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November 18, 1968
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ss n se .. UV o ver- r~ r:vr:nrnr;H:v rit:t?It:w lit:Ant:H 1957.1967. green, Alain Robbe-Crillet called for to be moving away from romanticism.' !iclitct! by Barney Roa?.sr.L. 791 1)a"r v novelists to abandon th ' it The Evergreen Review is ) ? 1 t r o as once widely regarded to be, this magazine has long been one of the most .important literary periodicals in the Unit-. o'd States. A few years ago Esquire drew lip a rather silly, snobbish marl that "placed" all the major American riters and publications; Evergreen Be view was 'elcgated to the lar left corner. Now, lu>wcscr, it seems abundantly clear that l;vergrcen has always occupied a very e 1 t, ? o star tie read- c ence o met )can u ? i t raphy or eccentric expcrimenls that it cr to moral action. Another school of stitutions and politics- while Thomas, I sv y , c an , central position. In its first year alone,- sincere-and deeply concerned with the personal fiction. the reader may well Lvcrgreen printed important works b soul of the artist. The b hi 1 (urn nosta r;. .11.. t ai _ ??r...__ ___ n_ t h y t t ea s e R out l d ??? - Saute, AIM- - +??v ea ost American spiritual --y ers testimonial to $ vanishing a gcnc Ionesco and Albert Carpus, and ill-, paradise. Kcrouac looks up to a "blue period when some of our best authors ti-oduced its readers to beat writers Jack sky of perfect lostpurity," and Ginsberg sought to delivep themselves, alive an~ISTA It t Kcrouac, Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence sees "angciheaded hipsters burning fort% ng o to the printed page. Fcrlinghctti. Lister, Evergreen was to the ancient heavenly connection to the. ~~ ut+0 Wlit aid to its honor role Willi t ' ' B d am ai r y urroughs, s 1, ynamo in the machinery of night." JJ)1?ge Borges, Friedrich Diirrenmatt and In the Lite '50s Americans shared little 't Jean Genet-surely four of the best writ- of Sartre's concern for political commit-: &-s of the century. menu they ..,,,. ..n r_-`-- r . - Newsweek 18 November 1968 4 ST Approvd For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100510002-7 I The Romp f!c r O$ clops of realism In ?t 1957 i f E TOdaY the new Amcricln writi mc' '(he bare, impersonal, observable surfaces, those opposed to capitalism, imperialism' (.omuiernoratirig Lvergrecir Review's of the world. Earlier, Sartre had dix. and the war in Vietnam. Apocalyptic first ten years of existence, this aiithoi. missed the "melancholy cuisine" of books humorists like Joseph Keller construct 11lgy dramatically demotlsl'atcs that far that simply explored the depths of the. surreal parables satirizing the absurdi- from being the vehicle for cheap )41110 wr'iter's soul and f til d t 1 : ties and ;--h f A ' e 41111 m re 4 Grove 1'rrs.e. $ 2 0. U a empts to m create characters and instead describe-given over to black-power militants and 'p , - - --- --- ...-w^^???. ?t?,lccu nt;vlew 1--y, ucuon painting, jazz-as a means was dctci?miocd to publish whatever was of expressing the tormented spirit-of the npw, but what was new in Europe creator, The artist worked spontaneously, turned out to be gtXite different from under the power of drugs or violent. what was new in the United States. In;eino(ions, Martin Wi)hianls, Evergreen's, France, for instance many writers had iiitc?Iligent d , an very.professional jazz become bored with sincerity, with psy- critic, wrote in 1960 about jazz musician cliological anal' s' d C'1 h h h - -- -- aII 1110 ment,? and called it the kind of chal- BEVI I lenge that n -r .. .. - - V o - ?, ?????w?,a ulvnnig alsaster.- 1' In an . ,;?~. ? ;,.,`., Evergreen interview, painter' u, t Franz Kline claims (somewhat inarti cu- i lately) that if you meant it enough t f.?1'L J1 l when you did it, it will mean that much." tr, earls atcc into different forms. `l" f? y Exotic: Anguish, spontaneity, intuition .` - ? -,'r. 4.~ wl ti , >'?~ ? ;;? -these are the passwords . f . , o , an important t n - to period in American art for which Ever- r ~t ~"' "' "'~ J"`?; ` ~ ~' reen R i ~ ~ ,! , ;, g ev ew was vel'}laps the most it , , _ :. `C 1'41 Iner~ioie n-, (1 y ' an wit t e trade- )al e Parker s awful dependency on ? - , ~??.,t of mina which found an't ff. '.