USN Commandant, 11 the 12th Naval District REAR ADMIRAL ROBERT I. PRICE, USCG Commander, 11th Coast Guard District MAJOR GENERAL HOWARD E. McCORMICK Vice Commander, Space & Missile Systems Organization MAJOR GENERAL JOHN K. DAVIS, USMC Commanding General, 3rd Marine Airwing A. A. CAFFREY Chief, Los Angeles Division Central Intelligence Agency GENERAL CHAIRMAN Matthew Portz, Aerospace Corporation COMMITTEE Richard D. Bergan, General Dynamics Jack Cruickshank, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Kenneth C. Delaney, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Ronald J. Gray, TRW Systems Dane R. Knickerbocker, Hughes Aircraft Company David G. Newbro, Rockwell International Michael Paige, Michael Paige Productions Major William Young, Air Force Office of Information LOS ANGELES AREA CHAAppr 0 d For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200070003-6 TWENTIETH ANNUAL AEROSPACE LUNCHEON HONORLI) DAIS GUESTS JOSEPH F. ALIBRANI)l Pres drrlt lt'ltittaker Corporation ROBLRI ANDERSON President & (hieJ hxerurne' (),1j rc c " Rockwell lnternatiopwl ROBE=RT S. BFi.I. fire' Precidetit Irledine, Itte'. t1 AI lER I. RI RAN Partner in ('barge ,r,let & h.'rnst .I()IIN U. RRIZFNDiNI. Preside',: r Doug' 'as:1ireraft Conipa,et PR. HEN (;. BROMBI RI h:e'e( 'urit I. Vice Pre'sidrert 11, Dorm 'l1 I) englac i n;,, ?: Ni )RI R i I. (':1~1F'1t)N Prcidettt I, car Su',git'r, /rN'. N i[L.ARiI 7.. (':AR R. JR. P:rrtw, i:r1,,u' 1),1'x'1 R' ('rural.. RI)13I'RI I'. ((ILLINS h'rc'rule'!t t K 1',(, hip,'~trre'nre R')III RI' R. DOCKSO N (iwirmt,iet' (hit'!I:xeu:!ie ( al!tornie) l- relt'e'ai Sal 'ieige ei u.;'! I DN. IA AN A. (.I 1 I IN(; Ilit'4t rucpace' (orporaeor: III III IP J. (;)\II z I'?, ielr'it M1 \N1 I , (;()R1 L. A. HYI.AND Chairman of 1%te Buurd Hughes -1 ire'rajt Company JANI S i':. KYNNFY lice President Southern California Region Pacific Telephone & Telegraph ( ROBE:RE' W. KISKADDON Prt'sidtvl t Comm, n(lit, Iitr. 1.A(1'RFNCE O. KITCIii-N Preeidc'nr & (7tic'! Optrari'Ig t)/t; Lockheed.lircratt Corpor'attrli Al BERT C. \1ARTiN Pat 1110 -1lhert C Martin & I su , 1 ' I)( INN B. M11.1 FR. FSL'. 031c i e,i & 111e'n J()St.PI I N. \il1(11I.I1. President Beneficial Standard ('nrpnrct!ic,n I RLD A. O'GRITN President 1.itnm In;lurrric 11'NI I. RF.AI) I tie Pre'sidertr Uergertrathe' A (i "nl`a11 RICHARD U. SIMPSON I Ice C'hairena', oi tier Bo":'v; Ourotnrneen Inrorporelted DR. GEORGE L. SOLOMON I'? I P,', lie], ru eC 1R Fs', Im'. I. R. S IT'EE P\ A(I I I'iet' Presider:! & Ihugh e'I Ifrlieopler1 Oiricinn n7.Annir,w I {l Y?'le?,; r=r)'i 1',At1Sc;.~AFf DON i lip?,U'e.', 4. nr!,e,!?:.i,,,1 TWFNTIETH ANNUAL AFROSP.'1CF LUNCHEON August 12. 1977 Bewrl\ Wilshire Hotel Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP88-01315R000200070003-6