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New York, CHRISTMAS, 1967 SAIGON -- Barry Kramer '63, assigned to the political beat in Vietnam for AP, reports his "main competition, friendly of course, is Dan Southerland '63 who covers the same beat for UPI. Bob Pisor '63 is here indefinitely for the Detroit News, and Maynard Parker, another '63er, recently left to join the Newsweek bureau in Hong Kong. I cover [the then] Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky so frequently his aids have begun asking me if I want to join his cabinet. So far I've declined!"...Beverly Deepe '58, correspondent for the London Daily Express and NANA, gathered together a group of 15 J School alumni who are working journalists in Vietnam to say goodbye to Dick Critchfield '57, Asian correspondent for the Washington Star. . .Our own Professor Fred Yu, who spent seven weeks there this summer, also ran into a few alumni: "Ron Ross, one of Luter's boys, is here for the Minneapolis Star & Tribune. Don Kirk, another Advanced International Reporting Fellow, is here working for McGraw-Hill; his wife, Susanne Smith '65, is our graduate, too." Nguyen Cao Ky on the left chatting with Barry Kramer of AP and Bob Pisor of the Detroit News, both '63, at Independence Palace in Saigon. Bob Lipsyte '59 has joined Arthur Daley as "Sports of the Times" columnist and his work appears on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. We're proud, indeed, of our alumni association executive committee member!...Lou Boccardi '59 to AP as executive assistant to the general news manager. He had been assistant managing editor at the World Journal Tribune...Geor e Merlis '61 writes, "After sinking of the WJT, where I was day city editor, came ashore at the News (The New York Daily), along with a pack of other WJT refugees."[ He's now supervisor of the - Oe editorial tra' e do a s in esen os ... enni ddm oo 00 erican lt ureau. travels is now f" e ahingo Lettee":fEU" Fie' 3'o.P,ZoiTg vna~z'e-a~la~~=~e uhy unct naiven'a heaitt 4(zLp a double beat: "So heap me, Tatcott fUitUaft, I d dn't even need that quote gentle unquote kem.inde4 about the $100 due the Ha24-CentuAy Fund th" yeatc. you eha t have my checfi...tett the bhen,i4A to calt o44 the doges." Peter Babcox '62 and David Rorvik '67 have been classified under the new heading "reporters" on the masthead of Time magazine. Peter will be the reporter for the Education section and David for Science... David Wolf '66 was highlighted in Life Magazine for his coverage of the American League pennant race last fall... Sylvia Auerbach '60 is an associate editor at Publishers' Weekly and teaches a beginning writer's workshop at the New School. Robert Shaplen '38, Far Eastern cor- Carl Hartman '42 moved to Brussels respondent for The New Yorker, was one of for AP as NATO and Common Market corre- our three Columbia Journalism Alumni Award spondent, a newly created assignment... recipients this spring. He was in company with Dean Baker '37 and Elliott V. Bell '26 recently retired editorial chairman of Ron Cohen '66 to UPI in New York; Kim Willenson '62 is now UPI's chief corre- spondent for Southeast Asia. . .Kenneth Business Week...Mike Land '46 former L. Whiting '63 AIRP is bureau chief for Alumni Association president, is now an AP at Johannesburg, South Africa... assistant managing editor of Look magazine Howard Simons '52 named assistant man- ...G. Bruce Porter '62 is TV and radio aging editor of The Washington Post... editor of Newsweek, and Bill Bender '56, Martin Goodman '57 named city editor of book critic for Time magazine. the Toronto Star. Left: Dean Baker, who has been running the School this term while Dean Barrett is on a well- deserved sabbatical, introduces a seasonal friend over some of our new Broadcast Laboratory equipment. The un Mappable Bafzen (A s s o c ate Dean Richatcd T.) came dapped at the May 2 ann meetLng as oven. 400 alumni and guets gave him a stand- ing ovation son his 20 yeatus of )service to the School. The unpne- dietable Bahen (The New Yo'tk Times' Rcu6beft) apanhed the net o6 the panel (Dick Schaap '56, Jimmy BAezti i and Wat y . Having a "laugh-.in" in Low Rotunda, he isaid, was .Ufze "doing a 6andango in Kemal A-tatwth',s Tomb." M. Lincoln Schwsten, spoke- man son the 13 mem ens o e Lamed Cla.e o6 '17 who came to eelebn.ate their 50th ann%venuatey reunion the same night, c.l'_a,imed "the L.i v t 50 iA-RRP 8-0 'K4F bOO~OOl19Ot Y-8 Bud Karmic p'r? ~hatcedR~eu~SC z u~ tii,z28 h~jno RD~a8is8 O13fi,i.~iROc l~~S~~ ~e Penn o The Watt kee Jowznat 4o't theOi inve6 i.ga,ti.ve ttepotrting o4 the connection between Ametu e.an c&ime and garnbting in the Bahama, 5. Bud joined RLahoAd Ha wood '66 Catcneg e Fellow and Bob Hegan-t '51 in winning Sigma DeWz Chi VLs Un-g-u e Senvtiee Award ... Jack. Steete 37 .us now managing editotc o~ the Sctri.ppz-Howard Newspapetc Atti.anee... Joe Layv`e d '60 head The New Yoitk Times' New Delhi buheau, and Bob Winde Let< '63 covetu HoZZywood and West Coat cu w'ta2 activities 4otc the vetcy -same new6papett. Jean White '53 of The Washington Post's national news staff bit into a fortune cookie carrying the message "your talents will soon be recognized," and the next day received word that she had won the annual Catherine L. O'Brien Award for outstanding achievement in women's interest news reporting... Pat McColl '56 has her share of great bylines as fashion features editor of Women's Wear Daily.. .Jim Doyle '61 is Washington bureau chief for the Boston Globe...Bill Montalbano '62 is Latin American correspondent for the Miami Herald and Judith Randal '61 ASWP, chief medical writer for the Washington Star...Reid Beveridge '65 is now an editorial writer for the Houston Chronicle. The Class of '67 had a running assignment with the Mayor of the City of New York. Mike Ogden '32 helped us celebrate Journalism Day on June 5 by delivering the Joseph Pulitzer Memorial Lecture in fine style... The School played host in October to a two-day conference on Mass Media and Race Relations co-sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Jewish Committee... Alexander C. Herman '19 received a University-wide alumni medal for "conspicuous Columbia alumni service" last Commencement Day.. .Walter Everett '33 appointed executive director of the American Press Institute on July 1...John Hohenberg '27 addressed the opening session of the Asian- veal IWo, IbJ 'S& 4/9 x R?P8 1l14ROOO1OOTAt1O6t-tn Honolulu. A quickA P r eca9'&r 4/oJ z&: C11~PR}P t1]Ah 1995 a School this year involved in its various programs, with 98 in the regular program..-.two alumni are Advanced International Reporting Fellows -- Emerson Chapin '52 of The New York Times and Jonathan Kapstein '62 of the Associated Press. One of our Advanced Science Writing Fellows, Clark Gesner, wrote the book, lyrics and music for the current off- Broadway musical, "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." Three alumni are in the- Russell Sage Behavioral Sciences Program: Marty Berck '53 of NBC News, Luther Jackson '51 of CROSS-TELL, and Bernard Roshco '51 of the New York State Housing Finance Agency. W-inten meeting Am ctht in.i : Cwvc,i.cuuttim '68 -- a took at the new eoofz at the J School! We'tt Leann mane about the pnopozed two-yeah pno- gnam... detaitz w tt 4ottow... John ChaAte6 Daey wilt de I ven the Etmen Davos Memon.ia.t Leetune on Febnuanj 27...Deadt.Ine {ion apptica- .ti.onz Jon the annual Put tzen Fet owsh.ip in Cnitieat Writing, which ea&4ie6 a $2,000 stipend, #.o Febn.uacy 20, 1968. Kinda, sorta recent books by uptown and downtown faculty: "Casey: The Life and Legend of Charles Dillon Stengel" by Joe Durso '47; "Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control" by Fred W. Friendly; "Between Two Worlds: Policy, Press & Public Opinion in Asian-American Relations" by John Hohenberg '27; "The Medical Offenders" by Howard R. Lewis '56 (with his wife, Martha); "Libel: &Shttsr. Riskc_ Resnnnsihilit'es" by Bob Phel s '50 and E. Douglas Hamilton; "RFK and "Turned On" by Dick Schaap '56, and "Electronic Journalism" by William A. Wood. Judith Crist '45, our new lady president of the Alumni Association is film critic for the NBC-TV Today Show, TV Guide, and the New York magazine, scheduled to reappear in the spring... Dave Miller '58 is national assignment manager for CBS News and Dan Hackel '59, network news correspondent for ABC in Washington... Walter Jacobson '60 returned to CBS-WBBM-TV News in Chicago after a year at Columbia as CBS News Fellow. One of his documentaries won first prize in AP competition... Dave Jayne '61 back to New York from Washington D.C. as producer of "ABC Scope." Terry Montgomery '63 built his own radio station (WTPM) in St. Cloud, Minnesota... Dean Barrett is chairman of the 12-member editorial policy board of N.E.T.'s Public Broadcast Laboratory which premiered in early November to mixed reviews and at this writing is definitely finding its own niche...Reuven Frank '47 is now executive vice president of the NBC News Division... Henry Hicks '63 AIRP named news director of WJAR and WJAR-TV in Providence, Rhode Island... Carl Stern '59 to NBC's Washington bureau as Supreme Court and Justice Department correspondent after receiving his law degree magna cum laude... Irving R. Levine '47, NBC News bureau chief in Rome since 1959, has been named bureau chief in London. . .Mike Silver '57 named director of CBS News Information Services... Marty Haag '63 is bureau manager for NBC News in Cleveland. Now that the dust has pant ally 6ettted on the kenovating wonh at 116th StAeet and Broadway, hehe' 6 the way Brian Bavtett '67 deb c'cibed the scene to his ctazzmate/s: "The third-floor newsroom will be gone in the very near future (ed. note: big move accomplished early this month)...our big gray desks are gone, replaced by pastel green and formica jobs.-Everyone uses whatever desk is free, and keeps his stuff in footlockers, just like the Army. Soon, the newsrooms will be the fifth floor one, the TV one, and the one where the advanced international and science people were on the fourth floor. No more fifth floor offices for staff -- now they all have sumptuous suites on the seventh floor, wall-to-wall carpeting, intercoms, the whole bit (ed. note: oh, come now, it's not quite like heaven). Chris is now Dean Trump (ed. note: Chris Trump '62, our new assistant dean!). The library is being taken out and put into the third floor newsroom. The library will become a 100-seat auditorium with folding chairs..." So, ptea6e come up and zee owe new 1968 4ace, and, in the meantime, good cheer, good heath and good f-1otLdayz 4nom a e o? ub here at the J Schoo.e. Approved For Release 2004/09/28 : CIA-RD 8-01314R000100190061-8 F.1 1 I Q j xeEwp BMW 0 A P r~o~~ F __ G F UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECR YT OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Vx] TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INI IA 1 2 JAN A/DCI 1F08 Hdqs 2 3 4 5 6 sd JcGw#J.h! Soe. 4 0 L. . ACTION DIRECT RIEPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE _ RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : You earlier expressed an interest in seeing these. Retain (for your files on newsmen) or destroy. I note that my class 050) is very poorly represented; exception: BOB PHELPS on the Washington Bureau of the NYTIIS (who recently bylined the frontpage story on Agency surgefundin I have not seen Bob since graduationt Happy New Year. Soc. 4. 01. 1- Cot..umB%w FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE L Hd 2Bl8 s 2 L'ec : CIA-RDP88-01314 200 4/09/28 60010019 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET A FORM No. 217 Use previous editions _A7 (40)